hajj four pillars:
entering ihram
standing in arafah
tawaf az ziayarah
ihram at miqat
everning: to muzdalfah
tawaf al effadah
umrah on arival
tawaf al wida
Today, however, because of the largely sectarian disputes, Muslims remain disintegrated, merely
watching the persecution going on from a distance.
In the Islamic world the tendency to blame the West for the troubles afflicting Muslims is prevalent; the
real blame, however, lies with the Muslim world that is unable to escape the trap of disunity.
This requires an intellectual revolution that distinguishes between religious principles and historical
terms and accentuates the basic values among Muslims such as loyalty to all Muslims regardless of their
affiliations. Loyalty to a Muslim is not to be revoked except if he or she rejects Islam in total.
Shah Waliullah,
an outstanding scholar-reformer and a thinker par excellence, of eighteenth century, emphasized the
need for Ijtihad in order to provide economic and social justice to Muslims at large He highly decried
closing its gates and criticized the contemporary Ulema for approving it.
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan,
(1817-1898- India), reformer par excellence, decried Taqlid (unthinking imitation) and closing the doors
of Ijtihad, which in his opinion was responsible for the decline of Islam. He gave a Call that the Muslims
could not progress without acquiring knowledge of modern sciences and technology
President, Islamic Research Foundation, USA, "Only by the exchange of Ideas through Ijtihad, it will be
possible to safeguard the Muslim world from deterioration and empty westernization".
In this regard it may be suggested that Muslim legal experts like Law Professors , retired Judges, senior
advocates, Ulema of well-known Islamic Centres and learned persons of modern knowledge form a
Committee for Ijtihad in each country including India and take up the work of interpreting or amending
the Shariah according to the changing times. Interpretation of the Shari’a (Ijtihad) should not be
confined to legal scholars but should be open to those with creative imagination
It is important to note that Allama Iqbal had issued more or less similar appeal in 1932 which reads as ",
"I would recommend that an assembly of the religious scholars (ulema) be constituted, in which those
Muslim lawyers be included who have studied the modern principle of law, so that in the light of the
current situation, the Islamic Law (shariah) is protected and further expanded".
Within the Islamic tradition, tajdid (lit. regeneration, renewal) has been an important religious
concept.[1] Early on into the Islamic era, Muslims realized that they have not succeeded in creating and
maintaining a society that truly followed the principles of their religion
In the late 19th century, Jamal-al-Din Afghani, "one of the most influential Muslim reformers" of the era,
traveled the Muslim world, advocating for Islamic modernism and pan-Islamism.[11] His
is a well-known fact that 1.6 billion Muslims contribute a disproportionately smaller share to the
world’s knowledge. This global community – forming the majority population of 57 countries and
spanning virtually every single country of the world – has had only three Nobel laureates in science in
the history of this prestigious prize. The number of universities from the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC) member countries in the top 500 universities of the world is only a little better than
In the Muslim world, particularly the Arab world, universities are a relatively recent phenomenon: three
quarters of all Arab universities were established in the last 25 years of the 20th century.
In the 2014-15 edition of the QS World University Rankings, no university of the Muslim world was in the
top 100, and only 17 ranked among the top 400 (11 between 300 and 400)
Another area of weakness in teaching of science in the Muslim world is the absence of philosophy and
even history of science from the university curricula.
The American University of Sharjah (AUS) is one such university that is an oasis in desert when it comes
to providing a holistic liberal educational experience to its students who have to take courses in
humanities, history, culture, and language regardless of their chosen disciplines. The university was
recently ranked among the top 10 in the Arab world. Other American universities in Beirut and Cairo
also follow a similar approach.
Habib’s science and engineering programs require students to undertake a rigorous liberal arts course
and seek to create scientists and engineers who can comprehend and tackle complex, interconnected
issues and develop sustainable solutions for the society. Students must take subjects such as
‘understanding modernity’ and ‘Hikma 1 and 2’ – a two-course sequence literally translated as
‘Traditional Wisdom 1 and 2’ – in addition to many others that seek to create holistic rather than narrow
disciplinary professionals. An extensive program of societal engagement that tests not only their
knowledge but also their ability to adapt and utilize is also a part of the student experience.
Inquiry-based science education (IBSE) is the new game in town and efforts are being made in several
Muslim countries to implement these within classrooms
The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, Masdar Institute of
science and technology in United Arab Emirates, and several American University campuses in Education
City in Doha are bold experiments to achieve just this with some success, though the jury is still out on
whether this is sustainable in the long run
The greatness of the Muslim ‘Golden Age’ of science did not come from the fact that those scientists
were somehow better people, it was because they lived in a society that was open to rationality, inquiry,
and doubt, but above all, merit. The magic comes not from the scientists but from the society.
Transforming our universities into bastions of meritocracy for the society shall require some
fundamental re-engineering – not just holding them accountable
Institutions of higher learning have existed in the Muslim world at least since 859 CE, when Fatima Al-
Fihri created in Fes, Morocco, what is sometimes considered the world’s oldest university
Because of the danger of misuse, Ijtihad has always been a crucial, central, and “controversial concept”
and the need of the hour is to interpret Ijtihad in such a way that it can be used to justify the results—
for it has a great significance and relevance in the present prevailing conditions in the Muslim world.
Is suicide bombing justified? Can women lead prayers? Is there a feminist interpretation of Islam?
'Ijtihad' is an Islamic legal term that means "independent reasoning", which is used for defining an issue
in a way that does not contradict the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah.
The person making such a decision is required to have a thorough knowledge of theology, revealed
texts, legal principles and the Arabic language. Other qualifications include sincerity, goodness and
This need is even greater in the West where Muslims live in a social setup very different from their own.
Since 9/11, there has also been a steady increase in Islamophobia in the West.
Many Muslims believe that they must choose between Islam and modernity or
between Islam and democracy, but these are false choices. To reinterpret Islam for
the twenty-first century, the practice of ijtihad (interpretation and reasoning based
Prophet Muhammad, Caliph Omar ibn-al-Khattab stopped cutting off the hands of thieves
because most of them were stealing out of necessity due to hunger, poverty, and drought.
While this contradicted a verse from the Qur’an, he justified his decision by stating that
ulamas (scholars) in Europe and the United States decreed that it was permissible for
Muslims residing in the West to buy houses with mortgages and to pay interest on these
loans. This contradicted a Qur’anic teaching against charging and paying interest, but
respected Muslim scholars justified the ruling, arguing that such permission was necessary
for Muslims to meet their financial and social needs in the West.
Another example is a
case in which Imam Muhammad Ibn Idris al-Shafi’i, one of the founders of Islamic jurisprudence,
gave a certain legal opinion in Baghdad. One year later he moved to Cairo, and
in response to the same question he gave a very different opinion. Someone questioned
him, “Oh Imam, last year in Baghdad you gave a different answer,” and he replied, “That
was in Baghdad and this is in Cairo. That was last year and this is now.” When employing
ijtihad, scholars considered the time, place, norms, and prevailing conditions when they
six hundred verses directly related to laws, and there are approximately two thousand
hadiths (sayings of the Prophet that were not published in the Qur’an) that deal
with laws.
Thus all statements in the Qur’an and hadiths can be divided
The work of the interpreter of the text (the mujtahid) is to ascertain the authenticity
• extend the laws to new cases that may be similar to the cases mentioned in the
sources for which the laws cannot be discovered through literal interpretation (this is
extend the laws to new cases that have not been covered by the previous two methods
by looking at the general principles and objectives of the sharia (this method is known
decided to outlaw all other sects in order to strictly control religion and worship, as
democracy as serious impediments to ijtihad. Without freedom and democracy, which are
sharply limited in the Muslim world and particularly in Arab countries, ijtihad cannot be
performed. Democracy is the key to opening up ijtihad, and ijtihad is the key to solving
role of women
spirit of globalization
who r 1/3rd
Fareed suggested that ijtihad can be viewed in three different ways: as a legal tool, as
the middle of the 19th century as a response to European colonialism, which pitched the
Iran and the rest of the Muslim world from one end to the other suffer from a massive and structural
democratic deficit.
