Upgrade of Useless Loop Road, Shark Bay: Main Roads Western Australia

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Upgrade of Useless Loop Road, Shark Bay

Main Roads Western Australia

Report and Recommendations

of the Environmental Protection Authority

Environmental Protection Authority

Perth, Western Australia
Bulletin 1003
December 2000
ISBN.0 7307 6629 2
ISSN.1030 - 0120
Assessment No. 1364

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. The proposal.................................................................... 2

3. Consultation.................................................................... 2

4. Relevant environmental factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

6. Recommendations.............................................................. 5

1. Gascoyne Region, Useless Loop Road, Regional Location

1. References
2. Recommended Environmental Conditions and Proponent’s Consolidated Commitments
3. Details of Proponent Consultation
1. Introduction
This report provides the advice and recommendations of the Environmental Protection Authority
(EPA) to the Minister for the Environment on the environmental factors relevant to a proposal
by Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) to upgrade sections of the existing Useless Loop
Road, Shark Bay.

The EPA was advised of the proposal to upgrade the existing Useless Loop Road in April
2000. MRWA (the proponent) was advised at that time of the EPA’s expectation that
proponents of development proposals in the Shark Bay World Heritage Property will consult
with the Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), as the lead agency with
respect to management of the Shark Bay World Heritage Property under the terms of an
agreement between the Commonwealth and State Government. The EPA also encouraged
MRWA to take advantage of the special expertise that exists on the area, particularly that within
CALM, the Shark Bay World Heritage Property Scientific Advisory Committee and the Shark
Bay World Heritage Property Community Consultative Committee.

MRWA has subsequently prepared an “Environmental Assessment and Management Plan:

Upgrade of Useless Loop Road, Gascoyne Region” (EAMP) (ATA Environmental, 2000)
which provides additional information on the level of consultation undertaken, the proposal as
modified through the consultation process and the proposed management measures including
the proponent’s commitments. A limited number of copies of the document are available
through the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) library. Copies will also be
available for viewing at the local Shark Bay library and in Perth at both the Battye Library of
WA and the DEP library.

Based on the information provided in the EAMP and the comments of relevant agencies and
committees, the EPA considered that while the proposal had the potential to have an effect on
the environment, the proposal is capable of being implemented in an environmentally acceptable
manner such that it is most unlikely that the EPA’s environmental objectives would be
compromised, provided the proposed commitments are legally binding. Consequently, the
EPA set the level of assessment at EPA - initiated Environmental Protection Statement (EPS) in
accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Administrative Procedures Amendment

Any person who disagrees with the EPA’s decision on the level of assessment may lodge an
appeal with the Minister for the Environment within 14 days of the date of the decision being
placed in the public record, which was 8 December 2000.

A separate right of appeal exists for any person who disagrees with the content of, or any
recommendations in this report, also within 14 days of release of the report, which was also 8
December 2000.

Further details of the proposal are presented in Section 2 of this report. Section 3 discusses the
level of consultation undertaken and the outcomes of that consultation. The environmental
factors relevant to the proposal are described in Section 4. The EPA’s conclusions are
presented in Section 5 and Section 6 presents the EPA’s recommendations.

The report also includes the following appendices: Appendix 1 provides the references for the
report, Appendix 2 contains the recommended environmental conditions and the proponent’s
commitments and Appendix 3 provides detail of the consultation undertaken by the proponent.

2. The proposal
Development proposals in Shark Bay World Heritage Property
The proposal is within the Shark Bay World Heritage Property. The EPA acknowledges that
“while World Heritage listing does not prevent development, there is obviously an expectation
that developments are carefully evaluated from an environmental point of view and only allowed
to proceed if they can be implemented in a way which does not compromise the values for
which the area was listed” (EPA 2000).

Road upgrade proposal

The proposal is described in detail in Section 3 of the EAMP. The proposal involves the
upgrading of eight sections (each up to 1200m long) of the existing Useless Loop Road, in the
Shire of Shark Bay (Figure 1). The road works, which extend over a distance of 67 km,
include curve improvement, realignment and reconstruction of the sections. The proposal also
includes the development and use of six borrow pits for extraction of suitable road construction
materials. Of these six borrow pits, five are already existing and have been used for road
construction material in the past. The works areas for both the road improvements and the
borrow pits are shown in Schedule 1 of Appendix 2.

