Stars Solar System Lab Report-Jia Ma
Stars Solar System Lab Report-Jia Ma
Stars Solar System Lab Report-Jia Ma
our planets.
JiA Ma
AboUt SoLAR sYsteM
Our Solar System and planet formed 4.6 billion years ago(All of the planets,including Earth and
Sun).This is 9 billion years after the Big Bang.
★ Aquarius ★ Leo
★ Capricorn ★ Cancer
★ Sagittarius ★ Gemini
★ Scorpio ★ Taurus
★ Libra ★ Aries
★ Virgo ★ Pisces
My constellation is GEMINI
because I born in June 15.
How tHE stARs ReaLLy lOok Who GAve NaME tO The
liKe ? StaRS?
The stars do not look like how we draw it in the Most of the brightest stars are named after characters in
life,which is ★. Actually they look like the picture the mythology from various cultures. Many of them (like the
below! planets) therefore have different names depending on where you
are in the world. They were often named in prehistory by our
ancestors who gazed at the stars trying to find patterns and
stories in what they saw (this is also where the names for the
visible planets and the constellations came from).
Modern astronomers have given the stars new names so that
they can keep track of them more easily. Stars are named for
the constellation that they lie in with the brightest star in a
constellation being alpha and so on throughout the greek
alphabet. For example, Betelgeuse which is the brightest star in
the constellation Orion, is also called Alpha Orionis.
WhICh staRs iS bIGGer thaN tHe Sun?
Stars are so important because they navigate us when it is dark.The most important star
that make life possible is the sun without it life would not exist.Earth would be a big rock
and ice chunk.Stars are very important for Earth and human life.
___Karime V.
There is another’s planets that we don’t know,because the scientists think that there is
another universe and solar system by the black hole.So there is imposible that there is
another planets that we don’t know.
SuMMariZe Of my UndeRsTandiNg
The stars system formed at the same years with the solar system which is 4.5 billions
ago. Stars and planets form due to the process of accretion, and stars have the basic
elements to form heaviers process through the process of nuclear fusion, the Sun is
also a star because it is massive enough to undergo nuclear fusion.
Even though all the planets in solar system are celestial bodies,but they have different
characteristics and name by two group of planets which is Terrestrial planet and
Jovian planet.Terrestrial planet are made up of rocks and they are closest to the sun,so
they have high density.Jovian planet have large masses and are father of the sun,so
they have low density than the terrestrial planet.Terrestrial planet include
Mercury,Earth,Mars and Venus.Jovian planet include Jupiter,Neptune,Uranus and
● Reference table
● Class note
● Class Reading
● Mr.Mckeon and Ms.Lubin