Life Transformation Groups

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Prayer Guide What is an LTG?

An LTG is made up of 2-3 people of the same

Each person in the group identifies 2 friends,
neighbors, co-workers, or family members who gender, who meet weekly for personal
accountability, spiritual growth, and development.
need to hear and believe the Gospel. List those
names below. Keep this in your bible, so that every LTG’s are not small groups, nor are they a
substitute for corporate worship, but they are an
time you open it, you are reminded to pray.
extension of what those things are designed to do.
Small groups provide a level of accountability that
_________________________ __________________________ only goes so far, and corporate worship alone is not
enough time in scripture to sustain us. LTG’s
_________________________ __________________________
provide an opportunity for increased learning and
_________________________ __________________________ growth.

Here are some verses to pray over this list... All you have to do is find 1-2 other people, of the
1. Lord, please draw __________ Yourself. (Jn. 6:44) same sex, and then schedule a time to get together
for an hour. You can meet any time that fits your
2. I pray that __________ hears and believes the schedules. Since the meetings only last about an
Word of God for what it really is. (1 Thess. 2:13) hour, they can be over breakfast, during a lunch
3. I pray that __________ begins to seek You out, break, after you put the kids to bed, before worship
and that You will be near. (Acts 17:27) on Sunday... whenever. Be creative. This does not
require an entire evening out of your life.
4. Lord, prevent Satan from blinding __________
to the truth. (2 Cor. 4:4, 2 Tim 2:25-26)
5. Holy Spirit, I ask you to convict __________ of
his/her sin and need for Christ’s Redemption.
(Jn. 16:7-14)

6. I ask that you send someone who will share the

Gospel with __________ . (Matt. 9:37-38)
7. I ask that you give me to opportunity, the
courage, and the right words to share with
__________ . (Col. 4:3-5)

8. Lord, I pray that __________ would turn from

his/her sin and follow Christ.
(Acts 17:30-31, 1 Thess. 1:9-10)
9. Lord, I pray that __________ would put all of
his/her trust in Christ. (Jn. 1:12; 5:24) THE BASILICA COMMUNITY
10.I pray that __________ would confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, take root and grow in faith, and WWW. BASILICACOMMUNITY.COM
bear fruit for Your glory. [email protected]
(Rom. 10:9, Col. 2:6-7, Lk 8:15)
Accountability Questions

What happens in an LTG? Each time you meet, utilize these questions to help
hold each other accountable. These are here to
stimulate conversation so that sins will be confessed
in a safe are gracious environment. Feel free to
come up with your own questions when needed.

1. Have you been faithful to the supremacy of

Jesus with both your words and deeds?
2. Have you been exposed to any sexually explicit
material or allowed your mind to entertain
inappropriate sexual thoughts about another?

3. Have you lacked financial integrity or coveted

something that does not belong to you?
Some of the same things that happen in our When the group meets, they will discuss the
corporate worship gathering... reading. If one member of the group does not do 4. Have you been honoring, understanding, and
the reading one week, that’s OK. Read it again generous in your important relationships?
Sin is confessed to one another the next week. Repetitive reading of God’s word 5. Have you damaged another person with your
Christians are expected to engage each other for in community with other believers in not a bad words or thoughts, whether behind their back, or
the purpose of caring for each other, and to do thing. to their face?
spiritually good things for each other. Talk openly and honestly about what God is 6. Have you given in to an addictive behavior?
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray saying to you through His Word. Be honest Explain...
for one another, so that you may be healed. The about passages that trouble you. Don’t think that
intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful. expressing difficulty = lack of faith. Your partner 7. Have you harbored anger/resentment toward
may, and probably will, have insight that helps another?
James 5:16
you understand God’s word better.
8. In what ways have you been a missionary to a
Watch out, brothers, so that there won’t be in any of Lost people are prayed for lost world this week? How have you had to rely
you an evil, unbelieving heart that departs from the on Jesus’ promise to be with us as we do this?
living God. But encourage each other daily, while it is Each person selects 2-3 non-Christian friends,
relatives, neighbors, or co-workers, and the 9. Did you finish the reading that we agreed to?
still called today, so that none of you is hardened by
group covenants to pray for the salvation of Did you hear from God? What are you going to
sin’s deception. For we have become companions of
those 4-6 people. do about it?
the Messiah if we hold firmly until the end the reality
that we had at the start. The list of scriptures to aid in prayer for these 10.Have you been completely honest with me?
Hebrews 3:12-14 people can be used as a bookmark for your
weekly reading, so that you will remember to
That week’s Bible reading is pray each of the 4-5 times you read during the ___________________________________________
discussed week.
Each group decides on a book of the Bible, or a Each week, the group should close by praying
for each other, and then praying for the people ___________________________________________
section of a larger book to be read during the
week. Pick a section that is not too large to be on this list. Use the space above to add any questions that need
read 4-5 times throughout the week. to be asked on a weekly basis.

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