Chronic Tendon Pathology: Molecular Basis and Therapeutic Implications

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in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
Chronic tendon pathology: molecular
basis and therapeutic implications

Graham Riley
Tendons are frequently affected by chronic pain or rupture. Many causative
factors have been implicated in the pathology, which until relatively recently
was under-researched and poorly understood. There is now a greater knowledge
of the molecular basis of tendon disease. Most tendon pathology (tendinopathy)
is associated with degeneration, which is thought to be an active, cell-mediated
process involving increased turnover and remodelling of the tendon
extracellular matrix. Degradation of the tendon matrix is mediated by a variety
of metalloproteinase enzymes, including matrix metalloproteinases and
‘aggrecanases’. Neuropeptides and other factors released by stimulated cells
or nerve endings in or around the tendon might influence matrix turnover, and
could provide novel targets for therapeutic intervention.

Tendons are dense, fibrous connective tissues that has been called tendinosis (Refs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). In
connect muscle to bone and are essential for the this review, the term tendinopathy is used for all
transmission of force and the generation of forms of chronic tendon pathology, because it does
movement at a joint. They are highly ordered not assume any knowledge of the underlying
composite materials consisting of collagens, pathology.
proteoglycans and various glycoproteins, many
of which have been poorly characterised. Tendon Factors implicated in tendinopathy
problems such as tendon rupture and chronic It is increasingly recognised that most
tendon pain are common, although the tendinopathies are not associated with any single
underlying pathology is not well understood and factor, and tendon degeneration might result from
the conditions are often difficult to treat (Ref. 1). various causes. Indeed, there is some evidence to
Terms such as tendonitis (or tendinitis) are suggest that the nature of the degenerative process
traditionally used to describe a painful tendon, varies at different sites (Ref. 3). Tendons at certain
the name implying an inflammatory condition. sites are more commonly affected, particularly the
This is contrary to the evidence from most supraspinatus, extensor carpi radialis brevis,
histopathological studies, which describe a patellar and Achilles (at the shoulder, elbow, knee
degenerative condition without inflammation that and ankle, respectively) (Refs 9, 10). These tendons

Graham Riley
Head of Soft Tissue Injury and Repair Group, Rheumatology Research Unit, Box 194, Addenbrooke’s
Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1223 217458; Fax: +44 (0)1223 217838;
E-mail: [email protected]

Institute URL:

Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
are all exposed to relatively high mechanical
demands, although additional factors are thought
to be important. The majority of patients present
in late middle age, often with no memory of any Tendon
acute injury or trauma (Refs 10, 11). The condition
Tertiary fibre bundle
usually has an insidious onset, with pain
developing during or shortly after exercise.
Secondary fibre
Tendon ruptures often occur during physical
bundle (fascicle)
activity, typically in sports such as badminton
(Ref. 12). Many cases of tendinopathy are ascribed
to ‘overuse’, thought to result from repeated
microstrain below the failure threshold, analogous Endotenon
to the fatigue failure that affects most materials
placed under repetitive loading (Refs 10, 13, 14, 15).
It is generally assumed that tendon damage
is the primary event, overwhelming the ability Primary fibre
of the tendon cells (generally referred to as bundle (subfascicle)
tenocytes) to repair structural defects in the tendon Collagen fibre
extracellular matrix (ECM). Alternatively, there is
Collagen fibril
thought to be a failure to adapt to a change in
physical demands. Tenocytes have a central role
in the repair and maintenance of the tendon ECM, Structure of tendon
synthesising new proteins and producing the Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine 2005
enzymes that degrade them. This continual Published by Cambridge University Press
process of matrix turnover is normally in balance,
and changes in this activity in response to altered Figure 1. Structure of tendon. Tendon consists of
patterns of loading, for example, might precede a highly ordered hierarchy of successively larger
any physical lesion or ‘micro-injury’. Aside from structural units. Collagen molecules aggregate into
microtrauma and hypoxia, factors that could fibrils, and bundles of fibrils form fibres, many of
potentially affect the tenocyte activity include age, which are aggregated into primary fibre bundles or
temperature, drugs and the local activity of subfascicles. Multiple subfascicles form secondary
biochemical mediators produced by the resident fibre bundles or fascicles, and several fascicles form
cells. The potential roles of some of these factors tertiary fibre bundles. Most tendons consist of
are discussed in this review, which emphasises multiple fascicles, which is thought to be a fail-safe
mechanism so that failure of one or more fibre
the importance of ECM turnover and matrix-
bundles does not compromise the tendon strength.
degrading enzymes in tendon health and disease.
Fibre bundles are surrounded by a thin layer of
connective tissue known as the endotenon, through
The structure and function of tendon which pass blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves.
The principles of tendon structure and function The whole tendon is bound by another thin layer
have been comprehensively reviewed elsewhere (contiguous with the endotenon) known as the
(Refs 16, 17, 18, 19, 20). In general, tendon consists epitenon. A loose outer layer known as the paratenon
of successively larger structural units assembled surrounds most tendons (not shown), and some
in a highly ordered hierarchy of collagen molecules, tendons are also surrounded by a specialised
microfibrils, subfibrils, fibrils, fibres and fascicles synovial sheath. Figure modified from Ref. 21 (© 1978);
(fibre bundles) (Ref. 21) (Fig. 1). However, tendon reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis, Inc.,
is not a homogenous tissue: there are variations
in structure and composition between tendons
and at specific sites within tendons (Ref. 20). similarities in structure and composition with
The best-characterised regional variation articular cartilage, although it also retains essential
within tendon is fibrocartilage, which is found at characteristics of fibrous connective tissue. Its
the insertion or where a tendon bends around a main function is to dissipate shear stress or resist
bony prominence or through a fibrous pulley compression, and the fibrocartilaginous region
(Refs 20, 22, 23). Fibrocartilage shares some can vary greatly in size depending on factors such
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
as the range of movement and the angle of insertion synthesising activity compared with the tenocytes
(Refs 24, 25). Fibrocartilage is also thought to play within the fibres, and are the first cells to respond
a role in the migration of the insertion during after acute tendon injury (Refs 28, 29, 30, 31, 32).
skeletal growth, and to prevent narrowing of the Fibrochondrocytes from the fibrocartilaginous
stretched tendon at the interface with bone (Ref. 20). zones synthesise different matrix components (see
The cell population in tendon is poorly below), an activity that is stimulated and
defined, and there is no single marker of tenocytes maintained by the application of compressive load
(Refs 26, 27). The majority of cells have the (Refs 33, 34, 35). A small proportion of cells are
appearance of fibroblasts, although there are also thought to be mesenchymal stell cells, capable of
chondrocyte-like cells (fibrochondrocytes) within differentiating into chondrogenic, osteogenic and
fibrocartilaginous zones, and a small number of adipogenic cells when cultured in the appropriate
capillary endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells conditions (Ref. 27).
and nerve cells, depending on the degree of
vascularity and innervation (Ref. 18). There are The molecular composition of tendon
regional differences in cell morphology and Tendon is a highly ordered composite material
activity within tendons. Synovial-like cells found consisting predominantly of collagen, with
in the endotenon and epitenon surrounding the smaller amounts of various proteoglycans and
main fibre bundles (Ref. 28) possess a greater glycoproteins, many of which are relatively
proliferative capacity and a different matrix- poorly characterised (Table 1). Although many

Table 1. Molecular composition of tendon extracellular matrix

Molecule Structure/type Location and function

Type I Fibril-forming Main constituent of tendon (~95% of total collagen)
Type II Fibril-forming Restricted to fibrocartilage; forms less-organised meshwork
Type III Fibril-forming Normally restricted to endotenon; forms smaller, less-organised fibrils
Type IV Forms meshwork Basement membrane of blood vessels
Type V Fibril-forming Core of type I collagen fibril; forms template for fibrillogenesis
Type VI Beaded filaments Cell-associated; found in ‘seams’ between fibrils
Type IX FACIT Mediates cell–matrix interactions with type II collagen fibril surface
Type X Forms meshwork Restricted to insertion fibrocartilage; associated with mineralisation?
Type XI Fibril-forming Core of type II collagen fibril; forms template for fibrillogenesis
Type XII FACIT Mediates cell–matrix interactions with type I collagen fibril surface
Type XIV FACIT Mediates cell–matrix interactions with type I collagen fibril surface

Decorin SLRP Binds collagen, affects collagen-fibril formation, binds growth factors
Biglycan SLRP Binds collagen, affects collagen-fibril formation, binds growth factors
Fibromodulin SLRP Binds collagen, affects collagen-fibril formation, binds growth factors
Lumican SLRP Binds collagen, affects collagen-fibril formation
Aggrecan Hyalectan Resists compression; most prominent in fibrocartilage
Versican Hyalectan Lubricates boundary between adjacent fibrils?

