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International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications ( IJPLA ) Vol.5, No.

3, July 2015

A Performance Comparison Of C# 2013, Delphi

Xe6, And Python 3.4 Languages
Abdulkadir KARACI1
Department of Computer Engineering, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu, Turkey


C# 2013, Delphi XE6, and Python 3.4 are the newest and most popular programming languages. These
programming languages become more popular every passing day. In this study, the response times,
memory usages, and code lengths of these languages were tested in various workloads. Whether or not
there was any significant difference between the data obtained from workloads was tested via the Friedman
test. The test indicated a significant difference. In addition, the Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for
determining the effect size. This test showed that the level of the significant difference found in the
Friedman test was high.


C#, Delphi XE6, Performance Test, Python, Programming Language


Most of the developers are choosing the managed programming language. Because, managed
language has the following features.

1. Data and memory type safety,

2. Perform the automatic memory management,
3. Dynamic code transmission

Further, most of these programming languages are object-oriented programming languages [1].
The languages C# 2013, Delphi XE6 are managed languages. The Python is unmanaged
language. Memory method of unmanaged programming languages is not automatic. Therefore
they are not safe.

Microsoft .NET platform has provided a robust framework. Thus, Windows applications have
been developed so much easier. [2]. The NET Framework is a complete “application”
development platform, which has been developed by the Microsoft and, which has been
established on open Internet protocols and standards. The scope of application concept here is
very broad. Everything from a desktop application to a web browser has been considered within
this platform and everything has been supported. [3].

Programmers and computer scientists conduct research on the advantages and disadvantages of
various programming languages. Gillings and compared C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, and Python
languages in terms of memory usage and speed of execution by using 3 standard bioinformatics
methods. C was found to be the strongest [4]. Arudchelvam et al. compared FORTRAN, C, and
Java programming languages in terms of memory usage and run-time. These three languages
were found to be equal in terms of run-time. FORTRAN was found to be using less memory [5].
Lutz Prechelt compared C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Rexx, and Tcl programming languages in
terms of program length, programming effort, runtime efficiency, memory consumption, and
DOI : 10.5121/ijpla.2015.5301 1
International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications ( IJPLA ) Vol.5, No.3, July 2015

reliability [6]. Konstantin Berlin et al. compared Pthreads, OpenMP, MPI, and UPC parallel
computing APIs [7].
To contribute to works in this field, C# 2013, Delphi XE6, and Python 3.4 programming
languages were compared in terms of response time, memory usage, and code length in the
present study. These programming languages were chosen because they are popular and
commonly used.


Of the 400 research articles in software engineering, which need experimental validation, 40% do
not include experiment at all and this ratio in other disciplines 15% [8]. Therefore, in this article,
in order to test the performance of programming languages, experimental algorithms have been
prepared. Whether there is a significant difference among the experimental results obtained have
been tested with the nonparametric Friedman test.

2.1. The Test Platform

2.1.1. The Structure of the Programming Languages Compared

C# is a general-purpose, type-safe, object-oriented programming language. The purpose of

programming language should be to improve the efficiency of the programmer. This purpose
programming language balances performance, expressiveness and simplicity. The C# language is
platform-neutral, but it was written to work well with the Microsoft .NET Framework [9].
On April 15, 2014 Embarcadero released RAD Studio XE6 which included Delphi XE6 and
C++Builder. It allows creating natively compiled apps for all platforms for both desktop and
mobile, and even wearable devices like Google Glass, with a single C++ or Object Pascal
(Delphi) codebasing. RAD Studio XE6 adds support for Android 4.4 KitKat. It also became
possible to create FireMonkey mobile apps for Android [10].

Python is a popular programming language that can develop both independent and script
applications. Python is a portable, strong, easy-to-use, and free programming language. Python is
an object-oriented, interpreted, modular, and interactive programming language. Its indentation-
based simple syntax facilitates learning and remembering it. Thus, it allows starting programming
without wasting any time in the details of syntax. It supports modular structure, class system, and
any input field. It is compatible with almost all platforms (e.g. Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows,
Amiga, Symbian Os). Python allows developing software in many fields such as systems
programming, user interface (GUI) programming, web programming, application, and database
software programming [11].

