MAPEH Reviewer 10 1st GR
MAPEH Reviewer 10 1st GR
MAPEH Reviewer 10 1st GR
Impressionism – movement of painting that 1875 – won second place for solfeggio
started n France in the 1860’s and a first certificate in playing Chopin’s
Visual impression of the moment in Second Ballade
terms of the shifting effect of color and 1876 – first place of solfeggio
light. Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun –
Inspired by different factors that include orchestral height
anti-establishmentism La Mer
Anti-establishmentism – painting of modern Nocture
life instead of academic subjects of mythology Images
and history Pelleas et Melisande – his only famous
Rosa Bonheur, Gustave Courbet, and Jean- opera
Francois Millet – artists who started anti- Died on March 25, 1918 due to rectal
establishmentism cancer with his composition Engulfed
Edouard Manet – a Realist, controversially Cathedral and Claire De Lune
added techniques in painting and this was
instrumental in birth of Impressionism Maurice Ravel
Claude Monet – made impressionism popular Joseph-Maurice Ravel
by exhibiting the landscape Impressionism:
Born at 10 pm on March 7, 1875 in the
Sunrise in the Paris Salon in 1872
town of Ciboure, France
Impressionism in Music – adapted from Art
Parents: Marie Delourat and Joseph
Style of music that makes use of sound
to let the listener feel the moods, that Baptized in a Catholic ceremony in the
focus on the structure of music local parish church of Saint Vincent
Characteristics of Impressionism: Spanish fold melodies – his mother
Its rhythm is irregular in terms of sung to him
phrases 1882 – took piano lesson under Henry
Avoids the traditional harmonic Ghys
progression June 2, 1889 – performed an ecerpt
Has unresolved dissonance from Moscheles’s Third Concerto, his
Uses the whole-tone scale (9th chord) first public performance
Uses modality and exotic scales November 4, 1889 – his career in Paris
Dissonance – lack of agreement and Conservatoire began (Chopin Cncerto)
consistency in the progress of harmony of enrolled to Eugene Antiome
music July 10, 1890 – awarded 2nd place,
Modality – derived from the word “Modal” – making his initial year at the
original modes Conservatoire
the traditional way of composing was July 1891 – his performance of
abandoned in impressionism music Schumann’s Sonata resulted to grand
Claude Debussy died on December 28, at the age of 62
Achilles-Claude Debussy in Paris,
Born in France, August 22 1862 famous works: Bolero, La valse, Ma
Parents: Manuel-Achille Debussy and mere L’oie and Miroirs
Victorine Manoury
The favorite among the siblings and was Whole-tone scale – arrangement of pitches in
sent to his first formal school at the the scale which are separated by a whole step
Paris Conservatoire at the age of 10 in contradistinction to the chromatic scale,
1870-1871- Debussy’s first documented which consists of half steps (semitones)
musical experience
entered The Paris Conservatoire in Expressionism – modernist movement that
1872 started in Germany at the beginning of the 20 th
Jean-Francois Marmontel – a highly century and was initially an expression in
regarded piano professor of Debussy painting and poetry
(October 25, 1872) signifies the artist’s character and inner
1874 - Won third place for solfeggio sight enforced reality of the objects
and second certificate of merit on the represented
piano exam (Chopin’s F minor piano Subjects in Expressionist paintings:
concerto distorted
painted in intense colors and with strong
bold lines
Arnold Schoenberg ARTS
great American composer born in
Austria on September 13, 1874 Modern Art – artistic work produced during the
died in Los Angeles, California, USA, period extending roughly from 1860s to the
on July 13, 1951 1970s, and denotes the style and philosophy of
use of 12 different tones the art produced during the era
studied in Vienna’s Realschule (cello a display of one’s technical skill and
and violin) realism
The Three Piano Pieces – first original
compositions in 1894 Impressionism – an art style that tried to
known for his radical sound of music capture an impression of what the eye sees
paint quickly
abandoned tonality
time and motion are also conscious
popular compositions: Pierrot Lunaire –
elements in the works
applied Sprechstimme (half-sang and
a picture with a lot of color and most of
half spoken
their pictures are outdoor scenes
introduced the use of 12-semitone scale very bright and vibrant
basic forms: Claude Monet – founder of French
Original Forms (forward) Impressionist painting
Retrogade form (backward) Sunrise, 1877 – oil in canvass
Inversion Pierre-Auguste Renoir – French artist who
Retrogade Inversion (played was a leading painter in the development of the
backward) Impressionist style. As a celebrator of beauty
and especially feminine sensuality
Electronic Music – process of creating music The Dance at Le Moulin de la Galtte,
using computers in synthesizing or producing 1876 – oil in canvas. Musee d’Orsay,
digital audio signals Paris
Edgar Victor Achille Charles Varese Juan Novicio Luna – (October 23, 1857 –
father of Electronic music December 7, 1899) a Filipino painter, sculptor
proponent of the word “organized and a political activist of the Philippine
sound” which means grouping of Revolution during the late 19th century. He
rhythms and timbres to define music became on of the first recognized Philippine
itself artists
songs: Tribal Dance, Any Music Max Mi Hijo Andres, 1889, Lopez Memorial
Museum Collection
Synthesized Sounds- sounds generated by Tampuhan, 1895, Rosalinda Orosa
electronic signals of different frequencies Collection
Canon – musical piece which consists of two Fernando Amorsolo y Cueto – (May 30, 1892
or more voices or instruments that are being – April 24, 1972) – one of the most important
played or started at different intervals artists in the history of painting in the
Chance Music – Aleatory Music, derived from Philippines. Amorsolo was a portraitist and
the Latin word, Alea – dice painter of rural Philippine landscapes. He is
composition created by chance rather popularly know for his craftsmanship and
than its logical order mastery in the use of light
the result of the experimentation by Planting Rice, 1951
chance Market Scene, 1949
Lavanderas, 1952, Private Collections
Cure for..