Right now the state-controlled media in Iran is broadcasting the TV series House of Cards. Indeed, House
of Cards is a magnificent series exposing the deep pathological corruption in US politics
Most experts cite Turkey, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Mali, and Senegal as democracies. (Indonesia, with 196
million people, is the world’s largest Muslim nation). Other countries, such as Malaysia, Nigeria, and
Iran, are nominally democratic, but to a greater or lesser extent lack many of the attributes of fully
functioning democracies, such as protections for civil liberties and legitimate opposition parties
On a spectrum from most to least democratic, these countries are: Morocco, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt,
Bahrain, Algeria, Qatar, and Yemen.
This issue resurfaced once again after the unfortunate incident in Kasur in which a Christian couple were
lynched and burnt to death.
According to the Holy Prophet (PBUH),”He who tortures a dhimmi is like the one who has counteracted
him (the Prophet). I shall counteract against him (he who tortures a dhimmi) on the Day of Judgment
who has counteracted him
Article 2 A of the Constitution bars the legislature from making any law repugnant to Islam as the
sovereignty of the entire world, including Pakistan, belongs to Allah. This implies that the government,
which fails to prove protection to minorities, is disobeying Allah’s orders.
"[The rights of] minorities should be taken into as much consideration as the rights of special needs
children are [in policy circles]," Justice Ejaz Afzal remarked as he concluded the case, initiated in 2014 on
the request of Dr Ramesh Kumar.
The bill, which was passed by the Sindh Assembly on Nov 24, made forced religious conversion a
punishable criminal act.
‘Some 23 per cent of Pakistanis belonged to the religious minorities when Pakistan came into being, but
now they are just 4pc’
We find this doctrine enunciated in the hadith pertaining to his companion Ma`az bin Jabal who was
appointed by the Prophet as governor of Yemen
Birth o Born in Mecca in 571 AD. o Difference in date of birth (9th or 12th Rabi-
ul-awal). o
Belonged to the tribe of Koraish and family of Banu Hashim Father's name Was
Abdullah and Mother's name, Amina.
Another big reason was that she had a dream in which someone told her that
"she will have a son, who will be leader of mankind and she should name Him
Muhammad (S.A.W)".
) First of all Hazrat Amina fed the Prophet (S.A.W). Hazrat sobia, slave of Abu
Lahab also fed Prophet (S.A.W) before Hazrat Haleema Saadia.
Topic: 011 - Hazrat Haleema Saadia (R.A) Belonged to tribe of Hawazin (Bani-
No sooner she took Rasul-ullah (S.A.W) she observed blessings all around her.
Later she came to Mecca He (S.A.W) shouted with joy "Oh! my mother, Oh! my
mother" and embraced her. He (S.A.W) remained with her for 6 years.
Razai father, Haris Ibn-e-Abdul-Uza, later came to Mecca and embraced Islam.
His (S.A.W) four razaai brothers and sisters were Abdullah, Anisa, Hazifa and
Khuzafa (also known as Sheema). Sheema was most attached to Him (S.A.W).
Passing away of Hazrat Amina (R.A) On return Prophet's (S.A.W) mother passed
away when they reached Abwar (a village which is 23 miles from Hajwa). She
was buried there.
Prophet (S.A.W) was 6 years old at that time. Umme-Aiman (R.A), Prophet's
(S.A.W) nurse, who accompanied them during the journey to Yathrib (Madina)
brought the Prophet (S.A.W) back to Mecca.
Topic: 015 - Brought up After passing away of His (S.A.W) mother, his
grandfather Abdul-Muttalib took charge.
Prophet (S.A.W) was 10 to 12 years old when Abu-Talib chalked out a plan to go
to Syria as usual.
When Prophet (S.A.W) was 35 years old, Koraish decided to re-build Ka'abah
Shareef. Hajra-e-Aswad
After prolonged period an old wise man suggested that the first person who will
enter Ka'abah (next morning) will give the decision. It was none but the Prophet
(S.A.W). Everyone was happy to see him and shouted "Sadiq and Amin"
(Truthful and Trustworthy). Resolution of the issue When Prophet
Topic: 018 - Cave of Hira 3 Miles away from Mecca is Mountain of Hira.
Now known as Jabl-e-Noor (Mountain of light). On one side of Hira is `Cave of
Hira'. Prophet (S.A.W)
Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) rejected stars, moon and sun also as having any divine
Ultimately Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) said; `I don't want mortal things. I raise my face
to Him (Allah) who has created Earth and Sky'. (Surah Inaam: Verse 9)
Prophet (S.A.W) was hesitant to disclose that He (S.A.W) could not read.
Lesson No: 05 REVELATION OF WAHI Topic: 028 - Revelation of Wahi The angel
recited the first verses of the first Wahi. These five verses are of Surah Al-Alaq
The next morning Hazrat Khadija (R.A) took Him (S.A.W) to her own cousin
`Warqa Bin Nofal'. He was a learned Christian, and had studied the Bible. With
the reference of Bible, he knew that Allah has promised to send a new
messenger who would comfort mankind and preach good morals. He told both
of them "I think it is the same angel who earlier visited Musa (A.S) and other
prophets as well. It seems that Allah has chosen Muhammad (S.A.W) to be His
His (S.A.W) wife was the first lady who had this honour to embrace Islam.
Hazrat Ali (R.A) who was approximately 10 years old, "Though I am weak I am
with you." People laughed and Prophet (S.A.W) embraced Hazrat Ali (R.A).
Hazrat Zaid (R.A) was a slave. At the time of marriage Hazrat Khadija (R.A) gave
him to Rasulullah (S.A.W). Rasul-ullah (S.A.W) immediately freed him but he
At that time he (R.A) had 40 thousand dirhams. He devoted this money to Islam.
Hazrat Abubakar (R.A)was the first to endorse the event of Mirraj and Prophet
(S.A.W) titled him (R.A) "Siddique". Topic: 039 - Hazrat Abubakar (R.A) was very
Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A) (conqueror of Iran)
has become very sensitive. He called his nephew and said, "my son, you are my
life, don't put so much burden on me, which I can't bear". Prophet (S.A.W) was
very sad because apparently only AbuTalib was at His (S.A.W) back. Prophet
(S.A.W) had tears in His (S.A.W) eyes and said, "I swear on God even if these
The people of Madina (Yathrib) were kind to Muslims who had migrated to their
Abu-Jahal said, a man should be selected from every tribe with a sword and all
should take life of Prophet (S.A.W) so that no single person is blamed and Banu-
Hashim will not be able to take revenge from a single tribe. His suggestion was
This was 13th year of Prophet-hood. Prophet (S.A.W) had been guided through
Wahi for migration. Keeping in view the circumstances and wahi Prophet
3 days earlier Prophet (S.A.W) went to the house of Abu-Bakar (R.A) and told
him "I have been permitted to migrate." Hazrat Abu-Bakar (R.A) very eagerly
desired to accompany the Prophet (S.A.W) which was accepted by the Prophet
Topic: 051 - Preparations to leave Mecca Hazrat Abu-Bakar (R.A) had prepared
four camels especially for the purpose and requested the Prophet (S.A.W) to
choose one.
surrounded by the Kuffar. He (S.A.W) recited the verse from Surah Yaseen, "And
WE (Allah) have covered them and they cannot see." (36:9). Kuffar's eyes were
Topic: 056 - Reaching Madina & Preaching at Shelter in the cave of Saur for 3
days madina They knew that in the morning kuffar would search for them. The
It is believed that food to them was served by Hazrat Asma (R.A), the elder
sister of Hazrat Ayesha (R.A). The young man Abdullah son of Hazrat Abu-Bakar
A spider wove many webs on the entrance of the cave of Saur which misled the
Kuffar that somebody could be possibly present inside the cave.
Topic: 058 - Tree grew up and a pigeon laid eggs in the nest In addition to the
spider web a tree of Babul also suddenly grew up and its branches covered the
un-matched personalities inside the cave. It's amazing that two pigeons
appeared suddenly, made their nest on the tree and laid eggs. It's strong
evidence to human wisdom that the place is lying vacant and barren since long.