2.1.2 The Computer Properties

The features of the computer used in the performance test are as in the following:

• Dell N series Notebook

• Hard Disc: 700 Gigabyte
• RAM: 6 Gigabyte
• Processor: Intel I7 2670QM 2.20 Gigahertz
• Operation System: Windows 7 Professional

International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications ( IJPLA ) Vol.5, No.3, July 2015

2.2. Workloads

The concept of workload is very important in modeling of computer systems [12]. The
performance evaluation using workload reduces quantity and cost of simulation [13].
Experimental system evaluations generally include workload programs. Every performance
evaluation program is worked with systems having different properties. The behavior of the
system is measured and its performance is interpreted [14]. Workload includes a list of services
that should be fulfilled by the system [2]. Workloads in this study are made up of different
programs. Each of these programs measures a different property of the programming language.
These workloads are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Workloads

Hello [1] Printing of “Hello World” on the screen for 5000 times
Matrix [2] Multiplication of two matrices of 500 x 500 dimensions
Sorting of the series with 10000 elements, the element values of which are in the
Sorting [3]
worst situation with the Selection Sorting algorithm.
Estimation of the prime numbers at the interval of [1..8193] with the sieve
Sieve [4]
algorithm for 10.000 times
The empty cycle at the interval of [1.. 100000000]
Cycle [5]
Estimation of the mean of the numbers at the interval of [1..3000] for 30000
Mean [6]
Writing and Reading of the character knowledge
Table [7] “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456
7890abcdefgh” with a text file for 10000 times

The algorithms used as workloads have been coded in every language the performance of which
will be tested by using standard properties in a way that they are equal to each other. These
program codes have been converted into executable code (.exe) and their memory consumptions
and response times have been obtained from Windows 7 Command Prompt.

The Hello [1] program tests writing on the screen and loading performance of the program,
Matrix [2] and Mean [6] programs integer arithmetic performance, Sorting [3] program cycle and
logical decision performance. The Sieve [4] program to predict prime numbers by using the
classical Sieve Eratosthenes algorithm. The Sieve program tests the basic logical comparison and
integer arithmetic operation [15]. The Empty Cycle [5] program tests the loop performance of
programming languages. Table [7] program tests reading in the text file and writing performance.

2.3. Performance Metrics

Metrics used in the performance tests are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Performance Metrics Used In The Performance Tests

Metrics of Performance
1 Length of Code (LOC or CLOC)
2 Time of Response (ms-mili second)
3 Memory Usege (KB (kilobyte))

International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications ( IJPLA ) Vol.5, No.3, July 2015

2.3.1. The Code Length of the Programs Written

The number of the code is commonly used in order to measure the source code length of a
program. (LOC (line of code)) [17]. It is completed as LOC=NLOCK+CLOCK. NLOCK
(Uncommented Source Line of Code) is a code line which is not used during compilation. A
Commented Source Line of Code (CLOCK) is a code line which is used during compilation. The
best prediction should generally be performed as in the following in order to prediction the source
code length of a program.
1. Blank lines
2. Compiled lines (CLOC)
3. Data (variable, constant) definitions and other commands
4. Lines produced by the programming language

The density of the lines compiled can be calculated with CLOC*100/LOC formula [18]. The line
numbers of program codes used as a workload in this study have been calculated in line with the
explanations stated above and they have been shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Code Lengths of the Programs Written

C# 2013 .net Delphi XE6

Produced Produced
Data by the CL/L Data by the CL/L
Test CL* Definitions Language L* (%) CL* Definition Language L* (%)
Hello [1] 6 0 11 17 35 5 1 8 14 36
Matrix [2] 19 5 11 35 54 19 3 8 30 63
19 2 11 32 59 16 2 8 26 62
Sieve [4] 25 5 11 41 61 31 3 8 42 74
4 1 11 16 25 5 2 8 15 33
Cycle [5]
Mean [6] 12 3 11 26 46 13 2 8 23 57
Table [7] 18 4 11 33 55 22 5 8 35 63
Mean 48 55
Python 3.4
Data by the CL/L
Test CL* Definitions Language L* (%)
Hello [1] 5 1 0 6 83
Matrix [2] 12 4 0 16 75
11 2 0 13 85
Sieve [4] 14 6 0 20 70
5 1 0 6 83
Cycle [5]
Mean [6] 8 1 0 9 89
Table [7] 14 1 0 15 93
Mean 83
International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications ( IJPLA ) Vol.5, No.3, July 2015


The graphic of CLOC/LOC values given in Table III are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Compiled Line density graphic (CLOC/LOC)

2.3.2. Time of Response

The concept of response time is very important in computer systems performance test studies.
Response time is the measurement of the time for which a user or an application has to wait until
a command requested is completed [12]. In this study, response times of workloads run in the
programming languages desired to be measured are given in Table 4.

