Air Force AE Design Criteria

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The document outlines guidelines and requirements for design submittals for Air Force construction projects. It covers topics such as project milestones, drawing and specification preparation, design analyses, and rendering requirements.

The main sections covered include general project information, presentation of data/drawings, design submittal requirements, and appendices on renderings and vicinity maps.

Design submittals must include narratives, calculations, and drawings for various disciplines at different design stages. They also require general information sheets, schedules, and other supporting documents.



Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page



I 1
6.1. Functional Criteria 3
6.2. Technical Criteria 3
6.3. Informational Material 3
8.1. Things to Consider 3
8.2. Things to Avoid 4
10.1. Purpose 5
10.2. Design Quality Control (DQC) Plan 5
12.1. Automated Review Management System (ARMS) 7
12.2. Review Comments 7
Figure 1 - Typical Project Milestones 10
Figure 2 - Typical Project Documents Prepared by A-E 11

1.0. GENERAL 1
2.1. Drawing Media 1
2.2. Drawing Preparation 2
2.2.1. Unacceptable Processes and Techniques 2
2.2.2. Numbering of drawings 2
2.2.3. Signature 2
2.2.4. Orientation 3
2.2.5. Cross references 3
2.2.6. "Keyed" Notes 3
2.2.7. Scales 3
2.2.8. Legends 5
2.2.9. Abbreviations 5

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

2.2.10. Schedules 5
2.2.11. Room Numbering 6
2.2.12. Key Plans 6
2.3. General information sheets (G-1, G-2, etc) 6
2.3.1. Schedule of Drawings 6
2.3.2. Vicinity Map 6
2.3.3. Location Map 8
2.4. Revisions to Drawings After Project has Advertised for
Construction 8
2.5. Definitive, Standard, and Site Adaptive Drawings 8
Figure 3 - Typical Drawing Set 17
Figure 4 - Typical Design Analyses Assembly 18

1.0. Concept Design Submittal 1
1.1. Objective 1
1.2. Civil Design 2
1.2.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 2
1.2.2. Drawings 3
1.3. Architectural/Structural Design 3
1.3.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 3
1.3.2. Drawings 5
1.4. Mechanical Design 6
1.4.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 6
1.4.2. Drawings 8
1.5. Electrical Design 8
1.5.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 8
1.5.2. Drawings 8
2.0. Early Preliminary Design Submittal 10
2.1. Objective 10
2.2. Design Analysis - General Requirements 11
2.3. Drawings - General Requirements 11
2.4. Civil Design 11
2.4.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 11
2.4.2. Drawings 13
2.5. Landscaping Design 13
2.5.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 13
2.5.2. Drawings 13
2.6. Architectural Design 13
2.6.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 13
2.6.2. Drawings 15
2.7. Structural Design 15
2.7.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 15
2.7.2. Drawings 17
2.8. Mechanical Design 17
2.8.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 17
2.8.2.Design Analysis - Calculations 18

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

2.8.3. Drawings 18
2.9. Electrical Design 19
2.9.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 19
2.9.2. Drawings 20
3.0. Preliminary Design Submittal 23
3.1. Objective 23
3.2. Design Analysis - General Requirements 24
3.3. Drawings - General Requirements 24
3.4. Civil Design 24
3.4.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 24
3.4.2. Design Analysis - Calculations 26
3.4.3. Drawings 27
3.5. Landscaping Design 28
3.5.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 28
3.5.2. Drawings 28
3.6. Architectural Design 28
3.6.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations 28
3.6.2. Drawings 29
3.7. Structural Design 29
3.7.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 29
3.7.2. Design Analysis - Calculations 30
3.7.3. Drawings 30
3.8. Mechanical Design 31
3.8.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 31
3.8.2. Design Analysis - Calculations 31
3.8.3. Drawings 31
3.9. Electrical Design 31
3.9.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 32
3.9.2. Design Analysis - Calculations 33
3.9.3. Drawings 33
4.0. Final Design Submittal 36
4.1. Objective 36
4.2. Changes To Basic Design 36
4.3. Design Analysis - General Requirements 36
4.4. Drawings - General Requirements 37
4.5. Civil Design 37
4.5.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 37
4.5.2. Design Analysis - Calculations 37
4.5.3. Drawings 37
4.6. Landscaping Design 39
4.6.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 39
4.6.2. Design Analysis - Calculations 39
4.6.3. Drawings 40
4.7. Architectural Design 41
4.7.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 41
4.7.2. Design Analysis - Calculations 41
4.7.3. Drawings 41
4.8. Structural Design 41
4.8.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 41
4.8.2. Design Analysis - Calculations 41
4.8.3. Drawings 42
4.9. Mechanical Design 43

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

4.9.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 43

4.9.2. Design Analysis - Calculations 43
4.9.3. Drawings 43
4.10. Electrical Design 45
4.10.1. Design Analysis - Narrative 45
4.10.2. Design Analysis - Calculations 45
4.10.3. Drawings 45

IV 48
1. TITLE BLOCK (Cover Sheet Only) 48
3. TITLE BLOCK (COE Prepared Topography Or Logs of 48
4. TITLE BLOCK (Site Adaptation Cover Sheet) 48
5. TITLE BLOCK (Site Adaptation other than Cover Sheet) 48

V 1

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."
Appendix Subject

Appendix A Design Quality Control Checklist

Appendix B Engineering Considerations and Instructions
for Field Personnel Report
Appendix C Environmental Considerations
Appendix D DD Form 1354 Data Sheet, Air Force

Appendix E Geotechnical Requirements

Appendix F Surveying and Mapping Requirements
Appendix G Comprehensive Interior Design Requirements

Appendix H Renderings
Appendix I Air Force Installation Vicinity Maps

"When all else fails,, read the instructions."


Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

















14.0. SITE VISITS I-17




Figure 1 I-19

Figure 2 I-21

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page




1.1. This guide prescribes general procedures and instructions for preparing
construction documents under the direction of the Sacramento District, Corps
of Engineers, hereinafter referred to as COE (See Figures 1 and 2). The
Architect-Engineer (A-E) (Use of the terminology "A-E" hereinafter refers to
both Architect-Engineers and COE designers) is to take into account that
these procedures may differ from their usual procedures, and may require a
more complete and extensive analysis and documentation than is customary in
private practice, since shop drawing review and field inspection will not, in
most cases, be in the A-E's contract. This guide is part of a three volume
set as follows:

a. VOL. 1-General Instructions-Air Force

b. VOL. 2-Cost Estimating - (a) Manual - (b) Caces, as appropriate
c. VOL. 3-Specifications

1.2. The procedures and instructions in this guide shall be strictly adhered
to. In the event of conflict between this guide and the A-E's design
contract, the contract shall take precedence. However, the conflict shall be
brought to the immediate attention of the COE for resolution.


2.1. A COE Project Manager (PM) is designated from the appropriate Project
Management Section and is responsible for the day-to-day coordination and
management of the project design and the A-E contract. All questions shall
be directed to the PM. With the exception of A-E fee proposals (see
paragraph 4.0), all written communications shall be addressed to the PM at
the following address:

District Engineer
U.S. Army Engineer District, Sacramento
ATTN: CESPKED-M (Name of Project Manager)
650 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, California 95814-4794.

2.2. The A-E is cautioned to take instructions from specific COE

representatives only. Any problems relating to design, which endanger
fulfillment of contractual requirements, shall immediately be brought to the
attention of the PM. Oral understandings shall be confirmed in writing by
either the A-E or COE, at request of either party. The A-E shall not perform
services requested by any person in the COE which he considers to be a change
in work or services required by his contract and necessitating an adjustment
in contract price until he has, 1.) made a proposal to COE covering such
extra services, 2.) negotiated a mutually satisfactory fee, and 3.) received
a notice to proceed in writing from the contracting officer.

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page


"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page


3.1. Upon approval of selection, the A-E will be notified in writing. This
notification will also request that the A-E submit certain financial data
(e.g., wage and overhead rates) to the A-E Negotiation Section of the COE
(see address in paragraph 4.1 below). The A-E will be requested to
participate in a predesign conference to discuss the scope of the project
prior to preparation of a fee proposal and actual negotiations. To assist in
preparation for the conference, the COE PM will provide the A-E a copy of the
Project Book (PB) which outlines the functional requirements of the facility,
and a basic technical criteria package. The A-E shall attend the Pre-design
conference with his lead designers in each of the applicable disciplines
assigned to the project. This conference is usually held at the military
installation hosting the proposed project. Occasionally, this meeting may be
held at the COE District Office. The users of the facility (Major Command
(MACOM), AF Base Civil Engineers (BCE's) and the appropriate Air Force
Regional Civil Engineer (AFRCE) will also attend this conference. At this
time the A-E may propose scope of work changes that he feels are in the best
interest of the project. If the A-E is tasked with geotechnical or survey
work, see appropriate Appendices for additional information.


4.1. The prenegotiation conference is scheduled by the PM and is normally

held at the District Office. During the prenegotiation conference, the
predesign conference minutes, the scope of work, the requirements of the A-
E's Design Quality Control Plan (see paragraph 10.0) and all phases of the
required effort affecting the A-E's fee are discussed so that the A-E can
make an equitable fee proposal. Any scope of work changes proposed shall be
brought up at this time. COE PM will introduce A-E to the COE negotiator who
then becomes the point of contact for matters relating to the fee proposal.
The COE negotiator will explain the format in which the A-E's fee proposal
must be submitted. The proposal shall be submitted on a specific date
established by mutual agreement during this conference. The negotiation date
will also be specified at this time. A-E fee proposals shall be sent to the
Chief, A-E Negotiations Section using the following address:

District Engineer
U.S. Army Engineer District, Sacramento
ATTN: CESPKED-M, A-E Negotiations Section
650 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, California 95814-4794


5.1. Negotiations will normally be held in COE offices. The objective is to

reach an agreement on a fair and reasonable fee for the work and services
required. During negotiations the scope of work will again be reviewed as
necessary, and the A-E's proposal will be examined and discussed in detail.
Major changes in the scope of work are unacceptable at this time unless the
A-E has previously notified the PM that certain scope changes are necessary.
Subsequent to the successful completion of negotiations and upon approval of

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

the Contracting Officer, the A-E will receive written notice to proceed.
This notice will normally be forwarded with the unsigned contract to the A-E
for signature within approximately 10 days after completion of negotiation.


"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

6.1. Functional Criteria. The PB provided to the A-E is prepared by the Air
Force and is used to establish project functional requirements. Specific
mention of materials, system selection, matching exterior appearance or
existing systems in the PB are informational only. Design must proceed based
upon authorized standard criteria unless a specific written waiver is issued
by the authority having jurisdiction.

6.2. Technical Criteria. The COE will furnish the A-E with all available
data and criteria concerning the project. A Basic Design Criteria Package
will be transmitted to the A-E prior to negotiations. The A-E shall request
Technical Manuals, Air Force Manuals, Guide Specifications, and other
pertinent Government publications from the PM. As a guide in selecting these
publications, refer to "Criteria Index" of available references in Chapter
V. The A-E shall thoroughly familiarize himself with the detailed technical
criteria furnished, since his design must conform to all applicable
requirements contained in the criteria. Any deviations from established
criteria, including the use of criteria obtained from the User, or other
sources, must receive prior approval of the PM. Where the technical criteria
contained or referred to is not met, the A-E will be required to re-design to
the established criteria at his own time and expense. Any questions or
problems encountered by the A-E in following the established criteria shall
be promptly submitted to the PM for resolution. In those instances where the
Government does not posess criteria on a subject, the A-E shall clearly
describe what criteria he used and why. If published criteria does not
exist for a portion of the work, the A-E shall provide back-up to
substantiate the development of specifications or design details for this

6.3. Informational Material. Any "typical" documents (Design analysis,

specifications, drawings, etc. from another project) shown to the A-E are for
background information only, and are not authorized criteria unless
specifically stated in the scope of work.


7.1. The use of trade names or proprietary items on the drawings and/or in
the specifications by adopting a manufacturer's description of a particular
commercial article followed by the words "or approved equal" shall be
avoided. See Volume 3, A-E Guide, Specifications for a complete discussion
on use of trade names and proprietary items.


8.1. Things to Consider. Design excellence is a prime goal for all Air Force
facilities. The purpose is to achieve complete facilities which have a
favorable effect on morale, personnel efficiency and community spirit. To
achieve the goal, the following items must be considered throughout the
design process:

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page


"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

b Appearance - The structure should be pleasant and in harmony with the

surrounding environment. Check with the BCE and COE PM
to see if specific base architectural standards exist.

b Function - Interior room adjacencies and exterior building

relationships must be considered with flexibility in use
and possibility of expansion in mind.

b Maintainability - Provide a practical design that utilizes easy to

maintain materials and equipment.

8.2. Things to Avoid. Budgetary and maintenance considerations dictate that

Air Force facilities be practical and austere. Design features to avoid

b Sophisticated heating,ventilating and air conditioning systems.

b Sophisticated computer-controlled building systems.

b Undersized mechanical rooms.

b Interior roof drains.

b Parapets.

b Non-90 degree corners.

b Custom materials, such as windows, hardware, custom windows and

special bricks.

b High ceilings.

b Stepped classroom floors and ceilings.

b Tapered insulation. Taper the structure or the roof, not the


b Interior balconies and windows.

b Over-landscaping.

b Non-rectangular buildings

9.1. Special attention shall be given to the environmental factors in the

design and construction of Air Force facilities to eliminate or minimize
degradation of the environment IAW Public Law 91-190, National Environment
Policy Act; PL 92-500, Federal Water Pollution Control Act; PL 94-580,

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; PL 89-272, Solid Waste Disposal Act;
PL 95-217, Clean Water Act; PL 95-95, Clean Air Act 1977; PL 93-523, Safe
Drinking Water Act; Executive Orders 11514 and 12088; and to meet the
Federal, State and local environmental quality standards, particularly with
regard to air and water pollution.


"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page


10.1. Purpose. The responsibility of the A-E for checking and coordination
of all design documents cannot be overemphasized. The A-E is responsible for
producing complete, competent, properly coordinated, and thoroughly checked
design documents within agreed schedules. When a construction contractor and
the COE are in dispute over an interpretation and the issue must be resolved
by a claim, the contractor most often prevails since he need only prove that
his position is reasonable, while the COE must prove that the design intent
is free from ambiguity or uncertainty. A-E liability for design errors and
omissions will be pursued by the Corps of Engineers.

10.2. Design Quality Control (DQC) Plan. Concurrent with the fee proposal
submittal, three (3) copies of the A-E's written DQC Plan shall be submitted
to the COE PM for approval. The DQC Plan will be reviewed by the COE
negotiator, PM and Design Quality Assurance Section. If comments are
generated during this review, the A-E shall respond to the comments in
writing and/or revise the plan accordingly and resubmit prior to initiating
design. The A-E will be expected to follow the approved DQC plan throughout
the course of the project to assure a quality end product. Should future
events dictate revisions to the approved DQC Plan, the A-E shall notify the
PM in writing and submit the revised plan for approval. The plan shall be
prepared in 8-1/2" x 11" format. Any charts or schedules included in the
plan that are larger than this size shall be folded to conform to an 8-1/2" x
11" format. The plan shall include a title page and a table of contents.
The following basic elements shall be included in the DQC Plan:

a. Management Approach. Define the specific management methodology to

be followed during the course of the contract including such aspects as
design coordination procedures, quality control, communications, and
managerial continuity and flexibility.

b. Management Structure. Delineate the organizational composition of

the firm to clearly show the interrelationship of the management and design
team components including all consultants. Include an organization chart to
identify the key design and review team members showing their specific

c. Planning and Scheduling. Include a time-scale bar chart or Critical

Path Method (CPM) design schedule showing the sequence of events involved in
carrying out the project tasks within the specified period of service.
Clearly show the A-E review and correction periods occurring prior to
submittals to the COE. It will be a forward planning as well as project
monitoring tool.

d. A-E Review Effort. The Design Quality Control Plan shall include,
but not be limited to the following A-E performed review elements:

b Design Development Review

b Criteria Review

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page


"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

b Presentation of Data Review

b Editing of Guide Specification review

b Design Budget Review

b Inter-Disciplinary Review

b Final Review
e. Quality Control. The professional quality, technical accuracy and
the coordination of all design documents and other services to be provided by
the prime Architect-Engineer and any subcontractors/ consultants used is of
major importance. It is therefore a requirement for the A-E to have a
logical and functional quality control program to assure that errors and
deficiencies in all submittals are minimal. To meet this requirement, the A-
E shall perform technical and inter-disciplinary reviews and shall correct
all errors and deficiencies in the design documents prior to submitting them
to the COE for review. The A-E's cover letter which transmits the design
documents for review shall include a statement of certification that the A-E
has performed a detailed review and coordination of the submitted documents.
The A-E's performance evaluation will be based in large part on how his
design package reflects conformance with his DQC Plan. The A-E's
contractural obligation to provide complete, well coordinated, and error free
documents has far-reaching consequences. Therefore, the A-E is cautioned to
place special emphasis on this aspect of the DQC Plan. In the event damage
to the Government results from negligent performance of any of the services
to be furnished under this contract, the A-E will be held liable for such
damages. The Government's review effort in no way relieves the A-E of his
contractual responsibilities. For this reason, an effective quality control
plan is critical.

f. A-E Quality Control Checklist. The DQC Plan shall include the
quality control checklist shown in Appendix A. The purpose of the checklist
is to provide a useful tool for the A-E to assure a quality contract package.
The list points out numerous areas which, when appropriately considered
during the design, will help ensure a quality project. This list should not
be taken as covering all aspects of the project. The completed checklist
shall be submitted as an attachment to the A-E's transmittal letter
transmitting the final design package to the COE. If during COE review of
the final design documents it becomes apparent that items initialed off have
in fact not been completed/coordinated, the COE PM shall be notified and
appropriate action taken. Possible actions include return of the final
design package to the A-E for correction, withholding of contract payments
and/or completion of an interim "unfavorable" A-E evaluation for inclusion in
our A-E selection office files.


11.1. In the performance of his design service contract with the COE, the A-E

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

a. Execute the work diligently and aggressively and promptly advise the
PM of all significant developments.


"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

b. Prepare a summary of all significant discussions between the A-E and

representatives of other Government agencies relating to work under this
contract and promptly furnish a copy to the PM.

c. Prepare a summary of significant telephone conversations relating to

the technical phases of work under this contract and promptly furnish a copy
to the PM.

d. Promptly furnish to the PM copies of all written communications

pertaining to the work under this contract received from other Government
agencies. When it is clearly indicated that a copy of the communications has
been furnished to the PM by the originator, concurrence of action will be
obtained from the PM.

e. Take appropriate measures to obtain clarification of design criteria

requirements, to acquire all pertinent design information, and to incorporate
such information in the work being performed. This action will be
accomplished through the PM.


12.1. Automated Review Management System (ARMS). ARMS is a computerized
method for transmittal and storage of design review comments. It provides
interactive capability to address and respond to design review comments.
ARMS requires use of a vt100 or ANSI emulating terminal. The Sacramento
District of the COE is in the process of implementing ARMS on all military
projects. If your scope of work requires you to use ARMS, an "Architect-
Engineer Response" package will be forwarded to you to explain use of the
system. If you encounter any problems or have questions or comments, please
call the ARMS Hotline at (916) 551-3126. A 24-hour answering machine is
connected to this line.

12.2. Review Comments. All design data prepared by the A-E will be reviewed
by the COE and other agencies for conformance with the contract requirements
and technical as well as functional criteria. This review effort in no way
replaces the A-E's review requirements outlined in paragraph 10.0 above.

12.2.1. All original review comments made by other than COE Design
Quality Assurance (DQA) personnel will be "coordinated" by the DQA section.
That is, they will be reviewed for applicability to the project against the
project's design criteria and annotated in red with one of the letter codes
listed below. The intent is to give the A-E direction as to what action is
required on each comment:

W/D - Withdrawn by maker. A-E take no action.

C - Concur. A-E to comply.
C-S - Changed construction scope - technically acceptable - PM
to decide on incorporation.
Info- For A-E's information.
D - Denied. A-E take no action.
Dup - Duplicate comment, A-E take action per other similar

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page


"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

12.2.2. Review comments generated by DQA personnel have no letter

designations. All DQA comments and comments with a "C" annotation are to be
incorporated into the design and responded to by the A-E per paragraph
12.2.3. below.

12.2.3. The A-E shall respond to the review comments on the original
review comment sheets as follows:

a. For comments annotated W/D, INFO, D, and DUP, no response is


b. For all comments annotated C, or C-S, the A-E shall print in

BLACK PENCIL "DONE" or "NOT DONE" on the original review comment form and:

(1) If "DONE", A-E MUST also print sheet number and/or page
number where change has taken place.

(2) If "NOT DONE", A-E MUST provide typed/written rebuttals on

a separate sheet of paper indicating ALL reasons for not complying with the
comments. All rebuttals MUST be cleared with the appropriate DQA discipline
reviewer by phone through the PM. This is to be done and documented by the
A-E as soon as possible; definitely before the next submittal.

c. Review comments on prior submittals will be checked for

incorporation in the subsequent submittals. Those comments verified as done
and explanations concurred with will be marked out in YELLOW. Previous
comments not verified as done or explanations not concurred with will be
circled in GREEN and will require further action by A-E prior to next
submittal. All final submittals will be backchecked by the COE after A-E
corrections are made to insure compliance with or resolution of comments to
the satisfaction of the COE.

12.2.4. Writing on the back of original review comment forms is not


12.2.5. Always annotate and return the original review comments-copies

are not acceptable.

12.2.6. The A-E is encouraged to call and discuss any problematic

comments with the appropriate reviewer in our DQA Section. The last name and
phone number of each DQA reviewer appears in the upper left hand corner of
the cover sheet accompanying the review comments sent to the A-E.


13.1. The COE reserves the right to perform value engineering studies on
projects either during or after completion of design. The value engineering
studies may be performed by the COE or other Architect-Engineer firms
designated by the COE. The COE, at its discretion, may modify the A-E's
contract to implement any or all design changes resulting from the value
engineering studies or the engineering evaluations after completion of
design. The A-E, during the course of his design, shall look for and

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

identify those high-cost, low-value items which may be accomplished in other


"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

ways at less cost. During review of the PB and other design criteria, and
prior to initiating the design, any potential value engineering items shall
be reported to the PM. Depending on the project's construction dollar value,
the A-E shall prepare certain value engineering cost forms. These forms and
their preparation are described in detail in the Cost Estimating Guide (Vol.
2 of the A-E Guide).


14.1. Each time the A-E makes a visit to the project site, for whatever
reason, he shall check in at the nearest COE Resident Office or Project
Office. COE construction field personnel can be invaluable in facilitating
the A-E's access to the project site and in contacting information sources
through the BCE office at the Installation. Contact the PM for the location
of the nearest COE construction Resident Office, and provide at least one day
notice prior to the visit. All site visits shall be coordinated with the PM.


15.1. The A-E is required to submit monthly estimates for the value of the
design services performed to the District A-E Negotiation Section on ENG Form
93, which will be checked by the COE PM against progress made, and certified
for payment. Forms as available from the District A-E Negotiation Section
shall be used. Completed ENG Form 93 shall be mailed to the address listed
in paragraph 4.1 of this Chapter.


16.1. The A-E is required to support the District after completion of his
design contract should errors or omissions in the documents prepared by the
A-E create problems in bidding or administering the contract for
construction. The support provided by the A-E shall take whatever form is
necessary to correct the errors or omissions in the original documents. Such
required design corrections shall be done in a timely manner at no additional
cost to the Government.

16.2. Title II services may be required in direct support of a project's

construction, apart from that described in 16.1 above. If required, these
services will be defined in a scope of work prepared by the PM. No Title II
work shall be performed by the A-E until an appropriate fee for the work has
been negotiated and notice to proceed is issued by the contracting officer of
the COE. Services may include monthly site visits to the project, conference
attendance or special inspections.


17.1. An Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) has been established by this office
to facilitate transfer of design related information such as guide
specifications and other technical criteria between the COE and the A-E. At
this time, staffing is not available to provide continuous updating of the
material on the EBB, therefore, the A-E is not to consider material on the
EBB as necessarily current. Contact your PM or access procedure.

"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page


"Plan and control your progress,

lest you be through before you finish."


Paragraph Subject Page







Figure 3 Typical Drawing Set II-23

Figure 4 Typical Design Analysis Assembly II-25

"The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after

the exultation of meeting the schedule has passed."


1.1. The standards for data presentation contained in this chapter shall be
strictly adhered to in the preparation of the project documents required by
the A-E Scope of Work. No exceptions will be allowed unless authorized by
the COE in the Scope of Work.

1.2. These standards describe the quality expected and the various technical
features and requirements of the drawings and specific information that must
be included in the various documents. It is not intended to be a complete
list of all features. The A-E has the responsibility to show all information
necessary to completely describe the project. Regardless of local practice
or procedures, the designer must prepare the drawings with the expectation
that both the COE, in the role of construction manager, and the construction
contractors will be able to construct the building or facility without
numerous modifications to correct design deficiencies.


2.1. Drawing Media: Original drawings are defined as the final design
drawings submitted to the COE by the designer. These originals may be first
generation drawings produced by the designer/draftsman or they may be copies
of those drawings subject to the allowable media, processes and techniques of
preparation described herein. Original drawings as submitted will be used to
produce bid and construction documents and will eventually become record As-
Built documents. Therefore, they must be of durable material and be able to
produce quality prints. All sheets shall be 30" x 42" and have COE stan-dard
borders and title blocks. A sample title block is shown in Chapter IV, Plate
1. This title block is for all sheets other than the cover sheet. The cover
sheet title block, Chapter IV, Plate 2, requires a number of signatures by
COE personnel. Drafting media of the following types are available for use
on roads, airfields, utilities, and railroad projects: single plan and
profile, double plan and profile, and cross-section (grid 10 x 10). All
original drawings submitted shall be capable of being changed by use of
erasers or liquid erasing fluids and drawn upon with plastic lead, pencil or
ink on both sides. Paper diazo reproducibles are not acceptable.