Elastin Branched network Forms elastic fibres; provides elastic properties of tissue
Fibrillin Linear arrays Forms elastic fibres; provides elastic properties of tissue
Tenascin-C Branched molecule Mediates cell–matrix interactions; forms ‘seams’ with versican
COMP Branched molecule Mediates cell–matrix interactions; role in fibril formation?
Fibronectin Modular protein Mediates cell–matrix interactions; role in tendon healing
Laminin Modular protein Component of basement membranes
Link protein Globular protein Stabilises proteoglycan–hyaluronan interactions
Thrombospondin Modular protein Mediates cell–matrix interactions

Abbreviations: COMP, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein; FACIT, fibril-associated collagen with interrupted
triple helix; SLRP, small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycan.

Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
constituents of tendon are present in very small collagen forms beaded microfilaments. Type VII
amounts, they have important roles in the ECM, collagen is essentially restricted to basement
including modulating the formation of fibrils membranes where it forms anchoring filaments.
and mediating cell–ECM interactions. It is Several collagens have transmembrane domains,
important to emphasise that the ECM does not including types XIII, XVII, XXIII and XXV, which
merely fulfil a passive, structural role: many of mediate interactions between the cell and its
its constituents also have an impact on tenocyte external environment. Some collagens, designated
activity. Tendon is not an inert material, as the FACIT (for ‘fibril-associated collagens with
ECM can be continuously synthesised and interrupted triple helix’), are associated with the
replaced throughout life, although the rate of surface of fibrils and have several interruptions
metabolism is much lower than in tissues such as in the triple-helical structure. Collagen types IX,
muscle and bone (Ref. 36). There is also evidence XII and XIV are the archetypal FACITs, although
of variation in the rate of turnover at different sites the more recently described collagen types XVI,
and in different tendons (Refs 37, 38). This activity XIX, XX, XXI, XXII and XXVI are thought to be
is likely to be influenced by both internal and related members.
external factors, and is potentially a major factor The fibril-forming type I collagen is the major
in the development of tendinopathy. component of tendon; it is generally estimated to
represent 95% of the total collagen, although it is
Collagen difficult to be precise because of its insolubility,
Extensive reviews of the synthesis, structure and particularly in ageing tendon specimens (Ref. 47).
function of collagen, particularly of collagen types Type III collagen is the next most abundant
I–XIX, have been published elsewhere (Refs 39, collagen in tendon, forming around 3% of the total
40, 41, 42, 43, 44). In brief, each collagen consists in human supraspinatus and biceps brachii
of three polypeptide α-chains, which combine tendons (Ref. 47). In normal tendon, most type III
together as a homotrimer (three identical α-chains) collagen is found in the endotenon and epitenon
or a heterotrimer (with two or three different (Ref. 48), although it is also found intercalated into
α-chains). To date, 42 vertebrate α-chains have the type I collagen fibril bundles, particularly in
been sequenced, several of which can be ageing tendons and at the insertion (Ref. 49).
differentially spliced, and these combine to form Other minor constituents of tendon are collagen
at least 27 different collagens (Refs 39, 40, 44). Each types IV, V, VI, XII and XIV. Collagen types II, IX,
α-chain forms an extended left-handed helix, and X and XI, once thought to be restricted to cartilage,
contains a variable length of the repeated amino are found in the fibrocartilaginous regions of
acid motif Gly-X-Y, where X and Y are commonly tendons and ligaments, where they are presumed
proline and hydroxyproline. This amino acid to function to help resist compression and shear
composition is an absolute requirement for the forces at these sites (Refs 50, 51).
formation of the right-handed triple helix, a
defining characteristic of collagenous (COL) Proteoglycans
protein domains. The collagens also possess ECM proteoglycans have been classified into two
globular, noncollagenous (NC) domains of subfamilies: the small leucine-rich repeat
variable size, number and location. proteoglycans (SLRPs) and the large modular
Although all collagens form highly organised proteoglycans. The latter are further divided into
polymers, the different collagen types can be two subgroups: those that do not bind
grouped according to whether they form fibrils hyaluronan; and the ‘hyalectans’, which bind both
or other structures such as extended sheets or hyaluronan and lectin (Refs 40, 52, 53). Only the
lattices. The classic fibril-forming collagens (types SLRP and hyalectans are considered in this review,
I, II, III, V and XI) comprise a single COL domain since these are the most abundant proteoglycans
for almost the entire length of the molecule, with in the tendon ECM.
small NC domains at each end (Fig. 2). The newly
discovered collagen types XXIV and XXVII have SLRPs
a similar molecular structure (Refs 45, 46). The SLRPs are found in most connective tissues and
nonfibrillar collagens are a heterogenous group include decorin, biglycan, fibromodulin and
with a variety of structures. Collagen types IV, VIII lumican. They all possess a small protein core
and X form extensive networks, whereas type VI (36–42 kDa), with an N-terminal domain for
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
Figure 2. Synthesis of a fibril-forming collagen.
a Assembly of three procollagen chains (a) Following synthesis, the three collagen α-chains
undergo extensive post-translational modification,
Glc including hydroxylation of lysine residues and
Gal Mann
GlcNAc glycosylation. (b) The α-chains wrap around each
OH other to form a tightly wound, right-handed triple
OH OH OH SH helix which is secreted as a procollagen monomer.
OH OH SH (c) The N- and C-terminal propeptides are cleaved
OH SH by specific peptidases. (d) The processed collagen
forms multimolecular aggregates, which are aligned
Gal end-to-end to form banded fibrils. (e) Crosslinks
are formed between specific amino acids, which
stabilise the collagen fibril and provide tensile
strength. Abbreviations: Gal, galactose; Glc, glucose;
b Assembly of triple helix Mann, mannose; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine;
OH, hydroxyl group; SH, sulphydryl group. Figure
modified from Ref. 44 (© 2004), with permission
from Elsevier.