Some writers believe that the pigeons now in the Harm are the same species.
Topic: 059 - Incident
Masjid-e-Qaba (First Mosque) Three miles short of Madina is a place called Aliya
and Qaba. There are many Insar families. The head of these families was Amro-
bin-Auf. When Prophet (S.A.W) reached this place the whole family shouted the
Prophet (S.A.W) stayed here for 14 days. The first Mosque was also built there
which has been mentioned in Surah Touba verse 13th. Prophet (S.A.W) worked
This land was property of Hazrat Kalsoom (R.A). When they were going to
Prophet (S.A.W) offered the first Jummah there and delivered the first Khutbah.
Ultimately it was the luck of Hazrat Abu-Ayub-Ansari (R.A). His house was
adjacent to where presently Masjid-eNabvi is located. Prophet (S.A.W) stayed
Masjid-e-Nabvi and Hujraat The first thing which Prophet (S.A.W) did was
construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi and then Hujraat. Hujraat were adjacent to
Masjid-e-Nabvi. That land of Masjid-e-Nabvi belonged to, two orphan boys.
Prophet (S.A.W) asked them for the price but they did not accept any price.
/Ultimately Hazrat Abu-Ayub-Ansari (R.A) paid the cost of the land to the
all were rich and influential. One day the mother of Hazrat Anas (R.A) (umm-a-
Anas) came to Prophet (S.A.W) and presented her whole property to the
Prophet (S.A.W). Prophet (S.A.W) accepted it and immediately donated it to his
nurse Hazrat Umm-a-Aiman (R.A). He (S.A.W) Himself lived with poverty. The
Topic: 064 - Treaty with Jews and other tribes (Mesaq-e-Madina) Two tribes of
Insar that is Aus and Khazraj had been fighting and had become quite weak. The
Atonement and ransom will remain unchanged. Jews will have complete
religious independence and nobody will interfere. Jews and Muslims will remain
friendly with each other. If any third force attacks Jews or Muslims, they both
will help each other. No party would provide shelter to Koraish. If anyone
attacks Madina, both parties will join each other for defence. If one party
forgives an enemy the other will also do the same however, a religious battle
will be exception Topic:
Lesson No: 11 THE BATTLE OF BADAR Topic: 067 - Battle of Badar (2 A.H) Battle
of Badar was fought on 17th of Ramdan 2 A.H. Although most of the Muslims
which was mostly related to Syria. Topic: 068 - Place of Battle (Badar) Badar is a
village which is about 80 miles away from Madina. It was a very famous village
the forces, the Muslims won the war. First of all Hazrat Ali (R.A), Hazrat Hamza
and Hazrat Ubaida-bin-Haris (R.A) went to fight three Kuffars
they could not pay Fiddiya then they should teach reading and writing to 10
Muslim children and get free. In this war, angels also helped the Muslims. This
war has the honour that in Surah Infaal tremendous material has been given
Lesson No: 12 THE BATTLE OF UHAD Topic: 072 - Battle of Uhad The second
Battle was fought on 07 Shawal 3 A.H among Kuffar and Muslims. The Kuffar
had been
An uncle of the Prophet (S.A.W), Hazrat Abbas (R.A) was still present in Mecca
and informed the Prophet (S.A.W) about the departure of Kuffar's army to
attack Mad
Topic: 074 - Muslim Army After knowing about the Kuffar's intentions Prophet
(S.A.W) prepared an army of 1000 soldiers and started moving towards Uhad
after Asr prayers. But traitors were also there and eventually 300 people left the
Muslim army under the leadership of Abdullah-bin-Ubai who is known as
Leader of the hypocrites (Munafiq-e-azam). Now the Muslim army comprised of
700 soldiers out of which only 100 soldiers were armour-clad. Topic: 075 -
Non-believers Army After the preparation of one year Kuffar had prepared an
army of 3,000 soldiers, 3000 camels and 200 horses which was three times
greater in number than the army they had brought in the battle of Badar. Abu-
Sufyan was the leader of Kuffars army this time. On 6th of 3A.H the Kuffar
Ladies In this war the Muslim ladies had also played a great role. Hazrat Ayesha
(R.A) and Hazrat Umma-e-Saleem (R.A), mother of Hazrat Anas (R.A), performed
around the Prophet (S.A.W) Hazrat Umma-e-Ammara (R.A) reached near the
Prophet (S.A.W) and stood in front of Him (S.A.W) to protect Him (S.A.W). She
would stop the attacking Kuffar with her sword and arrow. She was also
seriously injured in this process by Ibne-Qammaya. Topic: 077 - Ultimately
Muslims won
come and attack from the back. On 7th of Shawal 3 A.H Prophet (S.A.W)
appointed 50 soldiers with arrows on that pass and strictly instructed them not
the flag holder of Kuffar named Talha came forward and challenged if any
Muslim could fight with him. Hazrat Zubair (R.A) accepted his challenge and
killed him. Then his brother came with the flag and Hazrat Hamza (R.A) killed
him. Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Hamza, Hazrat Zubair and Hazrat Abu-Dujana (R.A)
them left the pass and came down to collect booty. Only 10 bow holders were
left on the pass. In the meantime Khalid-bin-Waleed (who had not become
Muslim till now) attacked the Muslims through this pass. Hazrat Hamza (R.A)
was fighting very bravely when a slave named Wahshi took his life. Hazrat
Hamza (R.A) was nephew and Raza-e-brother of Prophet (S.A.W). A rumour was
also spread that
Muslims and started gathering under the flag of Abu-Sufyan. They tried to
already threatened and now due to Muslim influence in Najad and Daum-tul-
Jundal their trade was threatened towards Iraq also. This was another setback
Topic: 080 - Expulsion of the Jew Tribes Due to violation of treaty of Madina,
Jew tribes Banu-Qayanqua and Bau-Nuzair were expelled out of Madina. They
they were also pro-Koraish and antiMuslims. Topic: 082 - Suggestion of Hazrat
Suleman Farsi (R.A) Madina was protected from three sides by difficult
mountains, built up areas and gardens. It was difficult to attack from all these
three sides. The only side was left towards the North which was open for
attack.Hazrat Suleman Farsi (R.A) suggested that a deep and wide trench should
be dug
trench by all methods but they failed miserably. One famous wrestler named
Amru-bin-Abd-e-wadd succeeded to cross the trench and then challenged the
Muslims. Hazrat Ali (R.A) went ahead and killed him
. BanuQuraiza the Jew tribe was with the Muslims according to the treaty of
Madina. However, one of the leaders of exiled tribes came and convinced them
to leave Muslims and help Koraish.They were convinced. This tribe tried to
the intension to attack but Hazrat Safia (R.A) an aunt of Prophet (S.A.W) killed
him and threw his head towards Jews. They ran away. Topic: 084 - Islam Won
the Battle Although Muslims lost 6 soldiers but they won the battle completely.
There is a Surah in Quran-e-hakeem tilted `Surah-e-Ahzab'. Verses 2 & 3 of this
preferred to March towards Hunain. It was 6th of Shawal 8 A.H. He (S.A.W) had
10,000 soldiers with Him (S.A.W) who had come with Him (S.A.W) for battle of
Mecca. 2000 more people joined Him (S.A.W) who had embraced Islam recently.
This army now comprised 12,000 people some of them became very proud that
with such a power they would definitely win. This was not liked by the Prophet
reached this place the Banu-Hawazen created a rain of arrows on the Muslim
army. The Muslims got flabbergasted and started running here and there. They
firmness and confidence. Only 10 men were around Him (S.A.W). Under such
circumstances of hue and cry He (S.A.W) was firmly moving ahead towards
Kuffars. Some writers have mentioned that He (S.A.W) was walking towards
enemy lost its strength and moral. Ultimately they were defeated. 70 people of
Banu-Suqaif were killed. Their things,
angels also came to help the Muslims. It is clearly mentioned in verse no. 26 &
27 of Surah-e-Touba. The lesson learnt is that never become proud of your
Lesson No: 15 THE BATTLE OF TABOOQ Topic: 090 - Battle of Tabooq 9 A.H
Domination of Muslims had been accepted by entire Arab after Fateh Mecca.