2.1.1. Allowable media for original drawings are as follows:

a. Drawing film as supplied by COE PM (equivalent to Dietrick Post


b. Photo wash-off polyester drafting film (3 mil minimum thickness,

double matted, equivalent to "Cronoflex").

c. Polyester draft film (3 mil minimum thickness, double matted,

equivalent to "Mylar").

2.1.2. It is understood that A-E firms utilize many different

design/drafting techniques rather than drafting "final" on original material,
especially for drawings such as standard detail sheets. The A-E may use
whatever technique he feels comfortable with. However, for final originals,
the COE will accept only the material described in paragraph 2.1.1 above. If
the A-E does not utilize drawing film provided by the COE PM or "Mylar"

"The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after

the exultation of meeting the schedule has passed."
material, he must submit "Cronoflex's" that meet the following criteria:

a. Image to be on reverse side that is erasable or fluid removable.

b. Must be high contrast photo quality (no background and with all
line work dark and dense), suitable for the production of diazo prints,
offset 1/2 size prints, and 35 mm film record copy. If drawings are not of
photo quality, as determined by the COE, A-E shall resubmit drawings of
acceptable quality. Poor Cronoflex's reflect poorly done originals and will
not be accepted.

c. Exposure must be made using a vacuum-frame contact printer.

d. Must resist yellowing and/or darkening of background from

exposure to ultraviolet light and during print storage in file.

2.1.3. The final originals to be submitted to the COE must be single

thickness drawing sheets and sized no less than the Government-supplied
drawing paper.

2.1.4. Drawing material that does not meet COE standards shall be
rejected at any time during design. The A-E is liable for replacing rejected
drawings at his own expense.

2.2. Drawing Preparation. Preparation of all work shall be for one-half size
reduction unless instructed otherwise. Most modern reproduction processes of
half-size or smaller do not tolerate shading, whether it be by color or
background shading; therefore, shading is not permitted on final originals.
Parallel lines shall never be so close together that they will merge into one
line. The clear space between lines shall always be of greater width than
the adjoining lines. Lettering shall be single stroke, freehand or
mechanical, all capitals, with a minimum height of 1/8 inch; again keeping in
mind that lettering must be fully legible at half-size reduction. Lettering
styles and sizes shall be standardized within a set of drawings regardless of
discipline involved.

2.2.1. Unacceptable Processes and Techniques: the following items are

not acceptable on original drawings:

a. Transfer type letters and symbols.

b. Details and notes applied with adhesives (stick-ons).

c. Drawings made of pieces of different drawing sheet media and

taped together in composite form.

d. Tapes of transfer type letters applied with adhesives.

2.2.2. Numbering of drawings: All drawings shall be consecutively

numbered, and numbered by disciplines, as shown in Plate 6, Chapter IV. The
drawings shall be placed in the drawing set in the discipline sequence as
shown in Figure 3. The cover sheet (G-1) must be the first sheet of the
drawing set.

2.2.3. Signature: All final drawings prepared and submitted by the A-E
shall bear the stamp and signature of a registered engineer or architect, as
identified in the A-E's DQC Plan, preferably one of the principals of the
firm under contract to the COE (see Plate 2, Chapter IV for preferred
location of stamp). Drawings submitted by the designer shall not be dated.

2.2.4. Orientation: Orientation of plans for all disciplines shall be

consistent, with north-arrow pointing toward the top of the sheet or towards
the left when necessary.
2.2.5. Cross references: Cross referencing for sections and details
shall be based on the discipline drawing number (i.e., S-1, S-3 etc.). The
symbol below shall be used for such referencing. Cross referencing between
different discipline drawings shall be done by adding a note at the
appropriate location stating for example: "For continuation, see Civil
drawing C-2." General statements such as "See Civil Drawings" are

2.2.6. "Keyed" Notes. The carte blanche use of "keyed" notes on the
drawings is unacceptable. Specific items/features of the design shall be
called out by description, detail symbol, equipment symbol, size, etc. at the
location shown on the drawing or as close as possible with an arrow pointing
to the location on the drawing. In no case will a "mass" of keyed notes
placed on one drawing, but referring to items on another drawing be
acceptable. "Keyed" notes are allowed in details or sections similar to the
extent utilized in COE Standard Details.

2.2.7. Scales: Scales shall be selected to avoid overcrowded and

cluttered conditions on the drawings. Drawing layout, together with the
proper scales to properly delineate the project, shall be carefully planned
in advance. Where necessary to maintain proper scale, drawings or large
structures shall be placed on two or more sheets. A graphic scale for each
of the different scales used on a drawing shall be placed on the drawing
preferably near the title block. See Plate 7, Chapter IV. The design shall
be prepared to the scales called for below. Scales shall be consistent
throughout all disciplines drawings. For large, open structures, a smaller
scale than required may be allowed on a case-by-case basis, subject to
discussion with and approval by the DQA Section and the COE PM at the Pre-
Negotiation Conference. If a smaller scale is approved and used, congested
areas such as toilet rooms, mechanical or electrical equipment rooms, etc.,
must be drawn to a minimum 1/4" scale. Acceptability of scale is determined
by clarity of drawings at one-half scale reduction.

b Cover sheet: G-

. General information - scale n/a

b Civil Drawings: C-

. Site plan C-, 1" = 40' minimum;

to avoid a crowded condition it may be necessary to use
1" = 20' or 1" = 10'

"The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after

the exultation of meeting the schedule has passed."
b Demolition plan C-, 1" = 40' minimum

. Grading and Paving C-

Grading Plan: As appropriate for clarity.
Profile: As required by topography.
Sections: As appropriate for clarity.
Details: As appropriate for clarity.

. Utilities: U-
For projects that involve supply, collection, and/or
distribution utility conduits, use a horizontal scale of 1"
= 20' for both the Plan and Profile. Use a vertical scale
on the Profile of 1" = 1' for flat slopes and up to 1" =
10' for steep slopes. Use double plan and profile sheets
when applicable.

b Landscape drawings: L-

Site plan and legend - 1" = 40', or 1" = 20', as appropriate.

Details - as appropriate for clarity

b Architectural Drawings: A-

. Floor plan and legend - 1/4" = 1'-0"

When a 1/4" = 1'0" scale does not fit on one sheet, discuss
alternatives available with the COE PM and DQA Section prior
to proceeding with design. For large, open structures, a
1/8" = 1'-0" scale may be used, with congested areas such
as toilet rooms, mechanical rooms, etc. being blown-up to
1/4" = 1'-0"
. Elevations - 1/8" = 1'-0"
. Door and Finish schedule - n/a
. Building section - 1/8" = 1'-0"
. Wall section - 3/4" = 1'-0" (Minimum 1/2" = 1'-0")
. Ceiling plan - 1/4" = 1'-0" or 1/8" = 1'-0"
. Roof plan - 1/16" = 1'-0"
. Details - as appropriate for clarity

b Structural Drawings: S-

. Foundation plan, legend and general notes - Same scale as

architectural floor plan
. Foundation details - as appropriate for clarity

. Floor plan - same scale as foundation plan

. Wall sections - 3/4" = 1'-0"
. Roof plan - same scale as floor plan
. Details - as appropriate for clarity

b Mechanical drawings:

. P - Plumbing plan, legend and fixture schedule -

. same scale as architectural floor plan, with congested areas
enlarged as required for clarity.
. Details and equipment schedule - as appropriate for clarity
. M - HVAC plan and legend - same scale as architectural floor
plan, with congested areas enlarged as required for clarity
. Building section - 1/4" = 1'-0"
. Details - as appropriate for clarity
. Schedule - n/a
FP - Fire Protection Plan - same scale as HVAC
b Electrical drawings: E-

. Site plan and legend - 1" = 40'

. Lighting plan - same scale as architectural floor plan
. Power plan - same scale as architectural floor plan

. Details and schedule - as appropriate for clarity

2.2.8. Legends: Legends of symbols shall be listed on the first sheet

of each design discipline. If two or more disciplines are representing the
same item, they must use the same symbol.

2.2.9. Abbreviations: Define abbreviations on the first sheet of each


2.2.10. Schedules: Provide the following schedules:

a. Door Schedules: A tabular schedule of doors shall be included

on the drawings. Every door shall be assigned a separate number and this
number shall be clearly indicated on the plans. Doors shall be numbered in
consecutive order, by floor, beginning with the principal entrance and
progressing counter-clockwise through the plans. An elevation drawing of
each type of door identified by an upper case letter shall be provided.
Details of each frame type shall be shown and each type shall be identified.
See Plate 8, Chapter IV.

b. Window Schedules: A tabular schedule of windows shall also be

included. Each window type shall be assigned a number preceded by the letter
"W". An elevation drawing of each type of window shall be provided along
with pertinent details. Every window shall be clearly indicated by type on
the elevation drawings. See Plate 9, Chapter IV.

c. Finish and Color Schedules: Tabular schedules of interior

finishes and colors shall be included on the drawings. Finish and color
schedules shall identify by room number the finish materials and colors to be
used for the floor to include the base; the walls to include any wainscoting
and trim;


"The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after

the exultation of meeting the schedule has passed."
and the ceiling. Meanings of abbreviations used in naming materials and
finishes shall be included on the legend sheet or on the same sheet as the
schedules. See Plates 10, 11, 12 and 13, Chapter IV.

d. Plumbing and Mechanical Equipment Schedules. Tabular schedules

of equipment shall be included on the mechanical drawings. Items shall be
identified by equipment type, number, and symbol. Tabulated information
shall be sufficient to define the capacity, performance, and requirements of
the equipment. (Note: The Sacramento District has developed standard
equipment schedules for various types of mechanical equipment. They are on
30" x 42" drawing material and/or floppy disk and are available from the COE

2.2.11. Room Numbering: Every room shall be assigned a separate number

and this number shall be clearly indicated on the plans. The numbers shall
be generally assigned as follows:

Basement 001 thru 099

First Floor 100 thru 199
Second Floor 200 thru 299

Rooms shall be numbered in consecutive order, beginning with the principal

entry area and progressing counter-clockwise through the plan. Spaces added
by revision shall be given the number of the primary or nearest room followed
by the letter, "A", or if more than one additional space, "B".

2.2.12. Key Plans: For projects where more than one drawing sheet is
required to show the entire floor plan, "key plans" at minimum 1/32" scale
shall be provided on all disciplines floor and roof plans. The area depicted
on each drawing shall be cross-hatched accordingly on the "key plan". Show
column lines and provide column line designations.

2.3. General information sheets (G-1, G-2, etc): For most projects, one or
two sheets will be adequate to show the title and location of the project,
schedule of drawings, a project location plan, a vicinity map, legend and
list of abbreviations. Sheet G-1 on all projects shall contain as a minimum,
the project title, installation name, project number and fiscal year.

2.3.1. Schedule of Drawings. The schedule of drawings shall include

the consecutive sheet numbers, the design discipline sheet numbers, and the
drawing titles as shown on Plate 6, Chapter IV. Spaces shall be left between
each discipline's drawings to allow room for insertion of additional drawings
by revisions to the design during design or construction.

2.3.2. Vicinity Map. The vicinity map shall be a single-line type

showing major cities, nearby towns, major rivers, streams, current routes of
nearby highways and railroads, and a north arrow. See Plate 14 in Chapter
IV. Appendix I contains vicinity maps for the various Air Force

2.3.3. Location Map. Show location of the project on a small scale
location map indicating the general relationship between the new facility and
major existing structures and/or streets to facilitate identification of the
proposed site. On the location map show the north arrow and highlight the
approved project boundaries, the Contractor's equipment yard, the
Contractors' entrance to the installation, haul roads, location of the COE
Resident/Project office, location and phone numbers of nearest medical
facility, location of the BCE office, and the approved location of the borrow
and disposal areas. If there are no on-base borrow or disposal areas,
provide a note to that effect on this sheet. See Plate 15 in Chapter IV.

2.4. Revisions to Drawings After Project has Advertised for Construction.

These can include drawing revisions issued by amendment during the bidding
period and construction change orders requiring changes to drawings.
Generally, the A-E will be required to make all necessary revisions.
Revisions to the drawings shall be made as follows:

a. All changes to the drawings shall be identified by the triangle

symbol located at the points of revisions. NOTE: The triangle symbol
shall not be used for identifying any item other than revisions.

b. Revision numbers shall be identified by a number located in the

center of the triangle. It is important to note that numerous revisions made
to a drawing at a given point in time will be identified by the same number
in each triangle. As an example, a set of drawings has 10 sheets. Sheets 1,
5, and 7 are revised on 5 July 87. All items revised on these sheets as a
result of this revision shall be identified by triangles with the number 1 in
the center, indicating the first revision to sheets 1, 5, and 7. A second
revision dated 9 August 87 revises items on sheets 1, 4, and 9. The items
revised on sheet 1 at this time shall have triangles with the number 2 in the
center indicating the second revisions to this sheet, whereas items
revised on sheets 4 and 9 at this time shall have the number 1 in the center
of the triangles, as above, indicating the first revisions to these sheets.

c. Complete the revision block (located just above the title block, see
plates 1 and 2, Chapter IV) by inserting the triangle, with appropriate
revision number, in the "revision" column, the date the revision was made in
the "date" column, a brief description of the revision in the "description"
column, and the initials of the person making the revision in the first "By"
column. When more than one type of revision is made to a drawing at a
particular time, the revisions will be described as "Miscellaneous Revisions".

d. Where revisions result in new drawings to be added, they shall be

added at the end of the disciplines to which they belong. As an example, if
the previous drawing to the one being added is C8, consecutive sheet 10, then
the numbering of the added sheet would be C9, 10A. When new drawings are
added, the Schedule of Drawings (included in the G-Sheets) shall be revised
to indicate the new drawing number(s). (NOTE: This procedure also applies
to contract modifications and preparation of as-built drawings.)

2.5. Definitive, Standard, and Site Adaptive Drawings. Definitive, Standard

or Site Adaptive drawings shall not be used on a project unless specifically
stated in the Scope of Work issued by the COE PM.


"The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after

the exultation of meeting the schedule has passed."
2.5.1. Definitive Drawings do not include sufficient information for
use in construction, but establish basic functional features in preparation
of final project design. The following revisions may be required when
definitive drawings are used:

a. Change dimensions to fit modular design.

b. Change fenestration and other features pertinent to adapt to

local climatic conditions.

c. Modify for compliance with life safety code and handicap


d. Change shape and interior arrangement of building as required to

conform to site or topographic requirements or tie to existing building.

e. Provide vestibules when required.

f. Modify exterior elevations including roof slopes to comply with

current criteria including compatibility with architectural theme.

When definitive drawings are used it is not permissible to increase the gross
area, or add, omit, or effect a major change in area allotted to the various
functions of the building. Approved programmed scopes shall not be exceeded.

2.5.2. Standard Drawings. Standard Drawings are working drawings

issued by the Corps of Engineers to establish uniform standards in scope and
quality for structures likely to be repeated in several locations. All
possible local variations with respect to siting, foundation conditions,
earthquake forces, topography and climatic conditions cannot be anticipated.
When standard drawings are used for a design, applicable portions of those
drawings shall be used to the maximum extent practicable. Structural or
architectural changes shall be made only if specifically authorized in the
directive or design instructions. From time to time the Chief of Engineers
publishes general changes to design criteria by means of Engineering
Technical Letters (ETL's), revised Technical Manuals (TM's) and Guide
Specifications. These changes are officially reflected in instructional data
addressed in Paragraph 6.0 of Chapter I. Modification of previously issued
standard drawings to reflect these changes for project (final) drawings is
both authorized and required. Otherwise, project documents shall be prepared
by modification of the standard documents for site, seismic, and climatic
conditions only. The following revisions to standard drawings shall be

made where applicable without prior approval.

a. Increase depth of footings and foundations to depth of

frost line.

b. Redesign footings for local soil conditions.

c. Add elevation figures to drawings to relate plans to local

bench marks.

d. Revise heating, air conditioning and insulation
requirements due to climatic conditions. Provide for admission of combustion
air to furnace and boiler rooms, and rooms containing diesel or gasoline
engine-driven equipment.

e. Redesign for seismic loads when structure was not designed

to resist seismic forces. The following item is not dependent on local conditions

and revisions shall not be made without prior approval of the COE:
a. Selection of type of materials except as required by
directive, or Notes contained in Guide Specifications.

2.5.3. Site Adaptive (Existing Working) Drawings other than "Standard

Drawings" as discussed hereinbefore are working drawings previously prepared
for a specific installation, under the supervision of this or another
District. Changes are required on these drawings to "adapt" them to a
specific site. Any specific changes to be made in site adaptive drawings
will be called out in the "Scope of Work" and discussed at the predesign
conference. Drawings shall also be corrected as hereinbefore required for
"Standard Drawings".

2.5.4. All sheets shall have COE standard borders and title blocks. A
sample cover sheet title block requiring a number of signatures by COE
personnel is shown in Chapter IV, Plate 4. A sample title block for all
remaining sheets is shown on Plate 5, Chapter IV.


3.1. Detailed instructions for preparation of specifications are presented in

the A-E Guide, Volume 3, SPECIFICATIONS. In the interest of uniform
construction, it is mandatory for the A-E to use COE Guide Specifications on
all projects unless otherwise noted in the A-E's Scope of Work. A check list
of available guide specifications is provided in A-E Guide, Volume 3. The
A-E shall complete the check list to identify those specifications he needs
for the project and submit it to the COE PM. (Note: Guide Specifications
are also available on our Electronic Bulletin Board, however, specifications
on the Board are not all current.) Specifications should be followed without
deviations; if a change is needed, the A-E must consult with the COE PM.

3.2. Trade Names and Proprietary Items. The use of trade names, proprietary
items, and the drafting of a specification by adopting a manufacturer's
description of a particular commercial article shall be avoided. See Volume
3, A-E Guide, Specifications for a complete discussion on the subject of
trade names and proprietary items.


4.1. Detailed instructions for preparation of cost estimates are presented in

the A-E Guide, Volume 2, COST ESTIMATING. The cost estimate submitted with
the Concept, Early Preliminary, Preliminary, or Final submittals must be as
accurate as possible based on the design accomplished at that time. These


"The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after

the exultation of meeting the schedule has passed."
estimates shall follow the CSI format IAW the CACES system. The estimates
will be used for programming and budgeting purposes and will be a major
factor in determining if the project is to proceed through the final design
and construction phases.

4.2. The A-E is reminded of his responsibility to design the project within
the programmed funds. If, at any time, it becomes apparent that the project
cost will exceed 90% of the programmed amount (85% on rehab or special
projects), the A-E shall immediately notify the PM. The A-E shall, at the
same time, suggest cost savings measures.

5.0. DESIGN ANALYSIS - CONTENT. See Chapter 3 of this Guide for specific
content requirements since they vary depending on the stage of the submittal.
If a standard design or other design is being site adapted and a design
analysis exists, the analysis for the new project shall include appropriate
material from the existing analysis modified to incorporate site adaptations
and other essential requirements. The design analysis (D.A.) is to be a
cumulative document in that it is to be developed and expanded upon with each
subsequent submittal so that it represents the complete design history. The
Table of Contents shall clearly define the location of all information
contained therein, including the information and documents described

5.1. Design Quality Control Plan: Provide the A-E's Design Quality Control
Plan, as approved by the COE.

5.2. Narrative: The purpose of the Narrative is to provide a complete

explanation of the basis for the design on a discipline by discipline basis
including the following: statement of the scope of work; purpose of the
project; statement of the applicable criteria; a summary of the economic
factors influencing the choice of systems for each discipline along with an
explanation of how initial and life cycle costs were handled. It shall also
include results of field investigations performed, including basic findings
and discussion of need for utility easements, relocations of utilities and/or
buildings, operation and maintenance requirements, and any other items
discovered that warrant special attention.

5.3. Appendices. The following shall be included as appendices to the design


a. Geotechnical Report. Provide COE or A-E prepared geotechnical

report commensurate with stage of design completion.

b. Egress Sketch. See Chapter III for specific requirements.

c. Handicapped Checklist. This checklist is provided by the COE PM and

is to be completed by the COE PM at the Predesign Conference and turned over
to the A-E for inclusion in the Design Analysis. For a sample of the
checklist, see Plate 16, Chapter IV.

d. Environmental Permit Matrix. (Note: Include only if required by
the scope of work.) For specific environmental documentation required by
submittal, see Appendix C. The matrix is a summary of permit actions
required for successful completion of the project. For a sample of the
matrix, see Plate 17, Chapter IV and Appendix C.

e. Scopes of Work, Conference Minutes and other Pertinent Project

Correspondence. The A-E shall include copies of all pertinent data such that
the Design Analysis presents the project history from inception to completion
of design documents.

f. Project Book (PB). The A-E shall incorporate the approved PB into
the Design Analysis including any approved revisions. This document forms
the basis for the functional requirements of the project. It is provided to
the A-E by the COE PM.

g. O&M Provisions: This part of the design analysis shall provide a

compilation of design provisions made to enhance and to reduce the cost of
operating and maintaining the facility when completed. This shall include
the O&M design intentions for each major discipline. This part of the design
analysis shall be in a form that can be used separately to supplement the
completion records required for formal transfer to the Using Service, or to
form the basis for assembling a facility user's manual.

h. Engineering Considerations and Instructions for Field Personnel.

This report is an extension of design into the construction phase of the
project. It is a document in which design concepts, assumptions, details and
instructions are transmitted to field personnel. The report establishes a
basis for communication and coordination between design and construction
personnel which is essential for the successful completion of a project. It
is to be presented in outline form in the Early Preliminary submittal and
bound separately for submission at Final Design. See Appendix B for specific
content and submittal requirements.

i. DD Form 1354 Data Sheet. This document is utilized by COE

construction personnel at construction completion to prepare transfer
documentation required by the Air Force. The A-E shall complete the Data
Sheet during final design. See Appendix D for instructions.

j. Design Calculations: Calculations shall be computed and checked by

separate individuals. Checking shall be accomplished by registered
architects, and/or engineers of the firm under contract to COE, as identified
in the A-E's DQC Plan. The names of these individuals shall be indicated on
the page or insert carrying the calculation. Presentation shall be clear and
legible with a tabulation showing all design loads and conditions. The
source of loading conditions, formulas, and references shall be identified.
Assumptions and conclusions shall be explained and cross-referencing shall be

k. Review Comments. All review comments generated by all reviewers on

the project, annotated by the COE, and responded to by the A-E, shall be
included as an appendix to the design analysis.


"The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after

the exultation of meeting the schedule has passed."
l. Other Appendices to the D.A. Provide any additional project
required analyses such as Asbestos Survey results or special Seismic Analyses
results, etc. and attach or bind separately as appropriate.

5.4. Use of Computer Programs: When a computer program is used for

structural or mechanical analysis etc., the program shall be named and
described to include a flow chart showing how the program reaches solution.
This description must be sufficient to verify the validity of methods,
assumptions, theories, and formulas, but will not require source code
documentation or otherwise compromise proprietary programs.

5.5. Classified Material: Design Analyses containing classified material

shall be marked and handled in accordance with instructions of the PM. Where
only a minor portion of the criteria or calculation is of a classified
nature, every effort shall be made to prepare the design analysis so as to
permit it to be an unclassified document with proper references to sources of
classified material.

5.6. Area Computations: Gross area of structures and net area breakdowns for
each floor shall be provided in the Design Analysis. The method of
computation is specified in Chapter IV, Plate 18. See also the architectural
paragraphs in Chapter III.


6.1. Organization: The Design Analysis shall be organized as shown in

Figure 4. Note that the Design Analysis defines the development of the
project design. Do not delete information from earlier stages of design in
subsequent design submittals.

6.2. Size and Layout: All material shall be prepared in relation to a

vertically oriented 8-1/2 x 11 inch standard page size. Larger material,
folded to 8-1/2 x 11, may be utilized when reduction is not feasible. This
applies to all drawings, published data or automatic data processing
printouts that must be included in the Design Analysis. Both side margins
shall be 3/4 inch minimum to permit loose side binding and head to head

6.3. Assembly and Identification: The original design analysis shall be

loosely assembled with a complete table of contents. If more than one volume
is required, no single component as shown in Figure 4 shall be segregated
into different volumes. All volumes shall be numbered sequentially and
loosely assembled under a cover page (see Plate 19, Chapter IV) indicating
the volume number and total number of volumes for the project. Each volume
shall have the complete table of contents for the entire Design Analysis with
the items contained in that volume highlighted. For projects with more than
one major facility, the design analysis may be assembled into separate
volumes for each facility as per Figure 4.



Section Subject Page

1 Concept Design

2 Early Preliminary Design


3 Preliminary Design

4 Final Design III-33


Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page



Paragraph Subject

1.0 Concept Design Submittal


1.1 Objective

1.2 Civil Design


1.3 Architectural/Structural Design


1.4 Mechanical Design


1.5 Electrical Design


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page



1.0. Concept Design Submittal. The concept submittal shall

consist of the following documents:

b Design Analysis
b Schematic Drawings
b Cost Estimate
b Other Items as required by the Scope of
This Chapter will define, by discipline, requirements of the
Design Analysis and Schematic Drawings. Format and quality
of design analysis and drawings shall be per Chapter II,
"Presentation of Data," of this guide. Concept drawings
shall include sufficient information to outline the scope of
work requirements and to show the general design of the
project to approximately the 20 percent stage of completion.
Develop all drawings to a uniform level so that the entire
project can be reviewed for conformance with authorized
scope and criteria. Include features to depict the minimum
required information in accordance with requirements
hereinafter. If the size and/or complexity of the pertinent
project requires additional information be presented to
supplement the narrative description, show such information.
Guidance for preparation of the cost estimate is covered in
Volume 2, Cost Estimating, and shall be a Code A or Code B
estimate as defined in the scope of work. Standard
definitive or other repetitive standard drawings shall be
utilized if applicable and available, and only if specified
in the scope of work.

