Optimization Models For Petroleum Field Exploitation: Handelsh0yskole
Optimization Models For Petroleum Field Exploitation: Handelsh0yskole
Optimization Models For Petroleum Field Exploitation: Handelsh0yskole
N orwegian School of Economics
and Business Administration
Tore Wiig Jonsbraten
May 1998
I was introduced to the area of petroleum field optimization by my main
advisor, Professor Kurt Jdrnsten, and I would like to thank Kurt for his sup
port, creative comments and inspiring discussions. Associate Professor Dag
Haugland at Stavanger College has been my local advisor, and I am grateful
for all advices and encouragement these last years. I also acknowledge sup
port from the third member of my advisory committee, Professor Gunnar
The purpose of this dissertation is to present and discuss different models for
optimal development of a petroleum field. The objective of the optimization
models considered is to maximize the project’s expected net present value.
In this framework we analyze decisions concerning platform capacity, where
and when to drill wells and production strategy for each of the wells. When
making these decisions, there is considerable uncertainty about the reservoir
properties, future oil-price and technical restrictions, and in this work we
focus on how to model and solve problems of petroleum field optimization
under uncertainty.
The dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part give an overview of
petroleum field optimization from an operations researcher’s point of view.
Part II consists of four self-contained articles. Although different in scope,
these articles all discuss important problems related to optimal exploitation
of a petroleum reservoir.
Part I has the title “Overview of petroleum field optimization”, and in ad
dition to giving this overview, it ties together the work presented in the
VI Summary
second part of this dissertation. The two first chapters of Part I delimit the
topic under consideration and discuss existing literature in the field. In the
third chapter we focus on the reservoir, and reservoir equations for a simple
reservoir system are derived. We then discuss how these equations may be
discretized in order to solve the problems by finite difference methods. In
Chapter 4 these discretized reservoir equations are included in optimization
models. We first discuss linear programming models for optimizing produc
tion decisions, and we also show how these models can be extended to mixed
integer programming models where decisions concerning platform, wells and
production strategy are optimized. Different versions of the proposed mixed
integer programming model are later used in the Papers A, C and D. The
Chapters 5 and 6 treat optimization under uncertainty and petroleum field
unitization. The first three papers of Part II deal with different issues of oil
field optimization under uncertainty while the last paper treats oil field uni
tization. The Chapters 5 and 6 give a background for the following papers,
as well as they compare and discuss the findings in the four papers. Chapter
7 has concluding remarks and directions for future research are outlined.
The first paper in Part II has the title “Oil Field Optimization under Price
Uncertainty”, and it is the problem of making optimal development deci
sions under uncertain oil price that is considered. The uncertain oil price
is estimated by a finite set of price scenarios with associated probabilities.
Our goal is to find the decision policy that optimizes the project’s expected
net present value, and this is a policy where future decisions are allowed to
depend on revealed price information. This is a stochastic mixed integer pro
gramming problem and finding the optimal solution to such a problem is not
straightforward. Our approach is to use the scenario and policy aggregation
technique developed by Rockafellar and Wets for solving the problem. This
technique is developed for the case of continuous variables, and we discuss
methods for adapting this approach to the case of mixed integer problems.
This is done by utilizing the interaction between the continuous (produc
tion) and integer (design) variables. Numerical experiments are reported in
the paper, and it is concluded that scenario aggregation may be a suitable
technique for solving also mixed integer programming problems.
Paper B identifies a class of such problems that are “manageable”, and an im
plicit enumeration algorithm for finding optimal decision policy is proposed.
The numerical experiments are done for a general two-stage production plan
ning problem. A manufacturer faces uncertain production costs for a number
of components, and the only way to resolve this uncertainty is by producing
the component itself or a rather similar one. The uncertainty is represented
by discrete probability distributions, and also the variables controlling the
random elements are discrete.
migratory nature of oil, both lease owners have incentives to drain oil from
the competitor’s part of the reservoir. They also have incentives to produce
the present reserves before so is done by the competitor. Our approach is
to demonstrate how a mixed integer programming model can be used in or
der to clarify unitization negotiations. Unitization is the practice of unifying
the ownership and control of the reservoir, such that the field is developed
and operated by a single operator. The discussion in Paper D is based on
a numerical example. When considered as a non-cooperative game we show
that there exists a unique Nash-equilibrium, illustrating the over-investment
induced by competitive extraction. Considered as a cooperative game the
Nash-equilibrium serves as a threat strategy, and we discuss possible bar
gaining solutions for such problems.
In our view this dissertation points to several interesting topics for further
research. There is a continuous need for improved decision support tools
in the petroleum industry, and effort should be made in order to develop
models and solution methods for more complex reservoir descriptions. It can
also be worthwhile to study if and how available reservoir simulators can
be combined with the optimization models proposed here. The dissertation
also open for a structured treatment of uncertainty, both traditional decision
independent uncertainty but also problems where the random elements are
decision dependent. Further research should be undertaken both with such
optimization models in general and for application within the petroleum
industry. Improved reservoir simulators and optimization models will also
benefit further research in the area of petroleum field optimization.
I Overview of Petroleum Field Optimization 1
1 Introduction 3
X Contents
Bibliography 89
II Papers 99
A OilField Optimization under Price Uncertainty 101
A.l Introduction......................................................................................102
A.2 A Deterministic Model................................................................... 103
A.3 Scenario Aggregation...................................................................... 108
A.3.1 The Progressive Hedging Algorithm (PHA).....................110
A.3.2 The PHA and Mixed Integer Programming.....................Ill
A.4 Numerical Experiments................................................................... 112
A.4.1 Scenario Solutions ............................................................. 114
A.4.2 Multipliers on the Production Variables........................... 115
A.4.3 Multipliers on Total Production....................................... 115
A.4.4 Multipliers on both Production and Platform Variables 116
Contents xi
Chapter 1
The purpose of the first part of this dissertation is to review previous research
in optimal management of petroleum reservoirs and discuss the relationship
with the contributions in the second part of this dissertation. The term
petroleum field optimization is a wide one, and it is not our aim to review all
previous literature in this area, but rather to present different approaches to
petroleum field optimization. By reviewing central literature we show which
traditions our work is based on and also which aspects we have decided not
to include in our analysis.
4 Introduction
So far we have been rather general about what is meant by petroleum field
optimization, but this term will be more thoroughly discussed in Chapter
2. However, it will become clear that in our research we focus on mod
els which consider platform capacity, where and when to drill production
wells and production strategies for each of the wells. In these model equa
tions, description of the fluid flow in the reservoir is included, and this model
formulation is implemented for a single phase oil reservoir. This reservoir
system may be approximated by linear finite difference equations, and the
resulting mixed integer models optimize both design and operating decisions.
The implemented models are valid for single phase oil, but our analysis uses
petroleum reservoirs in general as a starting point. In this dissertation the
terms petroleum and oil are to some extent used interchangeably.
Chapters 5 and 6 treat topics discussed more closely in the papers in Part II.
The papers A, B and C discuss problems related to oil-field optimization un
der uncertainty, and Chapter 5 gives a general background for these papers,
as well as the results in the papers are compared and discussed. Chapter 6
discusses the problem of oil field development when there are several lease
owners with access to the same underlying reservoir. This problem is also
discussed in Paper D. Chapter 7 gives a summary of Part I, a summary of
the findings in Part II, and outlines directions for further research.
Chapter 2
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the term petroleum field optimiza
tion and give an overview of previous research in this area. We first look
at different applications of operations research in the oil industry, before we
look closer at decision problems in field optimization. In a field development
analysis it is the reservoir itself that is the basis for the discussion, and it
is the value of this resource one seeks to optimize. A petroleum reservoir is
a complex system, and in order to describe its performance it is necessary
with knowledge about the rock and fluid properties. Using this as input
data one can derive equations describing the relationship between fluid flow
and pressure in the reservoir. Derivation of reservoir equations is discussed
in the next chapter. But even when development decisions are made, the
information about the underlying reservoir is still limited, and the available
reservoir data are uncertain. Therefore, how to represent the reservoir in the
optimization model is not straightforward, and this question is a central issue
in this chapter. We will present models which have an explicit description of
reservoir performance as well as more simplified models. By explicit reservoir
description we mean models where fluid flow equations are included in some
way, thus giving rise to a spatial variation in reservoir pressure. We will also
look at problems considering a portfolio of potential petroleum fields, and
models for optimal sequencing of field development are presented. In this
connection we also look at development of transport networks and how such
problems may be modeled.
6 Petroleum Field Optimization
By following the framework of Garvin et.al. [36] and Foster [32], the petroleum
industry may be divided in four areas:
• Exploration
• Production
• Refining
In the above mentioned articles by Garvin et.al. [36] and Foster [32], pub
lished in 1957 and 1964 respectively, reported applications of operations re
search in the petroleum industry are surveyed. In those early years this liter
ature was relatively sparse, and thorough surveys comprising all four problem
areas mentioned above could be written. To our knowledge, more recently
published surveys have a narrower scope, and do not cover the oil indus
try as a whole. Application of optimization techniques for solving planning
problems in the refinery industry represents an area where a lot of research
has been done, and it is not uncommon that the petroleum industry and
refining industry is considered as being synonyms. An example of this is the
paper “A history of mathematical programming in the petroleum industry”
by Bodington and Baker [17] published in 1990. One could expect that such
2.1 Operations Research in the Petroleum Industry 7
a paper would report research in all areas mentioned above, but this paper
focuses entirely on applications in the refinery industry.
Petroleum exploration is a gamble for high stakes. The risk of using con
siderable amounts of money without making any profitable discoveries is
large, but if a profitable reservoir is found the revenue may be huge. Be
cause of the large extent of uncertainty present when making exploration
decisions, simple exploration problems are often found in textbooks as a
way to introduce stochastic decision trees and decision making under uncer
tainty [51, 52]. Optimization under uncertainty is discussed in general in
Chapter 5. An overview of problems and methods in petroleum exploration
can be found in Harbaugh, Doveton, and Davis [42] and Newendorp [75]. Dif
ferent approaches for analyzing the problem of allocating limited resources
among several possible petroleum prospects are found in Bjprstad, Hallefjord
and Hefting [15], Flam [30], Tjpstheim and Hefting [101] and Walls, Morahan
and Dyer [106].
The topic “Petroleum field optimization”, which is our main concern, lies
within the area of production. The point of departure here is that through
the exploration activities there are found petroleum reserves that are judged
to be profitable. This may either be a single reservoir or a portfolio of reser
voirs. Problems included in the area of production optimization are field
design, drilling optimization, and strategies for production, injection and en
hanced oil recovery. Modeling and solving problems related to optimizing
the field design and production strategies for a single reservoir are discussed
in Sections 2.2 to 2.4, while decision models for development of several fields
are found in Section 2.5. Optimization of the drilling process and strategies
for enhanced oil recovery will not be a topic in this dissertation. Examples
of literature dealing with optimal drilling are Lummus [66] and Reed [84],
while problems in enhanced oil recovery are addressed in Thomas [99] and
8 Petroleum Field Optimization
Production rates over time
Injection rates over time
Enhanced oil recovery
This is not meant to be a complete list of decisions that can be included in
a field optimization model. Which variables to include and how they should
be represented in the model, depends on the purpose of the analysis and
availability of data. This leads us to the challenge in modeling, namely that
of including only variables and constraints that have significant influence on
the decision policy and leave the rest for more detailed analysis. The prob
lem of optimizing the development of a petroleum reservoir involves a lot
of different decisions in a complex environment, but a larger model is not
necessarily a better model.
In an early phase when the development decisions are not yet made, there are
still a lot of uncertainty associated with the available data. As discussed, ex
ploration decisions are made under a large extent of uncertainty. During the
“life cycle” of a reservoir, from discovery until the production is completed,
the amount of information about the reservoir is increasing, but even when a
10 Petroleum Field Optimization
field has been produced and is abandoned, the knowledge about the reservoir
is not complete. It is usually of no value performing detailed studies when
the input data is uncertain, but that does not mean that no analysis should
be performed. Decision making under uncertainty plays a central part in this
dissertation, and a more thorough discussion of this is found in Chapter 5.
Papers A and C deal with oil field optimization under uncertainty regarding
future oil price and reservoir properties.
When optimizing field development we seek to optimize the decisions with re
spect to some economic criterion, and this criterion is usually the net present
value. It must be emphasized that maximizing the net present value leads to
quite different decisions than if the objective is to maximize total production.
In the oil market there are usually not negotiated long term price contracts,
and it is the expected world market oil price that is used when calculating
the revenues from a potential field. We will not in this dissertation discuss
techniques for estimating the future oil price, but we will in Paper A look at
how the development may be optimized given a set of future price scenarios.
For gas fields the situation is often different. There may be long term price
agreements, and it is also usual that the contracts specify a delivery schedule.
Instead of optimizing the net present value, gas field models may therefore
have minimization of deviation from a target delivery schedule as its objec
tive. The nature of the gas market will be briefly discussed in Section 2.5.
Devine and Lesso [24] use mixed integer programming when they investi
gate the “platform location problem”. That is the problem of allocating
wells to platforms so as to minimize the sum of platform and drilling costs.
The number of wells to be drilled is predetermined, and the general structure
of this problem is identical to the “warehouse location problem”. Frair and
Devine [33] extend the platform location problem by including scheduling of
activities and production decisions. Other approaches to solving the plat
form location problem are found in Dogru [26, 27], and in Hansen, de Luna
Pedrosa Filho and Ribeiro [41]. Hansen et.al. propose a tabu search heuristic
for solving the problem. Devine and Lesso’s approach is also discussed by
Lilien [63]. His criticism is that as the wells are drilled sequentially, each
well drilled add geological information which can possibly alter the position
of future targets. Further he writes:
12 Petroleum Field Optimization
Paper C in this dissertation follows the direction pointed out by Lilien, and
it is modeling of sequential information discovery that is the main topic of
that paper.
Models for drilling on multilayer petroleum fields are proposed by Devine [23]
and Babayev [10]. Beale [11] proposes a model for offshore gas field devel
opment, and present numerical experiments performed for a North Sea gas
field. The model takes into account reservoir production, compressor and
pipeline capacity. Christiansen and Nygreen [21] propose a model for pro
duction planning on offshore petroleum fields. Production on several fields
are considered, and here also transport capacities are considered. As men
tioned, models including transport decisions are discussed further in Section
We start out by analyzing a single phase oil reservoir where we have the
following equation expressing the relationship between the accumulated pro
duction from the field and the reservoir pressure:
2.3 Models with Simplified Reservoir Description 13
P0~Pw (2-3)
■ 9/(t) = My(t)9ro
which give us a simple description of the potential production from the field.
An example of a typical production profile is illustrated in Figure 2.1, and
14 Petroleum Field Optimization
the rate of production from the field, q(t), may be expressed as:
In the first time interval, [t0, h), new wells are drilled, and each drilled well
produces at a rate of 7qlw. This leads to a stepwise increase in the rate of
production as new wells start to produce. We have in Figure 2.1 chosen to
approximate this process by a straight line. In the interval [ti,t2) the pro
duction is constrained by the platform capacity, qf3*, while the production
in the interval [t2, £3] is described by equation (2.4). At t3 further production
is found to be unprofitable, and the field is abandoned.
Wallace, Helgesen and Nystad [105] also propose an approach for generating
production profiles for oil reservoirs with water injection. Also here a tank
model is used, and initially one assumes the tank to be filled with oil. As the
oil is extracted from the reservoir, water is injected in order to maintain the
reservoir pressure. The height of the oil zone is denoted h, and the initial
oil zone is of height h0. The relationship between Qf and Rf may now be
expressed as:
Furthermore, the production potential for the field is assumed to be:
?/(<) = (2.7)
2.3 Models with Simplified Reservoir Description 15
Another approach for dealing with reservoir descriptions are found in Odell
and Rosing [80]. They develop a mathematical programming model for op
timizing offshore oil field development, and the decisions they consider are
number and location of platforms, number and location of wells and assign
ment of wells to platforms. Their main concern is to use this model to analyze
the conflicting view between oil companies and the government in respect of
optimal field development. However, the model may be used for analyzing
optimal field development in general.
