Derpo Class 1& 2
Derpo Class 1& 2
Derpo Class 1& 2
1 For virtual trading: We will use Sensibull software (ID, password will be shared by SSEI)
( Youtube training link:
2 Performance tracking of ~100 participants using google sheet. This sheet is editable by both
SSEI & investor. This need to be sent daily to SSEI for intraday analysis of positions taken by
FYI: Master sheet will be formed by SSEI (only editable by SEI), conveying positions of all
~100 candidates. This sheet contains ending day mutual fund value, cash balance value & total
return etc of each candidate.
Following need to be input from Sensibull, end of the day every day, for duration of course:
1.1: if position squared off, candidate inputs squared off price of positions, hence total P&L
will be shown by excel automatically.
1.2: if position not squared off, candidate inputs MTM (Mark to market) based on each days
closing prices. Final closing MTM gain/loss will be conveyed by excel.)
3 5 crores to be allocated between mutual fund (Gild mutual fund: Earning 6% annual compounded
return) & cash. Money is transferable between cash acct & fund acct, depending on investors
4 Transaction cost on Sensibull: Rs20 /lot includes STT & TOT
5 Margin requirement: Will be taken from Mutual fund. 10% of fund value will be haircut and 90%
can be taken as collateral. Out of this 90%, some capital will be blocked. ????
6 Cash balance always will contain transaction costs & aggregated net MTM losses (CAUTION:
Net MTM gains will not get added in these cash balance). At any time 80% of cash balance
allowed to be used and 20% kept as cash reserves. ?????
7 Macroeconomic overview for next week: highly uncertain.
8 Option Greeks: Vega, Gamma, Theta, Delta
1 Event driven strategy (Ex: Firms earnings, coming law suits, Mergers & Acquisitions,
Dividend, Restructuring)
2 Macroeconomic driven strategy (GDP, Inflation, Fiscal , monetary policies)
3 Volatility driven strategy:
4 Gamma scalping strategy (How to profit from delta change)
5 Commodity driven strategy (Basic Metals, Precious Metals, Agro, Livestock)
6 Pair trading: ?????
7 Playing on theta.
8 Expiry day trading
9 Volatility skew
10 Spread based trading (Sub diversification possible in: Call Spread, Put spread, Ratio
Spread, Front Spread, Back spread)
DISCLOSURE: I tried to put in writing what Sanjay Sir conveyed in verbal synopsis of class1.
My write up above, may be flawed and may not reconcile with verbal dictation sent by Sanjay
Prepared by Aneesh
By Ayush Saraf
SSEI document
Sir’s view was mkt expected to rise steeply.
1) Sir started with saying that according to his opinion and by seeing sgx nifty and nifty
futures the market will open at 8400
2) US market also increased by 5% which was another factor for positive opening
3) Then he continued with why India's lockdown should be extended.
Mkt expected to open at 8400 & target 9000, 9400….in few days further
IV has inverse relationship between index. This is general. As mkt rises, IV falls (options writers
Trade should take advantage of -ive vega & IV falling.
Option should be sold to take advantage of falling IV and -ive vega. BULLISH INVESTORS
STRATEGY: Investors who would have done C- and P- would have benefited (some rebalancing
needed afterwards) but naked option shouldn’t be sold. Calendar sauda done below. Two tyoes of
calendar sauda, if we're intraday bullish
FYI: BEARISH STRATEGY: If mkt would have been expected to fall & IV rising, then
I would have replaced STEP2 by buying put of next week expiry
BULLISH STRATEGY: The market was expected to open at 8400 so our strategy was to
Buy 8300pe of 9th April and Sell8300pe of 16th April (next week)
i.e. niche ke pas wala put option buy and same strike peh durr wala put option sell
We also expected that VIX (implied volatiltity) will fall Here Vega(-) as conveyed earlier,
Theta(-), Gamma(+)
FYI: BEARISH STRATEGY: If mkt would have been expected to fall & IV rising, then I would
have replaced Calendar suada 2 by selling Call of this week expiry and buying another call for
next week expiry
Next we wanted to check Bullish option buy sell, during the weak when finance minister
announced Corporate Tax Rate Cut
We went to option opstra for that which is a paid software. We went to 20th September,2019 and
put following trade
C+:: 3 Oct, 2019 10500ce Buy 10lot
C-:: 26 Sep, 2019 10600ce Sell 10lot
P-: 26 Sep,2019 10600pe Sell 10lot
Initially we saw every 5minute what happened then we checked every 30minutes.
As it was a bullish strategy and we knew from knowledge that Nirmala Sitharaman will
announce tax rate cut so it showed good profit
We applied the same above bullish strategy; Calendar Sauda1 in the current scenario where we
put following trade.
Sell 8200 Put, Call 9th April
Buy 8100 Call 30th April
Caveat: We usually choose the next expiry but because of liquidity "prabhav😛" we had
to choose next to next expiry.
Today sir showed us by actually entering into the Reverse Spread Strategy