Table 4. Response Time of Workloads on Windows Operation System (ms-millisecond)

C# 2013 Delphi XE6 Python 3.4

Test Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean
Hello [1] 218 749 413 343 483 379 318 1117 591
Matrix [2] 2308 2511 2436,3 592 624 602,3 71820 80085 75181
Sorting [3] 265 327 283,5 280 327 305,5 27262 28204 27749,1
Sieve [4] 1076 1154 1101 920 1092 984,2 32196 32863 32288,5
Empty Loop [5] 358 436 381,6 312 374 333,9 10094 10693 10345,1
Mean [6] 374 421 405,2 312 359 330,7 16140 16927 16382,4
Table [7] 15 31 24,6 109 156 114 133 279 187,5
Mean 720,7 435,6 23246,4

International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications ( IJPLA ) Vol.5, No.3, July 2015

Figure 2. Response Time Graphic of Workloads

Mean response times for all workloads are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Mean Response Times for All the Workloads by the Programming Languages

2.3.3. Memory Consumption

Memory consumption of every workload has been obtained separately by programming

languages by using Windows Task Manager. These values are shown as Kilobyte (KB) in Table 5

Table 5. Memory Consumption (KB)

Workload C# 2013 Delphi XE6 Python 3.4
Hello [1] 1,5 0,7 2,3
Matrix [2] 4,2 3,6 2,3
Sorting [3] 1,4 0,7 2,5
Sieve [4] 1,4 0,7 2,4
Empty Loop [5] 1,4 0,7 2,3
Mean [6] 1,4 0,7 2,3
Table [7] 4,4 0,7 2,7
Mean 2,2 1,1 2,4

International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications ( IJPLA ) Vol.5, No.3, July 2015

The graphic belonging to memory consumption data is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Memory Consumption Graphic

2.4. Statistical Design

Minimal descriptive statistics contains the following for a data set: total observation number,
mean, median, standard deviation, minimal value, maximum value and number of observations.
Presentation of descriptive statistics data on dependent variable is significant [16, 19]. One-Way
ANOVA is used when searching the effect of one independent variables on a dependent variable
[20]. In this study, the dependent variable is response time, the independent variable is
programming languages. Significant results have been obtained by applying one-way ANOVA on
these dependent and independent variables. However, because variance equality assumption has
not been ensured, these results have not been presented in the article. Instead, the Friedman test, a
non-parametric method, has been used.

The Friedman test is the non-parametric correspondence of one-way ANOVA test. When the
same samples belonging to the subjects have been treated and when these samples have been
measured at three or more points, the Friedman test is used [20, 21].

The Friedman test has been used in order to find whether there is a significant difference among
response times obtained as a result of running of every workload on C# 2013, Delphi XE6 and
Python 3.4 programming languages. The Friedman test showed that there is a significant
difference between the response times of 3 different programming languages in all workloads
except for Hello[1]. The test data obtained from the Friedman test are shown in Table 6. In
addition, mean rank values and the general average of these values clearly indicate that Delphi
XE6 is the fastest programming language in terms of response time. Statistical results regarding
Hello[1] demonstrate that there is no significant difference for this workload in terms of response
time, χ 2 (2) = 1.4, p > .05.

International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications ( IJPLA ) Vol.5, No.3, July 2015

Table 6. The Friedman Test Data

Mean Rank

Wordload C# 2013 Delphi XE6 Python 3.4 p χ2 df

Hello [1] 1,90 1,8 2,30 0,49 1,4
Matrix [2] 2 1 3 0 20
Sorting [3] 1,2 1,8 3 0 16,8
Sieve [4] 1,95 1,05 3 0 19,54 2
Empty Loop [5] 2 1 3 0 20
Mean [6] 2 1 3 0 20
Table [7] 1 2,1 2,9 0 18,2
The average of
1,72 1,39 2,89
the mean rank

In this study, effect size was calculated, too. The calculation of effect size is important because it
allows identifying the group(s) from which the significant difference between groups arises [20].
Following the Friedman test, the Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for calculating the effect
sizes of the programming languages used. In this way, type 1 mistake was kept at minimum [22].

The Bonferroni correction value was calculated in order to calculate the significance coefficient
of posthoc tests. The α/number of comparisons formula was applied to determine the significance
value of Wilcoxon tests used for posthoc, according to Field (2005). New significance value was
found to be 0.05/3=0.017. Effect size (r) and significance value (p) obtained through the posthoc
test are showed in Table VII.