c Cleavage of propeptides carry one to four chains of GAG, which can be

keratan sulphate (KS), dermatan sulphate (DS)
or chondroitin sulphate (CS). The type of GAG
depends on the tissue, with decorin containing CS
in bone and DS in tendon (Ref. 55). Fibromodulin
and lumican have a similar protein core structure
d Assembly into collagen fibrils to decorin, but contain KS. (Ref. 56).
The most abundant proteoglycan in tendon is
decorin, although biglycan is also present in small
amounts (Ref. 57). All the SLRPs are now thought
to have some role in collagen-fibril formation
(fibrillogenesis), acting in a sequential and
orchestrated fashion during development and
repair to control the growth and ultimate diameter
e Formation of covalent cross-links of the collagen fibres (Refs 58, 59). Decorin, for
example, is found attached to collagen fibres at
specific sites every 64–68 nm, where it acts to
modulate (limit) collagen-fibril formation
(Refs 60, 61). Modulation of this activity using
antisense gene therapy to inhibit decorin gene
transcription has been shown to promote the
Synthesis of a fibril-forming collagen formation of larger collagen fibrils in healing
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine 2005 ligament, thus improving the strength of repair
Published by Cambridge University Press (Ref. 62). Biglycan binds only weakly to type I
collagen and has a much greater affinity for type
Figure 2. Synthesis of a fibril-forming collagen. VI collagen, promoting the rapid formation of
(See next column for legend.) hexagonal networks (Ref. 63).
Apart from their role in ECM organisation, the
binding of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains, a SLRPs can also modulate various cell activities
central region of leucine-rich repeats flanked by (Refs 64, 65, 66). Decorin, fibromodulin and
clusters of cysteines, and a C-terminal domain biglycan, for example, might modulate the activity
(Ref. 52) (Fig. 3a). The protein core is compact of the resident cell population by binding to and
and horseshoe shaped, which might be important sequestering growth factors such as transforming
for protein–protein interactions (Ref. 54). SLRPs growth factor β (TGF-β) (Refs 65, 66).
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
Figure 3. Proteoglycans in tendon. (a) Small
a SLRPs leucine-rich repeat proteoglycans (SLRPs). SLRPs
Decorin in tendon include decorin, biglycan, fibromodulin
and lumican. They share a common core protein
structure with ten leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) and at
least one chain of glycosaminoglycan (GAG).
Decorin in tendon has one dermatan sulphate (DS)
Biglycan chain, whereas biglycan has two chondroitin
sulphate (CS) chains. Fibromodulin and lumican
have up to four keratan sulphate (KS) chains and
some tyrosine (Tyr) residues are sulphated. Part a
of figure reproduced, with permission, from the
Fibromodulin Glycoforum website (
(b) Hyalectans. The hyalectans in tendon are versican
and aggrecan, with versican predominant in tensile-
loaded regions and aggrecan in compressed,
fibrocartilaginous regions. All hyalectans contain a
Lumican G1 domain, a GAG-attachment region and a G3
domain that has similarities with selectin. Aggrecan
also has a G2 domain, separated from G1 by an
interglobular domain (IGD), and the molecule
contains approximately 100 CS chains and 30 KS
chains. Versican contains up to 21 CS chains,
b Hyalectans clustered within two GAG domains known as GAGα
and GAGβ. One or both of the GAG domains might
Aggrecan be removed by alternative splicing of the mRNA
KS CS1 CS2 transcript, forming four versican splice variants.

