The Q Source: Title Matthew Mark Luke
The Q Source: Title Matthew Mark Luke
The Q Source: Title Matthew Mark Luke
[This table was constructed with reference to the synopsis provided in The Complete Gospels,
pp. 249-300. The verses and titles are quoted verbatim.]
Title Verses in Luke Verses in Matthew
John's preaching Luke 3:7-9 Matt 3:7-10
The Coming One Luke 3:16-17 Matt 3:11-12
Jesus Tested Luke 4:1-13 Matt 4:1-4, 9-12, 5-7, 13
Inaugural sermon Luke 6:12, 17, 20 Matt 5:1-2
Congratulations Luke 6:20-26 Matt 5:3, 6, 4, 11-12
Matt 5:44, 39-42; 7:12; 5:46-47, 45,
Love of enemies Luke 6:27-36
On judging Luke 6:37-38 Matt 7:1-2
Blind guides Luke 6:39-40 Matt 15:14; 10:24-25
On pretense Luke 6:41-42 Matt 7:3-5
Tree & fruit Luke 6:43-45 Matt 7:16-20; 12:33-35
Foundations Luke 6:46-49 Matt 7:21, 24-27
Centurion's slave Luke 7:1-10 Matt 7:28; 8:5-10, 13
John's inquiry Luke 7:18-20, 22-23 Matt 11:2-6
Jesus praises John Luke 7:24-28 Matt 11:7-11
Law & prophets Luke 16:16 Matt 11:12-13
Children in the marketplace Luke 7:31-35 Matt 11:16-19
Foxes have dens Luke 9:57-62 Matt 8:19-22
The Mission Speech Luke 10:2-12 Matt 9:37-38; 10:7-16
Damn you Chorazin Luke 10:13-15 Matt 11:21-24
Rejecting the sender Luke 10:16 Matt 10:40
Father & son Luke 10:21-22 Matt 11:25-27
Privileged eyes Luke 10:23-24 Matt 13:16-17
Lord's prayer Luke 11:2-4 Matt 6:9-13
Ask, seek, knock Luke 11:9-13 Matt 7:7-11
Beelzebul controversy Luke 11:14-23 Matt 12:22-30
Return of an unclean spirit Luke 11:24-26 Matt 12:43-45
Congratulations to the
Luke 11:27-28
Request for a sign Luke 11:16, 29-32 Matt 12:38-42
Lamp & bushel Luke 11:33 Matt 5:15
Eye & light Luke 11:34-36 Matt 6:22-23
Prophet's tombs Luke 11:47-48 Matt 23:29-32
Wisdom's oracle Luke 11:49-51 Matt 23:34-36
Blocking the way Luke 11:52 Matt 23:13
Veiled & unveiled Luke 12:2-3 Matt 10:26-27
God & sparrows Luke 12:4-7 Matt 10:28-31
Before the father Luke 12:8-9 Matt 10:32-33
Blasphemies Luke 12:10 Matt 12:32
Spirit under trial Luke 12:11-12 Matt 10:19
Disputed inheritance Luke 12:13-14
Rich farmer Luke 12:16-21
On anxieties Luke 12:22-31 Matt 6:25-33
On possessions Luke 12:33-34 Matt 6:19-21
Homeowner & burglar Luke 12:39-40 Matt 24:43-44
Unexpected return Luke 12:42-46 Matt 24:45-51
Peace or conflict Luke 12:49, 51-53 Matt 10:34-36
Knowing the times Luke 12:54-56 Matt 16:2-3
Before the judge Luke 12:57-59 Matt 5:25-26
Mustard seed & leaven Luke 13:18-21 Matt 13:31-33
Two gates Luke 13:24-27 Matt 7:13-14, 22-23
Dining with patriarchs Luke 13:28-30 Matt 8:11-12; 20:16
Jerusalem indicted Luke 13:34-35 Matt 23:37-39
Promotion & demotion Luke 14:11, 18:14 Matt 23:12
The feast Luke 14:16-24 Matt 22:1-10
Hating one's family Luke 14:26-27, 17:33 Matt 10:37-39
Saltless salt Luke 14:34-35 Matt 5:13
Lost sheep & coin Luke 15:4-10 Matt 18:12-13
Two masters Luke 16:13 Matt 6:24
God's rule & violence Luke 16:16 Matt 11:12-13
Not one serif Luke 16:17 Matt 5:18
On divorce Luke 16:18 Matt 5:32
Millstone award Luke 17:1-2 Matt 18:6-7
Scold & forgive Luke 17:3-4 Matt 18:15, 21-22
Mountains into the sea Luke 17:6 Matt 17:20
Lk 17:22-24, 26-30, 34-35,
Coming of son of Adam Mt 24:26-28, 37, 39-41
Entrusted money Luke 19:12-26 Matt 25:14-30
On twelve thrones Luke 22:28-30 Matt 19:28
[This table is based on the table given by Mack in The Lost Gospel, pp. 260-261. The names for
the segments are quoted from the translation on pp. 81-102.]
