UG Handbook 2019 20
UG Handbook 2019 20
UG Handbook 2019 20
2019 - 2020
03 - 12 DECEMBER
01 MAY - 31 JULY
17 - 27 APRIL
01 - 03 AUGUST
I TERM 2019
2019 01 - 04 MAY COURSE
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In the first three semesters, the Dean and the Associate Deans will be advising the students. Each stu-
dent will be assigned a Faculty Advisor at the beginning of the fourth semester. The Faculty Advisor
may be consulted about all matters (academic as well as non-academic) that may be of concern to
the student. The Faculty Advisors will do their best to promote the development and growth of the
students in their scientific career.
1.3.1 Registration for courses will be done in consultation with the Faculty Advisor/Subject Coor-
1.3.2 All students must complete a total of 131 credits (basic courses in biology, chemistry, math-
ematics and physics in the first three semesters: 36 credits; engineering courses: 19 credits;
humanities courses: 9 credits; major – courses and project: 52 credits; minor or assortment
of courses: 15 credits). The course load during the first three common semesters is fixed.
From the fourth semester, a student must register for a minimum of 16 credits and a maxi-
mum of 19 credits if the student’s CGPA is <6 (8-point scale)/<7 (10-point scale) and 23 cred-
its if the student’s CGPA ≥ 6 (8-point scale)/≥7 (10-point scale). Students with TGPA (in the
preceding semester) or CGPA < 6.0 (8-point scale) / <8.0 (10-point scale) are not allowed to
register for more than 19 credits in the subsequent semester. The final semester is devoted
to a research project.
1.1 BASIC STRUCTURE 1.4.2 A student may register again for a course (in consultation with Faculty Advisor) which she/he
has dropped in a previous term.
The four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) Program is organized into eight semesters. The following
major disciplines are available in the Bachelor of Science (Research) Program: 1.4.3 After a student has passed a course, she/he cannot register again for it, or take an equiva-
lent course in order to improve the grade. Such re- taking for grade improvement arises only
ÌÌ Biology when she/he gets a failing F grade; the details of this are discussed in Section 1.8.
ÌÌ Chemistry
ÌÌ Earth & Environmental Sciences
ÌÌ Mathematics
ÌÌ Physics 1.5.1 Evaluation is based on continuous assessment, in which sessional work and the terminal
examination contribute to the final grade.
Each student is required to take a specified number of core courses in the first three semesters. The
course work during these three semesters consists of a common program for all students, independent 1.5.2 Sessional work consists of class tests, mid-term examination(s), home- work assignments
of the future discipline. This will include courses in engineering, humanities and interdisciplinary areas etc., as determined by the Instructor. Absence from these or late submission of home-work
for a well-rounded learning experience. At the end of the third semester, each student will be assigned will result in loss of marks. Attendance in the mid-term examination is compulsory. If a stu-
a major discipline (from the list given above) based on her/his preferences and CGPA. While a student dent does not attend the examination, she/he shall be considered to have obtained zero
specializes in a major discipline, she/he can also broaden her/his knowledge and skills by taking cours- marks in it. Absence on medical grounds, certified by the Chief Medical Officer of the Insti-
es in other disciplines. Students who take a sufficient number of courses in a discipline other than the tute, may be condoned, and the student may be permitted to take a substitute examination
chosen major will qualify for a minor in that discipline. as decided by the instructor. In such a case, medical certificate issued by the Chief Medical
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Officer of the Institute along with a leave letter must be submitted to the UG office within in a prescribed period. In such a case, medical certificate issued by the Chief Medical Officer
one week after the end date in the certificate in support of her/his absence promptly. Those of the Institute along with a leave letter must be submitted to the UG office within three
applications submitted later will not be considered. working days after the end date in the certificate in support of her/his absence promptly.
Those applications submitted later will not be considered.
1.5.3 The distribution of sessional marks among home-work, class tests, mid-term examinations
etc., will be announced by the Instructor at the beginning of the course. After the terminal
examination has been graded, the contribution from it is added to the sessional marks, to 1.7 ACADEMIC CRITERIA FOR CONTINUATION
get the total marks. The marks are then converted to grades, based on cut-offs that are
decided by the Instructor. Only the grade is reported; the marks are retained internally by 1.7.1 The student should not have obtained more than four F grades at any given time during
the Instructor. There are 7 grades (10-point scale), designated A+, A, B+, B, C, D, F and 6 the period of studentship. If a fifth F grade is obtained without clearing the four existing F
grades (8-point scale), designated S, A, B, C, D, F, with corresponding grade points given grades, she/he shall leave the Institute.
below. All grades except F are passing grades. To get a passing grade in a course that has
both theory and laboratory components, a student must secure at least 20% marks in both 1.7.2 In the first term, the TGPA should not be below 4.5 (10-point scale)/3.5 (8-point scale), and
theory and laboratory parts. The following new grade and grade point scale (based on 10 in subsequent terms the CGPA should not go below 5.0 (10-point scale)/4.0 (8-point scale).
point scale) came into effect from the academic year 2016-17. Students of the earlier batch- If this condition is not satisfied, the student shall have to leave the Institute.
es would continue to be graded as per the old grading system on 8 point scale.
A+ A B+ B C D F
10 9 8 7 6 5 0
1.8.1 Since the F grade is a failing grade, a student cannot graduate until she/ he clears each F
grade by taking a make-up examination, by repeating the same course or by taking a sub-
stitute course, as decided by the UGCC and SUGCC. Make-up examinations of all courses
will be held in the month of July.
8 7 6 5 4 0
1.8.2 If the F grade is obtained in a core course, it must be cleared by taking a make-up exam-
ination in the same course or by repeating the same course, as decided by the UGCC and
SUGCC. For an elective, the UGCC can specify an appropriate alternative course as the
substitute course.
1.8.3 If a student clears an F grade by taking a make-up examination, the highest grade she/he
can get in that course is C (10-point scale)/C (8-point scale). A student who fails the make-up
1.5.4 The Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed from the grades as a measure of the student’s examination must repeat the course. If the student gets an F grade in the repeated course
performance. The Term GPA (TGPA) is based on the grades of the current term, while the or in the specified substitute course, the student shall have to leave the Institute.
Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is based on the grades in all courses taken after joining the pro-
gram. The contribution of each course to the GPA is the product of the number of credits 1.8.4 Such repetition of courses is permitted only to clear F grades. Students are not permitted to
and the grade point corresponding to the grade obtained. For instance, if it is a 3 credit retake courses in which they have obtained any higher grade.
course, and the student gets a B grade (which corresponds to 7 grade points, from the table
above), then the contribution of the course to the total grade points is equal to 3 x 7, or 1.8.5 Both the F grade that was initially obtained and the higher grade that was obtained in the
21. To get the TGPA, one adds the grade point contributions of all the courses taken in the subsequent taking of the course will be reflected in the transcript.
term, and divides this total by the number of credits. The CGPA is similarly calculated, the
only difference being that one considers the grade point contributions of all the courses 1.8.6 When an F grade is obtained, it is used for the computation of the TGPA and the CGPA.
taken in all the terms. The TGPA and CGPA are rounded off to the first decimal place. When the F grade is subsequently cleared, it will no longer be included in computing the
TGPA of the term in question, and the grade from the repeated or substitute course will
replace it in the subsequent CGPA computations.
1.8.7 Make up exams will be held only once, in the month of July for courses offered in that par-
1.6.1 Terminal examinations are held during the last fortnight of each semester and during the last ticular academic year. Registration for the summer term is mandatory for students opting to
week of the Summer Term. The Time Table will be notified in advance. The graded answer appear for make-up exams. To be eligible to appear for make-up examinations, 80% atten-
scripts of the terminal examination will be made available to the students on a specified dance must have been satisfied during the regular term.
date within one week from the date of the terminal examination. Requests for changes in
the grading of the terminal examination papers can be made only when the graded papers
are shown to the students. 1.9 PROJECT
1.6.2 Attendance of the terminal examination is compulsory. If a student does not attend the ex- 1.9.1 Each student registers for a project at the end of the sixth semester. Each student will carry
amination, she/he shall be considered as having obtained zero marks in it, and will get an F out the project under a Project Advisor who is chosen based on the student’s interests. The
grade. Absence on medical grounds, certified by the Chief Medical Officer of the Institute, Project Advisor also becomes the Faculty Advisor from this stage.
may be condoned, and the student may be permitted to take substitute examination(s) with-
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1.9.2 Minimum Project Pass Grade: The minimum pass grade is D (10-point scale)/D (8-point CGPA Award
scale). This policy change came in to effect from the academic year 2018-19. Should there
be a need for extension of the project, prior approval from the Dean need to be obtained on 8.5 and above (10-point scale)
or before April 15, 2020. In such cases, an application forwarded by the project advisor and First Class with Distinction
(7.0 and above-8-point scale)
the subject coordinator is to be submitted. Then the student must register for the summer
term and the maximum grade that can be obtained for project will be B grade. 6.0 and above (10-point scale)
First Class
(4.8 and above-8-point scale)
1.9.3 Internship to be undertaken in a laboratory/institute outside the institute in connection with
the project, has to be proposed by the primary project advisor at IISc in the form of an
application to the Dean with details of the work to be carried out by the student. A period
not exceeding one semester may be permitted based on the application. A specific recom- 1.13 ATTENDANCE
mendation by the primary project advisor at IISc has to be made. No exemptions will be
given for compulsory courses during the period of absence. Project credits will have to be 1.13.1 Attendance in all classes (lectures, tutorials, laboratories, etc) must be at least 80% of the
registered for that semester before leaving for internship. total number of classes. Students with less than 80% attendance in a course at the time of
the mid-term examination will not be allowed to take the examination. A student will be
debarred from appearing in the terminal examination of a course if her/his attendance in the
1.10 FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES course for the semester falls below 80%. A shortage of attendance may be condoned by the
Dean only in exceptional circumstances.
Requests for partial financial support to attend and present papers at international conferences could
be made by students in the fourth year (Bachelor’s program) or in the fifth year (Master’s program).
Following conditions should be met in order to apply:
1.14.1 Students may be permitted a break in studies on medical grounds with the prior written
1.10.1 CGPA should be 7.0 or more (10-point scale)/6.0 or more (8-point scale) in Bachelor’s or permission of the UGCC. The break may be for a maximum period of one year.
Master’s program.
1.14.2 Request for a break in studies should be submitted at least a month in advance, and must be
1.10.2 Student seeking financial support should be the first author of the paper to be presented in accompanied by a certificate from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the Institute. It should
the conference. be forwarded through the Faculty Advisor.
1.10.3 A specific recommendation by the research advisor should be submitted. 1.14.3 Resumption of studies requires a fitness certificate from the CMO of the Institute.
1.10.4 Conference should have been scheduled before 30th April of that particular year. 1.14.4 To maintain the studentship status, the student should pay tuition and all other fees even
during the break period.
1.11.2 The computation of the final CGPA is done only if the student clears all courses successfully ÌÌ Residence in the Hostel as per hostel rules, subject to availability
within the period specified. ÌÌ Membership of the Gymkhana
ÌÌ Participation in the activities of the Students’ Council
1.11.3 A student must complete the specified course requirements of 131 credits of the relevant ÌÌ Assistance from the Students’ Aid Fund (SAF)
degree programme with a minimum CGPA of 5.0 (10-point scale) / 4.0 (8-point scale) in the ÌÌ Leave privileges as may be applicable from time to time
course work and at least a D (10-point scale) / D (8-point scale) grade in the project work. ÌÌ Limited assistance through the Special Medical Care Scheme
1.12.1 Successful completion of the course can carry any one of the following awards: First Class On all matters connected with their course work and the prescribed requirements for the degree, stu-
with Distinction and First Class. The CGPA requirements for each award are given below: dents are advised to seek the guidance of the Faculty Advisor or the Dean of Undergraduate Studies.
14 15
ENVIRON 12 Mandatory courses to be fulfilled 20
2 (seminar
MATH 30 Mandatory courses to be fulfilled 0
Credits fulfilled over and above 131 in the Bachelor’s degree could be considered
towards Master’s degree provided the following conditions are met:
a. A maximum of 12 credits completed over and above 131 in the Bachelor’s degree and belonging
2.1 BASIC STRUCTURE to the subject area of the student’s major discipline could be considered towards the Master’s
Undergraduate students who fulfil the requirements
towards the Bachelor of Science (Research) degree b. If the 12 credits taken in excess of the required 131 in the Bachelor of Science (Research) program
at the end of the fourth year with no pending back- are those of mandatory course credits required to be fulfilled in the Master’s program, then the
log course(s) to be cleared in the final semester have student will only have to fulfill project credits in the fifth year.
an option to continue for a fifth year to register for
a Master of Science degree. The fifth year is orga- c. If the excess 12 credits (fulfilled in the Bachelor’s program) do not include any compulsory courses
nized in two semesters. Students are required to take (as prescribed by the respective discipline for the Master’ degree program) then the student is
a specified number of courses (as outlined in Table required to fulfill the compulsory course credits in the fifth year.
below) and complete a research project in their ma-
jor discipline. A project report has to be submitted d. No exemptions will be given for compulsory courses.
which will be evaluated and graded. All other guide-
lines as laid out for the Bachelor of Science (Research) e. Students wishing to exercise credit carry over must submit a form with course details duly forward-
program will be applicable for the Master of Science ed by the subject coordinator for approval before 3rd August 19.
program as well.
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If they took some/ all of these courses in their Bachelor of Science itself, then they can fulfill the ÌÌ UMT 500: Master’s Project (0:20)
‘mandatory 12 credits’ by taking the remaining courses from this basket AND/ OR other depart-
mental courses.
i) UB 304L Experiments in Neurobiology (0:1)
ii) RD 201 Genetics (2:0) Following mandatory courses to be fulfilled:
iii) MC 207 Molecular Biology (3:0) OR UB 208 Basic Molecular Biology (2:0) ÌÌ MA 399: Seminar
iv) BC 201 Cell Biology (2:0) OR MC 212 Advances in Cell Biology (2:0) ÌÌ MA 223: Functional Analysis
v) MB 207 DNA-protein interactions, regulation of gene expression, nanobiology (2:0) OR ÌÌ MA 232: Introduction to Algebraic Topology
MB 303 Elements of Structural Biology (3:0) OR BC 202 Proteins: Structure andFunction (2:0) ÌÌ MA 242: Partial Differential Equations
vi) NS 201 Systems Neuroscience: Neuronal biophysics, sensation & perception, motor system
(2:0) OR NS 202 Molecular and Cellular basis of behavior (2:0)
vii) EC 204 Evolutionary Biology (2:1) OR EC 203 Ecology: Principles and Applications (2:0) PHYSICS
viii) MC 203 Essentials in Microbiology (3:0) OR BC 306 Essentials in Immunology (3:0)
Following mandatory courses to be fulfilled: Condensed Matter Physics
ÌÌ UB 500: Master’s Project (0:20) ÌÌ PH 208: Condensed Matter Physics -1
ÌÌ PH 206: Electromagnetic Theory
In case any of the Departmental courses in the above list is dropped for some reason, please con- ÌÌ PH 217: Fundamentals of Astrophysics
sult the Biology Coordinators to choose an equivalent course as an alternative. ÌÌ P/HE 215: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Among the 12 credits in the fifth year there should be at least 6 credits at 300 level. The 5th year
CHEMISTRY course(s) can be from any department with the permission of the respective instructors and Physics
Minimum of 6 credits (200 or 300 level) from within the Chemical Sciences Division and 6 credits
(200 or 300 level) from any division OR all 12 credits (200 or 300 level) from within the Chemical ÌÌ UP 500: Master’s Project (0:20)
Sciences Division.
Any 4 courses (12 credits) from Departments/Centres participating in the E & ES program or some
other equivalent courses as per Student’s handbook.
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3.2 LEAVE To obtain leave, prior application will have to be submitted to the Dean of Under-
graduate Studies through the Faculty Advisor stating fully the reasons for the leave
requested for along with supporting document(s). Such leaves will be granted by
the Dean. Absence for a period not exceeding two weeks in a semester due to unavoidable
reasons for which prior application could not be made may be condoned by the
Dean of Undergraduate Studies provided she/he is satisfied with the explanation. The Dean of Undergraduate Studies may, on receipt of an application, also decide
whether the student be asked to withdraw from the courses for that particular se-
mester because of long absence. The leave of absence as per and will not be condoned for atten-
dance. All students are entitled to take leave for the full summer term at the end of the
second semester.
3.2.2 Leave of absence on medical grounds: Up to 21 days in a semester for extended sickness
normally requiring hospitalization. If the medical leave exceeds 21 days, the Dean of Un-
dergraduate Studies may, on receipt of an application, also decide whether the student
DISCIPLINE, ATTENDANCE AND beasked to withdraw from the courses and drop the semester because of long absence.
