Revascularization of Immature Permanent Incisors After Severe Extrusive Luxation Injury
Revascularization of Immature Permanent Incisors After Severe Extrusive Luxation Injury
Revascularization of Immature Permanent Incisors After Severe Extrusive Luxation Injury
This protocol has been successful, as evidenced by increased root length, thickening of
the root walls and apical closure of varying degrees.23–28 In the following case, we
describe the management of severely extruded immature maxillary incisors and the
outcome of revascularization in the treatment of pulp necrosis subsequent to the trauma.
Case Report
A healthy 8.5-year-old boy was admitted to the pediatric dentistry clinic 6 hours after a
fall in his schoolyard. Reportedly, an emergency examination had been carried out by a
hospital pediatrician, who found the patient to be free of neurologic and general
physical symptoms and referred him for management of dentoalveolar trauma.
The child was unable to close his mouth or speak properly because of severely displaced
maxillary central incisors, evident on extraoral view (Fig. 1a). Intraoral examination
showed severe extrusive luxation of the incisors along with a fractured labial cortical
bone (Fig. 1b). The teeth were excessively mobile and the maxillary right central
incisor showed pronounced displacement in the palatal direction. The palatal segment of
the alveolar bone was slightly mobile on palpation, but did not appear to be dislodged.
The neighbouring lateral incisors displayed normal mobility. The attached gingiva distal
to the right lateral incisor was lacerated (Fig. 1b). A periapical radiograph revealed
increased apical periodontal ligament space in both incisors, along with palatal
displacement of the right central incisor (Fig. 1c). In both teeth, root development was
incomplete, and wide root canals and open apices were evident.
Following removal of the blood clot with copious saline irrigation (Fig. 1d), the
dislodged buccal cortical bone was gently repositioned. The extruded incisors were then
meticulously repositioned by conventional digital maneuver, with no sign of resistance
caused by a clot blockage. A semi-rigid splint made of 0.9-mm monofilament fishing
line was bonded to the lateral and central incisors using acid-etch composite resin
(Fig. 1e). After suturing of soft tissue lacerations, a radiograph was taken to confirm
correct reduction and repositioning (Fig. 1f). The patient was prescribed amoxicillin and
ibuprofen, and scheduled for a follow-up visit.
Figure 1: Initial examination of patient. a) Extraoral view, demonstrating the extent of
jaw closure; b) intraoral and c) radiographic views of extruded incisors; d) intraoral
view following removal of the blood clot with saline irrigation; e) view of the incisors
after reduction, splinting and suturing; f) radiographic view of the incisors after
repositioning, revealing the wide root canals and open apices.
A week later, the patient returned with severe spontaneous pain involving the
traumatized incisors. The teeth were tender on palpation, and radiographic examination
revealed periapical radiolucency. Because of the patient’s incomplete root development
and wide open apices, traditional endodontic therapy using Ca(OH)2-based apexification
or placement of an apical barrier with MTA would seriously compromise the structural
integrity of the tooth. Therefore, regenerative endodontic treatment of the affected
incisors was considered. After comprehensive discussion of the risks and possible
outcomes of this treatment and the treatment plan in case of failure, the consent of the
patient and parents was obtained and treatment was initiated at the same visit.
After anesthesia, the pulp chambers were accessed. Isolation was achieved using cotton
rolls and gauze, as a rubber dam could not be placed in the presence of the trauma
splint. Each root canal orifice was gently irrigated with 10 mL of 2.5% sodium
hypochlorite (NaOCl) without instrumentation. Ca(OH)2 powder (Merck, Darmstadt,
Germany) was mixed with sterile saline in a 3:1 ratio to produce a thick, homogeneous
paste. The mixture was placed in the pulp chamber using a plastic carrier and loosely
packed into the coronal portion of the root canals with moist cotton pellets. Finally, the
access cavity was sealed with Cavit (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) (Fig. 2a). A week
later, the patient was recalled for removal of the trauma splint and, 3 weeks later, for
evaluation of the intracanal medication.