1.1. Objective. This phase of design shall establish a

fixed design direction for the project by demonstrating the
appropriateness of one design solution over at least two (2)
other alternatives. The submittal shall provide sufficient
information to demonstrate that the users' functional needs
and space requirements can be met within the programmed
budget and scope of work. Applicable criteria shall be
listed, and major design constraints and/or opportunities
such as the following addressed:

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

a. Identification of any apparent criteria and/or code

violation that may occur if project is constructed as
presently scoped.

b. Identification of construction interferences, and

any required utility outages, including interior
heating/cooling, power and lighting.

c. Recommendation of construction phasing, where


d. Recommendations for revising the present scope of

work to better improve the payback or alleviate any of the
problems addressed in paragraphs a. and b. above.

e. Description of site conditions and reasons for site

plan as presented. Any information needed to support the
A-E's design approach shall be provided in a form
appropriate for review.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

1.2. Civil Design.

1.2.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations. The

various aspects of the civil design requirements shall be
described. The type and extent of the civil features under
consideration and the designer's recommendations for their
design shall be presented. Calculations shall be provided
to justify the recommendations made and shall be consistent
with the level of detail of design involved in a concept
submittal. Siting. Describe site conditions including

existing topographic features and improvements affecting or
relating to the proposed work. Address any special or
unusual conditions such as former refuse dump area,
hazardous or toxic waste problems, potential for flooding,
ground instability, rock outcroppings, drainage features,
unusual soil conditions, and any contaminated soil or
groundwater conditions. Water Distribution System. Develop basic

and controlling water demands and show required residual
pressures, flows and tentative pipe sizes. Include fire,
domestic and industrial average and/or peak demands, as
applicable. Show adequacy of distribution system to supply
controlling demands mindful that this controlling demand
will be primarily dictated by the fire water flow demand and
pressure (if applicable). Include information basic to this
determination, such as known flow tests and/or
computations. If added daily water requirements of project
are considerable, state whether the capability of the supply
system to meet total requirements has been determined or
whether it requires analysis. Water meters will be
included in the project design only if determined necessary
by the Major Command. Water meters shall be considered
where reimbursement to local authorities/agencies is
required. Water Treatment. State whether water

treatment is required for this project. Sanitary Sewer System. Discuss peak flow

and average flow determinations in gallons per hour and day
for building connections, individual sewers and force mains
from population, measurement, or fixture units, as

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

applicable. Describe the existing system, covering

particularly the type, capacity, condition, degree of
treatment, present flow and unsatisfactory elements of
component parts for major extensions. Describe type of
system proposed. Do not specify pipe materials. Provide
engineering justification for deleting any pipe material
options, such as those which must be deleted due to
corrosive conditions. Sewage Treatment. State type of waste

involved, degree of treatment required, type of treatment
plant proposed, and required effluent quality. Describe
receiving stream and anticipated effect of treatment plant
effluent. Provide a brief description of units involved
including basic data (contributing population, wastewater
allowances, etc.) which will be used in sizing units. Storm Drainage and Grading. Discuss

proposed drainage design. Basic information shall include
design storm criteria, rainfall, and infiltration rates
with the basis for their selection, method of computing
runoff, times of concentration, ponding effects, if any, and
other items affecting deign discharges.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Roads, Streets, Parking, Open Storage,

Hardstands and Sidewalks. Discuss geometric features
including widths of traffic lanes, shoulders, parking spaces
and walks. Also discuss any required signing and striping. Landscaping. State what general type of

landscape treatment exists on the overall installation and
in the immediate vicinity of the project. This project's
landscaping shall be harmonious with adjacent landscape
treatments and vegetative communities. Refer to the Base
Design Guide or Base Plant List if available. The theme
must consider future long range design continuity,
compatibility with user needs, and maintenance constraints.
Describe how the proposed landscape design satisfies these
requirements. State if an irrigation system is authorized
and/or required. Dust and Erosion Control. State proposed

type and method of providing dust and erosion control,
reasons for selection, extent of area treated, etc. If no
treatment is proposed, justify omission. Railroads. State type of service for

which railroad track will be provided, anticipated volume
and type of traffic, and the ruling grade. Fencing. Discuss any required fencing. Include the Preliminary Geotechnical


1.2.2. Drawings. (See Chapter II for scale

requirements.) Site Plan. Provide site plan(s) showing

new and existing building location, access roads, parking,
traffic routes, topography, survey control points, bench
marks, drainage, sidewalks and demolition requirements.
Show finish floor elevations and finish grades at each
building. Show existing site features, topographic features
and proposed improvements. The drawings shall indicate the
revisions which are to be made to existing topographic
features and improvements, roads, drainage facilities, etc.
Where drainage facilities are to be provided, the direction
of flow and point of discharge shall be indicated by

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

appropriate symbols or notes. Utilities Plan. Show existing utility

lines; proposed utility lines with tentative line sizes;
points of connection to existing utilities; and any
rerouting of existing utility lines. Demolition Plan. Provide a separate

demolition plan for all existing site features to be

1.3. Architectural/Structural Design.

1.3.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations. Architectural Motif. State what general

type of architectural treatment exists both on the
installation, and in the immediate vicinity of the proposed
project. Although selected design features of this
structure should be in conformance with those exhibited in


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

structures, the design need not be identical. Motif shall

follow the most recent, predominant, existing theme of the
installation to insure future long range design continuity.
Describe how the design satisfies these requirements. Site Orientation. Adapt the building to

the size, shape and orientation of the site to include
benefits from natural warming and cooling affects afforded
by the site. If setbacks are involved, establish the
relevance of setback design provisions. State how location
of the site relative to local climate affects the placement
of entries, fenestration and roof overhangs due to
prevailing wind, sun and noise. Discuss architectural
features and relative costs, i.e., the use of tinted or
thermal glass if required as opposed to conventional
glazing. Energy Conservation. Describe energy

saving ideas/features considered and/or included in the
project design. All energy saving ideas/features shall be
compared against their effect on construction, maintenance
and operational costs. Items to consider include:

a. Various building configurations

b. Various building orientations

c. Solar "features", including skylights

for electrical lighting reduction; increased thermal
insulation over AFR 88-15 minimum requirements; shading by
landscaping; walls and roof color; optimum window shading
orientation and glazing type; etc. For the purposes of this
instruction, passive solar "features" should not be
considered as a passive solar "system." Solar systems are
addressed in AFR 88-15 and appropriate Air Force Engineer
Technical Letters (ETL's). Coordinate with mechanical and
electrical designers to insure that the target Energy Budget
Figure for the facility being designed is satisfied as a
minimum. See current Air Force ETL titled "Energy Budget
Figures." Economy of Building Construction. In order

to apply life cycle cost effectiveness, economic wall and
roof systems should be defined as early as possible in the
design effort. Provide economic comparison of three (3)

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

roof and wall systems per AFR 88-15 including details of

proposed construction types and an analysis to verify the
"U" values per current Air Force ETL are satisfied. Provide
a narrative discussing the different systems, anticipated
life of the functions to be accommodated, and additional
supportive information for the system selected. Coordinate
with structural and mechanical designers. At least three
(3) structural systems must be evaluated in the wall and
roof system analyses. Programmed vs. Computed Floor Area. Gross

and net areas shall be computed as indicated in Plate 18,
Chapter IV. All enclosed space with an average ceiling
height of less than seven (7) feet shall be excluded. Finish Schedules. Provide schedules for

proposed exterior and interior finishes (if not shown on
the drawings). (See Plates 10, 11, 12 and 13, Chapter IV).


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Fire Protection Summary. Provide a Fire

Protection Detail Summary based on the current editions of
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards
and codes in accordance with AFR 88-15. Include any code
and criteria exceptions. For Medical Facilities follow AFR
88-50. The Summary will list applicable NFPA paragraph/code
number references as well as "required" and "actual"
conditions in design. Provide statement of construction
type per AFR 88-15, e.g.: Fire-resistive, protected
non-combustible, etc. Provide "means of egress" sketch to
show that exit requirements of NFPA are satisfied. Fallout Shelter. State whether a fallout

shelter has or has not been provided. If fallout protection
is required, state protection factor and number of shelter
spaces being provided. See AFR 88-15 and DOD Directive
3020.35 reference 14c. Handicapped Data. Follow the "Uniform

Federal Accessibility Standards," (7 August 1984 Federal
Register) for purposes of determining handicap requirements. Special Requirements for

Addition/Alteration Projects. Asbestos. If required by your

Scope of Work, perform an asbestos survey to determine the
presence of asbestos. Identify and quantify all areas that
contain asbestos. Asbestos surveys must be performed by
certified Industrial Hygienists. If the project does not
contain asbestos, so state. Attach the results of the
survey as an appendix to the Design Analysis. Life Safety. Perform a life safety

survey to identify existing violations of means of egress
and fire separation per NFPA 101, NFPA 220 and the U.B.C.
and describe how new work will affect existing life safety.
State the building construction types and occupancy
classification. Provide "means of egress" sketches to
identify existing violations and recommended corrective
actions. Type and Method of Construction. State

whether the proposed facility is Permanent, Semi-Permanent,
Temporary, or Protective per AFR 88-15.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

1.3.2. Drawings. (See Chapter II for scale

requirements.) Floor Plans. Provide floor plan for each

floor showing: (a) overall dimensions and dimensions of
important elements, (b) functional arrangement. Functional Floor Plan. On occasion, prior

to development of a full concept submittal, a functional
floor plan submittal will be required. If required by your
scope of work, the functional floor plan will be prepared as
described below (this plan is not required as part of a
normal concept submittal):

a. Provide a single line floor plan

identifying each of the functions as outlined in the PB and
as discussed at the Predesign conference. Rooms shall be
sized and arranged as required by the functional
requirements. Exit requirements and column spacing shall be


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

b. Provide a gross area tabulation for each of

the functions and for the total building.

c. Provide a narrative description of the

proposed functional floor plan describing the rationale
behind the A-E's design decisions. Principal Elevations. Provide a minimum of

two principal elevations indicating type of material used.
Show exterior mechanical and electrical equipment which
affects the appearance of the structure. Roof plan. Provide roof plan indicating

valley/ridges/slopes. Sections. Show at least one principal

section of the floor and roof framing, suspended ceilings,
floor-to-floor heights, floor-to-ceiling heights, concealed
or open ducts, relation of fenestration to supporting
columns or walls, etc. Show building section, one at entry
and one typical for each building, showing room and building
height and selected structural system.

1.4. Mechanical Design

1.4.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations. The

various aspects of the mechanical design requirements shall
be described. The type and extent of the mechanical
features and systems under consideration and the designer's
recommendations for their design shall be presented.
Calculations shall be provided to justify the
recommendations made and must be consistent with level of
detail involved in a concept submittal. Energy Conservation. Describe energy

saving ideas/ features considered and/or included in the
project design. All energy saving ideas/features shall be
compared against their effect on construction, maintenance
and operational costs. Buildings with high internal loads
will require special attention to insure energy efficiency.
Use of waste heat to assist in heating domestic water and
cooling and heating the building will be considered. Other
items to consider include:

a. Various types of HVAC systems (for example,

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

dual duct vs. multi-zone vs. variable air volume; water vs.
air-cooled condensers; centrifugal vs. reciprocating vs.
absorption chillers, air to air or other types of heat
recovery systems) and automatic programming devices to shut
off or curtail HVAC systems during periods (nights and
weekends) when not required.

b. Utilization of existing central heating

and/or cooling systems for the new facility if adequate and
economically feasible.

c. Active and Passive solar systems if

required by your scope of work. See appropriate Air Force
ETL's for analysis requirements.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

Coordinate with architectural and electrical designers to

insure that the target Energy Budget Figure for the facility
being designed is satisfied as a minimum. See current Air
Force ETL titled "Energy Budget Figures." Coordinate
specifically with the architectural designer on heat
transmission coefficient (U-value) determination. Design Temperature Parameters. State

indoor and outdoor design temperatures for heating and
cooling, proposed "U" factors for walls, roofs, floors,
etc., personnel load, equipment heat release (if any),
outside air or ventilation requirements, and any other
special conditions as required by AFR 88-15. HVAC Systems. State type of heating plant

and justification for its selection including the capacity,
operating pressure and temperature. For ventilating system,
state whether it is a gravity or mechanical system. State
requirement for outside air, i.e., number of air changes per
hour, CFM per person, or other factors. The use of air
conditioning and evaporative cooling shall be in accordance
with guidelines in AFR 88-15 and applicable Air Force ETL's.
State system proposed for use. EMCS. (Energy Monitoring & Control

System). Indicate if base-wide EMCS is existing or planned.
For existing EMCS identify system in operation and to what
extent interfacing will be provided for this project.
Current AF policies require the EMCS be terminated at the
Data Terminal Cabinet (DTC) for new buildings at bases with
an existing EMCS. The actual connection to the Base-Wide
System will be done at a later date and shall therefore not
be a part of this contract. If a base-wide EMCS is
non-existent and not planned, describe feasibility of
locally controlled systems for the equipment. Fire Protection. Coordinate with the civil

and architectural designers and provide a description of the
type of fire protection/suppression proposed for the
project. Coordinate with the civil designer on available
water flow and pressure for any proposed fire sprinkler
systems. Fuel. State type, source and metering

arrangements. For natural gas identify if firm or

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

interruptible. Indicate adequacy of existing distribution

system(s) and excess capacity, if any. State type of
stand-by fuel for interruptible gas. Specialty Items. Cold Storage Projects. For cold

storage projects, indicate room holding temperatures and
commodities to be held in cold storage. Clean Rooms. Specify cleanliness

required and describe system selection and design proposed
to achieve compliance. Hazardous Waste. Specify EPA

approved materials, equipment and systems proposed for use.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

1.4.2. Drawings. Provide mechanical site plan showing

items such as steam or hot water lines from a central plant,
fire lines, storage tanks, fire pumps, etc. If a functional
floor plan is submitted, make sure the mechanical room is of
sufficient size to accommodate anticipated equipment,
piping, valves, etc. and servicing and replacement of same.
Show mechanical equipment proposed for exterior location.
See Chapter II for scale requirements.

1.5. Electrical Design.

1.5.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations. The

various aspects of the electrical design requirements shall
be described and the type and extent of the electrical
features and systems under consideration and the designer's
recommendations for their design shall be presented.
Calculations shall be provided to justify the
recommendations made and shall be consistent with the level
of detail involved in a concept submittal. Energy Conservation. Describe energy

saving ideas/ features considered and/or included in the
project design such as various types of lighting systems,
automatic programming devices to shut off lights during
periods when not needed, switching in the lighting layout to
allow occupant control of areas and improvements to base
electrical power factors by use of capacitors or synchronous
equipment. All energy saving shall be compared against their
effect on construction, maintenance and operational costs.
Coordinate with architectural and mechanical designers. Circuits. Provide electrical

characteristics (phase, voltage, and number of wires) of
primary and secondary circuits to be utilized in the
project. Primary and Secondary Voltage. State basis

for selection of primary and secondary distribution
voltages, and overhead or underground construction. Include
justification for underground line. Tempest/EMP shielding. For TEMPEST/EMP

shielding, if included in project, include a statement that
the attenuation requirements for TEMPEST and for EMP will be
provided in those rooms or areas described in project book

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

in accordance with DM 4-805-4 (See Chapter V). Communications Prewiring. Describe

existing communications system at or near building site and
any changes necessary to accommodate new project
communication requirements. Include discussion of local
area or wide area network requirements, if applicable. Other Systems. Briefly describe need and

basis for selection of lightning protection, cathodic
protection, intrusion detection, Master Antenna Television
(MATV), central sound and fire alarm systems. Include
discussion of how these will be tied into existing systems
(if applicable).

1.5.2. Drawings. Provide electrical site plan, separate

from civil site plan, including power and communication
service lines to the building and exterior location of
proposed electrical equipment. See Chapter II for scale


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page



Paragraph Subject

2.0 Early Preliminary Design Submittal


2.1 Objective

2.2 Design Analysis - General Requirements


2.3 Drawings - General Requirements


2.4 Civil Design


2.5 Landscaping Design


2.6 Architectural Design


2.7 Structural Design


2.8 Mechanical Design


2.9 Electrical Design


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page



2.0. Early Preliminary Design Submittal. The Early

Preliminary Design submittal shall consist of the following

b Design Analysis
b Drawings
b Outline Specifications
b Cost Estimate
b Draft Environmental Permit Matrix (if
required by
scope of work)
b Draft Engineering Considerations and
for Field Personnel Report
b Other Items as Required by the Scope of Work
The designer must include the requirements of Section 1 in
the early preliminary design documents whether or not a
concept submittal was required. This chapter will define,
by discipline, requirements of the Design Analysis and the
Drawings. Guidance for the preparation of the Outline
Specifications is described in the A-E Guide, Vol. 3.
Requirements of the Cost Estimate are provided in the A-E
Guide, Vol. 2. Refer also to Chapter II, "Presentation of
Data" of this Guide for design analysis format, drawing
format, and quality requirements. See appropriate Appendix
of this volume for Environmental Permit Matrix and
Engineering Considerations and Instructions for Field
Personnel Report requirements.

2.1. Objective. The Early Preliminary Design data must be

presented in sufficient detail to accomplish the following:

a. Show the User (customer) how the proposed design

satisfies his functional and special technical needs,
including the minimum requirements stated in this section.

b. Show all Reviewing Agencies that (1) all previous


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

comments have been appropriately addressed, (2) the

designer's approach to solution of technical aspects of the
project is sound and (3) he intends to utilize appropriate
controlling technical criteria (such as AFR's, AFM's, ETL's,
Guide Specifications, etc.).

c. Provide an outline specification, and drafts of any

A-E prepared specifications due to lack of COE guide
specification(s) on subject(s).

d. Provide a current estimate of cost, commensurate

with the stage of design. Prepare in the form of an Early
Preliminary Estimate (Type B). Base the pricing upon the
anticipated midpoint date of construction obtained from the
COE Project Manager.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

e. This submittal is heavily oriented toward creating

the proper architectural treatment and establishing the
design of the basic structural, mechanical and electrical
systems based on economic analyses. It will show the
District that the project has been sufficiently thought-out
to enable design to proceed.

2.2. Design Analysis - General Requirements. Build upon

the narrative and calculations developed for the concept
submittal to satisfy the Early Preliminary submittal
requirements. In addition, address the following:

a. Function. Describe the basic functional objective

of the proposed facility and its estimated functional life.
Discuss your solution to user required room adjacencies and
project siting as a minimum.

b. Personnel and Equipment. Describe the range and

number of civilian/military personnel and equipment to be

c. Criteria. For each discipline, provide listing of

all criteria used to establish the design, including
reference to Design Instructions, Project Book, appropriate
criteria chosen from Chapter V of this manual, and criteria
prescribed by the scope of work and/or conference minutes.
Summarize and enumerate all deviations from applicable
criteria such as military construction criteria, building
code, fire codes, life safety code, OSHA, and COE safety
manual. Identify deviation, citing source and paragraph,
what the criteria requires and nature of deviation, followed
by authority granting waiver and date of waiver. Indicate
if waiver has not been granted.

d. Economic Summary. For each discipline as

hereinafter described provide a description of the economic
factors influencing the choice of basic materials, equipment
or systems, and an economic analysis which justifies the
selection made over other alternatives. (For architectural,
structural and mechanical features, a minimum of three (3)
alternatives will be analyzed including the selected one.)
These economic studies shall consider the initial costs and
costs incurred over the projected life of the facility.

2.3. Drawings - General Requirements. Prepare the early

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

preliminary drawings to depict the required information in

accordance with requirements hereinafter. If the size
and/or complexity of the project requires additional
information be presented to supplement the narrative
description, show such information. When Office of the
Chief of Engineers (OCE) Standard or Site Adaptive Plans are
involved, include sufficient standard or site adaptive
drawings to permit early preliminary review; these plans
shall not be revised other than as required for seismic and
site adaptation unless prior approval is obtained. Under no
circumstances will an OCE title block be put out or replaced
by a Sacramento District title block. (See Plates 4 and 5,
Chapter IV.) They are Standard Drawings and any replacement
of the title block would destroy their character as a
Standard. See Chapter II for a complete discussion of
Standard and Site Adaptive drawings.

2.4. Civil Design.

2.4.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Siting. Discuss reasons for facility

orientation. Address such factors as prevailing winds,
existing structures, adjacent site conditions, solar loads,
clearance restrictions and future development areas.
Generally state why the building is sited as proposed if it
has not been sited by the user. Water Distribution System. Indicate

whether additional fire hydrants are needed (see AFM 88-10
Chapter 5/TM5-813-5) and describe the proposed location of
each hydrant. Sanitary Sewer System. Where lift stations

are required, state type of construction and tentative pump
type and size. Indicate controlling elevations and
compliance with AFM 88-11, Volume 1/TM 5-814-1 for minimum
slopes and sizes. Confirm adequacy of existing sewers to
carry additional flow. Discuss nature of industrial wastes.
Unless quantity of flow is small and disposal will be by
tile field or filtration and evaporation from a pond,
include need for data concerning State requirements for
pollution control. Provide permit applications as required. Sewage Treatment Plant. Provide a complete

description of the nature of waste involved, degree of
treatment required, type of treatment plant proposed and
anticipated effluent quality. Storm Drainage and Grading. Discuss any

changes in the proposed drainage design. Corrosion Mitigation. For each new utility

system and/or metallic structure that is buried, submerged,
or in contact with either the ground or a substance which
may promote corrosivity, a cathodic protection system shall
be designed by the A-E. Coordinate with the electrical
designer. Roads, Streets, Parking, Open Storage,

Hardstand and Sidewalks. The pavement design sections will
be furnished by the District in a Geotechnical Report. This
report which normally includes a Foundation Report and
Pavement Design shall be referenced here and a copy included
as an appendix to the Design Analysis.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Fencing. Describe type and height of

fencing and gates, including features such as outriggers,
barbed wire or tape and gate controllers. Railroads. State type of service for which

railroad tracks will be provided, anticipated volume and
type of traffic, and the ruling grade. Discuss proposed
type, source, and thickness of ballast, weight of rail,
source, treatment, and dimensions of proposed ties.
Identify any special subgrade compaction requirements; types
of track accessories required, such as turnouts and
switches, and the name of the operating agency. Demolition. Describe the extent and type

of any demolition required for this project. Discuss if the
demolition will involve any hazardous materials such as
asbestos and/or PCB's.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Hazardous and/or Toxic Waste. Describe

the extent of any known or suspected hazardous or toxic
waste problems associated with the site, and the remedial
measures proposed.

2.4.2. Drawings. (See Chapter II for scale

requirements.) Soil Explorations. If available at this

stage of design, provide drawings showing the boring
locations and logs of borings which will be incorporated
into the drawing set by the A/E. (See Plate 3, Chapter IV
for instructions on completing the title block for these
drawings.) Demolition Plan. Show demolition

requirements. Site Plan. Show the facility superimposed

on existing topography and reference the source of survey
data. Provide sufficient horizontal and vertical control to
clearly indicate the proposed siting of the facility. Utility Plan. Show existing and proposed

fire hydrants, fencing, and petroleum, oil and lubricants
(POL) storage tanks.

2.5. Landscaping Design.

2.5.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations. See

Concept submittal requirements. Also, discuss any unusual
climatic or soil conditions or other local factors which may
affect the design or selection of plant species.

2.5.2. Drawings. Show general site layout, and

delineate all landscape treatment, including turf areas,
shrub beds, tree locations, rock or gravel-covered areas,
and areas for erosion control. Identify existing features
that are not to be disturbed by construction activities. If
an irrigation system is authorized, define areas to be

2.6. Architectural Design.

2.6.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Equipment Summary: Provide a tabulation of

all equipment in the project to show the following: (If
none, so state for each subparagraph below.)

(1) Contractor-Furnished - Contractor

Installed (CF-CI).

(2) Government-Furnished - Contractor

Installed (GF-CI).

(3) Government-Furnished - Government

Installed (GF-GI) or not in contract (N.I.C.). Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA):

Designs shall be consistent with the standards issued by the
Department of Labor under Section 6 of the Williams-Steiger
Occupational Safety and Health Act. Basic materials,
equipment, and functional requirements must be in accordance
with the criteria contained in AFR 88-15, Technical Manuals
(TM's) and Corps of Engineers Guide Specifications (CEGS).
Any conflicts discovered shall be brought in writing to the
attention of the PM for resolution.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Color Boards. Color boards shall be

prepared in accordance with the following:

a. Color Boards shall be submitted in a

standard 8-1/2" x 11" three-ring binder. Number of color
boards shall be as called for in the project scope. Where
special finishes such as carpet or pre-finished textured
metal panels are required, samples not less than 8" x 10"
shall be submitted with the boards.

b. Actual material samples shall be

displayed showing color, texture, pattern, finish,
thickness, etc., for all appearance related items where
choice exists. These samples shall be large enough to
indicate true patterns. However, care should be taken to
present materials in proportion to that which will actually
be installed in a given situation. Samples shall be
organized by color schemes with a separate sample for each
scheme. The schemes shall be coordinated by room names and
numbers shown on the architectural floor plans. Color shall
be labeled with generic color names.

c. The color board(s) shall consist of

all samples mounted on a mat board or equivalent for
structural stability.

d. Project title and location (base)

shall occur in the lower right-hand corner of each board. Interior Design. If a comprehensive

interior design is required by the scope of work, DTL
1110-4-20 "Comprehensive Interior Design Requirements" will
be furnished by the COE PM. See Appendix G. Fire Protection Analysis. Coordinate with

the mechanical and electrical designers and provide the

a. Basic NFPA occupancy classification

and hazard (low, ordinary, high) on which analysis is based;
type of construction from UBC; area of ground floor and
total floor area; building height in feet, and number of

b. Building separation distances and

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

access thereto, based on paragraph above, and Mil

Handbook 1008.

c. Hour (Fire) ratings (show required,

not actual) of exterior building walls, exit passageways,
corridors, stairs, boiler/mechanical rooms, shafts, storage
areas, janitor closets, and other hazard areas; fire and
smoke floor areas; hourly rating of fire/smoke walls;
corridor lengths and dead ends; corridor doors and other
rated doors.

d. Extinguishing and/or fire sprinkler

systems: Type (wet or dry system); special systems, such as
"Carbon Dioxide", "Deluge", or "Standpipe", "AFFF" or
"Halon" Systems. Coordinate with mechanical designer.

e. Fire alarm and evacuation system:

Type, extent, and zoning. Coordinate with electrical


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

f. Operations involving use or storage of

flammable and explosive liquids and gases, or accumulation
of dusts: Describe type of electrical equipment, lighting
fixtures, ventilation and other related fire protection
features required to minimize hazard(s).

g. The analysis shall list applicable

NFPA and UBC number references as well as "required" and
"design" conditions.

h. "Means of egress" sketch shall be

provided for each floor indicating exit access, door swings
in path of egress, required fire separations, stairs and
rated exit passageways. In addition, provide a location of
exit sign sketch indicating exit lights including direction
and locations for which "Not An Exit" signs may be required.
Illumination of means of egress and exit markings shall
comply with NFPA 101.

i. Include a fire water flow curve, based

on flow test data and determine if the available water
quantities and pressures are adequate to meet project
requirements. See Fire Protection Handbook, Section 16,
Chapter 8C, Hydraulic Flow Curves and Chapter 8F, Analyzing
Test Data. (Note that flow test data is normally provided by
the Base Civil Engineer. Coordinate with your COE PM.)