LEAVE RULES Women research scholars can avail of maternity leave for 135 days once during the
tenure of studentship. Discipline, Attendance and Leave Rules For leave under 3.2.2 above, a Medical Certificate and a subsequent Fitness Certif-
icate (for resumption of studies) are required. These are to be issued by the CMO
of the Institute.
3.1.2 All forms of ragging are prohibited. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the 3.2.4 Students permitted to attend approved conferences may be considered to be on duty.
authorities, the student concerned will have to provide an explanation for her/his conduct.
If the explanation is not found to be satisfactory, the authorities can expel her/him from the
3.1.3 If a student is found under the influence of any form(s) of intoxication (other than the pre-
scription medication), she/he would be expelled from the Institute.
3.1.4 The students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that provides a safe working
environment for women. Sexual harassment of any kind is unacceptable and will attract ap-
propriate disciplinary action. Further details can be obtained from the website: http://www. icash/.
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4.2.1 The Institute shall have jurisdiction over the conduct of the students enrolled in or associat-
ed with the Institute.
4.2.2 This Code shall apply to any student enrolled in a degree programme, or a course at the In-
stitute or visiting scholars, post-docs, etc. The Code will apply to conduct that occurs on the
premises of the Institute, including activities sponsored by the Institute and functions hosted
by other recognized student organizations. It also applies to conduct that occurs elsewhere,
which could impact the Institute’s interests or reputation such as those occurring in spon-
sored programmes, activities by the Institute (students travelling for educational purposes
or to attend seminars etc.), or in the context of a relationship between the student and a
third party that involves the student’s standing, status or academic record at the Institute.
4.2.3 At the time of admission, each student must sign a statement accepting this Code and give
an undertaking that
(a) He/she shall be regular and will complete his/her studies in the Institute.
(b) In the event that a student is forced to discontinue studies for any legitimate reason,
then the student will be relieved from the Institute, but only after submitting a written
consent from the Deans. Before leaving, the student must clear all pending dues in-
cluding hostel/mess dues. And if a student has a scholarship, the said grant shall be
The Institute believes in promoting an environment that ensures safety to all and promotes academic
efficiency by enforcing behavioural standards. These standards include upholding of academic integ-
rity and respecting all persons, their rights and property, etc. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not
limited to, the following:
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of abetment to ragging, criminal conspiracy to rag, unlawful assembly and other offences as Ragging constitutes one or more of the following acts: enumerated in Regulation 7 of the UGC Regulation.
a) any conduct by a student or students hurting, teasing, or being rude to other students; The Institute shall also continue with its own inquiry initiated under clause 9 of these Reg-
ulations and other measures and any remedial action shall be initiated and completed im-
b) rowdy or undisciplined activities which cause or are likely to cause annoyance, hardship, mediately and no later than 7 days of reported occurrence of the incident of ragging. A
physical or psychological harm or raise fear or apprehension thereof in any other stu- student found guilty by the committee will attract one or more of the following penalties, as
dent; imposed by the Anti-Ragging Committee:
c) asking a student to do an act which makes him/her uncomfortable and which has the i. Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges;
effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, torment or embarrassment, affecting ii. Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits;
the physique or psyche of such a student; iii. Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation processes;
iv. Withholding results;
d) any act that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any student; v. Debarring from undertaking any collaborative work or attending national or
international conferences/symposia/meetings to present his/her research work;
e) exploiting other students to complete academic tasks assigned to them; vi. Suspension/expulsion from the hostels and mess;
vii. Cancellation of admission;
f) any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a student by other viii. Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other
students; institution for a specified period;
ix. When the persons committing or abetting the act of ragging are not identified, the
g) any act of physical abuse including sexual abuse, stripping, indulging in obscene, lewd institute shall resort to collective punishment;
acts including but not limited to gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to x. If need be, in view of the intensity of the act of ragging committed, a First Information
the health of a student; Report (FIR) shall be filed by the Institute with the local police authorities.
h) any act or abuse either orally or in writing including by spoken words, emails, post, pub- The Anti-Ragging Committee of the Institute shall take an appropriate decision, including the imposi-
lic insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, the vicarious or sadistic tion of punishment, depending on the facts and the nature and gravity of the incident.
thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to any other student;
An Appeal against any of the orders of punishment enumerated above can be submitted to the Direc-
i) any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of any other student with or tor of the Institute.
without intent to derive sadistic pleasure.
4.3.3 Sexual harassment Anti-Ragging Committee Students should note that sexual misconduct or harassment encompasses a range of be-
The Anti-Ragging Committee, as constituted by the Director and headed by students’ affairs haviour, including but not limited to sexual assault, unwanted physical contact, persistent
advisors, shall examine all complaints of anti-ragging and come up with recommendations unwelcome comments, sending e-mails, messages on social media or pictures that are in-
based on the nature of the incident. The committee can have the Deans, Student Counsel- sulting or degrading.
ors, Faculty Advisors, and the Chairperson of the concerned Department as its members as
decided by the Competent Authority from time to time. The Committee, however, should Sexual harassment amounts to serious misconduct and will be dealt with as per the Indian
have a diverse mix of membership in terms of levels and gender. Institute of Science Policy on Prevention and Prohibition of Sexual Harassment at Workplace,
2017 and the Indian Institute of Science Rules for Internal Committee, 2017. All cases will Anti-Ragging Squad be referred to the ‘Internal Committee Against Sexual Harassment’ (ICASH) of IISc. ICASH
To assist students, the Institute has also constituted a body called the Anti-Ragging Squad, will determine, based on the circumstances of each case, whether the actions brought to
which consists of various members of the campus community. The Squad shall keep a tab its notice constitute a violation of the sexual autonomy and dignity of the recipient of the
on ragging incidents taking place in the community and undertake patrolling functions. Stu- action.
dents may note that the Squad is active and alert at all times and is empowered to inspect
places of potential ragging and make surprise raids in hostels and other hotspots in the 4.3.4 Other misconduct
Institute. The Squad can also investigate incidents of ragging and make recommendations
to the Anti-Ragging Committee. a) Storing, possessing or using real or replica firearms or other weapons, explosives (in-
cluding fireworks), ammunition, drugs, or toxic or otherwise dangerous materials on Penalties Institute premises.
On receipt of any recommendation from the Anti-Ragging Squad or on receipt of any in-
formation concerning any reported incident of ragging, the Head of the Institution shall b) Stealing, misusing, destroying, defacing or damaging Institute property or property
also immediately determine if a case under criminal law has been made out and if so, then belonging to someone else.
either on his own or through a member of the Anti-Ragging Committee authorized by him
on his behalf proceed to file a First Information Report (FIR) within twenty four hours of re- c) Unauthorised use of any Institute facilities, equipment, services or computers. This in-
ceipt of such recommendation with the police or local authorities. Offences include those cludes theft or abuse of Institute computers and other electronic resources such as
24 25
computer and electronic communications facilities, systems, and services which in- 4.4 IISc POLICY FOR ACADEMIC INTEGRITY
cludes unauthorized entry, use, tampering of Institute property or facilities, the private
residence of staff/professors, offices, classrooms, computers networks, and other re- As a premier institution for advanced scientific and technological research and education, the Institute
stricted facilities. values academic integrity and is committed to fostering an intellectual and ethical environment. Ac-
ademic integrity encompasses honesty, responsibility and awareness of the ethical standards for the
d) Making false accusations against any member of the Institute. conduct of research and scholarship. The Institute believes that in all academic work, the ideas and
contributions of others must be appropriately acknowledged. Academic integrity is essential for the
e) Any act of discrimination (physical or verbal conduct) based on an individual’s gender, success of the Institute and its research missions, and hence, violations of academic integrity constitute
caste, race, religion or religious beliefs, skin colour, region, language, sexual orienta- a serious offence.
tion, marital or family status, physical or mental disability, etc.
4.4.1 Scope and Purpose
f) Not producing the identity card issued by the Institute or refusing to produce it on de-
mand by campus security. Academic integrity, which forms an integral part of the Code, applies to all students at the
Institute. Students are required to adhere to the said policy. The purpose of the policy is
g) Physical assault, threats of violence, which includes any disruptive activity in a classroom twofold:
or in an event sponsored by the Institute. Any conduct which has a negative impact or i. To clarify the principles of academic integrity;
constitutes a nuisance on and off campus. ii. To provide examples of dishonest conduct and violations of academic integrity.
h) Organising meetings and processions without permission from the Institute. Failure to uphold these principles of academic integrity threatens both the reputation of the
Institute and the value of the degrees awarded to its students. Every member of the Insti-
i) Accepting membership of religious or terrorist groups banned by the Institute/Govern- tute community, therefore, bears a responsibility for ensuring that the highest standards of
ment of India. academic integrity are upheld.
j) Smoking on the campus of the Institute. The principles of academic integrity require that a student:
i. properly acknowledges and cites the use of the ideas, results, material or words of oth-
k) Parking a vehicle in a no parking zone or an area earmarked for parking other types of ers;
vehicles. ii. properly acknowledges all contributors to a given piece of work;
iii. makes sure that all work submitted is his or her own in a course;
l) Rash driving on the campus that may cause any inconvenience to others. iv. produces academic work without the aid of impermissible materials or impermissible
m) Not disclosing a pre-existing health condition, either physical or psychological, to the v. obtains all data or results by ethical means and reports them accurately without sup-
Chief Medical Officer which may cause hindrance to the academic progress. pressing any results inconsistent with his or her interpretation or conclusions;
vi. respects the integrity of other students and their right to pursue educational goals with-
n) Mis-behaviour at the time of student body elections or during any activity of the Insti- out interference. This requires that a student neither facilitates academic dishonesty by
tute. others nor obstructs their academic progress.
o) Engaging in disorderly, lewd, or indecent conduct, including, but not limited to, creat- Violations of this policy include, but are not limited to:
ing unreasonable noise; pushing and shoving; inciting or participating in a riot or group
disruption at the Institute. Plagiarism: It includes the use of material, ideas, figures, code or data as one’s own, without
appropriately acknowledging the original source. This may involve the submission of ma-
p) Altercations of any kind between students or student groups will be taken seriously as terial, verbatim or paraphrased, that is authored by another person or published earlier by
a violation of the code and will be dealt with accordingly. oneself. Examples of plagiarism include:
a. Reproducing, in whole or part, text/sentences from are port, book, thesis, publication
q) Students encouraging, aiding, or conspiring in any prohibited conduct. And failing to or the internet.
comply with a disciplinary measure or disciplinary measures imposed under the proce-
dures of this Code. If these acts are committed off-campus, the Institute will determine b. Self-plagiarism which constitutes copying verbatim from one’s own earlier published
whether the Code will apply after considering the seriousness of the alleged offence, work (data, illustrations, figures, images) in a journal or conference proceedings without
the risk of harm involved whether the victim(s) are members of the campus community appropriate citations.
and/or whether the off-campus conduct is part of a series of actions, which occurred
both on, and off-campus. c. Taking material from class notes or incorporating material from the internet graphs,
drawings, photographs, diagrams, tables, spreadsheets, computer programs, or other
non-textual material from other sources into one’s class reports, presentations, manu-
scripts, research papers or thesis without proper attribution.
26 27
Cheating: It includes, but is not limited to: which may, for example, oversee funding or give recognition, as well as influence public
a) Copying during examinations, and copying homework, assignments, term papers, the-
ses or manuscripts. To promote transparency and enhance credibility, potential conflicts of interests must be
disclosed in writing to appropriate authorities, so that a considered decision can be made
b) Allowing or facilitating copying, or writing are port or taking an examination for some- on a case-by-case basis.
one else.
4.4.3 Individual and Collective Responsibility
c) Using unauthorized material, copying, collaborating when not authorised and purchas- The responsibility varies with the role one plays.
ing or borrowing papers or material from various sources.
Student roles: Before submitting a thesis (M Tech, M Tech(Res), or PhD) to the department,
d) Fabricating or falsifying (manipulating) data and reporting them in theses and publica- the student is responsible for checking the thesis for plagiarism using software that is avail-
tions. able on the web. In addition, the student should undertake that he/she is aware of the ac-
ademic guidelines of the Institute, has checked the document for plagiarism, and that the
e) Creating sources or citations that do not exist thesis is an original work. A web-check does not necessarily rule out plagiarism. If a student
observes or becomes aware of any violations of the academic integrity policy he/she is
f) Altering previously evaluated data and resubmitting the work for re-evaluation. strongly encouraged to report the misconduct in a timely manner.
g) Signing another student’s name on an assignment, report, research paper, thesis or Faculty roles: Faculty members should ensure that the students follow proper methods
attendance sheet. for experiments, computations and theoretical developments, record proper data and save
them for future reference. In addition, they should review manuscripts and theses carefully.
Faculty members are also responsible for ensuring personal compliance with the above
Guidelines for academic conduct are provided below to guard against negligence as well broad issues related to academic integrity. Faculty members are expected to inform stu-
as deliberate dishonesty: dents of the Institute’s academic integrity policy within their specific courses to ensure min-
imal academic dishonesty, and to respond appropriately to violations of academic integrity.
Use proper methodology for experiments and computational work. Accurately describe and
compile data. 4.4.4 Reporting Authority and Penalties
i. Carefully record and save primary and secondary data such as original pictures, instru-
ment data readouts, laboratory notebooks, and computer folders. There should be i. It is recommended that the faculty bring any academic violations to the notice of the
minimal digital manipulation of images/photos; the original version should be saved for Department Chairperson. All complaints lodged against students regarding breach of
later scrutiny if required, and the changes made should be clearly described. academic integrity and research misconduct against students shall be governed by the
Indian Institute of Science (IISc) policy for handling Misconduct in Research.
ii. Ensure robust reproducibility and statistical analysis of experiments and simulations. It is
important to be truthful about the data and not to cherry pick data: omitting some data ii. All cases of student-faculty conflict will be handled by the concerned Dean with assis-
points to make an impressive figure. tance from the committee. Students may approach the committee or the Dean if they
have a genuine problem.
iii. Laboratory notes must be well maintained in bound notebooks with printed page num-
bers, which can be checked during publications or patents. The date should be indicat- iii. Upon receipt of reports of scientific misconduct, the Director may appoint a committee
ed on each page. to investigate the matter and suggest appropriate measures on a case-by-case basis.
iv. Write clearly in your own words. It is necessary to resist the temptation to “copy and iv. A breach of academic integrity is a serious offence with long-lasting consequences for
paste” from the Internet or other sources for class assignments, manuscripts and thesis. both the individual and the institute, and this can lead to various penalties. In the case
of a student, the first violation of academic breach will lead to a warning and/or an “F”
v. Give due credit to previous reports, methods, computer programmes, etc., with appro- course grade. A repeat offence, if deemed sufficiently serious, could lead to expulsion.
priate citations. Material taken from your own published work should also be cited.
4.4.5 Print and Visual Media, and Social Media Clauses
4.4.2 Conflict of Interest
i. Students are expected not to interact, on behalf of the Institute, with media represen-
A clash of personal or private interests with professional activities can lead to a potential tatives or invite media persons to the campus without the permission of the Institute
conflict of interest, in diverse activities such as teaching, research and publication, and work- authorities.
ing in committees, funding and consultancy. It is necessary to protect actual professional
independence, objectivity and commitment, and also to avoid any impropriety arising from ii. Students are not permitted to record either audio or video lectures in classrooms, ac-
conflicts of interest. tions of other students, faculty, or staff without prior permission.
Conflict of interest is not restricted to personal financial gain; it extends to a large gamut of iii. Students are not permitted to provide audio and video clippings of any activity on cam-
professional academic activities, including peer reviewing, serving on various committees, pus to the media without prior permission.
28 29
iv. Students are expected to use social media carefully and responsibly. They cannot post 4.5.2 Disciplinary Authorities:
derogatory comments about other individuals from the Institute on social media or For imposing the penalties 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, the Students’ Affairs Committee will be the Dis-
indulge in any such related activities that could have negative ramifications on the rep- ciplinary Authority.
utation of the Institute.
For all other penalties, the Dean of Science, Dean of Engineering, or Dean of Undergradu-
ate Programme will be the Disciplinary Authority for students from Science, Engineering and
the Undergraduate Programme, respectively.