While the tank model (0-dimensional) considers the pressure to be homoge
neous throughout the reservoir, an opposite view is taken by Odell and Ros
ing. The reservoir is divided in a number of hexagons, where each hexagon
represents a “tank”. The size of each hexagon is in accordance with the av
erage spacing of the wells, and the center of each hexagon is considered as a
potential well site and platform site. Each platform has a maximum number
of wells that can be assigned to it, and the distance between platform and
well may not exceed an upper limit. The volume of recoverable oil in each
hexagon is found by use of the following formula:
Compared to the tank model, we can say that each hexagon is viewed as
a separate reservoir, where the amount of recoverable oil in each hexagon
and the associated well productivity are independent of decisions for the
neighboring hexagons. Equation (2.8) specifies the amount of recoverable oil
in each hexagon, but the production rate over time is not specified by this
16 Petroleum Field Optimization
model. Odell and Rosing have used what they denote “common” production
profiles for allocating the total production over the estimated lifetime of the
Haugland, Hallefjord and Asheim [48] use the same approach as Watten
barger and Rosenwald and Green. Production in single phase oil reservoir
is simulated, and from this simulation they get a response matrix that is
included in the optimization model. The authors discuss several models for
optimizing production and development decisions for an offshore oil field.
The objective is to maximize the oil field’s net present value, and decisions
as platform capacity, which wells to drill and production strategy for each
of the wells are considered. Such a model is discussed in detail in Section
18 Petroleum Field Optimization
4.2. This same model is used by Haugland, Jornsten and Shayan [49] when
studying an oil field exploited by a movable platform, and the model is used
for deciding when and where to move the platform on the field.
Lasdon et.al. [60] propose a model for optimizing operating decisions for a
dry gas reservoir. Non-linearities in the problem results both from the pres
sure dependency of the viscosity and density, and from well deliverability
constraints on the form:
where p) is the pressure at well j, pbj is the associated back pressure, and Cj
and Tij are well specific constants. Given the well flow and the initial reservoir
condition, the reservoir pressure may be calculated and thus the optimization
problem may be viewed as a problem in production variables only. Lasdon
et.al. use the reduced gradient method for solving the non-linear problem.
A more detailed discussion of the reduced gradient method may be found
in Mantell and Lasdon [69]. Asheim also uses the reduced gradient method
when optimizing the production strategies for reservoirs containing slightly
compressible fluids [6] and for two-phase oil/water reservoirs [7].
See and Horne [92] use another approach for optimizing production deci
sions. Their method is performed in two steps. First, a commercially avail
able reservoir simulator is used to perform a series of experiments, and a
multiple variable regression analysis is used to fit the experimental data. Ex
pressed by the notation used by See and Horne, a set of equations of the
Yj — (ljo -f- cij\Xi -f-... -)- QijnXji) j — 1, • • •, p (2.11)
are defined. Here Yj is the j-th performance variable while Xi is the 2-th
decision variable. There are p performance variables and n decision vari
ables. The reservoir simulations result in a sequence of possible decisions
and associated performance variables. By use of least squares fit the coef
ficients a,jQ,aji,... ,a,jn are estimated, and the equations (2.11) is used as
constraints in an optimization model. In the problem investigated by See
and Horne the development decisions are made, and the production opti
mization is solved as a linear programming problem. For each timestep an
LP problem is solved, and this solution procedure is repeated for each consec
utive timestep. As discussed by See and Horne [92] (and Hallefjord, Asheim
and Haugland [38]), there are particularly two difficulties that are connected
to this method. First, by assuming a linear relationship between decision
and performance variables a linearization error is introduced, and care must
2.5 Models Including Sequencing and Transport Decisions 19
Another approach for using a reservoir simulator that is external to the op
timization model is found in Asheim [5]. Asheim uses an algorithmic value
function which is an unconstrained, non-linear representation, with the de
cision variables as arguments and the corresponding present worth as func
tion value. The use of this algorithmic function avoids the computational
problems associated with mathematical programming as we have reviewed.
However, Asheim’s model may not be very successful in finding the optimal
solution to complex optimization problems. Also Nystad [78] uses a reservoir
simulator to generate ’’data points” which are used as input to his optimiza
tion model.
the other model, proposed by Aboudi et.al. [1], the development of a trans
port network plays a central role, and the model seeks to answer all of the
six above mentioned questions.
The objective of the model is to maximize the net present value of the set of
potential fields, and the objective function is written as
i field index
K{ is the set of possible starting years for field i
Pi(k) is the net present value if field i starts its production in year k
mother field, and the production start at the satellites is constrained by the
limited processing capacity on the mother field:
where s is the transport system, J(s) is the set of fields that use this trans
port system, and Ts(t) is the capacity associated with transport system s at
time t. Jornsten also show how constraints due to a limited budget or polit
ical regulations may be imposed on the decision policy. In addition, such a
model needs some logical constraints in order to be complete. Examples of
such constraints are: A field can only be developed once and a satellite field
cannot be developed before its associated mother field.
For problems of realistic size, Jornsten reports that solving them to optimal
ity is hard, and several heuristics for approaching the problem are proposed.
Further, uncertainty regarding the future demand is introduced, and solution
techniques for maximizing the expected net present value are suggested. Also
Haugen [44] presents a model for optimal sequencing of offshore petroleum
fields where the transportation decisions are at an aggregated level. Two
alternative objective functions are used. The first seeks to minimize the de
viation from a given demand profile. The other objective function seeks to
maximize the net present value, but deviations from the demand profile are
penalized. Haugen introduces uncertainty regarding the amount of recov
erable petroleum in the reservoirs, and he arrives at a dynamic stochastic
programming formulation for solving the problem.
modeled as nodes in the network, while the links (edges) in the network rep
resent means for transporting the petroleum between the nodes. A link may
be a pipeline connecting two nodes, but it may also be a transport system
with loading buoys and ships. The set of nodes, N, in this network may be
divided into three disjoint subsets:
Nb the set of existing nodes
NP the set of potential nodes
Np the set of terminal nodes
We further denote
In addition to the decision variables for field development, y,(fc), there are
decision variables for development of transport network and for network flow:
The objective of this model is to maximize the net present value of the
portfolio of petroleum fields, and the net present value is expressed as the
difference between the revenue from sale of petroleum, and the costs associ
ated with developing and operating the fields and the transport links. The
revenues may be expressed as:
E dn(k,t)y(n,k)+ £ 9i{k,t)z(l,k)
t=1 k=1 \n£Np l€Lp
dn(k, t) is the cost in period t if node n starts production in period k
gi(k, t) is the cost in period t if link / starts in period k
The cost of operating the transport links is given as:
EEcz(*Mt) (2.21)
t=1 l€L
where C/(i) is the cost of transporting one unit along the link l in period t.
The constraints may be grouped into three main categories:
• Conservation of flow constraints
• Budget constraints
• Logical constraints
The budget constraints require that the investment and operating costs each
period are lower than a certain maximum amount. We will here look closer at
the flow conservation constraints, while a more detailed discussion of budget
and logical constraints may be found in Aboudi et al.
Z = !C t)ynk n€ NP (2.24)
i£L zeiz fc=i
We see that the equations simply state that the flow to a node must equal
the flow from the node. In addition, there are capacity constraints imposed
on the transport links:
x\ < Ui (2.25)
where Ui is the transport capacity on link Z, and limited capacity in a node:
Z (2.26)
where Ln is the node capacity.
Rather similar models to the one proposed by Aboudi et.al. are discussed
in Haugen [43] and Haugen, Bjprkvoll and Minsaas [45]. Earlier literature
on optimal pipeline design includes Rothfarb et. al [88], Bohannon [18] and
Dogru [27].
Chapter 3
Reservoir Description and
26 Reservoir Description and Discretization
and the fluid flow velocity. Combined with the equation for constant temper
ature compressibility, these equations give a complete description of reservoir
A mass sink to in the volume Ay in the time interval At can be expressed
the following way:
to Ay At
The difference between mass inflow and outflow of the control volume V is
then either due mass accumulation or the mass sink:
+ (3.2)
We have now found the equation for mass conservation under one directional
mass flow. An equivalent analysis can be performed for three dimensional
mass flow, and this general description can be expressed as:
—V • (pv) = + to (3.4)
3.1 Single Phase Oil Reservoir 27
In this equation p° is the fluid density at the reference pressure p°. Unless
the fluid contains a lot of dissolved gas, this is a reasonable approximation.
A first order approximation of this equation is
We now assume that the porosity <j) is pressure independent, and we use
the first order approximation of the equation for constant temperature com
pressibility. When combining this with equation (3.12) we get the following
v . (^Vp) = ^ " (3.13)
would maybe assume that such a reservoir could be described in the same
way as a single phase oil reservoir. However, neither the constant temper
ature compressibility nor the viscosity of the gas are constant, and thus we
get a system of non-linear reservoir equations.
One way of describing this reservoir system, is by introducing the gas equa
tion of state:
p~zRT (3.14)
Except for the z-factor, this is the equation describing the behavior of an
ideal gas. In other words, when z = 1, the equation describes ideal gas
behavior, while at real gas reservoir conditions the z-factor may be in the
order of 0.7-0.8. This parameter depends on pressure, temperature and gas
molecular composition. When equation (3.14) is combined with equation
(3.10), we arrive at the following gas reservoir equation:
M M dp
V • (--Vp) = -0—-----(- W (3.15)
RT pz RT dtz
Unlike the coefficients in the single phase oil reservoir equation, the coeffi
cients in (3.15) are pressure dependent. We will later study how the reservoir
descriptions may be incorporated in the optimization models, but it is ob
vious that introduction of non-linearities leads to more difficult models to
solve. This topic will be briefly discussed in Section 4.1.5.
We consider two phases, oil and water, represented with subscripts o and
w. The saturation of a phase is defined as the fraction of the pore volume
that is filled by that phase. For a two phase oil-water system we then have
the following phase saturation relationship:
S0 + Sw = 1
Because of surface tension the pressure in the oil phase will be higher than
the pressure in the water phase. The difference, pC) is denoted the capillary
Vc—Vo- Pw
a(poSj) + w
-v ■ (/>„»„) (3.16)
3:3 Discretization of Partial Differential Equations 31
By combining Darcy’s law and the equations for mass conservation, (3.16)
and (3.17), we arrive at the following equations:
(PAoVp0) = ?Lp?S04>) + Wo
V (3.20)
Vo dt
V • (£^LVp„) = + Wm (3.21)
fly} Ot
These equations describe the performance of an oil-water system, but we see
that employing them in an optimization model is not straightforward.
The idea is to replace the original problem with a problem that is easier
to solve and has a solution that is close to the solution of the original prob
lem. This is achieved by using the finite difference method, where one seeks
to find approximate values of the solution at a finite number of locations in
the reservoir at a finite number of points in time. But in order to use such
a method, we need to know how close to the real solution the approximated
solution is, and what it implies for the discretization in space and time. We
will first look at spatial discretization before we discuss discretization in time.
We will then briefly discuss the convergence and stability properties of the
different methods.
Bu — 0
We want to find solutions in the points Xi inside the interval (0, L), and the
spacing between the points is Ax = Xj+i — Xj. The Taylor series expansion
for the points x*_i and x,+1 can be written:
At2 + [/"'=—
Ui+1 = Ui + U[ Ax + Ul'=%- At3 + At^ + Ul"” Ax3
+ (3.24)
24 120
7w~~6t+w (3.34)
where U and w are both space and time dependent. The reservoir description
derived in Section 3.1 is a parabolic equation, where U corresponds to the
reservoir pressure and w is the source/sink term. We have so far discussed
discretization of .the left side of equation (3.34), and we will now look closer
at the right hand side. The time can be discretized in time steps of length At,
and we will seek to find numerical solutions of the equation at discrete points
in time: to = 0,ti = At, ...,tn = nAt,.... The simplest way of approximating
the time derivative term is by using a “forward difference approximation”:
du? v?+1 — u?
dt At
The discretized equation can then be written:
Consistency is a property of the difference operator. A difference operator
is said to be a consistent approximation of the differential operator if the
discretization error tends to zero when the distance between the nodes, Ax,
tends to zero.
r[ = //// Ax3
-u ~24~
We now want to study the asymptotic behavior of this error term; what
happens as Ax tends to zero. For the error term of the ’’forward difference
operator” we get:
We see that the error term proportionally tends to zero at least as fast as
Ax tends to zero. This may be expressed as
Rf = 0(Ax) (3.40)
By looking at the error term in the difference equation for the second deriva
tive we find Rr = 0(Ax2), and equation (3.30) can then be expressed as
Uf-x — 2U + U.i+l
Ui = + 0( Ax2) (3.42)
36 Reservoir Description and Discretization
The error term can be made arbitrarily small by choosing a sufficiently small
value of Ax. This makes the difference approximation consistent. With ref
erence to equation (3.23), we can say the difference operator B is a consistent
approximation to the differential operator A in the point xt if the error term
Ri satisfies
We let e* be the error term in the approximated solution at xf.
U( — U{ (3.44)
A general definition of stability can be found in Aziz and Settari [9]:
We will here use the “Fourier series method” (also called the “von Neumann’s
method”) for examining the stability properties of an approximation. An ini
tial sequence of errors is written as finite Fourier series, and one analyses how
a function consisting of these terms at t = 0 develop during the. course of
time. The function is defined inside the interval (0, L). We use Fourier series
on complex form, and to avoid to use the same notation as for the index set
we denote the complex constant i. The initial errors at t = 0 are written as
a Fourier series on complex form [73]:
Ei = £ Ane1/3niAx i = 0,1, ...N (3.45)
We now want to study how an error term introduced at some stage may
influence the solutions computed at later stages. The system under consid
eration is linear with separable solutions, and therefore it is sufficient look
at an arbitrary term: e1/3tAx. The coefficient An is a constant which can be
neglected in the following analysis. By writing t = r At, the error term can
be expressed as:
linear, and therefore also the error terms will satisfy the difference equation.
By substituting for the error terms we get the following relationship:
_J_|ei/3(i-l)Ai^r+l_2ei/3iA$^r+l_^ei/3(i+l)Aa:^r+lj _ ^ j^iffiAi^r+l giffiAxcrj
A*' (3.47)
By writing 9 — At/Ax2 and dividing the equation by exp(ifiiAx) £r, we get:
We now see that when 9 > 0 we know that | £ |< 1. This means that
the implicit method always is a stable approximation, and because it is a
consistent approximation we know that it also is a convergent approximation.
^ ^ (3.49)
As for the implicit method we write 9 = At/ Ax2 and divide the equation by
g i/3% Ax £r.
The term sin2(^p) is always less or equal to 1, and therefore the denominator
of this fraction will be of value 2 or less. This leads to the following sufficient
stability condition:
At 1
Ax2 ~ 2
It is important to note that for the explicit method, discretization in time
and space can not be done independently.
By using the same procedure as earlier by replacing the error terms in the
difference equation, we get the following inequality:
At r/3Ax At flAy,
-1 < 1 - sin2(^—) - 4—r sm2(-!—^) < 1 (3.54)
Ax2 Ay2
The middle term is always less or equal to one, and the right part of this in
equality is always satisfied. With the same reasoning as in the one-dimensional
case, we get the following stability criterion:
When going from one to two dimensions, and by letting Ax = Ay, we see
that the maximum At in the two dimensional case is only half of what it is
in the one dimensional case. It can be shown that the implicit method is
unconditionally stable also in higher dimensions.
40 Reservoir Description and Discretization
The left side of this equation describes the mass flow over the block bound
aries, while on the right side we recognize the terms describing the fluid’s
compressibility and the sink/source term. Both (4>p)i,j and witj represents
42 Reservoir Description and Discretization
• # •
• # •
i-l,j hj *+W
• o •
the block’s averaged values. In the same way as done in Section 3.1 we use
Darcy’s law for describing the relationship between the pressure gradient and
the flow velocity, and the flow velocity in z-direction can be written as
k dp
By doing the same for the flow in the ^-direction, and by substituting this
in the equation for mass conservation, we get:
3.4 Discretization of the Reservoir Description 43
We further use the first order approximation for constant temperature com
pressibility p = p°( 1 + c(p — p0)), and as done in Section 3.1, we assume the
porosity to be pressure independent. We then get the following equation:
The permeability and the reservoir height will be approximated by using the
average values for the two adjoining blocks. For the indexes i + j we get:
for our interest in the reservoir pressure, is that the reservoir’s production
capacity depends on the pressure. One way to visualize the relationship
between pressure, p, and sink terms (production), w, is as follows:
o 4
We calculate pressure variables at discrete levels while the production goes
on continuously. Above we have indicated the production in the first period,
w1, takes place in the period between to and t%. From this definition it is not
straight forward to define the reservoir pressure in the first period, and that
question will be discussed in later sections.