2.6.2. Drawings. (See Chapter II for scale

requirements.) Floor Plan for each floor showing: 1.)

overall dimensions, 2.) functional arrangement, 3.) type of
occupancy of all areas, 4.) interior colors and finishes and
exterior colors in tabular form. (Plates 10, 11, 12 and 13,
Chapter IV.) Describe colors by words as well as a standard
number designation, so that the customer will have no doubts
as to what he will receive. Draw all major equipment to scale. Elevations: Provide an elevation of all

four (4) building sides as a minimum. Show exterior
mechanical and electrical equipment which affects the
appearance of the structure.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Building Section: Provide at least two (2)

complete building cross sections at 90 degrees to each other
showing floor and roof framing, suspended ceilings,
floor-to-floor heights, concealed or open ducts, relation of
fenestration to supporting columns or walls, etc. Due to
special needs, other primary transverse or longitudinal
sections may be shown. Wall Sections. Provide exterior and

interior wall section for each type of wall system. These
wall sections are to be cut from the floor plan, not the

2.7. Structural Design.

2.7.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations. Foundation Design: Provide a statement

referencing the Geotechnical Report which will be attached
as an Appendix to the completed Design Analysis. Regardless
if the Geotechnical Report is provided


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

by the COE or the A-E, it will present factual data

concerning corrosion control and soil bearing capacities for
the various founding methods and may include recommendations
for the method or procedure required. It should be
recognized that there may be several methods of providing
structural support that are acceptable. It is the
responsibility of the A-E to select the most appropriate
type of founding for each project based on overall economic
considerations. The designer will describe the proposed
foundation treatment including the depth of excavation,
disposition of excavated material, whether in-place
foundation will be compacted, whether compacted backfill
will be utilized as foundation, whether frost governs the
depth of foundation, and whether there is a need for
drainage or a vapor barrier. State reason if foundation
selected differs from the Geotechnical report. Design Loadings (AFM 88-3, Ch. 1/TM

5-809-1): Provide a discussion of live loadings to be used,
to include floor loads, wind, snow, earthquake, etc.,
together with data to justify deviations from established
criteria. Seismic design shall be in accordance with AFM
88-3, Ch. 13. State the Seismic Zone, K, I, C, and Z
values. State whether wind load or seismic load governs
lateral design for each direction considered and for each
independent structural system. For those cases in which
additions are connected to existing structures (i.e., no
seismic joints), the A-E shall provide calculations for the
"integral structure" (i.e., new plus existing).

In no case shall the strength of an existing "below code"

structure be reduced. Where practicable, the A-E shall
upgrade the lateral resistance of the existing system to
meet current code. In the projects involving alterations,
modifications and/or additions, the A-E shall be responsible
for the investigation and design necessary to strengthen
existing structural members which are affected by additional
loads. For pure alteration and repair projects, a seismic
evaluation shall be performed per the following:

a. Major Alterations. Any building for

which the cost of renovations or repairs, exclusive of
seismic strengthening, exceeds 25 percent of the replacement
cost of that building, must be modified to resist the
appropriate level of earthquake forces. An appropriate

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

level of earthquake force is defined as that level

prescribed in the latest edition of AFM 88-3, Chapter 13.
The foregoing does not preclude the use of site specific
response spectra if already available, or if deemed
appropriate for critical facilities.

b. Minor Alterations. Minor structural

alterations may be made in existing buildings and other
structures in conjunction with the upgrading of the total
structure. However, the building structure's ability to
resist lateral seismic forces shall not be less than that
which existed before such alterations were made.

c. Seismic Evaluation Submittal

Requirements. The seismic evaluation study, complete with
conceptual fix (if required) and associated costs shall be
submitted. The seismic evaluation study shall be performed
concurrent with other design work and coordinated with other
design work to the maximum degree possible, i.e., be
feasible from a functional/architectural standpoint, etc.
The seismic evaluation study and its impact on the project
current working estimate (CWE) shall be approved by the Air


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

Force prior to incorporation into the project bid documents.

A minor alteration project's design documentation shall
include routine structural narrative and calculations
addressing structural modifications. Working Stresses: Indicate selected stress

where options are provided. Indicate any deviations from
prescribed working stresses, together with justifications. Structural System: Describe the selected

structural framing system and the basis for the selection.
Provide comparative, informal cost estimates for the system
selected versus a minimum of two (2) other alternatives.
Coordinate seismic design of anchors or restraints for
mechanical and electrical equipment with designers for those

2.7.2. Drawings. (See Chapter II for scale

requirements.) Foundation and Floor Plan. Show type of

foundation proposed, depths of footings, relation of walls
and floor slab to foundation system, overall dimensions,
column spacing, joint pattern in slab-on-grade, tie beams,
grade beams, etc. Floor Framing Plan. Show spacing of

framing members, overall depth of floor structure, column
spacing, principal dimensions, and shape of the building. Roof Framing Plan. Show locations of

framing members, overall shape and dimensions, diaphragm,

2.8. Mechanical Design.

2.8.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Coordinate with

architectural and electrical designers on energy
conservation and fire protection analysis requirements. Air Conditioning System. Briefly discuss

temperature control system using AFR 88-15 requirements and
appropriate Air Force ETL's. Direct Digital Controls (DDC)
have not yet been approved by the Air Force and shall not be
used except for equipment with built-in DDC controls.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Heating System. State type of heating

system, i.e., forced warm air with direct fired furnace or
hot water coil, forced hot water or steam with direct fired
furnace or hot water coil, forced hot water or steam with
direct radiation or unit heaters. State type of heat
distribution system outside of buildings, i.e., steam, high
temperature hot water, or hot water system and whether it is
located above-ground or underground. State classification
of underground system per CEGS 15705 (see paragraph on
system requirements). Include soil investigations and
survey, and type of conduit. Describe type of piping for
heating system, insulation of, and if concealed or exposed. Ventilating System. State whether it is a

gravity or mechanical system. State requirement for outside
air and basis for determination of quantity, i.e., number of
air changes per hour, CFM per person, or other factors.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Evaporative Cooling Systems. Systems shall

be designed in accordance with AFR 88-15. Note whether
single or multi-stage process. Other Systems. Include determination and

capacity of compressed air, vacuum, or other service piping
systems. For cold storage projects, show approximate

equipment sizes. Fire Protection Analysis. See

Architectural Section for requirements.

2.8.2.Design Analysis - Calculations. Economic Comparison. When specific Air

Force criteria does not indicate a preferred method for the
various mechanical systems contained in the project, the
designer shall consider three (3) alternative systems and
base the final selection on a Life Cycle Cost Analysis in
accordance with AFR 88-15. HVAC Systems. Include heat gains and

losses showing method for handling diversities in the air
conditioning load. Provide calculations to verify equipment
sizing. Complete draft of Air Force Form 108, "Air
Conditioning Load Estimate", and include in Design Analysis.
(See Plates 21 and 22 in Chapter IV.) Plumbing Systems. Provide plumbing

calculations necessary to determine number of fixtures and
hot and cold water requirements. List types of fixtures per
Federal Specification WW-P--541 (outfit series) and any
others required for the project. State male and female
building occupancy. Include description of domestic water
heating and storage equipment including capacity, materials,
piping types, preliminary pipe sizes and insulation
requirements. Energy Budget Figure. Provide Energy

Budget Figure calculations in accordance with AFR 88-15, and
appropriate Air Force ETL.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

2.8.3. Drawings. (See Chapter II for scale

requirements.) General. Prepare floor plans, sections and

details showing major heating, ventilating, and air
conditioning equipment layout (chillers, refrigeration
compressors, boilers, pumps, condensers or cooling towers,
air handling units, fans), air distribution duct layout (may
be single line), hoods and other major equipment items
required for the facility. Design procedure to be used for
support and anchorage or piping and mechanical equipment
shall be as required in AFM 88-3 CH 13 (TM 5-809-10),
including Section A for essential buildings. Show location
of the Data Terminal Cabinet (DTC) for the EMCS (normally in
the mechanical room). Plumbing. Show fixture layout, floor and

area drains, and plumbing equipment layout (hot water
generator, storage tanks, pumps, air compressors, etc.).
Provide legend, symbols and abbreviations lists.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Fire Sprinkler Systems. Do not show the

layout of the sprinkler/suppression system piping and heads
on the plans. (The contractor will design the system and
provide shop drawings during the construction phase.) Show
the riser location(s) and details, and add note at the top
of the riser(s) stating "To Sprinkler System". Mechanical Room. Provide mechanical

room(s) sufficiently sized to allow for removal of tubes
from boilers, chillers and condensers, and for removal of
coils and filters from air handling units for maintenance or
replacement. To save space, full use shall be made of
knockout panels or doors on outside walls for tube and other
equipment removal. Equipment shall be located to allow
ample room for servicing and replacement. Piping and valves
shall be arranged so that they will not prevent personnel
movement within the mechanical room(s). All valves shall be
located for ready accessibility. Where necessary, catwalks
or permanent ladders shall be furnished for operating and
servicing valves and headers. Gages and thermometers shall
be of such size, scale and location as to be easily read by
operating personnel. If an enclosed outdoor mechanical
equipment yard is to be used provide for adequate air
movement via openings in CMU walls, screened doors, louvers,
etc. Equipment Sizing. In concert with

paragraph above, prepare and submit a study of
floor space in the mechanical room(s) (including mechanical
equipment yards) and roof space on roof plan by selecting
the largest and heaviest of three competing makes of each
piece of equipment to be installed. Allow ample room for
servicing and replacement of equipment. The mechanical
designer shall inform the structural designer of the
selections used so that the supporting roof structure can be
properly designed. Provide catalog cuts of selected
equipment in the design analysis.

2.9. Electrical Design.

2.9.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations. Electrical Load Analysis. Include estimate

of total connected load and of demand factors, diversity and
resulting kilowatt demand. Provide breakdown of the

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

estimated connected and demand load to show: (1) Lighting

and convenience outlet load; (2) power load for building
equipment such as heating, air conditioning, etc.; (3) loads
for special operating equipment such as air compressors,
generators, pumps, and power receptacles being provided to
energize special equipment. State power factor and size the
transformers based on the estimated loads. Indicate voltage
drop of service entrance and voltage drop basis for feeders
and circuits. Lighting. Describe the proposed standards

of design for lighting intensities and the type of lighting
fixtures for all interior and exterior areas. Lighting
intensities shall be IAW IES Lighting Handbooks unless
modified by AFR 88-15. Describe provisions for motor
control, standby electric power, grounding, communications,
television, and lightning protection, as applicable.
Discuss special fixtures for hazardous areas (if


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Power Supply. Describe electrical

characteristics of power supply to the base, or portion
thereof involved in this project, including circuit
interrupting requirements and voltage regulation. Verify
the adequacy of the existing power supply at the point of
take-off. If power source is not adequate, state measures
proposed to correct the deficiency. If a new power source
or local generation is required, discuss the various schemes
and submit cost comparisons for the alternatives. Fire Alarm. Discuss means for transmission

of fire alarm signal (if applicable). System Control. Discuss special control,

i.e., generator paralleling, switchgear remote control,
telemetering, central supervisory control (if applicable). Grounding. Discuss special grounding

requirements, i.e., for PMBL's, electronic labs, security
communications areas, data processing and TEMPEST/EMP
enclosures (if applicable). Hospital Designs. Discuss hospital

electrical criteria per NFPA, AFR 88-15, AFR 88-50, and TM
5-838-2 (if applicable). Seismic Considerations. State that support

and anchorage design for electrical equipment in seismic
areas shall be in accordance with AFM 88-3 Ch 13/TM
5-809-10. Raised Floor Systems. When raised floor

systems are required, state that all stanchions and other
metal parts of the raised floor shall be made electrically
continuous for computer noise with 1 #1/0 BC brought from
one point on the stanchions to a computer ground bar located
within the raised floor areas. Bond this computer ground
bar with 1 #1/0 BC to the service entrance ground bus. TEMPEST/EMP Shielding. State the

frequency spectrum for TEMPEST/EMP protection. Maximum
spectrum/attenuation requirements for TEMPEST/EMP shall be
in accordance with current DM 4-805-4 (see Chapter V). On
Tempest, verify if low level or high level signal Limited
Exclusion Area (LEA) design.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Cathodic Protection. Discuss Cathodic

Protection ystems applied to all buried or submerged ferrous
piping, fittings, tanks and related facilities. See current
Air Force ETL on subject. Fire Protection. See Architectural

for fire protection analysis requirements.

2.9.2. Drawings. (See Chapter II for scale

requirements.) Exterior Electrical Site Plan. Include the


a. Show existing and new electrical

lines, both overhead and underground, properly identified.

b. Show removals and relocations, if any.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

c. Indicate electrical characteristics,

voltage, phase, conductor size, etc.

d. Show new construction and location of

major pieces of electrical equipment such as transformers,
switchgear, etc.

e. Indicate the service to the facility

and whether it is overhead or underground. Interior Electrical. Provide the


a. Floor plans. Show the proposed

locations of all major items of electrical equipment,
including vaults, transformers, equipment rooms, switchgear,
motor control centers, distribution panels, telephone
terminal cabinets, and power and lighting panelboards.
Coordinate space required for maintenance and future
expansion with mechanical drawings and insure that National
Electrical Code work space requirements are met.

b. Partial Lighting Layouts. Show a

partial layout of typical lighting in the building
indicating proposed fixtures and spacing. Locate exterior
lighting on plans when applicable. Lighting intensities
shall be based upon the requirements of AFR 88-15 and
applicable ETL;s, I.E.S. Lighting Handbook, and criteria as

c. Single-line diagrams (not riser

diagrams). Provide for all interior distribution systems.
Diagrams of high and low voltage interior electrical
distribution and communication systems shall show all of the
important features, such as the following:

(1) Auto transfer switches.

(2) Emergency generators.

(3) Emergency systems.

(4) Major subpanels.

Show that the power to the Fire Alarm Control Panel is

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

connected ahead of the main.

d. Riser Diagrams. Show the proposed

riser diagram. Sizes of all conduits, wires, cables,
panels, etc. need not be included.

e. Telephone/Communications Plan. Show

location and routing of nearest point of service for
telephone to the Telephone Terminal Board.

f. TEMPEST/EMP Shielding Penetration

Schedule. Prepare preliminary TEMPEST or EMP shielding
penetration schedules for both mechanical and electrical

g. See AFR 88-15 for conductor

requirements. Do not specify "copper only" for bussing
and/or conductors on the drawings.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page



Paragraph Subject

3.0 Preliminary Design Submittal


3.1 Objective

3.2 Design Analysis - General Requirements


3.3 Drawings - General Requirements


3.4 Civil Design


3.5 Landscaping Design


3.6 Architectural Design


3.7 Structural Design


3.8 Mechanical Design


3.9 Electrical Design


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page



3.0. Preliminary Design Submittal. The Preliminary Design

submittal shall consist of the following documents:

b Design Analysis
b Drawings
b Outline or Draft Specifications (See below)
b Cost Estimate
b Completed Environmental Permit Matrix (if
required by the scope of work)
b Draft Engineering Considerations and
Instructions for Field Personnel Report
b Other Items as Required by the Scope of Work
The designer must include the requirements of Sections 1 and
2 in the Preliminary design documents whether or not concept
and/or early preliminary submittals were required. This
chapter will define, by discipline, requirements of the
Design Analysis and the drawings. Guidance for the
preparation of the Outline Specifications is described in
the A-E Guide, Vol. 3. Requirements of the Cost Estimate
are provided in the A-E Guide, Vol. 2. Refer also to
Chapter II, "Presentation of Data", of this Guide for design
analysis format, drawing format, and quality requirements.
See appropriate Appendices of this volume for Environmental
Permit Matrix and Engineering Considerations and
Instructions for Field Personnel Report requirements.

3.1. Objective. The Preliminary Design data must be

presented in sufficient detail to accomplish the following:

a. Verify that the User's (Customer's) functional and

special technical needs have been met, including the minimum
requirements stated in this section.

b. Verify to all reviewing agencies that 1.) all

previous review comments have been appropriately addressed,
2.) the designer's approach to the solution of the technical
aspects of the project is sound and 3.), appropriate
controlling criteria (such as AFR's, AFM's, ETL's, Guide
Specifications, etc.) are being adhered to. Justification

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

for non-compliance with criteria must be provided in the

Design Analysis.

c. Provide an outline specification (or draft

specifications and marked-up guide specifications if called
for in scope of work), and drafts of any A-E prepared
specifications due to lack of COE guide specification(s) on

d. Provide a current estimate of cost, commensurate

with the stage of design. Prepare in the form of a
Preliminary Estimate (TYPE B). Base the pricing upon the
anticipated midpoint date of construction obtained from the
COE Project Manager.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

e. This submittal shall verify that proper structural,

mechanical and electrical systems are being utilized and
that the architectural treatment selected is appropriate.
The documents, in general, shall verify that the project has
been sufficiently coordinated among design disciplines and
thought out to proceed to completion with no major changes
in design.

3.2. Design Analysis - General Requirements. Expand upon

and/or modify the narrative and calculations developed in
the Concept and/or Early Preliminary submittals, as outlined
in Sections 1 and/or 2, to satisfy the Preliminary Submittal

3.2.1. Future expansion. Where projects are to be

designed for future expansion, discuss provisions to be
taken to insure the projected construction will proceed in a
trouble free fashion. If no provisions have been made for
future expansion, so state.

3.3. Drawings - General Requirements. Prepare the

preliminary drawings to working drawing level to support the
information developed in the design analysis, bearing in
mind that the design analysis and the preliminary drawings
are complementary and that information clearly and
completely contained in one need not be repeated in the

3.3.1. The project features should not be combined on a

minimum number of drawings, but rather, drawings should be
partially filled to allow for additional details required
for project (final) drawings. If the size and/or complexity
of the project requires additional information be presented
to supplement the narrative description, show such

3.4. Civil Design.

3.4.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Expand upon the

discussion of civil features that was presented in the
concept/early preliminary submittals to include the items
described below as applicable to the project. Siting. See Early Preliminary (E.P.)

submittal requirements.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Water Supply. Include the following:

a. Provide recommended solution to any

previously identified water supply problems.

b. Give basic information such as population,

capacity factor, per capita allowances, industrial and
irrigation requirements, and fire demands.

c. To the extent required for project

purposes, provide information on type, condition, and
adequacy of existing units such as wells, pumps, reservoirs,
etc., and current water use. If these items have already
been described in an existing report, give summary statement
and appropriate reference. For new sources, include
alternatives such as wells and surface supplies. Provide an
explanation of factors affecting choice of location, type,
diameter, depth, and important related characteristics.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

d. In describing proposed work, include

functional design concepts basic to selection of unit type,
construction, economy of operation, controls, etc. Provide
statement of preliminary sizes and capacities of major
components, any critical elevations or dimensions, and
essential related items as estimated from preliminary

e. For new sources, include data on existing

supplies and alternatives for new sources such as wells and
surface supplies. Provide data for all proposed water wells
and test drilling programs with full explanation of factors
affecting choice of location, type, diameter, depth, and
important related characteristics. Water Distribution. For service lines,

distribution main extensions and new distribution systems,
state the selected pipe sizes, state the proposed friction
coefficient, approximate controlling elevations, special
material requirements and any special features of the design
such as pressure reducing or regulating valves as determined
from preliminary calculations. Also discuss the
requirements for pressure release and vacuum relief valves. Water Treatment. Where water treatment is

included in the project, the designer shall provide a copy
of the water analysis and describe the elements of the
design including the capacities and number of units,
monitoring equipment and controls. The alternatives
considered and the reason for selecting the design over the
alternatives shall be discussed demonstrating how the design
will correct the objectionable characteristics of the water. Sewerage. Include the following:

a. Sanitary Sewer System: See Early

Preliminary submittal requirements.

b. Lift Stations: Develop required size and

capacity for any required lift stations.

c. Sewage treatment: Where waste treatment is

included in the project, explain the degree of treatment
required to meet the applicable discharge standards. A
complete description of the nature of the waste shall be

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

included. Describe the elements of the design including the

capacities and number of units, monitoring equipment and
controls. The alternatives considered and the reason for
selecting the design over the alternatives shall be
discussed demonstrating how the design will achieve the
treatment goals. Pilot plant testing programs which are to
be conducted shall be described, and in the case of land
treatment, a soil testing program shall be developed and
described. Drainage: See Early Preliminary submittal

requirements. Grading: Describe the grading plan and the

controlling slopes which will be used in the design.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Roads, Streets, Parking Areas, Open Storage

Areas, Hardstand Areas, and Sidewalks: Provide specific
data relating to the design such as type, volume, and
composition of traffic; vertical and horizontal controls,
and class and category of road or street. Discuss handicap
parking requirements. Fencing: See Early Preliminary submittal

requirements. In addition, describe the gates, and all
fencing features such as outriggers, barbed wire or tape and
controllers. Dust and Erosion Control: See Early

Preliminary submittal requirements. Railroads: See Early Preliminary submittal

requirements. National Pollution Discharge Elimination

System (NPDES) Permit: In projects where waste water is not
discharged into an existing collection and disposal system,
the NPDES permit will be referenced and appended to the
Design Analysis (See Appendix C, Environmental
Considerations). Excepted from this requirement are small
drainage storage facilities where no separate permit is
issued. Environmental Impact: Review the

Environmental Impact Analysis (Environmental Impact
Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement) to determine
whether any design feature changes the conclusions or
recommendations of the analysis. Should changes to the
analysis be required as a result of the design, a complete
description of the required changes shall be included in the
Design Analysis. If no changes are required to the
analysis, the designer shall include this conclusion in the
Design Analysis. Airfield Pavements: The District will

furnish the pavement section design consisting of a brief
description of foundation explorations, materials
investigations, field tests, a statement of values used in
pavement design, and basis for selection of pavement

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

3.4.2. Design Analysis - Calculations. Water distribution and service lines.

Furnish the flow requirements, line sizes, friction factors,
head loss, water velocities, and line pressures for each
pipe material option . Provide fire flow test data or other
measurements upon which the calculations are based. Show
calculations demonstrating the ability of the water
distribution and service lines to deliver water at the
required pressure and quantity. Water and Sewage Treatment: List all

criteria used for the design of each treatment process and
operations. Furnish all calculations showing the design of
the processes and operations including the hydraulic and
organic loading. Provide a hydraulic profile of the
treatment plant. Sewage Collection: Use the most

conservative value based on the population or fixture unit
method for computing expected flows. Show peak and average
expected or measured flows and any factors used in estimated
flows. Provide the flows, sizes, slopes and velocities of
each line segment.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

Required velocities will be based on average and peak flows,

not pipes flowing full (See AFM 88-11, Vol. 1/TM 5-814-1).
In addition, for lift stations show required head, volume of
wet well, cycle times at peak and average flows, and pump
controls. Storm drainage: Show all the calculations

used for determining the design flows and pipe sizes
(including all pipe material options). List rainfall
intensity, return period, concentration times for each
drainage area and the infiltration factors used. Provide an
analysis of each new culvert and of existing culverts which
are used in the design. Verify the adequacy of the storm
drainage system for the project area. Show the principal
water courses and location, size and invert elevation of
existing and proposed new drainage facilities including
surface ditches, storm sewers and culverts. Provide
drainage area maps for systems that drain into or through
the project area. Roads, Streets, Parking, Open Storage,

Hardstands and Sidewalks. Show design calculations
including selection of design wheel loads, material, and
type of construction and class of each type of paving. In
cases where the design was performed by the District, it is
sufficient to append a copy of the "Foundation Report and
Pavement Design" or "Geotechnical Report" (prepared by the
District) to cover the items in the report. Include all
calculations for curbs, alignment, intersection sight
distances, stopping and passing sight distances and
superelevation. Utility Trench Design. For projects that

involve supply, collection, and/or distribution utility
conduits, (rigid or flexible), support with calculations the
trench design (bedding, initial backfill, and final
backfill) for each one of the pipe options given in the COE
Guide Specifications. The trench design is to be based on
American Water Works Association Standards, or American
Society of Civil Engineers Manuals and Reports on
Engineering practice, as applicable. A trench cross section
for each one of the pipe options is to be shown on the
drawings. A Soil Classification of the native soil,
including as a minimum: identification, gradation, group
symbol, and Atterberg limits, shall be included in the

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

supporting data of the trench design. The deletion of any

pipe option, as called for in the COE Guide Specifications,
must be supported with complete engineering calculations.
The engineering-based justification for the deletion of any
pipe option must also be narrated in the Design Analysis.
Since controlled compaction is required during construction,
hydraulic consolidation of bedding or (initial or final)
backfill material is not to be allowed. Pipe thrust block
design shall be based upon measured or calculated pressures,
the foregoing soils data, and approved design methodology as
presented in AFM 88-10, Volume 5, Appendix C/TM 5-813-5,
Appendix C. Calculations shall be provided in the Design

3.4.3. Drawings. Demolition Plan. Provide thicknesses of

slabs to be removed and show sufficient dimensioning to
properly locate the materials to be removed. Clearly show
the full extent of AC pavement to be removed, show all
utility lines needing removal, and the sizes of all trees
and other objects requiring removal.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Grading and Paving Plan: Show new grading

contours superimposed on existing topography. Indicate via
symbols the different types of paving materials used and
show new and existing pavements differently, per Standard
Detail S-4, sheet 116 of the Standard Details for Utilities,
Foundation, Paving and Railroads.