A complaint of misconduct can be made by any student, staff or faculty member of the Institute at
the concerned Department, Security Office, the Hostel Office or the Dean’s Office. An enquiry will be 4.6 APPEAL
made by the concerned authority. All efforts will be made to address the issue. If the problem persists,
the case may be referred to the Committee for Students Affairs. If the delinquent student is aggrieved by the imposition of any of the aforementioned penalties, he/
she may appeal to the Director. The Director may decide on one of the following:
The subsequent process will be as follows: A case sheet will be opened. The student(s) will be called
for a hearing and the alleged charges and circumstances will be documented. If the committee feels (a) Accept the recommendation of the committee and impose the punishment as suggested by the
there is indeed an offence, the committee will make recommendations to the Dean of Science or the Committee or modify and impose any of the punishments as stipulated in the Code correspond-
Dean of Engineering, who are the disciplinary authorities. The recommendation will be reviewed by ing to the gravity of the proved misconduct, or
the Dean, who will recommend subsequent action. The officer in charge of the academic section will
issue the penalty. (b) Refer the case back to the committee for reconsideration.
4.5.1 Penalties: In any case, the Director’s decision is final and binding in all the cases where there is possible miscon-
duct by a student.
The recommendation can be, but will not be restricted to, one or more of the following
actions, depending on the nature of the offence:
i. Warning- Indicating that the action of the said student was in violation of the Code and 4.7 STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN GOVERNANCE
any further acts of misconduct shall result in severe disciplinary action. The student may
be required to tender a written apology. Students are members of the Institute campus and they have a substantial interest in the governance
of the Institute. The Code, policies and the varied procedures laid down herein seek to encourage
ii. Community Service - For a specified period of time, to be extended if need be. How- students to be involved in governance in both administrative and academic areas. Students must, at all
ever, any future misconduct along with failure to comply with any conditions imposed junctures, be encouraged to put forth their views and advice, for informed decision making. Therefore,
may lead to severe disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion. all students who are a part of the Institute and who are going to be enrolled in the Institute, are advised
to uphold the policy, inform the Institute of any violations, and assist individually and collectively to
iii. Restrictions - Reprimanding and restricting access to various facilities on the campus for improve the quality and effectiveness of this Code and policies.
a specified period of time.
iv. Monetary Penalty - May also include suspension or forfeiting scholarship/fellowship for
a specific time period.
v. Withholding Grades - Withholding the grade card or certificate for the courses studied
or work carried out.
vi. Suspension - A student may be suspended for a specified period of time, which will 1. National Academy of Sciences article “On being a scientist,”
entail prohibition from participating in student-related activities, classes, programs etc. http://www.
Additionally, the student will be forbidden to use various Institute facilities unless per- 2.
mission is obtained from the Competent Authority. Students may be suspended and 3.
dismissed, along with the following additional penalties. 4.
vii. Expulsion - Student may be expelled from the Institute permanently. The student is 6.
prohibited from entering the Institute premises or participating in any student-related 7.
viii. Ineligibility - To reapply for admission to the Institute for a period of three years. 10.
30 31
5.1 FEES PER ANNUM: Fees are payable on or before the dates noted above. If the due date falls on a holiday, it
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (RESEARCH) STUDENTS (GENERAL/OBC) can be paid on the next working day without a fine. A fine of Rs. 20/- per week shall be lev-
FEE DETAILS INR (`) ied for all students who default and do not pay the fees before the prescribed date.
Tuition Fee 10,000 If a student fails to pay tuition and other fees by the due date, any one or more of the fol-
Gymkhana Fee 1200 lowing penalties will be levied:
Other Academic Fee 3700
a. Overdue charges of Rs. 20/- per week or part thereof;
Statutory Deposit 7500
b. Stoppage of scholarship and/or loss of attendance for the period of non-payment or
Library Deposit 7500 delay in payment;
Students’ Emergency Fund 300 c. Withdrawal of permission to take the examinations or to continue research; and
Group Mediclaim Policy Premium 1060 d. Cancellation of registration to continue as a student at the Institute.
TOTAL 31,260
32 33
6.1.1 Each student shall contribute to the Fund a sum of at least Rs. 50 per annum. Donations are
also received from other sources.
6.1.2 The Fund is administered by a Committee constituted by the Director. This Committee may
also prescribe operational rules for sanction of assistance from the Fund from time to time. The Library was established in 1911, and was renamed the JRD Tata Memorial Library in May 1994.
A guarantee from one or both the parents or guardian is required before the assistance can It is one of the best scientific and technical libraries in India. The library aims to develop a compre-
be sanctioned. hensive collection of documents that are useful to the faculty, students and research scholars in their
educational and research activities.
6.1.3 Assistance in the form of loans from the Fund is available to poor students to:
a) Meet tuition fees; The library has a total collection of about 5 lakh documents, which includes books and mono-
b) Purchase books, instruments and stationery necessary for the pursuit of their courses or graphs, bound volumes and periodicals, theses, standards, technical reports, Indian patents and
research project; non - book materials like CD ROMs, floppy disks etc.
c) Meet other expenses connected with their work and for their maintenance at the Insti- It receives over 1700 current periodicals.
tute as may be approved by the Committee; and
d) Meet hostel, dining hall, medical expenses, etc. Books, journals, technical reports, standards and theses are available at the library building.
6.1.4. No payment shall be made by way of scholarships or prizes to students. The Digital Information Service Centre (DISC) is located on the left wing of the first floor of the an-
nexe building. CD-ROM database access facilities are provided here. Digital library services have
6.1.5. This assistance in the form of loans will be as reimbursement of expenditure incurred on been started. As part of the digital library, the digitization of institute theses and the rare books
different items. The amount will be recovered in equal installments. The number of install- collection initiative has been started.
ments will be decided at the time of sanctioning the loan.
Computer systems are provided at various locations to help access the Online Public Access Cat-
6.1.6 Requests for assistance should be made to the Academic Section in the prescribed form. alogue (OPAC) of the library. Users can also access the Online Catalogue from their respective
departments, through the library homepage (URL
34 35
The library provides access to the following e-resources through the INDEST consortium and also on its own
subscription. Some of the full-text resources include Elsevier Science (Science Direct), Springer Verlag (LINK),
and ACM, ASCE, ASME, IEEE (IEL). It also gives access to back-files of Elsevier Science, Wiley Inter- science,
IOP, APS. Bibliographic and citation databases like Compendex, INSPEC, Web of Science can also be ac-
Medical services are provided at the Health Centre. It has out-patient and in-patient facilities served
by Medical Officers and nursing staff. Specialists in the areas of eye, dental and psychiatric care
CIRCULATION RULES AND PROCEDURES including an Ayurvedic consultant visit the Health Centre regularly. In addition, there is a doctor on
duty to look after emergency cases at night.
Diagnostic facilities like a clinical laboratory, an X-ray facility, ECG and ultrasonography are avail-
a) Books a) Annual Reports a) Books (general) 14 days able. Cases requiring other specialist services are referred to appropriate centres/ hospitals.
b) Series Publications b) Handbooks b) Periodicals (bound/series/
c) Reference Books (except c) Dictionaries references) 48 hours All the regular students of the Institute are covered by the “Students Health Care Scheme” which
Handbooks, Dictionaries, d) Encyclopedias permits reimbursement of medical expenses incurred as per norms. Students are to undergo a
Encyclopedias, etc.) medical examination at the time of joining.
36 37
HOSTEL AND DINING HALLS The Students’ Council (SC) is the representative body of the entire Office Bearers
student community of the Institute. It is the interface between the stu-
dents and the administration and works with both entities to identify
and address concerns that affect the students directly and indirectly. Chairman
The SC represents the interests of the students and participates in Manish Kumar, Civil
discussions and decisions that affect the student community.
The SC aims at the all-round development of students and organizes General Secretary
several extra-curricular events throughout the year in association with Veerendra Rajawat,
the Gymkhana and the various activity clubs on campus. UG - 3rd Year
It also coordinates the student volunteer effort for Institute events that
Adequate accommodation is available for all registered students of the Institute in the hostels. are organized periodically. Secretary
There are four dining halls: Vegetarian ‘A’, Composite ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ (both vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Amenities & Hostels
It also provides students an opportunity to be a part of the activity, Prince Kumar, Civil
Charges towards Hostel facilities (for each month) are given below: motivated by a sense of social responsibility and aiming to give some-
thing back to society.
Gen/OBC SC/ST Academic Affairs
Three Office bearers are elected for a period of one year. Nominated
Ashish Kumar, ECE
members constitute the steering and executive committees of the SC.
INR INR Two representatives from each of the departments are members of
the SC. Additionally, the following committees are also constituted Secretary
Room Rent (Single) 400.00 200.00 by the SC. Women’s Affairs
Neha Paddillaya, BSSE
Room Rent (Double) 200.00 100.00 • Academic - All issues relating to courses, academic resources
• Amenities - Deciding on new on-campus amenities and moni-
toring the quality of existing ones Secretary
Establishment 200.00 200.00
• Communications - Media interface and dissemination of infor- UG Affairs
mation to students Pratyush P, UG - 1st Year
Amenities 200.00 200.00 • Cultural - Organizing and promoting intra and inter-institute
cultural events
Elec. & Water 200.00 200.00 • Social Initiatives - Organizing volunteer activities and drives and
coordinating the efforts of the students and student groups in
TOTAL 1200.00 900
• Support Network, Health - Counseling Center, Women’s Cell [email protected]
and the Health Center
Additional Mess Amenities – Rs.1000 for all
38 39
The Gymkhana is the center of cultural activity at the Institute. It has a cricket ground, tennis, volley-
ball, basket ball courts and a cinder track. An indoor badminton court, table tennis, billiards, karate,
shaolin-chu-kung-fu, taek-wondo, chess and carom, are among the many facilities in the Gymkhana.
Athletic and recreational facilities at the Gymkhana come as a break from regular work schedules at the
Institute. It also provides an atmosphere conducive to interaction between students and staff.
The Gymkhana also has a good gymnasium with facilities like Home Gym, a Hercules multi trainer and
wall bar equipment.
Attached to the Gymkhana is a small well-kept swimming pool where coaching classes are also con-
ducted during the summer.
The Gymkhana subscribes to about 14 magazines in English at its Ranade Library, apart from making
available about 10,000 books to readers. The music room in the Gymkhana houses a stereo system
and record player, with a good collection of records. There is a separate TV lounge. An indoor Stu-
dents’ Auditorium where cultural activities can be organized is available as a facility.
There is also an open-air auditorium. The Film Club regularly screens popular and classic films in its
main hall for the benefit of the members. The Gymkhana organizes inter-departmental, inter-collegiate
and inter-university tournaments in sports, games and cultural events. A dark room facility for the Pho-
tography Club situated at the Gymkhana caters to the needs of camera-loving members.
A snack parlor, which serves coffee, snacks and soft drinks to the members, is also situated on the
Gymkhana premises.
12.2.1 Other general facilities at the Institute include banks, xerox centers, travel agencies, bookstores
and a cafe and tea kiosk.
40 41
2019 - 2020
UB 101L
Understanding methods and concepts in evolution, ecology and behaviour by observing, describing
and quantifying; experimental manipulations; representing and interpreting data; titration of amino
acids, estimation of reducing and nonreducing sugars, estimation of proteins, DNA, RNA, lipids.
Techniques like thin layer chromatography for lipids, melting curves for DNA and SDS-PAGE for
Suggested Books:
1. Campbell Biology (9th/ 10th editions. By JB Reese, LA Urrey, ML Cain, SA Wasserman. Pearson
Global Editions. ISBN 10: 0321739752; ISBN 13: 9780321739759, 2010/ 2013.
2. Ernst Mayr, This is Biology: The Science of the Living World, Harvard University Press, 1997.
3. Jerry A. Coyne, Why Evolution is True, Viking Penguin, New York, USA, 2009.
4. Jonathan Weiner, The Beak of the Finch, Vintage Books, New York, USA, 1995.
6. Sean B. Carroll, The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover How Life Works and Why it Matters,
Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2016.
7. Wilson, E. O., Life on Earth.Freely available at: http://eowilsonfoundation. org/e-o-wilson-s-life-
8. Wilson, E. O. The Future of Life, Alfred A.Knopr, 2002.
9. Lodish, H., Berk, A., Kreiger, C. A., Scott, M. P., Bretscher, A., Ploegh, H. and Matsudaira, P., Mo-
lecular Cell Biology, W. H. Freeman Publishers, 6th Edition, 2008.
10. Krebs, J. E., Goldstein E. S., and Kilpatrick, S. T., Lewin’s Genes X, Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
10th Edition, 2011.
11. Nelson, D. L. and Cox, M. M., Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman Publishers, 5th
Edition, 2009.
BIOLOGY 12. Berg, J. M., Tymoczko, J. L. and Styrer, L., Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman & Co., 6th Edition, 2006.
13. Voet, D. and Voet, J. G., Biochemistry, Wiley, 4th Edition, 2010.
NarmadaKhare, NehaBahl, AbhijeetBayani, PadmaPriya, JeanCletus SEMESTER 2 (JANUARY)
Introduction to chemical evolution, thermodynamic principles and biological macromolecules (water, Mendelian genetics (segregation and independent assortment); sex determination and sex linkage
lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, proteins, enzymes). Placing biomolecules in the cellular context: in diploids; cytoplasmic inheritance; pedigrees, markers, mapping and genetic disorders; gene
cell as a unit of life and the site for life processes. Central themes of metabolism, general principles frequencies and Hardy- Weinberg principle.
underlying the design of metabolic pathways, elementary enzymology, pathway integration and
44 45
UB 102L 2. Kindt, T., Goldsby, R. and Osborne, B. A., Kuby Immunology, W. H. Freeman Publishers, 6th Edi-
tion, 2006.
Light microscopy, identification of microorganisms, staining techniques (Gram’s, acid fast), bacterial 3. Bear, M., Connors, B. and Paradiso, M., Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, Lippincott Williams &
plating, tests for antibiotic resistance, cell media and tissue culture; cell counting, immunostanining Wilkins, 3rd Edition, 2006.
for actin, microtubules, DNA and identifying interphase and various mitotic phases; Drosophilcrosses
using red eye and white eye mutants, observation of Barr body in buccal mucosa cells, preparation
of mitotic/polytene chromosomes from Drosophila larvae; and karyotyping using human metaphase
plate photos. SEMESTER 4 (JANUARY)
INSTRUCTORS: Dipshikha Chakravortty, Sachin Kotak and Arun Kumar UB 207: GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY (2:0)
Biochemical properties of proteins and nucleic acids, basics of protein structures, protein sequencing,
1. Berg, J. M., Tymoczko, J. L. and Styrer, L., Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman & Co., 6th Edition, 2006. introduction to proteomics, protein purification and characterization strategies, methods of DNA
2. Stanier, R. Y., Adelberg, E. A. and Ingraham, J. L., General Microbiology, MacMillan Press, 5th sequencing, biological membranes and membrane proteins, structure of nucleic acids with emphasis
Edition, 2007. on RNA tertiary structures and folding, protein–nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) interaction.
3. Alberts, B., Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Science, 5th Edition, 2008.
4. Strickberger, M. W., Genetics, Prentice-Hall, India, 3rd Edition, 2008. Basic concepts of enzymes and enzyme kinetics, mechanisms of enzyme actions, basic concepts of
5. Daniel, H., Essential Genetics: A genomics perspective, Jones & Bartlett, 3rd Edition, 2002. metabolism and its design, catabolism and anabolism, energy generation and storage, glycolysis,
6. Strachan, T. and Read, A. P., Human Molecular Genetics, Garland Science, 3rd Edition, 2004. citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, gluconeogenesis, fatty acid metabolism, integration of
metabolism etc.
M13 infection, plaque assay, preparation of bacterial competent cells, transformation, transduction, INSTRUCTORS: N. Ravi Sundaresan and C. Jayabhaskaran
conjugation, β -galactosidase assay. Immune organs and isolation of cells from lymph node, spleen
and thymus; lymphocyte and macrophage activation studies, nitrite detection, ELISA and cell cycle SUGGESTED BOOKS:
analysis; gross anatomy of the human brain; staining of mouse brain sections; generation of action- 1. Hall, J. E., Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, Elsevier, 12th Edition, 2011.
potential; psychophysical and cognitive neurobiology experiments. 2. Jameson, J. L. and De Groot, L. J., Endocrinology, Elsevier, 6th Edition, 2010.
3. Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E., Plant Physiology, Sinauer Associates, 5th Edition, 2010.
INSTRUCTORS: Umesh Varshney, Dipankar Nandi, Kavita Babu and Sridharan Devarajan
1. Lodish, H., Berk, A., Kaiser, C. A., Krieger, M., Scott, M. P., Bretscher, A., Ploegh, H. and Matsudai-
ra, P., Molecular Cell Biology, W. H. Freeman Publishers, 6th Edition, 2007.