Explicit Method
By using the “forward difference approximation” when discretizing the time
derivative in equation (3.64), we get the following equation:
Py-i (3.67)
;((Azt);+i j + (Az&);_i j)
((Azk)itj+i + (Azk)y_i)] Pli
\(Az)2^)'+W Pi+ij
\(A2/)2^)<"M PlL+i
A zi,j
= 0
This equation tells us that from the pressure in block (i,j) and the four
neighboring blocks at time level n and the production in the block (i,j) the
3.4 Discretization of the Reservoir Description 45
following period, we can calculate the pressure in the block (i,j) at time level
71 + 1.
Implicit Method
When approximating the time derivative in equation (3.64) by the “back
wards difference”, we get the following expression:
-P?f) + -pu1)) (3-68)
+ rt+=[(Azfc)v+i MSi - pit1) + (pit-1 - +1)]
and by sorting the pressure dependent variables this equation can be rewrit
ten as:
+ n(Ax)^Azk^-^’j rt-ij
. 1
-[ At AZi,j + /j,(Ax)2^Azk^i+y +
+S5#((Azi+>i + pS"1
+p{Ax)^Azk^i+y p^j
+n{Ay)2^Azk^j+^ P*^
This equation gives the relation between the pressure in block (i,j) at time
level 71, the production in the block the following period, and the pressure
in block (i,j) and the neighboring blocks at time level 77 + 1. If we are
considering a reservoir discretized in M x N blocks, the implicit method will
give a system of M x N equations that need to be solved simultaneously.
3.4.3 Stability
In order to analyze the stability properties of these equations, we will com
pare the discretized reservoir equations with the general discretized equations
46 Reservoir Description and Discretization
When analyzing the stability properties of the explicit method, we will use
equation (3.66) as a starting point. Compared to the general equation (3.52)
we see that (3.66) have coefficients describing reservoir height, permeability
and porosity, and the fluid viscosity and compressibility. If we simplify by
assuming constant height, permeability and porosity we get the following
difference approximation:
Since the only difference between the equations are the constants in equation
(3.70), we can use the same stability requirement before. By including these
constants we get:
+ A^-5 (3'71)
A more general result is found by using the definition of positive type ap
proximations as found in Forsythe and Wasow [31]. The requirement derived
there is that all coefficients of pressure variables at level n must be posi
tive numbers. This means that the coefficients associated with ■ must be
greater than or equal to zero, which leads to the following stability criteria
that for all i,j:
The maximum rate of production in each well depends on the reservoir pres
sure in the vicinity of the well, and can be approximated by the following
relation [48]:
— Ji,j(Pi,j{t) ~ Pw) (3.74)
The rate of production in well is represented by units m3/s. The
pressure in block i, j at time t is given as while pw is the minimum well
pressure. The well specific productivity index may either be estimated
from the properties of the fluid and the porous media, or it can be found
by testing existing wells. We will here use the same productivity index as
proposed in [39]:
2rtAz 1 (3.75)
We see that both reservoir height and permeability, fluid viscosity and block
area are included in equation (3.75). A more thorough discussion of produc
tivity indexes are given in Peaceman [83].
The initial pressure method implies that the reservoir pressure at the start
of a period defines the reservoir pressure in the following period. With the
indexing of variables we have chosen, equation (3.74) becomes:
Qij < 4j(Py1 -fc) (3.76)
This is the way the reservoir pressure is defined in Hallefjord, Haugland and
Helgesen [39] and Haugland, Hallefjord and Asheim [48].
The opposite way is to define the period pressure by the pressure at the
end of period n, pn. Equation (3.74) can then be written as:
A third method proposed, is the mid-pressure method where one seeks to
estimate a value for the reservoir pressure in the middle of period n, so the
48 Reservoir Description and Discretization
i V
-----►- time
q1 q2 q3 q4
P° P1 P2 P3 P4
As discussed earlier, it is the reservoir that is the basis for this analysis,
and we have chosen a level of detail where fluid flow equations are included
in the optimization model. This allow us to study how the decision variables
interact, and the idea behind this approach is to simultaneously optimize
platform, well and production decisions.
We will first look at pure production optimization models where all the de
sign decisions are already made. These problems have continuous variables,
and for a single phase oil reservoir the production optimization can be formu
lated as a linear programming problem. We will in Section 4.1 discuss two
different ways of formulating the problem: Either by employing the reser
voir equations directly in the optimization model, or by using superposition
for eliminating the pressure variables. In Section 4.2 also design decisions
are considered, which results in mixed integer programming models. Some
properties of the models are illustrated by use of computational experiments.
4.1 Optimal Production Decisions 51
where 5* is the maximum possible production rate in well b. For assuring that
the total production each time-step is below the installed platform capacity
Q, we introduce the following constraint:
n=l,...,T. (4.4)
For a problem with limited well and platform capacity solved by the mid-
or end pressure method we get a problem with T x M x N equalities and
T x (2B + 1) inequalities.
where x(0) is known. Here x(£) G RMxN is a vector of state variables while
u(t) G RB is a vector of control variables. In the problem we are considering,
the state variables correspond to pressure variables, while the control vari
ables correspond to the each period’s production. If this is a system where
the explicit method is used for approximating the time derivative, A(t) is
a diagonal matrix. However, by multiplying equation (4.5) by A-1(t), we
get the following equation system (it is here assumed that A-1(t) is non-
We see that a unique solution for the state variables x(t) can be calculated if
we know the initial state x(0), the control variables u(l) for l = 1,..., t, and
the matrixes A and D. The linearity of the system implies that the solution
can be computed by the principle of superposition. This principle states
that the total response due to several inputs is the sum of the individual
responses, plus an initial condition term. This is just a verbal interpretation
of equation (4.10), where we see that the state variables x(l),... ,x(t — 1)
have been eliminated, and where the total solution to the system can be
regarded as a sum of free responses initiated at different times.
54 Optimization Models and Solution Methods
For making things simple, we will in the following assume that the reservoir
initially has a homogeneous pressure distribution. If the contrary is true,
the pressure distribution over time can be calculated by use of the reservoir
The term £)z=i Ai-ZDu(Z) represents the responses due to the control vari
ables. When dealing with pressure and production variables, we find it conve
nient to use summation notation instead the matrix notation in the previous
section. Hallefjord, Asheim and Haugland [38] show that the pressure in an
arbitrary block may be written
fc=l 6=1
By comparing to equation (4.10) we see that the first term on the right side
is due to the initial pressure, which is p° throughout the whole reservoir.
The second term gives the pressure reduction due to the production from
the reservoir. The parameter a%+l~k(i,j) has the following interpretation:
If well b produces one production unit in period k, this results in a pressure
reduction of a%+1~k(i,j) pressure units in block (i,j) in time period n. If
we know all the (^-parameters, it is possible to express p",- for an arbitrary
production strategy q. Finding all a’s can be done by solving the equation
system for a set of B linearly independent q-vectors. This operation will be
denoted a reservoir simulation.
one of the wells and no production in the others. We perform reservoir sim
ulations for all j = 1,..., B where
* - { 0: otherwise <413>
After simulating unit production in well b, the pressure in block (i,j) can be
PU = p" - n=l,2,...,T (4.14)
This follows from combining equations (4.12) and (4.13). For n = 1 we get:
and by substitution we get the following general expression for finding the
aUi,3)=Ptj1-Pu’ k = l,2,...,T (4.16)
The pressure values used in the equations (4.14) to (4.16) are found by sim
ulating unit production in well b. By performing this procedure for all wells
we can calculate a complete response matrix for the reservoir system. We
will now discuss what the constraint matrix looks like when using the initial-,
mid- or end-pressure method.
In Section 4.1.1 we studied models where the reservoir description was di
rectly included in the model, and the resulting constraint matrix had at least
(T — 1) x (M x N) equalities and (T x B) inequalities. By solving the prob
lem by superposition, the equalities have been eliminated, and the resulting
constraint matrix has (T x B) inequalities. If we consider a problem with 3
wells and 3 time periods, the constraint matrix has a structure as described
56 Optimization Models and Solution Methods
“61 (bl) “b2 (bl) “63 (61) “61 (61) “62 (&1) “63 (bl) < p
a£i(62) “62 (61) “63 (&1) “61 (&1) “62 (&1) “63 (bl) * < p
1 < P
“bi(bl) **62 (fel) “63 (61) “61 (bl) “62 (&1) “63 (bl) Jb3
Figure 4.1: Constraint matrix, initial pressure method, 3 wells and 3 time
q2 <73 q4 <z5
< P
ex1 l <
j P
i <
c*2 a1 j P
a3 a2 a1 i <
j P
a4 a3 a2 a1 J < P
in Figure 4.1. The right hand side variables are denoted p, where p = p° —pw.
The constraint matrix is lower triangular and has a density less than 50 %
(if B > 1). Its exact density depends on B and T. The restriction matrix
for T = 5 may be written as in Figure 4.2, where j and a represent sub
matrixes of size B x B, and q and p are vectors of length B. The matrix in
Figure 4.2 is of size T x T.
When using the end pressure method the pressure in period n is defined to
be pn, and the constraints on production may be written as follows:
g1 g2 9s g4 95
(«* + j) < P
o? (a1 + J) < P
a3 a2 («‘ + i) < P
a4 a3 a2 (a1 + j) < P
a2 3
a4 a3
The constraint matrix for this system is shown in Figure 4.3. Compared to
Figure 4.2 we see that all the a parameters are shifted to the right, and this
matrix always has a density higher than 50 %.
Mid-pressure Method
When using the mid pressure method we try to find an expression for py 2,
the pressure in the middle of period n. The production constraint discussed
in the previous chapter was written as:
This means that the reservoir simulation must be done in a slightly different
manner than described in the equations 4.13, 4.14 and 4.16. When simulat
ing unit production in well b, we use the pressure variable after production
in half the period, py, and we may then write:
58 Optimization Models and Solution Methods
q4 q5
W + &) < P
at W + $) < p
at at (*= + j) < p
7 5
C$2 a2 at (at + < p
9 7 6 at (at+j)
Q2 Q2 Q2 < p
However, Jonsbraten found that the model formulations where the reservoir
equations are included, are outperformed by the formulations where super
position is used. The main criteria for this statement is the CPU-time used
4fl Optimal Production Decisions 59
In [55] also the initial-, mid- and end-pressure formulations are discussed,
and an illustration of the main findings are found in the Figures 4.5 and 4.6.
Both figures illustrate calculated production profiles from an oil reservoir,
and the total production is not constrained by a certain platform capac
ity. Further, there are two production wells which both start to produce in
the first period. Figure 4.5 shows the production profiles computed with a
rather crude discretization in time, 10 time periods of 300 days each. By
using the initial pressure method one over-estimates the reservoir pressure
in the first period, which again over-estimates the production potential. Be
cause of this over-estimated production, the pressure in the second period is
under-estimated, thus giving rise to an oscillating production profile. Also
Haugland, Hallefjord and Asheim [48] use the initial pressure method and
report problems with oscillating production profiles.
Also Figure 4.6 shows production profiles calculated by use of the initial-
pressure method, but these results are calculated by use of 100 time periods
of 30 days each. For illustrating the difference these results are shown in
the same format as for the 10 time period discretization. We can clearly see
that by finer discretization in time, the obtained results are rather close to
what we found by use of the mid-pressure method when using the crude time
discretization. Another way of seeing it is that even if one uses crude time
dicretization, the mid-pressure method gives a more accurate representation
of the reservoir’s production potential.
Based on these results, the models implemented and used in the Papers
60 Optimization Models and Solution Methods
2000 -
1000 -
1 2 3 5
llBf nI
6 7 8 9
10 Period
I I Initial pressure Mid-pressure End pressure
10 3*bbl
2000 -
1000 -
12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Period
I I Initial pressure H Mid-pressure 1=1 End pressure
Well Drilling
A set of B potential well sites is proposed, and we consider wells to be
drilled for the Tg first periods. We let CfB be the discounted cost of having
well b drilled so that production can start in period TB. We further define
Cl,..., CjB~l such that the increased cost if we rather choose to drill well
b in some period k prior to TB is: Y,n=kl Cb- The well decision variable x*
may then be defined as:
Platform Capacity
While the well decisions are discrete, it is not obvious that capacity decisions
need to be represented by integer variables. This will of course depend on the
situation and the technical restrictions that are given. The platform capacity
may be given by discrete alternatives, or it may be specified by a continuous
4.2 Models for Development and Production Decisions 63
and the inequality requiring production to be below the capacity limit may
be formulated as
£g?< 53 Qrnymt n = 1,... ,T (4.31)
Operating Decisions
The fixed operating costs of a platform are considerable, and we have there
fore decided to include operating decisions in this model. The discounted
operating costs in period n are denoted by H„, and we define the integer
operating variable zn as:
We will not allow the platform to close down for a later restart, and therefore
zn must be non-increasing for increasing n:
To assure that production only can take place when the platform is operated,
we introduce the constraint:
'£€<D*zn, 71 = 1,....T (4.34)
T B B Tb M T
max £ c" • At
-£ Z C6X - m=l
6=1 n=l
Z <?„!/„ -n=1
Z %% (4 35)
such that
~k(b) gf -Pw'j
x *=11=1
6 = 1,.. . , jB, 71 = 1, . . .,T (4.36)
51 Qb — 53 QinVin n = 1,. ,.,T (4.40)
6=1 m=l
• the reservoir
However, in a field development project there are also other factors that play
important roles. The timing of project activities, both development and
production, has significant impact on project value. Future development of
production technology may make it possible to produce petroleum that ear
lier was considered non-recoverable and to increase the rate of recovery. It is
also possible that future technical development may lead to increasing well
rates and changed costs. Further do economic factors as currency exchange
68 Optimization under Uncertainty
The project costs may be highly uncertain, especially if the project in
volves rather new technical solutions! The costs will necessarily depend on
the physical conditions where the platform is located and also on the reser
voir properties. In other words, if there is large uncertainty regarding the
reservoir properties it is also reasonable to assume that there is considerable
uncertainty regarding the development and operating costs. Techniques for
estimating costs of field development projects are discussed by Nilssen [76].
In the models used in this dissertation, deterministic costs are used, but the
models may be revised in order to treat stochastic project costs.
amount of oil in place. The fluid flow in a single phase oil reservoir depends
on the reservoir’s permeability. As seen in Chapter 3, also the well production
rate in our model depends on the permeabilty. Thus, introducing uncertain
permeability is a way to introduce uncertainty regarding the reservoir’s pro
duction capacity and the well rates.
Ekern and Stensland [29] denote this project external and project internal un
certainty. Dixit and Pindyck [25] discuss this topic when analyzing project
costs and denote it input cost uncertainty and technical uncertainty. The
important issue here is that the project endogenous uncertainty can only be
resolved by undertaking the project. At a first glimpse this might not seem
as a severe difference, but from a modelers point of view it is. When the
information structure of the problem depends on decisions, describing the
information structure gets more complicated, and this leads to an optimiza
tion problem that is significantly harder to solve.
One approach for dealing with decision making under uncertainty and for
calculating the value of such flexibility, is the real options approach. The pa
pers by Black and Scholes [16] and Merton [71] provided a tool for valuation
of financial options. These papers also sparked further research in this area,
and the development of option pricing theory (contingent claims analysis) for
financial investments has also found applications within real investments. For
interpretation of the option theory in a real investment framework, the real
options theory has been developed. A thorough review of real options litera
ture is found in Trigeorgis [102]. The real options theory provides a tool for
valuation of flexibility in a project. This may be options that occur naturally
in a project (e.g.defer, contract, shut down or abandon) or it can be options
that can can be planned or built in at some extra cost (e.g. expand capacity).
