Letter To Chief Geier Re Steven Baca
Letter To Chief Geier Re Steven Baca
Letter To Chief Geier Re Steven Baca
In Re: State v. Steven Baca, No. T-4-FR-2020-2778, APD CAD Incident No. 20-047933
occurring on June 15, 2020, at the Museum of Albuquerque
I am writing to request that you immediately refer the investigation into the above-referenced
matter to the New Mexico State Police. There are two reasons for this request. First, the criminal
complaint filed by the APD Detective assigned to this case mentions the presence of
undercover APD officers at the scene prior to last night’s shooting in front of the Albuquerque
Museum. Unfortunately, their actions and observations during this critical time makes them key
witnesses to the event and may unnecessarily complicate our presentation of the case if APD
remains the lead investigative agency in this matter.
Second, I am also concerned that APD’s response to the crowd of protesters and
counter-protesters after the shooting may have adversely impacted your department’s ability to
collect critical evidence at the crime scene. While I appreciate the dynamic nature of the
situation that your officers were dealing with, and their paramount concern for protecting lives
and property, I believe that essential witnesses might be reluctant to cooperate with your
agency in the aftermath of last night’s response to the situation. This concern is amplified by the
fact that the original complaint filed by APD seems to omit the fact that Mr. Baca attacked an as
yet unidentified woman in the crowd and, if corroborated, would negate any self-defense claim
he may pursue. Corroborating this information is therefore of utmost importance to the District
Attorney’s Office and we believe that it is an effort best undertaken by an outside agency.
For these reasons, I believe that referring this matter to the New Mexico State Police at the
outset of the investigation will add a much needed measure of objectivity and accountability
during this critical time. It will also help to mitigate the procedural complications inherent in a
case of this nature.
While you consider my request to turn over this investigation to the New Mexico State Police, I
would also ask that you take immediate steps to preserve all radio communications from officers
present before, during and after the incident referenced above and to ask all officers on scene
to prepare and submit reports about their observations as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. Please do not hesitate to contact
me should you have any questions or concerns.
Raúl Torrez
District Attorney