Les Pronoms
Les Pronoms
Les Pronoms
1) Subject pronouns:
► They replace the person or thing that are the subject of a sentence (the subject of a sentence is
the person or thing that performs the action).
► The familiar subject tu is used to address friends, relatives, children, and pets.
The formal vous is used in the singular to address older people, strangers, people one does not
know well or anyone you want to show respect to.
4) Stress pronouns:
► Stressed pronouns are used to emphasize a noun or pronoun that refers to a person.
► Stressed pronouns are used:
→ after prepositions.
Ex : Louis habite chez eux.
Vas-tu manger sans moi ?
→ with certain verbs that don’t allow a preceding indirect object pronouns : they use à + stress
pronoun to refer to people.
Ex: Je pense à eux.
Fais attention à toi.
Note : French verbs that don't allow a preceding indirect object pronoun
►y also replaces à + a noun that is not a person. (reminder: when you want to replace à + a
person, you use the indirect object pronoun)
Ex: Elle répond au téléphone. → Elle y répond.
Je pense à notre voyage. → J’y pense.
► With an expression of quantity using de (beaucoup de, assez de, la moitié de, une centaine de…etc),
or with a number, en replaces the noun and the expression of quantity or the number is placed at the end
of the sentence.
se le (l’) lui
nous la (l’) leur y en +verb
vous les