Design & Analysis of Algorithms Quiz

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Design & Analysis of Algorithms

Q1.What is the advantage of selection sort over any other sorting techniques.
a.It requires no additional storage.
b.It is scalable.
c. It works best for input which are already sorted.
d. It is faster than any other sorting technicque.

Q2. What is the average case complexity of selection sort.

a. O(nlogn) b. O(logn) c.O(n) d.O(n2)

Q3. What is the disadvantage of selection sort?

a.It requires additional memory.
b. It is not scalable. can be used for small keys.
d.none of the mentioned.

Q4.In recursion the condition for which the function will stop calling itself is
a. Best case b. worse case c. base case d. there is no such condition.

Q5.Quick sort can be categorized in to which of the following

a. Brute Force.
b. Divide and Conguer.
c. Greedy algorithm
d. Dynamic algorithm.
Q6Worst case complexity of Quick-Sort
a. O(nlogn) b.(logn) c. O(n) d. O(n2)
Q7. What is randomized QuickSort?
a.The left most element is chosen as pivot.
b. The rightmost elemnt is chosn as pivot.
c. Any element of the array is chosen as the pivot.
d. A random number is generated which is used as the pivot.
Q8.A tree sort is also known as
a. Quicksort. b. Shell sort c. Heap Sort. d.Selection sort
Q9. ____ sorting is used when alphabetized large no of names.
a. Quicksort. b. Shell sort c. Heap Sort. d.Selection sort
Q10. if the number of records to be sorted large and the key is short then ___ sorting is efficient.
a. Quicksort. b. Shell sort c. Heap Sort. d.Selection sort

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Quiz Answers
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. E
10. E

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