The key characteristics of the proposal are outlined in Schedule 1 of Appendix 2 of this

3. Consultation
The EPA considers that adequate consultation can be demonstrated by the proponent when

• are kept informed about the potential and actual environmental impacts of the proposal;

• are included in the consultation process and are able to make their concerns, in regard to
environmental impacts, known to the proponent;

• receive well informed responses to concerns raised; and

• are able to have meaningful input into the proponent’s management of environmental

During the preparation of the EAMP, the proponent has undertaken consultation with
government agencies and individuals with a direct interest in the project.

The Department of Conservation and Land Management is the lead agency with respect to the
management of the Shark Bay World Heritage Property. In accordance with the EPA’s
Guidance Statement for Assessment of Development Proposals in Shark Bay World Heritage
Property (EPA 2000), the EPA considered the proponent should primarily consult with CALM
and seek its approval of the EAMP and the proposed commitments prior to the EPA accepting
the EAMP document. The advice of both the Shark Bay World Heritage Property Community
Consultative Committee (CCC) and the Shark Bay World Heritage Property Scientific Advisory
Committee (SAC) was also sought. The proposal was discussed at the August 2000 meetings
of both of the CCC and the SAC, where CALM’s Regional Manager of the Midwest region
provided a briefing on the proposal to the committees. The EPA has received notification from
CALM that the environmental commitments made by MRWA, included as Schedule 2 of
Appendix 2 in this report, will enable the impacts of the proposed works to be adequately
managed. The EPA is therefore satisfied that sufficient consultation has occurred.

The primary focus of consultation was to ensure that the World Heritage values of the areas
within which roadworks are proposed would not be compromised. The primary issues raised
during consultation included minimisation of: vegetation clearing; impact on priority flora
species; impact on visual amenity; potential for erosion; management of weeds and impact on
landform characteristics, such as the evaporative clay/ salt pans known as birridas.

The most significant outcome of the consultation phase for this proposal is the reduction in the
area and number of borrow pits required to source material for road upgrades. The original
proposal identified an area of approximately 760 hectares from which road materials could
potentially be sourced. A number of the initially proposed borrow pit sites were in pristine
birridas, in areas with potential for high visual impact or in areas with priority flora species. As
a result of consultation, the locations of borrow pit sites have been more accurately defined and
the number of sites has been reduced from twelve to six. The re-evaluation of borrow pit sites
ensures that no pristine birridas are impacted by this proposal, visual impact is minimised and
the area of vegetation clearing is substantially reduced, to approximately 4 hectares.

The proponent has addressed other issues, such as the potential for erosion and the management
of weeds, in its commitment to management practices that will be applied in the implementation
of the proposal.

The organisations consulted and a summary of comments received are included in Section 2.16
of the EAMP and are attached as Appendix 3 of this report.

4. Relevant environmental factors

In the EPA’s opinion the following are the environmental factors relevant to the proposal:

a) Vegetation – effects of vegetation clearing for the upgrade of Useless Loop Road on the
local and regional vegetation, including priority flora species;

b) Landform – effects of landform changes, particularly as a result of construction of

borrow pits and the potential for impact on evaporative clay/ salt pans known as birridas.

These are two of the World Heritage values for which Shark Bay was inscribed on the World
Heritage List in 1991. These are the only World Heritage values that would be affected by the
construction and operation of this proposed road upgrade.

4 . 1 Vegetation
The proposed road upgrade will require the removal of approximately 12 hectares of native
vegetation, with a further 4 hectares of clearing required for the proposed borrow pits. In the
flora surveys commissioned by the proponent (Landcare Services, 1998 – Appendix 1 of the
EAMP), no Declared Rare Flora were identified in the study area, however, nine priority flora
species were located. Resource extraction will not affect any priority species however,
proposed road works will affect a number of individual plants of the nine priority flora species
as described in Section 3.4 of the EAMP. A follow up flora survey, conducted in September
2000 (Landcare Services, 2000) to determine the potential impact of the proposed road works
on priority flora species, established that the majority of the priority taxa previously identified
were quite common in the area surveyed. The proponent has included a commitment to
continue to consult with CALM to develop a management plan that includes measures to limit
the impacts of the proposal on priority flora during the implementation of the project. No
threatened vegetation communities were identified in the area of proposed works.

