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Venerable Brother

 the message of which continues to inspire action for social justice,

announces to men the Good News of God's love and of salvation in Christ 
Universal appeal
Lord continues to raise up authentic apostles of the Gospel.
we have seen in a new perspective the grave problems of our time
Diversity situation
There is of course a wide diversity among the situations in which Christians - willingly or
unwillingly - find themselves according to regions, socio-political systems and cultures
It is not however to be utilized for the profit of particular temporal options, to the neglect of its
universal and eternal message
Specific message of the church
the Church has a specific message to proclaim and a support to give to men in their efforts to
take in hand and give direction to their future.
 scandal of the condition of the workers in the nascent industrial society
Extent of present-day changes
our purpose is to draw attention to a number of questions
 man nevertheless needs to have light shed upon his future
if he so wills, he can himself find their traces

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