Bjerksund and Ekern [14] consider several problems under oil price uncer
tainty, and the decision maker may choose between investing “here and now”,
defer the investment (“wait and see”), or to abandon the project. Olsen and
Stensland [81] discuss a problem with both oil price and resource uncertainty.
Two reservoirs may be extracted by one fixed production platform or by a
movable platform that extracts one reservoir at the time. The main goal of
the paper is to put a value on the flexibility inherent in the latter alterna
tive. A real options approach for dealing with reservoir uncertainty is found
in Ekern and Stensland [29].
profiles with associated initial probabilities are assumed, and for each pe
riod the probabilities are revised according to the information recieved. The
uncertainty resolution is interpreted as variance reduction in the probability
distribution over production profiles. This model has some similarities to
the model proposed in Paper C, where we consider an oil field development
project where uncertainty is resolved over time. Stensland and Tjpstheim [95]
analyze production data from several fields in order to investigate if stochas
tic processes may be used when modeling the uncertain production profiles.
Tennfjord [98] proposes a decision tree approach for valuing test production
on an oil field. The model introduces reservoir uncertainty, and the informa
tion provided by the test production may increase the value of the field.
specialized version of Benders decomposition method [13] and works for pro
grams with continuous variables. An overview of decomposition methods in
stochastic programming may be found in Ruszczyhski [90].
x == ^Tpsxs (5.1)
Although the scenario analysis approach gives the decision maker insight into
the problem, this averaged solution is not necessarily the optimal one. The
stochastic problem we actually want to solve can be written as
We will here use an oil exploration problem found in Hillier and Lieber-
man [51] to illustrate the use of stochastic decision trees. A company owns a
tract of land that may contain oil, and the basic question is whether the com
pany should drill for oil or sell the land. If oil is found the expected profit is es
timated to be $ 700 000, while a loss of $ 100 000 occurs if the reservoir is dry.
74 Optimization under Uncertainty
Another company has offered to by the land for $ 90 000. The a priori proba
bility of finding oil is estimated to be 0.25, and the expected value of drilling
for oil is then found to be 0.25 x $700 000 + 0.75 x (-$100 000) = $100 000.
Without the possibility for additional testing, the expected value is maxi
mized by drilling. However, if there is a possibility of performing a seismic
survey before the decision is made, the situation is different. The cost of
this survey is $ 30 000, and the test has two possible outcomes: favorable or
unfavorable. Based on experience, it is known that if there is oil, the prob
ability of a favorable survey result is 0.6, while there is a 0.4 probability for
an unfavorable result. If the reservoir is dry, the probability for a favorable
result is 0.2 and the probability for an unfavorable result is 0.8. By use of
Baye’s theorem, which is discussed in Paper C, the probabilities for “oil”
or “dry” given the outcome of the seismic survey may be calculated. These
numbers are shown in Figure 5.2. This figure shows the decision tree for this
oil exploration problem. The squares represent decision nodes and the circles
represent chance nodes. We recognize the decision sequence: First decide if
a seismical survey should be undertaken, and then choose between “drill” or
This figure also illustrates the backwards induction procedure used for solv
ing these problems. At each leaf node an associated payoff is given, and by
using the calculated probabilities expected payoff may be calculated for each
parenting chance node. By folding back optimal decisions towards the root
node, an optimal decision strategy may be found. The example also illus
trates how the optimal strategy may depend on the acquired information.
The optimal decision strategy is to perform a seismic survey. If the survey
result is favorable one should drill for oil and if the result is unfavorable, it
is optimal to sell the land. The expected value of this decision policy is $
123.000. In other words, the expected value of the information provided by
the survey is $ 53.000, which is $ 23.000 more than the cost of the test.
The main problem by using the stochastic decision tree is the “curse of di
mensionality” . If we consider a sequence of decisions, we get a large number
of possible sequences and associated test results. In Paper C we consider a
stochastic decision tree problem where the decisions themselves provide in
formation for updating probabilities. The approach for solving that problem
is discussed in the next session.
The last approach for optimizing stochastic dynamic systems that we will dis
cuss is stochastic dynamic programming. As with the other approaches
we consider a system with finitely many stages, and the dynamic program-
5.2 Stochastic Programming 75
Dry (6/7)
60 Drill -130
No seismic
survey Dry (3/4) -100
ming technique prefers the system at each stage to be in one out of finitely
many stages. Theory is also developed for a continuous state space, but for
that topic we refer to more specialized literature in the field. While the other
methods need a finite decision space and discrete probability distributions,
continuous decisions and distributions are acceptable in stochastic program
ming. The fundamental idea for solving a dynamic programming problem is
stated by Bellmann’s principle of optimality [12]:
An optimal policy has the property that whatever the initial state
and initial decisions are, the remaining decisions must constitute
an optimal policy with regard to the state resulting from the first
76 Optimization under Uncertainty
The solution procedure is to start at the last stage and calculate the optimal
decision for each state. Then one moves one step towards the initial stage
and again calculate optimal policies for each possible state. Thus solving a
stochastic dynamic programming problem can be done through the following
recursive relationship:
fT = min [rn(zn, zn)], Vzn.
Numerical experiments are reported in the paper, and we conclude that the
proposed solution procedure may be a suitable approach for this class of
problems. However, it must be emphasized that the convergence properties
of this solution technique are not clear. In other words, we have not shown
that the algorithm will converge to an implementable solution, and even if
the algorithm converge we have not proven that the solution found is opti
mal. On the other hand, the studied problem is computationally hard, and
our approach has been to search for a “good” implementable solution to the
problem. How good the solution is, can to some extent be analyzed by look
ing at what can be obtained under perfect information.
The problem of finding the optimal event tree may be solved by:
• Complete enumeration, i.e. solving a stochastic programming problem
for each possible event tree
Sc.2 -e Sc.2
Sc.7 ■S Sc.7
Sc.l # Sc.l
Sc.2 # Sc.2
Sc.3 -e sc.3
Sc.5 # Sc.5
Sc.6 -# Sc.6
Sc.7 # Sc.7
Sc.8 • Sc.8
When a reservoir is located on a block boundary, i.e. two lease owners have
access to the same reservoir, a common pool problem arises. Because of the
oil’s migratory nature, both lease owners have an incentive to extract the
oil in the reservoir before so is done by the other owner. We will in this
chapter discuss how an optimization model may be used for allocating costs
and revenues in a coordinated exploitation of the reservoir. This topic is also
analyzed in Paper D.
82 Petroleum Field Unitization
problem of cost allocation for common transport networks are also thoroughly
discussed by Nilssen[77]. In all these problems the key issue is to allocate
the joint costs and benefits, and it is natural to discuss this in the framework
of cooperative game theory. From the government’s point of view, it is im
portant that development decisions that maximize the value of the portfolio
of petroleum reservoirs are chosen. The oil companies involved want a fair
allocation of costs and benefits associated with the project. Obviously they
will not accept less than what they can achieve on their own, and allocation
of the benefits from cooperation is subject to bargaining.
Our aim has not been to recommend a certain procedure for dealing with uni
tization negotiations in general, but rather to point out how an optimization
model may be used for clarifying issues when bargaining for an agreement.
Chapter 7
Conclusions and Directions for
Further Research
The main purpose of the first part of this dissertation has been to give a
background to the papers in Part II, and to discuss and compare the findings
in the papers. These concluding remarks will therefore be based on both this
part and the papers in the second part of this dissertation.
7.1 Conclusions
In Chapter 4 we proposed a mixed-integer programming model for optimiz
ing development and operation of an offshore oil field, and different versions
of this model are used in Papers A, C and D. The model is formulated as
a mixed integer programming problem in which a two-dimensional reservoir
simulator is included. In Section 4.1 we showed how the production opti
mization problem can be formulated as a linear programming problem, while
by including field development decisions in Section 4.2 we got a mixed inte
ger problem. Through the literature survey in Chapter 2 we have shown the
relationship between the proposed model and previous research. Our work is
in the tradition of operations research, where quantitative models are used
for solving complex interdisciplinary planning problems. Such an approach
combining reservoir engineering and petroleum economics must necessarily
be less detailed than for more specialized models. As we have demonstrated,
the challenge is to develop models that are manageable and can be solved
in a reasonable amount of time and still give a relevant description of the
underlying problem. Our approach where fluid flow equations are. included
in the optimization model can be criticized for leading to problems that are
hard to optimize. The model proposed in Chapter 4 is valid for a single
86 Conclusions and Directions for Further Research
phase oil reservoir, and other reservoir systems will inevitably lead to more
complex models because of non-linear reservoir equations. However, today’s
development of computational capability opens for harder problems and for
new areas of research.
Our work in both Papers B and C show that problems with project en
dogenous information fight “the curse of dimensionality”, and the instances
presented in the papers represent problems that have been rather hard to
solve to optimality. However, in our view this is an interesting class of prob
lems where the reported research is scarce, and we believe this is a result of
lacking tools rather than lack of important problems.
90 Bibliography
[16] F. Black and M. Scholes. The pricing of options and corporate liabili
ties. Journal of Political Economy, 81:637-654, 1973.
[23] M. D. Devine. A model for minimizing the cost of drilling dual com
pletion oil wells. Management Science, 20(4)=532-535, 1973.
[24] M. D. Devine and W. G. Lesso. Models for the minimum cost develop
ment of offshore oil fields. Management Science, 18(8):378-387, April
[25] A. K. Dixit and R. S. Pindyck. Investment under Uncertainty. Prince
ton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1994.
[26] S. Dogru. Selection of optimal platform locations. SPE Drilling Engi
neering, 2(December) =382-386, 1987.
[27] S. A. Dogru. The Optimization of Profitability of Offshore Oil Field
Operations. PhD-dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1975.
[28] E. J. Durrer and G. E. Slater. Optimization of petroleum and natural
gas production - a survey. Management Science, 24(1)=35-43, Septem
ber 1977.
[37] A. Hallefjord.On some operations research models for oil and gas field
development. CMI-report 862330-1, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Pantoft,
Norway, 1986.
[38] A. Hallefjord, H. Asheim, and D. Haugland. Petroleum field opti
mization - comments on models and solution techniques. CMI-report
862331-1, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Fantoft, Norway, 1986.
[74] J. Murray III and T. Edgar. Optimal scheduling of production and com
pression in gas fields. Journal of Petroleum Technology, Januar:109-
116, 1978.
[93] J. Smith. The common pool, bargaining and the rule of capture. Eco
nomic Inquiry, 25(4):631—644, 1987.
[103] R. Van Slyke and R.-B. Wets. T-shaped linear programs with applica
tions to optimal control and stochastic linear programs. SIAM Journal
of Applied Mathematics, 17:638-663, 1969.
Part II
Paper A
This paper presents a mixed integer programming model for op
timal development of an oil field under uncertain future oil price.
Based on a two-dimensional reservoir description, the model sug
gests decisions concerning both design and operation, and the
objective is to maximize the expected net present value of the
oil field. A finite set of oil price scenarios with associated prob
abilities is given, and the scenario and policy aggregation tech
nique developed by Rockafellar and Wets is used for solving the
problem. This technique is developed for the case of continu
ous variables, and in this paper we discuss different methods for
adapting the scenario aggregation approach to the case of mixed
integer problems.. This is done by utilizing the interaction be
tween the continuous (production) and integer (design) variables.
We present numerical experiments, and conclude that scenario
aggregation may be a suitable technique also for mixed integer
102 Oil Field Optimization under Price Uncertainty
A.l Introduction
The purpose of this paper is to develop a model for optimal design and op
eration of an oil field. The model is meant to be a tool for decision making
in an early phase, when there is a lot of uncertainty involved. This is uncer
tainty regarding future oil price, project costs, and reservoir properties. The
current work is based on the model presented in Haugland, Hallefjord and
Asheim [8]. Given the input data this model determines optimal platform
size, drilling programme and production strategy. The intention of the deter
ministic model discussed by Haugland, Hallefjord and Asheim “is not to find
the optimal solution, but to use several versions of input data to generate
a number of solutions”. In this paper, we will deal with uncertainty in a
more structured way. Facing uncertain input data, the objective is to find
the decisions that maximize the reservoir’s expected net present value.
We restrict our discussion to uncertainty regarding future oil price. One way
to describe the uncertainty is by generating a finite set of price-scenarios,
where each scenario is given a probability reflecting its relative importance.
The problem of maximizing the expected net present value of the oil field
can then be formulated as a stochastic programming problem. Such prob
lems easily grow out of hand and become very difficult to solve. In this
paper, we will use the progressive hedging algorithm developed by Rock-
afellar and Wets [20] for solving the stochastic programming problem. This
technique can be seen as a decomposition method for stochastic problems.
By iteratively solving perturbed versions of the optimization problem for each
scenario, we want to find implementable policies, that is policies that do not
depend on hindsight. This algorithm is under certain conditions proved to
converge to the optimal solution of the stochastic problem for the case of
continuous variables, and we discuss how the scenario aggregation approach
can be used also for solving mixed-integer problems. This is done by utilizing
the interaction between the continuous and the integer variables.
• platform capacity
• well location
Problems like this are often solved by keeping some of the variables fixed
while optimizing the resulting- subproblem, but with such a sequential solu
tion procedure, a decision may be fixed before the interaction between the
variables are known. The proposed model takes this interaction into account,
and it simultaneously optimizes platform size, drilling programme and pro
duction strategy.
All these decisions will necessarily have the reservoir’s production capabil
ity as a starting point. The reservoir is a non-renewable resource, and the
objective of the optimization problem is to maximize the value of this re
source. Therefore, it is of great importance how the reservoir is represented.
We study a single phase oil reservoir, a system where only the oil is mobile.
The oil is slightly compressible, and production is possible because the oil
expands as the pressure is reduced. A reservoir description can be derived by
combining an equation for mass conservation, a slightly simplified version of
Darcy’s flow equation, and an equation for the fluid’s constant temperature
compressibility. We then arrive at the following reservoir equation where the
coefficients do not depend on the pressure:
k permeability
(jl fluid viscosity (bar • s)
p pressure (bar)
104 Oil Field Optimization under Price Uncertainty
A partial differential equation (PDE) like (A.l) is very hard to solve an
alytically, and common practice is therefore to solve it by finite difference
approximations. Because the coefficients in (A.l) are pressure independent,
the equation can be approximated by a finite set of linear approximations.
In reservoirs that are relatively thin compared to their area extent, it is
possible to assume that the flow in the vertical direction (z-direction) is neg
ligible compared to the flow in the other two directions. In our optimization
model, we consider a two-dimensional description. Variations in the reservoir
height can be adjusted for by letting the height be a function of the x- and
optimization [5]. Haugland, Jornsten and Shayan [9] use the mixed integer
model to study fields with movable platforms. They use the model to answer
when, if at all, the platform should be moved to another location on the
field. Lasdon, Coffman, MacDonald, McFarland and Seehrnoori [15] discuss
the problem of finding optimal production profiles for a gas reservoir, and
they solve the problem by use of non-linear solution techniques. Devine and
Lesso [3], Frair and Devine [4], and Hansen, Filho and Ribeiro [7] also discuss
models for optimal development of oil fields. In all these papers, a simplified
description of the reservoir performance is used, and the focus is on integer
variables and optimal assignment of wells to platforms.
Production Variables
The relation between pressure and production can be approximated in the
following way [8]:
gb(t) < Jb\pb{t) ~ Pw] ' (A.2)
where %(() is the production rate in well 6, J& is a well-specific productivity
index, pb(t) is the reservoir pressure near well b (the pressure in the block
where well b is located), and pw is the minimum well pressure. The produc
tivity index may be estimated from the rock and fluid properties, and it is
determined by the permeability, porosity, fluid viscosity, block-area, reservoir
height, and well radius [19].
. (a.3)
fc=i 1=1
The parameters cq+2 k(b) have the following interpretation: If well l pro
duces one production unit in period k, this results in a pressure drop of
a"+2 k(b) pressure units in period n near well b. Since we want to express p"
for a general production q, we have to find all the coefficients a. This can be
106 Oil Field Optimization under Price Uncertainty
We let CjB be the discounted cost of drilling well b in period TB, and we
define Cl,..., CXb~1 such that the increased cost if we rather choose to drill
well b in some period k prior to TB is: En**1 Q• The well decision variable
may then be defined as:
„ _ f 1 if well b is drilled in one of the periods 1,... ,n ,.