Taking into account both modifications to the proposal to limit the amount of vegetation affected
by the proposal and the proponent’s commitments to prepare and implement management plans
in consultation with CALM, particularly with regard to managing the impacts on priority flora

species, the EPA considers that this proposal is capable of being managed to meet the EPA’s
objective for vegetation.

4 . 2 Landform
Shark Bay has distinctive evaporative clay/ salt pans which are known as birridas. No pristine
birridas will be affected by this proposal. However, it is proposed to source road construction
materials from two borrow pits within birridas, both of which have previously been used for
obtaining road construction material. The remaining borrow pits are located outside birridas.
In addition to reducing the number and area of birridas affected by the proposal, the proponent
has consulted with CALM with regard to developing management measures that will be applied
by MRWA during the implementation of the project. MRWA has committed to the preparation
of a Rehabilitation Plan in consultation with CALM that will provide more detail of the
rehabilitation of areas affected by the proposal particularly with regard to re-establishing
landforms consistent with the surrounds.

Taking into account the modifications to the proposal to substantially reduce the impacts on
birridas, the proponent’s commitments to rehabilitation and to continued consultation with
CALM during the implementation of the proposal, the EPA considers that this proposal is
capable of being managed meet the EPA’s objective for landform.

5. Conclusions
Section 44 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 requires the EPA to report to the Minister
for the Environment on the environmental factors relevant to the proposal and on the conditions
and procedures to which the proposal should be subject, if implemented. In addition, the EPA
may make recommendations as it sees fit.
The EPA has concluded that the proposal to upgrade the existing Useless Loop Road is capable
of being managed in an environmentally acceptable manner such that the EPA’s objectives
would not be compromised, provided there is satisfactory implementation of the proponent’s
commitments and the proposed Ministerial Conditions. The management plans to be developed
as part of the proponent’s commitments will also ensure that the World Heritage values of the
Shark Bay World Heritage Property are unlikely to be compromised.
Furthermore, the EPA has recommended that the proposal should be subject to the preparation
and implementation of an Environmental Management System.

6. Recommendations
The EPA considers that the proponent has demonstrated, in the Environmental Assessment and
Management Plan – Upgrade of Useless Loop Road, that the proposal can be managed in an
environmentally acceptable manner and provides the following recommendations to the Minister
for the Environment:

1. That the Minister notes that this report follows a decision by the EPA to set a level of
assessment as EPA - initiated Environmental Protection Statement because:

• The proposal by Main Roads WA was for an upgrade of an existing road;

• The commitments in relation to the environmental factors identified needed to be

made legally binding through the environmental conditions set in accordance with
Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986; and

• The proposal is not of the magnitude to warrant a more expanded environmental

impact assessment under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

2. That the Minister considers the report on the relevant environmental factors as set out in
Section 4.

3. That the Minister notes that the EPA has concluded that it is unlikely that the EPA’s
objectives would be compromised, provided there is satisfactory implementation by the
proponent of the recommended conditions and proponent commitments as set out in
Appendix 2, including the provision for implementation of an environmental management

4. That the Minister imposes the conditions and procedures recommended in Appendix 2 of
this report.

Appendix 1

ATA Environmental (2000) Environmental Assessment and Management Plan – Upgrade of
Useless Loop Road, (final December 2000).

Environmental Protection Authority (2000) Final Guidance No 49. Guidance Statement for
Assessment of Development Proposals in Shark Bay World Heritage Property, (November

Landcare Services Pty Ltd (1998) Gascoyne (North-west Coastal Highway and Useless loop
Road) Vegetation and Flora Survey. Report prepared for Alan Tingay and Associates
(September 1998).

Landcare Services Pty Ltd (2000) Priority Species Populations Investigations Useless Loop
Road Realignment. Report prepared for Main Roads Western Australia (September 2000).
Appendix 2

Recommended Environmental Conditions

and Proponent’s Commitments

Statement No. XX





Proposal: This proposal is for the upgrading of eight sections (each up to 1200
metres long) of the existing Useless Loop Road, in the Shire of
Shark Bay. The road works, which extend over approximately 67
kilometres of road, include curve improvement, realignment and
reconstruction. The proposal also includes the development and use
of six borrow pits for extraction of suitable road construction
materials, as documented in schedule 1 of this statement.