(S.A.W) wrote letters to rulers of great powers to embrace Islam. The most
famous were Qaisar-e-Rome, Khusro-Pervez of Iran, Aziz-e-Misr (Egypt), king
Najashi of Ethiopia, influential and power holder of Yamama and Influential
people of Syria. Many powers were scared of growing strength of Muslims. The
ruler of Rome Herqul was on the top. He had got offended because he
army and defeated the Iranians. He wanted to defeat the Arabs also. He
prepared an army of 40,000 people to defeat the Muslims. This army started
gathering on the frontiers of Syria. On the other hand Khusro-Pervez tore off the
letter written
King Najashi embraced Islam but Qaisar-e-Rome was bent upon combat action.
Roman army He (S.A.W) told the Sahabah to prepare for Jihad. This was a year
of Famine for the Muslims. Poverty prevailed all around. Under such
Hazrat Abu-Bakar Siddeque (R.A) donated everything that he (R.A) had. Hazrat
Umar-e-Farooq (R.A) donated half of his property and Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani
(R.A) donated 900 camels, 100 horses, 1000 dinaars and 200 oukia silver. The
Muslim Army Sahabah voluntarily joined the army. Ultimately a force of 30,000
people was formed. Muslims had less mobility and more soldiers to travel. The
ratio was that 18 men had to use only one camel. The distance from Madina is
in their eyes. This has been mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah-e-Touba verse
was a prideful victory. Prophet (S.A.W) along with His (S.A.W) army stayed at
Tabooq for 20 days and then came back to Madina. The residents of Madina
and Syrians decided not to fight. Many more people joined Islam. A number of
frontier tribes accepted to live under Muslims by paying `Jazia'. Topic: 095 - How
10 miles away from Mecca there is a well which is known as Hudabia. There is a
the intentions to go for `Umrah'. When it was discussed with Sahabah and in the
adjacent areas also, 1400 Muslims joined the Prophet (S.A.W) for Umrah. On 1st
Zee-Qad 6 A.H Prophet (S.A.W) left for Umrah with 1400 companions.
The Kuffar stopped them near Hudabia Topic: 097 - Rumor of Shahdat of Hazrat
convincing the Kuffar for 3 days but they did not listen to him (R.A). In the
At this Prophet (S.A.W) took `Baait' from the Sahabah (R.A). Prophet (S.A.W)
was sitting under a tree i.e. why it is also called Baait-e-Rizwaan. This incident
to remove the doubts they sent an ambassador to sign `no war pact'. This
ambassador was Sohail-bin-Amru who was known as spokes man of Koraish. He
a treaty. Ultimately a treaty was signed. Prophet (S.A.W) appointed Hazrat Ali
(R.A) from the Muslim side to write the treaty and Sohail was from the side of
Islam during this small era has never happened before. Hazrat Khalid-bin-
Waleed (R.A) (conqueror of Syria) and Hazrat Amru-bin-Aas (R.A) (conqueror of
Egypt) also embraced Islam during this era. Topic: 106 - Guidance of Holy Quran
resorting to migration. It is verse #10 Surah-e-Mumtahana "O you who have
believed, when the believing women come to you as immigrants, examine
them. Allah is most knowing as to their faith. And if you know them to be
believers, then do not return them to the disbelievers; they are not lawful
[wives] for them, nor are they lawful [husbands] for them. But give the
disbelievers what they have spent. And there is no blame upon you if you marry
them when you have given
Lesson No: 18 THE BATTLE OF MOOTA Topic: 108 - Battle of Moota (Location of
Moota) This battle took place in Jamadi-ul-Awal 8 A.H. Moota is a place in Syria
which is short of Balqaa (a famous place). Moota has been famous for preparing
sent as gifts to the other people also. Topic: 109 - Shahadat of Hazrat Haris (R.A)
Prophet (S.A.W) had written letters to the rulers around the world to embrace
Islam. On the borders of Arab and Syria Shurjeel-bin-Amru was one of the ruler
in the area of Balqaa. Shurjeel was a subordinate of Qaisar-e-Rome. He was also
sent a letter through Hazrat Haris-bin-Umar (R.A) by Prophet (S.A.W). No sooner
Shurjeel (from an Arab family) received this letter he became very angry and his
anger resulted into shahadat of Hazrat Haris (R.A). Topic: 110 - Muslim Army For
Qasas, Prophet (S.A.W) organised an army comprising 3000 soldiers to go
towards Syria. Hazrat Zaid-bin-Haris (R.A) who was a freed slave of Prophet
(S.A.W) was appointed as commander of force. He (S.A.W) also instructed that
in case Zaid (R.A) meets shahdat Jafar-eTayyar (R.A) will become commander
and even if he (R.A) meets shahadat then Abdullah-binRawaha (R.A) will be the
commander (an honouable Insaari and a famous poet). Many people had
need of war. Prophet (S.A.W) also accompanied the army till San-tul-wida. He
(S.A.W) instructed the commander to go the place where Hazrat Haris (R.A) had
laid his life. Topic: 111 - Opponents Army When this Muslim army left Madina
When the war started the Muslim army comprising 3000 people attacked an
army of 100,000 people. Hazrat Zaid (R.A) met shahadat right in the beginning.
Now the flag was taken by Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Umar (R.A) who also met
shahadat having 90 wounds on his chest. Now the command shifted to Hazrat
Jaffar (R.A) and after that Hazrat Abdullah-bin-Rawah (R.A) who also met
shahadat. Now Hazrat Khalid (R.A) became the commander and fought with
great bravery and courage. 8 swords were broken but he (R.A) courageously
fought with 3000 people against 100,000 people. Having appreciated the
situation he very safely withdrew his
strange that they were spread in a vast area and hardly any escape route was
left yet, Hazrat Khalid (Saif-Ullah) (R.A) successfully withdrew his army without
any great damage. That way the Roman plans were defeated.
Lesson No: 19 FATEH MECCA Topic: 114 - Fateh Mecca Fateh Mecca occurred in
Ramzan-ul-Mubarak of 8th A.H. Khana Kaabah is the house of Allah and it was
Meccans should not know about it. Ultimately an army of 10,000 people under
the command of Prophet (S.A.W) was ready to move towards Mecca. Topic: 118
moving towards Mecca on 10th of Ramzan 8th A.H. Many Arab tribes also
joined this army enroute. Ultimately about 10 miles short of Mecca this army
camped at a place called Marr-ruz-Zuhran. Prophet (S.A.W) ordered them to
what was in the making. Therefore, they sent three people i.e. Hakeem-bin-
Hazaam, Budiyal-bin-Warqa and Abu-Sufiyan to find out the exact situation.
Prophet (S.A.W) and was spotted by the guards of Prophet (S.A.W). They
was the strongest and that was forgiveness of the Prophet (S.A.W). That is what
Muslim. And in future in Ghazwa-e-Taif he (R.A) lost one eye and in the battle of
Yarmuk he (R.A) lost the other one also.
(S.A.W) started marching towards Mecca, He (S.A.W) told Hazrat Abbas (R.A) to
take Abu-Sufiyan on the peak of a mountain to see the scene of army of
Almighty Allah with his own eyes. Obviously it was a huge army scattered over a
very vast area. Having seen this Hazrat Abu-Sufiyan (R.A) quickly reached Mecca
and delivered the message of peace from Prophet (S.A.W) to the people of
Mecca. He
camel. After this, He (S.A.W) got the key of Khana Kaaba from Hazrat Usman-
bin-Talha (R.A). At this time Prophet (S.A.W) had only one bow in His (S.A.W)
hand and there were 360 idols in the Khana Kaaba. He (S.A.W) threw down all
the idols with His (S.A.W) bow. Prophet (S.A.W) would drop an idol and recite
verse # 81 of
Surah-e-Al-Hujraat. "'O people! We created you from one man and one woman
and made your branches and tribes so that you may recognize one another.