Xb [ 0 otherwise
Platform Capacity
We also want to find optimal platform capacity, and it is possible to choose
among M different platform sizes with associated costs. We let Q\ denote
the production capacity of the “smallest” platform, and the total cost of
installing this platform is G\. Further, • • • ,Qm is defined such that if
platform g is chosen, the total capacity will be Em=i Qm- The total cost of
this platform will be Em=i Gm. We see that Gm is defined as the increased
cost of expanding the platform capacity with Qm. The platform decision
variable ym is defined to be non-increasing for increasing m:
Operating Costs
The fixed operating costs of the platform in period n are denoted by Hn, and
we define the integer operating variable zn as:
1 if the platform is operating in period n
0 otherwise
We will not allow the platform to close down for a later restart, and therefore
zn must be non-increasing for increasing n.
The complete deterministic mixed integer model can then be written as:
A.2 A Deterministic Model 107
T B B Tb M T
max £ c” • At £ 9? - £ £ C6X - E G„t,ra - £ (A.7)
71=1 6=1 6=1 71=1 771=1 71=1
such that
V k=1 Z=1
6 = 1,.. . , B, 71 = 1,. ..,T (A.8)
E?6 < E QmVm 71 = 1, . ..,T (A-12)
6=1 171=1
71 = 1, . ..,T W-14)
The objective is to maximize the net present value, and cn is the discounted
oil price in period n and At is the length of each period. Constraint (A.8) is
the well production capacity, derived by replacing pb(t) in (A.2) by p£~2 as
defined by (A.3). Constraints (A.9) - (A.ll) are related to the well decisions.
Constraints (A.9) and (A.10) assure that production can take place only if
108 Oil Field Optimization under Price Uncertainty
S = {s1^2,... ,sL}
n= 1 n=2 n=3
Sc. 1
Sc. 2
Sc. 3
Here kn is a node in the event tree at stage n, and Kn is the set of all nodes
in the tree at that stage. The set S(kn) consists of scenarios involving the
event represented by kn. The set of implementable solutions thus becomes:
M = {x : xns' = xns" Vs', s" 6 S(kn), kn G Kn, n = 1,..., T} (A.22)
Solving a problem like (A.20) will often exceed the present computational
capabilities. One important feature of (A.20) is that only the implementabil-
ity constraints, x € M, connect the scenarios, and it is this fact that is taken
advantage of in the scenario aggregation technique.
110 Oil Field Optimization under Price Uncertainty
Lagrangian. The averaged solution for a node in the event tree is written
as xs^kn\ but because of this term the problem is still not separable in the
scenarios. However, in the PHA this term is substituted by the averaged
solution from the previous iteration, and thus the problem (A.23) becomes
separable. The algorithm can formally be expressed as follows:
Progressive hedging algorithm
Initialize the iteration counter u, u = 0.
Solve each individual scenario-problem: maxaj»ec* fs(xs).
Construct an implementable policy by forming a convex combi
nation of the solutions xns(0) by use of the weights ps:
£ns(kn)^ _ T,ses(k”)Psnns{0)
V kn e Kn, n = 1,2,..., T.
Initialize the price vectors ws(0) and the penalty parameter g(0).
While the solution is not good enough do:
Increase the iteration counter v by one.
For each scenario solve:
^max fs(xs)-xsws(v-1)—^q(u—1)[xs-x8^^-!)]2
Calculate an implementable policy x(u) using the same
technique as in equation (A.24).
Update the multiplier vector:
wns{v) = wns(u -1)4- 6{u)[xns{u) - xn»] (A.26)
A.3 Scenario Aggregation 111
Lpkketangen and Woodruff [16] use the PHA for solving stochastic multi
stage mixed integer problems. Their approach is to use tabu search for solv
ing the individual scenario problems and the PHA for blending the scenario
solutions. Jornsten and Bjprndal [12] use the PHA for solving a stochastic
multi-stage mixed integer problem, and they make use of the close connection
between the continuous and binary variables in their problem. They study
an uncapacitated dynamic location problem under uncertainty, and the PHA
is used on the continuous variables while the binary variables are allowed to
adjust automatically. This solution method can be justified because of the
close connection between the continuous and binary variables in the problem.
In our case, there is also a close connection between the binary and con
tinuous variables, and our approach will therefore be the same as in Jornsten
and Bjprndal [12]. As seen in the deterministic model (7), there are several
constraints that link the production and design decisions. Production can
only take place if the well is drilled:
Qb < SbXb
112 Oil Field Optimization under Price Uncertainty
XX < 53 QrnVm
6=1 771=1
< DV
All these relations show how the production decisions influence the design
decisions. These connections between production and design decisions moti
vate the following solution method: Apply the PHA on the continuous (pro
duction) variables and let the integer (design) variables adjust automatically.
Even if the PHA decomposes the stochastic problem into scenario subprob
lems, it is not straight-forward to solve these nonlinear subproblems. One way
to overcome this problem would be by using a piecewise linear approxima
tion for the quadratic term in equation (A.25). However, this gives another
complex problem to solve. The augmented Lagrangian in problem (A.23)
can be viewed as a combination of a local duality method and a penalty
method. In the augmented Lagrangian the duality and the penalty meth
ods work together to eliminate the slow convergence properties with either
method alone. As an approach of making the scenario subproblems fairly
easily solvable, we have in the numerical experiments presented here set the
penalty parameter, p(z'), to be zero. In other words, the quadratic term of
(A.25) is neglected. When the optimal solution is found, both the duality
and the penalty term of equation (A.25) equal zero; but the influence of ne
glecting the penalty term on the algorithm’s convergence properties, is not
immediately clear. However, we now have subproblems that are solvable, and
if the PHA converges to a feasible solution, we get lower bounds on expected
maximum profit. These solutions can be compared to what can be achieved
under perfect information, and that will give an indication of the quality of
the calculated solutions.
o o o
o o
c F o
* A D
* * *
We will use 3 scenarios of future oil price (see Table A.2). All the scenarios
start with $17 per barrel in the first period, and scenario 1 has this price in
all the 10 periods. In scenario 2, the oil price increases with $1 every second
period, while in scenario 3, the oil price increases with $1 every period.
114 Oil Field Optimization under Price Uncertainty
of course, closely connected to the platform capacity, and the three scenarios
have all different platform sizes. At first, it may be surprising that scenario
1, the scenario with lowest oil price, has the largest investments in platform
capacity, and the “best” scenario leads to the smallest platform. But these
decisions have to be judged against the fixed operating costs and the aban
donment time. Given scenario 1, it is optimal to produce for 8 periods. The
A.4 Numerical Experiments 115
Probabilities I of Table A.2 are used in this experiment. The PHA converged
to the decisions presented in line four of Table A.3. The solution obtained
is to choose platform 3 and to have 3 of the potential wells drilled for pro
duction. For the second period, scenario 1 and 2 are still indistinguishable,
and they therefore must have identical decision policies. The subscript in
Table A.3 indicates that well E is drilled for the second period if scenario 1
or 2 is observed, and for the third period, if scenario 3 is observed.
During the iterations, the multipliers are adjusted with decreasing steps. The
initial updating parameter, 0(1), depends on how the problem is formulated.
In the experiment discussed here, the algorithm converged to implementable
design decisions (binary variables) after 30 iterations. After just one more
iteration, the algorithm also gave implementable decisions for all the produc
tion decisions (continuous variables).
What the multipliers actually do, is to perturb the price vectors. In the re
sults presented, the oil price in the first period was reduced for scenario 1 and
increased for scenario 3. But by using each well’s production, this iterative
process was rather slow, and we therefore modified the algorithm. While .the
perturbed scenario solutions do not have the same platform decisions, the
multipliers are calculated from each period’s total production. When the
platform decision is implementable, we use the ordinary approach where the
multipliers are calculated from the production in each well.
By using this method for updating the vectors, the algorithm converged
to implementable solutions for both design and production decisions after 7
iterations. After only 3 iterations, the platform decision was implementable,
and these initial iterations can be seen as a fast way to get the multipliers to
their correct level. The last iterations will then only be minor adjustments.
The algorithm converged to the same design decisions as in the previous
used a rather low discount rate, 3% per period. When the discount rate
was increased to 4% per period, this last problem could be solved by using
multipliers only on the production variables.
Acknowledgments t
[1] K. Aziz and A. Settari. Petroleum Reservoir Simulation. Elsevier Ap
plied Science, London and New York, 1979.
[2] CPLEX Optimization, 930 Tahoe Blvd., Bldg 802, Incline Village, NV
89451-9436. Using the CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed In
teger Library, 1993.
[3] M. D. Devine and W. G. Lesso. Models for the minimum cost develop
ment of offshore oil fields. Management Science, 18(8):378-387, April
[13] K. 0. Jornsten. Sequencing offshore oil and gas fields under uncertainty.
European Journal of Operational Research, 58:191-201, 1992.
In the ‘standard’ formulation of a stochastic program with re
course, the distribution of the random parameters is independent
of the decisions. When this is not the case, the problem is sig
nificantly more difficult to solve. This paper identifies a class
of problems that are ‘manageable’ and proposes an algorithmic
procedure for solving problems of this type. We give bounds and
algorithms for the case where the distributions and the variables
controlling information discovery are discrete. Computational ex
perience is reported.
1 Co-authored with Roger J.-B. Wets and David L. Woodruff. Accepted for publication
in Annals of Operations Research
122 A Class of Stochastic Programs
B.l Introduction
Models based on stochastic programming lend valuable solutions to many
types of problems. In the ‘standard’ formulation of a stochastic program
with recourse, the distribution of the random parameters is independent of
the decisions. When this is not the case, the problem is significantly more
difficult to solve. This paper deals with a class of such problems that are
‘manageable’ and proposes an algorithmic procedure for solving problems of
this type.
Before getting down to specifics, the issues can best be laid out in terms
of a ‘simple,’ but general, formulation of this class of stochastic optimization
problems where the information that will be provided to the decision maker
is decision dependent. In order to introduce our new class of problems in
the context of the current literature, we first develop the following ‘standard’
stochastic programming problem:
where / :Bx lFLn —> M = [—00,00] is the ‘cost’ associated with a decision
x when the random variable £ takes on the value £; £ is a -Revalued ran
dom variable with possible values in E C which is the support of the
distribution, fj,, of the random variable; Ef : Mn —> 1R, the function to be
minimized, is defined by
One can recast two stage stochastic programs with recourse so that they are
seen as special cases of the problem just formulated. Indeed, for the two
stage recourse problem with stage t variable indexes in the set N*:
Q({; x) = mf [ho(£; x2) I /2i(£; x, x2) < 0, i G N2 ].
B.l Introduction 123
where £3 stands for the observations made after choosing x2 (but before
selecting x3), E{Q21£} is the conditional expectation of Q2 given £ and
However, there are important decision making problems that do not fit in
this mold, namely cases when the distribution of the random quantities will
be affected by the decision selected. This can happen in many ways, but it
seems the following formulation would cover all such cases:
In such a situation, the set K, is the graph of the mapping x H- /zx, i.e.,
K, — {(/z, x) | x € Mn, n = /zx}; observe that our framework also allows for
124 A Class of Stochastic Programs
But beyond this, i.e., when there are nontrivial constraints linking [i to x, the
problem becomes significantly more difficult to analyze and solve, and, not
surprisingly, the literature dealing with this class of problems is very sparse.
In fact, we only know of one such paper dealing with a ‘Markovian’ case [14];
consult also [5]. The relationship between x and fj, can be quite complex,
and although one might be able to write down quite general optimality con
ditions, at this stage we are going to limit our attention to a class of problems
that are ‘manageable.’ In our case the set M will be finite, and its elements
can be indexed by a boolean vector d = (di,... ,d9), i.e., each dj G {0,1},
which will indicate if certain options have or have not been selected. The
problem can then be reformulated as follows:
min Edf(x) = J /(£; x) nd(d£) such that (d, x) G K, C {0, l}9 x Rn.
The class of problems covered by this formulation includes those when the
choice of d, and consequently of x, will affect the time at which the informa
tion about the realizations of certain random elements will become available.
In the case of multistage problems, such as those described in the next sec
tions, the choice of d affects the ‘timing’ of the observation, i.e., at which
stage certain random variables will be observed. In contrast with the z-part
of the problem which might involve ‘staged decisions’ that depend on past re
alizations, the choice of d will be a first stage decision only. This is a definite
restriction, but it simplifies notation greatly while preserving the important
B.l Introduction 125
new concepts. The resulting algorithms make inroads into this important
class of problems, but full generalization is left as future research.
The overall approach will be one of ‘reduced minimization’: the overall goal
is to choose a ‘best’ stochastic optimization problem in a certain collection
of such problems:
| min* Edf{x) | (d, x) G £} d G {0, l}9
the one that yields the lowest possible value. Equivalently one could cast the
problem as follows,
min ( min X &f(x) (d,x) e (B.3)
de{o,i}« l
In the remainder of the paper, we are going to be interested in a class of
problems where d identifies the time at which certain information is going
to become available. More specifically, the production costs of certain items
will be revealed either in stage two or stage three depending on d. The choice
of a particular d G {0, l}9 determines
/ and JCd = {xeRn\ (/, x) 6 K}
where this last set describes the corresponding set of feasible ^-decisions.
126 A Class of Stochastic Programs
We assume that scenarios are given in the form of a scenario tree denoted
usually by S. Together with the probabilities ps attached to its scenarios, a
scenario tree completely specifies the stochastic process associated with the
random quantities of the problem. The notion of a scenario tree, is impor
tant for many methods of solving stochastic programs and the notion that
new information becomes available only at certain times is central to the
construction of ‘implementable’ solutions! Each (terminal) leaf identifies a
particular scenario. The leaves are grouped for connection to nodes at time
T. Each leaf is connected to exactly one time T node and each of these
nodes represents a unique realization up to time T. The time T nodes are
connected to time T—1 nodes so that for each scenario connected to the same
node at time T -1 has the same realization up to time T -1. This continues
back until information available “now” (at time index 1) constitutes the root
node of the scenario tree. Variables that are observed at time t generate the
branches at time t — 1.
For each scenario s and each stage t we are given a vector c4 (s) of length n4, a
ra4 x nl matrix A4(s) and a column vector 64(s) of length m4. For notational
convenience let A(s) be (A1(s),..., AT(s)), let 6(s) be (bx{s),..., bT(s)), and
let c(s) be (c1(s),..., cT(s)). The decision variables are a set of n4-vectors
re4; one vector for each scenario; notice that we reserve superscripts for the
stage (or time) index. Notice also that the solution is allowed to depend on
the scenario. Let X(s) = (xx(s),... ,xT(s)). If we could know beforehand
which scenario would actually occur, call it s, the problem would be solved
by minimizing
/(s;X(s)) = X)(c<(s),^(s))
subject to
where AX > b includes the usual sorts of single period and period linking
constraints that one typically finds in multistage linear programming for
mulations. We use I4 to identify the integer variables in each time stage.
For most of the literature, this set is empty. However, approaches for some
classes of stochastic programming problems with integer variables in the first
stage have been discussed (see, e.g., [2]) or for classes of two stage problems
with integers [12, 17, 18, 20]. Recently, there has been some work on various
128 A Class of Stochastic Programs
Since humans are not prescient, we must require solutions that do not require
foreknowledge and that will be feasible no matter which scenario is realized.
We refer to solution systems that satisfy constraints with probability one as
admissible. We refer to a system of solution vectors as implementable if for
scenario pairs s and s' that are indistinguishable up to time t, it is true that
af(s) = af(s') for all 1 < r < t. For a given scenario tree S, the set of im
plementable solutions will be denoted by A/s; one writes Es to indicate that
expectation is with respect to the measure associated with the scenario tree
S. This brings us to the following formulation for stochastic linear programs:
min53b(s)/(s;X(s))] = 5s{/(-,x(-))}
subject to
The expectation here can be expressed as a finite sum since we are dealing
with only a finite number of scenarios (in S).
JC(d) = {X\(d,X)£lC}.