The ‘hyalectans’
The hyalectan subgroup of large proteoglycans
comprises aggrecan, versican, brevican and
G1 G2 G3 neurocan (Refs 40, 52). Neurocan and brevican
IGD are thought to be restricted to brain and neural
tissues. The hyalectans possess a large protein
Versican core (100–370 kDa) consisting of a C-terminal
domain with epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like
repeats, a central domain carrying the majority
of GAG chains, and an N-terminal hyaluronan-
binding domain (Ref. 56) (Fig. 3b).
Aggrecan, the major proteoglycan of articular
cartilage but also found in tendon, forms
G1 G3 multimolecular aggregates with the nonsulphated
GAG hyaluronan. Aggrecan is reported to be
present throughout tendon, although it is
CS/DS KS N-glycan Cys TyrSO4 generally thought to be more abundant in regions
of fibrocartilage. Aggrecan has three globular
Core protein LRR domains (G1, G2 and G3) and contains many GAG
chains (CS and KS) attached to specific sites in
Proteoglycans in tendon the GAG-binding domain between the G2 and G3
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine domains (Ref. 67). The high fixed negative charge
C 2005 Cambridge University Press (part b only) of the GAG attracts counter-ions and functions to
hold water within the tissue. Swelling of the
Figure 3. Proteoglycans in tendon. (See next tendon is restrained by the collagen meshwork,
column for legend.) and the resulting turgor functions to resist
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
compressive load. Thus, the expression of Tenascin-C is a disulphide-linked hexameric
aggrecan in compressed regions of tendon, or protein with subunits of 200–300 kDa in humans,
areas subjected to shear forces such as the created by alternative splicing of a single gene
insertion, is thought to be a functional adaptation transcript (Refs 82, 83). In normal fibrous tendon,
that protects the tissue from damage. tenascin-C might have a role in maintaining the
Versican has been identified in many soft interface between fibrils and adjacent structures
connective tissues and has a similar structure to (Ref. 84). In fibrocartilaginous regions of tendon,
aggrecan, although it lacks a G2 domain and tenascin-C is predominantly cell-associated
contains much less GAG, all of which is CS (similar to type VI collagen) and is implicated in
(Ref. 68). Its precise role in tendon is unknown, the development of the chondrocyte cell phenotype
although it is found associated with seams of (the expression of type II collagen and aggrecan)
microfibrils between fibres and it might in response to compressive load (Ref. 84).
function to facilitate the sliding of adjacent fibre Tenascin-C is transiently increased after tendon
bundles. injury, and is thought to modulate cell activities
in the developing scar (Refs 85, 86).
Glycoproteins Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP),
The noncollagenous components of tendon are despite its name, is not restricted to cartilage and
relatively poorly characterised. Elastin, thought is a major component of tendon, representing up
to make up less than 2% of the tendon dry weight, to 3% of the dry weight (Ref. 87). A member of the
is a component of the elastic fibres that are thrombospondin gene family (thrombospondin 5),
thought to maintain the tendon crimp and to be it is a large (524 kDa) pentameric molecule
responsible for the elastic properties of the ECM composed of five disulphide-bonded subunits
(Refs 13, 69). Fibrillin is also a major component (Ref. 88). Like tenascin-C and the other
of the elastic microfibril, and is thought to form a thrombospondins, it is thought to have both a
template for tropoelastin and the assembly of the structural role and an interactive role with the cell
elastin multimer (Refs 70, 71). Elastic microfibrils population. There is a strong positive correlation
