Loyal To The Crown: A Truly Distinct, Independent American Version of English
Loyal To The Crown: A Truly Distinct, Independent American Version of English
Loyal To The Crown: A Truly Distinct, Independent American Version of English
The standard stereotype among Americans is that Canadians are like Americans, except they say ‘eh’ a
lot and pronounce ‘out and about’ as ‘oot and aboot’. Many Canadians, on the other hand, will tell you that
Canadian English is more like British English, and as proof will hold aloft the
spellings colourand centre and the name zed for the letter Z.
Canadian does exist as a separate variety of English, with subtly distinctive features of pronunciation and
vocabulary. It has its own dictionaries; the Canadian Press has its own style guide; the Editors’
Association of Canada has just released a second edition of Editing Canadian English. But an emblematic
feature of Editing Canadian English is comparison tables of American versus British spellings so the
Canadian editor can come to a reasonable decision on which to use… on each occasion. The core of
Canadian English is a pervasive ambivalence.
Canadian history helps to explain this. In the beginning there were the indigenous peoples, with far more
linguistic and cultural variety than Europe. They’re still there, but Canadian English, like Canadian
Anglophone society in general, gives them little more than desultory token nods. Fights between European
settlers shaped Canadian English more. The French, starting in the 1600s, colonised the St Lawrence
River region and the Atlantic coast south of it. In the mid-1700s, England got into a war with France,
concluding with the Treaty of Paris in 1763, which ceded ‘New France’ to England. The English allowed
any French to stay who were willing to become subjects of the English King.
At the time of the Treaty of Paris, however, there were very few English speakers in Canada. The
American Revolution changed that. The founding English-speaking people of Canada were United Empire
Loyalists – people who fled American independence and were rewarded with land in Canada. Thus
Canadian English was, from its very beginning, both American – because its speakers had come from the
American colonies – and not American, because they rejected the newly independent nation.
Just as the Americans sought to have a truly distinct, independent American version of English, the
loyalists sought to remain more like England… sort of. These were people whose variety of English was
already diverging from the British and vice versa: when the residents of London and its environs began to
drop their r’s and change some of their vowels people in certain parts of the United States adopted some
of these changes, but Canadians did not.
There did end up being more British influx and influence in Canada. After the War of 1812, Mother
England encouraged emigration to Canada to ensure that loyal sentiments prevailed. The accent did not
become British, though British schoolteachers and authorities did leave their marks on spelling and
grammar. Canadians are indeed subjects of the Queen, but they are also neighbours – and the greatest
trading partners – of the United States. The British may be family, but Americans are friends. Or
sometimes ‘frenemies’.
Canadian English varies only a little across most of the continent. The Canadian west was not much
settled by Europeans until the late 1800s, when land incentives were given to Anglo-Canadians from
Ontario and to immigrants from Britain and some other countries (for example, Ukraine, from where
immigrants began arriving in Canada in 1891). There are more distinctions in the Atlantic coast provinces,
but especially in Newfoundland, which had been settled by Irish English-speakers and was not officially a
province of Canada until 1949.
Today, one-fifth of Canadians have a mother tongue other than English or French – nearly as many as
have French as their mother tongue. And yet the basic character of Canadian English still appears like a
household of Anglophile Americans, with bits from other cultures mainly in the kitchen, a few traces of the
indigenous cultures who used to be the only occupants, and some influence from the French roommate.
Canadian spelling is, as mentioned, a tug-of-war between the British and the Americans – jail but centre,
analyze but colour. Because Canada is bilingual, French may also have an effect. For example, many
signs and labels and institutional names are in French and English, and it’s easier if you can press a word
into double service: Shopping Centre d’Achats.
Most Canadians will tell you they don’t say ‘eh’ much
Also possibly influenced by French is the Canadian eh. French Canadians use hein (also colloquially
spelled han) in most of the same kinds of places English Canadians use eh, and they use it more.
The eh of Canadian English is not a Canadian invention; it is used in England and elsewhere, but it is
used in more different ways in Canada, notably as an emphatic and to maintain conversational
involvement: No kidding, eh; Thanks, eh; So I was going to the store, eh, and this guy cut me off. The truth
of it is, though, that most Canadians will tell you they don’t say “eh” much, and it is more associated with
less-educated speech.
The Canadian accent – or accents, since there is a bit of variation across the country (and much more in
Newfoundland) and a larger amount across socioeconomic levels – has a few signal features, and they,
too, trace partly to the US and partly to Britain. The best-known feature is ‘Canadian raising’, which affects
two specific diphthongs before voiceless consonants: the first part of the diphthong is higher
in ice and out than it is in eyes and loud. The out raising makes the vowel sound more like ‘oot’ to
American ears. This feature is present across much but not all of Canada. It may be influenced by Scottish
English (many British emigres were Scots), or it may be a relic of Shakespeare-era pronunciation.
Another feature is the ‘low back merger’, which makes caughtand cot sound the same. Following on this is
what is called the “Canadian vowel shift”, whereby bit sounds a bit like bet, betsounds a bit like bat,
and bat is said a bit farther back in the mouth. This shift is still in progress. These changes seem to have
originated in Canada, though similar patterns can be seen in some parts of the US.
Beyond these details, Canadians tend to sound like Americans, especially depending on where the
Americans are from. This is why citizens of each country can be blindsided by the unexpected differences
peppered throughout the vocabulary. There are many. Katherine Barber, former editor-in-chief of the
Canadian Oxford Dictionary, has collected many signature Canadianisms in her book Only in Canada,
You Say.
Sometimes Canadians use the same words as Americans in different ways: in Canada, if you write a test,
you’re the one being tested, while in the US you’re the test maker. Sometimes Canadians use different
words for the same things: garburatorfor kitchen disposal, bachelor apartment for studio
apartment, runner for sneaker or running shoe, two-four for a case of 24 bottles or cans of beer (the
uniquely Canadian holiday Victoria Day, which occurs on a Monday near 24 May, is called the ‘May two-
four weekend’ in reference to this).
Some words refer to things Americans don’t seem to have: toque for a kind of fitted knitted
hat; poutine, Nanaimo bars, and butter tarts for three of Canada’s great culinary gifts to the world if the
world would but accept them; Caesar for a bloody Mary made with clamato juice (tomato plus clam).
There are hockey metaphors, of course, like deking someone out and stickhandling a problem. There are
occasional borrowings from Quebec French (unrecognisable in France) such as the
aforementioned poutine, and dépanneur for a convenience store.
These Canadianisms stand as evidence of the difference between Canadian and American culture. It is
very important for Canadians to maintain that difference, even if people from Vancouver sound more like
people from San Francisco than people from San Francisco sound like people from San Antonio. Though
English-speaking Canadians remain loyal to the Queen, they aren’t truly interested in being British or
sounding British; they’re just interested in using the British connection to assert their independence from
the independent United States, which they left because they didn’t want to leave. An ambivalent situation
The main feature is what is called Canadian Raising by which is meant that the diphthongs /ai, au/ are
pronounced as /əɪ, ʊə/ before voiceless consonants and /ai, au/ before voiced ones,
e.g. knife/nəɪf/ : knives /naɪvz/; house /hʊəs/ : houses /haʊzɪz/. /æ/ is raised somewhat to /ɛ/ (as in
AmE.); /ɔ/ is unrounded to /ɑ/: stop /stɑp/.
Contains many elements from Indian languages such as kayak ‘canoe of Greenlander’; parka ‘skin
jacket with hood attached’. The much quoted interjection eh? is supposed to be a shibboleth for
Canadians but tends to be avoided because of its all too obvious character.