Electrical Engineering Department Electromagnetics Lab: Expt # 6: Wave Propagation Study in Rectangular Waveguide
Electrical Engineering Department Electromagnetics Lab: Expt # 6: Wave Propagation Study in Rectangular Waveguide
Electrical Engineering Department Electromagnetics Lab: Expt # 6: Wave Propagation Study in Rectangular Waveguide
Electromagnetics Lab
Expt # 6: Wave propagation study in rectangular waveguide
• To study the characteristics of wave propagation in a waveguide by studying standing
wave pattern for (a) Short circuit, (b) Open circuit and (c) Horn Antenna (d) Matched
• To verify relationship between guide wavelength λg and free-space wavelength λ
Waveguide test bench consisting of a Generator (Reflex Klystron or Gunn oscillator),
Generator power supply, Isolator, Waveguide slotted section with carriage and probe tuning,
Waveguide attenuator, Waveguide short-circuit and Waveguide matched termination
A waveguide is a single hollow conductor in which the usual current-voltage
considerations may be difficult to visualize and the line may appear to be short-circuited at
each point. However, the wave propagation in waveguides is characterized by varying
electromagnetic fields subjected to appropriate boundary conditions such as the tangential
component of the electric field and the normal component of the magnetic field being zero at
the metal surface. The fields are not necessarily zero, just before the walls of the guide.
Consequently, in a waveguide, electromagnetic fields propagate without touching the walls,
i.e., with confined flow of electromagnetic energy. Further, these confined, propagating
electromagnetic fields may satisfy the boundary conditions in a number of ways called
'modes'. These modes are broadly divided into two classes: (i) transverse electric (TE), the
electric field being transverse to the direction of propagation (E z = 0, when waves are
travelling in z-direction), and
(ii) transverse magnetic (TM), the magnetic field being transverse to the direction of
propagation (B; or Hz = 0).
Not only this, as per the boundary conditions, only half-period variations of the fields are
possible (Etan and Hnormal must vanish on the walls). Hence in case of a rectangular waveguide
corresponding to 2a = mλ and 2b = nλ (m and n being integers, a and b define waveguide
cross-sectional dimensions Fig. 6.1), the restrictions imposed by the waveguide dimensions
determine TEmn and TMmn modes. The lowest mode having the lowest frequency and longest
wavelength of propagation is called the dominant mode. TE 10 and TM11 are dominant modes
for the respective TE and TM classes.
• Assemble the set-up as shown in Fig. 6.2
• With load-end open -circuited, energize the klystron oscillator (with due arrangement
for cooling).
• Move the probe carriage to the position of voltage maximum and adjust detector
tuning for peak meter reading when attenuator is set for maximum attenuation.
• Read the frequency of the excited wave by adjusting the frequency meter for a dip in
the output amplitude. Thereafter, detune the frequency meter slightly.
• Move the probe carriage along the slotted waveguide line and record in tabular form,
the meter reading at points 2 mm apart.
• Plot a curve for meter reading versus distance along the line. The curves thus obtained
are a standing wave pattern when load-end is open-circuited.
• With load-end short circuited and then terminated in a horn antenna, repeat above
steps to obtain standing wave pattern in these cases too.
• Terminate the load-end in a matched termination and plot the pattern obtained. What
is this pattern and why?
Fig. 6.2: Bench setup
• Verify the relation (for Short, Open, and Horn Antenna terminations)
by substituting values of λg (in cm), λ = (3 X 10 )/f (in cm) and 2a (in cm), ‘a’ being
broader dimension of the waveguide by comparing with the practically obtained value
(Double of distance between two successive maxima or minima of the standing wave
pattern obtained)
• Compare and comment on patterns obtained for the three cases and the corresponding
VSWR in each case.
Power Meter
Supply Detector
1 KHz (1 KHz Amp)
Sq. wave
Coupling: -20dB
0.05 mW
Pin Wave Slotted line
Gunn Osc. Isolato Modulato
0 dB
Meter Section
r r
5 mW 5 mW 5 mW
10mW 10mW