Proponent: Main Roads Western Australia

Proponent Address: PO Box 480, CARNARVON WA 6701

Assessment Number: 1364

Report of the Environmental Protection Authority: Bulletin 1003

The proposal to which the above report of the Environmental Protection Authority relates may
be implemented subject to the following environmental conditions and procedures:


1 Implementation

1-1 Subject to these conditions and procedures, the proponent shall implement the proposal as
documented in schedule 1 of this statement.

1-2 Where the proponent seeks to change any aspect of the proposal as documented in
schedule 1 of this statement in any way that the Minister for the Environment determines,
on advice of the Environmental Protection Authority, is substantial, the proponent shall
refer the matter to the Environmental Protection Authority.

1-3 Where the proponent seeks to change any aspect of the proposal as documented in
schedule 1 of this statement in any way that the Minister for the Environment determines,
on advice of the Environmental Protection Authority, is not substantial, those changes
may be effected.
2 Proponent Commitments

2-1 The proponent shall implement the consolidated environmental management commitments
documented in schedule 2 of this statement.

2-2 The proponent shall implement subsequent environmental management commitments

which the proponent makes as part of the fulfilment of conditions and procedures in this

3 Proponent

3-1 The proponent for the time being nominated by the Minister for the Environment under
section 38(6) or (7) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 is responsible for the
implementation of the proposal until such time as the Minister for the Environment has
exercised the Minister’s power under section 38(7) of the Act to revoke the nomination of
that proponent and nominate another person in respect of the proposal.

3-2 Any request for the exercise of that power of the Minister referred to in condition 3-1 shall
be accompanied by a copy of this statement endorsed with an undertaking by the
proposed replacement proponent to carry out the proposal in accordance with the
conditions and procedures set out in the statement.

3-3 The proponent shall notify the Department of Environmental Protection of any change of
proponent contact name and address within 30 days of such change.

4 Commencement

4-1 The proponent shall provide evidence to the Minister for the Environment within five
years of the date of this statement that the proposal has been substantially commenced.

4-2 Where the proposal has not been substantially commenced within five years of the date of
this statement, the approval to implement the proposal as granted in this statement shall
lapse and be void. The Minister for the Environment will determine any question as to
whether the proposal has been substantially commenced.

4-3 The proponent shall make application to the Minister for the Environment for any
extension of approval for the substantial commencement of the proposal beyond five
years from the date of this statement at least six months prior to the expiration of the five
year period referred to in conditions 4-1 and 4-2.

4-4 Where the proponent demonstrates to the requirements of the Minister for the
Environment on advice of the Environmental Protection Authority that the environmental
parameters of the proposal have not changed significantly, then the Minister may grant an
extension not exceeding five years for the substantial commencement of the proposal.

5 Compliance Auditing

5-1 The proponent shall submit periodic Compliance Reports, in accordance with an audit
program prepared in consultation between the proponent and the Department of
Environmental Protection.

5-2 Unless otherwise specified, the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of
Environmental Protection is responsible for assessing compliance with the conditions,
procedures and commitments contained in this statement and for issuing formal, written
advice that the requirements have been met.
5-3 Where compliance with any condition, procedure or commitment is in dispute, the matter
will be determined by the Minister for the Environment.


6 Environmental Management System

6-1 In order to manage the environmental impacts of the project, and to fulfil the requirements
of the conditions and procedures in this statement, prior to ground-disturbing activity, the
proponent shall demonstrate to the requirements of the Environmental Protection
Authority on advice of the Department of Environmental Protection and Department of
Conservation and Land Management that there is in place an environmental management
system which includes the following elements:

1 An environmental policy and corporate commitment to it;

2 Mechanisms and processes to ensure:

(1) planning to meet environmental requirements;

(2) implementation and operation of actions to meet environmental requirements;

(3) measurement and evaluation of environmental performance; and

3 Review and improvement of environmental outcomes.

6-2 The proponent shall implement the environmental management system referred to in
condition 6-1.


Schedule 1
The Proposal
This proposal involves the upgrading of eight sections (each up to 1200 metres long) of the
existing Useless Loop Road, in the Shire of Shark Bay. The road works, which extend over a
distance of approximately 67 kilometres of road, include curve improvement, realignment and
reconstruction of the sections. The proposal also includes the development and use of six
borrow pits for extraction of suitable road construction materials. Of these six borrow pits, five
are already existing and have been used for road construction material in the past.

