Learning Episode: at The End of This Activity, I Will Be Able To

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As a student intern, this episode will familiarize me

with the different school forms that I need to know so
that when I am ready in the field, I will be able to accom-
plish them properly, accurately and legibly.

At the end of this activity, I will

be able to:
 Identify all the school forms.
 Read all the instructions for me to
know how to accomplish them.
 Give the importance of each
school form.
 Secure a copy of each form.

Ask my Cooperating
Teacher regarding im- Make a list of all
portant forms and these forms and their
documents of the purposes.

1 2

Study how these im-

Research and read portant forms and
the other DepEd documents are ac-
forms. complished.

3 4

As a future teacher, I need to know and

accomplish the various school forms, properly,
accurately and legibly. It is expected that I am
able to follow the Revised Guidelines on the
Preparation and Checking of DepEd Forms
(Div. Memo No. 29 s.2013.)

A. School Forms Cited by my Cooperating Teacher

School Forms Importance of These School Forms

SF 1 This form also known as the School Regis-

School Register ter Form contains the complete list of the
Form officially enrolled students.

SF 2
This form also known as the Daily Attend-
ance Report Form contains the list of the
Attendance student’s daily attendance.
Report Form

SF 9
This form previously known as Form 138
contains the official record of an individu-
Progress al student’s academic achievement.
Report Card

B. DepEd order pertinent to various school forms

I need to properly, accurately and legibly
prepare the DepEd school forms because these
forms are essential documents which contains
important information about the students. Any
mistake in preparing these form might lead to a
much bigger complication that is why it is a must
for us as teachers to be very carefully and thor-
ough in preparing these documents.

Going over the various school forms, I have learned that,

the job of a teacher is not only present inside the four corners of
the classroom. Many people doesn’t know that there are still so
many tasks that a teacher must prepare or do as part of his job as
a teacher. One of these other tasks is the preparation of the vari-
ous school forms which are not only simple forms to be filled out.
These are very important documents which must be prepared
carefully, properly, accurately and legibly.

My Class Record

SF2 that I
as per
of my


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