are present in most connective tissues and contain of COMP expression with the levels of mechanical
polymers of fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 (Refs 70, 71). load, with higher levels in flexor tendons
Mutations in fibrillin-1 have been linked to compared with extensors (Ref. 89). Levels of
Marfan’s syndrome and associated disorders of COMP increase with age up to skeletal maturity,
various connective tissues (Ref. 72). Fibrillin-1 is although only in weight-bearing tendons (Ref. 89).
associated with type XVI collagen in the dermis The structural importance of COMP is shown by
(but not in cartilage), and other proteins such as the condition of pseudoachondroplasia, a genetic
versican, fibulin, matrix-associated glycoprotein disorder caused by a mutation in the COMP gene,
(MAGP)-1, MAGP-2 and emilin (Refs 73, 74, 75, 76). resulting in short stature, lax joints and early-onset
The microfibril structures that are formed have osteoarthritis (Ref. 90).
been divided into essentially three types on the basis In addition to serum proteins such as albumin,
of structure and appearance – oxytalan, elaunin other glycoproteins in tendon include: laminin,
and elastic – which differ in the relative amounts which is found as a major constituent of basement
of elastin (from lowest to highest, respectively). membranes; link protein, which stabilises
Elastic fibres, predominantly oxytalan, are hyalectan–hyaluronan interactions (Refs 6, 91);
reportedly more homogenous and abundant in and other multidomain adhesive glycoproteins,
developing tendon, less common in adult tendon including members of the thrombospondin
and absent from fibrocartilage (Ref. 77). family, that, like COMP, tenascin and fibronectin,
Fibronectin mediates cell interactions with mediate cell–matrix interactions in normal and
the ECM, and affects a range of cell functions injured tissues (Refs 92, 93, 94).
including cell adhesion, cell migration,
differentiation, haemostasis, phagocytosis and The molecular pathology of chronic
chemotaxis (Refs 40, 78). Present at low levels in tendinopathy
normal tendon, fibronectin is massively increased Histopathological studies of tendinopathy have
after tendon injury and consequently has been shown an absence of inflammatory cell infiltration
implicated in cell adhesion, migration and and the presence of many features thought to be
differentiation at the site of injury (Refs 79, 80, 81). characteristic of ECM degeneration. These include
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
a loss of fibre organisation, decreased fibril collagen (Ref. 47). The collagen had a high
diameter, changes in cell density (both increased content of hydroxylysine and there were greater
and decreased), cell rounding, GAG accumulation, than normal levels of the mature collagen
lipid accumulation and calcification (Refs 3, 4, 5, crosslinks hydroxylyslpyridinoline (HP) and
7, 95) (Fig. 4). Although similar changes are lysylpyridinoline (LP) (Ref. 97). These and other
commonly found in normal tendons, they are crosslinks greatly affect the solubility of the
generally less severe, and it is assumed that ECM collagen, making it difficult to assess the collagen
degeneration precedes the onset of the clinical type, even using chemical methods such as
condition (Refs 3, 7, 96). cyanogen bromide peptide mapping. However,
There have been few biochemical studies of the changes in the tendon ECM are characteristic
chronic tendinopathy. In ruptured supraspinatus of scar tissue, and the levels of type III collagen
tendons there was a small but significant decrease and HP tend to diminish as healing proceeds,
in the total collagen content, and an increased although high levels often persist because of
proportion of type III collagen relative to type I incomplete remodelling (Ref. 98). Similar ECM