Koraish. Prophet (S.A.W) had not performed Hajj before, Surah-e-Nasr was
revealed and it says: "With the help of Allah and victory come. And you see men
entering the religion of Allah in troops. Then praise Allah glorifies Him and begs
performed Hajj in 10 A.H Mecca was cleaned in 8 A.H and in 10th A.H Prophet
(S.A.W) made up His (S.A.W) mind to perform Hajj. He (S.A.W) slowly and
steadily started preparing for Hajj and implemented His (S.A.W) plan in a very
befitting manner. Ultimately, He (S.A.W) performed Hajj as He (S.A.W) had
planned in 10th
written that in few days 1, 14000 Muslims got together to join Prophet (S.A.W)
for Hajj pilgrimage. Topic: 129 - Started from Madina on 26th Ze-Qaad Prophet
Him (S.A.W). They wore their Ahraam at Zul-Halifa which is hardly 6 miles from
Madina itself. Prophet (S.A.W) prayed the whole night at this place and in the
Topic: 130 - Reached Mecca on 4th Zil-Hajj Hazrat Jaabar (R.A) says that it was
entered Mecca Muazzma in the morning of 4th Zil-Hajj. He (S.A.W) had 100
camels for sacrifice. Topic: 131 - He (S.A.W) performed only one Hajj When
(S.A.W) saw the Kaaba, He (S.A.W) said, "Oh! God grant more and more respect
and honour to this house". After that He (S.A.W) performed tawaf of Kaaba,
He (S.A.W) then recited these words `Safa and Marwa are the symbols of
God'.Prophet (S.A.W) performed only one Hajj in His (S.A.W) whole life.
Topic: 132 - Hajja-tull Wida... {Last Sermon} Last sermon was held in the Arafat
Valley on 9th Zil-Hajj 10 A.H. Prophet (S.A.W) addressed His (S.A.W) companions
Topic: 136 - Last Sermon....We are responsible for our deeds: "Remember, one
day you will appear before ALLAH and answer your deeds. So beware, do not
month of Ramzan. But during Ramzan of 10th A.H He (S.A.W) listened to the
Holy Quran twice. On the other hand He (S.A.W) used to sit for Aitkaaf for 10
days but in the Ramzan of 10th A.H. He (S.A.W) sat for 20 days. Some authors
say that at
(S.A.W) had given indication in last sermon also as, "O People, no Prophet or
Apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born." "I (S.A.W) leave
prayers (Namaz) Himself (S.A.W). After 4 days the sickness became serious
prayer which He (S.A.W) led was Namaze-Magharib. The same day when the
people. The first man and the first Prophet was Hazrat Adam (A.S). As Quran
says, `man is created from a clinging substance'. What the man is born for and
what are
3 Sahifay were revealed to Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). According to Dr. Ghazi, Divine
Books were revealed on 315 Prophets. Topic: 145 - Prophets Prophets are
(S.A.W). Topic: 147 - How was Quran Revealed? Quran-e-Hakeem was revealed
in piece meal form in over 23 years. Quran was not revealed sequentially as we
Continued The Meccan period was 13 years where, a substantial part of Quran
was revealed out of 114, 86 Surahs were revealed while stay at Mecca. Quran-e-
Hakeem has got: Total verses: Total Surahs: Macci Surahs: Madani Surahs: Total
Rakou: Manazil: 6666 114 086 028 540 007 (Revealed in Mecca) (Revealed in
Quran covers individuals like Prophets as example Hazrat Adam (A.S), Hazrat
Moses (A.S) and 25 Prophets like that. It covers nations e.g. Aad-o-Samud, Jews
a very impressive example in Surah-e-Baqara Verse # 177: "Righteousness is not
that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is
[in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the
Prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the
needy,........the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and
who] establishes prayers and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when
they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during
battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the
guardian". In those days paper was very costly and rarely available and was
imported from China hence, the main items, used for reading and writing were
wooden slabs, stone tablet and parchments. Whole Quran was recorded but not
written copies. When Prophet (S.A.W) passed away complete copies were held
by Hazrat Ali (R.A) Hazrat Zaid-bin-Sabit (R.A) and Hazrat Ayesha (R.A).
Hundreds of companions had memorized the whole book. During the Caliphate
of Hazrat Abu-Baqar (R.A) Hazrat Umar ibn-e-Khatab suggested that an official
copy should be made to take care of any chances of ambiguity. A commission
was formed and
That is how Quran was compiled and official copies were made. Two of those
copies are still available; one on parchment in Istanbul and one copy written by
Hazrat Zaid-binSabit (R.A) in Tashkent. Topic: 160 - Ardha
Ardha is a term which means a presentation. Since, Allah Almighty has declared
Almighty involving Hazrat Jibril (A.S) and Prophet (S.A.W). Ardha was done in
every Ramadan. Prophet (S.A.W) would collect His (S.A.W) companions, writers
of Quran and those who had memorized it. In this gathering Prophet (S.A.W)
used to recite the whole Quran so far revealed and Hazrat Jibril (A.S) used to
listen it. Then Hazrat Jibril (A.S) would recite the same so far revealed and
Prophet (S.A.W) would listen to it. When Prophet (S.A.W) recited to general
public, writers and
The commission which was formed under Hazrat Zaid-bin-Sabit was clearly
instructed to keep Ardha in view when the witnesses appeared. Topic: 161 -
Adab-ul-Nabi Verse # 12: "O you, who have believed, avoid much [negative]
assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each
other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You
and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often." Surah-e-Ahzab Verse #
40:"Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the
Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah, of all things,
Knowing." Topic: 170 - Adab-ul-Nabi Surah-e-Ahzab Verse # 56:"Indeed, Allah
According to "Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Na'eemi"; Hadith is the reported speech of
the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W), whether this is: (a) explicit (sarih) or (b) implicit
. a) Explicit (Sarih): In this type the witness has himself heard from the Prophet
(S.A.W) or seen Him (S.A.W) personally performing some act e.g. "I heard the M
b) Implicit (Hukmi): means that any companion who does not transmit anything
from the earlier books (such as from the People of the Book) informs of
anything in which there is no room for ijtihad.
At the time of passing away of Prophet (S.A.W) there were more than one lac
companions to transmit traditions. Maximum number has been transmitted by
Hazrat Abu-Huraira (R.A). Hazrat Abu-Huraira (R.A) had 9 students for recording
Hadith or tradition. Hazrat Anus-Bin-Malik (R.A) wrote 2286 Ahadith and 16
other persons wrote from him (R.A). He (R.A) was companion of Prophet
(S.A.W) for 10 years.
hadith. Keeping in view a number of factors he graded the ahadith into 65
categories however, the main categories were only four which are common a
(b) Each reporter or narrator of the Hadith must be a person of righteous moral
excellence in all his sayings and deeds in all walks of life. No transgressor (Fasiq)
or one whose autecedents or past career is hidden and unknown cannot be
accepted as an authentic or qualified Ravi or Reporter of the Hadith. (c) A
narrator must possess `adalah' which means true man, mature, intellectual, free
and not a slave or sinful etc. (d) `Zabt' must be of highly intellectual level and
should not be mentally sick or with affected memory.
Topic: 190 - Hadith-e-Hassna (a) By this kind of Hadith is meant that its Narrator
or reporter may not possess the qualities required of a Ravi of Saheh Hadith; his
righteousness (Taqva) or memory may not be of the excellent level or which has
been impaired on account of sickness, senility or some accident. (b) (c) He may
not be extra ordinarily intelligent. He may not be among the intellectuals due to
some reasons or the others.
Toheed & Rasaalat Oneness of God There are five pillars of Islam and the first
pillar is Toheed. One can
asked his companions, "If a stream is flowing in front of one's door and if he
bathes in it five times daily, will any dirt remain on him?" His companions
replied "No dirt will remain on him." The Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W)
explained "Similar is the case of offering Namaz five times a day, due to it Allah
wipes off the sins."