After 3 weeks, both teeth were asymptomatic. They were anesthetized using 2%
mepivacaine (Citanest, AstraZeneca, UK) without a vasoconstrictor, isolated with a
rubber dam and reaccessed. The Ca(OH)2 paste was removed with copious 2.5% NaOCl
irrigation, and the root canals received a final irrigation with 10 mL sterile saline and
were dried. Apical bleeding was induced by gentle irritation using size 15 K-files. After
a blood clot had formed, MTA (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK) was prepared
according to the manufacturer’s instructions and gently adapted over the blood clot. A
wet cotton pellet was placed over the MTA, and the access cavity was temporarily
restored with conventional glass ionomer cement. Final resin composite restorations
were placed 1 week later (Fig. 2b), and the patient was scheduled for regular follow-up
The teeth remained asymptomatic during the 18-month evaluation period. At 3 months,
the teeth showed complete periapical healing and, thereafter, root development and
closure of the apices continued (Fig. 2c).
To quantify the increase in root width and length, the radiographs obtained immediately
after treatment and 18 months later were converted to 32-bit TIFF files using ImageJ
analysis program (v.1.44p, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD). The TurboReg
plug-in (Biomedical Imaging Group, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne,
Switzerland)29 was used to mathematically align the two images as described by Bose
and colleagues.28 Because the 18-month radiograph showed less distortion, it was used
as the “source” image, while the postoperative radiograph, which required correction,
was used as the “target” image.28 Following alignment of the images using TurboReg
(Fig. 2d), a scale was added, and root lengths and root wall thicknesses were
measured.28 This revealed an increase of 18.16% and 17.14% in the root lengths and
40.54% and 75.64% in the root widths of the right and left incisors, respectively.
Figure 2: a) Radiographic view of the teeth after intracanal application of calcium
hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) paste; periradicular radiolucencies are evident in both
roots. b) Periapical radiograph showing the coronal mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)
barrier and final composite restoration. c)Radiographic view at 18 months follow-up,
demonstrating narrowing of root canal in the apical third and thickening of the lateral
walls. A normal bony architecture at the periradicular region is evident. d) Image b after
correction (alignment) with ImageJ and the TurboReg plugin using c as the “source”
image for mathematical correction.
At 12 months, a positive response to a cold test was first observed, but the response of
both teeth to electric pulp testing (EPT) was inconsistent. At 18 months, response to
cold testing was still positive and both teeth showed a consistent, delayed response to
EPT. The patient has been attending regular follow-up appointments; his teeth have
remained asymptomatic, with normal mobility and gingiva in good condition.
Ca(OH)2 has also been used successfully for disinfection of root canals before
revascularization.23,26,28 Bose and colleagues28 showed that placement of Ca(OH)2 in the
coronal half of the root canal contributed to a significant increase in root length and wall
thickness, comparable to that achieved with the triple antibiotic paste.
In the current case, the teeth were asymptomatic after treatment with Ca(OH)2:
continuing root development was observed, symptoms of infection were absent and no
crown discoloration occurred. In a retrospective study, Chueh and colleagues26 showed a
high rate of progressive calcification of the root canal space in teeth medicated with
Ca(OH)2, suggesting that root development induced by regenerative endodontic
treatment may not follow a natural pattern. Thus, despite the absence of root canal
obliteration in the current case, progressive calcification may occur in the longer run.
The favourable short-term results in this case of severe extrusive luxation show that
regenerative endodontic treatment of pulpally involved traumatized immature teeth is a
viable alternative to apexification or artificial apical barrier techniques. Although the
nature of the regenerated tissue within the root canal is yet to be elucidated in humans, it
is evident that this technique can allow for continued root development and apical
closure. More clinical data is required to confirm the predictability of this approach.
Dr. Cehreli is a professor in the department of pediatric dentistry, faculty of dentistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
Dr. Sara is a research assistant in the department of pediatric dentistry, faculty of dentistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
Dr. Aksoy is a research assistant in the department of pediatric dentistry, faculty of dentistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
The authors have no declared financial interests in any company manufacturing the
types of products mentioned in this article.