3.5. Landscaping Design:

3.5.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations. See

prior submittal requirements.

3.5.2. Drawings. In addition to that required in prior

submittals, provide the following:

a. Show proposed special design features such as

flagpoles, raised planters, benches,
trails and special paving treatments.

b. A plant schedule listing both the botanical and

common names of species to be used.

c. If an irrigation system is required, provide an

irrigation plan showing connection to water
service, the main and branch lines,
valves and, if an automatic system, the
controller location(s).

3.6. Architectural Design.

3.6.1. Design Analysis - Narrative/Calculations. Expand

discussion of subjects initiated in earlier submittals and
include discussion of the following as applicable to the
project: Space Planning. Discuss the following as

applicable to the project:

a. Organization of functional spaces to

establish workable adjacency relationship.

b. Building layout to establish convenient

circulation flow for materials, equipment, services and

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

c. Consolidation of spaces into sound

compatible zones and protective construction zones, e.g.,
for fire, storm and fallout.

d. Space layout compatible with modular

(structural and environmental) support systems.

e. Interior parking and service areas.

f. Signage; directional, informational and

motivational. Physical Security. Discuss required lock

and keying, intrusion detection system, audible and visual
alarms (coordinate with electrical designer) restricted
access areas, interior guard/canine support and any required
interface with local authorities.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Tempest/EMP Shielding. Discuss

architectural features necessary to insure required
shielding attenuation values are not compromised, especially
details required for openings and penetrations. Coordinate
with electrical designer. Acoustical Design. Discuss any special

acoustical wall or ceiling requirements including effects
from interior and exterior sound sources as applicable.

3.6.2. Drawings: Continue to develop the drawings

initiated in earlier submittals and in addition, provide the
following: Roof plan: Indicate mechanical equipment

and vents, roof drains, roof slopes, crickets, etc. Cross
reference to where flashings and curbs are detailed for roof
penetrations, including those for mechanical and electrical
features. Reflected ceiling plan: Provide for all

buildings except industrial-type buildings containing
minimal office space. Fire ratings: Show rating of one

hour or more for partitions, ceilings, ceiling-roof or
ceiling-floor assemblies. This may be shown on the
reflected ceiling plan, when provided; in a "REQUIRED FIRE
RATING SCHEDULE", listing each room or area to be separated;
or in a single line floor plan which indicates only fire
partitions and fire walls.

3.7. Structural Design:

3.7.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Outline and define

the structural methods and materials of design and
construction and include all criteria and assumptions and
calculations on the following items: Foundation Design: Provide a statement

referencing the Geotechnical Report which will be attached
as an Appendix to the Design Analysis. The Geotechnical
Report will normally be provided by the COE. Describe the
type of foundation proposed, estimated depth of bearing,
allowable bearing values, compaction requirements, and any

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

other measures mentioned in the soils report, or recommend

two foundation types as being acceptable. In these cases an
economic comparison between the two shall be presented and
the more cost effective type selected. See AFM 88-5 CH
2/TM-5-809-2 and C.O.E. Standard Details for Utilities,
Foundation, Paving and Railroads, sheets F-1 to F-9.
Concrete slabs on grade shall not bear directly on or be
tied to footings, pedestals, or walls. At least six inches
of earth or gravel cushion shall be provided. Economic Analysis of Structural Systems:

Provide an economic comparison of at least three structural
systems for each area of the building that has a distinctly
different framing scheme. Availability of local labor and
materials shall be considered in selecting the systems. A
portion of the structure large enough to be representative
of the entire building shall be designed in sufficient
detail to provide for labor and materials estimate that will
be the basis of the structural system selection. Each of
the systems should be presented on a sketch indicating the
sizes of all the framing members for each area of the
building with a


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

different framing scheme. Investigate various column

spacings. For a one story structure, the comparison shall be
done for the roof structure. For a multistory facility, one
cost comparison shall be presented for the floor system and
one for the roof system. Attach the comparison to the
Design Analysis as an Appendix. Provide a description of
all the candidate solutions and indicate that the most
economical has been selected. Design Loadings (AFM 88-3, Ch. 1/TM

5-809-1): Describe the lateral force resisting system by
defining the location and number of shear walls, materials
to be used for a diaphragm, seismic joint locations,
foundation ties, factor of safety for overturning, and any
other components of the lateral force resisting system.
Provide a statement of live loading to be used, to include
floor loads, wind, snow, earthquake, etc., together with
data to justify when different from established criteria.
Seismic design shall be in accordance with AFM 88-3 CH 13/TM
5-809-10, State the Seismic Zone, K, I, C, and Z values. Working Stresses: Indicate selected stress

where options are provided. Indicate any deviations from
prescribed working stresses, together with reasons therefor.
Describe type and class of material selected and indicate
source of stress selected. Blast Design: For structures designed for

blast and dynamic loads, list all appropriate design
parameters such as, amount, type, TNT equivalent, and
location of explosive material in each area for the donor
system. Locate explosives in a position that will impose
the largest loads on the structure. For the receiver
system, describe the personnel, equipment, and any other
explosive materials which require protection in each area.
Also, define the protection categories for each area to
prevent the following: (a) Communication of detonation by
fragments and high blast pressures; and (b) Mass detonation
of explosives as a result of subsequent detonations produced
by communication of detonation between two adjoining areas.
Define blastwall, blastdoor, and frangible element
locations to complete the description of the protective
construction design approach.

3.7.2. Design Analysis - Calculations. Provide as

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

required by the above paragraphs to support selected design

features. Calculations shall be organized and summarized in
a Table of Contents. Calculations are to be checked and so
noted by signature/initials of the checker.

3.7.3. Drawings. Foundation and Floor Plan: Show type of

foundation proposed, depths of footings, relation of walls
and floor slab to foundation system, overall dimensions,
column spacing, joint pattern in slab-on-grade, tie beams,
grade beams, etc. Floor Framing Plan. See Early Preliminary

submittal requirements. Roof Framing Plan. See Early Preliminary

submittal requirements.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

3.8. Mechanical Design.

3.8.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Expand discussion

of subjects initiated in earlier submittals and include
discussion of the following as applicable to your project:

a. Control System for HVAC. Design of Control

System for HVAC shall be implemented in accordance with AFR
88-15 and ETL 83-1.

b. Petroleums, Oils and Lubricants (POL) storage

and distribution systems: Describe the unloading
facilities, the type of system, such as LPG vapor or central
air mix, state the basis for storage capacity, rate of
pumping and number of dispensing outlets, equipment power
requirements, and a description of the tank.

c. Fire Protection. Coordinate with the

architectural and electrical designers to ensure all aspects
of the fire protection requirements are addressed.

d. Carbon-Dioxide, Aqueous Film Forming Foam

(AFFF), Dry-Chemical, Halon, and other special extinguishing
systems: Include information justifying the arrangement,
size, and coverage of each system.

e. Meters. State type, number and location of

utility meters required in accordance with the appropriate
Air Force ETL.

3.8.2. Design Analysis - Calculations. Develop previous

calculations as necessary to justify the systems selected on
the basis of economic and environmental impact. Include air
conditioning load calculations, preferably the building peak
loads. Detailed room calculations are not required. When
the scope of work requires a computer simulation of the
building, compare a minimum of three (3) heating and air
conditioning systems per AFR 88-15. Variation of the "U"
factor from the stated criteria shall also be integrated
into the study.

3.8.3. Drawings. Continue development of the floor plans,

sections, and details begun in prior submittals.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Prepare a 1/4" or 1/2" scale partial floor

plan of all congested areas (such as bathroom areas and
mechanical rooms) for clarity and to insure that sufficient
room is available for the plumbing, heating and air
conditioning equipment. Prepare isometric drawings of all waste and

vent piping. Prepare preliminary system schematics and

equipment details.

3.9. Electrical Design.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

3.9.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Transformer Design: State and justify type

of transformer insulation selected. Provide electrical
characteristics for the transformer (phase, primary and
secondary voltage, number of wires, primary and secondary
connection of "delta-wye"). Show characteristics of any
subsequent transformation on the load side of the service
entrance and a statement of why the particular voltage was
selected. Describe alternative systems or equipment
considered and reasons for selecting a given system. Economic Analysis. Provide an economic

comparison of three (3) alternatives to justify selection of
major pieces of electrical equipment. The study will only
consider alternatives which meet the design criteria and
perform the functions intended. Provide the first cost for
each alternative considered and list
advantages/disadvantages of each. Attach the economic
comparison as an Appendix to the electrical calculations in
the Design Analysis. The following items shall be studied:

a. Transformer types.

b. Main switch boards. Lighting Fixture Economic Analysis.

Provide a present worth, economic/energy study for the
various types of lighting fixtures considered. The study
will show the annual costs of power and maintenance for each
fixture type over its service life. These costs will then
be brought back to the present and combined with the first
cost to determine the most economical fixture type. Assume
an annual interest rate of 7%. Advantages and disadvantages
of each will also be noted. Electrical Load Analysis. Show a

tabulated estimate of total connected KW load and demand
factors, diversity and resulting total demand KW load.
Break down the loads to show lighting load, convenience
receptacle load, air conditioning loads, heating loads, pump
loads, power roof ventilator loads, power receptacle loads
for special equipment, and special loads, (such as air
compressors, generators, etc.). State the total estimated
power factor, the resulting KVA load and size of

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

transformers and subsequent transformers (such as dry-type

transformers within building), and emergency generator sets
as applicable. Energy Conservation. Discuss energy

conservation measures, such as task lighting and selection
of the most efficient type of light fixture. Indicate type
of emergency lighting system to be provided. Hazardous Area Design. Provide a

description of the physical limits and components of each
hazardous area and the class, division, and group of
equipment and wiring. GFCI Equipment. Discuss provisions for

GFCI equipment such as generators, including testing
requirements. Telephone/Communications System. Discuss

provisions for a telephone system relative to use of
existing or new telephone cable. Verify if local telephone
company must be involved. Define type of communication


"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

system, size of communication equipment rooms, cross-connect

closets, number of telephone and LAN outlets, number of
pairs of conductor per telephone outlet, and number of pins
per telephone and LAN outlet. Other Systems. Discuss the following:

Lightning protection, motor control centers, standby
electric power, special purpose receptacles and outlets,
grounding, D.C. or high frequency. Lightning protection
system shall be designed IAW AFM 88-9, Chapter 3 and NFPA
78. Airfield Lighting. For airfield lighting

projects, state whether cable is to be direct burial or in
duct. Discuss provisions for standby power, and comment on
type of lighting system (such as high intensity or medium
intensity, runway, approach or taxiway lighting), lighting
equipment, and any conditions peculiar to the installation. Exterior Lighting. For exterior lighting

systems provide a statement of requirements for fence
lighting, area lighting, building security lighting,
parking/street lighting, etc. Include proposed type of
luminaire, wattage of lamps, type of lamp beam spread and
describe how mounted on poles, buildings, etc. Provide
photometric data for area/floodlights and other special
luminaires. Cathodic Protection. For cathodic

protection systems, provide a description of the location,
type, and extent of the system to be installed. State basis
for the design proposed. Generating plants: In addition to

discussion of the design approach, provide the following for
generating plants: estimated connected load, maximum demand
load, number and size of units (including KW and PF
ratings), engine governor and voltage regulating
requirements, voltage and basis for selection, and
justification for use of special equipment such as load
sensing governors. TEMPEST/EMP Shielding: Indicate which

rooms (if not the entire facility) are to receive
TEMPEST/EMP shielding.

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

3.9.2. Design Analysis - Calculations. Provide calculations for: short-circuits

(all buses and panels), voltage drops for feeders and the
worst-case branch circuit, lighting (to within +10% of the
design lighting intensity levels), and cathodic protection
system(s). Indicate the transformer impedance used to
determine A.I.C. ratings of transformers.

3.9.3. Drawings. Floor Plan(s). Provide plans showing the

location of inside/outside distribution systems, hazardous
areas and TEMPEST/EMP shielded areas. Riser Diagram(s). Provide riser diagrams

for Intrusion Detection System (if applicable), telephone
prewiring system and fire alarm system to show all
components and overlap, if any, with Division 15 Automatic
Suppression System.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Means of Egress Sketch. Coordinate with

architectural designer in the preparation of the "Location
of Exit Signs" (Means of Egress) sketch. Elevations. Coordinate with architectural

designer in the preparation of facility elevations to insure
electrical equipment is properly shown, as applicable. Equipment Mounting Details. Provide

mounting details for RFI filters, panelboards in computer
rooms and powerline filters in TEMPEST/EMP room or area. Mounting Heights. Indicate mounting

heights of appropriate devices on the symbol list. Symbols
and abbreviations shall conform to ANSI/IEEE Standards. Lighting Fixtures. Provide detail drawings

of lighting fixtures with descriptions if C.O.E. Standard
drawing 40-06-04 of lighting fixtures are not utilized. Seismic Anchors. Show (or note) seismic

anchoring for free-standing electrical equipment including
lighting fixtures for facilities located in Seismic Zones 3
& 4. Receptacle Grounding System. Insert Figure

paragraph 16-8.b. Miscellaneous Details. Provide

construction details of transformer slab, handhole and

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page


"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page



Paragraph Subject

4.0 Final Design Submittal


4.1 Objective

4.2 Changes to Basic Design


4.3 Design Analysis - General Requirements


4.4 Drawings - General Requirements


4.5 Civil Design


4.6 Landscaping Design


4.7 Architectural Design


4.8 Structural Design


4.9 Mechanical Design


4.10 Electrical Design


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page



4.0. Final Design Submittal. The Final Design submittal

shall consist of the following documents:

b Design Analysis
b Drawings
b Typed Specifications
b Marked-up Guide Specifications
b Cost Estimate
b DD Form 1354 Data Sheet
b Completed Environmental Permit Matrix (if
required by the scope of work)
b Final Engineering Considerations and
Instructions for Field Personnel Report
b Other Items as Required by the Scope of

The designer must include the requirements of SECTIONS 1, 2

and 3 in the Final Design documents whether or not any
previous submittals were required. This chapter will define,
by discipline, requirements of the Design Analysis and the
Drawings. The specific requirements for preparation of the
Typed Specifications and Marked-up Guide Specifications are
described in A-E Guide, Volume 3. The specific requirements
for the preparation of the Cost Estimate are contained in
A-E Guide, Volume 2. A-E shall also refer to Chapter 2,
"Presentation of Data" of this guide for design analysis
format and drawing format and quality requirements. See
appropriate Appendix of this volume for Environmental Permit
Matrix and Engineering Considerations and Instructions for
Field Personnel Report requirements.

4.1. Objective. The final submittal represents 100% of the

design effort and is intended to present a biddable,
constructable and operable design package, conforming to all
the appropriate criteria. Final design will be accomplished
by developing and refining the design as presented in the
previously prepared submittal(s) (Concept, Early
Preliminary, Preliminary as applicable) and as modified by

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

the review comments.

4.2. Changes To Basic Design. Major changes to the basic

design will not be permitted at this time, unless these
changes are the result of review comments, changes in
criteria, changes in scope of work, or unforeseen problems
necessitating the A-E to alter his original design. All the
changes shall be resolved through the COE PM before
proceeding. If major changes have been made since the last
submittal, such changes shall be identified and described in
the design analysis.

4.3. Design Analysis - General Requirements. The Design

Analysis prepared for previous submittals shall be expanded
and refined into final form to contain that required by
SECTIONS 1, 2 and 3 of this chapter plus requirements
contained herein.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

4.4. Drawings - General Requirements. Expand and fully

develop drawings required by Sections 1, 2, and 3 of this
Chapter adding new drawings as necessary to meet the
requirements stated hereinafter. Include in the drawings,
all plans, elevations, sections, wall penetrations, furred
spaces, duct and pipe chases necessary for mechanical and
electrical systems. Consider spacing of required off-sets
of beams, girders, reinforcing steel, joists and truss
members. Where space is tight, show unequivocally that the
systems will fit the space provided. Particular attention
shall be paid to areas of duct branches and cross-overs.
Close coordination between all designers shall be
accomplished to avoid conflicts between the various
disciplines' drawings. Whenever Additive or Deductive Bid
Items are required, the limits of work or scope of these
items shall be well defined on the respective disciplines'
drawings and clearly defined by word description in the
specifications. (See A-E Guide, Volume 3, Specifications,
for bid schedules). Make sure adequate details are provided
to cover those situations where additive bid items are not
awarded such that the drawings present a complete design
without the additive bid items.

4.5. Civil Design.

4.5.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Complete the
discussion of civil features that was presented in the
Concept, Early Preliminary, or Preliminary submittals.
Update the narrative to include any changes brought about as
a result of review comments.

4.5.2. Design Analysis - Calculations. See Preliminary

submittal requirements. Update the calculations to include
any changes required by review comments.

4.5.3. Drawings. Expand and fully develop drawings used

in Concept, Early Preliminary or Preliminary submittals.
Add any new sheets necessary to complete the presentation,
including the following: Topography: Provide topographic

sheet(s) showing the existing site conditions. Demolition Plan. The demolition plan shall

indicate all existing structures, foundations, and

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

pavements, including type, dimensions, and thickness, which

will require demolition and removal prior to the project
construction. All existing utility lines to be removed or
abandoned in place, and all existing trees and shrubs to be
removed or saved, shall be indicated, dimensioned, and depth
requirement established for all foundation removal. Buried
tanks that are not to be completely removed, but abandoned
in place, shall be filled with sand. Photographic
reproductions of complicated buildings for structures to be
demolished may be used to supplement drawings and notes for
clarity. Demolished and removed material shall be clearly
indicated as going to an existing dump area on the Base, or
hauled and deposited off of the base. Material to be
salvaged shall be identified and direction given by notes as
to how and where it shall be stored or deposited. This
specific direction shall be obtained from the BCE through
the COE PM. Asbestos and other hazardous materials at the
site shall be identified and a safe removal/disposal plan


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Siting: Show the dimensions of all new

work and the relation of new work to existing facilities.
The new work will be located by coordinates or other
definite means. Only one bench mark will be used except
where a very large area is involved. Indicate the bench
mark location, elevation, and description. Provide a north
arrow and at least two horizontal control points. For
airfields, this information must be shown for each separate
area of pavement. Clearly locate on-base borrow and spoil
areas. Indicate possible future construction using short
dashed lines. Grading: Provide a north arrow and show

the grading and drainage conditions including swales,
direction of drainage, point of discharge, and ditches using
notes, symbols, and spot elevations or contours. Provide
finished grades for new work and show existing topography.
Provide sections showing the relationship between existing
ground and finished grades, pavements, shoulders, ditches,
swales, curbs, gutters, buildings and other structures.
Provide a minimum of one cross-section in each direction
through a building and site development area. Plan, Profile, and Sections: Provide plan

and profile for roads, runways, taxiways, channels, and
other work that requires longitudinal layout and grade
controls. The drawings shall include the new features and
alignment superimposed on existing topography. Show
stationing and finished grades at 100-foot intervals with
intermediate points as required by vertical and horizontal
curves and other features. Drawing sheets may be either
single or double plan and profile. Provide cross sections
at 100-foot intervals, or less, as required by topography
and grading. Cross sections can be included in contract
documents or as a supplement to the plans. Channel cross
sections shall show the design flow elevation. Railroads: Show the location and

dimensions of all railroad tracks and features. Provide
details showing switches, turnouts, and road crossings.
Include all elements of the track section with depth and
compaction requirements for the ballast construction. Paving, and Fencing: Show the location and

dimensions of all roads, streets, walks, pads, open storage

"There's never enough time to do it right,

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Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

areas, runways, aprons, taxiways, over-runs, fences and

gates. Do not show fence lengths on plan sheets for Lump
Sum Bids (See Specification, A-E Guide Volume 3). Indicate
different surfaces and pavement sections with symbols and
notes. Provide details showing joints, curbs, gutters,
signs, sealants, sidewalks and pavement sections. For rigid
pavements spot elevations shall be provided at each joint
intersection. Include all elements of the pavement with
depths and compaction density requirements. Clearly show
joint layout, thickened edges (where required), location of
tie-down anchors, markings and striping. Provide details of
parking stalls, handicap parking symbols and signs and
traffic signs. Provide a separate signing and striping plan
where extensive work of this nature is required. Utilities. Provide the following:

a. Show sizes of all existing and new lines

(such as water, sewer, storm drain, gas lines, compressed
air lines, nitrogen lines, etc.). Also show all valves,
manholes, fire hydrants, service boxes,inlets,


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

culverts, headwalls and cleanouts. Call out existing pipe

materials if such information is available. Provide a north
arrow on the utilities site plan and show the relation
between the utilities and roads, buildings, sidewalks, etc.
Provide the sizes, strengths or classes corresponding to
the different material options. Indicate the invert
elevations and points of entry to buildings for utility
lines. Do not show lengths of utility runs on plan sheets
for Lump Sum Bids (See A-E Guide, Volume 3).

b. Profiles shall be provided for wastewater

collection lines, storm drain lines, force mains, water
supply and distribution lines and petroleum lines where
there is a possibility of interference with other utilities.
Show existing topography on both Plan and Profile.
Profiles will also be provided to show adequate cover in
areas of varying topography. The profiles shall show
minimum cover and required excavation and backfill depths,
new and existing utilities, invert elevations, stationing,
surface features such as roads, curbs, sidewalks, etc., and
appurtenances to the utility system.

c. Furnish details of all features such as

valves, manholes, fire hydrants, service boxes, inlets,
headwalls, cleanouts, thrust blocks, pipe encasements,
frames, grates, covers, steps, etc. For treatment
facilities provide details for treatment units. Show all
in-plant lines and process piping. In congested areas or in
areas where data is unclear as to the exact location of
utilities, the utilities drawings should contain the
following note:

"Elevations of utilities are given to the

extent of information available.
Where elevations are not given at points of
existing utilities crossings, such elevations
shall be determined by the Contractor and reported to
the Contracting Officer. When unknown lines
are exposed, their location and
elevation shall likewise be

d. Miscellaneous Details: The A-E shall

utilize details contained in the Standard Details for
Utilities, Foundations, Paving and Railroads (provided to

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

A-E in Basic Design Criteria Package) as appropriate for

items described above.

4.6. Landscaping Design.

4.6.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Complete the

discussion of the landscape treatment that was presented in
the Concept, Early Preliminary and/or Preliminary
submittals. Update the design analysis to include any
changes brought about by review comments. If no landscaping
is required, so state.

4.6.2. Design Analysis - Calculations. Provide all

calculations used for determining pipe sizes, type of
sprinkler head in regards to area of coverage and number of
heads per valve. Define water pressure used in analysis and
state how that value was determined.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

4.6.3. Drawings. Landscaping Plan. Show exact location of

each plant, with a connecting line to plan symbol indicating
type of plants and number of plants. Show exact location of
construction features, i.e., benches, mowing strips,
drainage ways, header boards, fences, retaining walls,
garden structures, planters, pathways, walkways, service and
refuse areas. These features are to be detailed on the
landscaping plan sheets. Planting details and sections. Details and

sections required to define the work are to be drawn to a
scale of 1/2" = 1' -0" minimum or as approved by the COE. Planting schedule. Provide a plant

schedule to include the following:

a. Common name.

b. Botanical name.

c. Quantity of each variety planted.

d. Height after planting.

e. Container size and kind of container space

pattern. Tree size should be a minimum of 15 gallons to
improve survivability. Irrigation Plan. The irrigation plan shall

be drawn on a separate sheet. Show all irrigation lines,
spray heads and drip emitters. Show coverage of each spray
head on the drawing. Show pipe sizes, control valves,
vacuum breakers and point of connection to water
distribution system. Show mechanical appurtenances
necessary for the proper function of the system. Each item
will be indicated by an appropriate symbol. Indicate each
kind and size of pipe by symbol. Provide a table indicating
types of spray heads and drip emitters, diameter of
coverage, gpm and minimum psi required at each head.
Indicate total water requirement and pressure required for
the system. Irrigation schedule. Provide an irrigation

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

schedule to include the following:

a. Type and size of head, gallons per

minute (gpm), pressure in pounds per square inch (psi)
required and radius.

b. Type and size of drip emitter.

c. Type and size of valve.

d. Type of controller.

e. Type and size of pipe.

f. Type of backflow preventor.

g. Method of tap.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Irrigation Details. Other details shall be

added as necessary to clearly show the work to be done.
Irrigation details and sections are to be drawn to a scale
of 3/4" = 1' -0" minimum or as approved by the COE.

4.7. Architectural Design.

4.7.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Complete the

discussion of architectural features presented in the
Concept, Early Preliminary, or Preliminary submittals.
Update the narrative to include any changes brought about by
review comments.

4.7.2. Design Analysis - Calculations. Update the floor

area calculations IAW Plate 16, Chapter IV, to reflect
changes brought about by review comments and/or floor plan

4.7.3. Drawings. Expand and fully develop drawings used

in Concept, Early Preliminary or Preliminary submittals.
Add any new sheets necessary to complete the presentation,
including the following:

a. Caulking joint shapes: Make sure the

appropriate joint shapes are included in the caulking and
sealant guide specification. Do not duplicate these shapes
on the drawings.

b. Finish and colors: Complete for each space

by use of "Finish Schedule, Finish Legend and Color Schemes"
(see Plates 10, 11, 12, and 13, Chapter IV). Include color
of factory finished materials (e.g., floor tile) for all
interior finishes and for all building exterior finishes.

c. Door opening schedule: This shall follow

sample format indicated on Plate 8, Chapter IV.

d. Window schedule: This shall follow sample

format indicated on Plate 9, Chapter IV.

