Review of Literature
Review of Literature
Review of Literature
marketing, understanding is needed of why consumers choose to engage in relational behaviour with a
supplier. They suggested that various influences are important motivators, including personal, social and
institutional influences
Garbarino and Johnson (1999) offer a further refinement to the ‘commitment-trust’ theory. They
suggest that commitment and trust are important in predicting future behaviour of high relational (loyal
and consistent) customers, but satisfaction is a more important indicator for low relational (occasional
and transactional) customers. Thus commitment and trust are likely to be important in relationships that
are characterised by mainly high relational customers
Mowday, Porter and Steers (1982) describe these as “attitudinal commitment focuses on the processes
by which people come to think about their relationship with the organisation … ..Behavioural
commitment, on the other hand, relates to the process by which individuals’ become locked into a
certain organisation and how they deal with the problem”
. Job satisfaction is an enormous area; however, to be concise a satisfying job typically has three
properties: z It has intrinsically enjoyable features:
Mathieu & Zajac (1990) found that the strongest correlation with commitment were obtained for job
characteristics, particularly job scope (enrichment). Z
Sharma and Bajpai [18] assert that employees are regarded as committed to an organization if they
willingly continue their association with the organization and devote considerable effort to achieving
organizational goals. The high levels of effort exerted by employees with high levels of organizational
commitment would lead to higher levels of performance and effectiveness of both the individual and
the organizational levels