Research Participant Consent Form

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Research Participant Consent Form

Title of Project: The application of meaninglessness in life in the emergence of depression

from the perspective of existential therapists: A phenomenological study

Name of Researcher: Alhan Tayefi Nasrabadi

(Delete as appropriate)

 I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet for
the above study (10/09/2011) and what my contribution will be. Yes No

 I have been given the opportunity to ask questions (face to face, via
telephone and e-mail) Yes No

 I agree to take part in the interview

Yes No

 I agree to the interview being tape-recorded

Yes No

 I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I can withdraw

from the research at any time without giving any reason Yes No

 I understand that the findings of this study will be presented as a

Master-level dissertation Yes No

 I agree to take part in the above study Yes No

Name of participant ……………………………………………………………………………

Signature …………………………………………………………………………….

Date ……………………………….

Name of researcher taking consent Alhan Tayefi Nasrabadi

Researchers e-mail address [email protected]

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