4.7.4. Color Boards. See prior submittal requirements.

Update as necessary based on review comments.

4.8. Structural Design.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

4.8.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Complete the

discussion of structural features that was presented in the
Concept, Early Preliminary, or Preliminary submittals.
Update the narrative to include any changes brought about by
review comments.

4.8.2. Design Analysis - Calculations. Present complete

structural calculations covering all parts of the structure
and miscellaneous facilities. Design methods shall be described, including

assumptions, theories, and technical formulas employed in
design solutions.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page Live loads shall be placed to produce

maximum stresses and minimum stresses where there is a
possibility of stress reversal. If special methods of solution, tables,

etc., are employed, references should be made in the
calculations to the sources of such material. For addition/alteration type projects,

provide calculations necessary to verify adequacy of
existing structure to support new functional loads or to
satisfy any new loading criteria. When a computer is utilized to perform

design calculations, the analysis shall include copies of
computer input data and output summaries presented in
understandable language, accompanied by diagrams which
identify joints, members, areas, etc., according to the
notations used in the data listings. This will form an
integral part of the design analysis in lieu of manual
calculations otherwise required. A complete listing of all
computer output will be provided in a separate binding when
it is too voluminous for inclusion in the design analysis.
These listings will be augmented by intermediate results
where applicable, so that sufficient information is
available to permit manual checks of final results.

4.8.3. Drawings. Expand and fully develop drawings used

in Concept, Early Preliminary or Preliminary submittals.
Add any new sheets necessary to complete the presentation. The structure should be carefully studied

so that elaborate details are not required and all
information necessary for construction is clearly and simply
presented on the drawings. Typical sections shall be truly
typical and not representative of one particular condition. Wall Elevations: Wall elevations shall be

provided for precast or tilt-up concrete panels, showing
typical reinforcing, reinforcing around openings,
connections, etc. The intent is to show one complete design
on the drawings, even though manufacturers may prefer to
detail things differently. Joints: The location and details of all

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

joints shall be shown on the drawings. Include control

joints in slabs-on-grade, construction joints in walls,
floors, roofs, and expansion and seismic joints. Structural data: State the soil bearing

values and other pertinent information from the geotechnical
report, design live loads for various areas of the building;
design wind load; seismic zone; Z, I, K, C, S values,
whether or not the building has been designed for future
horizontal or vertical loads; and any other notes necessary
to clarify or complete the information shown on the drawing.
The COE or A-E prepared geotechnical report shall not be
referenced because it is not part of the contract documents.
Check all general structural notes for conflicts with the
specifications. The notes should not repeat the
specifications. All structural data shall appear on the
first sheet of the structural drawings.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

4.9. Mechanical Design.

4.9.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Complete the

discussion of Mechanical features that was presented in the
Concept, Early Preliminary, or Preliminary submittals.
Update the narrative to include any changes brought about by
review comments.

4.9.2. Design Analysis - Calculations. Finalize all calculations leading to sizing

of distribution systems, selection of equipment, power
requirements, controls, and selection of auxiliary
equipment. Equipment selection is restricted to

regularly cataloged items of domestic manufacture, in
commercial service for more than one (1) year, and supplied
by dealers having service organizations supporting the
project location. Completely identify each piece of
equipment with three manufacturers' names, model numbers,
and characteristics in the design analysis. Do not use
proprietary names and model numbers on the drawings or in
the specifications. Provide complete tabulation of cooling

loads. Psychometric charts for all the air handling systems
with cooling are required. In addition, update building
block load cooling calculation summary on AF Form 108 (See
Chapter IV, Plate 19) "Air Conditioning Load Estimate." If
a computer load simulation program was used, transfer the
appropriate data and results from the computer print-outs
onto the form.

4.9.3. Drawings. Expand and fully develop drawings used

in Concept, Early Preliminary or Preliminary submittals.
List room names and numbers on all plans and partial plans
as shown on the architectural plans. Add any new sheets
necessary to complete the presentation, including the
following: Plumbing. Provide the following:

a. Show piping systems in two-dimensional

riser diagrams for medical and dental facilities and for

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

multi-story buildings.

b. Provide a schedule of plumbing fixtures and

equipment. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning

(HVAC). Provide the following:

a. Double line air distribution ducts will be

required for all cross sections, elevations and in
mechanical rooms. Single line ducts may be used for air
distribution layout, provided sufficient cross sections are
shown for congested areas, and for areas that are subject to
potential structural interference.

b. If required for clarification of duct sizes

and duct runs, show single line riser diagrams for supply,
return, and exhaust air systems in multi-story buildings.
Provide sections where needed to show special relations and
indicate the typical location of lights, structural members,


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

c. Locate and detail all fire dampers.

d. Provide piping schematics to show all

complicated flow processes.

e. Provide a sequence of operation and control

description, and control system schematic diagrams on the
drawings for all Mechanical Systems IAW AFR 88-15 and
appropriate ETL's including ETL 83-1. Fire Protection. Provide the following:

a. Minor fire protection work may be shown on

the plumbing plan. Title block should indicate that the
drawing is for both plumbing and fire protection.

b. Identify all sprinkled areas. Use

different identification (symbols) for areas with different
density (type of hazard). List each symbol with its
pertinent hazard and density in the legend and symbols.

c. For detail of sprinkler riser see

C.O.E. Standard Mechanical Detail Drawings. Normally, use
drawing MFP-2 for wet pipe systems.

d. Show the riser locations on the plans.

e. Do not show sprinkler system layout, i.e.

location of mains, branches, and sprinkler heads.

f. For Hydraulically Calculated Sprinkler

Systems show the following information:

(1) Type of hazard.

(2) Minimum area of water demand

(normally 3,000 square feet) (MIL-HDBK-1008).

(3) Minimum rate of water application

(density) GPM/Sq. ft.

(4) Any special sprinkler head

temperature rating or classification.

(5) Minimum hose stream requirements.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page


(6) Fire Hydrant location and flow data

including static and residual pressures (normally listed in
design analysis and/or shown on Civil Drawings). Energy Monitoring and Control System

(EMCS). Provide the following:

a. Provide schematic diagrams, input-output

(I/O) summary schedule, and legend and symbols list as per
AFR 88-15/AFM 88-36.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

b. The EMCS schematic diagrams shall be

separate from, and in addition to, the controls systems
diagrams as described above in subparagraph

c. The designer is required to coordinate

selection of points to be monitored with the using agency
when completing the I/O summary schedule.

4.10. Electrical Design.

4.10.1. Design Analysis - Narrative. Complete the

discussion of electrical features that was presented in the
Concept, Early Preliminary, or Preliminary submittals.
Update the narrative to include any changes brought about by
review comments. Describe any special switching or dimming

systems required for any area. Provide rationale for selection of

reduced-voltage starting equipment. Provide an energy impact analysis.

4.10.2. Design Analysis - Calculations. Provide complete design calculations for
all interior and exterior electrical systems. Provide manufacturers' names and model

numbers for each major piece of equipment used in
determining dimensional and weight requirements. Do not use
proprietary names and model numbers on the drawings or in
the specifications. See Chapter 1, para. 7.0, and A-E Guide
Volume 3.

4.10.3. Drawings. Expand and fully develop drawings used

in Concept, Early Preliminary or Preliminary submittals.
Add any new sheets necessary to complete the presentation. Outside distribution system. Provide the


a. Overhead: Show location of new and

existing poles, and routing of new lines on an

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

electrical-only site plan. Indicate type and size of

existing overhead conductors.

b. Underground: Show location of new and

existing manholes and handholes on an electrical-only site
plan. Locate and show details of major equipment. Show
routing of ductline, ductline sections and detail of pole
riser. Show adequate detail for complex grounding system
(if applicable).

c. Area lighting: Show location of street,

parking and walkway lighting poles. Provide details of
luminaires, poles and bases. Details of luminaires shall
only be provided when not covered by COE Standard Drawing
No. 40-06-04.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

d. Floodlighting (on poles): Provide layout

of lighting poles, showing dimensions and aiming angles.

e. Distribution System Profiles. For overhead

and/or underground distribution projects over 2,000 linear
feet in total length, profiles shall be furnished as
described in paragraph 4.12g.(2).

f. Telephone Service Connection. Show the

exterior telephone service point of connection. Interior distribution system. Provide the


a. Floor Plan. Define the physical limits of

each hazardous area and the class, division and group of
equipment and wiring. Show conduit seals IAW NEC article
500. Show sizes of all conduits including conduit to be
wired by others. Indicate number and size of conductors
based on copper conductors. See AFR 88-15, Section A,
paragraph 16-6 for aluminum conductor options. Provide a
numbering system for all circuits. Detail seismic
restraints for all electrical equipment. Show complete
fixture, switch and receptacle arrangement, fixture details
and identification of fixture type, special control
equipment diagrams and complex switching diagrams. Indicate
energy saving fluorescent fixtures with matched ballast and
lamps. Provide fire rated recessed fluorescent fixtures to
match fire rating of ceiling.

b. Single Line Diagram. Provide a one line or

single line diagram (not a riser diagram) showing power
service entrance location, major equipment and panel
locations. State phase and voltage. Where required, show
ground fault protection. Provide complete power receptacle
arrangement, motor outlets, control diagrams and power
equipment. For all electrical equipment list the
performance characteristics required, complete schematic
diagrams, and a written description of operation of complex
control systems.

c. Panel Schedules. For panelboards,

switchboards, power switchgear assemblies and motor control
centers, provide total connected load, total spare load,
main and branch circuit ratings, interrupting ratings, frame

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

sizes for each circuit, number of poles, and description of

each load.

d. Wiring Diagrams. Show a wiring diagram for

each of the following systems on the plans: telephone,
television, fire alarm, intercommunication, public address,
and other required special systems. Show locations only of
all antennas, service entrances, outlets and major equipment
on a floor plan.

e. Airfield Lighting. Where airfield lighting

is included in the project, show location, controlling
dimensions, extent of the proposed system, routing of supply
circuits, location of vaults and control towers, and
locations for various types of lighting units.

f. Cathodic Protection. Where a cathodic

protection system is included, show extent of the facilities
to be protected, location and type of anode beds, location
of test points, details for sectionalizing bonding and
insulating (where applicable) an underground piping system,
and source and routing of supply for impressed current.


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page

g. Generating Plant. If the project includes

a generating plant, provide a one line wiring diagram, fuel
oil and coolant piping diagrams, equipment details and
layout, and transfer controls in block form.

"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Chapter Paragraph # and Subject Page


"There's never enough time to do it right,

but there's always enough time to do it

Paragraph Subject Page

1.0 General Instructions V-1
2.0 Dates of Publications V-1

3.0 Availability of Criteria V-1

4.0 Conflicts in Criteria V-1
5.0 Revisions to Criteria V-1
6.0 Basic Design Criteria Package V-2

7.0 Criteria Index V-2

Figure 5 Typical Revision to Criteria
Implementation Instructions

"When all else fails,, read the instructions."



1.1. All projects shall conform to the criteria contained in the "Scope of
Work" unless the A-E is given instructions in writing to the contrary. In
cases where a COE review determines criteria has not been followed, the A-E
will be required to conform his design to the criteria at his own time and
expense, per the appropriate paragraphs of the A-E's contract.
2.1. To eliminate the need to continually change the dates of the criteria
references, dates are not included on the criteria index contained herein.
The A-E will be issued the latest copy for all COE publications requested.
Since the criteria often changes, the A-E shall discard criteria from any past
COE projects and request up-to-date material. For all non-COE references, the
A-E shall use those current at the time his contract his signed. If there is
any question regarding this issue, it shall be resolved with the PM.

3.1. Publications such as guide specs., TM's, AFM's, DM's, DOD manuals and
Sacramento District prepared manuals such as, "COE Standard details for
Utilities, Foundations and Railroads", are available on request from the COE
PM. Other Government documents which are not available from the COE will be
so noted in the criteria list. The A-E is responsible for obtaining these
items from the appropriate Government agencies. All other references, such as
American Concrete Institute's "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
Concrete", etc., shall be obtained by the A-E from other sources. See A-E
Guide, Vol. 3 for source of such references.


4.1. In many instances, a subject has more than one criteria reference.
These references may give conflicting information on a given point. In all
cases, the Government publication will control over non-Government
publications and Sacramento District references, unless otherwise stated. If
there is any doubt regarding the controlling criteria, the A-E shall contact
the COE PM.


5.1. Periodically, revisions, or "SPK Supplements" will be issued by the
Sacramento District to implement new criteria in the format shown in Figure 5.
Each "SPK Supplement" will be dated and contain a "cover sheet" with
instructions to designer on implementation. Normally, "routine" will be
indicated for those changes that do not incur either re-design effort or
schedule slippage; on rare occasions, "special" will be indicated for critical
changes officially directed regardless of impact on stage of design. In
addition, an "index supplement" will be issued with each "SPK supplement" to
track previous and/or current changes to the same design criteria.

"When all else fails,, read the instructions."

6.0. BASIC DESIGN CRITERIA PACKAGE. Upon notification from the COE PM, the
District's Design Quality Assurance Section will transmit to the A-E a Basic
Design Criteria Package. This package contains criteria that for the most
part is generic to all designs. It includes such documents as the A-E Guide,
Volumes 1, 2, and 3, Standard Details, the Seismic Design Manual (AFM 88-3,
Chapter 13) and the Criteria and Standards for Air Force Construction (AFR
88-15) and several Engineer Technical Letters (ETL's). The A-E is requested
not to re-request these documents unless absolutely necessary.
7.1. The information that follows has been organized to facilitate the A-E's
search for applicable criteria and the subsequent ordering of that criteria
through the COE PM. The following pages contain:


applicable criteria, this list has been developed with subjects presented in
alphabetical order under each major discipline category. Please note that
duplicative references to certain criteria may occur from discipline to
discipline. Pay close attention to the remarks column. It will tell you if
the document is not available from (N.A.F.) the COE.
b. NUMERICAL CRITERIA INDEX. This can be used as an "order form"
simply by making a copy and circling the required documents. This list only
contains those documents most frequently requested, therefore the A-E may find
it necessary to add document numbers to this list. 7.2. All of the above
shall be thoroughly examined by the A-E to make certain that all applicable
criteria is utilized and adhered to. For guide specification lists the A-E is
directed to Volume 3 of the A-E Guide.

"When all else fails,, read the instructions."

"When all else fails,, read the instructions."




ARMS RANGES Arms Range, Small Arms AFM 50-25

Design, General Airfield Design, General Provisions TM 5-824-1/
AFM 88-6, Chap. 1
Design, Flexible Airfield Design, Flexible TM 5-825.2/
AFM 88-6, Chap. 2
Pavement Evaluation Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Flexible TM 5-827-2/
AFM 88-24, Chap. 2
Pavement Evaluation Airfield Pavement Evaluation, Rigid TM 5-827-3/
AFM 88-24, Chap. 3
Pavement Marking Airfield Pavements, Marking AFR 88-16

BACKFILL Backfill for Subsurface Structures TM 5-818-4/

AFM 88-5, Chap. 5
Standard Practice Concrete, Standard Practices for
Military Structures TM 5-805-1/
AFM 88-3, Chap. 6

Floor Slabs, heavy Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade TM 5-809-12/

loads Subjected to Heavy Loads AFM 88-3, Chap. 15

DEWATERING, GROUNDWATER Dewatering and Groundwater Control TM 5-818-5/

CONTROL for Deep Excavations AFM 88-5, Chap. 6

Drainage, Grading Drainage and Grading AFR 88-15, Chap. 2,
Sec. A & B
Surface Drainage, Surface, for Airfields TM 5-820-1/
and Heliports. AFM 88-5, Chap. 1
Subsurface Drainage and Erosion Control TM 5-820-2/
Subsurface Drainage Facilities for AFM 88-5, Chap. 2
Airfield Pavements
Structures Drainage and Erosion Control Structures TM 5-820-3/
for Airfields and Heliports AFM 88-5, Chap. 3
Areas other than Drainage, Areas other than Airfields TM 5-820-4/
Airfields AFM 88-5, Chap. 4

ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental Impact DA PAM 200-1/

AR 200-1

Environmental Quality AR 200-1

FACILITIES Facility Requirements, Standard AFM 86-2

FENCE Fence and Details CEGS-02444
Ty. FE-5, FE-6, FE-7 Dwg. # 40-16-08

FIRE PROTECTION Fire, Protection for Facilities MIL-Handbook-1008

Procedures Foundation Design, Procedures For TM 5-818-1

Expansive Soils Foundations in Expansive Soils TM 5-818-7

GROUTING Grouting Methods and Equipment TM 5-818-6/

AFM 88-32

Disposal/Treament Harzardous Waste Land Disposal/ TM 5-814-7
Land Treatment Facilities

INSTALLATION DESIGN Installation Design TM 5-803-5/

AFM 88-43

Ground Cover Landscaping, Establishment of TM 5-830-2/
Herbaceous Ground Cover AFM 88-17, Chap. 2

Planting Installation Design TM 5-803-5/

AFM 88-43

Dust Control Landscaping, Dust Control TM 5-830-3/

AFM 88-17, Chap. 3

Planting Trees, Landscaping, Planting and Maintenance TM 5-830-4/ Some bases

AFM 88-17, Chap. 4 have lists
of trees shrubs, etc.
suitable for their climate.
Contact the PM for the
appropriate list.


Non organizational Installation Design TM 5-803-5/

vehicle AFM 88-43

Handicapped Uniform Federal Accessibility UFAS

Standards (UFAS)

Frost Pavement Design - Seasonal Frost TM 5-818-2/
Conditions AFM 88-6, Chap. 4

Frost Pavement Evaluation, Frost Conditions TM 5-818-3/
AFM 88-24, Chap. 4

General Provisions General Provisions and Geometric TM 5-822-2/
Design for Roads, Streets, Walks, and AFM 88-7, Chap. 5
Open storage areas
Soil Stabilization Pavements, Soil Stabilization, for TM 5-822-4/
Road/Streets AFM 88-7, Chap. 4
Flexible Pavements Flexible Pavements for Roads, Streets, TM 5-822-5/
Walks, and Open Storage Areas AFM 88-7, Chap. 3
Rigid Pavements Rigid Pavements for Roads, Streets, TM 5-822-6/
Walks, and Open Storage Areas AFM 88-7, Chap. 1
Concrete Standard Practice for Concrete TM 5-822-7/
Pavements AFM 88-6, Chap. 8
Bituminous Standard Practice for Bituminous TM 5-822-8/
Pavements AFM 88-6, Chap. 9
Flexible, Airfields Flexible Pavement Design for Airfields TM 5-825-2/
AFM 88-6, Chap. 2
Rigid, Airfields Rigid Pavement for Airfields TM 5-825-3/
AFM 88-6, Chap. 3

PEST CONTROL Pest Control Facilities MIL - HDBK - 1028/8

Airfields Airfield Design, General Provisions TM 5-824-1/
AFM 88-6, Chap. 1
Master Principles and Procedures, Planning TM 5-803-1
Airfield and Heliport Planning, Airfields and Heliport TM 5-803-10/
AFR 88-33
Airfield and Heliport Planning Criteria TM 5-803-7/
AFR 86-14
Sports Planning and Design of Outdoor Sports TM 5-803-10/
Facilities AFR 88-33
Children's Play Children's Play Areas and Equipment TM 5-803-11/
AFM 88-30
Recreation Facilities
Master, Air Base Master Air Base Planning AFM 86-6
Airfield Airfield and Airspace Planning AFM 86-8

RAILROADS Railroad Design and Construction at TM 5-850-2/

Army and Air Force Installations AFM 88-7, Ch. 2

SAFETY Safety and Health Requirements EM 385-1-1

SEWAGE Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15, Chap. 2,
Construction Sec. C
Gravity Sanitary and Industrial Wastewater TM 5-814-1/
Collection - Gravity Sewers and AFM 88-11, Vol 1;
Appurtenances AFR 88-15, Sec. E&F
Force Mains Sanitary and Industrial Wastewater TM 5-814-2/
Collection - Pumping Stations and AFM 88-11, Vol. 2;
Force Mains AFR 88-15. Chap. 15,
Sec. E&F

Treatment Domestic Wastewater Treatment TM 5-814-3/
AFM 88-11, Chap. 3,
AFR 88-15, Chap. 15,
Sec. G

Department of the Air Force sign AFP 88-40
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control N.A.F. COE
Devices for Streets & Highways

General Considerations Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15, Ch. 15,
Construction Sec. G
Incineration Sanitary Engineering, Incinerators TM 5-814-4/AFM 88-11,
Chap. 4
Sanitary Landfill Sanitary Landfill TM 5-814-5/ASCE Man.
No. 39

STANDARD DETAILS Standard Details for COE, Sacramento

Utilities, Foundations, Paving, District
and Railroads

SURVEYING & MAPPING Sacramento District Design Manual DM 4-805-10

for Surveying & Mapping

Legends for Drawings Standard Details for Utilities, COE, Sacramento
Foundations, Paving and Railroads District

TIE DOWN ANCHOR For Aircraft Aprons CEGS-02611


Design Traffic Engineering for Better Signs MTMC Pam 55-14 N.A.F. COE
and Markings
Design Traffic Engineering for Better Roads MTMC Pam 55-10 N.A.F. COE
Design Mastering Traffic Engineering MTMC Pam 55-16 N.A.F. COE
Vol. III


Facilities Criteria Design Guide for US Army Reserve DG 1110-3-107 Army & Air Force
Reserve Facilities
Utility, Services and Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15, Chap. 2,
siting Construction Sec. D

General Water Supply, General Considerations TM 5-813-1/
AFM 88-10, Chap. 1

Distribution Water Supply, Water Distribution TM 5-813-5/
Systems AFM 88-10, Chap. 5
Sources Water Supply, Water Sources TM 5-813-2/
AFM 88-10. Chap. 2
Storage Water Supply, Water Storage TM 5-813-4/
AFM 88-10, Chap. 4
Supply Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15, Chap. 15, Air Force
Construction Sec. C only. Provides guidance in
materials selection for
Supply Treatment and
Distribution facilities
Supply for Fire Water Supply for Fire Protection TM 5-813-6/ Prescribes Water Supply
Protection AFM 88-10, Chap. 6 requirements for fire
protection at Army and Air
Force Installations
Special Projects Water Supply for Special Projects TM 5-813-7/ For anti-aircraft tactical
AFM 88-10, Chap. 7 sites, including family
housing, Air Control and
Warning Stations and
Treatment Water Treatment Plant Design ASCE Manual N.A.F. COE
Water Supply, Water Treatment TM 5-813-3/
AFM 88-10, Vol. 3

WELLS Groundwater AWWA Manual No. M21 N.A.F. COE

Standard for Deep Wells AWWA Standard A100 N.A.F. COE
Manual of Water Well Construction EPA Manual 570/9-75 N.A.F. COE
Practices -001
Water Well Standards State of California N.A.F. COE
Bulletin 74



GENERAL Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15


Design Criteria/Architectural AEI w/chge 1 Use also on AF jobs where

and Engineering Instructions AFR 88-15 is silent.
Construction Criteria for Army TM 5-800-1 Supplement to AEI

Master Planning for Army Installations AR 210-20

Military Construction Army Program AR 415-15


CAULKING AND Caulking and Sealants TM 5-805-6

Caulking and Sealants CEGS-07920

CHILD CARE Joint Services Construction Criteria

Document for Military Child Development

Child Development Services AR 608-10

Design Guide - Child Care Centers DG 1110-3-140

Children's Play Areas and Equipment TM 5-803-11

CHEMICAL FALLOUT Protection Against Chemical and TM 5-855-2

Biological Agents and Radiological

CLEAN ROOMS Criteria for Air Force Clean Facility AFM 88-4, Chap. 5
Design and Construction

COLORS Federal Standard Colors Fed. Std. 595a Order from General
Services Administration,
Washington D.C. 20406

COLOR SELECTION Check with individual Installation

for exterior colors

COMMISSARIES Decor Guide for Commissary Store D-58 Cerl Technical

Facilities Report

COMMUNITY CENTERS Site Planning - Community Centers TM 5-803-6

CONSTRUCTION TYPES Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15

Uniform Building Code UBC as modified by Mil-HDBK-

CONSOLIDATED Space Planning Guide for TDA TM 5-841-2
FACILITIES Consolidated Facilities

CONTINUING EDUCATION Design Guide - Army Continuing DG 1110-3-112

FACILITIES Education System Centers

COURIER STATIONS Courier Station Design TM 5-844-1

DESIGN AND Design and Construction Management AFR 89-1


DINING FACILITIES Decor Guide for Enlisted Personnel D-38 CERL Technical
Dining Facilities Data Series

DOORS Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15


NFPA 8O, 101

Steel Door Institute SDI 100 N.A.F. COE

EXPLOSIVES STANDARDS Explosives Safety Standards AFR 127-100

FIELD OFFICES Design Guide - CID Field Offices DG 1110-3-144

FIRE AND SMOKE Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15
PARTITIONS Construction

Fire Protection for Facilities MIL-HDBK-1008

Engineering, Design and Construction

National Fire Protection Association NFPA 101 N.A.F. COE

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Fire N.A.F. COE

Resistance Directory



FIRE PROTECTION Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15, Chap. 15-H

Fire Protection for Facilities MIL-HDBK-1008

Engineering, Design and Construction

FIRE SEPARATION OF Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15, Chap. 1
BUILDINGS Construction

Fire Protection for Facilities MIL-HDBK-1008

Engineering, Design and Construction

FLASHING, SHEET Architectural Sheet Metal Manual by SMACNA N.A.F. COE

METAL Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning
Contractors National Association, Inc.

