Classroom Language Practice (Seminar 1)

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MG I 2012-2013, 1st semester Module I: Medical Terminology, part 1

Classroom language practice – Medical terminology from Greek/Latin

Exercise 1: Match these words with their meanings, then try to figure out how these meanings relate to how
these words are made of Latin/Greek prefixes, roots and suffixes.

1. neurasthenia = A. Inflammation of the skin

2. anemia = B. Heart disease
3. dermatitis = C. Pain in the ears
4. myoma = D. Making an incision into a vein
5. cardiopathy = E. Dissolution of the cornea
6. gastroptosis = F. Without growth
7. hysterorrhexis = G. Chest puncture
8. atrophy = H. Fixation of a joint
9. thoracentesis = I. Tonsil excision
10. arthrodesis = J. Deficiency or decrease in white blood cells
11. tonsillectomy = K. Storage of sugar
12. colostomy = L. Fatigue
13. phlebotomy = M. Downward displacement of the stomach
14. glycopexis = N. “without blood”
15. dyspepsia = O. Pain in the stomach
16. otalgia = P. Making a round opening into the colon
17. gastrodynia = Q. Rupture of the uterus
18. pathogenic = R. Imperfect or painful digestion
19. keratolysis = S. Producing disease or suffering
20. leucocytopenia = T. Muscle tumor
See helpful explanations below.
1. neurasthenia Gr. neuron = nerve + Gr. asthenes = without strength
2. anemia Gr. a- = without + Gr. haima = blood, condition of the blood
(“without blood”)
3. dermatitis Gr. derma = skin + Gr. -itis = inflammation
(inflammation of the skin)
4. myoma Gr. mys = muscle + Gr. –oma = tumour
(muscle tumor)
5. cardiopathy Gr. kardia = heart + Gr. pathos = disease, suffering
(heart disease)
6. gastroptosis Gr. gaster = stomach + Gr. -ptosis = downward displacement, falling
(downward displacement of
the stomach)
7. hysterorrhexis Gr. hystera = womb + Gr. rrhexis = rupture
(rupture of the uterus)
8. atrophy Gr. a- = without + Gr. trophia = nutrition or growth
(without growth)
9. thoracentesis Gr. thorax = chest + Gr. kentesis = pricking (puncture or tapping)
(chest puncture)
10. arthrodesis Gr. arthron = joint + Gr. desis = binding or fixation
(joint fixation)
11. tonsillectomy Lat. tonsilla = almond + Gr. ektome = excision
(tonsil excision)
12. colostomy Gr. kolon = colon + Gr. stoma = mouth (=> making a mouth-like opening)
(making an opening into the
13. phlebotomy Gr. phlebos = vein + Gr. tome = incision
(incision into veins)
14. glycopexis Gr. glykys = sweet + Gr. pexis = fixation
(storage of sugar)
15. dyspepsia Gr. dys- = bad, painful, difficult + Gr. peptein = to digest
(imperfect or painful
16. otalgia Gr. otos = ear + Gr. -algia = pain (otodynia also possible!)
(pain in the ears)
17. gastrodynia Gr. gaster = stomach + Gr. dynia = pain
(pain in the stomach)
18. pathogenic Gr. pathos = disease, suffering + Gr. gennan = to produce
(producing disease or
19. keratolysis Gr. keras = horn, cornea + Gr. lysis = dissolution
(dissolution, breaking down
of the cornea)
20. leucocytopenia Gr. leukos = white + Gr. kytos = cell + Gr. penia = want (meaning the opposite,
(deficiency or decrease in deficiency or decrease)
white blood cells)

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