Islam The third pillar of Islam is generally known as the compulsory charity or
zakat. Giving charity to those who deserve, it is part of Muslims character and
one of the Five Pillars of Deen. Zakat is viewed as "compulsory charity"; it is an
obligation for those who have received their wealth from Almighty Allah to
respond to those members of the community who are in need. The Arabic word
`zakat' literally means "purification", because zakat is considered to purify one's
heart from greed.
it if it reaches the Nisab amount. The Nisab amount for Gold is twenty Mithqals,
or 92 grams. If the amount of Gold and Silver is less than these amounts, there
money only. Zakat is due at 2.5% on money that has been in one's possession
for over a year. Now consider this simple fact that only 600 richest individuals
who possess around $1.9 trillion dollars and if these 600 richest people in the
world paid Zakat, we would have had $47.5 billion dollars distributed among
the poor.
Dr. Kabir Hasan, professor of New Orleans University of USA mentioned; "If
Zakat fund is collected and managed properly, it can be used to create a pull of
funds, which can be used in financing development activities and can replace
government expenditures." In economic terms hoarding is a crime which causes
Hajj is the Fifth Pillar of Islam Out of five pillars of Islam, Hajj is the fifth pillar.
Hajj is Arabic word which means `intention' or `making a mind'. It means to
make up your mind to travel for a religious purpose which is adopted by the
Muslims all over the world to go to Bait-ul-Allah shareef. These Muslims are
called `Aazmein-
To perform Hajj one has to be a Muslim. One has to be mentally fit and not
insane or suffering from any other mental disease. One has to be mature
(Baligh). One has to possess enough resources to fulfil all the expenditure for
travelling for Hajj, expenditures enroute and coming back. He must have
enough money to look after all those who are dependent on him according to
Shari'aa. One should not be under debt. One should not be guarantor to
anyone. If he is a guarantor, he cannot perform Hajj till the time the guarantee
is resolved. One should be free and not slave. One has to be physically fit to
perform Hajj e.g. God forbid if one is blind, limping and too old etc. He can
however, send somebody else for Hajj. The circumstances should be ideal for
safe travelling e.g. if there is any war enroute and any threat to one's life then it
is an exception.
good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire." Respect to Hajar-e-
Aswad; It means black stone which is there forever. It is fixed in the wall of
Hajj Saai between Safa and Marwa; there are two famous hillocks which are no
more there in their original shape however, signs are there. The Hajj performers
first go to Safa and then Marwa and they pray to God for HIS mercy. As
brought the small bird kept them back in the nest and the big bird became very
happy. He (S.A.W) loved children as well. Once He (S.A.W) kissed Hazrat Hassan
(R.A) in the presence of a villagers named `Aqraa-bin-Haabis'. Seeing this he said
he had ten children but he has never loved them like this. The Prophet (S.A.W)
looked towards him and said, "if one is not kind to others, he never gets
kindness." He (S.A.W) also said,"the one who does not love small children, is
not from us." Topic: 242 - Patience Life is a combination of happiness and
Lesson No: 42 MUSLIM SCIENTIST Topic: 247 - Muslim Scientists Al-Berooni Abu
Rehan Mohammad Ibn Ahmad Al-Berooni was one of the well-known figures
associated with the court of King Mahmood Ghaznawi, who was one of the
famous Muslim kings of the 11th century C.E. Al-Berooni was a versatile scholar
and scientist who had equal ability in physics, metaphysics, mathematics,
geography and history. Born in Iran in a village near a city of `Khuarzm "in 973
C.E.,he was a contemporary of the well-known physician Ibn-e-Sina. At an early
age, the fame of his scholarship went around and when Sultan Mahmood
Ghaznawi conquered his homeland, he took Al-Berooni along with him in his
journeys to India several times and thus he had the opportunity to travel all
over India during a period of 20 years. He learnt Hindu philosophy,
mathematics, geography and religion from Pandits to whom he taught Greek
and Arabic science and philosophy. He died in 1048 C.E. at the age of 75, after
having spent 40 years in thus gathering knowledge and making his own original
contributions to it. He recorded observations of his travels through India in his
well-known book Kitab al-Hind which gives a graphic account of the historical
and social conditions of the sub-continent at that time. At the end of this book
he makes a mention of having translated two Sanskrit books into Arabic, one
called Sakaya, which deals with the creation of things and their types, and the
second, Patanjal dealing with what happens after the spirit leaves the body.
His descriptions of India were so complete that even the Aein-i-Akbari written
by Abu-al- Fazal during the reign of Akbar, 600 years later, owes a great deal to
Al-Berooni's book. He observed that the Indus valley must be considered as an
ancient sea basin filled up with all uvials. On his return from India, AlBerooni
wrote his famous book Qanun-i Masoodi (al-Qanun al-Masudi, fi al-Hai'a wa
alNujum), which he dedicated to Sultan Masood. The book discusses several
theories of astronomy, trigonometry, solar, lunar, and planetary motions and
relative topics. In another wellknown book Al-Athar Al-Baqia, he has attempted
a connected account of ancient history of nations and the related geographical
centuries before the rest of the world, the question whether the earth rotates
around its axis or not. He was the first to undertake experiments related to
astronomical phenomena. His scientific method, taken together with that of
other Muslim scientists, such as Ibn al-Haitham, laid down the early foundation
of modern scienceHe was the first to undertake experiments related to
astronomical phenomena. H
Several of his books were translated into Latin in the early 12th century by
Adelard of Bath and Gerard of Cremona. The treatises on Arithmetic, Kitab al-
Jam'a wal-Tafreeq bil Hisab al-Hindi, and the one on Algebra, Al-Maqala fi
Hisab-al Jabr wa-al-Muqabalah, are known only from Latin translations. It was
this later translation which introduced the new science to the West "unknown
till then." This book was used until the sixteenth century as the principal
mathematical text book of European universities. His astronomical tables were
also translated into European languages and, later, into Chinese. The
contribution of Al-Khwarizmi to geography is also outstanding. He not only
revised Ptolemy's views on geography, but also corrected them in detail.
Seventy geographers worked under Khwarizmi's leadership and they produced
the first map of the globe (known world) in 830 C.E. Caliph Mamun-al-Reashid
had established a science academy called `Bait-ul-Hikmat'. When he heard
about this academy he went to Bagdad and he was made a member of its
management. He is also reported to have collaborated in the degree
measurements ordered by khalifah (Caliph) Mamun al-Rashid were aimed at
measuring of volume and circumference of the earth. His geography book
entitled "Kitab Surat-al-Ard," including maps, was also translated. His other
contributions include original work related to clocks, sundials and astrolabes. He
also wrote Kitab al-Tarikh and Kitab al-Rukhmat (on sundials).
Muslim Scientists Ibn-ul-Haytham Abu Ali Hasan Ibn al-Haitham was one of the
most eminent physicists, whose contributions to optics and the scientific
methods are outstanding. Known in the West as Alhazen, Ibn al-Haitham was
born in 965 C.E. in Basrah and lived till 1035, and was educated in Basrah and
Baghdad. Thereafter, he went to Egypt, where he was asked to find ways of
controlling the flood of the Nile. He also travelled to Spain and, during this
period, he had ample time for his scientific pursuits, which included optics,
mathematics, physics, medicine and development of scientific methods on each
of which he has left several outstanding books. He made a thorough
examination of the passage of light through various media and discovered the
laws of refraction. He also carried out the first experiments on the dispersion of
light into its constituent colours. His book Kitab-al-Manadhir was translated into
Latin in the middle Ages, as also his book dealing with the colours of sunset. He
dealt at length with the theory of various physical phenomena like shadows,
eclipses, the rainbow, and speculated on the physical nature of light. He is the
first to describe accurately the various parts of the eye and give a scientific
explanation of the process of vision. He also attempted to explain binocular
vision, and gave a correct explanation of the apparent increase in size of the sun
and the moon when near the horizon. He is known for the earliest use of the
camera obscura. He contradicted Ptolemy's and Euclid's theory of vision that
objects are seen by rays of light emanating from the eyes; according to him the
rays originate in the object of vision and not in the eye. Through these extensive
researches on optics,
he has been considered as the father of modern Optics. The Latin translation of
his main work, Kitab-al-Manadhir, exerted a great influence upon Western
science e.g. on the work of Roger Bacon and Kepler. It brought about a great
progress in experimental methods. His research in catoptrics centred on
spherical and parabolic mirrors and spherical aberration. He made the
important observation that the ratio between the angle of incidence and
refraction does not remain constant and investigated the magnifying power of a
Alhazen's problem. I
his book Mizan al-Hikmah Ibn al-Haitham has discussed the density of the
atmosphere and developed a relation between it and the height. He also
studied atmospheric refraction. He discovered that the twilight only ceases or
begins when the sun is 19° below the horizon and attempted to measure the
height of the atmosphere on this basis.