To stay in the linear framework, we have to assume that for all d, the set JC(d)
is itself determined by a finite number of linear equations and linear inequal
ities, i.e., is a convex polyhedral set. Thus to each choice of d corresponds a
(standard) stochastic linear program of the form:
B.2.3 Example
In the introduction we illustrated our notation with a small example that is
an extension of the model given by Jorjani et al. [11] for the optimal selec
tion of subsets of sizes under demand uncertainty. We continue that example
with more detail here. A product is available in a finite number of sizes, and
demand for a smaller size can be met by substituting a larger size. However,
this substitution comes at a certain cost. The objective is to minimize the
expected cost of satisfying the demand for all different sizes. Binary variables
model the selection of sizes, while production and substitution quantities are
represented by continuous variables. Details for the formulation are summa
rized in Appendix A.
130 A Class of Stochastic Programs
d Ed{f{;X(-))}
0, 0 $25180
1,0 25130
0, 1 25115
1, 1 25220
see that by producing size 2 (and 3), the expected cost has been reduced to
25115. Even though the reduction in total cost is not large, it is interesting
to see that the optimal production policy has been dramatically altered by
introducing the cost uncertainty in the problem.
B.3 Bounds
In this section we develop bounds to be used in an implicit enumeration al
gorithm. There is no universal scenario tree attached to a stochastic (linear)
program when the distribution of (some of) the random parameters is deci
sion dependent. However, once a timing of discovery for the values realized
B.3 Bounds 131
by the random variables has been specified (or assumed) a scenario tree can
be drawn. Armed with a scenario tree, we can search for solutions for the
associated optimization problem and use the result as a bound of some sort.
■The bounds that we derive are based on the use of branching (or partial)
vectors, denoted d#, in {0,1, #}9. The components df of such vectors take
on the values 0, 1 or #. The interpretation we attach to these values is as
df = 1 means that information about the j-th (family of) random
variable(s) will come as early as possible (here in stage two);
df = 0 means that information about the j-th (family of) random
variable(s) will come as late as possible (in our examples, this will be
stage three);
df = # means that there has been no decision yet about this particular
We refer to vector elements with a 0 or 1 as determined and those with #
as undetermined. To each branching vector d* is associated a collection, say
Z>(d#), of decision vectors d obtained by replacing all # entries in d* by
either 1 or 0; these correspond one-to-one with a set of ‘standard’ stochastic
optimization problems that we will call V{d*). Within the collection X>(d#),
let’s denote by (d#)e the vector in {0, l}9 obtained by replacing every (unde
termined) entry # in d* by 1, and by (d#)z the vector obtained by replacing
every (undetermined) entry # in d* by 0. The two vectors correspond re
spectively to the cases when information associated with the variables dj for
which df = # is received as early as possible (the index e stands for early) or
late (the index l stands for late). Because discovery at a later time imposes
more restrictions on implementable solutions, one has
Af((d*)«) G W(d) C W((d*)') V d 6 D(d*);
recall that J\f(d) is shorthand for J/s{d) ■ In the calculation of bounds for the
collection V{d*) of stochastic programs associated with d e V(d#), we want
to impose the constraints on X from among those generated by the restriction
(d, X) G 1C only if they come from the already determined components of d#.
So, we let
K(‘z#) = Ud€T(dS)m.
We shall only deal with problems where this set is a nonempty convex poly
hedral set. So, the linear program,
min 53 be(s)/(s;^(s))]
132 A Class of Stochastic Programs
subject to
A(s)%(s) > 6(s), s G <Se (B.16)
6 {0,1}, i e I1, t = l,...,T, (B.17)
®i(s) > 0 i € w = 1,. ,.,T, s G <Se (B.18)
X 6 K(d*) (B.19)
X() e Ne (B.20)
provides a lower bound for the values of all stochastic programs in V{d*).
Here Se is used as shorthand for S({d*)e). Let us denote this lower bound
by L(d&). From this it follows that a lower bound to L{d*) also will be a
valid lower bound to all stochastic programs in V{d#). This is particularly
relevant for integer and mixed integer problems where lower bounds are often
readily available via relaxation even when exact minimization might be quite
B.3.1 Example
To illustrate the notation, we continue with the example of Section B.2.3.
Upper and lower bounds for branching vectors are displayed in Table B.2.
The two vector elements shown correspond to fixing the decisions to produce
or not produce the two parts that have an uncertain, but discoverable, cost.
We can see that using the best upper bound given in the table we are able to
fathom the partial vector (#,0). The upper bounds U(d#) are valid because
/C(-) is completely separable. When comparing to the results in Table B.l,
we see that the upper bound for the vector (#,1) is the same as the minimum
cost reported for the full vector (0,1), the optimal d-vector for this problem.
B.4 An Algorithm
The bounds introduced in the preceding discussion can be directly used to
create a branch and bound algorithm. In this section we introduce a more
Br4 An Algorithm 133
d* [/(#) L(d*)
0,# 25140 25080
1,# 25130 25056
#,0 25140 25130
#, 1 25115 25095
• fixed and the others are undetermined. These calculated bounds are incor
porated in the list £[d], that represents the highest lower bound for each full
vector, d 6 {0, l}9, which serves as the index set for the list. The list V is of
length q and is used in step 5 for deciding branching order. In step 3 the full
vector with lowest lower bound, argmin£[d], is used for computing a global
upper bound. Thus U represents the best feasible solution found so far to the
overall minimization problem. This upper bound is in step 4 used to prune
full vectors for which the best lower bound is higher than the upper bound.
The set D* thus represents all full vectors in {0, l}9 that have not yet been
bounded out.
Step 5 essentially repeats these steps in a slightly more general way to con
sider branching with a smaller number of undetermined components. While
the number of possible full vectors is greater than one or we have not branched
on all possible decisions (in the case with non-unique optimal solution), the
algorithm continues the branching. The remaining elements in D* are inves
tigated, and decisions that are identical for all vectors in D* are fixed. The
determined elements of the branching vector d*, are the decisions proven to
be a part of the optimal full vector. The set B represents the variables for
which the algorithm branches, and indexes for fixed decisions are removed
from B. The index set J' represents all decisions not yet fixed. The order in
which the branching is performed (i.e., assignment of j' to B) is determined
heuristically, using Vj to estimate the relative efficiency of variable changes.
The set B gives the list of indexes for which full factorial branching is to
be done. The mechanics of this branching is described by the function # as
shown in Figure B.l. The function $ returns a set of 2^1 branching vectors,
and this set represents all possible branching vectors that are undetermined
for the elements (J1 \ B), and determined for the fixed decisions and the
branching variables. A lower bound is calculated for the branching vectors
d* and the list £ is updated. An upper bound is calculated for the full vec
tor with lowest lower bound, and all decision vectors, d, for which the lower
bound is higher than the global upper bound, is removed from the set D*.
Algorithm il terminates when the set D* has just one element, the optimal
full vector, or we have a non-unique optimal solution (i.e., the V’s are all
negative). Upon termination, D* must be the optimal set.
B.5 Computational Experience 135
v <-1
ForEach i € {0,..., (2lBl — 1)} (i have a binary representation)
d* <- d*
3^ 1
ForEach beB
v u U {d#}
Return v
2. ForEach j 6 J
ForEach i € {0,1}
ForEach d € {0, l}9
If [ ((df = i)Cd) and (£[d] < L{df = »))]
£[d] 4- L(df = i)
V* 4- abs{L(df = 0) - L(df = 1))
3. W4- U(argmin£[d])
If W < £[d]
D*^D*\ {d}
ForEach j e J'
ForEach z € {0,1}
If [(df = i) cdV deD*]
df 4-z
{/} = argmax Vj
B {/}
Vj> = —1
ForEach d# e $(d#,5)
ForEach d € D*
If [(d* c d) and (£[d] < L(d#) )]
£[d] 4- L(d*)
IY 4— min(ZY, Z7(argmin£[d]))
ForEach de D*
If U < £[d]
D* 4- D* \ {d}
families. We present two models for this problem: one continuous and the
other discrete.
A Continuous Problem
To model a learning curve for costs in a very simple way, we assume that if
there is a decision to produce at least a certain threshold fraction, ay, the
in-house production costs for family f will be known. There are n different
components, and we define e to be a vector of length n whose elements are
all 1. Further ey is a vector of the same length whose elements are 1 for those
indexes that are members of family / and 0 for all other elements. The in-
house production is constrained by the availabilty of production capacity, and
there are m constrained resources (B.21). There is also a limit on maximum
increase in in-house production from one period to the next (B.22). We also
include constraints to enforce X E K(d) (B.24). The problem we want to
optimize can formally be written as:
dS{0,l}9 X
subject to:
A (e - **(«)) < b,
t == 1, .. •, T, s E <S(d) (B.21)
(e, x*(s) - z<+1(s)) < P t = 1,. .., T — 1, s E <S(d) (B.22)
0 < 4(4 < 1, 3 = 1,. ..,n, t = 1,..., T, s E S(d) (B.23)
4(4 < <e/> (e --%X4)) < uf(d), f = 1,..., q, s E S(d) (B.24)
X € M(d) (B.25)
where we have introduced the following notation:
1,..., n the set of component indexes
1,..., q the set of family indexes
1.. .., m the set of resource indexes
xj(s) quantity (a decision) of component j to subcontract in
time t under scenario s
(1 - 4(4) quantity (a decision) of component j to produce in-house
Cj(s) the uncertain cost of subcontracting component j
hj(s) ' the uncertain, discoverable cost of producing component j
dij capacity requirement for component j on resource i
A aij matrix
61...., bm available production capacities
(3 maximum increase in in-house production
[£f(d),Uf(d)) equals [0,ay) or [ay,oo) if df = 0 or = 1, respectively
138 A Class of Stochastic Programs
2 6 7.5 5.8 6.5 1.7 2.0
3 7 8.75 6.8 7.5 2.0 1.5 1.5
2 4 8 10 7 9.5 1.0 1.3 1.7
5 9 6.25 4.8 5.5 1.2 1.1 1.1
3 6 8 10 6 10.5 1.0 2.0 1.5
7 9 11.25 7.5 11 1.2 1.5 1.5
4 8 10 12.5 8.5 12 1.2 1.4 1.9
9 12 15 11 13.5 1.2 1.7 1.0
5 10 10 12.5 8.5 12 1.2 1.2 2.0
11 12 15 10.5 14 1.5 1.6 2.0
12 14 17.5 12 16.5 2.0 1.8 1.4
6 13 6 7.5 5 8 1.2 1.4 1.6
14 7 8.75 6 8 1.8 1.7 1.3
7 15 8 10 7 10 1.2 1.2 2.0
16 9 11.25 8 11 1.5 1.6 1.7
17 10 12.5 9 12 2.0 2.0 1.4
Note that there are no constraints associated with the elements of d* that
are ‘undetermined’, i.e., for those families / for which d* = # the interval
[£f(d),Uf(d)) equals [0, oo).
c and h space, makes it difficult to index the scenarios. We have used prime
and double prime to distinguish the (equally likely, in this example) possibil
ities in each space. The in-house capacity is 9 units of each resource and each
component’s resource requirements are listed in the o^-columns in.Table B.3.
When ignoring the decision dependent information discovery and using the
expected costs for the in-house production, we find the minimum expected
total cost to be 226.53. In the first period components 1 and 3, and 2% of
component 2 are produced in-house. In other words, all components in the
families 2, 3, 4 and 5 are subcontracted.
When the uncertain production costs are included in the model, we find
it optimal to produce one member from all of the families in the first pe
riod. The expected cost of this decision is 222.41. By taking the uncertain
production costs into consideration, the optimal first period decisions have
changed dramatically. When solving this problem by use of the il algorithm,
it was necessary to solve 12 subproblems before the provable optimal solu
tion was found. Complete enumeration would have required solution of 32
When the uncertain production costs are included in the model, the opti
mal policy is to produce one member from each of the families 2, 3, 4 and
5 in the first period in-house and subcontract all members of family 1. The
expected cost of this decision is 222.41. The optimal first period decisions
have been altered considerably. None of the components now produced would
have been produced if production uncertainty was not included in the model.
When solving this problem by use of the II algorithm, it was necessary to
solve 16 subproblems before the provable optimal solution was found (a 50%
savings over enumeration.)
utilizations are 1 for parts in families 1, 2 and 2 for parts in families 3,4, and
5. This instance is just beyond the envelope of solution using our implemen
tation that solves subproblems using CPLEX version 3 [7] (the subproblems
also could not be solved using version 4). Most of the subproblems.generated
could not be solved to optimality within a reasonable amount of time so the
lower bounds were generated using lower bounds given by the relaxations
solved by the branch and bound algorithm used to solve the integer subprob
lems. At termination algorithm il was able to bound out all decisions except
in-house production of all five families or in-house production of all families
except family 1.
where d = (di,... ,dq) G {0, l}9 is a boolean vector identifying certain op
tions fixing in the process the probability measure //d, and /C determines
the constraints linking the decision x to the choice of fx. For a given d, or
equivalently fxd, let
Lemma 1
Let M° be the space of (nonnegative) measures defined on S, and suppose
that for all p E M°, the function
/.h £-/=fj(t)m)
is well-defined; set Eftf(x) = oo whenever the function £ H- /(£; x) is not
bounded above by a p-summable function. Then p > E^f is linear.
E^ f is well-defined.
This will allow us to compute a directional derivative of EMf at a point pd in
a direction pc — pd where pc is another probability measure. It is convenient
to introduce the following notation:
F(p, x) := E^fix)
If p°, p1 are absolutely continuous, i.e., one can associate with p°, p1 density
functions h°, h1 defined on E, then
On the other hand, if /z°, /z1 are discretely distributed, say S = {£l,l =
l,.-.} and //°(^) = p°i} = p\, then
it follows from the linearity of/z H- E^f that xd is locally an optimal solution.
On the other hand, if
there is a potential decrease that could result from going from option ld’ to
option ‘c\ Note however that this cost reduction might not be realizable
because the constraints (/z, x) G K might actually exclude (/zc, xd) from the
feasible set. Nonetheless, the calculation of the directional derivative suggests
directions of descent, and thus can be exploited algorithmically.
B.2.3 we are not able to solve realistic sized instances to optimality, and for
the integer version of the subcontracting problem introduced in Section B.5,
only small to moderate sized instances can be solved. The development of
heuristics is left as future research, but we have provided assistance in the
form of variational analysis that can be used to guide the search.
This work was supported in part by grants from the National Science Founda
tion (Division Mathematical Sciences) and the Norwegian Research Council.
We introduce a cost structure for the production of the product. Let p,-,
i = 1,... ,1V be the unit production cost for size i. Generally p* > pj for
i > j. Let a be the set up cost for producing units of any size and p be the
unit penalty cost of meeting demand for size j with a larger size i. We need
the following decision variables:
{1 if we produce size i
0 otherwise
Pi = number of units of size i produced
Xij = number of units of size i cut to meet demand for size j, j <i.
B.7 Conclusions and Directions for Further Research 145
minY, iazi + PiVi) + pYxv
i=l j<i
subject to
min£Pr(*)£ 53 (&zits PiVits) + P 53 xijts
s&S 2=1 *=1 j<i
subject to
For illustration purposed we made use of a small version of this problem,
where we consider two decision stages (and a third stage for realization of
undiscovered costs) and production of three different sizes. The setup cost
for producing each size is $ 453. The deterministic unit production costs for
size 3 , the largest size, is $ 0.54. For the smallest size the discrete probability-
distribution has two values: $ 0.48 and $ 0.52, each with a 0.5 probability.
For size number two the uncertain costs are $ 0.50 and $ 0.54, also here each
has a 0.5 probability. The unit cutting cost, for substituting a smaller size
with a larger, is $ 0.008. The demand in the first period is 7500 for each of
the three sizes. The uncertain demand is modeled by use of two scenarios,
each with a probability of 0.5. The scenarios are 5000 of each size in the
low demand case, and 10000 of each size in the high demand case. The total
production capacity in each period is 30000 units.
[1] Z. Artstein, and R.J-B Wets, “Sensors and information in optimization
under stochastic uncertainty,” Mathematics of Operations Research, 28,
1993, 523-547.
