Chronic Tendon Pathology: Molecular Basis and Therapeutic Implications
Chronic Tendon Pathology: Molecular Basis and Therapeutic Implications
Chronic Tendon Pathology: Molecular Basis and Therapeutic Implications
expert reviews
in molecular medicine
Graham Riley
Tendons are frequently affected by chronic pain or rupture. Many causative
factors have been implicated in the pathology, which until relatively recently
was under-researched and poorly understood. There is now a greater knowledge
of the molecular basis of tendon disease. Most tendon pathology (tendinopathy)
is associated with degeneration, which is thought to be an active, cell-mediated
process involving increased turnover and remodelling of the tendon
extracellular matrix. Degradation of the tendon matrix is mediated by a variety
of metalloproteinase enzymes, including matrix metalloproteinases and
‘aggrecanases’. Neuropeptides and other factors released by stimulated cells
or nerve endings in or around the tendon might influence matrix turnover, and
could provide novel targets for therapeutic intervention.
Tendons are dense, fibrous connective tissues that has been called tendinosis (Refs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). In
connect muscle to bone and are essential for the this review, the term tendinopathy is used for all
transmission of force and the generation of forms of chronic tendon pathology, because it does
movement at a joint. They are highly ordered not assume any knowledge of the underlying
composite materials consisting of collagens, pathology.
proteoglycans and various glycoproteins, many
of which have been poorly characterised. Tendon Factors implicated in tendinopathy
problems such as tendon rupture and chronic It is increasingly recognised that most
tendon pain are common, although the tendinopathies are not associated with any single
underlying pathology is not well understood and factor, and tendon degeneration might result from
the conditions are often difficult to treat (Ref. 1). various causes. Indeed, there is some evidence to
Terms such as tendonitis (or tendinitis) are suggest that the nature of the degenerative process
traditionally used to describe a painful tendon, varies at different sites (Ref. 3). Tendons at certain
the name implying an inflammatory condition. sites are more commonly affected, particularly the
This is contrary to the evidence from most supraspinatus, extensor carpi radialis brevis,
histopathological studies, which describe a patellar and Achilles (at the shoulder, elbow, knee
degenerative condition without inflammation that and ankle, respectively) (Refs 9, 10). These tendons
Graham Riley
Head of Soft Tissue Injury and Repair Group, Rheumatology Research Unit, Box 194, Addenbrooke’s
Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1223 217458; Fax: +44 (0)1223 217838;
E-mail: [email protected]
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine
Type I Fibril-forming Main constituent of tendon (~95% of total collagen)
Type II Fibril-forming Restricted to fibrocartilage; forms less-organised meshwork
Type III Fibril-forming Normally restricted to endotenon; forms smaller, less-organised fibrils
Type IV Forms meshwork Basement membrane of blood vessels
Type V Fibril-forming Core of type I collagen fibril; forms template for fibrillogenesis
Type VI Beaded filaments Cell-associated; found in ‘seams’ between fibrils
Type IX FACIT Mediates cell–matrix interactions with type II collagen fibril surface
Type X Forms meshwork Restricted to insertion fibrocartilage; associated with mineralisation?
Type XI Fibril-forming Core of type II collagen fibril; forms template for fibrillogenesis
Type XII FACIT Mediates cell–matrix interactions with type I collagen fibril surface
Type XIV FACIT Mediates cell–matrix interactions with type I collagen fibril surface
Decorin SLRP Binds collagen, affects collagen-fibril formation, binds growth factors
Biglycan SLRP Binds collagen, affects collagen-fibril formation, binds growth factors
Fibromodulin SLRP Binds collagen, affects collagen-fibril formation, binds growth factors
Lumican SLRP Binds collagen, affects collagen-fibril formation
Aggrecan Hyalectan Resists compression; most prominent in fibrocartilage
Versican Hyalectan Lubricates boundary between adjacent fibrils?
Elastin Branched network Forms elastic fibres; provides elastic properties of tissue
Fibrillin Linear arrays Forms elastic fibres; provides elastic properties of tissue
Tenascin-C Branched molecule Mediates cell–matrix interactions; forms ‘seams’ with versican
COMP Branched molecule Mediates cell–matrix interactions; role in fibril formation?
Fibronectin Modular protein Mediates cell–matrix interactions; role in tendon healing
Laminin Modular protein Component of basement membranes
Link protein Globular protein Stabilises proteoglycan–hyaluronan interactions
Thrombospondin Modular protein Mediates cell–matrix interactions
Abbreviations: COMP, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein; FACIT, fibril-associated collagen with interrupted
triple helix; SLRP, small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycan.
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine
The ‘hyalectans’
The hyalectan subgroup of large proteoglycans
comprises aggrecan, versican, brevican and
G1 G2 G3 neurocan (Refs 40, 52). Neurocan and brevican
IGD are thought to be restricted to brain and neural
tissues. The hyalectans possess a large protein
Versican core (100–370 kDa) consisting of a C-terminal
domain with epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like
repeats, a central domain carrying the majority
of GAG chains, and an N-terminal hyaluronan-
binding domain (Ref. 56) (Fig. 3b).
Aggrecan, the major proteoglycan of articular
cartilage but also found in tendon, forms
G1 G3 multimolecular aggregates with the nonsulphated
GAG hyaluronan. Aggrecan is reported to be
present throughout tendon, although it is
CS/DS KS N-glycan Cys TyrSO4 generally thought to be more abundant in regions
of fibrocartilage. Aggrecan has three globular
Core protein LRR domains (G1, G2 and G3) and contains many GAG
chains (CS and KS) attached to specific sites in
Proteoglycans in tendon the GAG-binding domain between the G2 and G3
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine domains (Ref. 67). The high fixed negative charge
C 2005 Cambridge University Press (part b only) of the GAG attracts counter-ions and functions to
hold water within the tissue. Swelling of the
Figure 3. Proteoglycans in tendon. (See next tendon is restrained by the collagen meshwork,
column for legend.) and the resulting turgor functions to resist
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine
a b
c d
Histopathology of tendinopathy
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine C 2005 Cambridge University Press (parts a, b and d only)
Figure 4. Histopathology of tendinopathy. (a) Normal flexor tendon histology, showing organised parallel
fibre bundles and long thin tenocytes dispersed throughout the matrix [stained with hematoxylin and eosin
(H&E)]. (b) Ruptured supraspinatus tendon, showing hyaline (glassy) appearance, loss of matrix organisation
and rounded, shrunken nuclei (H&E). (c) Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) accumulation (‘mucoid degeneration’) in
supraspinatus tendon, showing GAG (blue) surrounding rounded cells in the matrix (Alcian Blue and H&E).
(d) ‘Angiofibroblastic’ change in painful Achilles tendinopathy, showing increase in cell number and blood
vessels (H&E). Part c of figure reprinted from Ref. 4 (© 1994); reproduced with permission from the BMJ
Publishing Group.
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine
Abbreviations: CA, cysteine array; cMMP: chicken MMP; COMP, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein; GPI,
glycosylphosphatidylinositol; IGFBP-1, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1; MBP, myelin basic
protein; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; MT, membrane-type; pro-IL-1, pro-interleukin 1; PUMP, putative
metalloproteinase; RASI-1, rheumatoid arthritis synovium inflamed 1; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; xMMP,
Xenopus MMP.
activity against cell-surface receptors and growth cytokines such as interleukin 1 (IL-1) and tumour
factor precursors (Ref. 119). Consequently, these necrosis factor (TNF), and is inhibited by growth
enzymes also have an important role in the factors such as TGF-β. MMPs are potently
regulation of numerous cellular activities inhibited by α2-macroglobulin in the serum, and
including cell proliferation, cell death (apoptosis), also by a family of specific inhibitors produced
cell migration and chemotaxis (Ref. 119). by cells within the tissues known as tissue
The activities of MMPs are normally tightly inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) (Refs 115,
controlled in vivo, with regulation at the levels of 116, 121). Four TIMPs have been characterised to
gene transcription, protein translation, activation date, and each TIMP binds to active MMPs in a
and inhibition. In general, expression and activity stoichiometric (1:1) ratio, resulting in a stable,
of the MMPs is stimulated by pro-inflammatory inactive complex.
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine
Type II
Propeptide peptide
repeat Spacer
Figure 5. Domain structure of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and ADAMTS. (a) MMPs. The archetypal
MMPs such as the collagenases and stromelysins share common domains: a signal peptide that is cleaved
prior to synthesis, a propeptide that renders the enzyme inactive until removed by proteolysis, a catalytic
domain with a zinc-binding site, a hinge region, and a haemopexin domain that confers substrate specificity.
Gelatinases have an additional, gelatin-binding domain consisting of fibronectin type II repeats. Other MMPs
have additional domains (not shown, but see Ref. 120). (b) ADAMTS. The ADAMTS family share a common
domain structure, with a prodomain that is cleaved within the cell to activate the enzyme, a metalloproteinase
catalytic domain, a disintegrin domain, a cysteine (Cys)-rich domain and a variable number of thrombospondin
(TS) type I repeats. Several additional C-terminal domains have been found downstream of the variable TS
type 1 repeats in some ADAMTS molecules (not shown, but see Ref. 120). Modified figure reproduced from
Ref. 120, published in this journal.
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine
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Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine
Table 1. Molecular composition of tendon extracellular matrix.
Table 2. Major known or putative substrates of the matrix metalloproteinases.
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press