The below-mentioned formula was used for calculating the effect size: [23].

r: Effect size, Z: Z value, N: N1+N2

Table 7. The Posthoc Test Data

Post Hoc
Delphi XE6-C# 2013 Python 3.4-C# 2013 Python 3.4-DelphiXE6
Z r p Z r p Z r p
Matrix [2] -2,81 -0,63 0,005 -2,8 -0,63 0,005 -2,80 -0,63 0,005
Sorting [3] -2,02 -0,45 0,043 -2,8 -0,63 0,005 -2,8 -0,63 0,005
Sieve [4] -2,67 -0,60 0,008 -2,8 -0,63 0,005 -2,8 -0,63 0,005
Empty Loop [5] -2,82 -0,63 0,005 -2,8 -0,63 0,005 -2,8 -0,63 0,005
Mean [6] -2,82 -0,63 0,005 -2,8 -0,63 0,005 -2,8 -0,63 0,005
Table [7] -2,85 -0,64 0,004 -2,8 -0,63 0,005 -2,7 -0,60 0,007
The average of
-0,60 -0,63 -0,63
the r

An effect size (r) closer to zero means a lower insignificant difference between the response times
of programming languages. However, p and r values in the Table VII indicate that the difference
between binary groups is big enough to be considered significant. However, Hello [1] workload is
ignored here. This is because; the Friedman test also indicated no significant difference in this
International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications ( IJPLA ) Vol.5, No.3, July 2015

workload. The average effect sizes (r) for all workloads also demonstrate that the difference
between binary groups is big enough to be considered significant. In other words, the difference
between the programming languages in terms of response time is big and statistically significant.


The general averages of the response times related to all workloads obtained from the
performance tests indicate that Delphi XE6 is considerably faster than C# 2013 and Python. Also
Delphi XE6 is 3 times as fast as C# 2013 and 49 times as fast as Python. However, C# 2013
writes and reads text file averagely 4.5 times as fast as Delphi XE6. All these results are
statistically significant in all workloads except for Hello [1]. Thus, the results concerning this test
are not interpreted here.

The detailed comparison of the response times of the programming languages by workload shows
the results given below.

The general averages of the response times regarding Matrix [2] and Average [6] workloads
indicate that Delphi XE6 is almost 3 times as fast as C# 2013. This result shows that the integer
arithmetic performance of Delphi XE6 is faster than that of C# 2013.

The results concerning Sort [3] workload indicate that C# is 1.07 times as fast as Delphi XE6 in
logical decision performance. The results related to Sieve [4] workload, which tests basic integer
arithmetic and logical comparison, point out that Delphi XE6 is 1.1 times as fast as C# 2013. C#
2013 is faster only in logical decision performance. However, when both logical decision and
integer arithmetic come into play, Delphi XE6 is faster.

Delphi XE6 is 1.14 times as fast as C# 2013 in terms of loop performance.

In terms of response time, Python remains falls behind the other two languages in all tests.
Consequently, the programs written in Python run much slower than those written in C# 2013 and
Delphi XE6.

In terms of memory usage, Delphi XE6 uses 50% less memory than C# 2013 and almost 54% less
memory than Python. That is to say, the programs coded in Delphi XE6 can run faster by using
less memory.

Although Delphi XE6 is strong in terms of memory usage, it is weaker than Python and slightly
stronger than C# 2013 in terms of code density. The averages of compiled code density obtained
from all tests show that Python is the strongest. The averages of compiled code density of Python,
Delphi XE6, and C# 2013 are 83%, 55%, and 48% respectively. These figures indicate that code
density not used by Python during compilation is low. In other words, Python does not produce
many codes other than the program codes to be used for solving the problem. Delphi XE6 is
stronger than C# 2013 in terms of code density.


Delphi XE6 is considerably faster than C# 2013 and Python 3.4 in terms of response time. Python
is stronger than the other two languages only in terms of code density. Delphi XE6 uses 50% less
memory than C# 2013 and almost 54% less memory than Python. That is to say, the programs
coded in Delphi XE6 can run faster by using less memory.

International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications ( IJPLA ) Vol.5, No.3, July 2015

When all performance measurements are considered, Delphi XE6 is seen to be stronger than the
other two languages. The present study proved that statistically.

Python is quite weak in terms of both memory usage and response time. However, Python is
distinctive relative to C# 2013 and Delphi XE6 in that it has an indentation-based simple syntax,
is compatible with different platforms (e.g. Linux, Pardus, Windows), and is free.


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Dr. (Mr.) Abdulkadir KARACI

Assistant professor
Department of Department of Computer Engineering
B.E. (Computer Education)
M.E. (Computer Education)
Ph.D (Electronic and Computer Education)
Areas of Interest: Intelligent Tutoring System, Artificial Neural Network, Programming Language


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