[3] J.R. Birge, and R.J-B Wets, “Computing bounds for stochastic program
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ics of Operations Research, 12, 1987, 149-162.
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[10] Y.-C. Ho, X.-R. Gao, Perturbation analysis of discrete event dynamic
systems, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Boston, 1991.
[12] G. Laporte, and F.V. Louveaux, “The Integer L-Shaped Method for
Stochastic Integer Programs with Complete Recourse,” OR Letters, 13,
1993, 133-142.
[17] R. Schultz, L. Stougie, and M.H. van der Vlerk, “Solving stochastic
programs with complete integer recourse: a framework using Grobner
bases, Discussion Paper 9562, CORE, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 1995.
[18] L. Stougie, and M.H. van der Vlerk, “Stochastic integer program
ming” , in Annotated Bibliographies in Combinatorial Optimization, M.
Dell’Amico, F. Maffioli and S. Martello (Eds.), Chapter 9,127-141, Wi
ley, 1997.
148 A Class of Stochastic Programs
[20] S.R. Tayur, R.R. Thomas, and N.R. Natraj, “An algebraic geometry
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Paper C
Optimal Selection and
Sequencing of Oil Wells under
Reservoir Uncertainty 1
In this paper we concider the problem of finding the optimal se
quence for drilling of production wells in an oil reservoir. When
these sequencing decisions are made, the information about the
reservoir is limited, but one gets more information as a result of
the drilling and the following production. A Bayesian model for
updating the a priori probability distribution over reservoir char
acteristics is proposed. It is shown how this decision problem can
be modelled in terms of a decision tree, and an implicit enumer
ation algorithm for solving this sequencing problem is proposed.
Numerical results are reported. The results are computed by use
of a mixed integer opimization model where a reservoir simulator
is included. The results show that including future information
discovery in the model may have influence on optimal drilling
150 Oil Well Sequencing under Reservoir Uncertainty
C.l Introduction
In this paper we discuss models for optimal selection and sequencing of
drilling operations for production wells in an oil field. Before a decision to
develop a field is made, seismic data from the field are collected and closely
analyzed. In addition, test wells are drilled to help estimate the amount of
recoverable oil and the production properties of the reservoir. However, when
one starts to drill the production wells the available reservoir information is
still limited, and new information will be acquired both through the devel
opment and the production phase. The aim of our work is to take this future
information discovery into account, and investigate how it may influence the
optimal decision policy.
X fc=l /=!
6=1,.,.., B, n = 1,.. ■,T (C.2)
n = 1,. ,.,T (C.7)
In the objective function (C.l), it is the project’s net present value that is
maximized. We consider production over T periods of lengths At1,..., Atn,
and the deterministic oil price in period n is cn. The production flow from
well 6 in period n is given as q%, and there are B potential well sites. The
costs in the objective function are costs of drilling the wells and fixed costs
of operating the platform. The index Tb is the number of periods for which
we consider the drilling operations. We let C£ be the discounted cost of
drilling well b in period n, and Tg is the latest possible drilling date. The
well decision variable x% can be defined as:
The discounted fixed operating costs of the platform in period n are denoted
Hn, and we define the integer operating variable, zn:
The inequalities (C.3) and (C.4) assure that production can only take place
when the well is drilled. The maximum production from each well is given
by the parameter S&. The constraints (C.5) make sure that a well can be
drilled only once. It is possible to drill one well every period, and this is
assured by constraint (C.6). The constraints (C.7) link the production and
platform operation decisions, and production can only take place if the plat
form is operated. The total platform capacity is given by D. We will not
allow the platform to close down for a later restart, and that is taken care of
in constraints (C.8) that force zn to be non-increasing for increasing n. The
production decisions are modeled as continuous variables while the drilling
and operating decisions are binary, and this is taken care of by the constraints
(C.9) - (C.ll).
The formulation of the well decisions in the model (C.l - C.ll) is not the
same formulation as Haugland, Hallefjord and Asheim found to be most ef
ficient. They ended up with a model where the binary well decision variable
is non-decreasing in time and equals 0 before the well is drilled and 1 after
drilling. However, we have chosen to define x% as done in (C.12) because it
makes the notation simpler when introducing the Bayesian framework.
154 Oil Well Sequencing under Reservoir Uncertainty
© = {0i,.. -,9r}
X = {xi,... ,xB}
When a well is drilled one will get more information about the reservoir. This
information is given as a test result, v, and when a well is drilled one of K
possible test results can be observed. One way to specify these test results
can be as good, medium or bad. This sample space can be written as:
From the information available prior to the drilling decisions, each state 9
is assigned a probability, P(9). Based on knowledge and experience there is
also estimated a conditional probability measure on the sample space V for
given x and 9:
The idea behind this is as follows: When a well is drilled, the observed test
result gives some information about the well’s production capacity and the
properties of the reservoir. This test result, v, will depend on which test is
performed (which well that is drilled) and the true reservoir state, 9. For a
given reservoir state the test result is not unique but is given as a conditional
probability distribution. The probability distribution for the test result v for
a given x can now be found as:
P(„|x) = £P(4r,0).P(6) (C.14)
C.3 The Information Process 155
With these conditional probabilities, we have the necessary framework for as
signing new probabilities to the possible reservoir states, posterior to knowing
the outcome v of the decision x. By use of Baye’s theorem the conditional
probability for state 9 for a given x and v can be written:
P(v\x,6) ■ P(6)
P(6\x,v) (C.15)
The conditional probability measure on test results for given x and 9, P(v\x, 9),
can in the multiperiod formulation be written: P{vj.|a;4, v4-1,0). We have
included the sequence of test results vt_1 in this formula, because the prob
ability distribution over reservoir realizations prior to the decision x\ is de
pendent upon the sequence of test results -u4-1. Further, the probability
distribution for observing the test result vj. with given a:4, observations vt—1,
but unspecified 9 can be found as:
The posterior probability for the state 9, after the drilling sequence xl and
getting the results -u4, can then be expressed as:
P(9\xt,vt) (C.17)
p(vk\xt> vt~1)
156 Oil Well Sequencing under Reservoir Uncertainty
After the second period, finding that well II is medium, we get the following
posterior probabilities:
“G” “M”) = °-4jj 4°8458 = 0.505
We see that the good test from well I changes the probability distribution
over reservoir realizations considerably, while the medium test result in well
II only leads to smaller adjustments in the probability distribution.
(xt, v1) Decision nodes; decisions prior to t are fixed and the associated test
results are observed.
(a?*+1, u*) Chance nodes; decisions prior to t+1 are fixed and the test results
are observed for decisions prior to t.
(x°,v°) The root node; no decisions are fixed.
P(x*, vl) Node probability; the probability for node (x*, v1) if decision policy
x* is chosen. P(*t, vl) = HLi P(^|aj*, v*_1)
158 Oil Well Sequencing under Reservoir Uncertainty
• •
Figure C.l illustrates what the tree will look like in a situation with 4 pro
posed well sites and 3 possible test results. Decisions are made at times
0,... ,T — 1, and the associated test results, v, are realized in the following
time periods. For making the tree complete, test results vT~x will resolve all
uncertainty, so that the reservoir, state is known with certainty in the termi
nal nodes. The decision nodes are represented by squares, while the chance
nodes are shown as circles.
One thing that Figure C.l illustrates clearly is the size of the tree. Even
with a moderate number of possible drilling decisions and a few test results,
the size of the decision tree grows rapidly. In the problem we are considering
here, it is decided to develop the field, and we do not consider the possibility
of not drilling any well in the first period. But in the following periods that
is a possibility, and as shown in the illustration, if we do not drill we do not
get any further information. In the example in Figure C.l with 4 potential
well sites and 3 test results, the tree has 12 decision nodes at t = 1. After
the second period the number of decision nodes is 12 * ((3 * 3) + 1) = 120,
and after the third there are 876 possible decision nodes. We will denote the
number of decision nodes at time t (1 < t < T) as T* which can be formally
expressed as:
textbooks, e.g. Hillier and Lieberman [3], is the oil field problem where the
main decision to be made is “drill” or “do not drill”. There is uncertainty
about the amount of recoverable oil, and a seismic survey can be conducted
for helping estimating the amount of oil. The seismic survey has a certain
cost, and whether to conduct this survey or not, depends on to which ex
tent it will improve the decisions. The sequence of decisions to be made are
“test”/“do not test” and then “drill”/“do not drill”. A rather similar, but a
bit more sophisticated example can be found in Holloway [5]. However, the
important thing to notice is that the decision to invest in further information
and the decision to drill are separate decisions, and not the same decision as
it is in the problem we are investigating.
AT = {X : (ajt+1, v1)' = (a?t+1, **)"V(e*, »*)' = (*S v*)", te{ 0,..., T-l})}
0.5 The Implicit Enumeration Algorithm 161
In words, each decision node must have a unique decision. The optimal
solution to this maximization problem will be a solution system where the
decisions are allowed to depend upon observed test results. The implicit enu
meration algorithm operates on the decision tree described in the previous
section. In traditional decision tree analysis the optimal solution is found
by use of a backward induction procedure, where one starts at the terminal
(leaf) nodes by calculating optimal policies, and then by backwards induc
tion work towards the root node. Such a procedure will provide an optimal
solution also for this problem, but as pointed out in the previous section, the
decision tree will be very large.
The proposed algorithm is given in Figure C.7, and the Figures C.2-C.6
show different procedures called by this algorithm. In addition to the nota
tion introduced so far, the algorithm use the following symbols:V
V represents the reduced decision tree. Initially all possible drilling se
quences are considered as possible optimal solutions, but as soon as a
sequence is found to not belong to the optimal solution, it is bounded
out, i.e. removed from V. At any time the reduced decision tree repre-
162 Oil Well Sequencing under Reservoir Uncertainty
sents all drilling sequences that are possible optimal solutions. When
the algorithm terminates, the reduced decision tree consists of the op
timal solution system.
U(xt+1 ,v*) Upper bound for the chance node (£Ct+1, vl)
In the Figures C.2 - C.7 we use a notation where a left-arrow (<—) means
assignment; i.e. the variable to the left is assigned the value on the right side
of the arrow. The reduced decision tree V_ and the lists £(•, •) and U{-, ■) are
all defined as global variables. The procedure for computing lower bounds
is formally described in Figure C.2. When procedure Lower is called a de
cision node (xT, vT) is passed to it, and the procedure calculates a lower
bound for this decision node. This is done by using the ” averaged” reservoir
as a starting point; averaged according to the probability distribution over
reservoir realizations available at the specific node. However, we also want
to take future information discovery into account, and this leads to the re
cursive structure of procedure Lower. As long as it is not a terminal node
that is passed to Lower, the development decisions for the averaged reservoir
realization are optimized, but with decisions prior to r fixed. The drilling
decision for r + 1 is then added to the sequence of drilling decisions, and
procedure Lower is now called for each of the associated test results, v£+1,
by passing the decision nodes (xT+1, vT+1). In this manner Lower works its
way towards the terminal nodes. In the terminal nodes all the uncertainty
is resolved, and when passed a terminal node Lower calculates the objective
function value for this deterministic problem. In this way the computed solu
tion system is allowed to depend on future information discovery. The lower
bound represents the present best feasible solution found so far:
These steps are all repeated in the following iterations, but after the ini
tial iteration also the procedures UpdateJL. and UpdateJJ are included. The
procedure Lower calculates £(zb*, v1) for all decision nodes at level t in V.
The procedure UpdateJL, defined in Figure C.3, uses these most recently
calculated lower bounds to update the lower bounds at the decision nodes
at levels r < t. The procedure Reduce uses these updated lower bounds
to check if any more decision sequences can be bounded out. The proce
dure Upper calculates upper bounds for the chance nodes (xt+1, vl), and the
procedure Update JJ, defined in Figure C.5, uses these bounds to update the
upper bounds at lower levels in the tree. In this function A(zbt+1) represents
the set of possible level r+2 drilling decisions given the drilling sequence zcT+1
The algorithm terminates after the lower bounds are calculated for the ter
minal nodes. When the procedure Upper is called by the chance node
(xT,vT~1), the problem max/(zc|zET, Agx < b) is solved for each reser
voir realization 9. In the terminal nodes the reservoir realization 6 is given
with certainty, and when procedure Lower is called with the terminal node
(xT,vr), it is the problem max f(x\xT,Agx < b) that is solved also here.
At that point the gap between upper and lower bounds is eliminated, and a
unique optimal decision policy is found.
£(xT,vT) <- 0
If (t = T)
xT+14— xT + xl+1
L4 — 0
ForEach vt+1 e V
uT+1 vT + yT+1
L <- L + [£(xT+1, uT+1) • P(xT+1, vT+1)]
If [L > £(xT,-uT]
U{x'r+1,vT) <-0
ForEach 6 g 0
i/(05T+1,'UT)^- 0
ForEach vl+1 e V
U<- 0
U *-U{xt+2,vt+1)
xr xT+1 — xl+1
If [£(xt,vt)>U{xt+1,vt)\
While (t < T)
Lower(xt, vl)
ForEach (xt+1,vt) g V
Reduce (x'r+1,vT)
IF (t < T)
Upper(xt+1, v4)
ForEach t g {£,..., 0}
Update_U (xT+1,-yT)
Reduce (xT+1,-yT)
t <— t + 1
If the situation had been that J2f=i -S& > D, it would have been necessary to
use a predetermined rule for allocating production capacity among the wells
in order to avoid solutions depending on hindsight. In that case the lower
and upper bounds for the terminal nodes is not necessarily equal, and we are
not guaranteed to be able to bound out all non-optimal decision strategies.
reservoir realizations are illustrated in the Figures C.10 - C.13. In the exam
ple we are considering, the porosity and permeability vary proportional to
each other. For each block in the reservoir there is a number that give the as
sociated properties. To get the porosity the numbers in the Figures C.10-C.13
have to be multiplied by 0.02, while the permeability is found by multiplying
by 10~14m2. In this example the porosity varies in the order 0.08 — 0.18
while the permeability varies from 4 • 10-14m2 to 9 • 10_14ra2. As in the intro
ductory example there are estimated conditional probabilities for each of the
potential wells; the probability of observing a specific test result conditional
upon reservoir realization and which well that is drilled. These estimated
probabilities is listed in the Tables C.l - C.5. We allow wells to be drilled
the Tb = 5 first periods, and these periods have a length of 100 days each.
The next (T — Tb) = 8 periods is of length 300 days, so the total lifetime
of the oilfield is a period of 2900 days. All the other relevant input data is
given in Appendix A.
As mentioned earlier, our main goal is to find the complete optimal solution
system, but much is also achieved by finding the optimal first stage solution.
When the first stage decision is made and the associated test results are ob
served, a new analysis with updated probabilities may be performed.
is $ 26.59 mill.
When investigating the upper bounds for each of the chance nodes, we also
get the optimal decision policies for each of the reservoir realizations. For the
reservoir realizations 9i and 63 it is found to be optimal to drill well 1 first,
while for the realizations 62 and #4, well 2 is the optimal first stage decision.
If we at the first stage were in possession of perfect information, the project’s
expected net present value would be $ 29.00 mill. The procedure Upper gives
the following upper bounds on the possible first stage decisions:
have been developed for optimizing oilfield development, the ideas can hope
fully be useful also in other applications. Reservoir uncertainty is an example
of an important class of problems where the information discovery is decision
dependent. We believe that there exist a lot of planning problems where the
information discovery is dependent upon the previous decisions, and we hope
that the framework presented here may be an inspiration to further research
in this field. The way we see it, this paper points out new topics for further
research, both in modelling and solving problems with decision dependent
information discovery.
In expected net present values reported in the paper, it is also included the
fixed platform cost of $ 25 mill. The Figures C.10 - C.13 represents reservoir
realizations, and the conditional probabilities, probability for a specific test
result given which well that is drilled and reservoir realization, are shown in
Tables C.l, C.2, C.3, C.4 and C.5.