Title Verses in Luke Verses in Thomas
QS 1. Title
QS 2. The Setting for the Instructions
QS 3. The Appearance of John 3:1-6
QS 4. John's Address to the People 3:7-9
QS 5. John's Prediction of Someone to Come 3:16-17
QS 6. Jesus Tempted by the Accuser 4:1-13
QS 7. Introduction 6:20
QS 8. On Those who are Fortunate 6:20-23 54; 68; 69
QS 9. On Responding to Reproach 6:27-35 95; 6:2
QS 10. On Making Judgments 6:36-38
QS 11. On Teachers and Students 6:39-40 34
QS 12. On Hypocrisy 6:41-42 26
QS 13. On Integrity 6:43-45 45
QS 14. On Practical Obedience 6:46-69
QS 15. The Occasion 7:1-10
QS 16. John's Inquiry 7:18-23
QS 17. What Jesus Said about John 7:24-28 74; 46
QS 18. What Jesus Said about this Generation 7:31-35
QS 19. On Becoming a Follower of Jesus 9:57-62 86
QS 20. On Working for the Kingdom of God 10:1-11 73; 14:2
QS 21. The Unreceptive Town 10:12
QS 22. The Galilean Towns 10:13-15
QS 23. On the one who Receives the Worker 10:16
QS 24. On the one who Receives Revelation 10:21-22 61?
QS 25. On the one who Hears and Sees 10:23-24
QS 26. How to Pray 11:1-4
QS 27. Confidence in Asking 11:9-13 2; 92; 94
QS 28. On Kingdoms in Conflict 11:14-23 35
QS 29. Those for and those against 11:23
QS 30. On the Return of an Evil Spirit 11:24-26
QS 31. Hearing and Keeping the Teaching of God 11:27-28
QS 32. The Sign of Jonah 11:16, 29-32
QS 33. The Lamp and the Eye 11:33-35 33:2
QS 34. O You Pharisees 11:39-52 39:1; 89; 102
QS 35. On Speaking Out 12:2-3 5:2; 6:3; 33:1
QS 36. On Fear 12:4-7
QS 37. On Public Confessions 12:8-12 44
QS 38. Foolish Possessions 12:13-21
QS 39. On Food and Clothing 12:22-31 36
QS 40. On Heavenly Treasure 12:33-34 76:2
QS 41. The Hour 12:39-40 21:3; 103
QS 42. On Faithfulness 12:42-46
QS 43. Fire and Division 12:49-53 16
QS 44. Signs of the Times 12:54-56 91
QS 45. Settling Accounts 12:57-59
QS 46. The Mustard and the Yeast 13:18-21 20, 96
QS 47. The Narrow Gate and Closed Door 13:24-27
QS 48. Exclusion from the Kingdom 13:28-30
QS 49. Lament over Jerusalem 13:34-35
QS 50. On Humility 14:11; 18:14
QS 51. The Great Supper 14:16-24 64
QS 52. On the Cost of Being a Disciple 14:26-27; 17:33 55; 101
QS 53. Savorless Salt 14:34-35
QS 54. When to Rejoice 15:4-10 107
QS 55. Either/Or 16:13 47:2
QS 56. The Kingdom and the Law 16:16-18
QS 57. On Scandals 17:1-2
QS 58. On Forgiveness 17:3-4
QS 59. On Faith 17:6
QS 60. The Day of Separation 17:23-37 3; 51; 61; 113
QS 61. Squaring Accounts 19:11-27 41
QS 62. Judging Israel 22:28-30