HANDICAPPED Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards UFAS


HARDWARE, BUILDERS' Builders Hardware Manufacturers Assoc. BHMA BHMA material N.A.F. COE

Hardware, Builders' CEGS-08700 Listed in A-E Guide Vol. 3


HEALTH FACILITIES Design and Construction of Air Force AFR 88-50

Health Facilities

Army Health Facility Design TM 5-838-2

Construction and Material Schedule for MIL-STD-1691a

Military Medical and Dental Facilities

INSULATION Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15


INTERIOR FINISHES Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15

INTERIOR DESIGN Statement-of-work for Comprehensive AFP 88-41

Interior Design Requirements
Comprehensive Interior Design
Requirements DTL 1110-4-20

LIFE SAFETY National Fire Protection Association NFPA 101

LAUNDRY PLANTS Laundries and Dry-Cleaning Plants TM 5-842-2

MAINTENANCE Space Planning guide for TOE TM 5-841-1

FACILITIES Maintenance Facilities

MASONRY WALLS, 'U' Masonry Wall "U" Values DM 4-805-1


MASTER PLANNING Master Planning - Principles and TM 5-803-1

The Overlay - Composite Method of TB ENG-353

Master Plan Preparation

Preparation of Master Plans by Negative TB ENG-353-1

Engraving and Type Overlay Techniques
Including Samples of Master Planning

MATERIALS OF Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15


MOBILE HOMES Convertible Mobile Home Communities TM 5-845-2

Procurement Manual for Mobile Home One-Step "turnkey"

Community contract

MUNITIONS PRODUCTION Safety Regulation to Munitions R 385-100

Production Base Support Construction
Program Projects

MUSIC CENTERS Design Guide - Music and Drama Centers DG 1110-3-120

NOISE Noise and vibration Control for Mech. TM 5-805-4/

Equipment AFM 88-37

Planning in the Noise Environment TM 5-803-2

NUCLEAR EFFECT Designing Facilities to Resist Nuclear TM 5-858-1

Weapons Effects


Fire Protection for Facilities MIL-HDBK-1008
Engineering, Design and Construction

OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY Safety and Health Requirements Manual EM 385-1-1


General Industry Standards

OFFICERS CLUB Design Guide - Commissioned and Non- DG 1110-3-134

Commissioned Officers Club

PAINT Paints and Protective Coatings TM 5-618


Petroleum Fuel Facilities DM 4-805-9

PHYSICAL FITNESS Design Guide - Physical Fitness Centers DG 1110-3-128

PHYSICAL SECURITY Security, Air Physical Security AFR 207-1


Physical Security of Arms AR 190-11

Ammunition and Explosives
Physical Security of Sensitive DOD 5100,76-M
Conventional Arms Ammunition
and Explosives

PORTS Engineering and Design of Military TM 5-805-9


POWER PLANTS Power Plant Acoustics TM 5-800-3

PROTECTIVE DESIGN Fundamentals of Protective Design TM 5-855-1

RAISED FLOORS Raised Floor Systems TM 5-805-13

RANGE COMPLEXES Design Information for Multi-purpose HNDM 1110-1-8

Range Complex (Light Infantry)

RECREATION Planning Design of Outdoor Sports TM 5-803-10


Design of Recreation Areas and EM 1110-2-410

Facilities - Access and Circulation

Design Guide - Recreation Centers DG 1110-3-132

Outdoor Recreation Facilities TM 5-803-12

RESERVE FACILITIES Design Guide - U.S. Army Reserve DG 1110-3-107


ROOFING DESIGN Criteria and Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15

Built-up Roofing SPK 7-A Listed in A-E Guide

Vol. 3-Specs.
Roof Deck Systems TM 5-805-3

Roofing Design TM 5-805-14

Metal Roofing and Siding TM 5-809-8/

AFM 88-3, Chap. 8

SAFETY Safety and Health Requirements EM 385-1-1

SECURITY Physical Security NAVFAC DM 13.1

Designing for Security TM 5-853-1

SERVICE SCHOOLS Space and Planning Criteria for US TM 5-843-1

Army Service Schools

Design Guide - US Army Service Schools DG 1110-3-106

SIGN STANDARDS Sign Standards AFP 88-40

STORAGE DEPOTS Storage Depots TM 5-840-2

SWIMMING POOLS Occupational and Environmental Health TB MED-575

Swimming Pools and Bathing Facilities

TEMPEST SHIELDING Tempest/EMP Shielding DM 4-805-4

UNACCOMPANIED Enlisted Dormitory Design Guide specify Air Force


WIND Design Criteria for Facilities in Areas TM 5-809-11

Subject to Typhoons and Hurricanes

X-RAYS X-Ray Shielding TM 5-805-12

Diagnostic X-Ray, etc. Protection TB MED-62

VAULTS Vaults, Arms Storage and Secure Storage DM 4-805-2




GENERAL DESIGN Seismic Design for Buildings TM 5-809-10/

STRUCTURE AFM 88-3, Chap. 13

Seismic Design Guidelines for TM 5-809-10-1/

Essential Buildings AFM 88-3, Chap. 13,
Sec A

Seismic Upgrading Existing Building TM 5-809-10-2/ Draft Edition Only

AFM 88-3, Chap. 13.2

Structures to Resist the Effects of TM 5-1300/AFM 88-3, Available on loan basis

Accidental Explosion

Fundamental of Protective Design TM 5-855-1 Non-nuclear

Protection Against Chemical and TM 5-855-2

Biological Agents and Radiological

Explosive Safety Standards AFR 127-100

Vaults, Arms storage and secure DM 4-805-2

storage areas

Load Assumptions for Buildings TM 5-809-1/ Live, lateral, wind and

AFM 88-3, Chap. 1 snow loads. Frost
penetration determination

Structural Design - Thin-Shell TM 5-809-9/

Construction AFM 88-3, Chap. 12

Structural Design - Structures other TM 5-809-6

than Buildings

Working Stresses for Structural Design EM 110-1-2101

Physical Security NAVFAC DM 13.1

FOUNDATION AND SOIL Procedures for Foundation Design of TM 5-818-1/

Buildings and Other Structures (Except AFM 88-3, Chap. 7
Hydraulic Structures)

Standard Details for Utilities, C.O.E. Sacramento See Plates F1 through F12.
Foundations, Paving and Railroads District

Foundation in Expansive Soils TM 5-818-7

CONCRETE Concrete Structural Design for TM 5-809-2/
Buildings AFM 88-3, Chap. 2 Also see TM 5-809-10

Building Code Requirements for ACI 318 N.A.F. COE

Reinforced Concrete Also see TM 5-809-10

ACI Detailing Manual SP-66 N.A.F. COE Also, see

COE Standard Details.
Sacramento District

Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade TM 5-809-12/

Subjected to Heavy Loads AFM 88-3, Chap. 15

Design Manual for Composite Decks, Steel Deck Institute N.A.F. COE
from Deck, and Roof Decks

Standard Practice for Concrete TM 5-805-1/

Military Structures AFM 88-3, Chap. 6

Design Handbook, Precast and Prestressed Concrete N.A.F. COE

Prestressed Concrete Institute

Retaining Walls EM 1110-2-2502 Also see ACI 318

Grouting Methods and Equipment TM 5-818-6/

AFM 88-32

MASONRY Masonry Structural Design for TM 5-809-3/ Seismic zones 0 and 1

Buildings AFM 88-3, Chap . 3 only. Also, see
TM 5-809-10 for other

Reinforced Masonry Engineering Masonry Institute of N.A.F. COE

Handbook America

STEEL Manual of Steel Construction AISC N.A.F. COE

Also, see TM 5-809-10

Steel and Aluminum, Structural Design TM 5-809-4/ Also see SDI Design
for Buildings AFM 88-3, Chap. 4 Manual for Steel Deck.

Standard Specifications Load Tables Steel Joist Institute N.A.F. COE

and Weight Tables for Steel Joists
and Joist Girders

Welding: Design, Procedures and TM 5-805-7/

Inspection AFM 88-4, Chap. 7

Structural Welding Code - Steel AWS D1.1 N.A.F. COE

Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing AWS D1.4 N.A.F. COE


Code-Formed Steel Design Manual AISI N.A.F. COE

Also, see TM 5-809-10

WOOD Wood Structural Design for Buildings TM 5-809-5/
AFM 88-3, Chap. 5

MISCELLANEOUS Raised Floor System TM 5-805-13/

AFM 88-4, Chap. 9

Metal Building Systems Manual MBMA N.A.F. COE

Metal Roofing and Siding TM 5-809-8/

AFM 88-3, Chap. 8



FIRE PROTECTION Policy and General Standards AFM 88-15, Chaps. 1 & 15,
Mechanical Fire Protection Sec. H

Military Handbook. Fire Protection MIL-HDBK-1008

for Facilities Engineering, Design,
and Construction

Mechanical Standard Details COE, Sacramento


HEATING, VENTILATING & Mechanical; Air Conditioning, AFR 88-15, Chap. 15,
Mechanical Ventilation I & J

Air Conditioning, Evaporative Cooling, AEI w/chge 1

Dehumidification, Mec. Ventilation
and Refrigeration.

High Temperature Water Heating Systems TM 5-810-2/

AFR 88-28

Mechanical Design; Heating, TM 5-810-1

Ventilating, and Air Conditioning

Heating Criteria and AEI w/chge 1

Mechanical Equipment

Engineering Weather Data TM 5-785/

AFM 88-29/P-89

ASHRAE Guides As Directed by AFR 88-


Mechanical Standard Details COE, Sacramento


American Conference of Government Special Ventilation

Industrial Hygienist Manual applications such as
Exhaust Hoods, Paint
Spray Booths, Toxic
Vapors, etc.

Mechanical Refrigeration and TM 5-810-3/

Ventilation in Cold Storage Facilities AFM 88-8, Chap. 2

PLUMBING Plumbing. Domestic Wastes. AFR 88-15, Chap. 15,

Industrial Wastes Sec. D, E, & F

Criteria for Plumbing Equipment AEI w/chge 1

National Standard Plumbing Code Latest Edition. Army &
Air Force. N.A.F. COE

Plumbing TM 5-810-5/
AFM 88-8, Chap. 4

Federal Specification Plumbing WW-P-541 Document N.A.F. COE

Fixtures (Land Use) (General

Non Industrial Gas Piping Systems TM 5-810-6/

AFM 88-8, Chap. 5

Gas Distribution TM 5-848-1/

AFM 88-12, Chap. 4

High Pressure Gas and Cryogenic System TM 5-810-7/

AFM 88-10, Vol 3

Compressed Air TM 5-810-4/

AFM 88-8, Ch. 3

Water Supply; Water Storage TM 5-813-4

Water Supply; Water Supply for Fire TM 5-813-6

Sanitary Engineering TM 5-814-4


Mechanical Standard Details COE, Sacramento Rainfall Intensity

District Tables
U-45 (AF)
U-46 (Army)

Mechanical Standard Details COE, Sacramento


Ashrae Book of Fundamentals N.A.F. COE

Legend and Symbols

HEALTH AND MEDICAL Criteria for Design and Construction AFM 88-50 Includes Hospitals and
FACILITIES of Air Force Health Facilities Dental Clinics, etc.
Additional criteria
be provided on a per
project basis.

Army Health Facility Design TM 5-838-2 See Remark Above

Mechanical Standard Details COE, Sacramento


Plumbing, Hospital CEGS-15410 Listed in A-E Guide,

Vol 3 - Specifications

ENERGY CONSERVATION Policy and General Standards. AFR 88-15, Chap. 1 & 15 Include economic
Mechanical (LCCA-Life Cycle Cost
Analysis), ECIP (Energy
Conservation Investment
Program), EBF (Energy
Budget Figure) etc.

Energy Conservation AEI w/chge 1 Same as above

ENERGY BUDGET Building Design TM 5-810-1

CALCS Energy Budgets App, "F".

Energy Monitoring and Control Systems TM 5-815-2/ Additional guidance on

AFM 88-36 Project Case Basis

Mechanical Design; Heating, TM 5-810-1

Ventilating and Air Conditioning
- Energy Conservation

PETROLEUM & FUEL Air Force Petroleum Fuel Facilities DM 4-805-9 Sacramento District
FACILITIES Design Manual.
Developed from NAVFAC
DM-22. See ETL 84-3

Handling Aircraft and Automotive TM 5-848-2


Ground Storage of Coal TM 5-848-3

SOLAR ENERGY Mechanical Design Heating, TM 5-810-1, Appendix H

Ventilating and Air-Conditioning

Solar Energy Systems TM 5-804-2

Solar Applications ETL 86-14

OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY Life Safety Code Handbook NFPA 101 Most Stringent Criteria
OSHA, General Industry Standards Standards N.A.F. COE

AFOSH Standards AFOSH 127-66 N.A.F. COE

Safety and Health Requirements EM 385-1-1


Seismic Protection Seismic Design for Buildings TM 5-809-10/

AFM 88-3, Chap. 13

Seismic Design Guidelines TM-809-10-1/

For Essential Buildings AFM 88-3, Ch. 13, Sect. A

Seismic Protection for Mechanical, CEGS-15200 Listed in A-E Guide,

Electrical Equipment Vol 3 - Specifications

Pollution Air Pollution Control for Boilers TM 5-815-1/
and Incinerator AFR 19-6

UEPH AF - Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel AFR 88-15, Chap. 15,

(Barracks) Housing (UEPH) Sec. H

Barracks & BQ's AEI w/chge 1

Enlisted Dormitory Design Guide, Specify Air Force or


HVAC Duct Construction SMACNA Document N.A.F. COE


Noise/Accoustics Power Plant Acoustics TM 5-805-9/

AFM 88-20

Noise and Vibration Control for TM 5-805-4/

Mechanical Equipment AFM 88-37
DM - 3.10

Uniform Federal Accessibility UFAS

Reserve Facilities UFAS Reserve Facilities AFR 88-15

Family Housing Family Housing Facilities Criteria AEI w/chge 1

Family Housing Design AFM 88-25

Kitchens and Mechanical Design; Heating, TM 5-810-1, Chap. 4, Specific criteria will
Dishwashing Ventilation and Air Conditioning Para 4.2.b. provided on a Project
Case Basis
Air Force: Use TM in
conjunction with
AFR 88-15, para 15-103,
sub-para 3.b.

Dining Facilities A/C, Mech., Vent., EC, & Dehum. AFR 88-15, Chap. 15,
Section I

CHILD CARE Joint Services Construction Criteria Document N.A.F. COE

Document for Military Child
Development Centers.

TACTICAL VEHICLES Architectural and Engineering N.A.F. COE

MAINTENANCE FACILITY Instructions Tactical Vehicle



AIRFIELD LIGHTING Airfield & Airspace Criteria AFM 86-8

Visual Air Navigation Facilities AFM 88-14

FAA Runway and Taxiway Lighting AC 150/5340-24 N.A.F. COE

System Guides

BONDING GROUNDING ETC. Bonding Grounding & Electrical Sam Tech Manual 80.3 N.A.F. COE
FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC Requirements for Electromagnetic

Bonding, Electrical and Lighting MIL-B-5087B (ASG) N.A.F. COE

Protection for Aerospace Systems

Electromagnetic Compatibility & Military Standards 1542 N.A.F. COE

Grounding Requirements for Space
System Facilities

Grounding Bonding & Shielding for Military Standards N.A.F. COE

Common Long Haul/Tactical Comm. 188-124A

Method of Insertion-Loss Measurement MIL-STD-220A N.A.F. COE

EMC Handbook Vol. 3

Grounding, Bonding & Shielding MIL-HDBK-419

Vol. 1 & 2

COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Elect. Comm. Systems Engr., Inside TM 11-486-4 N.A.F. COE

Elect. Comm. Systems Engr., Outside TM 11-486-5 N.A.F. COE

Plant wire

AFCC Technical Bulletin on Building TB 86-07-EZ Available from 1842nd

Cable and Duct Systems EEG/EEICS, Scott AFB,

AFCC Tech. Bulletin on Local Area TB 85-02-EC Available from 1842nd

Network User Requirement EEG/EEICS, Scott AFB,
Analysis-PCR, Part I 62225-6348

AFCC Tech. Bulletin on Local Area TB 85-04-EC Available from 1842nd

Network Dual Cable Broadband EEG/EEICS, Scott AFB,
Coaxial CAble Distribution System 62225-6348

AFCC Tech. Bulletin on Broadband Local TB 85-07-EC Available from 1842nd
Area Network, Preliminary Design EEG/EEICS, Scott AFB,
and Cost Estimating 62225-6348

Telephone System-Prewire CEGS-16710 Listed in A-E Guide

(SPK Prepared Guide Specification) (Revise-Sep 1986) Vol. 3 -

CORROSION CONTROL Cathodic Protection Design AFM 88-45

EMERGENCY/GENERATING Recommended Practice for Emergency & IEEE Standard 446 N.A.F. COE
SYSTEMS Standby Power Systems (Orange Book)

Motors and Generators NEMA MG.1 N.A.F. COE

Criteria & Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15, Chap. 16,
Construction Section B

ENERGY MONITORING & CONTROL Energy Monitoring & Control Systems TM 5-815-2/

EXPLOSIVE SAFETY Ordinance Safety Manual DARCOM-R-385/100 N.A.F. COE

Explosive Safety Standards AFR 127-100

Ammunition & Explosive Standards TM 9-1300-206

EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Electrical Power Supply & Distribution TM 5-811-1/

AFM 88-9, Chap. 1

Criteria & Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15, Chap. 16,
Construction Section B

FIRE ALARM SYSTEM & Criteria & Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15, Chap. 16,
FIRE PROTECTION Construction Section A

Fire Protection for Facilities, MIL-HDBK-1008

Engineering, Design and Construction

Life Safety Code NFPA 101 N.A.F. COE

GROUNDING Recommended Practice for Grounding IEEE Standard 142 N.A.F. COE
(Green Book)

Special Systems Grounding DM 4-805-5

Guideline on Electrical Power for FIPS Pub 94 N.A.F. COE

ADP Installation

INTERIOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Interior Electrical System TM 5-811-2/
AFM 88-9, Chap. 2

Criteria & Standards for Air Force AFR 88-15, Chap. 16,
Construction Section A

National Electrical Code NFPA 70 N.A.F. COE

OSHA Safety and Health Std., General 29 CFR Part 190 N.A.F. COE
Industry Standard

Recommended Practice for Elec. Power IEEE Standard 141 N.A.F. COE
Dist. for Industrial Plants

Recommended Practice for Electrical IEEE Standard 241 N.A.F. COE

Systems in Commercial Buildings

Recommended Practice for Protection IEEE Standard 242 N.A.F. COE

& Co-ordination of Comm. & Ind. Power

Recommended Practice for Power System IEEE Standard 399 N.A.F. COE
Analysis (Brown Book)

Recommended Practice for Design of IEEE Standard 493 N.A.F. COE

Reliable Power System (Gold Book)

INTERIOR INTRUSION Installation, Operation & Checkout of TM 5-6350-262-14/14

Intrusion Detection Systems DM 4-805-6

LIGHTING FIXTURES & OCE Lighting Fixtures Standard Standard DWG. No. 40-06-04

IES: Office (RP-1), Industrial ANSI's N.A.F COE

(RP-7), Roadway (RP-8) & Sports
(RP-6) Lighting Manuals

Illumination Calcs. by Zonal Cavity 1981 Vol. I & II N.A.F. COE

Method. IES Lighting Handbooks,
Vol. I & II

LIGHTNING PROTECTION Lightning & Static Electricity TM 5-811-3/

Protection AFM 88-9, Chap. 3

Lightning Protection Code NFPA-78 N.A.F. COE

MEDICAL FACILITIES Army Health Facilities Design TM 5-838-2

Medical/Dental Facilities MIL-STD-1691A

Criteria for Design & Constr of Air AFR 88-50

Force Health Facilities

Standard for Health Care Facilities NFPA-99 N.A.F. COE

Recommended Practice for Electrical IEEE Standard 603 N.A.F. COE

Systems in Health Care Facilities

OVERHEAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY National Electrical Safety Code ANSI C2 N.A.F. COE
Rule for Overhead Elec Line Constr G.O. 95 Use for Calif. Projects
Gen. Ord. 95 Only. N.A.F. COE

PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED Uniform Federal Accessibility UFAS


RAISED FLOORS Raised Floor System TM 5-805-13/

AFM 88-4, Chap. 9

SAFETY Safety and Health Requirements EM 385-1-1

SECURITY USAF Resources Protection Program AFR 125-37

AF Physical Security Program AFR 207-1

Construction for Secure Conference AFP 88-26


Vaults, Arms, Storage & Secure DM 4-805-2

Storage Areas

SEISMIC DESIGN Seismic Design For Buildings TM 5-809-10/ Refer to Chapters on

AFM 88-3, Chap. 13 "Mechanical &

STATIC ELECTRICITY Lightning & Static Electricity TM 5-811-3/

Protection AFM 88-9, Chap. 3

SYMBOLS Graphic Symbols for Electricity & ANSI Y32.2 N.A.F. COE
Electronics Diagrams

Graphic Symbols for Electrical & ANSI Y32.9 N.A.F. COE

Wiring and Layout Diagrams

TEMPEST (RED/BLACK Military Standardization Handbook MIL HDBK 232 Classified Material.
CRITERIA) Red/Black Engineer Installation A/E must have security
Guidelines clearance

Tempest/EMP Shielding DM 4-805-4

TRAILER PARKS Convertible Mobile Home Communities TM 5-845-2

UNDERGROUND ELEC SUPPLY National Electrical Safety Code ANSI C2 N.A.F. COE

Rules for Underground Electrical G.O. 128 For Calif Proj. only
Line Construction N.A.F. COE


X-RAY & RF SHIELDING/EMP Tempest/EMP Shielding DM 4-805-4

Aerospace Medicine AFM 161-38


The following is a partial list of frequently utilized criteria. When requesting project specified criteria
the COE Project Manager, the A-E designer shall furnish a similar numerical ordered list.


TM 5-618 TM 5-810-2 TM 5-818-7 TM 5-858-1

TM 5-785 (AFR 88-28 TM 5-820-1 TM 5-1300
TM 5-800-1 TM 5-810-3 (AFM 88-5, Ch 1) TM 5-6350-262-
TM 5-800-3 (AFM 88-8, Ch 2) TM 5-820-2 TM 9-1300-206
TM 5-803-1 TM 5-810-4 (AFM 88-5, Ch 2) TM 11-685
TM 5-802-1 (AFM 88-8, Ch 3) TM 5-820-3 AFM 50-25
TM 5-803-2 TM 810-5 (AFM 88-5, Ch 3) AFM 86-2
(AFM 19-10) (AFR 88-8, Ch 4) TM 5-820-4 AFM 86-6
TM 5-803-4 TM 5-810-6 (AFM 88-5, Ch 4) AFM 86-8
TM 5-803-5 (AFM 88-8, Ch 5) TM 5-822-2 AFM 88-4, Ch 5)
(AFM 88-43) TM 5-810-7 (AFM 8807, Ch 5) AFM 88-14
TM 5-803-6 (AFM 88-12, Ch 4) TM 5-822-4 AFM 88-25
TM 5-803-7 TM 5-811-1 (AFM 8807, Ch 4) AFM 88-45
(AFR 86-14) (AFM 88-9, Ch 1) TM 5-822-5 AFM 88-50
TM 5-803-10 TM 5-811-2 (AFM 8807, Ch 3) AFP 88-40
(AFM 88-33) (AFM 88-9, Ch 2) TM 5-822-6 AFP 88-41
TM 5-803-11 TM 5-811-3 (AFM 8807, Ch 1) AFR 88-15
(AFM 88-30) (AFM 88-9, Ch 3) TM 5-822-7 AFR 88-50
TM 5-803-12 TM 5-811-4 (AFM 88-6, Ch 8) AFR 89-1
TM 5-804-2 (AFM 88-9, Ch 4) TM 5-822-8 AFR 125-37
TM 5-805-1 TM 5-811-5 (AFM 88-6, Ch 9) AFR 127-100
(AFM 88-3, Ch 6.) TM 5-811-6 TM 5-822-9 AFR 207-1
TM 5-805-3 TM 5-811-7 TM 5-823-2 DG 1110-3-104
TM 5-805-4 TM 5-813-1 TM 5-823-3 DG 1110-3-106
(AFM 88-37) (AFM 88-10, Ch 1) TM 5-823-4 DG 1110-3-107
TM 5-805-6 TM 5-813-2 TM 5-824-1 DG 1110-3-112
(AFM 88-4, Ch 4) (AFM 88-10, Ch 2) (AFM 88-6, Ch 1) DG 1110-3-119
TM 5-805-7 TM 5-813-3 TM 5-824-3 DG 1110-3-120
(AFM 88-4, Ch 7) (AFM 88-10, Ch 3 (AFM 88-6, Ch 3) DG 1110-3-124
TM 5-805-9 TM 5-813-4 TM 5-824-4 DG 1110-3-126
TM 5-805-12 (AFM 88-10, Ch 4) TM 5-825-2 DG 1110-3-128
TM 5-805-13 TM 5-813-5 (AFM 88-6, Ch 2) DG 1110-3-132
(AFM 88-4, Ch) (AFM 88-10, Ch 5) TM 5-827-2 DG 1110-3-134
TM 5-805-14 TM 5-813-6 (AFM 88-24, Ch 2) DG 1110-3-140
TM 5-807-7 (AFM 88-10, Ch 6) TM 5-827-3 DG 1110-3-144
TM 5-807-10 TM 5-813-7 (AFM 88-24, Ch 3) DG 1110-3-150
TM 5-809-1 (AFM 88-10, Ch 7) TM 5-830-2 DM 4-805-1
(AFM 88-3, Ch 1) TM 5-814-1 (AFM 88-17, Ch 2) DM 4-805-1
TM 5-809-2 (AFM 88-11, Ch 1) TM 5-830-3 DM 4-805-4
(AFM 88-3, Ch 2) TM 5-814-2 (AFM 88-17, Ch 3) DM 4-805-5
TM 5-809-3 (AFM 88-11, Ch 2) TM 5-830-4 DM 4-805-9
(AFM 88-3, Ch 3) TM 5-814-3 (AFM 88-17, Ch 4) EM 385-1-1
TM 5-809-4 (AFM 88-11, Ch 3) TM 5-838-2 EM 1110-1-2101
(AFM 88-3, Ch 4) TM 5-814-4 TM 5-840-2 EM 1110-2-410
TM 5-809-5 (AFM 88-11, Ch 4) TM 5-841-1 EM 1110-2-501

(AFM 88-3, Ch 4) TM 5-814-5 TM 5-841-2 EM 1110-2-503
TM 5-809-6 TM 5-814-7 TM 5-842-1 EM 1110-2-2502
TM 5-809-8 TM 5-814-8 TM 5-842-2 ETL 86-14
(AFM 88-3, Ch 8) (AFR 19-6) TM 5-843-1 HNDM 1110-1-8
TM 5-809-9 TM 5-815-2 TM 5-844-1 MIL HDBK 419
(AFM 88-3, Ch 12) (AFM 88-36) (AFM 88-21, Ch 1) MIL HDBK 1008
TM 5-809-10 TM 5-818-1 TM 5-845-2 MIL HDBK 1028/8
(AFM 88-3, Ch 13) (AFM 88-3, Ch 7) TM 5-848-1 MIL STD 1691A
TM 5-809-10-1 TM 5-818-2 (AFM 88-12, Ch 1) NAVFAC DM 13.1
(AFM 88-3, Ch 13) (AFM 88-6, Ch 4) TM 5-848-2 NAVGAC DM 22
TM 5-809-10-2 TM 5-818-3 (AFM 88-12, Ch 2) TB ENG 353
(AFM 88-3, Ch 13.2) (AFM 88-24, Ch 4) TM 5-848-3 TB ENG 353-1
TM 5-809-11 TM 5-818-4 (AFM 88-12, Ch 3) TB ENG 354
(AFM 88-3, Ch 14 (AFM 88-5, Ch 5) TM 5-850-1 TB MED 575
TM 5-809-12 TM 5-818-5 TM 5-850-2 TB MED 62
(AFM 88-3, Ch 15) (AFM 88-5, Ch 6) TM 5-853-1 ARCH & ENG INSTR.
TM 5-810-1 TM 5-818-6 TM 5-855-1 STD DETAILS
(AFM 88-8, Ch 1) (AFM 88-32) TM 5-855-2

Appendix A


1.0. Purpose. The purpose of completing this checklist is to verify that the
Design Quality Control Plan submitted by you has been adhered to during the
design process. To complete the checklist, the person or persons responsible
for the various items shall initial in the space provided to signify that the
item has been completed/coordinated. If discovered during review by the COE
that items initialed off have in fact not been completed/coordinated, the COE
PM will be notified and appropriate action taken. Possible actions include
return of final design package to A-E for correction, withholding of contract
payments and completion of an "unfavorable" A-E evaluation for inclusion in
our A-E selection office files.