The list of his books runs to 200 or so, very few of which have survived. Even his
- Muslim Scientists Jabber Bin Hayyan Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan was born in
721 in Kufah,Iraq. He is known as the father of Arab chemistry. He was an Arabic
doctor and chemist. Jabber was the one who laid the foundations for modern
scientific chemistry. He studied under the great teacher Imam Jaffar Al-Sadiq.
Jabir ibn Hayyan is widely considered as the father of Chemistry but he was also
an astronomer, pharmacist, physician, philosopher and engineer. He is credited
for the discovery of nineteen different substances which we call element in
modern chemistry. He was the first person to introduce the experimental
method in chemistry. Jabir perfected the use of various chemical processes used
in the modern chemistry laboratory, such as distillation, crystallization and
sublimation etc. Using some of those methods he produced concentrated acetic
acid from vinegar. He synthesized hydrochloric acid by heating salt and sulfuric
acid and nitric acid by
heating with sulfuric acid. By mixing hydrochloric acid with nitric acid he
invented a supper acid called `aqua regia' which could dissolve even gold. He
also isolated citric acid from lemon and tartaric acid from the residual left after
wine making.
Jabir divided the substance into three categories; first group he called Spirits
substance which vaporize on heating, like sulfur, ammonium chloride, camphor
and arsenic etc, second group he called Metals like copper, silver, gold, iron and
lead etc the third group he called Non-malleable like rocks, charcoal.
The seventy books, most of which were translated into Latin during the middle
Ages includes the Kitab al-Zuhra ("Book of Venus") and the Kitab al-Ahjar
("Book of Stones").
Omar Khayyam was one of the major mathematicians and astronomers of the
medieval period. He was acknowledged as the author of the most important
treatise on algebra before modern times. This is reflected in his Treatise on
demonstration of Problems of Algebra giving a geometric method for solving
cubic equations by intersecting a hyperbola with a circle. His significance as a
philosopher and teacher, and his few remaining philosophical work, has not
received the same attention as his scientific and poetic writings. Omar Khayyam
was born on the 18th of May, 1048 AD in Iran. Omar Khayyam's full name was
Ghiyath al-Din Abu'l-Fath Umar Ibn Ibrahim Al-Nisaburi al-Khayyami. He was
born into a family of tent makers. He spent part of his childhood in the town of
Balkh, northern Afghanistan, studying under Sheik Muhammad Mansuri. Later
on, he studied under Imam Mowaffaq Nishapuri, who was considered one of
the greatest teachers of the Khorassan region.
Khayyam was part of a panel that introduced several reforms to the Persian
Khayyam taught for decades the philosophy of Avicenna, especially in his home
town Nishapur, till his death. Khayyam, the philosopher can be understood from
two rather distinct sources. One is through his Rubaiyat and the other through
his own works in the light of the intellectual and social conditions of his time.
Topic: 252 - Bu-Ali Seena Bu Ali al-Hussain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina was a Persian
physician and philosopher. He was born in 980 A.D. at Afshana near Bukhara
then capital of the Samanid Dynasty. The young Abu Ali received his early
education in Bokhara, and by the age of ten had become well versed in the
study of the Quran and various sciences. He started studying philosophy by
reading various Greek, Muslim and other books on this subject and learnt logic
and some other subjects from Abu Abdallah Natili, a famous philosopher of the
time. While still young, he attained such a degree of expertise in medicine that
his renown spread far and wide. At the age of 17, he was fortunate in curing
Nooh Ibn Mansour, the Samanid King, of an illness in which all the wellknown
physicians had given up hope. On his recovery, the King wished to reward him,
but the young physician only desired permission to use his uniquely stocked
library. Bu-Ali Sina also suggested that the way to good health was in physical
exercise and diet, and not in magical remedies. He was a scholar in many
sciences. He wrote a book called The Book of Healing, which lays out many
principles of physics and geology. He
He also invented the refrigerated coil, which is important for distillation. He also
wrote books on philosophy, psychology, engineering, astronomy and theology.
He is also considered a great poet. Avicennism (European scholars call him
Avicenna) is the philosophy he founded, which emphasizes that knowledge is
gained by observation and experimenting, and rejects magic and miracles. In
997 A.D his skills came handy when the Emir of Bukhara fell dangerously ill. But
afterwards, his life was quite turbulent, because of war and politics. When the
ruling dynasty of Bukhara fell in 1007, ibn Sina had to flee. After wandering for a
long time, he settled down at Rai in Persia, where he wrote thirty of his books.
He spent his last days as physician to that ameer, till he died in 1037 A.D.
Yakoob Al-Kindi Yaqub Ibn Ishaq al-Kindi was born in 800 in Iraq, Kufa which
was a place for Arab customs and learning in the 9th century. This was the ideal
place for him to get the most excellent education at that time. Al Kindi belonged
to the Royal Kindah tribe which derived from the southern
That is why, a number of times Quran has insisted upon offering Namaz. Zakat is
a wealthy prayer.When Zakat is paid; the wealth becomes pure and perfuming.
In Surah-e-Touba eight purposes of Zakat have been explained. Those who
for the once who have been fasting. Haaj is the next pillar which is physical and
wealth spending prayer. It is compulsory on every Muslim once in a life if he can
priority goes to the parents who have given us birth. The parents spend their
whole energies and abilities to bring up their children, their promotion and
good training. To look after children the parents work hard day and night and
leave no stone unturned for their better and shinning future. Hence, they
deserve the best possible attention and welfare. Almighty Allah has said in the
Holy Quran Surah-e-
during hard times, help them financially and use to fulfil their needs. There is
tradition that when His (S.A.W) foster sister Hazrat Sheema (R.A) used to come
to see Him (S.A.W),........ He (S.A.W) used to stand up, spread a cloth on the
ground and tell her to sit on that till the time she used to remain with the
Prophet (S.A.W), He (S.A.W) used to keep talking to her and when she would
prepare to leave, He (S.A.W) used to help her to ride. He (S.A.W) used to give
her gifts and accompany her up to a fairly long distance to say her good bye.
Topic: 263 - Rights
(Estate)." Prophet (S.A.W) once said, "he is not a Momin, who eats well himself
and his neighbourer spends the night with hunger". Topic: 265 - How to teach
Khalifa Abu Bakr proclaimed his principle in his first address after
becoming Khalifa, by saying.
Definition of Society
Elements of Society
1. Persons(Individuals)
2. Ranks(Tabaqat)
3. Family
3. Ranks(Tabaqat)
The Islamic Golden Age refers to the period traditionally dated from the 8th century to the
13th century, during the Abbasid Caliphate, when much of the historically Islamic world was
experiencing a scientific, economic and cultural flourishing
six articles of faith: shirk is loathed, Al-Rahmān, meaning "The Compassionate" and Al-Rahīm,
meaning "The Merciful,
114 surah
6236 ayats
maci surah: earlier, ethical and spiritual topics
hadith qudsi: words of God quoted by the pophet and not part of Quran
sahih authentic
hasan good
da'if weak
622 aad
630 ah
death at 632
abu bakar
ridda wars
to quel rebelion
assasinated by persians
by khariites
oic: 1969
The term "Islamic culture" could be used to mean aspects of culture that pertain to the
religion, such as festivals and dress code. It is also controversially used to denote the cultural aspects
of traditionally Muslim people. [332]
Finally, "Islamic civilization" may also refer to the aspects of the synthesized culture of the
early Caliphates, including that of non-Muslims,[333] sometimes referred to as "Islamicate".