172 Oil Well Sequencing under Reservoir Uncertainty
7 7 8 7 7 6 6 6 6
7 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6
7 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6
7 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6
7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 7
6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 7
6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 7
5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 6
Figure C.10: Reservoir realization Q\
7 7 7
7 7 9 7
7 7 7 7 7 8 9 8 7
7 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 8
00 00
8 7 7 7 7 8 9 9
9 8 7 7 7 7 8 8
9 8 7 7 7 7 8
7 8 9 8 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 8 8 7 7 7 7 7
4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
4 ‘4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5
5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4
[1] A. Hallefjord, H. Asheim, and D. Haugland. Petroleum field optimization
- comments on models and solution techniques. CMI-report 862331-1,
Chr. Michelsen Institute, Fantoft, Norway, 1986.
[2] D. Haugland, A. Hallefjord, and H. Asheim. Models for petroleum field
exploitation. European Journal of Operational Research, 37:58-72, 1988.
We discuss the common pool problem faced by two surface lease
owners with access to the same oil reservoir. Our approach is to
use a mixed integer optimization model for clarifying the uniti
zation negotiations. The model includes a two-dimensional reser
voir description, and both development and production decisions
are optimized. The discussion is based on a numerical exam
ple. We show there exists a unique Nash equlibrium for this non-
cooperative game, illustrating the over-investment induced by the
competitive extraction. This non-cooperative solution may serve
as a starting point in the negotiations for a unitization agreement.
We discuss several ways of how the project value in a cooperative
game may be shared between the two owners: Nash bargaining so
lution, recoverable oil and reservoir properties, and the economic
value of each of the leases in absence of oil migration.
176 An Oil Reservoir Management Game
D.l Introduction
The problem discussed in this paper is optimal development and distribution
of costs and revenues for an oil field located on a block boundary. Optimal
development of the reservoir requires coordinated actions from the owners,
and the non-renewable resource, the reservoir, must be treated as a unit.
Unitization is the practice of unifying the ownership and control of an oil
reservoir, such that the field is developed and operated by a single operator,
representing all the owners. Shares in this unit is to be negotiated, and is
determined from surface ownership, recoverable oil and other reservoir char
acteristics. However, it is not straightforward to reach an agreement, and
the idea in this paper is to use an optimization model for clarifying the ne
The reason for this problem is of course the oil’s migratory nature. If the
extraction is not coordinated, each owner has incentive to extract as much oil
as possible, before it is extracted by the competitor. Compared to optimal
development of the reservoir, we get over-investment in wells and produc
tion capacity. This competitive extraction may also reduce the reservoir’s
recovery, and compared to coordinated extraction the resulting amount of
recoverable oil can be considerable lower under competitive extraction [8].
This oil reservoir management problem has much in common with problems
connected to the fisheries [7]. In both cases two or more agents are exploit
ing a common pool, but in the fisheries we are concerned with a renewable
natural resource, whereas the oil field is a non-renewable resource.
The starting point for this work is a mixed-integer optimization model where
a two-dimensional reservoir description is included. One of the ideas be
hind this model is to take the interaction between the different variables
into account, and the model simultaneously determines platform capacity,
drilling program and production strategy. This model will give the optimal
development decisions when the reservoir is developed as a unit. Besides,
the model is used for investigation of threat strategies in a non-cooperative
game. These threat strategies will then serve as starting points in the negoti
ations distributing the surplus from cooperative development of the reservoir.
• Platform capacity
The aim of the model is to find the decisions that maximize the reservoir
value, and in such an analysis the reservoir properties must play an important
role. The reservoir studied here is a single phase oil reservoir, which means
that only the oil is mobile. The oil is slightly compressible, and production
is possible because the oil expands as the reservoir pressure is reduced. A
reservoir description can be derived by combining a mass conservation equa
tion, a simplified version of Darcy’s flow equation, and an equation for the
fluid’s constant temperature compressibility. We then arrive at the following
reservoir equation where the coefficients do not depend on the pressure:
t time (s)
k permeability
V fluid viscosity (bar • s)
V pressure (bar)
c constant temperature compressibility (bar-1)
A more careful derivation of the reservoir description can be found in Aziz [1]
and Peaceman [9]. In reservoirs that are relatively thin compared to their
area extent, it is possible to assume that the flow in the vertical direction is
negligible compared to the flow in the horizontal directions. Equation (D.l)
is therefore approximated by a two-dimensional discrete model, where the
variations of the reservoir height is a function of the x- and y-variables.
Production Variables
The connection between the pressure and production can be approximated
the following way [5]:
Qb{t) < Jb[Pb{t) ~Pw] (D.2)
where is the production rate in well b at time t, Jj, is a well-specific
productivity index, p&(t) is the reservoir pressure near well b (the pressure
in the block where well b is located), and pw is the minimum well pressure.
The productivity index may be estimated from the rock and fluid properties,
and it is determined by the permeability, porosity, fluid viscosity, block-area,
reservoir height, and well radius [10].
k=l 1=1
The parameters ex"+2 k(b) have the following interpretation: If well l pro
duces one production unit in period k, this results in a pressure drop of
al*’ (&) pressure units in period n near well b. Since we want to express p”
for a general production q, we have to find all the coefficients a. This can be
done by simulation of the system. By solving the discretized reservoir equa
tion for a set of B linearly independent ^-vectors, all the ex's can be found.
This simulation process is discussed in Haugland, Hallefjord and Asheim [5].
D.2 The Optimization Model 179
We let C£s be the discounted cost of drilling well b in period TB. The
increased cost if we rather choose to drill well b in some period k prior to Tb
is: En=fc1 Cb- The well decision variable x" may then be defined as:
Platform Capacity
We also want to find optimal platform capacity, and it is possible to choose
among M different platform sizes with associated costs. We let Qi denote
the production capacity of the “smallest” platform, and the total cost of
installing this platform is G\. Further, Q2,..., Qm is defined such that if
platform g is chosen, the total capacity will be ]Cm=i Qm- The total cost of
this platform will be J2m=i Cm. We see that Gm is defined as the increased
cost of expanding the platform capacity with Qm. The platform decision
variable ym is defined to be non-increasing for increasing m:
Operating Costs
The fixed operating costs of the platform in period n are denoted Hn. We
will let zn be the integer operating variable and it is defined in the following
{1 if the platform is operating in period n (D.6)
0 otherwise
We will not allow that the platform is closed down for some periods and
started up later on, and we therefore require that zn is non-increasing for
increasing n.
T B B Tb M T
max E c” ' A*” 6=1
E S? ~ 6=1
E n=l
E -E
- E71=1%% (D-7)
fy)?* “ Pw),
k=1 1=1
6 = 1,... ,B, n = 1,.. -,T (D.8)
E*6 ^ 1 (n.ii)
E $6 ^ E Gm3/m n = 1,... ,T (£>•14)
6=1 m=l
Zn e {0,1} 71 — 1, . . .■ ,T
D.3 Optimal Reservoir Development 181
The objective is to maximize the net present value, and cn is the discounted
oil price and Atn is the length of period n. Constraint (D.8) is the wells’
production capacity, achieved by replacing p&(t) in equation (D.3) by p" 2 as
defined by equation (D.2). Constraints (D.9) - (D.13) are related to the well
decisions. Constraints (D.9) and (D.10) say that production can only take
place in wells that are drilled, while (D.ll) and (D.12) ensure that maximum
one well is drilled each of the T& first periods. Constraint (D.13) demands x”
to be non-decreasing for increasing n. The total production may not exceed
the platform capacity and this is assured by (D.14). Constraint (D.16) says
that production can take place only if the platform is operating, and Dn
is an upper bound on the platform capacity. The constraints (D.15) and
(D.17) assures that ym and zn are non-increasing in m and n respectively.
We see that the model has (T x B) continuous (production) variables and
(B xTb + M + T) binary variables.
“A” “B’:
0.04 • 10~12m2
c F I
B E H t decreasing permeability
0.10 • 10~12m2
As indicated in Figure D.l, the reservoir has two owners: Firm “A” owns 75
% of the reservoir and firm “B” 25 %. Because the reservoir in this example is
homogeneous in the rr-direction, “A” and “B” ’s shares of the recoverable oil
is also 75 % and 25 %, respectively. The potential well sites in the reservoir
is in Figure D.l marked with letters, and in this example we have 9 potential
sites. Owner “A” has 6 potential well sites, A - F, and “B” has 3 potential
well sites, G - I, on his part of the reservoir.
The drilling cost is set to $ 8.0 mill per well, and it is only for the 6 first
periods the wells will be drilled. The fixed operating costs is $1.0 mill, per
100 days. The different platform alternatives with connected costs are given
in Table D.l. The discount rate is 2 % per 100 days. An oil price of $ 16 per
barrel is used.
D.4 Non-cooperative Reservoir Development 183
Given these input data, we can now find the optimal development decisions
for the reservoir. The problem is solved by use of “CPLEX Mixed Integer
Library” [2], The field can be developed with one platform, and we will
decide which wells to be drilled, independent of ownership. This optimal
development strategy is shown in Figure D.2. It is suggested to drill 4 wells,
use platform alternative 3 and 3000 days of production. The calculated NPV
is $ 116.7 mill. Obviously this is the decision that maximizes the reservoir’s
value, but even in this example, with a deterministic model and a rather
homogeneous reservoir, it is not straight forward how this value should be
allocated between the owners. This problem will be discussed in the following
In contradiction to the extensive form of the game, the normal form represen
tation suppresses all the informational aspects of the game, and the strategy-
spaces and payoff functions characterize the game completely. The solution
concept we will focus on is the Nash-equilibrium:
Definition 2 In the normal-form game G = {Si,..., Sn; Ui,..., un}, the
strategies (s{,..., s*) are a Nash-equilibrium if, for each player i, s* is
player %'s best response to the strategies specified for the n — 1 other
players, (s{,...,s?_i,s?+1,...,s*):
tti(Si, • • • j $i—l) Sj, Sj-fi) • • • i Sn) ^ , Sj_i, S}, • • • j Sn)
for every feasible strategy in Si. That is, s* solves :
majcUi(slt • • •, Sj_i, Sj, ,.. •, sn) (D.19)
The game is modeled the following way: Both owners may develop their
D.4 Non-cooperative Reservoir Development 185
own part of the reservoir, i.e. the reservoir may be developed with two plat
forms, and the platform alternatives and costs are the same as in the previous
section. Player “A” has the potential well sites A - F, and “B” has the well
sites G - I. We will start the investigation by observing “A” ’s best response
to different strategies of “B”. Player “B” has three potential well sites, and
must choose which wells to drill and the drilling sequence. The scope of the
game is to extract as much oil as possible before it is extracted by the op
ponent, and we therefore assume that “B” will have his wells drilled as early
as possible and produce at maximum rate. A number of “B’”s strategies
are shown in Table D.2. Another question is how many periods of operation
we should specify in these strategies. With the oil price of S 16 and fixed
operating costs of $ 1.0 mill per 100 days, the platform production must be
1.15 l/sec to cover the fixed operating costs. For all strategies specified in
Table D.2, one more period of production would not have covered “B” ’s fixed
operating costs. For all the specified strategies, 1500 days of production is
chosen, except for 1200 days when only well I is drilled. Because we don’t
know which platform will be chosen, we let player “B” have free platform
The next step is to investigate “B” ’s best response to each of “A” ’s calculated
strategies. At this point it is also necessary to adjust for the platform capac
ity. In all of the best responses in Table D.2, the whole platform capacity
was utilized in some periods. This is taken into consideration, and this slack
is adjusted for in well A. In Table D.3 the best response from “B” is shown
for each of “A” ’s strategies. As we can see it is always optimal for “B” to
have all three wells drilled, and G H I is the optimal drilling sequence. • Player
“B” ’s part of the reservoir is developed with platform 2, and the capacity is
fully utilized only in the third period. We also see that “B” ’s operating pe
riod is 1800 days if “A” drills four wells and 1500 days if five wells are drilled.
Finally we calculate “A” ’s best response to “B” ’s strategies, now with “B” ’s
capacity fixed at 15 l/sec. As expected we find “A’”s best answer always to
be strategy 11 in Tables D.2 and D.3. Hence we have found a unique Nash
186 An Oil Reservoir Management Game
equilibrium for this reservoir management game, a solution from which none
of the players want to deviate. The drilling decisions in this non-cooperative
solution is illustrated in Figure D.3. In addition we have found that “A”
chooses platform alternative 3 and 2100 days of operation, while “B” devel
ops his lease with platform 2 and 1500 days of operation.
The calculated NPV is $ 53,5 mill, for “A” and $ 18,4 mill, for “B”. Com
pared to the cooperative solution, a surplus of $ 44.8 mill, is lost by realizing
these threat strategies. The loss is a result of developing the field with two
platforms and eight wells. We will in the following sections discuss how this
surplus may be shared between the to owners. This non-cooperative solution
will be a lower bound on what the parties may expect in the negotiations. If
not forced to it by external institutions, none of them will accept a bargaining
solution giving less than they get from their threat strategies.
Nash’s theorem says that there exists a unique solution to the bargaining
problem that obeys these four properties. This unique outcome happens to
maximize the geometric average of the gains which the players realize by
reaching an agreement instead of getting the disagreement outcome. Also in
Smith [12] is the Nash bargaining solution used for distributing project value
between the owners, but his model do not include a reservoir description.
The optimal development plan is given as a number of wells for each owner,
and the non-cooperative plan is assumed to be a constant multiple of the
optimal plan for both firms.
In this example the reservoir has uniform porosity, which means that the
recoverable oil is uniformly distributed in the reservoir. The permeability is
constant in the x-direction, and varies linearly in the ^-direction. The well’s
productivity index varies proportionally to the permeability, and as such the
permeability is a measure of the production capacity. Because the perme
ability is identical distributed in the two leases and the poroesity is constant
in the whole reservoir, it seems reasonable to distribute the project value
according to amount of recoverable oil (here identical to surface ownership).
This give owner “A” 75 % and “B” 25 % of the value, $ 87.5 mill, and $
29.2 mill, respectively. This solution is shown as point R in Figure D.4.
We see that this solution give higher payoff to “A”, compared to the Nash
bargaining solution Q, but both parties are better off than the disagreement
solution D.
mill. $
50 --
Player "A1
boring lease is impossible. The drilling program for each of the leases is
shown in Figure D.5. For “A” ’s part of the reservoir the NPV is $ 78.1 mill,
and it is optimal to drill 3 wells, use platform 2 and 3000 days of production.
The NPV of “B” ’s part of the reservoir is only $ 3.8 mill, and it is optimal to
drill two wells, choose platform 1 and 1200 days of production. This solution
is illustrated by point E in Figure D.4.
Compared to the non-cooperative solution, owner “A” has increased his pay
off with $ 24.6 mill while “B’”s payoff has decreased with $ 14.6 mill. This
result illustrates that if the project value should be distributed according to
economic value, this would be of benefit for the owner with the larger lease.
If the economic value is the starting point for the negotiations, it natural to
think of two ways to distribute the surplus created by cooperating: distribute
the surplus in equal shares or according to recoverable oil. If the surplus ($
44.8 mill.) is distributed in equal shares “A” gets $ 95.5 mill and “B” gets $
21.2 mill. Compared to the disagreement solution D, both players are better
off, but player “B” only gets $ 2.8 mill, more by cooperating. If the surplus
D.6 Summary and Further Research 193
is shared according to recoverable oil, “B” gets only $ 12.5 mill. Because
this is less than he gets from the disagreement solution, this is not a feasible
payoff in the cooperative game.
e Economic value and equal shares - Each owner get the isolated
lease’ value and the surplus is divided in two equal shares:
“A”: $ (78.1 + 17.4) mill = $ 95.5 mill
“B”: $ (3.8 + 17.4) mill = $ 21.2 mill
• Economic value and recoverable oil - Each owner get the isolated
lease’ value and the surplus is shared according to recoverable oil:
“A”: $ (78.1 + 26.1) mill = $ 104.2 mill
“B”: $ (3.8 + 8.7) mill = $ 12.5 mill.
[1] K. Aziz and A. Settari. Petroleum Reservoir Simulation. Elsevier Ap
plied Science, London and New York, 1979.
[2] CPLEX Optimization, 930 Tahoe Blvd., Bldg 802, Incline Village, NV
89451-9436. Using the CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed In
teger Library, 1993.
[12] J. Smith. The common pool, bargaining and the rule of capture. Eco
nomic Inquiry, 25(4):631-644, 1987.