Key Characteristics Table

Element Quantities/Description

Period of construction Approximately 8 months

Project purpose To improve traffic safety and serviceability
Locality Project area is within the Shire of Shark Bay. The first section
of proposed works on Useless Loop Road starts at 16.7
straight line kilometres (SLK) and the last section starts at 82.7
Major Components 16.7 to 17.9 SLK Improve right hand curve, 500 metre
Proposed Road realignment, improve left hand curve,
Improvements 400 metre realignment
37.2 to 37.6 SLK Minor curve realignment
54.2 to 54.8 SLK Improve left hand curve, 600 metre
56.73 to 57.52 SLK 800 metre construction (raising of tidal
58.60 to 60.40 SLK 1800 metre realignment
62.4 to 63.1 SLK Improve right hand curve, 700 metre
77.6 to 78.5 SLK Improve right hand curve, 600 metre
82.7 to 83.6 SLK Improve reverse curve, 700 metre
See Figure 1 (of this schedule) for works areas
Major Components Area 1A (existing pit) Accessed from 16.25 SLK
Proposed Borrow Pits Area 1 (existing pit) Accessed from 28.90 SLK
Area 2 (existing pit) Accessed from 37.30 SLK
Area 3 (existing pit) Accessed from 54.94 SLK
Area 6 (new pit) Accessed from 60.60 SLK
Area 9A (existing pit) Accessed from 74.91 SLK
See Figure 1 (of this schedule) for borrow pit locations
Area of disturbance Approximately 12 hectares of disturbance for road
Approximately 4 hectares of disturbance for borrow pits
Area of vegetation clearing Approximately 12 hectares of vegetation clearing for road
Approximately 4 hectares of vegetation clearing for borrow
Rehabilitation and All areas of disturbance within the work areas shall be
revegetation rehabilitated at the completion of construction works,
including recontouring of disturbed areas and re-spreading of
All cleared land within the work areas shall be revegetated
utilising local native species.
Schedule 2

Proponent's Consolidated Environmental Management


December 2000




Version3 27/11/00
Schedule 2: Proponent’s environmental management commitments – Upgrade of Useless Loop Road, Shark Bay.
Main Roads Western Australia makes the following commitments to ensure appropriate environmental management of the proposed road works.
The following management plan actions are first to be addressed in the specifications and/or drawings during the design phase, prior to being
undertaken by the Contractor or responsible officer.

