Firearm Injuries - Rifled Weapons and Wounds: Rami Nunu
Firearm Injuries - Rifled Weapons and Wounds: Rami Nunu
Firearm Injuries - Rifled Weapons and Wounds: Rami Nunu
Rami Nunu
•Automatic Pistols
•Army Weapons
Types of rifled weapons
• Revolver
Types of rifled weapons
• Pistol
•Revolvers and
pistols differ in
the method of
presenting a
bullet to the
Types of rifled weapons
• Rifles.
Long-barrelled weapons whose muzzle
velocity and accuracy are higher than the
Wounds due to rifled weapons
•Contact wound.
•Close range wound (up to 20cm).
•Intermediate wound(20cm-1m).
•Distant range wound (over 1m).
Entrance wounds
Contact wounds:
•Are circular unless over a bony area such
as the head, where gas splitting may occur.
• Skin is inverted.
•Defect is usually slightly smaller than the
diameter of the missile due to the
elasticity of the skin.
•Abrasion collar or abrasion rim around
the hole caused by friction, heating and
dirt effect of the missile.
•Surrounding bruising is possible.
•Use of Silencers (Muzzle brakes) may
produce atypical entrance wounds with the
muzzle imprints erythematous rather than
abraded and disproportionately large for the
size of the wound.