2.0. Submittal Requirements

2.1. Concept/Early Preliminary/Preliminary Submittals. No submittal

required, although it is suggested the A-E utilize the checklist during the
design process to make sure nothing "falls through the crack" along the way.

2.2. Final Design. The checklist that follows shall be completed and
submitted as an attachment to your transmittal letter transmitting the final
design package to the COE.





1. Work "by others" and "work this contract" are clearly

differentiated and interface points identified.

2. All known existing features and improvements are

properly and completely delineated and dimensioned.

3. Orientation, horizontal coordinate systems, elevations.

and vertical datum are properly shown and referenced.

4. Adequate subsurface investigations of the site have been

made and logs and notes thereof are clearly shown on plans and
referred to in specifications.

5. The recommendations of COE Geotechnical branch have been

considered in establishment of control elevations, foundation
treatment and assignment of bearing values for footing design.

6. Adequate provisions have been made in the specifications

for protection and maintenance of, access to, and utility
services for existing facilities.


1. The functional and technical design requirements are in full

accord with current applicable criteria and design directions. The
appliable written guidance has been referenced in the Design Analysis.
(Space allocations for buildings, per capita quantities for
utilities, load capacities for floor or pavements, areas for
hardstands, widths and lengths of runways, flow rate for
fueling systems, etc.)

2. All reasonably possible conditions of grading, loading,

operations, utilities and combinations thereof have been considered
in the design and evidenced by design analysis narrative and

3. The design is based on use of economical and proven materials

and equipment throughout.

1. All necessary details, notes, schedules, and dimensions are

shown on the drawings and are fully consistent throughout.

2. For unit-price contracts, payment items and quantities are

clearly defined, and unit price bid schedules arranged to allow
flexibility in award of contract.

3. Title blocks, drawing titles, drawing scales, and specification subtitles

and section identification markings are shown
and referenced in accordance with the A/E Guide.

4. Requirements for installation of Government-furnished

equipment are clearly delineated.

5. Ample space allowances are available for installation and

servicing of equipment.

6. The terminology used on the drawings agrees with that used

in the specifications and does not repeat requirements stated in
the specifications.

7. Publications not referenced in the specifications have been

deleted from paragraph, "Applicable Publications." All
publications listed in the specifications are referenced in
paragraph, "Applicable Publications."

8. Finish and color schedules have been coordinated with


9. When drawings are reduced to 1/2 size, all lettering,

dimensions, symbols, and wiring and piping runs etc. are clear and

10. The drawings and specifications for all disciplines have

been properly reviewed and coordinated to preclude conflicts.
Appendix B


1.0. Purpose. The "Engineering Considerations and Instructions for Field

Personnel" report is used to transmit special design concepts, assumptions,
and instructions on how to construct unique design details to field personnel.
The report establishes a basis for communication and coordination between
design and construction personnel. The Scope of Work prepared by your COE PM
will define whether or not this report is required for your project.

2.0. Report Format and Content. As applicable to your project, include the
following information in your report:

a. Title Page. List Project title, location and date of report.

b. List of Design Personnel. Provide a list of key design personnel

that could be contacted for technical assistance during construction. Include
name, design specialty and telephone number.

c. Special Design Considerations. Provide clear and concise explanation

of special design concepts and/or unique features by discipline; Civil,
Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, etc. such that COE
construction personnel can identify and properly inspect these special items
of work. Examples of items to discuss include:

b Step-by-step instruction for constructing complex building

features, i.e., this needs to be done before that, etc.
b Critical tolerances
b Special testing requirements
b Critical or unusual product and performance specifications
such as high pressure, temperatures or capacities.
b Situations where manufacturer should oversee equipment
b Long-lead procurement items.
b Government-furnished equipment.
b Special operational constraints, i.e., utility outage periods,
aircraft runway closures, phasing of work in occupied buildings or
other special construction phasing required.
b Any permits that must be obtained prior to and during construction.
b Critical safety precautions required, especially in the areas of
asbestos, or other minimum quality assurance testing
amount/frequency for critical items.

d. Shop Drawing Review. Provide a list of items or features of the

project where you feel you alone have the expertise to properly review shop
drawings involved.

e. Schedule of Required Site Visits by Design Personnel. If you deem

site visits on certain phases of construction are necessary, a site visitation
schedule shall be prepared identifying the critical construction stages and
the number of days of notification required from the COE.
3.0. Submittal Requirements.

3.1. Early Preliminary/Preliminary Submittal. Provide, in draft form, those

items required by paragraph 2.0 above bound as an appendix to the Design

3.2. Final Submittal. Provide, in final form, those items required by

paragraph 2.0 above. The document shall be bound separately in 8-1/2 x 11
format with cover page with project title and location for ease of
identification by field personnel.
Appendix C


1.0. General. The maintenance and enhancement of environmental quality

will be given full consideration early in the design process. The A-E
shall insure that the project is designed in full compliance with all
environmental regulations applicable to the project. Areas of concern

b Air Quality
b Water Quality
b Noise Control
b Solid Waste Disposal
b Hazardous Wastes
b Historic Preservation
b Archaeological Resources
b Threatened and Endangered Species

2.0. Submittal Requirements. The A-E shall provide a listing of all

applicable permits licenses and any other authorizations required to
Construct and operate the project on an Environmental Permit Matrix (see
blank form, instructions for completion, and sample completed form at end
of this appendix.) The completion of the form shall be based on a
compliance review of the proposed project based on applicable areas of
concern listed above, and their specific regulations. Where proposed
projects do not require any environmental permitting or licenses, the A-E
shall submit a letter to the COE with the Early Preliminary Submittal
certifying the designer's conclusions.

2.1. Concept Submittal Requirements. None.

2.2. Early Preliminary Submittal Requirements. For each permit required,

the following information shall be provided on the environmental permit

Permitting authority (Federal, State and/or local)
Type permit/authorization required
Procedure and time necessary to process permit'
Fee schedule - to include filing/application fees, charges for
actual emissions and fees relative to testing of abatement
equipment toward insuring compliance with environmental
b Data and/or studies required.
b Outline of approach for obtaining permit information (attach to

The A-E shall notify the District of any major discrepancies existing
between the design criteria provided by the COE and the pollution
abatement criteria.

2.3. Preliminary/Final Submittal Requirements. Provide completed

applications and any other required documents for all permits, licenses
and/or authorizations required for construction/operation of the facility
including but not limited to the following:
b Solid Waste Disposal
b Sanitary Landfill
b Toxic and Hazardous Waste storage, transportation and disposal
b Wastewater discharge
b Open burning
b Incineration
b Locating, constructing and operating related facilities
b Stationary Source operation
b Noise generation
b Cultural Resource disturbance
b Biological Resource disturbance
b Visual Resource disturbance

The A-E shall prepare all supporting material required for the
applications including emission surveys, diagrams, pollutant load
calculations, etc. Copies of all correspondence from permitting agencies
which either detail permit requirements or indicate that no permits are
necessary shall be furnished to the District by the A-E.

3.0. Instruction for Completing Environmental Permits Status Matrix

3.1. The purpose of the Matrix is to allow the Air Force to track the
status of Environmental permits required for Air Force projects.

3.2. The Matrix is designed to show what was done by the A/E and/or
Design Agent.

3.3. The Matrix is designed to establish accountability for determining

permitting requirements.

3.4. For the Matrix to work effectively, all items must be completed as

Project: Title
Installation: Base
FY: Fiscal Year of project
PN: Project Number
Determination Completed By: Name of individual (and
Organization) accountable for the

Specific Items/EOP Evaluated: Indicate specifically which parts of

the project, i.e., equipment, e.g.,
paint spray booth, diesel fuel
tank, etc., were examined for
permitting requirements. If
there are no items which could
possibly require
permitting, the N/A column should be
checked. A statement must also be
included. . . as shown on the example.
Permit Required (Y/N/NA): If Yes, indicate in the y column how
many permits are required. If no,
mark N in column. If the project
will not impact a specific
environmental parameter, mark the
N/A column and explain (as shown
on example).

Regulatory Agency Contacted: Identify the regulatory agency

contacted. Include regulator's
name(s) and dates of contact.
Ensure the appropriate regulatory
agency is contacted, i.e., don't
expect the Air Resources Board to
know about permitting
requirements for
underground tanks, etc.

Permit Fee: Indicate the amount of dollars which

must accompany the permit
application. This should be
determined when the regulator is

Comments: Insert whatever is necessary to

clarify what has or has not been

3.5. Incomplete Matrices (Applications) or permit applications obviously

erroneously prepared will be returned to the A-E for completion.
Appendix D


1.0. General. The DD Form 1354 Data Sheets contain a summary of project
information that is used by COE construction Resident Offices in completing
the official DD Form 1354 upon completion of construction and transfer of the
facility to the owner agency. The A-E shall utilize his design analysis
narrative and information and cost estimate quantities and costs in completing
the majority of information on the data sheets. Specific instructions for
completion of the Data Sheets are contained on the Data Sheets themselves.
Any questions should be directed to the COE Project Manager. For your
convenience these blank Data Sheets are on our Electronic Bulletin Board. For
access, contact your COE PM.

2.0. Submittal Requirements.

2.1. Concept/Early Preliminary/Preliminary Submittals. No submittal


2.2. Final Submittal. Submit completed DD Form 1354 Data Sheets with your
final design submittal package as part of your Design Analysis but bound
separately (see Chapter II).
Appendix E


1.0. Geotechnical Information - COE Prepared

1.1. General Procedure. Results of foundation investigations, relevant

geological data, seismic design criteria, foundation design criteria, and
pavement design sections are normally provided to the A-E by the District's
Geotechnical branch in the form of Geotechnical Reports. Two geotechnical
reports generally will be provided. The first, a preliminary report
(informal) which presents general foundation and pavement design criteria will
be provided about four weeks after Geotechnical branch has been notified to
begin work. The second, the Final Geotechnical Report which presents site
specific design criteria and recommendations will be provided after
explorations and laboratory testing are completed, and no later than two weeks
after the designer has been given notice to begin final design. The A-E will
provide an additional site plan "mylar" with the concept or early preliminary
submittal on which the actual exploration program will be based and the
location of explorations will be shown. The approved site plan shall show the
existing topography and structures, coordinate grid system, and location of
major design features.

1.2. The District will provide the A-E, for incorporation into the Contract
Drawings, a sheet(s) on which the actual exploration locations are depicted
and subsurface exploration logs are shown. If requested, the Geotechnical
Report will also include percolation rates, resistivity readings, corrosion
potential, and shear wave velocities of the subsurface materials. The A-E
shall utilize the geotechnical information and design criteria provided to
complete the preparation of the project's design documents.

1.3. In addition to the previous information, the District's Geotechnical

ranch will provide "Engineering Considerations and Instructions for Field
Personnel" for the geotechnical portions of the project for inclusion in the
A-E prepared report of the same title.

1.4. Airfield Pavements. For all projects involving design of airfield

pavements, the District's Geotechnical ranch will furnish the following for
incorporation by the A-E into the project documents:

a. Sketches of pavement sections for the project, including types and

thicknesses of surfacing and base materials, and lateral limits of each type.

b. Sketches of geometric layout of all joints and sections of all joints

showing configuration and sealing details.

c. Sketches of subdrains (if required for project) showing general

location and typical sections and guidance criteria as required.

d. Draft specifications (guide specifications marked up for the specific

project) for inclusion by the A-E into the construction contract documents for
the following items of work:

(1) Demolition (if required).

(2) Clearing and Grubbing (if required).

(3) Excavation, Embankment, and Subgrade Preparation.

(4) Subdrainage system (if required).

(5) Base materials.

(6) Surfacing.

(7) Joint sealing (if required).

(8) Pavement repairs (if required).

2.0. Geotechnical information - A-E Prepared

Generally, all geotechnical investigations will be conducted by the Corps of

Engineers Geotechnical ranch. However, when geotechnical investigations are
performed as part of the A-E design contract, such information shall be
obtained by a competent and reputable geotechnical firm specializing in such
work. Adequate subsurface information will be obtained and presented for use
by designers of structures, grading, drainage, disposal fields, and other
design features meeting the District's criteria. Prior to negotiation of
contract, A-E will furnish recommendations as to extent and type of subsurface
investigation the geotechnical firm proposes. Scope of these services will be
agreed upon and they will become a part of the A-E design contract. A-E will
discuss results of the geotechnical investigations with CO's Quality Assurance
specialists and the District's Geotechnical ranch specialist in foundation and
materials design. Field and laboratory operations will be subject to
inspections by COE as considered appropriate. The A-E shall prepare location
and logs of exploration sheet(s) for inclosure into the contract drawings.
Finally, the A-E shall prepare Engineering Consideration's and Instruction for
Field Personnel Report also. (See Appendix for information on what to include
in this report.)
Appendix F


1.0. Surveying and Mapping.

1.1. General. Surveying and mapping are normally performed by the District,
and topographic maps and other survey data are provided to A-E. When surveying
and mapping are performed by A--E, work shall be accomplished by qualified
personnel licensed in such work, in accordance with the following requirements
and those contained in DM 4-805-10, "Sacramento District Design Manual for
Surveying and Mapping".

1.2. Procedures. In addition to any specific survey requirements prescribed

in the scope of work for the project, the following shall also apply:

a. Basic mapping control, "P" lines for route surveys, as-built control,
and cadastral surveys shall be conducted to 3rd Order accuracy, both
horizontally and vertically, and comply with the standards and Specifications
for Geodetic Control Networks (Sept 84). NOAA Federal Geodetic Control

b. When surveys include legal land surveys or descriptions, work shall

be accomplished in accordance with Bureau of Land Management methods and
procedures, state statutes where appropriate, and by or under supervision of a
professional land surveyor holding a current license issued by the state in
which the work is located.

c. All extension of survey control and mapping accomplished by

photogrammetric methods and procedures shall comply with the National Map
Standards of Accuracy.

d. The A-E shall inform the Government of his proposed methods,

procedures, and type of equipment to be used, and the work will be subject to
inspection by government personnel. However, the A-E will retain
responsibility for the quality of the work within the limits prescribed in the
scope of work.

1.3. Topographic Drawings. Topographic and planimetric data shall be plotted

to prescribed scale and contour interval on polyester drafting film of
approved quality in accordance with Sacramento District Drafting Standards.
When specific instructions are not furnished, the following shall apply:

a. Contours shall be shown with fine, solid line. Every fifth (guide)
contour shall be somewhat heavier and periodically broken for insertion of the
contour elevation. In general, identification of guide contours shall follow
a regular pattern to allow for "easy map reading."

b. All survey stations, bench marks, designations, and elevations are to

be shown on topographic drawings in accordance with Sacramento District
Drafting Standards.

c. Buildings and structures shall be shown with solid lines, omitting

cross hatching or complete blanking.
d. Maps and drawings shall be so oriented that north will be toward top
of sheet, when practicable, or toward the left of the sheet if top orientation
is impractical.

e. Items to appear on all completed topographic drawings are as follows:

(1) North arrow.

(2) Grid ticks and values.

(3) Scale and graphic scale.

(4) Grid system, projection, and vertical datum with latter

referenced to National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD 1929).

(5) Date aerial photography flown, if applicable.

(6) Date of ground survey.

(7) Survey control points, identification, and elevations where

Appendix G


PART 1 - Definition

1.0. General. The C.I.D. includes selecting and developing interior building
furnishings for an integrated visual design theme which reflects the interior
atmosphere desired by the AFRCE. The C.I.D. package must be developed
concurrently with the design of the facility and submitted for review with the
drawing contract submittal per PART 2 below. The C.I.D. submittal includes:

a) Statement of Design Objective

b) Sketches
c) Representative Furniture Layouts
d) Sketch Perspectives
e) Example Color Rendering
f) Exterior S.I.D. Materials and Finishes
g) Furnishing Illustration Sheets
h) Cost Estimates
i) Prewired Work Station Requirements
j) Color Boards
k) Furniture and Furnishings Plan
l) Color Rendering
m) Furnishings Placement Lists
n) Furnishings Contract Specifications
o) Color Photographs

2.0. Comprehensive Interior Design: Furnishings selected in the C.I.D.

generally include, but are not limited to, artwork and wall hangings, drapery
and upholstery, furniture and systems furniture, files and other similar
items. The use of prewired workstations (systems furniture) is mandatory for
all Air Force administrative facilities and areas of 1,000 S.F. or more per
ETL 86-12.

3.0. Structural Interior Design (S.I.D.): The C.I.D. requirements include

structural interior designs (S.I.D.) items and graphics. The S.I.D. includes
interior materials and finishes including color, texture, and patterns
normally provided in the Architectural Design Requirements. Items included ,
but not limited to, are wall and floor finish materials, window and door
finishes, glazing and trim materials, as well as paint and stain samples.
Since Exterior colors, materials and finishes influence interior selections,
exterior materials shall be included as a separate section of the C.I.D.

PART 2 - Submittal Requirements

4.0. Concept Submittal. If a C.I.D is required by the scope of work, see

Early Preliminary Submittal requirements below.

5.0. Early Preliminary Submittal. Provide the following:

a) Statement of Design Objectives. Provide a narrative explaining the

interior design philosophy of the facility. Where applicable, include desired
psychological impact of the interior environment on its inhabitants and
proposed method of accomplishing same by using space planning, shapes, forms,
color, patterns, textures, fabrics and furnishings. Discuss plans to
integrate the visual design disciplines such as architecture, graphic design,
and interior design.

b) Sketches. These drawings shall illustrate the major spaces within

the facility and shall emphasize form, space and detailing. Color is not
required for these sketches.

c) Representative Furniture Layouts. Layouts shall show how major

spaces within the facility integrate the C.I.D. and S.I.D. This layout will
include a furnishings placement plan for each of the major spaces and a
furnishings illustration sheet for each item provided.

d) Sketch Perspectives. Provide a single-line sketch perspective of

each major space within the facility showing three dimensional space
relationships and furnishings. This requirement is in addition to any single
elevation sketches.
e) Example Color Rendering. An example color rendering of a major space
shall be provided for approval. The rendering shall be prepared by a
professional renderer. See Appendix H.

f) Exterior S.I.D. Materials and Finishes. Include wall finish

material, window and door frames, glazing, and trim materials. Provide paint
or stain samples representing color and finish of gravel stops, fascias, hand
rails, hardware, ventilation grills, screen walls, penthouses, and other
visible materials affecting visual design aesthetics.

g) Furnishings Illustration Sheets. Provide illustrations and

material/color samples of upholstery for each furnishing item proposed in the
interior design scheme. Illustrations are to be represented by photograph,
catalog cut, sketch, or rendering. The material/color samples provided shall
be large enough to indicate true patterns, colors, and textures. Format shall
be as directed in "Design Instruction for Comprehensive Interior Design, DTL

h) Cost Estimates. A furnishings cost estimate for the facility shall

be submitted as required by the scope of work, and as directed by DTL
1110-4-20. The estimate shall show class number, fund category, item,
quantity, unit cost, and total cost. The designer will use a 10% contingency
figure, and freight costs will be broken out as a separate figure on each

i) Color Boards. If required at this stage, see Preliminary Design

C.I.D. requirements.

j) Prewired Work Station Requirements. Provide Program Management Data

Sheet and Acquisitions Cost and Space Requirement Summary Worksheets per ETL

6.0. Preliminary Submittal. Update and complete all information provided in

previous submittals and provide the following:
a) Color Board. The color board shall depict all C.I.D./S.I.D.
materials and finishes. Code and coordinate samples with the finish, color,
and graphics schedules of the facility contract documents. Label the material
and finish samples with specific color names. Pattern samples shall be large
enough to show the full pattern, color, and texture. Furniture samples shall
also be located on the furnishing plan. Securely mount samples to the color
board modules to withstand long periods of use.

b) Furniture and Furnishings Plan. The foot-print plan will show the
furnishings required for the various functions that are to be housed in the
facility, and will indicate the adequacy of the size and shape of each space.
Standard furniture sizes shall be used to allow maximum flexibility for the
final design. Accent walls, graphics, wall hangings and special feature items
shall be located on this plan, and all furnishings coded to the "Furnishings
Illustration Sheets."

c) Color Rendering. Provide a colored interior perspective rendering of

a major space showing three dimensional space relationships, furnishings,
color schemes, patterns and materials. The rendering shall be prepared by a

d) Furnishings Placement Lists. Provide a coded floor plan and detailed

listing of the furnishings specified for each room. A separate list with
coded floor plan shall be provided for each room. Floor plan shall be 1/4" =
1'-0"; 1/8" = 1'-0" scale may be used for large areas only if data is legible
at reduced sizes. The plan shall show the following:

1.) Proposed furniture placement or location coded by number and

letter to indicate item and finish.

2.) Structural related built-in equipment, identified by name and

finish code.

3.) Identifying labels per list headings to allow reviewer, as well

as handling and moving personnel to quickly identify, and locate the furniture

4.) For series of rooms calling for the same number of identical
furnishings and same finishes, one placement list may be provided for all
rooms listed. This list should be duplicated the required number of times to
represent each room. Each page will then be numbered in proper sequence with
room numbers circled.

e) Furnishings Contract Specifications. When appropriate, the designer

shall name a commercial product with desired colors, finishes and detailed
functional requirements as a standard to select from. A general
nonproprietary disclaimer shall be included to indicate naming the commercial
product is not to be restricted to the particular product identified. Any
furnishing item selected must have at least three manufacturers available to
equal this item. Recommended specification for prewired workstations is
included in ETL 86-12.

7.0. Final Submittal. Update and complete all information provided in

previous submittals. If a Preliminary submittal was not required, information
provided in that section shall be provided with this submittal.
a) Colored Photographs. Provide (5) color photos size (8" x 10"), (3)
35 mm color slides, and a negative (4" x 5") of each of the final renderings.
The negatives are to be provided directly to the AFRCE.
Appendix H


1.0. Concept Submittal Requirements.

1.1. SINGLE LINE PERSPECTIVE: The perspective shall show the three
dimensional aspects of the facility with emphasis on the main building
features. The perspective will illustrate the view planned for the final
colored rendering for AFRCE approval.

2.0. Early preliminary Submittal Requirement. If a concept submittal was not

made, provide the Single Line Perspective described above and the following:

2.1. SAMPLE RENDERING: Provide an 8" x 10" photo colored rendering to be

used for the final perspective rendering for AFRCE approval. Provide five (5)

3.0. Preliminary and/or Final Submittal Requirement.

3.1. COLORED PERSPECTIVE RENDERING: A 16" x 20" rendering prepared by a

professional architectural renderer showing the view approved in the single
line perspective and illustrating the colors and patterns of exterior building
materials. Provide original and five (5) copies. These shall be framed and
provided with non-glare acrylic glazing as the face protection.

3.2. COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS: Provide (5) color photos (8" x 10") and (4) 35mm
color slides of the final rendering with a 4" x 5" negative of each rendering.
The negatives are to be provided directly to the AFRCE.

3.3. SITE PHOTOS: Show adjacent sites, buildings and site construction
conditions by providing a small scale site plan and 5" x 7" color photos (6
minimum) viewing 360 degrees around the building site. Code and locate photo
views on site plan. Provide 5" x 7" close-up frontal views of significant
buildings that can be viewed from the site. Rehab and additions shall also
show all elevations of existing buildings.
Appendix I


1.0. General. To provide continuity of product, standard vicinity maps have

been prepared for the below listed Air Force installations served by the
Sacramento District. These shall be utilized (traced, etc.) on all Air Force
projects. See Chapter II for information on vicinity map location in project

Beale AFB
Davis-Monthan AFB
Edwards AFB
George AFB
Hill AFB
Luke AFB
March AFB
Mather AFB
McClellan AFB
Nellis AFB
Norton AFB
Vandenberg AFB
Williams AFB

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