Topic Objective/s Action Timing Advice

1 Consultation To ensure that the potential Main Roads WA will continue to liaise with the Department of Conservation and Land Pre-construction CALM
environmental impacts of the Management (CALM) on the implementation and management of this development. Operation, Post-
proposal can be managed. construction
2 Vegetation To minimise and manage impact Develop and implement a Vegetation Management Plan, relevant to the size and scope of Develop at Pre- CALM
on native vegetation both within the project, which addresses or provides for the following: construction
and outside the development areas. • Develop a map which identifies the locations of priority flora along the route. phase.
• Instigate measures to minimise the amount of vegetation clearing, including limiting
vegetation clearing to the edge of the earthworks and causing no damage to vegetation, Implement
landforms, or faunal habitat outside the work areas (as defined in the road design plans during operation
and pegged on the ground).
• Continue to liaise with CALM in relation to native flora, particularly priority flora
species, identified within the proposed works areas and management actions for such
3 Rehabilitation To rehabilitate the site and Develop and implement a Rehabilitation Management Plan, relevant to the size and scope Develop at Pre- CALM
minimise long term impact, of the project, which addresses or provides for the following: construction
including erosion at the site. • All areas of disturbance arising from road work activity will be rehabilitated. phase.
• All cleared areas within the work areas will be revegetated.
• Local native species will be used for revegetation. Implement
• Wherever possible, cleared vegetation will be used for rehabilitation and to minimise during operation
• Disturbed areas will be re-contoured to blend in with the surrounding environment.
• Define the proposed monitoring of rehabilitation and erosion including, timing,
threshold levels for mitigating action, and contingency plans for when those threshold
levels are exceeded.
• Define criteria for undertaking supplementary planting and seeding and erosion control
Topic Objective/s Action Timing Advice
4 Topsoil To ensure that topsoil is managed Develop and implement a Topsoil Management Plan, relevant to the size and scope of the Develop at Pre- CALM
in a way to maximise its value in project, which addresses or provides for the following: construction
rehabilitation of disturbed areas. • Equate volume of topsoil removed with the amount respread within work areas. phase.
• Topsoil will be removed from the work areas, stockpiled and stored to prevent
degrading activities, such as flooding. Implement
• Develop a map of the proposed movement of topsoil. during operation
• Topsoil will not be transported between work areas. Topsoil, once stockpiled, will not
be used except to be re-spread.
• Define where topsoil will be re-spread, including on batter slopes, verges and
rehabilitation areas.
• Topsoil will be re-spread to appropriately reflect topography.
• Topsoil will be re-spread to similar depths to which it was removed.
• Topsoil will not be re-spread on birrida borrow pit areas.
5 Drainage To maintain natural drainage Develop and implement a Drainage Management Plan, relevant to the size and scope of the Develop at Pre- Water and
patterns at the development site, project, which addresses or provides for the following: construction Rivers
in particular at development areas • Provide a map of natural drainage patterns. phase. Commission
which intercept significant • Appropriately design drainage control structures will be installed to manage
drainage lines such as Brown Inlet stormwater from all works areas, including road re-alignments and borrow pits. Implement Shire of
and Depuch Loop. • Particular attention will be paid to maintaining natural drainage patterns and flows at during operation Shark Bay
development areas which intercept significant drainage lines such as Brown Inlet and
Depuch Loop.
• Appropriately designed culverts will be installed at drainage lines to ensure that surface
water flow is not significantly obstructed.
6 Weeds To minimise the transport of Develop and implement a Weed Management Plan, in line with the Main Roads WA Develop at Pre- CALM
weeds. standard specifications and relevant to the size and scope of the project, which addresses or construction
provides for the following: phase.
• Detail vehicle, plant and equipment hygiene (including wash down) procedures.
• Monitoring for weeds within the upgraded sections of the road reserve shall be Implement
undertaken once per year (in spring). during operation
• Detail monitoring methodology.
• Define threshold level of weed invasion that will instigate weed control measures.
7 Dust and noise To minimise potential impacts of Develop and implement a Dust and Noise Management Plan, relevant to the size and scope Develop at Pre- CALM
dust and noise from the of the project, which addresses or provides for the following: construction DEP
construction and operation of the • Acceptable hours of operation will be detailed specifically. phase.
road upgrade. • Dust control measures, including spraying with water, shall be undertaken on cleared
and exposed areas associated with road construction activity. Impacts of use of saline Implement
water for dust suppression will be managed. during operation
• Operations will comply with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.
Topic Objective/s Action Timing Advice
8 Visual Minimise visual impact of • Retain vegetation buffer between Useless Loop Road and borrow pits. Construction CALM
Amenity proposed works. • Limit clearing of native vegetation and rehabilitate all disturbed areas.
9 Rubbish Minimise environmental impact • All rubbish items shall be disposed of at the nearest waste disposal site. All development Shire of
from rubbish disposal. • No rubbish shall be burned or buried on site. phases Shark Bay
10 Fuel and Oils Minimise environmental impact • Adhere to the Main Roads WA standard specifications for management of fuel and oil. All development
from fuel and oils. phases
11 Fire Prevention of fire • Water tanks, equipment and personnel will be provided to fight any fires that All development Shire of
commence in the work areas until the construction contract is concluded. phases Shark Bay,
CALM: Department of Conservation and Land Management, DEP: Department of Environmental Protection

The above management plans will be developed from the Main Roads WA standard specifications, to a level relevant to the size and scale of the

Main Roads WA have indicated that the contractor will be given responsibility for implementing Main Roads WA’s commitments, except for
ongoing monitoring arrangements which will be the responsibility of the Main Roads WA Project Manager. The Main Roads WA Asset Manager
will be responsible for the preparation of compliance reports. Management plans and details may be incorporated into contractual arrangements for
the protection of the environment.
Appendix 3

Details of Proponent Consultation

(from Section 2.16 of ATA Environmental (2000) Environmental Assessment and Management
Plan – Upgrade of Useless Loop Road, (final December 2000))

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