46 47
Introduction, early days of Molecular Biology, Proteins, Nucleic Acids, DNA and heredity, biochemistry UB 302: DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY (2:0)
of DNA, Chargaff’s rule, early models of DNA structure, the double helix and the origin of molecular (CORE COURSE FOR BIO MAJOR)
biology, alternative structures of DNA, unidirectional flow of genetic information –The Central Dogma,
the coding problem-elucidation of the genetic code, confirmation of DNA as a genetic material, Introduction, history and concepts of developmental biology; the current understanding on the
models for replication of DNA. Gene organization in bacteria: operons and regulons, structure of mechanisms of development using model organisms including invertebrates, vertebrates and plants;
bacterial promoters, RNA polymerase and initiation of transcription, repressors and activators. general principles for the making of a complex, multicellular organismfrom a single cell; the creation
Chromosome organization in eukaryotes: histones and nucleosomes, gene regulation in eukaryotes: of multi-cellularity (cellularization, cleavage), reorganization into germ layers (gastrulation), cell
transcription factors and enhancers, histone modification and epigenetics, gene expression during type determination; creation of specific organs, (organogenesis); molecular mechanisms underlying
development, regulation mediated by RNA. Translation and its regulation. Restriction-modification morphogenetic movements, differentiation, and interactions during development; fundamental
systems in bacteria, DNA topology and its homeostasis. DNA repair mechanisms. Omics: genomics, differences between animal and plant development; embryogenesis in plant – classical and modern
proteomics, transcriptomics. views; axis specification and pattern formation in angiosperm embryos; organization and homeostasis
in the shoot and root meristems; patterning in vegetative and flower meristems; growth and tissue
INSTRUCTORS: Tanweer Hussain and Sona Rajakumari differentiation in plants; stem cells and regeneration; evolution of developmental mechanisms
SUGGESTED BOOKS: INSTRUCTORS: Usha Vijayraghavan, Ramray Bhat and Utpal Nath
1. Watson, J. D., Baker, T. A., Bell, S. P., Gann, A. and Levine, M., Molecular Biology of the Gene,
Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, 7th Edition, 2013. SUGGESTED BOOKS:
2. Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter, Mo- 1. Wolpert, L. and Tickle, C., Principles of Development, Oxford University Press, 4th Edition, 2010.
lecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Science, 6thEdition 2. Gilbert, S. F., Developmental Biology, 9th edition, Sinauer Associates, 2010.
3. Slack, J. M. W., Essential Developmental Biology, John Wiley & Sons, 3rd Edition, 2012.
4. Leyser, O. and Day, S., Mechanisms in Plant Development, Willey-Blackwell, 2003.
UB 206: EXPERIMENTS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY (0:2) 5. Taiz, L. and Zeiger, E., Plant Physiology, 5th edition, Sinauer Associates, 2010.
(CORE COURSE FOR BIO MAJOR) 6. Alberts, B., Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Science, 5th Edition, 2008.
In the first part, students will get a hands-on experience in understanding the basic concepts of The vertebrate nervous system and its organization; demonstration of tissue sectioning techniques;
microbiology. The topics include the microbial growth curve, microbial nutritional requirements, preparation of primary neuronal cultures and imaging neurons; recording and manipulating activity
genetic engineering techniques, plasmid isolation, creation of genetic knock out in bacteria, bacterial live neurons; rate coding; macrostimulation; effect of temperature and stretch on conduction velocity;
infection in cell culture system, estimation of infection by colony forming unit (CFU) analysis and neuropharmacology – effects of nicotine MSG; measuring the somatosensory homunculus; measuring
fluorescence technique. alpha rhythm and surprise potentials with EEG; building a blink interface by recording eye potentials.
In the second part, students will explore key concepts in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior using field PREREQUISITE: NS 201 or NS 202 (AUG) (2:0)
methods, laboratory manipulations and computer simulations. Students will design many of their own
experiments and will utilize different modes of scientific communication, including oral presentations INSTRUCTORS: Deepak Nair, Sridharan Devarajan and Sachin Deshmukh
and documentaries. Topics include niche and population dynamics, competition and predation,
trophic interactions, evolution and adaptation, natural and sexual selection, and conservation. This
module also includes a mandatory field trip where students develop an independent research project.
48 49
An independent research project will be carried out by all the UG-Biology major students under the
supervision of the faculty members. It is recommended that students initiate laboratory work during
the summer break after completing their sixth semester. The progress of the project will initially be
monitored at the end of the seventh semester. Finally, the submitted project report will be graded
before the end of the eighth semester as follows: faculty assessment (30% marks), independent referee
(30% marks) and presentation by the students (40%). Based on the student’s performance, the final
grade will be determined.
i. Faculty members in the Division of Biological Sciences, IISc.
ii. Faculty members outside the Division of Biological Sciences can also act as Project guides. In that
case, the student and the Project Guide are required to briefly describe the project in a one-page
write-up and get it approved by the Biology Coordinators before starting the project. The propos-
al will be approved by the Coordinators if they find it sufficiently biological in nature and content.
iii. Scientists outside IISc CANNOT act as Project Guides for the UG students.
Please see courses listed in the Scheme of Instruction for postgraduate students and select appropriate
courses in consultation with the faculty advisor and UG Biology Coordinators.
Do note that the following courses that are not part of the Division of Biological Sciences will be
considered a part of UG-Biology major:
*Available only to the students belonging to the 2017 batch and later
50 51
Multi-electron atoms – periodic trends, Chemical bonding: ionic solids, CFT: d-orbital splitting, tet-
rahedral, square planar, cubic and octahedral crystal fields, covalent bonding, Lewis model (2 Dim),
VSEPR (3 Dim) hybridization, Molecular orbital theory: heteronuclear diatomics, triatomics, Shapes of
main group compounds, Acid-base chemistry: concepts, measures of acid- base strength, HSAB, Main
group chemistry: carbon group compounds and noble gases.
1. Lee, J. D. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, 5/E, Oxford University Press, Indian Edition.
2. Miessler, G. L. and Tarr, D.A. Pearson Inorganic Chemistry, Third Edition.
3. Shriver, D. F., Atkins, P. W. and Langford, C. H. Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press.
4. Huheey, J. E., Keiter, E.A. and Keiter, R. L. Inorganic Chemistry, 4/E, Pearson Education Asia.
Nomenclature of organic compounds, Bonding and molecular structure, Aromaticity, Acids and bases,
Reaction mechanism: substitution, aromatic substitution, elimination, addition and rearrangements,
Oxidation-reduction, Introduction to chirality and stereochemistry, Elements of symmetry, Configu-
CHEMISTRY rational nomenclatures, Optical activity, Chiral resolution and kinetic resolution, Stereospecific and
stereoselective reactions and mechanisms, Conformation of acyclic and cyclic systems.
Laws of thermodynamics, State and Path Functions, Applications to Chemistry, van der Waals equation
of state, Theory of chemical reactions, 1st and 2nd order rate reactions, Bohr theory, Wave Particle Du- SEMESTER 4 (JANUARY)
ality, Uncertainty principle, Schrödinger equation, H-atom and atomic orbitals, electron spin, Chemical
bonding: covalent and ionic bonding, valence bond theory, hybridization and resonance; molecular UC 202: THERMODYNAMICS AND ELECTROCHEMISTRY (2:0)
orbital theory, Potential energy curves and intermolecular interactions; elements of spectroscopy. (CORE FOR MAJORS)
INSTRUCTORS: Upendra Harbola Intermolecular forces and interaction potentials, Equations of state, Laws of thermodynamics, State
and path functions, Intensive and extensive quantities, Energy, Enthalpy, Specific heat, Chemical po-
SUGGESTED BOOKS: tential, Entropy, Free energy, Application to engines, Phase change, Mixtures, and chemical equilibri-
1. McQuarrie, D. A. and Simon, J. D. Physical Chemistry, Viva Books. um, Colligative Properties, Activity and activity coefficient, Debye-Hückel theory and ionic conductiv-
2. Gray, H.B. 1965 Electrons and Chemical Bonding, W. A. Benjamin Inc. ity, Nernst equation and cells, Electrode thermodynamics and
3. Peter Atkins, and Julio De Paula, Elements of Physical Chemistry, 5/E, Oxford University Press, kinetics, Interfacial phenomena.
Indian Edition.
4. Ira, N. and Levine, 2008 Physical Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill. INSTRUCTORS: Anshu Pandey and Naga Phani Aetukuri
5. Barrow, G. M. 2007 Physical Chemistry, McGraw Hill.
52 53
1. McQuarrie, and Simon, Physical Chemistry – A Molecular approach. SUGGESTED BOOKS:
2. Silbey, Alberty, and Bawendi, Physical Chemistry. 1. Norman, R. O. C. and Coxon, J. M. 1993 Principles of Organic Synthesis, 3rd edition.
3. Berry, Rice, and Ross, Physical Chemistry. 2. Carruthers, W. and Coldham, I. 2004 Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis, 4th edition, Cam-
4. Fermi, E., Thermodynamics. bridge University Press.
5. Crow, D. R. Principles and Applications of Electrochemistry. 3. Clayden, J., Greeves, N., Warren, S. and Wothers, P. 2000 Organic Chemistry, Oxford University
4. Carey, F. A. and Sundberg, R. J. 2007 Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A & Part B, 5th edition,
Pre-requisite: Successful completion of UC201
Propagation of errors in measurement, statistical analysis of data, etc., Separation Techniques: ex-
traction and separation, principles of chromatography, Electroanalytical Techniques: voltammetry and
its variants, ion selective electrodes and electrochemical techniques for analysis, Spectroscopic Tech-
niques: atomic absorption/emission, electronic, fluoresecence, and vibrational (IR and Raman), Spec- SEMESTER 5 (AUGUST)
troscopy: basic principles, operation and application to chemical problems, NMR Spectroscopy, Basic
principles and operation, Application of one dimensional NMR for identification of chemicals, Mass CD 211: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I - QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND GROUP THEORY (3:0)
Spectrometry: Principles and Applications. (CORE FOR MAJORS)
INSTRUCTORS: K.Veerabhadrarao Postulates of Quantum Mechanics and introduction to operators; Exactly solvable problems Pertur-
bational and Variational Methods, Hückel model, Many electron Atoms, Slater determinants, Har-
SUGGESTED BOOK: tree-Fock Variational method for atoms; Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Symmetry and Group theory,
1. Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 8th edition, West, Holler and Crouch Point Groups, Reducible and Irreducible Representations (IR), Great Orthogonality theorem, Projec-
tion operators, applications to molecular orbitals and normal modes of vibration and selection rules
in spectroscopy.
(CORE FOR MAJORS) INSTRUCTORS: Abhishek Singh and S. Ramasesha
Chemistry of d-block elements: bonding – VBT, CFT, MOT, Orgel diagrams, Descriptive chemistry of SUGGESTED BOOKS:
metals: periodic trends, chemistry of various oxidation states of transition metals, oxidation states and 1. Levine, Quantum Chemistry.
EMFs of groups, Iioinorganic chemistry: metals in biological systems, heme and non-heme proteins, 2. Griffiths, D., Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.
metalloenzymes, Chemistry of f-block elements. 3. Cotton, F. A., Chemical Applications of Group Theory.
INSTRUCTOR: K.Geetharani
1. Shriver, D. F. and Atkins, P.W. Inorganic Chemistry, 4th edition, ELBS.
2. Huheey, J. E., Lieter, E. and Leiter, K. Inorganic Chemistry, Harper International Edition. Main Group: Hydrogen and its compounds – ionic, covalent, and metallic hydrides, hydrogen bond-
3. Greenwood, and Earnshaw, Chemistry of Elements, Maxwell Macmillan. ing; chemistry of lithium, beryllium, boron, nitrogen, oxygen and halogen groups; chains, rings, and
4. Cottton, and Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley International. cage compounds; Coordination chemistry: molecular orbital theory, spectral and magnetic proper-
ties; Tanabe- Sugano diagrams; inorganic reactions and mechanisms: hydrolysis reactions, substitution
reactions trans-effect; isomerization reactions, redox reactions; mixed valence systems; chemistry of
UC 205: BASIC ORGANIC REACTIONS (2:0) lanthanides and actinide elements.
INSTRUCTORS: E. D. Jemmis and A.Mondal
Acids and bases: effect of structure, kinetic & thermodynamic acidity, general & specific acid/ base
catalysis; Reactions of carbon-carbon multiple bonds: addition of halogens, hydrogen halides & inter- SUGGESTED BOOKS:
halogen compounds, hydration, epoxidation, dihydroxylation, ozonolysis, cyclopropanation, hydroge- 1. Shriver, and Atkins,’ Inorganic Chemistry by: Atkins, Overton, Rourke, Weller and Armstrong, Fifth
nation; Reactions of carbonyl compounds: addition to carbonyls, oxidation, reduction, rearrangements Edition. South Asia Edition (paperback), Oxford University Press, 2010.
& their applications, C–C bond forming reactions involving carbonyls; Introduction to pericyclic reac- 2. Bochmann, M., Cotton, F. A., Wilkinson, G. and Murilla, C. A. 2007 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry,
tions: cycloadditions, electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic rearrangement and group transfer reactions. 6th edition, Wiley Student Edition, NY.
Introduction to organometallic reagents: Grignard reagents, organolithium, organocopper and or- 3. Huheey, J. E., Keiter, E. A., Keiter, R. L. and Medhi, O. K. 2006 Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of
ganozinc compounds. Structure and Reactivity, 4th edition, Pearson.
54 55
Stereochemistry and chirality; Conformation of acyclic and cyclic compounds including medium rings, Structure of solids, symmetry concepts, crystal structure. Preparative methods and characterization of
effect of conformation on reactivity. Methods of deducing organic reaction mechanisms: Kinetic analy- inorganic solids. Crystal defects and non-stoichiometry. Interpretation of phase diagrams, phase tran-
sis, Hammond postulate, Curtin-Hammett principle. Linear free energy relationships – Hammett equa- sitions. Kinetics of phase transformations, structure property correlations in ceramics, glasses, poly-
tion. Kinetic isotope effects. Solvent effects on reaction rates. mers. Composites and nano-materials. Basics of magnetic, electrical, optical, thermal and mechanical
Reactive intermediates, classical and nonclassical carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, properties of solids.
nitrenes, arynes, radical ions, diradicals. Photochemistry. Concerted reactions. FMO theory, Wood-
ward-Hoffman rules. INSTRUCTORS: K. K. Nanda and Prabeer Barpanda
Common organic transformations such as esterification, Diels-Alder reaction, oxidation-reduction, SUGGESTED BOOKS:
Grignard reaction, etc. Isolation and purification of products by chromatographic techniques, char- 1. House, H. O. 1972 Modern Synthetic Methods, W. A. Benjamin, Inc.
acterization of purified products by IR and NMR spectroscopy. Synthesis of coordination complexes, 2. Smith, M. B. 2002 Organic Synthesis, McGraw-Hill.
preparation of compounds of main group elements, synthesis of organometallic complexes. Physico- 3. Corey, E. J. and Chung, 1989 Logic in Chemical Synthesis, John-Wiley & Sons.
chemical characterization of these compounds by analytical and spectroscopic techniques.
Chosen primary literature and review articles.
INSTRUCTORS: K. Geetharani PREREQUISITES: UG students having completed UC 205, CD 213; Chemistry major students
CD 221: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II: STATISTICAL MECHANICS (3:0) Chemical kinetics. Langmuir adsorption, chemical analysis by potentiometric and conductometric
(CORE FOR MAJORS) methods, cyclic voltametry, flame photometry, electronic states by UV-Visible spectroscopy, IR spec-
troscopy, solid state chemistry -synthesis of solids and chemical analysis. Thermogravimetry. X-ray
Review of thermodynamics, ensembles, partition functions, Classical and quantum statistics. Applica- diffraction, electrical and magnetic properties of solids. Vacuum techniques in preparative chemistry.
tion to blackbody radiation, electron conduction, molecular systems, specific heats of solids, classical
fluids and phase transitions. INSTRUCTORS: V.Tiwari
56 57
reaction types – oxidative addition, reductive elimination, insertion, isomerization and rearrangement
reactions. Catalytic reactions: metathesis, hydrogenation, allylic activation, C-C coupling reactions,
C-X coupling.
INSTRUCTOR: B. R. Jagirdar
1. Elschenbroich, Ch. 2005 Organometallics, 3rd edition, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
2. Gupta, B. D. and Elias, A. J. 2013 Basic Organometallic Chemistry: Concepts, Syntheses and Ap-
plications (Second edition).
Energy levels of molecules and their symmetry, Polyatomic rotations and normal mode vibrations. Elec-
tronic energy states and conical intersections (6); time-dependent perturbation theory and selection
rules (6); microwave, infrared and Raman, electronic spectroscopy (12); energy transfer by collisions,
both inter and intramolecular. Unimolecular and bimolecular reactions and relations between molec-
ularity and order of reactions, rate laws (6); temperature and energy dependence of rate constants,
collision theory and transition state theory, RRKM and other statistical theories (6); photochemistry,
quantum yield, photochemical reactions, chemiluminescence, bioluminescence, kinetics and photo-
physics (6).