The current Islamic year is 1439 AH. In the Gregorian calendar, 1439 AH runs from
approximately 21 September 2017 to 10 September 2018
Muharam, Safar, Rabi ul Awal, Rabi ul Sani, Jumadi al ula, Jumada al akhirah, rajab, shaban,
ramadhan, shawal, du al qadah, dhu al hijjah
year of elephant (abraha attacked kaaba) 571 ad, prophet was born
this day have I perfected your religion for you and completed my favor upon you and have
chosen for you islam as religion'
5 article of faith
day of resurrection
revealed books
Kinds of tauheed:
unity in person
unity in attributes
unity in actions
shirk 3 crimes;
1. disbelief
fasiqin: transgressors
"I am leaving two things among you. The book of allah and my examples. Until
you keep both in your grasp, you will never be misled"
the faith of a person cannot be dependable unless, his love for me surpasses
his love for his father, son and other near relatives'
logical arguments
four books
Taurat: musa
injil: esa
zabur: dawood
4 archangels:
mikhail (rain)
izrael (death)
kiram ul katibeenn
munkir nakeer
rizwan: of paradise
malik: of hell
shahid: witness
2. no extra movements
5. no unintended thoughts
6. endeavor to understand the words bebing uttered
7. prper time
camel 5 camels
goat 40 goats
cow 30 cows
masarif of zakt
mualafat ul qulub
fir riqab
ibn us sabil
50 feet
35 ft: other
ihram at meeqat
final tawaf
arafat: 2 day
rami jimar
622: in madina
constitution of medina
sliver seal
hilf al fudul
june 619
al-aqaba pledges
12 men to obey
75 muslims:
a pledge
yamama haudah bin ali sulait bin amr al amiri venerated but did not
70 meetings
persents to envoys:
Objective of Warfare
. Against aggression
. Assistance of oppresed
. Eradication of mischief
. Elimination of oppresion
12 lak sq mies in 10 yr
. Bravery
husb and son martyred; still the lady kept asking for well being of the Prophet
tabuk: 30000 soldiers
military organizations
rearguard: archers
army formation
tribal basis
tribal banner
battle of dutch
preparations of war
trained and
battlefield strategies
archers to guard
valy where Banu Hashim and Bani Mutalib stayed for 3 yr threats from kuffar
hujjat al wada
"do not kill the people who are sitting in place of worship:
uhd: enemies cut of noses and ears of dead bodies; necks as trophies of war; hinda
chewed liver of hamza
2. educate quran
3. taech of wisdom
"the ink of a scholar is more sacred that the blood of the martyrs"
ashab e suffa (80 sahabs wh dedicated their llives for search of quranic and hadith
prisoners of badr
4000 dirhams
or teach 10 children
"…spoke in such a way tht if oen were to cunt his words, they could be
haquq ul abad
haquq allah
"your blood and your property are as sacred as are this day and this month (9th zihaj)"
. 'ad' or justice
. Protection of life
. Right to life
"the gretest sins are to associate somebody with Allah and to kill human beings"
. Right to property
. Riht to privcy
. Right to protest
except in piety
"all mankind is the progeny of Adams and Adam was fashioned out of clay…."
. Right to association
dhimmis (zimmis)
3 kinds of zimmis
1. Contractees
treaty or agreement
2. Conquered
also zimmis
3. Zimmis
blood of a zimmis is sacred as that of muslim: deceased relative recirproacte same harsh
. Pavement of jizya
poor, priests, monks and widows, sick, old etc exempted from jizya
in some muslim coutnries: non muslim places of worship outnumbr mosques etc
no prayers or fasting
. As a wife
"the best of you is the best to his family and I am the best among you to my family…" propht
it is the generous who is good to women, and it is the wicked who insults them"
the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the best in conduct" quran
. Colelctive responsibilty
complex society or culture group characterised by dep on agriculture, long distance trade,
state form of govt, occupational specialization, urbanism and class stratification etc
economic provison
political organization
moral tradition
3 dimensions:
culture is an organized body of conventional understanding manifested in art and art craft,
which persists through tradition and characteises a certain human group
. Belief
. Values
. Customs
. Rituals
. Langauge
. Symbol
. Stories
. Artifacts
. Layers of cultlure
3 layers
. Subculture
. Cultural universals
. National level
. Regional level
. Gender level
. Generatin level
. Corporate level
. Cultural values
. Religious beliefs
. Social norms
. Education
. Status of gender
. Geography
. Language
. View points
. Ethnicity
. Literary outlook
. Political org
. Administ stys
. Legal sys
. Tech innovatin
. Survival of mankind
. Survival of mankind
. Aesthetic sense
. Public orks
. Tawhid
. Balanced civilzatin
. Eternal civiliation
1. belief system
4. equality:
. Fulfilment of aesthetic sense
1. tawhid
2. self purification
3. dignity of man
4. equality
5. Social Justice
6. Moral Values
. Brotherhood of mankind
. Freedom
"only that survives in the earth which is beneficial for entire mankind"
7. tolerance
"o mankind! We creatd you from a single (pair) of male and female, and made you into
nations and tribes, that you may come to know one another. Verily the most honored among you in
the sight of God is the most righteous of you"
muslim spain: "the world is supported by four things only: the learning of the wise, the justice of the
great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave"
ic: save the greek civilization from annihilation and oblivion but also pioneered new discipliens
ibne sina: 21 and all works in library; 'medical bible' qanon masoodi
muslim books
muslim books
2. in sicily
3. spain
samuel p huntington
francis fukuyama: the end of history and the last man 1992
1. cultural difference
2. globalization
3. economic modernity
1. globaliation
"the generalized expansion of internatinal economic activity which includes increased intl
trade, growth of intl investemnt and intl migration, and incresed creation of tech among countries'
2. rectifying themselves
4. ijtihad
CAUSES OF extremism
. Human nature has two distinct instinct: life and death; when life is burden then death may
relieve it from unaviodable; when pppl denied of basic necessities then death is aaialbel"
every muslilm is not a terrorist but eery terr is muslim' karen armstrong (the pateer of global
father: abdullah
mother: amina
4 razai sblings: abdulah, anisa, hazifa, khuzafa (sheema) , shema mostly attached
battle of badr 2 ah
17 amadhan
ghazva e ahzab:
10 k ppl
batle of hunain
8th ah
batle of taqook
9 ah
umar: 1/2
usman: 900 camels, 100 horses etc
30,000 departed
treaty of hudaiba
1 zee qad,6 ah
stoped nr hudaiba
battle of moota
jamadi al wal, 8 ah
shahadit of haris
to qasas
zaid comandar
fateh makka
8 ah
10 r, 8 ah
10 k muslim army
hajj in 10 ah
19th safar: 11 ah
4 days
idrees: 30 sahife
ibrhim: 3
23 yr quran revealed
114 surahs
verses: 6666
manazil: 07
roku: 540
copied of quran
every ramadhan
types of hadith
explicit, sarih
implicit, hukmi
imam bukhari:
65 categoreis of hadith
4 main categoreies
hadith us sahih
hadith e hasna
hadith e zaef
hadith e matwater
zabt. Not mentaly sick ettc
components of hadith:
imam e mufasil
imam e mujamil
al berunni
20 yr travel in inda
1048 died
kitab al hind
qanoon e masoodi
f al athar al baqia
kitab al saidna
kitab al ajamahi
mosa al khwarzini
kiev; khwarzim
780 ad
ibn al haitham
965 ce in basra
kitab al manazir
200 + books
aqua regia
omar khayam
1048 ad
hilf ul fudul
largest fire worship place in iran at the time of brith of holy prophet saw
jabl e noor
ghar e saur