Numerical With Answer2
Numerical With Answer2
Numerical With Answer2
L - Lecture BB - Black Board
OHP - Over Head Projector pp - Pages
Tx - Text Rx - Reference
Sl. No Topics to be covered Aid Book No./Page No
TX1/PP 109-113,124-131,TX2/PP
Intra and inter Modal Dispersion and Over all
13 L13 BB 113-115-107, RX1/PP 41-43,
Fiber Dispersion
RX3/PP 157-159,180-181
TX1/PP 140-148, 51-154, TX2/PP
14 L14 Polarization, non linear effects
105-110, RX1/PP 64-67
TX1/PP 243-250,219-232,
BB TX2/PP 231-235, 215-
15 L15 Optical fiber connections: Fiber alignment and
223RX1/PP 152-153, RX3/PP
Joint Losses
L16,L BB TX1/PP 233-241, TX2/PP 115-
16 Fiber Splices and Fiber connectors
17 121, RX3/PP 230-236
TX1/PP 251-255,280-
Fiber Couplers, Optical isolators and
17 L18 BB 283,RX2/PP 256-259 RX3/PP
Optical sources: Light Emitting Diodes - LED BB TX1/PP 396-410,TX2/PP 150-
18 structures -Surface and edge emitters , Mono and 153, RX3/PP 258-259,
hetero structures RX1/PP 87-91,
BB TX1/PP 412-419,342-349,TX2/PP
19 L21 Internal quantum efficiency of LED
153-154, RX3/PP 211-212
Laser diode: Fabry-Perot laser, Distributed BB TX2/PP 161-171, RX1/PP 94-99
20 L22
feedback laser
Injection laser diode structures , Comparison of BB TX2/PP 171-176, RX3/PP 361-
21 L23
LED and ILD 372
22 L24 Modulation of laser diodes, Temperature effects OHP TX2/PP 168-172 TX2/PP 174-175
Power launching and coupling: Source to fiber BB RX3/PP 118-121
23 L25
power launching TX2/PP 191-196
BB TX2/PP 196-199, TX1/PP 419-
24 L26 Lensing scheme for coupling improvement
BB TX2/PP 208-209 TX2/PP 392-399
LED coupling to SM fibers, Optical sensor TX1/PP 866-870
25 L27
BB RX3/PP 138-141, TX2/PP 223-
Optical detectors: PIN photo detector, Schottky
26 L28 barrier photodiodes
TX1/PP 432-434
Avalanche photodiodes- Construction and BB RX3/PP 142-147,TX2/PP 227-
27 L29 properties 230, TX1/PP 441-442
Photo detector: noise sources, signal to noise BB RX3/PP 155-158,TX2/PP 231-234
28 L30
ratio TX1/PP 502-505
Detector response time, Comparison of photo BB TX2/PP 235-239
29 L31 detector
Fundamental receiver operation: Digital Signal BB TX1/PP 503-505,TX2/PP 275-281,
30 L32
Transmission, Error sources
L33,L Front end amplifier: Pre amplifiers – high BB TX1/PP 524-525,TX2/PP 305-308
34 impedance FET amplifier
32 L35 Bipolar, trans impedance amplifier TX1/PP 526-530,TX2/PP 309-311
TX2/PP 281-289
Probability of Error and Quantum limit, Optical
33 L36 RX3/PP 524-526 TX2/PP 493-494
packet switching
TX1/PP 1000-1002
11. Write the advantages of fiber –optic cables over conventional cables. (CO1) (Remembering)
The primary advantage of fiber –optic cables over conventional cables and radio are wider
bandwidth, lower loss, light weight, small size, strength, security, interference immunity and safety.
12. Mention the disadvantages of fiber-optic cables. (CO1) (Remembering)
The main advantages of fiber –optic cable is that its small size and brittleness makes more
difficult to work with.
13. Write down the ranges of optical frequency. (CO1) (Understanding)
The frequency of the optical spectrum is in the range of 3x1011 to 3x1016Hz.This includes both
infrared and ultraviolet as well as the visible parts of the spectrum. Light frequencies used in optical
fiber communications systems are between 1x1014Hz and 4x1014Hz(100,000GHz to 400,000GHz).
14. Define a repeater. (CO1) (Remembering)
Repeater is nothing but a re-generator of the original signal which is affected by noise. It is not
an amplifier.
15. What is the relationship between information capacity and bandwidth? (CO1) (Remembering)
The information –carrying capacity of any electronic communication system is directly
proportional to bandwidth. Optical fiber cables have, for all practical purposes, an infinite
16. Contrast glass and plastic fiber cables. (CO1) (Understanding)
Fiber – optic cables are made from glass and plastic. Glass has the lowest loss but it brittle.
Plastic is cheaper and more flexible, but has high attenuation.
17. Write down the wavelength regions corresponding to first, second and third windows. (CO1)
1.First window - 800to 900 nm
2.second window -1100 to 1350nm
3.Third window-1500 to 1650nm
18. For a low power optical signal which type of photo-diode can be used? Why? (CO1)
Avalanche photo diode since it has a greater sensitivity owing to an inherent internal gain
mechanism (avalanche effect).
19. Define Numerical aperture of a step index fiber. (CO1) (Remembering) (APR/MAY 2005, may
2010,Nov 2012)
Numerical aperture (N.A) of the fiber is the light collecting efficiency of the fiber and is the
measure of the amount of light rays that can be accepted by the fiber. It is equal to the sine of
acceptance. N.A=sinφmax=(n12-n22)1/2 where n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of core and
cladding respectively.
20. What is meant by refractive index of a material? (CO1) (Remembering)
The amount of refraction is called the index of refraction (n) and is the ratio of the speed of
light in air to the speed of light in the material.
Index of refraction(n)= Speed of light in air (c)/Speed of light in substance (v) .
21. What is the function of an optical receiver in an optical repeater? (CO1) (Remembering)
An optical receiver detects the optical signal and converts it to an electric signal, which is
amplified, reshaped and sent to the electric input of the optical transmitter.
22. Write the advantages of optical communication. (CO1) (Remembering)
i).Small size and weight ii).Immunity to interface and crosstalk iii).High signal security iv).Low
transmission loss v).System reliability and ease of maintenance. vi).Wide band width and greater
information capacity.
23. Define refraction. (CO1) (Remembering)
Refraction is the bending of a light ray that occurs when the light rays pass from one medium to
24. Write a short note on a) Angle of incidence (b) Angle of reflection. (CO1) (Understanding)
Angle of incidence: The angle at which light strikes a surface with respect to the normal is called
the angle of incidence. The angle of the incident light ray determines whether the ray will be
reflected or refracted.
Angle of reflection: The angle at which light is reflected from a surface is called the angle of
reflection. The law of reflection is usually expressed in the following form: The angle of
incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Angle of incidence =Angle of reflection
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
25. Mention any two limitations of fiber optical communications. (CO1) (Understanding)
(1) High initial cost: The initial cost of installation or setting up cost is very high compared to all
other system.
(2)Joining and test process: Since optical fibers are of very small size. The fiber joining process is
very difficult and costly. It requires skilled manpower.
26. Write the function of light sources. (CO1) (Understanding)
The light source has two main functions. 1)It generates the optical (light) signal. 2)It also gives
modulation of the light wave carrier with information signal.
27. Mention the necessary conditions for TIR. (CO1) (Understanding)
Two necessary conditions for TIR to occur are: i)T he refractive index of first medium (n1)
must be greater than the refractive index of second one (n2). ii)The angle of incidence of the ray
exceeds the critical value(ф1 >фc) .
28. What is a step – index fiber? (CO1) (Remembering)
If the refractive index of the core in a fiber is uniform throughout and undergoes an abrupt
change or step at the cladding boundary, it is called step index fiber.
29. What is a graded index fiber? (CO1) (Remembering)
If the refractive in a fiber is made to vary as a function of the radial distance from the center of
the fiber, it is called graded – index fiber, i.e., refractive index decreases as the radial distance
increases (moves away from the center)
30. What is order of a mode ? (CO1) (Remembering)
The order of a mode is equal to the number of field zeros across the guide.
31. Define a intermodal distortion. (CO1) (Understanding)
When an optical pulse is launched into a fiber, the optical power in the pulse is distributed
overall of the modes of the fiber. Each of the modes that can propagate in a multimode fiber
travels at a slightly different velocity. So the optical pulse arrive at the fiber end at slightly different
times, thus causing the pulse to spread out in times as it travels along the fiber. That is called
intermodal dispersion (or) Intermodal distortion.
32. What is meridional ray? (CO1) (Understanding)
Meridional rays are pass through the fiber (core) axis after each total internal reflection from
the core cladding boundaries. Meridional ray lies in a single plane, its path is easy to track as it
travels along the fiber.
33. On what laws the bounded rays get propagated? (or) What is bounded rays? (CO1)
The bounded rays that are trapped in the core and propagate along the fiber axis according to
the laws of geometrical optics.
34. What are skew rays? (CO1) (Understanding) (Nov/Dec 2009)
Skew rays are the rays following the helical path around the fiber axis when they travel
through the fiber and they would not cross the fiber axis at any time. It is very difficult to track the
skew rays as they do not lie in a single plane.
35. What do you meant by modes? (CO1) (Understanding)
The modes are referred to the number of paths for the light rays in the fiber cable.
36. What is an index profile? (CO1) (Understanding)
The index profile of an optic fiber is a graphical representation of the magnitude of the
refractive index across the fiber.
37. Define graded index fiber. (CO1) (Understanding)
The core refractive index is made to vary as a function of the radial distance from the center of
the fiber. This type is a graded – index fiber. The index of refraction varies smoothly and
continuously over diameter of the core.
38. What are unbound rays? (CO1) (Remembering)
The unbound rays that are refracted out of the fiber core.
39. Mention the names of different optical fiber configuration. (CO1) (Remembering)
Depending on the refractive index profile of fiber and modes of fiber, three configurations are
commonly used. This optic – fiber configuration are i)Single mode step – index fiber ii)Multimode
step - index fiber iii)Multimode graded index fiber
40. What is ray theory approach? (CO1) (Remembering)
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
A ray of light is the one dimensional approach and indicates the direction of propagation of
light through the fiber. The ray theory is otherwise known as tracing approach or geometrical optics
41. Write the expression for the acceptance angle for skew rays. (CO1) (Understanding)
The acceptance angle for skew rays is expressed as Θa =sin-1(NA/cosγ). At each reflection, the
fiber will give a 2γ direction change for rays.
42. Define weakly guiding approximation. (CO1) (Remembering)
In a step index fiber the difference in the core and cladding indices of refraction is very small
(Δ<<1) . This is the basis of the weakly guiding fiber approximation. Usually Δ is less than 0.003
(3%) for optical communication.
43. What is linearly polarized mode? (CO1) (Understanding) (May/June 2013)
In a step index fiber the difference in the core and cladding indices of refraction is very small
(Δ<<1) . This is the basis of the weakly guiding fiber approximation. Usually Δ is less than 0.003
(3%) for optical communication. With this weakly guiding assumption, only four field components (
HE,EH,TE and TM) need to be considered and their expressions become significantly similar. The
field components are called linearly polarized components.
44. What is degenerate modes? (CO1) (Remembering)
In weakly guiding fibers Δ is small , then HE-EH mode pairs occur which have almost identical
propagation constants and electromagnetic field patterns. Such modes are said to be degenerate.
45. What are TE modes? (CO1) (Remembering)
Consider electromagnetic waves propagating along the cylindrical fiber. If the axis of the fiber
lies along the z-axis of the cylindrical co-ordinate system when Ez = 0, the modes are called
transverse electric (TE) modes.
46. Write the expression for the total number of guided mode supported by the graded index fiber.
(CO1) (Understanding)
The total number of the guided modes or mode volume M supported by the graded index fiber
is given by M= (α / α+2) (n1ka)2 Δ Where, r is the radial distance from the fiber axis, a is the core
radius, n1 is the refractive index at the core axis, n2 is the refractive index of the cladding and α is
the profile parameter which gives the characteristic refractive index profile of the fiber core and ∆ is
the refractive index index difference.
47. What are TM modes? (CO1) (Remembering)
When HZ=0, the modes are called transverse magnetic (TM) modes.
48. What is meant by mode coupling? (CO1) (Remembering)
Mode coupling is the coupling of energy from one mode to another arises.
49. Why single mode fiber is widely used in telecommunication? (CO1) (Understanding)
1).Single mode fiber utilize transmission bandwidth effectively and have lowest losses in the
transmission medium. 2).They have a superior transmission quality over other fiber types because of
the absence of modal noise. 3).They offer a substantial upgrade capability for future wide
bandwidth services using either faster optical transmitters and receivers or advanced transmission
techniques. 4).They are compatible with the developing integrated optics technology. 5).The
installation of single-mode fiber will provide a transmission medium which will have adequate
performance such that it will not require replacement over its twenty-plus anticipated li
50. What are the factors involved in the mode coupling? (CO1) (Understanding)
The coupling of energy from one mode to another arises because of
i) Structural imperfections ii)fiber diameter variations iii)Refractive-index variations iv)Cabling-
induced micro bends and v)-Irregularities at core-cladding interference.
51. Write the expressions that support the single mode operation in a graded index fiber? (CO1)
The cutoff value of normalized frequency Vc to support a single mode in a graded index fiber is
given by Vc =2.405(1+2/α)1/2 Using this expression, it is possible to determine the fiber parameters
which give single-mode operation.
52. What is mode field diameter? (CO1) (Remembering)(APR/MAY 2004), (Nov/Dec 2010)
The Mode Field Diameter (MFD) is an important parameter for characterizing single mode
fiber properties which takes into account the wavelength dependent field penetration into the fiber
cladding. This parameter can be determined from the mode – field distribution of the fundamental
LP01 mode.
53. Define effective refractive index. (CO1) (Remembering)
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
Effective refractive index for single-mode fiber is defined by the ratio of the propagation
constant of the fundamental mode to the vacuum propagation constant neff = β/k
54. What are hybrid modes? (CO1) (Remembering)
When both Hz and Ez are non-zero , the modes are called hybrid modes. These are designated
as EH or HE modes, depending on whether Hz or Ez makes a larger contribution to the transverse
55. Mention the advantage of multimode fibers over single mode fiber. (CO1) (Remembering)
(May/June 2013)
Multimode fibers have several advantages over single mode fibers:
1).the use of spatially incoherent optical sources(eg. LED’s) which cannot be effectively
coupled to single mode fibers.2).Larger numerical apertures as well as core diameters, facilitating
easier coupling to optical sources.3).Lower tolerance requirements on fiber connectors.
56. Write the expression for the refractive index in graded index fibers. (CO1)
(Understanding)(APR/MAY 2004,June 2016)
n(r)= n1[1-2∆(r/a)α]1/2 for 0 ≤ r ≤a
n1(1-2∆)1/2 ≈ n1(1-∆) =n2 for r ≥ a
r - radial distance from fiber axis , a - core radius ,n1 - refractive index at the core axis , n2 -
refractive index at the cladding, α - shape of the index profile, ∆ - index difference
57. Give the expression for linearly polarized waves. (CO1) (Understanding)
The electric or magnetic field of a train of plane polarized waves travelling in a direction k can
be represented in the general form A(x,t) = eiAoexp[j(wt-k.x)] with x=xex+yey+zez representing a
general position vector and k=kxex+kyey+kzez representing the wave propagation vector.
58. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the ray optics theory. (CO1)
(Understanding)((NOV/DEC 2008)
Advantages: i. It gives more direct physical interpretation of light propagation characteristics in an
optical fiber. ii. Good approximation methods to the light acceptance and guiding in fiber in
small Wavelength unit.
Disadvantages: i. Ray optics does not predict every mode of cure fiber. ii. It does not solve the
interference problem. iii. Inaccurate for non- zero wavelength unit when number of guided mode
is large.
59. What is Snell’s law? (CO1) (Remembering)
The relationship at the interface is known as Snell’s law and is given by n1sinφ1=n2 sinφ2
60. What is the necessity of cladding for an optical fiber? (CO1) (Understanding)(Dec 2015,June
2016,May 2019)
i) To provide proper light guidance inside the core ii) To avoid leakage of light from the fiber
iii) To avoid mechanical strength for the fiber iv) To protect the core from scratches and other
mechanical damages
61. What are the uses of optical fibers? (CO1) (Understanding)
i) To transmit the information which are in the form of coded signals of the telephone
communication, computer data, etc. ii) To transmit the optical images (Example : Endoscopy) iii)
To act as a light source at the inaccessible places. iv) To act as sensors to do mechanical, electrical
and magnetic measurements.
62. What is the principle used in the working of fibers as light guides? (CO1) (Understanding)
The phenomenon of total internal reflection is used to guide the light in the optical fiber. To get
total internal reflection, the ray should travel from denser to rarer i.e. from core to cladding region of
the fiber and the angle of incidence in the denser medium should be greater than the critical angle of
that medium.
63. Relate between numerical aperture of skew rays and meridional rays. (CO1) (Understanding)
(N.A) skew = cosγ(N.A) meridional when the fiber is placed in air. Here γ is the half of the
angular change in every reflection.
64. What is fiber birefringence and fiber beat length? (CO1) (Understanding) (MAY/JUNE 2009)
Fiber birefringence: The modes propagate with different phase velocities, and the difference
between their effective indices is called the fiber birefringence. B y = ny -nx
Fiber beat length:If light is injected into the fiber so that both modes are excited, one mode is
delayed in phase relative to the order as they propagate. When the phase difference between two
modes is an integral multiple of 2π, the modes will beat at this point and the input polarization will
be reproduced. The length over which the beating occurs is known as fiber beat length. Lp = 2π / λ
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
65. Give the expression for numerical aperture in graded index fibers. (June 2016)(CO1)
N.A(r)=N.A.(0) (1-(r/a) α)1/2 for r ≤ a where N.A(0) = axial numerical aperture = (n 12-n22)1/2 a- is
core radius and α is the refractive index profile.
66. Give the relationship between rays and modes. (CO1) (Understanding) (NOV/DEC 2007)
Ray gives the direction of travel of a plane wave. A guided mode travelling in the z direction
along an optical fiber can be decomposed into a family of plane waves. Since with each plane wave,
a light ray can be associated, the family of plane waves corresponding to a mode forms a set of
rays called ray congruence.
67. A silica optical fiber has a core refractive index of 1.5 and a cladding refractive index of
1.47.Determine the Numerical aperture, acceptance angle and critical angle in air for the
fiber. (CO1) (Applying)(NOV/DEC 2007),(Apr/May 2008) (Nov 2013),(May/June 2013)(Dec
Given : n1 = 1.5 and n2 = 1.47 NA = (n12-n22)1/2 = 0.3 Acceptance angle = sin-1(NA) = 1.74˚
Critical angle= sin-1( n2/n1)= sin-1( 1.47/1.5) = sin-1 (0.98)
68. A typical relative refractive index difference for an optical designed for long distance
transmission is 1%. Estimate the numerical aperture for the fiber when the core index is
1.47. (CO1) (Applying)(NOV/DEC 2008), (Nov/Dec 2012)
Numerical aperture of fiber is given by NA = n1 ∆ = 1.47 = 0.2
69. A multimode step index fiber with a core diameter of 80 μm and a relative index difference of
1.5% is operating at a wavelength of 0.85 μm. If the core refractive index is 1.48, estimate the
normalized frequency for the fiber and the number of guided modes. (CO1)
(Applying)(April/May 2010), (May/June 2012)(Dec 2014)
i. Normalized frequency (V) = 2πa n1 ∆ =(2 X 3.14 X 40 / 0.85) X 1.48 x =75.8
ii. Number of guides modes (M) = ½ V2 = ½ (75.8)2 = 2873
70. An optical fiber in air has an NA of 0.4. Find the acceptance angle for meridional rays? (CO1)
Acceptance angle θa = n0 sin-1NA , n0 = 1 for air, θa = n0 sin-1 NA = sin-1 0.4 = 23.6˚
71. A single mode fiber has a beat length of 9 cm at 1300nm. Find the birefringence of the fiber.
(CO1) (Applying)(Nov/Dec 2010)
Birefringence of the fiber β = 2π = 2 π = 69.7cm-1
Lp 0.09 m
72. What is tunnel effect in optical fiber? (CO1) (Understanding)(Nov/ Dec 2009)
The leaky modes are continuously radiation their power out of the core as they propagate along
the fiber. This power radiation out of the waveguide in quantum mechanical phenomenon is referred
to as tunnel effect.
73. List the important requirements to be satisfied while selecting materials for optical fiber?
(CO1) (Evaluating)(Nov2012)
i.It must be possible to make long, thin, flexible fibers from the material.ii.The material must be
transparent at a particular optical wavelength in order for the fiber to guide light efficiently.
iii.Physically compatible materials that have slightly different refractive indices for the core and
cladding must be available.
74. Calculate the numerical aperture and solid acceptance angle in air for a fiber with core
refractive index of 1.46 and core cladding index difference Δ= 0.01(CO1) (Applying)(May/June
NA = n1(2Δ)1/2 =1.46 (2*0.01)1/2 =0 .2064
75. What is need of fiber attenuation measurements techniques ?(Analayzing)
Fiber attenuation measurement techniques are used in order to determine the total fiber
attenuation loss due to both absorption losses and scattering losses.
76. Mention the names of different techniques used for determining attenuation in fiber.
For determining attenuation in fibers three major techniques are used (i)Cutback
technique (ii)Insertion loss method (iii)Optical Time Domain Reflectometers (OTDR)
77. Write expression for the measurements of attenuation in cutback method. (Remembering)
Let PF and PN represent the output power at far and near ends of the fiber,
respectively .Then the attenuation in decibels per kilometer is expressed as
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
=10/L log PN/ PF, ,L is the separation distance of two measurement points (km)
78. Write the importance of the refractive index profile measurements.(Understanding)
i.The refractive index profile of the fiber core plays an important role in characterizing
the properties of optical fibers.
ii.It allows determination of the fiber’s numerical aperture on the number of modes
propagating within the fiber core.
79. What are the common methods used for determination of fiber NA?(Understanding)
Commonly used techniques for determination of fiber NA are i. Measurement of the far
field radiation pattern from the fiber ii. Far field pattern by trignometric mean.
80. State the significance of maintaining the fiber outer diameter constant. (Analyzing)
(Nov/Dec 2014)
i)Outer diameter is constant within 1% ii)Speed is large iii)More accuracy
81. What are the methods used to measure fiber refractive index profile? (Remembering)
(May/June 2012)
i.Interferometeric method ii.Near field scanning method iii. Refractive near field method
1. Discuss mode theory of circular waveguides. (CO1) (Creating)( NOV/DEC 2004),(Nov/Dec
2009),(Nov/Dec 2013,Nov/Dec 2014)(Dec 2015, June 2018)
2. Discuss the theory of Graded Index Fibers. Derive the expression for the numerical aperture of
Graded Index Fiber. (CO1) (Creating)(NOV/DEC 2004),(Nov/Dec 2013), (May/June 2012),
(May/June 2013),(Nov/Dec2014)
3. i. Discuss the propagation modes in single – mode fiber. ii. Discuss the structure of graded index
fiber. (CO1) (Creating)(APR/MAY 2005)
4. Derive an expression for number of modes propagating in a graded index fiber from the first
principle. (CO1) (Understanding)(Apr/May2008)
5. i.Derive an expression for numerical aperture of a step Index fiber.(Understanding) ii. The relative
refractive index difference between the core axis and the cladding of a graded index fiber is 0.7%
when the refractive index at the core axis is 1.45. Estimate values for the numerical aperture of the
fiber along the axis when the index profile is assumed to be triangular. (CO1) (Apr/May
2008),(Applying)(apr/May 2010) (May/June 2013)
6. i.Briefly explain the evolution of fiber optic system. ii. Compare the configurations of different
types of fibers. (CO1) (Understanding)(NOV/DEC 2005)
7. i. Derive modal equation. ii. Discuss the modes in step – index fibers.(Creating) (CO1)
( NOV/DEC 2005)
8. i. List the advantages of optical fiber communication. ii. Draw the elements of an optical fiber
transmission link and explain. (CO1) (Remembering) (MAY/JUNE 2006, Nov 2012),(Nov/Dec
2013),(Nov/Dec 2009), (Nov/Dec 2008) (Dec 2015,MAY 2019)
9. Explain mode propagating in circular waveguides. Obtain its wave equation and modal equations for
step index fibers. (CO1) (Understanding) (MAY 2010)
10. i)What is numerical aperture of an optical fiber? Deduce an expression for the same. (ii) Calculate
NA of silica fiber with its core refractive index (n1) of 1.48 and cladding refractive index of 1.46.
What should be the new value of ‘n1’ in order to change the NA to 0.23. (CO1) (Applying)
(Nov/Dec 2011)(Apr/May 2019)
11. i)Explain the phenomenon of total internal reflection using Snell's law with figures and calculations.
(Evaluating) (ii) Distinguish step-index from graded index fibers. (CO1) (Analyzing) (Nov/Dec
2011, June 2018)
12. i.Starting from the Maxwell’s equation, derive the expression for the wave equation of an
electromagnetic wave propagating through optical fiber. ii.Derive the ray theory behind the optical
fiber communication by total internal reflection. State the application of Snell’s law in it. (CO1)
(Understanding) (Nov/Dec 2012)
13. (i) A Si fiber with silica core refractive index of 1.458, v = 75 and NA = 0.3 is to be operated at
820nm. What should be its core size and cladding refractive index? Calculate the total number
of modes entering this fiber. (ii) Derive expression for the linearly polarized modes in optical
fibers and obtain the equation for V number. (CO1) (Applying) (Nov/Dec 2012)
14. i. Derive the wave equations for the step – index fiber and explain. ii. A step index fiber has
normalized frequency 26.6 at a 1300 nm wave length. If the core radius is 25μm find the
numerical aperture and mode volume. (Applying) iii. What is meant by weakly guiding
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
35. A multimode step index fiber with a core diameter of 80µm and refractive index difference of 1.5%
is operating at a wavelength of 0.85µm.If core refractive index is 1.48 . Calculate 1) V-number
2)Number of guided modes.(Dec 2015)(CO1)(Applying)
36. Draw and explain the working of single mode fiber.(Dec 2015)(CO1)(Understanding)
37. What are the functions of Core and Cladding in an optical fiber? Why should their refractive
indices be different? Would it be possible for light to be guided without cladding?(June
2016) (CO1) ( Understanding)
38. Explain the concept of electromagnetic modes in relation to a planar optical waveguide.
Discuss the modifications that may be made to electromagnetic mode theory in a planar
waveguide in order to describe optical propagation in cylindrical fiber.(June 2016) (CO1)
1. Give the expression of the effective number of modes that are guided by a curved multimode
fiber of radius ‘α’. (CO2) (Understanding)(NOV/DEC 04)
Neff = N∞ {1- α+2 ( 2a+ ( 3 )2/3)}
2 αΔ R 2n2kR
α - Graded index profile , Δ - core – cladding index difference n2 – refractive index of
cladding, k = 2π/λ propagation constant, N∞ = α ( n1k a) 2
2. What are the causes of absorption? (CO2) (Remebering)(APR/MAY 05, June
i). Absorption by atomic defects in the glass composition ii).Extrinsic absorption by impurity
atoms in the glass material. iii). Intrinsic absorption by the basic constituent atoms of thefiber
3. What causes mode coupling? (CO2) (Remembering)(MAY/JUNE 06)
Mode coupling is the coupling of energy from one mode to another arises because of structural
imperfections fiber diameter and refractive index variations and cabling induced micro bends.
4. List the basic attenuation mechanism in an optical fiber. (CO2) (Remembering)(NOV/DEC
i. Absorption ii. Scattering iii.Radiative losses.
5. What are the types of fiber losses which are given per unit distance? (CO2)
(Understanding)(Nov/Dec 2014)
i.Attenuation ii.Scattering losses iii. Bending losses iv.Dispersion
6. What do you mean by polarization mode dispersion? (CO2) (Understanding)(NOV/DEC 06),
(Nov/Dec 2010,2013) (Dec 2015)
Signal energy at a given wavelength occupies two orthogonal polarization modes. Due to
varying birefringence along a fiber, each polarization mode travel at a slightly different velocity.
This difference in propagation times, results in pulse spreading. This is polarization mode
7. List the factors that cause intrinsic joint losses in a fiber. (CO2) (Understanding) (Nov/Dce 2014)
i.Different core and/or cladding diameters ii.Different numerical aperture and/or relative refractive
index difference iii.Different refractive index profiles iv. Fiber faults
8. Distinguish dispersion shifted and dispersion flattened fibers. ((CO2) Analyzing)(NOV/DEC 07)
Dispersion shifted fiber : By creating a fiber with large negative waveguide dispersion &
assuming the same values for material dispersion as in a standard single mode fiber the addition of
waveguide & material dispersion can then shifted to zero dispersion point to long wavelength. The
resulting optical fiber is known as dispersion shifted fiber.
Dispersion flattened fiber: The reduction of fiber dispersion by spreading the dispersion
minimum out over a wide range .This approach is known dispersion flattering.
9. What is group delay? (CO2) (Remembering) (NOV/DEC 08),(Nov/Dec 2013)
In an optical fiber there are various modes present. Then the optical input, which is propagated
along the fiber, will travel in various modes. Because of these modes the velocity of the signal will
vary also there may be a delay in the optical signal of these various modes. This is called as the ‘
Group Delay’. τg= L = Distance travelled by pulse
Vg Group velocity
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
10. A multi mode graded index fiber exhibits total pulse broadening of 0.1 μs over a distance of 15
km. Estimate the maximum possible bandwidth on the link assuming RZ coding without
intersymbol interference. (CO2) (Applying)(NOV/DEC 08 & 09)
τ = 0.1μs , L = 15 km, Maximum possible bandwidth BT = 1 = 1 = 5 MHz
2 τ 2 X 0.1
11. A 100 km fiber is used in a communication system. The fiber has 3.0 dB/km loss. What will
be the output power, when the input power fed at the input of fiber is 500 μW. (CO2)
Total attenuation at 100 km fibers end = 100 X 3 dB/km = 300 dB
300 dB = 10 log10(500 X 10-6) x = output power i.e; log10( 500 X 10-6) = 30
x x
x = output power i.e; log10( 500 X 10-6) = 30 x = 500 X 10-36 watts
12. What is the need for mode coupling in optical fiber? (CO2) (Remembering) (MAY/JUNE 08)
Pulse distortion will not increase because of mode coupling. Coupling of energy from one
mode to another arises because of structural imperfections, fiber diameter, and refractive index
variations and micro bends. Mode coupling tends to average out the propagation delays and thereby
reduces intermodal dispersion.
13. Mention the two causes of intramodal dispersion. (CO2) (Analyzing)(MAY/JUNE
07),(April/May 2010,June 2016)
There is two main causes of intra modal dispersion. They are: i.Material dispersion –Which
arises from the variation of the refractive index to the core material as a function of wavelength.
ii.Wave guide dispersion – Which occurs because a single mode fiber confines only about 80
percent of the optical power to the core.
14. Define fiber loss. (CO2) (Remembering) (MAY/JUNE 07), (Nov/Dec 2010)
Signal attenuation is otherwise called as fiber loss. It is one which determines the maximum
transmission distance between a transmitter and a receiver. The basic attenuation in fiber are
absorption, scattering and radioactive losses.
15. What is intermodal dispersion? What is it cause? (CO2) (Remembering) (APR/MAY 08),
(Nov/Dec 2010)
The intermodal distortion arises due to the variation in the group delay for each individual
mode at a single frequency. When the group velocity of different mode varies, the group delay will
be formed.
16. Distinguish intrinsic and extrinsic absorption. (CO2) (Analayzing)(APR/MAY 08)
Intrinsic absorption: Intrinsic absorption occurs when material is in absolutely pure state with no
density variation, impurities and material in homogeneities. Thus intrinsic absorption set the
fundamental lower limit on absorption for any particular material. Extrinsicabsorption:
Absorption due to impurities in the fiber material i.e, transition metal impurities and OH ions. The
transition metal ions produce losses from 1 to 10 dB/km.
17. What is Intra Modal Dispersion? (CO2) (Remembering)
Intra Modal dispersion is pulse spreading that occurs within a single mode. The spreading arises
from finite spectral emission width of an optical source. This phenomenon is also called as group
velocity dispersion.
18. What is material dispersion? (CO2) (Remembering) (Nov 2012)
Material dispersion arises from the variation of the refractive index of the core material as a
function of wavelength. Material dispersion is also referred to as chromatic dispersion. This causes
a wavelength dependence of group velocity of given mode. So it occurs because the index of
refraction varies as a function of optical wavelength. Material dispersion is an intra modal
dispersion effect and is for particular importance for single ode wave-guide.
19. What is waveguide dispersion? (CO2) (Remembering)
Wave guide dispersion which occurs because of a single mode fiber confines only about 80% of
optical power to the core. Dispersion this arises since 20% of light propagates in cladding travels
faster than the light confined to the core. Amount of wave-guide dispersion depends on fiber design.
Other factor for pulse spreading is inter modal delay.
20. What is group velocity? (CO2) (Understanding)( June 2018)
If L is the distance traveled by the pulse, b is the propagation constant along axis then the
group velocity in the velocity at which energy is a pulse travels along the fiber. Vg = C.(db/ k)
21. What is polarization? (CO2) (Understanding)
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
It is a fundamental property of an optical signal .It refers to the electric field orientation of a
light signal which can vary significantly along the length of a fiber.
22. What is pulse Broadening? (CO2) (Remembering)
Dispersion induced signal distortion is that a light pulse will broaden as it travels along the
fiber. This pulse broadening causes a pulse to overlap with neighboring pulses. After a time‘t’, the
adjacent pulses can no longer be individually distinguished at the receiver and error will occur.
23. What is Profile Dispersion? (CO2) (Remembering)
A fiber with a given index profile (alpha) will exhibit different pulse spreading according to the
source wavelength used. This is called as Profile Dispersion.
24. What is M-C fiber? (CO2) (Understanding)
Fibers that have a uniform refractive index throughout the cladding is called as M-C fiber or
Matched-cladding fiber.
25. What is D-C fiber? (CO2) (Understanding)
In depressed cladding fiber the cladding portion next to the core has a lower index than the
outer cladding region.
26. What is effective cut-off wavelength? (CO2) (Remembering)
It is defined as the largest wavelength at which the higher order LP11 mode power relative to
the fundamental LP01 mode power is reduced to 0.1db.
27. Write a note on scattering losses. (CO2) (Understanding) (Nov/Dec 2010)
Scattering losses in glass arise from microscopic variation in the material density from
compositional fluctuation and from structural in homogeneities or defects occurring during fiber
28. What is Rayleigh scattering? (CO2) (Remembering)
The index variation causes a Rayleigh type of scattering of light. Rayleigh scattering in glass
in the same phenomenon that scatters light from sun in the atmosphere, giving rise to blue sky. The
expression for Rayleigh scattering loss is given by αscat=(8π3/3λ2)(n2-1)2kBTfβT
n = refractive index kB= boltzman constant βT= isothermal compressibility
Tf =fictive temperature λ =operative wavelength
29. What is intramodal delay? (CO2) (Remembering)
The other factor giving rise to pulse spreading is intramodal delay which is a result of each
mode having a different value of Group velocity at a single frequency.
30. What is the measure of information capacity in optical wave guide? (CO2) (Understanding)
It is usually specified by bandwidth distance product in MHz. For a step index fiber the various
distortion effects tend to limit the bandwidth distance product to 20MHz.
31. What are the losses or signal attenuation mechanism occurs in optical fibers. (DEC
2015)(CO2) (Remembering)
Absorption losses, Scattering losses and bending losses
32. Define microscopic bending? (CO2) (Remembering)
Fiber losses occur due to small bending arise while the fiber is inserted into a cable.
33. Define macroscopic bending? (CO2) (Remembering)
If any bending present in the fiber while cabling, the optical power get radiated.
34. The optical power launched into the fiber is 200μw. The transmission distance is 20 km.
The optical power at the output of the fiber is 50 μw. Calculate the signal attenuation Per
unit length and overall signal attenuation. (CO2) (Applying)(April/May 2010)
Signal attenuation Per unit length = 10 log Pi = 10 log 200 X 10-6 == 0.3 dB/km
L P0 20 50 X 10-6
Overall signal attenuation = Attenuation / km X 20 km = 0.3 X 20 = 6 dB.
35. What are the types of non – linear scattering losses? (CO2) (Remembering)
i. Brillouin scattering ii. Raman scattering
36. What are atomic defects? (CO2) (Remembering)
Atomic defects are imperfection of the atomic structure of the fiber material such as missing
molecules, high – density clusters of atom groups , or oxygen defects in the glass structure.
37. Mention the way to reduce macro bending losses? (CO2) (Understanding)
1.Designing fibers with large relative refractive index difference and 2. Operating at the shortest
wavelength possible.
38. What is linear scattering? (CO2) (Remembering)
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
Linear scattering transfers linearly the optical power in one propagation mode to different
mode. This will occurs in the leaky mode or radiation mode. All linear processes there are no
change of frequency on scattering.
39. What do you mean by nonlinear scattering? (CO2) (Remembering)
Nonlinear scattering causes the optical power from one mode to be transferred in either the
forward or backward direction to the same, or other modes, at a different frequency. It depends
critically upon the optical power density within the fiber and hence only becomes significant above
threshold power levels.
40. What is need of GVD? (CO2) (Remembering)
Group Velocity Dispersion parameter determines how much a light pulse broadens as it
travels along an optical fiber.
41. What is matched cladding? (CO2) (Remembering)
Matched cladding 1300nm optimized fiber has a uniform refractive index throughout the
42. What are micro bends? How they are formed? (CO2) (Understanding)(Nov/Dec 09)
Micro bends are repetitive small scale fluctuations in the radius of curvature of the fiber axis.
They are formed either by non-uniformities in the manufacturing of the fiber or by non-uniform
lateral pressures created during cabling of fibers.
43. What is coupling efficiency? (CO2) (Remembering) (Nov/Dec 2010)
A measure of the amount of optical power emitted from a source that can be coupled into a
fiber is given by coupling efficiency .η = PF/PS
44. A Graded index fiber has a core with parabolic refractive index profile which has a diameter
of 50µm. The fiber has a numerical aperture of 0.2 . Estimate the total number of guided
modes propagating in the fiber when it is operating at a wavelength of 1µm. (CO2)
(Applying)(Nov 2012)
V= (2πaNA/λ) = ((2 X 3.14 X 25 X 10-6X 0.2) / 1X10-6)) = 31.4
M= V2/4 =(31.42/4) = 247
45. What is attenuation? (CO2) (Remembering) (Dec/Jan 2017)
Attenuation is the measure of decay of signal stength or loss of light power that occurs as light
pulse propagate through the length of the fiber.
46. Compare axial, longitudinal and angular misalignment. (CO2) (Evaluating)
Axial misalignment :Lateral or axial misalignment occurs when the axes of two fibers are
separated by distance d. Longitudinal misalignment :Longitudinal misalignment occurs when the
fibers have the same axis but have a gap ‘s’ between their end faces. Angular misalignment:
Angular misalignment occurs when two fiber axes from an angle ‘θ’ between fiber end faces.
47. What are the factors of splicing? (CO2) (Understanding)
The factors to be considered in splicing are i. Geometrical difference between two fibers
ii. Fiber misalignments at the joint and iii. Mechanical strength of the splice
48. What are the techniques used in splicing? (CO2) (Understanding)
Three splicing techniques are used i. Fusion splice ii. V – groove mechanical splice iii. Elastic
tube splice
49. Compare splice and connector. (CO2) (Analyzing)
Splice is a permanent joint and the bonding formed is permanent. Connector is a temporary
joint or demountable joint. Splice loss is very small when it is compared with connector loss.
50. What are splices? What are the requirements of splices? (CO2) (Understanding)
The splices are generally permanent fiber joints, whereas connectors are temporary fiber joints.
Splicing is a sort of soldering. The requirements of splices are: i. Should cause low attenuation ii.
Should be strong & light in weight iii. Should have minimum power loss iv.Should be easy to
51. What are connectors? What are the types of connectors? (CO2) (Understanding)
The connectors are used to join the optical sources as well as detectors to the optical fiber
temporarily. They are also used to join two optical fibers. The two major types of connectors are
:i.Lensed type expanded beam connector ii. Ferrule type connector.
52. What are the requirements of a good connector? (CO2) (Understanding)
The requirements of a good connector are as follows: i.Low loss ii. Repeatability iii.
Predictability iv. Ease of assembly and use v. Low cost & reliability vi. Compatibility
53. What are the techniques used for end – preparation? (CO2) (Understanding)
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
Saving, grinding and polishing, and controlled – fracture techniques are used for end-
54. List the different types of mechanical misalignments that can occur between two jointed
fibers. (CO2) (Understanding) (Nov/Dec 07)
i.Lateral (axial) misalignment ii.Longitudinal misalignment iii.Angular misalignment
55. Define the attenuation coefficient of fiber. (CO2) (Remebering)(Nov/Dec 2011)
The standard formula for expressing the total power loss in an optical fiber cable is
αdB = 10 log (Pi/P0) where αdB is total reduction in power level(attenuation) in decibels, P0 -cable
output power(Watts) Pi- cable input power (Watts)
56. Calculate the cut off wavelength of an optical signal to the fiber with its core refractive index
of 1.50 and that of cladding 1.46. The core radius of 25µm.The normalised frequency is 2.405.
(CO2) (Applying)(Nov/Dec 2011)
Cut off wavelength λc = (2πan1(2Δ)1/2/V , Δ=(n1-n2)/n1=(1.50-1.46)/1.50 = .0267
For single mode, normalised frequency Vc=2.405
λc = [2X3.14X1.50X25X(2X.0267)1/2] / 2.405 =26µm
57. What are the two reasons for chromatic dispersion? (CO2) (Analyzing)(Nov/Dec 2012)
i)This dispersion arises due to the variation of the refractive index of the core material as a
function of wavelength or frequency of light. ii) this causes a wavelength dependence of the
group velocity of any given mode. i.e pulse spreding occurs even different wavelengths follow
the same path.
58. What are the most important non-linear effects of optical fiber communication? (CO2)
(Understanding) (Nov/Dec 2012)
This nonlinear scattering causes the optical power from one mode to be transferred in either
the forward direction to the same, or other modes at a different frequency.
59. Interpret bandwidth distance product.(CO2)(Understanding)(APR/MAY2019)
The information –carrying capacity of any electronic communication system is directly proportional
to bandwidth. The product of bandwidth and distance is bandwidth distance product. Optical fiber
cables have, for all practical purposes, an infinite bandwidth.
1. i).What is meant by wave guide dispersion? Derive the expression for the
same.(CO2)(Understanding)(Nov/Dec 2013) (Dec 2015)
ii).What is meant by material dispersion? Derive the expression for the pulse broadening due
to material dispersion. (Understanding)( (NOV/DEC 04,June 2016) (or) Discuss in detail about
intra-modal dispersion with relevant expression and diagrams. (CO2) (Nov/Dec 10)(Dec 2015)
2. Discuss pulse broadening in graded index fibers.(CO2) (Creating)(APR/MAY 05)& (Nov/Dec
09),(Nov/Dec 2013), (Nov/Dec 2011)
3. i. Sketch the fundamental mode field in a curved optical wave guide and explain how bending
losses occur? (Understanding) ii. Find the radius of curvature at which the number of modes (in a
bent fiber) decreases by 50% in a graded index fiber. α = 2, n 2 = 1.5, Δ = 0.01, a = 25μm and λ =
1.3μm. (CO2) (Applying)
4. Discuss the design optimization of single mode fibers. (CO2) (Creating) (NOV/DEC 06, Nov 2012,
Nov/Dec 2014 Apr/May 2010)
5. When the mean optical power launched into an 8 km length of fiber is 120 µW, the mean optical
power at the fiber output is 3 µW. Determine (i) Over signal attenuation in dB/km. ii) The overall
signal attenuation for a 10 km optical link using the same fiber with splices at 1km intervals, each
giving an attenuation of 1dB. (CO2) (Analyzing)(NOV/DEC 07,Apr/May2019)
6. Explain with suitable diagrams the different mechanism that contributes to attenuation in optical
fibers. (CO2) (Evaluating)(NOV/DEC 07),(Nov/Dec 2010),(Nov/Dec 2013, June 2018)
7. Discuss in detail intermodal and intramodal dispersion with relevant expression and diagrams.
(CO2) (Creating) (NOV/DEC 07, June 2018)
8. Explain the scattering and bending losses that occur in an optical fiber with relevant diagrams and
modes expressions. (CO2)(NOV/DEC 08, Nov 2012),(Nov/Dec 2013, Nov/Dec 2014) (Dec 2015)
9. Discuss polarization mode dispersion and its limitations. (CO2) (Understanding)((NOV/DEC
10. i. Explain the effects of signal distortion in optical waveguide. (Understanding) ii. Compute the
total intermodal, intramodal and total dispersion for a fiber having fiber length 1 km, line width
50nm, intermodal and intramodal dispersion 5 ns/km and 80 ps/km respectively. (CO2) (Applying)
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
11. Discuss the various kinds of losses that an optical signal might suffer which propagating
through fiber. Which is most important one? What if the effect of these losses on light power and
pulse shape? (CO2) (Analyzing) (MAY/JUNE 07)
12. A 6 km optical link consists of multimode step index fiber with a core refractive index of 1.5 and
a relative refractive index difference of 1%.Estimate the delay difference between the slowest and
fastest modes at the fiber output and the rms pulse broadening due to intermodal dispersion on the
link. Also derive the expression involved in it. (CO2) (Applying) (APR/MAY 08, Nov 2012)
13. Describe the linear and non linear scattering losses in optical fiber. (CO2)
(Understanding)(Nov/Dec 09)
14. Silica has an estimated fictive temperature of 1400 K with an isothermal compressibility of 7 X 10 -
m2N-1.The refractive index and the photo elastic coefficient for silica are 1.46 and 0.286
respectively. Determine the theoretical attenuation in dB/km due to the fundamentals Rayleigh
scattering in silica at optical wavelengths 850 nm,1310nm and 1550nm. (CO2)
(Evaluating)(Nov/Dec 09,Apr/May 2019)
15. i.What is meant by fiber splicing. Explain fusion splicing of optical fiber. ii.Explain expanded beam
fiber connector with neat schematic. (CO2) (Understanding)(Nov/Dec 2011) (Dec 2015,Apr/May
16. Explain the different lensing schemes available to improve the power coupling efficiency. (CO2)
(Understanding)(Nov2012),(Nov/Dec 2013, June 2018)
ii. Explain the fiber splicing techniques with necessary diagrams. (CO2)(Understanding) (Nov/Dec
07), (Nov/Dec 10) (Dec 2015)
17. Explain the mechanical misalignments that can occur between two joined fibers with necessary
diagrams. (CO2) (Understanding)((Nov/Dec 08, Nov 2012)
18. Describe the three types of fiber misalignment that contribute to insertion loss at an optical fiber
joint. (CO2) (Understanding)( Nov/Dec 2014)
19. (i) What do you mean by pulse broadening? Explain its effect on information carrying capacity of a
fiber. (Understanding) (ii) An LED operating at 850 nm has a spectral width of 45 nm.What is the
pulse spreading in ns/km due to material dispersion? What is the pulse spreading when a laser diode
having a 2 nm spectral width is used? The material dispersion is 90 ps/nm km. (CO2) (Applying)
(Nov/Dec 2011)
20. (i)What is meant by ‘fiber splicing’? Explain fusion splicing of optical fibers.(ii) Explain expanded
beam fiber connector with a neat diagram. (CO2) (Understanding) (Nov/Dec 2011) (Dec 2015)
21. (i) Describe the linear and non-linear scattering losses in optical fibers.(ii) An LED operating at
850nm has a spectral width of 45mm. What is the pulse spreading in ns/km due to material
dispersion? What is the pulse spreading when a laser diode having a 2nm spectral width is
used? (CO2) (Analyzing) (Nov/Dec 2012)
22. (i) Draw and explain the various fiber alignment and joint losses.(ii) Write notes on fiber splices
and connectors . (CO2) (Understanding) (Nov/Dec 2012, June 2018)
23. A multi mode graded index fiber exhibits total pulse broadening of 0.1μs over a distance of 15 km.
Estimate the maximum possible bandwidth on the link assuming no inter symbol interference, pulse
dispersion/ unit length, bandwidth length product for the fiber. (CO2) (Applying) (May 2010)
24. Outline the major categories of multiport fiber optic coupler. (CO2) (Understanding)( Nov/Dec
25. Discuss dispersion mechanisms with regard to single – mode fibers indicating the dominating
effects. Hence, describe how intramodal dispersion may be minimized within the single – mode
region.(June 2016) (CO1)(Analyzing)
For indirect band gap materials, the conduction – band minimum and valance –band
maximum energy level occurs at different values of momentum. In indirect band gap materials
direct transition is not possible from valence band to conduction. To perform band to band
recombination, it must involve third particle phonons to conserve momentum. e.g.Si, Ge
4. What is meant by hetero junction? Mention its advantages. (CO3) (Understanding) (Apr/May
05), (Nov 2012), (Nov/Dec2007)
A heterojunction consists of two adjoining semiconductor materials with different band gap
energies. They have adequate output power and efficiency, out power can be directly modulated
and they are dimensionally compatible with the optical fiber.
5. Mention the three key transition processes involved in laser action. (CO3) (Remembering)
(Nov/Dec 05),(Apr/May 2010)
Three key processes i. photon absorption ii. Spontaneous emission iii. Stimulated emission
6. Give the example for direct and indirect semiconductor materials. (CO3)
(Understanding)(May/June 06)
In direct band gap materials direct transition is possible from valence band to conduction band.
e.g.GaAs, InP, InGaAs. In indirect band gap materials direct transition is not possible fromvalence
band to conduction. e.g.Silicon, Germanium.
7. Define internal quantum efficiency of an LED. (CO3)(Remembering) (Nov/Dec 06) (Nov/Dce 2014)
The internal quantum efficiency in the active region is the fraction of the electron – hole pairs
that recombine radiatively. The internal quantum efficiency is defined as the ration of radiative
recombination rate to the total recombination rate. ηint = Rr/Rr + Rnr
Rr – Radiative recombination rate, Rnr – non radiative recombination rate
8. Distinguish direct and indirect band gap materials. (CO3) (Analyzing)(Nov/Dec 08) (Nov/Dec
09)(Dec 2015)
direct band gap indirect band gap
i.Direct recombination id possible To perform recombination it must
involve a third particle.
ii.Electron and hole have the same Different values of momentum
momentum value
iii.Life time of charge carriers is less Life time of charge carriers is
iv.Used in fabricate LED & LASER Used in fabricate transistor and
9. An LED has radiative and non radiative recombination times of 30 and 100ns respectively.
Determine the internal quantum efficiency. (CO3) (Applying)(Nov/Dec 08)
Given :τr = 30 ns τnr = 100ns
Internal quantum efficiency ηint= τ/τr
Bulk recombination life time τ = τrτnr = 30 X 100 = 23.1 ns
τr + τnr 30 + 100
ηint = 23.1/ 30 = 0.77
10. When a LED has 2 V applied to its terminals, it draws 100 mA and produces 2 mW of
optical power. Determine the LED conversion efficiency from electrical to optical power.
(CO3) (Applying)(May/June 09)
Electric power = 2 X 100 nA = 200 mW
conversion efficiency = optical power / electrical power = (2mW / 200 mW )X 100 = 1 %
11. What is the principle of operation of LASER? (CO3) (Understanding)(May/June 09)
When a photon having energy equal to the energy difference between the two states (E2 –E1)
interacts with the atom in the upper energy state causing it to return to the lower statewith the
creation of a second photon, light emission occurs by this stimulated emission.
12. Compare LED and LASER. (CO3) (Evaluating)(May/June 07,June 2016, June 2018,May 2019)
i. The output obtained is incoherent i.The output obtained is coherent
ii. LEDs are coupled into multimode fiber only. ii.Single mode or multimode fiber.
iii. Less expensive and less complex iii. More expensive and more complex
iv. Long lifetime. iv. Less lifetime.
13. Compare LED source and ILD source. (CO3) (Evaluating)(Apr/May 08, Nov/Dec 2014)
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
18. Compare the threshold current densities at 320C and 1000C for a AlGaAs injection Laser with
T0 = 160 K and the similar ratio for an InGaAlP device with T0 = 55K. (CO3)
(Applying)(Nov/Dec 09)
19. (i) Compare LED with a laser diode. (CO3) (Evaluating)(ii) With the help of a neat diagram
explain the construction and working of a surface emitting LED. (Understanding) (Nov/Dec 2011)
20. (i)Draw and explain the LED structures based Double Hetero structure configuration.(ii) Discuss
the principle of operation of Laser diodes. What are the effects of temperature on the performance
of a laser diode? (Understanding) (CO3) (Nov/Dec 2007)
21. Explain the different lensing schemes available to improve the power coupling efficiency (CO3)
(Understanding) (May 2010),(Nov/Dec 2007) (Dec 2015)
22. (i)Draw and explain the different structures used to achieve carrier and optical confinement in laser
diodes. (ii) Discuss the effects of temperature on the performance of a laser diode.(iii) Give a brief
account of the modulation of an LED. (CO3) (Understanding) (Nov/Dec 2009, June 2018)
23. Derive expressions for the power coupled from a surface emitting LED into step index and graded
index fibers. (ii) Explain the mechanical misalignments that can occur between joined fibers with
necessary diagrams. (CO3) (Understanding) (Nov/Dec 2009)
24. The refractive index of the InGaAsP active region of an injection laser at a wavelength of 1.5µm is
3.5 and the active has an active cavity length of 400µm.For laser operation at a wavelength of
1.5µm determine: i) the laser emission mode index ii) the eligible number of wavelength inside the
cavity iii)the frequency separation of the modes in active cavity in order to produce constructive
interference.(CO2)(Applying)(June 2016)
25. A GaAs LED is forward- biased with a current of 120 mA and a voltage of 1.5 V.Each emitted
photon possesses an energy of 1.43 eV, and the refractive index of GaAs is 3.7. The configuration
of the LED is such that we may neglect back emission and self absorption within the
semiconductor. Assuming the internal quantum efficiency of the LED to be 60%, Calculate i)The
internal power efficiency of the device and ii)the external power efficiency of the device.
1. Define responsivity. (CO4) (Remembering) (Nov/Dec 04),(Nov/Dec 2009),(Nov/Dec
2012),(Nov/Dec 2013)
The responsivity is a useful parameter as it gives the transfer characteristic of the detector. It
is defined as the ratio of output photocurrent to the incident optical power. R = Ip/P0 (AW-1)
2. Define long wavelength cut off related to photo diode. (CO4) (Remembering) (Nov/Dec 04)
Long wavelength cut off is determined by band gap energy Eg of material.λc(μm = hC= 1.24
Eg Eg(eV)
Typical value of λcfor silicon is 1.06 μm and for germanium it is 1.6 μm.
3. A given APD has a quantum efficiency of 75% at a wavelength of 800 nm. If 0.5 μW of
optical power produces a multiplied photocurrent of 12μA, find the multiplication M. (CO4)
Given :IM =12 μA, λ = 800 nm = 8 x 10-7m , P0 = 0.5 μW = 5 x 10-7W
Multiplication factor (M) = IM/ IP
Primary photocurrent IP = RP0 = ηqP0 = ηqλP0
hυ hC
IP = 0.2415 μA
M = 12μA / 0.2415 μA = 49.5
4. Define quantum efficiency of a photo detector. (CO4) (Remembering) (Apr/May10),(
Nov/Dec2011), (Nov/Dec 2013)
It is defined as the number of the electron – hole pairs generated per incident photon of
energy hυ and is given by η = No.of electron-hole pairs generated = (Ip/q)
No. of incident photons P0/ hυ
5. Compare the performance of APD and PIN diode. (CO4) (Evaluating)(Nov / Dec 08),
(Nov/Dec 2009)
i. No internal gain i. Internal gain
ii. Less sensitive ii. More sensitive
iii. Low reverse biasing iii. High reverse biasing
iv. Simple circuit iv. Complex circuit
v. Low cost v. More expensive
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
6. A silicon APD has a quantum efficiency of 65% at a wavelength of 900 nm. If 0.5 μW of
optical power produces a multiplied photocurrent of 10μA, find the multiplication M. (CO4)
Given: IM =10 μA, λ = 900 nm = 9X 10-7m , P0 = 0.5 μW = 5 x 10-7W
Multiplication factor (M) = IM/ IP
Primary photocurrent IP = RP0 = ηqP0 = ηqλP0
hυ hC
IP == 0.65 x 0.6 x 10-6 x 1.602 x10-19 x 900X10-9 = 0.236 x 10-6 A
6.626 x 10-34 x 3 x108
M = 10μA / 0.236μA = 42.37
7. What is meant by impact ionization in APD? (CO4) (Understanding)(Dec 2015)
In order for carrier multiplication to take place, the photo generated carriers must traverse a
region where a very high electric field is present. In this high field region, a photo generated
electron or hole can gain energy so that it ionizes bound electrons in the valence band upon
colliding with them. This carrier multiplication mechanism is known as impact ionization.
8. Define avalanche effect. (CO4) (Remembering) (NOV-2011)
The newly created carriers are accelerated by the high electric field, thus gaining enough
energy to cause further impact ionization. This phenomenon is called avalanche effect.
9. Define ionization rate. (CO4) (Remembering)
The avg. no. of electron hole pairs created by a carrier per unit distance traveled is called
ionization rate.
10. What are the advantages of photodiodes? (CO4) (Remembering) (May 2010),(NOV-2011)
i. Small size ii. Suitable material iii. High sensitivity iv. Fast response time
11. Define photocurrent. (CO4) (Remembering)
The high electric field presents in the depletion region causes the carriers to separate and be
collected across the reverse-biased junction. This gives to a current flow in the external circuit,
with one electron flowing for every carrier pair generated. This current flow is known as
12. What are the conditions to be met for a high signal- to- noise ratio in a photo detector? (CO4)
i. The photo detector must have a high quantum efficiency to generate a large signal power
ii. The p and amplifier noises should be kept as low as possible.
13. Define minimum detectable optical power. (CO4) (Remembering)
It is defined as the optical power necessary to produce a photocurrent of the same magnitude
as the root mean square of the total current.
14. Define quantum noise. (CO4) (Remembering)
It is not possible to predict exactly how many electron-hole pairs are generated by a known
optical power incident on the detector is the origin of the type of short noise called quantum
15. Give the advantages of Pin photodiodes. (CO4) (Understanding)(Nov 2012)
i.Very low reverse bias is necessary ii. High quantum efficiency iii. Large bandwidth iv. Low
noise level
16. What do you mean by thermal noise? (CO4) (Understanding)
Thermal noise is due to the random motion of electrons in a conductor. Thermal noise arising
from the detector load resistor and from the amplifier electronics tend to dominate in applications
with low signal to noise ratio.
17. Give the equation for mean square shot noise. (CO4) (Understanding)
The mean square shot noise is given by <in2>=2qIB IB - average output current B -bandwidth of
the amplifier
18. Define avalanche multiplication M. (CO4) (Remembering)
The multiplication M for all carriers generated in the photodiode is defined by M = Im/Ip
IM - average value of the total multiplied output current, IP -primary un multiplied photocurrent
19. What is current mode of operation of photodiode? (CO4) (Remembering)
In photo conducting mode, the photocurrent is slightly dependent on the reverse bias. For a
constant reverse bias, the current is linear. This is called current mode of operation of the
20. What are the factors on which response time depends? (Or)On what factors the response time
of photo detector depends? (CO4) (Analayzing)(Nov/Dec 10,MAY2019)
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
i. The transit time of the photo detector carries in the depletion region. ii. The diffusion
time of the photo carriers generated outside the depletion region. iii. The RC time constant of
the photodiode and its associated circuit.
21. Define photodiode dark current? (CO4) (Remembering)
It is the current that continues to flow through the bias circuit of the device when no light is
incident on the photodiode. This is a combination of bulk and surface currents.
22. What is P+ ΠP n+ reach- through structure? (CO4) (Remembering)
The reach –through avalanche photodiode (RAPD) is composed of a high resistivity p- type
material deposited as an epitaxial layer on a p+ substrate. A p type diffusion is then made in the
high resistivity material, followed by the construction of an n+ layer. The configuration is called
P+ ΠP n+reach- through structure.
23. A photodiode is constructed of GaAs, Which has a band energy of 1.43eV at 300 K. Find
long wavelength cutoff. (CO4) (Applying)(May/June 07, Nov 2012)
Long wavelength cutoff λc = hc= 6.625 x 10-34 x 3x 108 = 869 nm
Eg 1.43eV x 1.6 x 10-19
24. List out the values of operating wavelength and responsivities of Si, Ge and InGaAs
photodiodes. (CO4) (Remembering) (Nov/Dec 09)
Si : Operating wavelength = 400-1100nm &Responsivity = 0.4-0.6
Ge : Operating wavelength = 800-1650nm &Responsivity = 0.4-0.5
InGaAs : Operating wavelength = 1100-1700nm & Responsivity = 0.75-0.95
25. What is meant by (1/f)noise corner frequency? (CO4) (Remembering) (Nov/Dec 09)
The (1/f) noise corner frequency fc is defined as the frequency at which 1/f noise, which
dominates the FET noise at low frequencies and has 1/f power spectrum becomes equal to the
high frequency channel noise given by Γ.
26. What is excess noise factor? (CO4) (Remembering) (Nov/Dec 10)
The ratio of actual noise generated in an avalanche photodiode to the noise that would exist if
all carrier pair were multiplied by exactly M is called the excess noise factor F.
F = <m2> / <m>2 = <m2> / M2
27. What is the significance of intrinsic layer in PIN diodes? (CO4) (Understanding)(Nov/Dec
The pin photo detector structure consists of p and n regions separated by a very lightly n-doped
intrinsic region. When the photodiode is reverse biased, the intrinsic region of diode is fully
depleted of carriers
28. What are the drawbcks of avalnche photo diode? (CO4) (Understanding)(Nov/Dec 2014)
Fabrication difficulty due to their more complex structure ii. Cost is high iii. High bias voltage is
required iv. Internal gain depends on temperature, thus temperature compensation is necessary to
stabilize the device operation.
29. A photon of energy 1.53X10-19 joules are incident on a photodiode which has responsivity of
0.75A/W.If the optical power level is 10μW then the find out the photo current generated.
(CO4) (Applying)(Nov/Dec 11)
Given : R0 = 0.5 A/ W Po= 10μW
Primary photocurrent IP = RP0 = .075A/W X 10 μW =7.5 Μa
30. What is meant by quantum limit? (CO4) (Remembering) (May/June 06), (Nov/Dec 10),
(Nov/Dec 11), (May/June 13)(Dec 2015, June 2018,MAY2019)
It is possible to find the minimum received optical power required for a specific bit error rate
performance in a digital system. This minimum received power level is known as quantum limit.
31. List the important requirements of an optical receiver. (CO4) (Remembering)
i. High sensitivity at the operating wavelengths. ii. High fidelity iii. Small size iv. Short response
time to obtain a suitable bandwidth. v. A minimum noise introduced by the detector.
32. What is meant by inter symbol interference (ISI) ? (CO4) (Remembering)
ISI results from pulse spreading in the optical fiber. The presence of this energy in adjacent
time slots results in an interfering signal. Hence it is called ISI.
33. What is meant by bit error rate? (CO4) (Understanding)
To divide the number Ne of errors occurring over a certain time interval t by the number Nt
of pulses transmitted during this interval. This is called bit error rate or error rate.
Bit error rate BER = Ne/Nt = Ne/ Bt Where B = 1/ Tb
34. Mention the drawbacks of high impedance amplifier. (CO4) (Understanding)
Drawbacks of high impedance amplifier i. For broadband application, equalization is
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
Excess noise factor is a measure of the increase detector noise that results from the
randomness of the multiplication process. It depends on the ratio of the electron and hole
ionization rates and on the carrier multiplication.
48. Write the functions of optical receivers. (CO4) (Understanding)
The receiver must first detect weak signal, distorted signals and then make decisions on
what type of data was sent based on an amplified version of this distorted signal.
49. What are the stages available in an optical receiver? (CO4) (Understanding)
The three basic stages are (i) Photo detector (ii) An amplifier and (iii) An equalizer
50. Define equalizer. (CO4) (Remembering)
The equalizer is a linear frequency-shaping filter used to compensate the effects of
signal distortion and inter symbol interference .It accepts the combined frequency response
of transmitter, fiber and the receiver and transform it into a signal response that it suitable
for the following signal processing.
51. How to evaluate a digital receiver performance? (CO4) (Understanding)
The digital receiver performance can be evaluated by measuring the probability of error
and quantum limit. The dispersion produces pulse broadening of light wave signals in
optical fibers, thereby limiting the information carrying capacity.
52. Mention the advantages of using transimpedance front and receiver configuration.
(CO4)(Understanding)(Nov/Dec 2014)
i).Wide dynamic range ii). Little or no equalization is required iii). Less susceptible to
pick up noise, crosstalk, EMI iv). It is very easily controllable and stable.
53. What are the significance of photodiodes used in optical communication?(CO2)
(Understanding)(June 2016, June 2018)
The significance of photodiodes are i)High sensitivity at the operating wavelengths
ii)Responsivity iii)Quantum efficiency iv)High fidelity v) Low bias voltage.
1. Explain the operation of avalanche photodiode and pin photodiode. (CO4) (Understanding)
(Apr/May 08), (May 2010),(Nov 10,Nov11, Nov 12),(Nov/Dec 2013) (Dec 2015,June
2016,Apr/May 2019)
2. The quantum efficiency of a particular silicon RAPD is 80% for the detection of radiation at a
wavelength of 0.9μm, when the incident optical power is 0.5μW. The output current from the
device is 11μA. Determine the multiplication factor of the photodiode under these conditions.
(CO4) (Applying)(May 10)
3. Draw the circuit diagram of high impedance pre amplifier and explain its operation. (CO4)
(Understanding)(Nov 08,June 12),(May 2010)
4. Discuss the source of errors in the optical receivers. (CO4) (Creating)(May 2010)
5. An InGaAs pin photodiode has the following parameters to wavelength of 1300nm: ID=4nA,
η=0.9, RL=1000Ω and the surface leakage current is negligible. The incident optical power is
300nW (5dBm), and the receiver bandwidth is 20MHz. Find the various noise terms of the
receiver. (CO4) (Applying)(Apr/May 05)
6. Discuss the requirement of optical detector. (CO4) (Creating)
7. A silicon p-i-n photodiode incorporated into an optical receiver has a quantum efficiency of
60% at a wavelength of 0.9μm. The dark current is 3nA and load resistance is 4KΩ. The
incident optical power is 200nW and the receiver bandwidth is 5MHz. Determine i. mean
square quantum noise current, ii. mean square dark current and iii. Mean square thermal
noise current at a temperature of 20oC. (CO4) (Applying)(Apr/May 2019)
8. Discuss with necessary expressions the different types of noise that affect the performance of a
photo detector. (CO4) (Understanding)(May 13), ( Nov/Dec 2014, June 2018,Apr/May2019)
9. When 3 x 1011 photons each with a wavelength of 0.85μm are incident on a photodiode, on
the average 1.2 x 1011 electrons are collected at the terminals of the device. Determine the
quantum efficiency and responsivity of the photodiode at 0.8μm. (CO4) (Applying)
10. Derive the expression for signal-to-noise ratio obtained at the output of an optical receiver. (CO4)
(Understanding)(May 09, June 2018)
11. Describe the characteristics of responsivity against wavelength for an ideal silicon photodiode with
the help of expression. Explain the direct and indirect absorption in Si and Ge. (CO4)
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
the circuit. A negative value indicates that insufficient power will reach the detector to achieve the
required bit error rate, BER.
13. The specifications of the light sources are converted to equivalent rise time in rise time
budget. Why? (CO5) (Analyzing)
A rise time budget is a convenient method to determine the dispersion limitation of an optical
link. This is particularly useful for digital systems. For this purpose, the specifications of the light
sources (both the fiber & the photo detector) are converted to equivalent rise time. The overall
system rise time is given in terms of the light source rise time, fiber dispersion time and the photo
detector rise time.
14. What are the system components of system rise time? (CO5) (Remembering)(Dec 2015)
The 4 basic system components that contribute to the system rise time are: i. transmitter
(source) rise time ii. Receiver rise time iii. Material dispersion time of the fiber iv. Modal
dispersion time of the fiber link .All these four basic elements may significantly limit system
15. What are the noise effects on system performance? (CO5) (Remembering)
The main penalties are modal noise, wavelength chirp, spectral broadening and mode-
partition noise.
16. What are the measures to avoid modal noise? (CO5) (Understanding)( Nov/Dec 10)(Dec 2015)
The measures are i. use LEDs ii. use LASER having more longitudinal modes iii. use a fiber
with large numerical aperture iv. use a single mode fiber
17. What is meant by chirping? (CO5) (Understanding)(Nov/Dec 09)
It means that the dynamic line broadening (line broadening is a frequency chirp) in the laser
which oscillates in the single longitudinal mode under CW operation when the injection current is
intensity modulated.
18. What is the best way to minimize the chirping? (CO5) (Remembering)
It is to choose the laser emission wavelength close to the zero-dispersion of the wavelength of
the fiber.
19. What is reflection noise? (CO5) (Remembering)
It is the optical power that gets reflected at the refractive index discontinuities such as in
splices, couplers and filters, or connectors. The reflected signals can degrade both the transmitter
and receiver performance.
20. What are the effects of reflection noise in high speed systems? (CO5) (Remembering)
They cause optical feedback which leads to optical instabilities that may lead to intersymbol
interference and intensity noise.
21. What are the basic performances of the WDM? (CO5) (Remembering)
i. Insertion loss ii. Channel width iii. Cross talk
22. What is WDM? (CO5) (Understanding)(Nov 2012, June 2018)
WDM is wavelength division multiplexing. The optical beam consists of different
wavelengths and several channel information is transmitted over a single channel.
23. What is meant as bidirectional WDM? (CO5) (Understanding)
A single WDM which operates as both multiplexing and demultiplexing Devices is said as
the bidirectional WDM.
24. What is the use of power budget in fiber optic system? (CO5) (Understanding)
The power budget is used to determine the power margin between the optical transmitter
output and the minimum receiver sensitivity needed to establish a specified BER.
25. What is the use of rise budget in fiber optic system? (CO5) (Understanding)
The rise time budget is used to verify that the overall system performance requirements like
maximum bit rate and maximum transmission distance.
26. What is SONET? (CO5) (Remembering)
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) is a standard developed by ANSI for fiber optic
networks. SONET defines a frame structure for transmitting TDM signals in the optical fiber
networks. It encodes bit streams into optical signals that are propagated over optical fiber.
27. What is relation between STS and OC levels? (CO5) (Analyzing)
SONET has defined a hierarchy of signals called Synchronous Transport Signals (STS).
Optical (OC) levels are the implementation of STSs or the physical links defined to carry each
level of STS are called Optical Carriers (OCs).
28. What is DWDM? (CO5) (Remembering)
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