1. Levine, I. N., Molecular Spectroscopy.
2. McHale, J. L., Molecular Spectroscopy.
3. Steinfeld, J. I., Fransisco, J. S. and Hase, W. L., Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics.
4. Laidler, K. J., Chemical Kinetics.
The final year research project aims to introduce undergraduate students to actual research. Students
perform research under the supervision of a faculty member of the chemical sciences division. The
project supervisor is decided by the mutual consent of the student and the concerned faculty member.
The project is evaluated at the end of the eighth semester by a committee of faculty from the division
of chemical sciences. Students are required to submit a project report towards the end of the semester
as well as make a short presentation emphasizing their novel findings.
58 59
Atmospheric structure and composition, observations and theory of the general circulation of the at-
mosphere, global energy balance, radiative processes in the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect, nat-
ural and anthropogenic climate change, waves in the atmosphere, clouds, weather systems, tropical
dynamics and monsoons, ocean circulation.
1. Hartmann, D. L. 1994. Global Physical Climatology, Academic Press
2. Wallace, J. M. and Hobbs, P. V. Atmospheric Sciences: An Introductory Survey, Academic Press
3. Peixoto, J. P. and Oort, A. H. Physcs of Climate. American Institute of Physics, New York
Characterization of Water Quality - electrical conductivity, pH, chlorides, Sulphates, Alkalinity, Hard-
ness. Characterization of pollutants in water - Estimation using spectroscopic and chromatographic
techniques; Determination of dissolved and suspended solids in water samples, determination of
turbidity of water samples; Determination of chlorine in bleaching powder; Determination of the op-
timum dosage of coagulant for coagulation of suspended solids in water sample; Estimation of total
coliforms by MPN and Membrane Filtration Method; Soil surface sorption properties - Cation ex-
change capacity, organic content, grain size distribution, pore water salinity; Sampling and measure-
EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL ment techniques in air quality - Gaseous pollutants and particulates, air quality standards, Instrumental
SCIENCES techniques for gas analysis.
1. APHA, 1999. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. American Public
Health Association, 20th edition, Washington DC
2. SP 36: Part 1: 1987 Compendium of Indian standards on soil engineering: Part 1- Laboratory test-
ing of soils for civil engineering purposes
Earth surface features, concept of geomorphology, weathering phenomena, physics and chemistry of UES 302: DESIGN PRINCIPLES IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (2:0)
Earth interior, internal processes, tectonics through time, geological time scale, bio-stratigraphy, early (CORE COURSE FOR EARTH & ENV. SCI. MAJOR)
Earth, rock formation, rock classification, mineralogy, basics of crystal symmetry, composition of atmo-
sphere and origin of atmosphere, Earth-like planetary bodies, evidence of life on other planets, basics Laws of conservation: mass, energy and momentum balances. Fundamentals of chemical reaction
of hydrosphere and its components, physical properties of water, elementary oceanography, chemical engineering: thermodynamics, stoichiometry and kinetics of chemical reactions, chemical reactors –
composition of the ocean, evolution of life and its diversification. stirred tank and plug flow reactors. Design for waste water treatment processes: physical unit opera-
tions such as sedimentation and filtration, chemical and biological treatment processes. Design for air
INSTRUCTOR: Prosenjit Ghosh pollution control: gas-liquid interactions, absorption and adsorption processes, particulate emission
1. Patwardhan, The Dynamic Earth System, P. H. I. Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, ISBN -978- INSTRUCTORS: Laxminarayan Rao
2. Kump, L. R., Kasting, J. F. and Crane, R. G. The Earth System, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-142059-3 SUGGESTED BOOKS:
3. Thompson, G. R. and Turk, J. Modern Physical Geology, Saunder College Publishing 1. Davis, M. and Masten, S. 2004. Principles of Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill
2. Davis, M. and Cornwell, D. 2006. Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill
60 61
3. Mihelcic, J. and Zimmerman, J. B. 2010. Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability Laboratory component: Sample preparation of rock specimens, petrological observation of rock and
and Design, John Wiley mineral thin sections.
4. Spellman F. R. and Whiting, N. E. 2005. Environmental Engineer’s Mathematics Handbook, CRC
Press INSTRUCTOR: K. Sajeev
UES 306: SURFACE & GROUNDWATER QUALITY (3:0) 1. Vernon, R. H. and Clarke, G. 2008. Principles of Metamorphic Petrology, Cambridge University
2. Vernon, R. H. 2004. A Practical Guide to Rock Microstructure, Cambridge University Press
Basic characteristics of water quality, stoichiometry and reaction kinetics. Mathematical models of 3. Rollinson, H. R. 1993. Using Geochemical Data: Evaluation, Presentation, Interpretation, Longman
physical systems, completely and incompletely mixed systems. Movement of contaminants in the Publishing Group
environment. Water quality modeling in rivers and estuaries - dissolved oxygen and pathogens. Water 4. Condie, K. C. 2004. Earth as an Evolving Planetary System, Academic Press; 1st edition
quality modeling in lakes and ground water systems. 5. Pluijm, B. A. V. D. and Marshak, S. 2003. Earth Structure: An Introduction to Structural Geology
and Tectonics, W. W. Norton & Co. Inc., 2nd edition
INSTRUCTOR: M Sekhar 6. Philpotts, A. R. 2003. Petrography of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks, Waveland Press, Inc
1. Chapra, S.C., Surface Water Quality Modeling, McGraw Hill, 1997 UES 310: EXPERIMENTAL METHODS IN SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT (1:2)
2. Tchobanoglous, G., and Schroeder, E.D., Water Quality, Addison, Wesley, 1987 (CORE)
Solid waste characterization – water leach test, toxicity characteristic leach procedure; Pollutant sorp-
UES 303: INTRODUCTION TO GEOCHEMISTRY (2:1) tion capacity characterization – Kinetics & adsorption isotherms, Distribution coefficients; Pollutant
(ELECTIVE) transport – Column experiments to evaluate transport and partitioning in vadose and saturated zones,
Diffusion coefficients. Laboratory determination of soil permeability for contaminant flow; Chemical
Geochemical Fundamentals/Chemistry Review, the elements; basic principles of inorganic chemistry, solidification of contaminated wastes – Lime and cement stabilization, Leaching and compressive
periodic properties, thermodynamics and chemical reactions, solubility, Aquatic Chemistry, pH-pE, strength measurements.
Biology and redox, Organic Chemistry; High temperature Geochemistry - Planetary geochemistry,
Age and Origin of the Solar System, Planet formation, differentiation of the Earth, igneous processes, INSTRUCTORS: Sudhakar Rao and P. Raghuveer Rao
Radiogenic isotope geology/ Geochronology; Low temperature Geochemistry - The hydrologic cycle
and Sedimentary geochemistry, Chemical Processes, Photosynthesis/respiration, Aquatic Microbial SUGGESTED BOOKS:
Biochemistry in rain, rivers, lakes, estuaries, Chemical weathering, soil formation, geochemistry of 1. US EPA Publication SW-846: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical
clays, the oceans, marine chemistry, primary productivity, Gaia, Marine Sediments: a record of envi- Methods, 1996
ronmental global history, light isotope geochemistry, Global Climate: Present and Future, atmospheric 2. BIS Compendium on Engineering Properties of Soils
Lab component: It will involve exposure to instrumental methods which include (a) titration (b) chro-
matography using liquid and gas columns (c) analyses of cation and anion using Ion Chromatography, SEMESTER 6 (JANUARY)
towards chemical analysis of rock samples, measurement of soil moisture contents, geo-chemical char-
acterization of rock samples and determination of CO2 concentrations in air. CE 207 (JAN) 3:0 GEO-ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING
INSTRUCTOR: Prosenjit Ghosh
Sources, production and classification of wastes, environmental laws and regulations, physico-chem-
SUGGESTED BOOKS: ical properties of soil, ground water flow and contaminant transport, contaminated site characteriza-
1. Walther, J. V. 2009. Essentials of Geochemistry, Jones and Bartlett Publishers 2nd edition tion, estimation of landfill quantities, landfill site location, design of various landfill components such
2. Gill, R. 1995. Chemical Fundamentals of Geology, Springer, 2nd edition as liners, covers, leachate collection and removal, gas generation and management, groundwater
monitoring, end uses of landfill sites, slurry walls and barrier systems, design and construction, stabil-
ity, compatibility and performance, remediation technologies, stabilization of contaminated soils and
UES 304: INTRODUCTION TO BASIC GEOLOGY (2:1) risk assessment approaches.
INSTRUCTOR: G L Sivakumar Babu
Classification of rocks; geology of southern India: tectonic concepts; the earth structures and its sig-
nificance; shear/suture zones - identification, interpretation and implications, fluid influence in shear SUGGESTED BOOKS:
zones; petrological, geochemical and geochronological: methods, approaches and inferences, ori- 1. Sharma, H.D., and Reddy, K.R., Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site Remediation, Waste Con-
gin-exhumation and weathering; the rock cycle, landforms, element mobility and interactions; linking tainment and Emerging Waste Management Technologies, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken,
rocks/mineral chemistry to tectonics with Indian examples. New Jersey, 2004
2. Rowe, R. Kerry, Quigley, Robert M., Brachman, Richard W. I., and Booker, John R. Barrier Systems
62 63
for Waste Disposal Facilities, 2nd edn 2004. Spon Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London
3. Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H. and Vigil, S.A., Integrated Solid Waste Management - CE 222 (JAN) 3:0 FUNDAMENTALS OF SOIL BEHAVIOUR
Engineering Principles and Management Issues, McGraw Hill (1993) (ELECTIVE)
Identification and classification of clay minerals, expansive and collapsing soils; Concepts and mea-
UES 309: WASTEWATER TREATMENT (3:0) surements of matric and osmotic suction, role of inter-particle forces and suction in effective stress,
(ELECTIVE) role of clay mineralogy, inter-particle forces and suction in volume change, hydraulic conductivity and
shear strength of soils.
Waste water generation patterns/sources - quantification and quality issues, Pathogens and microbio-
logical risks from waste water; Pollution Indicators - physical, chemical, biological and microbiological; INSTRUCTORS: M Sudhakar Rao and P Raghuveer Rao
Water Testing – Physicochemical properties, Biological and microbiological characteristics. Microbial
Metabolism with respect to waste water remediation and water treatment; Organic Matter Remov- SUGGESTED BOOKS:
al - Anaerobic and Aerobic methods, modeling activated sludge processes; Nitrogen, Phosphorus 1. Mitchell, J. K. Fundamentals of Soil Behaviour, Wiley, 2005
and Pathogen removal from wastewater, Aquatic and water Toxicity and toxicology, Physico-chemical 2. Yong, R. N. and Warkentin, B. P. Soil Properties and Behaviour, Elsevier, 1975
basis and processes for aeration, mixing, settling, microbial killing processes. Sludge physical proper- 3. Lu, N. and Likos, W. J. Unsaturated Soil Mechanics, Wiley, 2004
ties, settling properties, characterization, remediation, treatment and disposal. Membrane Bio-reac- 4. Fredlund, D.G. and Rahardjo, H., Fredlund, M.D. Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Engineering
tors, Anaerobic Waste water Treatment reactor designs, Hybrid reactors, Biofilm Reactors, Anaerobic Practice, Wiley, 2012
biofilm reactors. Microbiological and Phyto-remediation techniques. Grey and black water recycling, 5. Nelson, J. D. and Miller, D. J. Expansive soils - Problems and Practice in Foundation and
needs, Groundwater pollution, sources and mechanisms, sustainability issues, in-situ and ex-situ biore- Pavement Engineering. Wiley- Interscience Pub., 1992
In addition to the electives listed, appropriate electives from CiE, CE, CEaS,
INSTRUCTOR: Hoysall Chanakya CAOS, CES and CST can be taken by students.
1. APHA, 1999. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, American Public
Health Association, 20th edition, Washington DC SEMESTER 8 (JANUARY)
2. Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F. L and Stensel, H. D. 2003. Wastewater engineering, treatment and
re-use (Revised), Metcalf & Eddy Incorporation, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company limited, UES 400: RESEARCH PROJECT (0:16)
New Delhi
3. Relevant papers from current literature An independent research project will be performed by all UG Earth & Environmental Science Major
students under the supervision of faculty. It is recommended that students initiate laboratory/com-
putational work during the summer break after completion of the sixth semester. The progress of the
project will be monitored at the end of the seventh semester by a committee comprising of project
SEMESTER 7 (AUGUST) supervisor, common examiner and external examiner. The student shall submit project report at the
end of the 8th semester and make a presentation to the committee. Based on the overall student’s
UES 401 NATURAL HAZARDS AND THEIR MITIGATION (3:0) performance, final grade will be awarded to the research project by the committee.
INSTRUCTORS: Faculty members involved in Earth & Environmental Science Program
Definitions and basic concepts, different kinds of hazards and their causes, geologic hazards: earth-
quakes, causes of earthquakes and their effects, plate tectonics, seismic waves, measures of size of
earthquakes, earthquake resistant design concepts; slope instability and landslides, causes of land-
slides, principles of stability analysis, remedial and corrective measures for slope stabilisation, climatic
hazards: floods, causes of flooding, regional flood frequency analysis, flood control measures, flood
routing, flood forecasting and warning systems; droughts, causes and types of droughts, effects of
drought, hazard assessment and decision making; Use of GIS in natural hazard assessment, mitigation
and management.
1. Hyndman, D. and Hyndman, D. 2008. Natural Hazards and Disasters, Brooks/Cole Cengage
2. Bryant, E. 2005. Natural Hazards, Cambridge University Press
3. Duncan, J. M. and Wright, S. G. 2005. Soil Strength and Slope Stability, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
4. Elnashai, A. S. and Sarno, L. D. 2008. Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc
64 65
5. Sanjay Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou and Umesh Vazirani. Algorithms. McGraw Hill, 2017.
6. Mark Allen Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C. Pearson, Second Edition, 2002.
Ohm’s law, KVL, KCL, resistors and their characteristics, categories of resistors, series parallel resistor
networks, capacitors and their characteristics, simple capacitor networks, simple RC circuit and differ-
ential equation analysis, frequency domain analysis and concepts of transfer function, magnitude and
phase response, poles, inductors and their characteristics, a simple LR circuit and differential equation
analysis, frequency domain transfer function and time constant, LRC circuit and second order differen-
tial equation, frequency domain analysis, resonance and quality factor, introduction to Faraday’s and
Lenz’s laws, magnetic coupling and transformer action for step up and step down, steady state AC
analysis and introduction to phasor concept, lead and lag of phases in inductors and capacitors, con-
cept of single phase and three phase circuits, semiconductor concepts, electrons & holes, PN junction
concept, built-in potential, forward and reverse current equations, diode operation and rectification,
Zener diodes, Simple Diode circuits like half-wave rectifier and full wave rectifier, NPN and PNP bipolar
transistor action, current equations, common emitter amplifier design, biasing and theory of opera-
tion, MOSFET as a switch, introduction to PMOS and NMOS. Introduction to Op-amp concept, char-
acteristics of an ideal op-amp a simple realisation of op-amp using transistors, various op-amp based
circuits for basic operations like summing, amplification, integration and differentiation, introduction
to feedback concept.
LAB: Design of 3 transistor op-amp and its characterisation. Simple op-amp applications using 741,
ENGINEERING MOSFET circuits for some simple gates, simple combinational functions, Basic flip-flop operation and
clocks in digital design, introduction to A/D conversion, introduction to 8051 microcontroller and as-
sembly language programming.
Notions of algorithms and data structures. Introduction to C programming. Importance of algorithms SEMESTER 3 (AUGUST)
and data structures in programming. Notion of complexity of algorithms and the big-O notation. Itera-
tion and Recursion. Algorithm analysis techniques. Arrays and common algorithms with arrays. Linked UE 200: INTRODUCTION TO EARTH AND ITS ENVIRONMENT (2:0)
lists and common algorithms with linked lists. Searching with hash tables and binary search trees.
Pattern search algorithms. Sorting algorithms including quick-sort, heap-sort, and merge-sort. Graphs: Nucleosynthesis, formation of planets, minerals, rocks and bulk earth composition; radioactivity and
shortest path algorithms, minimal spanning tree algorithms, depth first and breadth first search, algo- age of the earth; mantle convection and plate tectonics; introduction to stable isotope geochemistry;
rithm design techniques including greedy, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming. general application of stable isotopes; the carbon cycle; The S cycle; The nitrogen cycle; chemical
weathering and global thermostat; short-term climate variation; wind and oceanic circulation; Ther-
INSTRUCTORS: Sathish Govindarajan and Viraj Kumar mo-haline circulation and its role in climate change; surficial water cycle aqueous chemistry; redox
chemistry in aquatic environment – implication and application; carbonate chemistry and its applica-
SUGGESTED BOOKS: tion; instrumentation in environmental and low-temperature geochemistry
1. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language. Prentice Hall of India,
2009. INSTRUCTORS: Prosenjit Ghosh, Ramananda Chakrabarti, Sambuddha Misra & Sajeev Krishnan
2. Abhiram Ranade, An Introduction to Programming through C++. McGraw Hill, First Edition, 2017. SUGGESTED BOOKS:
3. Robert L. Kruse, Data Structures and Program Design in C. Prentice Hall of India, 2006. 1. Environmental and Low-temperature Geochemistry - Peter Ryan
4. Steven S. Skiena, The Algorithm Design Manual. Springer, Second Edition, 2008. 2. How to Build a Habitable Planet - Langmuir and Broecker
66 67
Bonding, types of materials, basics of crystal structures and crystallography, thermodynamics, thermo- SUGGESTED BOOKS:
chemistry, unary systems, methods of structural characterization, thermodynamics of solid solutions, 1. Gere, J. M. and Timoshenko, S. P., Mechanics of Materials, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2nd
phase diagrams, defects, diffusion, Solidification, Solid-solid phase transformations, mechanical be- Edition, 1984.
haviour: elasticity, plasticity, fracture, Electrochemistry and corrosion, Band structure, electrical, mag- 2. Popov, E. P., Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1990.
netic and optical materials, Classes of practical materials systems: metallic alloys, ceramics, semicon- 3. Utku, S., Norris, C. H. and Wilbur, J. B., Elementary Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York,
ductors, composites. 1991.
4. Crandall, S. H. and Dahl, N. C., An Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, McGraw-Hill, New York,
INSTRUCTOR: Kaushik Chatterjee 1959.
1. Callister, W. D., Materials Science and Engineering, Wiley India, 2007.
Number representation, stability and convergence and error analysis; Interpolation: Lagrange, New- Department of Materials Engineering*
ton’s Divided Difference, Neville; Root finding: Bisection, Newton- Raphson, Secant, Regula falsi, Rid-
ders, Steffensen; Data analysis and fitting: Goodness of fit, Chi-Square test; Numerical integration Course
Course Title Credits Semester Prerequisites Comments
and differentiation: Newton-Cotes, Gaussian quadrature, Romberg integration, Importance sampling;
Numerical solution of ODEs: Euler and Runge-Kutta methods; Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms, Introduction to Biomaterials
MT 271 3:0 Aug None No Limit
Basics of Sampling Theory, DFT and FFT; Simple computer implementation exercises. Science and Engineering
INSTRUCTOR: Sashikumaar Ganesan MT260/CH 237 Polymer Science Engineering 3:0 Aug None No limit
SUGGESTED BOOKS: *Not counted as Engineering credits for Materaials Major Students
1. Kreyszig, E. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 10th Edition, 2011.
2. Press, W. H., Teukolsky, S. A., Vetterling, W. T. and Flannery, B. P. Numerical Recipes: The Art of
Scientific Computing, Cambridge University Press, 3rd Edition, 2007.
3. Hildebrand, F. B., Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd edition, Dover Publications, 1987, Department of Mechanical Engineering
(First South-Asian Edition, 2008). Course
4. Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D., Numerical Analysis: Theory and Applications, Indian Edition, Course Title Credits Semester Prerequisites Comments
Cengage Brooks, Cole Publishers, 2010.
ME 201 Fluid Mechanics 3:0 Aug UP 101, UP 202 20
(5th Sem)
Note: UE 201 and DS 288 are equivalent courses and UG students are expected to register for UE 201 if they
wish to take one of these courses. ME 228 Materials & Structure Property 3:0 Aug None 15
Correlations (5th Sem)
ME 240 Dynamics & Control of 3:0 Aug None 10
UE 204: ELEMENTS OF SOLID MECHANICS (3:0) Mechanical Systems
ME271 Thermodynamics 3:0 Jan UC 202
Elastic bodies. Axial and shear stresses, Hooke’s Law, Stress resultants, Axially loaded members, Tor- Me 256 Variational Methods & 3:0 Jan None Max 15 UG
sion of circular bars, Shear force, bending moment, and axial thrust, Theory of simple bending, Bend- Structural Optimization (6th Sem) Students
ing and shear stress distribution in beams, Two dimensional state of stress, Principal stresses and
ME 251 Biomechanics 3:0 - - Check with
strains, Mohr’s diagram, Pressure vessels, Combined states of stress and failure theories, Detection of Instructor
beams, Statically indeterminate beams, Unsymmetrical bending, Shear centre, Buckling of columns,
Energy methods, Principle of virtual work, Castigliano’s theorems and applications. UE 204 Elements of Solid Mechanics 3:0 Jan - No Limit
68 69
Course Course
Course Title Credits Semester Prerequisites Comments Course Title Credits Semester Prerequisites Comments
Number Number
AE 221 Flight Vehicle Structures 3:0 Aug None Max 10 UG CH 201 Chemical Engineering 3:0 Aug None Check with
students Mathematics Instructor
AE 227 Multi-body Dynamics using 3:0 Aug None Max 10 UG
Symbolic Manipulators Students CH 202 Numerical Methods 3:0 Aug None No Limit
AE 259 Navigation, Guidance & 3:0 Aug None Max 10 UG
Control students CH 203 Transport Processes 3:0 Aug None Check with
AE 266 Introduction to Neural 3:0 Aug/Jan None Max 10 UG
Network and Engineering students CH 204 Thermodynamics 3:0 Aug None Check with
Applications Instructor
AE 262 Guidance Theory & 3:0 Jan None Max 10 UG CH 237/ Polymer Science and 3:0 Aug None No Limit
Applications students MT 260 Engineering
AE 281 Introduction to Helicopters 3:0 Jan None Max 10 UG CH 205 Chemical Reaction 3:0 Jan None Check with
students Engineering Instructor
AS 209 Mathematical Methods in 3:0 Aug None No Limit PD 202 Elements of Solid and Fluid 2:1 Aug Check with
Climate Science Mechanics Instructor
UES 307 Introduction to Solid Earth 3:0 Jan None No Limit PD 203 Creative Engineering Design 2:1 Check with
UES 204 Fundamentals of Climate 3:0 Jan none No Limit PD 212 Computer Aided Design 2:1 Jan Max No.of
Science UGs 15
AS 202 GeoPhysical Fluid Dynamics 3:0 Jan None No Limit PD 216 Design of Automotive Systems 2:1 Check with
Not counted as Engineering Credits for Earth and Environment Major Students
PD 217 CAE in Production Design 2:1 Aug Strength of Max No.of
Materials, UGs 15
PD 214 Advanced Materials & 3:0 Jan Materials Max No.of
Manufacturing Science UGs 15
PD 215 Mechatronics Systems 2:1 Jan Control Max No.of
Systems UGs 15
70 71
E1 251 Linear & 3:0 Aug Multivariate calculus, matrices & Max 15 UGs;
Nonlinear linear algebra 5th or 7th
Optimisation Sem
E9 201 Digital Signal 3:0 Aug A basic orientation in Signals & Max 25 UGs;
Processing Systems 5th or 7th
72 73
Course Title Credits Semester Prerequisites Comments
Center for Nanoscience
E3 238 Analog VLSI Circuits 2:1 Aug UE 102 Max 10 UG
students Course
Course Title Credits Semester Prerequisites Comments
E7 213 Introduction to Photonics 3:0 Aug 3rd yr or 4th yr No cap Number
UG students
NE 327 Nanoelectronics Device 3:1 Aug Check with the
E2 212 Matrix Theory 3:0 Aug Technology instructor
NE 231 Microfluidics 3:0 Aug Check with the
Department of Electronic Systems Engineering NE 201 Micro and Nano Characterization 2:1 Aug Check with the
Methods instructor
Course Title Credits Semester Prerequisites Comments
Additional courses from this division that are allowed but require explicit consent of the instructor DS 201 Bioinformatics 2:0 Aug None Check with
Course Number Course Title Credits
DS 221 Introduction to Scalable Systems 2:0 Aug
E1 216 Computer Vision 3:1
DS 289 Numerical Methods 3:0 Aug None No Limit
E2 201 Information Theory 3:0
74 75
ical data about human societies, using fieldwork, participant observation, questionnaires, interviews,
chain sampling, and the like, to understand how social meanings are created. Of special interest to
science students would be the reflexive and interpretive emphasis of ethnography, since it has a bear-
ing on how to read and write scientific findings. The module will expose students to some key debates
in this area through short readings and documentary films.
How do we understand experience of the self in a way that is not purely subjective? How do we un-
derstand the experience of other people (eg: how do we know when someone is in pain?) What is the
importance of language as a medium by which to comprehend things? What would be the challenge
to experimental sciences when language is brought into the picture? This module introduces students
to some of these important debates.
What is the past? Where may we draw a line differentiates the past and present: Is the past a millisec-
ond ago or a century ago? The course will examine when and how this differentiation between past
and present – and with it, the discipline and method of history – emerges. It would show that the past
or present distinction is essential to the ‘objectivity’ of the historical method. The claim to objectivity
is something that the social and human sciences share with the natural sciences. In India, postcolonial
thinkers have critiqued history as a western way of knowing the past. Their contention is that profes-
sional history-writing is imbued with a “historical consciousness”, which many Indians who inhabit
epistemic worlds outside of the University and the social sciences do not share. For many Indians, the
relationship to the ‘past’ may not be premised on questions of facticity, evidence, and ‘truth’ in the
HUMANITIES scientific sense. Is there a way of understanding the ancient Indian texts which go beyond this fact or
myth dyad? The course will end with this question.
Bitasta Das
This module introduces students to key concepts and issues in textual analysis, a method not only
adopted by students of literature but also History and other disciplines. It begins with the discussion
of what a text is and the relationship of the writer to the text written by him or her. It then goes on to
discuss how meaning is produced from a text and who produces it. It then returns to the problem of
The Humanities course as part of the Undergraduate Programme offered at the Indian Institute of Science is interpretation, discussed in the earlier modules, to focus on the reader’s role in interpreting texts and
an opportunity to bring about synergy between the Humanities and Social Sciences (or ‘Human Sciences’) with generating meaning, examine how texts are, and what is the role of the reader in interpreting textual
the Natural Sciences. With this aim in mind, IISc offers one course in Humanities in the first six semesters of meaning? In this module, students will be introduced to methods of close reading drawn from literary
the eight semester-BS Programme. These courses are not designed to teach Humanities as a series of distinct criticism and cultural studies.
disciplines but are designed to create an intellectual milieu in which the students learn science.
76 77
MODULE 1: VISUAL ARTS an to a Global perspective and in this process, bring about the various societal forces (local and global)
that evolve(d) the meanings of sustainability and sustainable development, emerging debates and
How do paintings represent reality? Is realism more “scientific” than other ways of presenting the likely conflicts in the future. Is sustainability Science? Examining how people of natural, engineering
world? How does technology determine the evolution of art forms? What problems did artists face and social sciences perceive sustainability in different perspectives or domains and the potential to
in the Indian context as they adopted western styles and forms? Special focus on mythology and its integrate these perspectives for completeness, S&T in championing sustainable development. Mea-
representation in modern Indian art. suring sustainability and evolving indices for sustainability.
What do we need to know in order to appreciate creative writing? How do we read and interpret Law and science in various ways are constitutive of modernity. This course will examine the founda-
literary works? Where does meaning lie? How do we ‘learn’ from literature? Special focus on science tional authority of law in violence and how this is enmeshed with the authority of science. Law and
fiction: good science and bad science, space or distance and time or history, human and non-human, justice are often assumed to bear the same meaning, but law, unlike justice, is about the application
science & technology, and nature. of general norms that are blinded to the unique, particular realities of people. This is again different
from laws in science that are based on experiment and observation. The functioning of law in society
is based on legal fictions especially that of the “reasonable man” that is borrowed from Western legal
MODULE 3: CINEMA AND THEATRE tradition. The figure of the reasonable man is emblematic of the hierarchies and exclusions inbuilt into
the legal system. In this course, we will explore citizenship and gender as issues where questions of
History of cinema as a technological form, technophobic reactions to film. Audiences and spectator- legal and scientific authority are raised, firstly biometric authentication in UID and the reliance on tech-
ship. Film as an urban, democratic form. How fiction and non-fiction films “document” reality and what nology to resolve issues of poverty and crisis, secondly variance in gender or transgender described
they can they tell us about society, how to “read” films. Special focus on the city, as subject of cinema, as a medical pathology by the courts.
and site of film production and viewing.
This module will approach the theme of people and nature from different perspectives – natural sci-
ence, social science, humanities, and arts. The course will discuss the evolution of our conception of COURSE CODE: UH 301
nature, our understanding of our place in nature and how nature works, and our attempts to describe,
appreciate, control and manipulate nature. This module will be more multidisciplinary than interdis- INSTRUCTOR: Shruthi Shastri
ciplinary and will attempt to showcase the significant variation across disciplines, historical time and
geographical space in our approach to nature, and the inevitable conflicts such variation generates. The Course will be useful in acquainting students with journalistic skills which they may apply in their own work
to observe and communicate better for instance or to their field as future science reporters, perhaps or as indi-
viduals who might have to explain science to the lay person. It also seeks to provoke thoughts on the practice
MODULE 3: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT of journalism, its tenets, its limitations and its influence with a view to encouraging a more critical engagement
with media and to position science within the media.
This module will approach the gradually evolving concepts of sustainable development from the Indi-
78 79
Class 5: Reporting Science Class 1: Introduction to the semester and assignment of Group projects
How is science reported in the mainstream media? Is the coverage adequate and informed?
Class 2: The challenge of good governance in a democracy, followed by presentations of Group
Class 6: Science Journalism project 1: People Power as driver of change in Governance
Trends and approaches in Indian and international science magazines.
Class 3: Overview of the Indian Constitution, followed by Group project 2:
Class 7: How to research and write an article for a newspaper or magazine? Examining the 42nd Amendment to the Indian Constitution – was it necessary?
Practical tips and guidelines.
Class 4: How the Indian Parliament works, followed by Group project 3:
Class 8: Expressing an opinion Evaluating the 15th – latest following the 2009 elections – Lok Sabha.
Constructing and presenting a point of view as in a column or a review.
Class 5: Understanding Indian bureaucracy and making it work for you, followed by presentations of
Class 9:The Art of the Interview Group Project 4: Is IT cutting through red tape?
Practical tips and guidelines on conducting interviews.
Class 6: Affirmative Action, followed by Group Project 5:
Class 10: Ethics and Dilemmas Ambedkar and the Empowerment of the historically discriminated in Indian society – an appreciation.
The media is both a public service and a business. What are the
conflicts and compromises that journalists face? Class 7: Important aspects of India’s Internal & External Security, followed by Group Project 6:
Challenging the State – a short account of peoples’ struggles since Independence.
Class 11: Preparing to write a book
Early steps in turning an idea into a book: laying the ground and writing a proposal. Class 8: Development as a Political Process, Amartya Sen- Jagdish Bhagwathi debates, followed by
Group Project 7:
Class 12: Is Democracy handicapping development in India?
Class Discussion possibly with Guest Speaker on dealing with the newsroom
Class 9: The evolving role of Indian Judiciary.
Class 13:
Class Exercise in reading news or anchoring media debates, and so on Class 10: Corruption and the Indian State followed by Group project 8:
Experiencing Graft – Sharing a collection of personal experiences from within the IISc student
Class 14: Concluding Discussion community.
Elaborating points of interest raised in earlier classes and answering queries.
Class 11: The Alternative – The AAP phenomena – Challenging an established political model,
followed by Group project 9:
Contrasting the JP Movement’s Total Revolution with Anna Hazare or APP movement.
80 81
First law, enthalpy, thermochemistry; Second law, entropy, statistical interpretation; Helmholtz and
Gibbs free energies, chemical potential; Solution thermodynamics; Conditions for equilibrium, phase
rule, phase diagrams; Chemical reactions and equilibria; Surfaces and interfaces.
INSTRUCTORS: T. A. Abinandanan
1. DeHoff, R. T. 2006. Thermodynamics in Materials Science, Taylor & Francis
2. Gaskell, D. R. 2003. Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials (4th Ed), Taylor & Francis
Structures, vector mechanics (statics) and types of loads; Introductory concepts in stress and strain
and their transformation; Linear elasticity in single and poly-crystals and in amorphous solids; Stresses
in constrained systems – thermal and misfit stresses; Viscoelasticity and hyperelasticity in polymers;
Stress concentration; Fracture mechanics and toughening mechanisms; Introduction to plastic defor-
mation; Uniaxial stress-strain curve and flow instabilities; Effect of strain, strain-rate and temperature
of flow stress; Continuum-based yield criteria; Plastic deformation mechanisms – slip, twinning and
diffusion; Introduction to dislocation theory – slip systems, critical resolved shear stress, strengthening
mechanisms; Creep and fatigue.
INSTRUCTOR: S. Karthikeyan
1. Beer, F. P., Johnston, E. R., DeWolf, J. T., and Mazurek, D.F. 2014. Mechanics of Materials,
7th edition, McGraw Hill
UG INSTRUCTORS 2. Hosford, W. 2010. Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press
Avadhani G. S., Srinivasa Reddy 3. Courtney, T. H. 2001. Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Ward, I. M. and Sweeney, J. 2012. Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers, 3rd edition, Wiley
Elements of bonding, structures of simple metallic, ionic and covalent solids; Coordination polyhedra,
projections of structures, stacking; Lattices, symmetry operations, stereographic projection; Structure Point defects, Fick’s laws of diffusion, concept of jump frequency, activation energy, Kirkendall effect,
and thermodynamics of point defects and solid solutions, non-stoichiometry, ordered structures; Dis- solidification, nucleation, constitutional supercooling, sintering, interfaces, grain growth, solid state
locations and slip, twinning and interfaces. transformations, JMA theory, GP zone, Spinodal decomposition, ordering and martensitic transforma-
tions, effect of stress and electric current.
INSTRUCTORS: N. Ravishankar and S. Karthikeyan
INSTRUCTORS: Aloke Paul and C. Srivastava
1. Kelly, A. and Groves, G. W., Crystallography & Crystal Defects, Addison Wesley SUGGESTED BOOKS:
2. Barrett, C.S. and Massalski, T. B., Structure of Metals, Pergamon 1. Reed-Hill, R. E. and Abbaschian, R. 2009. Physical Metallurgy Principles, Cengage
3. West, A. R., Introduction to Solid State Chemistry, John Wiley 2. Porter, D. A. and Easterling, K. E. 2009. Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, Taylor and
82 83
INSTRUCTORS: S. Karthikeyan Polymer processing: Basic concepts of compounding and processing; concept of master batches;
classification and type of additive for plastics: antioxidants, light stabilizers, UV stabilizers; Processing
SUGGESTED BOOKS: techniques: Basics of various processing techniques, Extruders: single screw and twin screw extruders,
1. Alcock, C. B. 1976. Principles of Pyrometallurgy, Academic Press, London film blowing, fiber spinning, thermoforming; Molding: Injection molding, blow molding, compression
2. Venkatachalam, S. 1998. Hydrometallurgy, Narosa, New Delhi molding, injection stretch blow molding, gas and water assisted injection molding.
3. Kingery, W. D., Bowen, H. K. and Uhlmann, D. R. 1976. Introduction to Ceramics, Wiley
4. Billmeyer, F. W. Textbook of Polymer Science INSTRUCTORS: S. Suwas, S. Bose and G. S. Avadhani
5. Gowarikar, V. R., Vishwanathan, N. V. and Sreedhar, J., Polymer Science
1. Grover, M. P. 2011. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, Wiley
UMT 312: MECHANICAL TESTING AND FAILURE OF MATERIALS (2:1) 2. Dieter, G. E. 1988. Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill
(CORE FOR MATERIALS MAJORS) 3. Billmeyer, F. W. Textbook of Polymer Science, 3rd Edition
4. Gowarikar, V. R., Vishwanathan, N. V. and Sreedhar, J., Polymer Science
Overview of solid mechanics, Introduction to instrumentation, controls and data acquisition, Mechani-
cal testing techniques: Tensile and compression, hardness, fatigue, impact, creep, fracture.
Suggested Book: Dieter, G. E. 1988. Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill
Resistivity measurement by different methods, four probe method, determination of B-H curve, Curie
point measurement Hall effect experiment, magnetostriction measurement, measurement of dielectric
constant as function of temperature, Seebeck effect, efficiency of solar Cell.
Brief review of the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, electrostatics and SEMESTERS 7 (AUGUST)
electrodynamics; Energy bands in crystals, density of states, electric conduction in metals and alloys,
thermoelectric phenomenon and applications, semiconductors and devices, electrical properties of UMT 401: FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS II (3:0) (CORE FOR MATERIALS MAJORS)
polymers, ceramics, dielectric and amorphous materials, classical and quantum mechanical descrip-
tion of optical properties, lasers, LEDs, photonics, magnetic phenomenon and applications, thermal Crystal chemistry, point defects and associated thermodynamic equilibria, microstructural control (tex-
properties of materials. ture, porosity and grain size), energy levels (band structure in metals and semiconductors, junctions,
electrical double layers), thermodynamic relationships, symmetry dependence and tensorial repre-
INSTRUCTOR: B. Sahoo sentation of properties; Introduction to properties: dielectric (piezoelectric, ferroelectric, pyroelectric),
magnetic (ferro-, ferri-, magnetostriction), electrical conductivity (ionic and electrical), thermoelectric-
SUGGESTED BOOKS: ity; Specific examples of systems: piezoelectric, ferro -electric and -magnetic materials (domain struc-
1. Kittel, C., Introduction to Solid State Physics, McGraw-Hill ture, poling, influence on endurance, soft and hard materials), Actuator materials, Energy conversion
2. Solymar, L. and Walsh, D., Lectures on Electrical Properties of Materials devices (common batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors).
3. Omar, M. A., Elementary Solid State Physics
4. Hummel, R. E., Electronic Properties of Materials INSTRUCTOR: V. Jayaram
1. Kingery, D.W., Bowen, H.K., Uhlmann, D.R, Introduction to Ceramics, Wiley (2nd Ed.)
2. Solymar, L. and Walsh, D. Electrical Properties of Materials, Oxford University Press (8th ed.)
3. Newnham, R.E. 2004. Properties of Materials, Oxford University Press
84 85
An indicative list of graduate-level elective courses is given below; specific recommendations will be
made at the beginning of each semester.
86 87
Linear Algebra continued: Inner products and Orthogonality; Determinants; Eigenvalues and Eigen-
vectors; Diagonalisation of Symmetric matrices. Multivariable calculus: Functions on Rn Partial and
Total derivatives; Chain rule; Maxima, minima and saddles; Lagrange multipliers; Integration in Rn,
change of variables, Fubini’s theorem; Gradient, Divergence and Curl; Line and Surface integrals in
R2 and R3; Stokes, Green’s and Divergence theorems. Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations;
Linear ODEs and Canonical forms for linear transformations.
1. T. M. Apostol, Calculus, Volume II, 2nd. Edition, Wiley Wiley India, 2007.
2. G. Strang, Linear Algebra And Its Applications, 4th Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2006
3. M. Artin, Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 1994.
4. M. Hirsch, S. Smale, R. L. Devaney, Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction
to Chaos, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 2004.
1. Sheldon Ross, A First Course in Probability, 2005, Pearson Education Inc., Delhi, Sixth Edition.
2. Sheldon Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Elsevier,
2010, Fourth edition.
3. William Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Wiley India, 2009, Third
SEMESTER 1 (AUGUST) 4. R. V. Hogg and J. Ledolter, Engineering Statistics, 1987, Macmillan Publishing Company, New
One-variable calculus: Real and Complex numbers; Convergence of sequences and series; Continuity,
intermediate value theorem, existence of maxima and minima; Differentiation, mean value theorem, SEMESTER 4 (JANUARY)
Taylor series; Integration, fundamental theorem of Calculus, improper integrals. Linear Algebra: Vector
spaces (over real and complex numbers), basis and dimension; Linear transformations and matrices. UM 204: INTRODUCTION TO BASIC ANALYSIS (3:1) (CORE COURSE FOR MATHEMATICS MAJOR
INSTRUCTOR: Harish Seshadri
Basic notions from set theory, countable and uncountable sets. Metric spaces: definition and exam-
SUGGESTED BOOKS: ples, basic topological notions. The topology of : topology induced by norms, the Heine-Borel theo-
1. T M Apostol, Calculus, Volume I, 2nd. Edition, Wiley, India, 2007. rem, connected sets. Sequences and series: essential definitions, absolute versus conditional conver-
2. G. Strang, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4th Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2006. gence of series, some tests of convergence of series. Continuous functions: properties, the sequential
and the open-set characterizations of continuity, uniform continuity. Differentiation in one variable. The
Riemann integral: formal definitions and properties, continuous functions and integration, the Fun-
damental Theorem of Calculus. Uniform convergence: definition, motivations and examples, uniform
SEMESTER 2 (JANUARY) convergence and integration, the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem.
88 89
Vector spaces: Basis and dimension, Direct sums. Determinants: Theory of determinants, Cramer’s
UM 203: INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES (3:1) (CORE COURSE FOR MATHEMATICS rule. Linear transformations: Rank-nullity theorem, Algebra of linear transformations, Dual spaces. Lin-
MAJOR AND MINOR) ear operators, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Characteristic polynomial, Cayley- Hamilton theorem,
Minimal polynomial, Algebraic and geometric multiplicities, Diagonalization, Jordan canonical Form.
Set theory: equivalence classes, partitions, posets, axiom of choice/Zorn’s lemma, countable and un-
countable sets. Symmetry: Group of motions of the plane, Discrete groups of motion, Finite groups of S0(3).
Combinatorics: induction, pigeonhole principle, inclusion-exclusion, Möbius inversion formula, recur- Bilinear forms: Symmetric, skew symmetric and Hermitian forms, Sylvester’s law of inertia, Spectral
rence relations. theorem for the Hermitian and normal operators on finite dimensional vector spaces.
Number theory: Divisibility and Euclids algorithm, Pythagorean triples, solving cubics, Infinitude of Linear groups: Classical linear groups, SU2 and SL 2(R).
primes, arithmetic functions, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Congruences, Fermat’s little theo-
rem and Euler’s theorem, ring of integers modulo n, factorisation of polynomials, algebraic and tran- INSTRUCTOR: Vamsi Pingali
scendental numbers.
Graph theory: Basic definitions, trees, Eulerian tours, matchings, matrices associated to graphs. 1. Artin, M., Algebra, Prentice-Hall of India, 1994.
Algebra: groups, permutations, group actions, Cayley’s theorem, dihedral groups, introduction to 2. Herstein, I. N., Topics in Algebra, Vikas Publications, 1972.
rings and fields. 3. Strang, G., Linear Algebra and its Applications, Third Edition, Saunders, 1988.
4. Halmos, P., Finite dimensional vector spaces, Springer-Verlag (UTM), 1987.
INSTRUCTOR: R. Venkatesh
1. A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra by L. Childs. MINOR)
2. Groups and Symmetry by Mark A. Armstrong.
3. A Walk Through Combinatorics: An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Theory by Miklós Functions on R^n, directional derivatives, total derivative, higher order derivatives and Taylor series.
Bóna. The inverse and implicit function theorem, Integration on R^n, differential forms on R^n, closed and
4. Elementary Number Theory by D. M. Burton. exact forms. Green’s theorem, Stokes’ theorem and the Divergence theorem.
5. A First Course in Abstract Algebra by G. Fraleigh.
INSTRUCTOR: Kaushal Verma
SEMESTER 5 (AUGUST) 1. Rudin, W., Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1986.
2. Royden, H. L., Real Analysis, Macmillan, 1988.
MA 212: ALGEBRA I (3:0) (CORE COURSE FOR MATHEMATICS MAJOR AND MINOR) 3. B. V. Limaye and S. Ghorpade: A course in Calculus and Real Analysis, Springer
Groups: Review of Groups, Subgroups, Homomorphisms, Normal subgroups, Quotient groups, Iso-
morphism theorems. Group actions and its applications, Sylow theorems. Structure of finitely gener- MA 231: TOPOLOGY (3:1) (CORE COURSE FOR MATHEMATICS MAJOR)
ated abelian groups, Free groups. Rings: Review of rings, Homomorphisms, Ideals and isomorphism Note: This can be taken either in Semester V or Semester VII.
theorems. Prime ideals and maximal ideals. Chinese remainder theorem. Euclidean domains, Principal
ideal domains, Unique factorization domains. Factorization in polynomial rings. Open and closed sets, continuous functions, the metric topology, the product topology, the ordered
topology, the quotient topology. Connectedness and path connectedness, local path connectedness.
Modules: Modules, Homomorphisms and exact sequences. Free modules. Hom and tensor products. Compactness. Countability axioms. Separation axioms. Complete metric spaces, the Baire category
Structure theorem for modules over PIDs. theorem. Urysohn’s embedding theorem. Function. Topological groups, orbit spaces.
90 91
MA 213 ALGEBRA PART II (3:1) (CORE COURSE FOR MATHEMATICS MAJOR) Basics concepts: Phase space, existence and uniquness theorems, dependence on initial conditions,
Note: This can be taken either in Semester VI or Semester VIII.
Linear systems: The fundamental matrix, stability of equilibrium points. Sturm-Liouvile theory.
Part A: Introduction to categories and functors, direct and inverse limits, Localization of Rings, Frac- Nonlinear systems and their stability: The Poincare-Bendixson theorem, perturbed linear systems, Lya-
tion field of an integral domain, I-adic completion of rings, Tensor products, Short exact sequences punov methods.
of modules, Noetherian rings and modules; Hilbert basis theorem, Jordan Holder Theorem, Artinian
rings; Artinian implies Noetherian, Krull-Schmidt Theorem. INSTRUCTOR: E. K. Narayanan
Part B: Splitting fields, Normal and separable extensions, Application to finite fields: existence SUGGESTED BOOKS:
and uniqueness, Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory, Primitive Element Theorem. 1. Coddington, E. A. and Levinson, N., Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, Tata McGraw-Hill
INSTRUCTOR: Abhishek Banerjee 2. Birkhoff, G. and Rota, G.-C., Ordinary Differential Equations, wiley, 1989.
3. Hartman, P., Ordinary Differential Equations, Birkhaeuser, 1982.
1. Lang, S. 2002. Algebra, revised third edition, Springer-Verlag, (Indian Edition Available)
2. Artin, M. 1994. Algebra, Prentice-Hall of India
3. Dummit, D. S. and Foote, R. M. 2001. Abstract Algebra, John Wiley & Sons
4. Atiyah, M. and MacDonald, R., Commutative Algebra SEMESTER 7 (AUGUST)
5. Herstein, I. N. 1995. Topics in Algebra, John Wiley & Sons The coursework for this semester comprises five electives.
See next page for the list of electives offered by the Department of Mathematics.
Note: This can be taken either in Semester VI or Semester VIII.
Construction of the Lebesgue measure, measurable functions, limit theorems. Lebesgue integration. SEMESTER 8 (JANUARY)
Different notions of convergence and convergence theorems. Product measures and the Radon-Niko- The work for this semester consists of one elective course and the undergraduate project.
dym theorem, change of variables, complex measures. The undergraduate project carries 13 credits.
See next page for the list of electives offered by the Department of Mathematics.
INSTRUCTOR: Gautam Bharali
1. Hewitt, E. and Stromberg, K., Real and Abstract Analysis, Springer, 1969
2. Royden, H.L., Real Analysis, Macmillan, 1988.
3. Folland, G.B., Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and their Applications, 2nd edition, Wiley.
Complex numbers, complex-analytic functions, Cauchy’s integral formula, power series, Liouville’s the-
orem. The maximum-modulus theorem. Isolated singularities, residue theorem, the Argument Princi-
ple, real integrals via contour integration. Mobius transformations, conformal mappings. The Schwarz
lemma, automorphisms of the dis. Normal families and Montel’s theorem. The Riemann mapping
92 93
94 95
Introduction, review of vector algebra, vector calculus: gradient, divergence, curl, Gauss’ theorem
and Stokes’ theorem, Laplacian etc. Coulomb’s law, electric field, electrostatic potential, Uniqueness
theorem, conductors, capacitance, method of images, bound charges and dipole moment density,
energy stored in electric fields. Magnetostatics: electric currents, Biot-savart law, Ampere’s law, mag-
netic fields of straight wires, circular loops and infinite solenoids, vector potential, magnetic dipole
moment and bound currents. Lorentz force and Faraday’s law, inductance, energy stored in a magnetic
field. Linear dielectric and magnetic materials, charge conservation, displacement current, Maxwell’s
equations and gauge invariance, Classical wave equation and plane monochromatic waves, energy of
EM waves and Poynting’s theorem.
1. Purcell, E.M. 2011 Electricity and Magnetism, Berkeley Physics Course - Volume 2, 2nd edition,
TataMcGraw Hill.
2. Griffiths, D.J. 2003 Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall of India.SICS
Semester 3 (August)
SEMESTER 1 (AUGUST) 1. Serway, and Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers (7th Edition).
2. Young, and Freedman, University Physics (12th Edition).
UP 101: INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS I – MECHANICS, OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES (2:1) 3. Halliday, Resnick and Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, Extended (8th Edition).
4. Harris Benson, University Physics, Revised Edition.
Kinematics, laws of motion. Circular motion, work. Kinetic and potential energy. Line integrals. 5. Kenneth Krane, Modern Physics, Second Edition.
Conservative forces. Friction, terminal velocity in air. Systems of particles. Conservation of linear
momentum. Scattering in one and two dimensions. Angular momentum. Moment of inertia. Rotation
about one axis. Precession of gyroscope. Central force. Reduction of two- body problem to one-body
problem and effective one-body potential. Planetary motion and Kepler’s laws. Simple pendulum, SEMESTER 4 (JANUARY)
damped and forced, resonance. Coupled oscillators, normal modes. Small oscillations. Transverse
waves on a string. Linear superposition, interference, beats. Fourier series. Sound waves in air. Doppler UP 202: INTERMEDIATE MECHANICS, OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES (2:1)
effect. (Core Course for Physics Major)
INSTRUCTORS: Tarundeep Saini, Asha Bharadwaj and K. Ramesh. Special theory of relativity. Lorentz transformations. Energy-momentum relation. Lorentz four-vectors.
Motion in non-inertial frames. Fictitious forces. Coriolis force. Focault pendulum. Basic scattering the-
SUGGESTED BOOKS: ory.Vibrations of particles on a circle and a line. Orthonormal basis. Wave equation. Fourier transform.
1. Kittel, C., Knight, W.D., Ruderman, M.A., Helmholz, A.C. and Moyer, B.J. 2011 Mechanics, Phase space. Hamiltonian equations, fixed points and stability. Nonlinear equations. Chaos. Logistics
Berkeley Physics Course: Volume 1, 2nd edition. map and period doubling. Fluid mechanics. Euler equation. Bernoulli’s equation. Waves in fluids.
2. Kleppner, D. and Kolenkow, R.J. 2007 An Introduction To Mechanics (Special Indian Edition). Gravity waves.Viscosity. Navier-Stokes equation. Basic ideas about turbulence. Elasticity. Strain and
stress tensors.Elastic moduli. Bending of rods. Waves in solids.
96 97
INSTRUCTORS: Arnab Rai Choudhuri, Suja Elizabeth and Pallavi Malavi.
SUGGESTED BOOKS: (Core Course for Physics Major)
1. Kleppner, D. and Kolenkow, R.J. 2007 An Introduction To Mechanics (Special Indian Edition).
2. Rana, N.C. and Jog, P.S. 1991 Classical Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. Newton’s laws, generalized co-ordinates. Lagrange’s principle of least action and equations. Conser-
3. Landau, L.D. and Lifshitz, E.M. Fluid Mechanics and Theory of Elasticity (Vols. 6 and 7 of Course vation laws and symmetry. Integrable problems, elastic collisions and scattering. Small oscillations
ofTheoretical Physics). including systems with many degrees of freedom, rigid body motion. Hamilton’s equations. Poisson
brackets.Hamilton Jacobi theory. Canonical perturbation theory, chaos, elements of special relativity.
Lorentz transformations, relativistic mechanics.
(Core Course for Physics Major) INSTRUCTOR: Rajeev Kumar Jain
Electromagnetic Waves: Wave equation from Maxwell’s equations, polarization, energy and momen- SUGGESTED BOOKS:
tum in EM waves, propagation in linear media, reflection and refraction, Snell’s law and Fresnel’s equa- 1. Goldstein, H. 1989 Classical Mechanics, 2nd edition, Narosa, New Delhi.
tions,Brewster angle and total internal reflection. EM waves in conductors, skin depth, simple theories 2. Landau, L. D. and Lifshitz, E. M. 1976 Mechanics, Pergamon, UK.
for dispersion of EM waves. Wave guides and coaxial cables, optical fibers Geometrical optics: Fer- 3. Rana, N. C. and Jog, P. S. 1991 Classical Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
mat’sprinciple, Snell’s law, reflection and refraction at spherical surfaces, convex and concave mirrors
andlenses, real and virtual images.
Physical Optics: Coherence, Young’s two slit experiment, multiple slits, diffraction grating, wavelength (Core Course for Physics Major)
resolution and fringe visibility, Newton’s rings, Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometer, diffraction
from rectangular and circular apertures, Airy disc and resolving power of microscopes. Historical foundations. Wave function for a single particle. Hamiltonian. Schrodinger equation.
Probability current. Wave packets. One-dimensional problems: step, barrier and delta-function po-
Quantum optics:Photons, spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein A and B coefficients and tentials.Tunneling, scattering and bound states. Harmonic oscillator, operator approach. Matrix for-
relation to the Planck distribution, rate equations for absorption and emission, two level and three mulation of quantum mechanics. Hermitian and unitary operators. Orthonormal basis. Momentum
level systems, population inversion and light amplification, optical resonators and the basic working representation.Uncertainty relations. Postulates of quantum mechanics. Heisenberg representation.
principle of a laser, examples of lasers: Ruby, He-Ne, semiconductor etc. Ehrenfest’s theorem. Three-dimensional problems. Rotations, angular momentum operators, commu-
Instructors: Nirupam Roy and R. Ganesan tation relations.Spherical harmonics. Hydrogen atom, its spectrum and wave functions. Symmetries
and degeneracies.Spin angular momentum. Spin-1/2 and two-level systems. Addition of angular mo-
SUGGESTED BOOKS: mentum. Spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions. Time-independent perturbation theory. Stark and Zee-
1. Griffiths, D. J. 2003 Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall of India. man effects. Variational methods, ground state of helium atom.
2. Hecht, E. and Ganesan, A. R. 2008 Optics, 4th edition, Pearson.
3. Ghatak, A. and Thyagarajan, K. 1991 Optical Electronics, Cambridge University Press. INSTRUCTOR: Manish Jain
UP 204: INTERMEDIATE THERMAL PHYSICS AND THE PHYSICS OF MATERIALS (2:1) 1. Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B. and Laloe, F. 1977 Quantum Mechanics, Vol.1, John Wiley.
(Core Course for Physics Major and Minor) 2. Landau, L.D. and Lifshitz E.M. 1974 Quantum Mechanics, Pergamon, NY.
3. Shankar, R. 2010 Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Springer.
Review of kinetic theory and thermodynamics, Free energies, Phases and phase transitions, Van 4. Schwabl, F. 1995 Quantum Mechanics, Springer.
der Waals gas and the liquid gas transition, Thermodynamics of magnetic systems, Ensembles and
rules of Statistical Mechanics, The Ideal Maxwell-Boltzmann Gas, The Ideal Fermi Gas, The Ideal Bose
Gas, Crystal Structure, Lattice Vibrations, Band theory of electrons in crystalline solids, Thermal prop- PH 205: MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF PHYSICS (3:0)
erties of crystalline solids. (Core Course for Physics Major)
INSTRUCTORS: Prerna Sharma, K.P. Ramesh and Shwetha Bhat. Linear vector spaces, linear operators and matrices, systems of linear equations. Eigen values and
Eigenvectors, classical orthogonal polynomials. Linear ordinary differential equations, exact and se-
SUGGESTED BOOKS: ries methods of solution, special functions. Linear partial differential equations of physics, separation
1. Callen, H.B. Thermodynamics and Introduction to Thermostatistics (2nd edition), Wiley Student of variables method of solution. Complex variable theory; analytic functions. Taylor and Laurent ex-
Edition. pansions,classification of singularities, analytic continuation, contour integration, dispersion relations.
2. Reif, F. Statistical Physics, Berkeley Physics Course Volume 5, Tata McGraw Hill. Fourier and Laplace transforms.
3. Kittel, C. Introduction to Solid State Physics, 5th/6th/7th edition, Wiley International.
INSTRUCTOR: Sumilan Banerjee
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PH 202: STATISTICAL MECHANICS (3:0) This is a 20 credit project course of six months duration and is compulsory for the completion of the
(Core Course for Physics Major) MSc course. The student can choose any faculty of his or her choice from any of the three departments:
Physics,Centre for High Energy Physics (CHEP), Instrumentation and Applied Physics (IAP) with mutual
Basic principles of statistical mechanics and its application to simple systems. Probability theory, funda- consent and take up an advanced topic of research either in experimental or theoretical stream. At the
mental postulate, phase space, Liouville’s theorem, ergodicity, micro-canonical ensemble,connection end of the term, the student will submit a hard copy of the report with proper binding. The viva-voce
with thermodynamics, canonical ensemble, classical ideal gas, harmonic oscillators,paramagnetism, examination will be conducted with two examiners and evaluated accordingly.
Ising model, physical applications to polymers, biophysics. Grand canonical ensemble,thermodynamic
potentials, Maxwell relations, Legendre transformation. Introduction to quantum statistical mechanics, CO-ORDINATOR: K.P. Ramesh
Fermi, Bose and Boltzmann distribution, Bose condensation, photons and phonons,Fermi gas, classi-
cal gases with internal degrees of freedom, fluctuation, dissipation and linear response,Monte Carlo
and molecular dynamics methods.
1. Pathria, R.K. 1996 Statistical Mechanics, Butterworth Heinemann, Second edition.
2. Reif, F. 1965 Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw Hill.
3. Landau, L.D. and Lifshitz, E.M. 1980 Statistical Physics, Pergamon.
Time dependent perturbation theory. Fermi golden rule. Transitions caused by a periodic external
field. Dipole transitions and selection rules. Decay of an unstable state. Born cross section for weak
potential scattering. Adiabatic and sudden approximations. WKB method for bound states and tun-
neling. Scattering theory: partial wave analysis, low energy scattering, scattering length, Born ap-
proximation, optical theorem, Levinson’s theorem, resonances, elements of formal scattering theory.
Minimal coupling between radiation and matter, diamagnetism and paramagnetism of atoms, Landau
levels and Aharonov-Bohm effect. Addition of angular momenta, Clebsch Gordon series, WignerEck-
art theorem, Lande’s g factor. Many particle systems: identity of particles, Pauli principle, exchange
interaction, bosons and fermions. Second quantization, multielectron atoms, Hund’s rules. Binding
of diatomic molecules. Introduction to Klein Gordon and Dirac equations, and their non-relativistic
reduction, g factor of the electron.
100 101
PH 206 3:0 Electromagnetic Theory Animesh Kuley IN 201 3:0 Analytical Instruments S. Asokan
Analog Digital and Microprocessor
PH 207 1:2 K. Rajan IN 212 3:0 Advanced Nano/Micro Systems Abha Misra
PH 208 3:0 Condensed Matter Physics -1 Aveek Bid/ Srimanta Middey IN 214 3:0 Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Sanjiv Sambandan
PH 212 0:3 Experiments in Condensed Matter Physics Anindya Das/ DVS Muthu IN 227 3:0 Control System Design G.R. Jayanth
Advanced Experiments in Condensed
PH 213 0:4 R. Ganesan/P.S. Anil Kumar IN 244 3:0 Optical Metrology Sai Siva Gotri
Matter Physics
PH 217 3:0 Fundamentals of Astrophysics Tarun Deep Saini IN 267 3:0 Fluorescence Microscopy and Imaging Partha P. Mondal
PH 231 0:1 Workshop practice Vasant Natarajan IN 222 3:0 Microcontrollers and Applications S. Ramgopal
PH 320 3:0 Condensed Matter Physics II Subroto Mukerjee IN 224 3:0 Nanoscience and Device fabrication Asha Bharadwaj
PH 325 3:0 Advanced Statistical Physics Rahul Pandit IN 229 3:0 Advanced Instrumentation Electronics A.K. Mohanty
PH 330 0:3 Advanced Independent Project Faculty IN 210 3:0 Wave Propagation in Periodic Media Abha Misra
Crystal Growth, Thin Films and
PH 351 3:0 Suja Elizabeth and Anil Kumar IN 223 3:0 Plasma Processes G. Mohan Rao
PH 352 3:0 Semiconductor Physics and Technology Ramesh Mallik IN 228 3:0 Automatic System Control Engineering T.K. Mondal
Arindam Ghosh and Ambarish
PH 359 3:0 Physics at the Nanoscale IN 232 2:1 Concepts in solid state physics Chandini U
Topological Phases of Matter (Theory and High-Vacuum Technology and
PH 364 3:0 Tanmoy Das IN 234 3:0 G. Mohan Rao
experiment) Applications
HE215 3:0 Nuclear and Particle Physics Sudhir Vempati IN 268 3:0 Microfluidic Devices and Applications Sai Siva Gorthi
HE 391 3:0 Quantum Mechanics III Apoorva Patel IN 270 3:0 Digital Signal Processing T.K. Mondal
Cryogenic Instrumentation and
HE 395 3:0 Quantum Field Theory 1 Prasad Hegde IN 271 3:0 Behera
Advanced Topics in Fluorescence
HE 396 3:0 Quantum Field Theory 2 Sudhir Vempati IN 302 3:0 Partha P. Mondal
HE 392 3:0 Standard Model Particle Physics Aninda Sinha
102 103
Bioengineering is a thriving interdisciplinary field in academic research and industrial practice today.
On one hand, Bioengineering is the engineering counterpart to life sciences just as aerospace, chem-
ical, civil, electrical, material, and mechanical engineering disciplines are engineering extensions of
physics and chemistry. On the other hand, bioengineering is much more expansive. At one end of its
broad spectrum, it deals with quantitative aspects of biomolecules and cells to organs and systems. In
a nutshell, bioengineering is engineering of biology, for biology, and with biology.
Understanding biology at the fundamental level using engineering principles and techniques is a
hallmark of bioengineering. Emerging areas of systems and synthetic biology, which use computa-
tional methods, are also within the ambit of bioengineering. Biomaterials, cell and tissue engineering,
immunoengineering, and regenerative medicine are pursued within bioengineering towards the de-
velopment of novel drug-delivery techniques, implants, prosthetics, and artificial organs. Neuroengi-
neering interfaces neuroscience to not only understand how brain works but also to study neurological
diseases and their treatment.
Development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic devices, orthotics, human-assistive devices, etc., lie
at the other end of the spectrum of bioengineering. Biosensors and implantable prostheses involve
micro and nano technologies. Developing novel instruments from microscopes to biochemical assays
is an integral part of bioengineering. Development biomedical instruments that are crucial for medical
diagnosis and treatment is also an important component of bioengineering. Signal processing, bio-
electronics, medical imaging, etc., also come within the purview of bioengineering.
Working with clinicians and clinical researchers is also an aspect of bioengineering or its extension
called biomedical engineering. Familiarity with physiology and anatomy empowers engineers to work
on the unmet needs of clinical practice and explore careers in biomedical industry. Bioengineering also
has organic links to biopharma industry.
IISc undergraduates who opt for a minor in bioengineering will become familiar with the basics of
bioengineering and touch upon its multiple facets. This minor programme is administered by BioSys- Course Number Course Title
tems Science and Engineering (BSSE), a full-fledged academic department at IISc. BSSE was founded
in 2015 based on the critical mass that became evident due in response to the Interdisciplinary PhD BE 213 (AUG) 2:0 Fundamentals of Bioengineering 1
programme in Bioengineering that started in 2012. BSSE is an inclusive department that works with
several other departments as well as it numerous clinical partners. BSSE is a place of confluence of BE 214 (JAN) 2:0 Fundamentals of Bioengineering 2
biologists, clinicians, designers, and engineers. It has primary faculty of its own, associate faculty, ad-
junct faculty, research staff, and PhD students. Its thematic common laboratories support research and BE 210 (AUG) 3:0 Drug Delivery: Principles and Applications
BE 211 (AUG) 3:0 Cell Mechanics
BSSE has a well-thought-out and growing curriculum to train and nurture students with different back-
grounds to become bioengineers with expertise and appreciation for biology and engineering. In BE 215 (JAN) 3:0 Dynamical Systems Biology
view of bioengineering minor, a few courses are selected from BSSE’s curriculum to serve as core and
MT 271 or MR 203
Introduction to Biomaterials
elective courses, as shown in two tables to fulfil 15 credits required for the minor in the undergraduate
(AUG/JAN) 3:0
programme of IISc. The core courses provide basics of traditional and emerging areas of biomaterials,
biosensors, biomechanics, cell mechanics, microfluidics, and systems biology. The electives provide ME251 (JAN) 3:0 Biomechanics
an opportunity to study these topics in depth, depending on the interests of the students after taking
the core courses. It may be noted that the core courses are offered by BSSE while the electives are NE203 (AUG) 3:0 Advanced micro- and nanofabrication technology and processes
taught by BSSE and other departments at IISc. While most courses are lecture oriented, some have
hands-on laboratories. NE231 (AUG) 3:0 Microfluidics
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Anoop Yadav, AR
N. Krishna Murthy, SO
M. Ravi, MTS
K G Haridasan,
Undergraduate Students,
Office of Communications
Indian Institute of Science