1 Assignment: Name: Muhammad Rizwan
1 Assignment: Name: Muhammad Rizwan
1 Assignment: Name: Muhammad Rizwan
Q1: Review Diamagnatism and Para-magnatism?
The story of magnetism begins with a mineral called magnetite “
Fe3 O4 ”. The first truly scientific study of magnetism was made by
William Gilbert.In 1600, his book “On the Magnet” was published.In
1905 Langevin proposed the theory of diamagnatism and para-
Diamagnatism is a quantum mechanical effect that occurs in all
materials; when it is the only contribution to the magnetism, the
material is called diamagnetic.A diamagnetic substance does not have
unpaired electrons and is not attracted to a magnetic field.It is a
property of being repelled by both poles of a magnet.Most substances
commonly considered to be nonmagnetic,such as water,are actually
diamagnetic.It is weak form of magnetism that is only observed in the
presence of an external magnetic field; due to an induced magnetic field
in an opposite direction.It is an atomic
In general, diamagnatism has negative
susceptibility ( χ <0 ).A simple rule of thumb is
used to determine whether a particle is para-
magnetic or diamagnetic.if all electrons in the
particle are paired , then the substance made of this particle is
diamagnetic.The principal source for diamagnetic contribution is
“Change in the orbital moment induced by an applied magnetic field”.
para-magnetism is a form of magnetism whereby some materials are
weakly attracted by an externally applied magnetic field, and form
internal, induced magnetic fields in the
diretion of magnetic field.
Due to their spin , unpaired
electrons have magnetic dipole
moment and act like a tiny magnets.It
is the property of the certain materials
that are weakly attracted to magnetic field when exposed to external
magnetic field.
Para-magnetism varies linearly with applied magnetic field.para-
magnetic materials such as aluminium, platinum etc are slightly
magnetized in magnetic field but they lose their magnetism when field is
removed.para-magnetism is a molecular phenomenon.It is due to
presence of unpaired electron in the materials,so most atoms with
incompletely filled atomic orbitals are para-magnetic.An external
magnetic field causes the electrons spins to align parallel to the field,
causing a net attraction.A simple rule of thumb is used to determine
whether a particle is para-magnetic or diamagnetic.if not all electrons in
the particle are paired , then the substance made of this particle is para-
magnetic.In the absence of external magnetic field,para-magnets do not
retain any magnetization because thermal motion randomizes the spin
(T −T N )
T N =Neel temperature
Ferro-magnetic also have a curie point and one would expect some
type of para-magnetic behaviour above the curie temperature.However
because of the negative interaction such as found in antiferro-
magnetism the curve of χ vs T will be concave approaching an
asymptotic value with would extrapolate to negative value which again
was found in antiferro-magnetic.This type of behaviour is strong
confirmation of Neel’s theory.The χ vs T curve is found in para-
magnetic,ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic materials.
ρ( E )∝ E 2 hold.
The two side of the picture spin
up and spin down bands in gig
the energy E at band edge is
either ±μB B relative to the
energy in zero magnetic
field.Thus the electron with spin
along the magnetic field go into the ↓ band on the right hand side of
__ __
the figure while the electron with S anti-parallel to B into the band
on the left hand side.
Let us now calculate the average number of electron in the spin up and
spin down bands.This average number will be roughly of the total carrier
concentration x.In carrying out the calculation we note that because of
the negative sign of the electron charge μB is negative quantity.we
therefore use μ^ B to denote the absolute value| μB |.Then we write
1 E
n+ = ∫ dEf ( E) ρ( E+ μ^ B B )
2 − μ^ BB → (a)
Where n+ is the electron density with the magnetic directed along the
field f(E) is the Fermi function and ρ( E+ μ^ B B) is the density of states
for the ensemble for which the magnetic moment is directed along the
magnetic field.To carry out the integral equation (a) expand the density
of states
∂ p ( E)
ρ( E+ μ^ B B)=ρ( E )+ μ^ B B( )
∂E +……
The value substitution into eq(a)
∞ 0 ^μ B B ∞ '
n+ =1 2∫0 dEf ( E) ρ( E )+ 1 2∫−μ B dEf ( E ) ρ( E)+ ∫ dEf ( E )ρ ( E )
B 2 μB
The second term on the right hand side vanishes because ρ (E)=0 for
E<0.The last term on the right hand side is handled through integration
by parts
∞ ∞
∫− ^μ B dEf ( E) ρ' ( E )=f ( E) ρ( E )|−∞μ^ B−∫−^μ B dEf ' ( E) ρ( E )
The magnetic moment per uni volume is proportional to the net number
of electrons contributing to the magnetic moment time μ^ B and can be
written as
M= μ^ B ( n+ −n− )= μ^ 2B B ρ E F
So that
χ=μ B ρ(E F )
So that
3 nμ2B B
2 K BT F
Which except for numerical factor is the same result as was obtained by
the hand waving approach given by eq A in the first derivation of pauli
paramagnetism susceptibility measurements of the pauli paramagnetic
contribution are difficult to carry out and interpret because of difficulties
in separating the various physical contribution to the experimentally
determined χ(T ) .The most effective method to measure the pauli
contribution is a comparison between the susceptibility implied by
electron spin resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance.