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Product Teardown

A product teardown process is a formal approach to learning about and modeling

the functional behavior and physical components of a product.

Purpose "
Dissection and analysis during Competitive benchmarking Gain experience and knowledge
product evolution Establish a baseline in terms of Grow engineering knowledge
Evaluate the current status of a understanding and from which to draw in new
product. Understand the current representation of the competition. concept development. Provide the
technology, functions, and The baseline provides a basis for transferring solutions to
components. Identify strengths, comparison for new conceptual analogous problems.
weaknesses, and opportunities designs.
for new products.

Teardown Process 2. Prepare for teardown

1. List the design issues Gather tools needed for collecting the desired
Identify the purpose of the teardown. Determine information (identified in step 1) and documenting
what models should result from this exercise. Create the teardown process such as metrology tools or
a data sheet in which all information can be scales. A digital camera and ruler is capable of
captured. Possible information includes: capturing geometry quickly when only rough
• component names dimensions are needed.
• weight
• material
• dimensions
• finish
• manufacturing process
• tolerances
• functions
• cost
• notes

06-20-08! 1
3. Examine the distribution and installation 5. Create system models
How is the product packaged? What is involved in Product assembly and geometric model
installation? Both are important factors in product When photos do not provide sufficient detail,
development process. Examine installation and geometric models can be created as part of the
operation documentation and packaging for cost teardown learning exercise.
effectiveness and liability.
Force flow diagrams
Track the movement of forces through a product.
Used to expose opportunities for component
4. Disassemble, measure, analyze data, and model
combinations, highlights opportunities to improve
by assemblies
product. See the resource on force flow diagrams.
Analyze and measure the complete product first.
Coordinate disassembly with measurement, Functional models
experimentation, and modeling. Take apart assembly Capture the behavior of of a product by focusing on
(be clear about what non-destructive disassembly is what it does not how it does it (which is the role of
acceptable and needed) . Take pictures of each geometry). Functional models demonstrate the
component, major assembly, and photograph the product’s transformation and transference of
product in an exploded view. Take measurements to materials, information, and energy from an input
complete data sheet. Be sure that all data models and state into the desired functions. See the resource on
pictures are referenced in the data sheet. generating functional models with the subtract and
operate procedure.

2! 06-20-08
Product Teardown



MARCH 3, 2008
ME 223-01
Product Before Teardown
Product with Ruler
Exploded Image
Heating Element Up Close
Trigger Assembly
Product Functional Model
Force Flow Diagram
Product Teardown (Part I)

!! Product Teardown 28 pieces

!! Plastic packaging: protect and display product for purchase.

!! (4) Exterior screws: hold case halves together.
!! (1) Right case half: acts as part of a handle and contains the rest of the parts.

!! (1) Left case half: acts as part of a handle and contains the rest of the parts.
!! (1) Short flat spring: provides resistance for trigger?
!! (1) Long skinny spring: provides a returning force for the trigger.

!! (1) Trigger assembly:

!! (1) Trigger: acts a activation of glue gun operation.
!! (1) Linkage arm: connects trigger to rest of trigger assembly.
!! (1) Glue clamp: clamps glue stick to be fed into heating element.
!! (1) Clamp shaft: connects clamp to rest of trigger assembly.
!! (1) Glue guide: guides glue into heating element.
Product Teardown (Part II)

!! (1) Heating element assembly:

!! (1) AC cord: transfers electrical energy from wall outlet to heating element. Cord is
wrapped with 1 white wire tie as part of packaging for sale.
!! (2) Heat shrink sleeves: cover and protect connection from AC cord to smaller wires.
!! (2) Small wires: transfers electrical energy from AC cord to heating pads.
!! (2) Heating pads: convert electrical power to heat.
!! (1) Rectangular block: heating element core.
!! (1) Heating element shroud: contains heating pads and rectangular block and acts a
barrier between heating pads and casing.

!! (1) Rubber guide: guides glue into part # 5 casing.

!! (1) Clamp: clamps rubber guide to part # 5 casing

!! (1) Metal part # 5 casing:

!! (1) Check ball valve in tip: stops glue from flowing when no pressure is on trigger.
!! (1) Valve backing plate: holds check ball valve in place.
!! (1) Check ball valve spring: returns check ball valve to closed position.

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