a b

c d

Histopathology of tendinopathy
Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine C 2005 Cambridge University Press (parts a, b and d only)

Figure 4. Histopathology of tendinopathy. (a) Normal flexor tendon histology, showing organised parallel
fibre bundles and long thin tenocytes dispersed throughout the matrix [stained with hematoxylin and eosin
(H&E)]. (b) Ruptured supraspinatus tendon, showing hyaline (glassy) appearance, loss of matrix organisation
and rounded, shrunken nuclei (H&E). (c) Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) accumulation (‘mucoid degeneration’) in
supraspinatus tendon, showing GAG (blue) surrounding rounded cells in the matrix (Alcian Blue and H&E).
(d) ‘Angiofibroblastic’ change in painful Achilles tendinopathy, showing increase in cell number and blood
vessels (H&E). Part c of figure reprinted from Ref. 4 (© 1994); reproduced with permission from the BMJ
Publishing Group.
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
changes have since been reported in studies of example, that the tendon fails to recover after the
posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction and Achilles inflammatory reaction has subsided.
tendon rupture (Refs 99, 100). These data are In summary, the ECM changes described in
consistent with the gradual accumulation of type chronic tendinopathy are consistent with a cell-
III collagen over a relatively long time period, mediated remodelling process occurring in
allowing the maturation of collagen crosslinks degenerate tendon, without inflammation. The
and stabilisation of the ECM. The gradual process is similar in many respects to the later
incorporation of type III collagen into the main stages of a wound-healing response, albeit with
fibre bundles is consistent with a reduction in the impaired or incomplete remodelling, rather than
average fibril diameter (Ref. 101), a change that is any functional adaptation. The evidence generally
thought to weaken the tendon and to precede supports the hypothesis that there is gradual
tendon rupture (Ref. 102). deterioration in the quality of the ECM, which
Other biochemical studies have shown an predisposes to tendon pathology. A key element
increase in the amount of hyaluronan and various of this process is thought to be the cellular
proteoglycans in degenerate tendons, although expression of proteolytic activities and their effects
the latter have not yet been fully characterised on tendon ECM turnover.
(Refs 103, 104). An increased water content,
typically 10% above normal, is commonly found Role of MMPs in tendon collagen
in tendinopathy, associated with the increased degradation and tendinopathy
proteoglycan content. Consequently, the specimen Proteolytic activity is an essential component of
dry weight or collagen (hydroxyproline) content tissue maintenance and repair. After injury,
is a better reference point for composition studies proteolysis is required to remove any damaged
than the tissue wet weight. Differences in the ECM and remodel the newly formed scar so
sugar moieties expressed in ruptured tendons that it more closely resembles the normal tissue.
compared with normal were revealed by Some collagen in tendon is probably degraded
changes in lectin-staining properties (Ref. 105). intracellularly after phagocytosis, with fibroblasts
Glycoproteins such as tenascin-C were increased and macrophages engulfing collagen molecules
in ruptured supraspinatus, with different that are then digested by lysosomal enzymes,
protein isoforms expressed as well as numerous comprising mainly cysteine and aspartate
small peptide fragments, the latter consistent proteases (Refs 111, 112). This is a major activity
with enzyme-mediated cleavage in the tissue in the rapidly remodelling peridontal ligament,
(Ref. 84). Fibronectin immunostaining was although few (if any) studies have investigated
significantly increased in ruptured tendon, and the function of lysosomal enzymes and serine
there was accumulation of necrotic tissue and proteases in tendon matrix turnover. Most
fibrin (Ref. 106). published studies have focused on collagen
Several studies have shown differences in the degradation occurring in the extracellular
expression of various genes encoding matrix environment and mediated by secreted
proteins in tendinopathy (Refs 107, 108, 109). In metalloenzymes known as the MMPs.
one study, for example, 23 genes were found to
be upregulated and 17 genes were downregulated MMPs: a brief overview
in degenerate Achilles tendon (Ref. 107). Although Comprehensive reviews of the MMPs have been
potentially very informative, relatively few of published elsewhere and only salient points are
these changes have been confirmed by more reviewed here (Refs 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,
rigorous techniques, and the levels of cognate 119, 120). MMPs are members of the ‘MB’ clan of
proteins for many of these genes have not been metallopeptidases, generically referred to as
investigated. There were no changes detected in ‘metzincins’ because they contain zinc at the active
the expression of cytokines and cytokine site and a conserved methionine eight residues
receptors, consistent with the absence of any downstream. There are 23 MMPs found in
ongoing inflammatory process, as confirmed by humans, each comprising a multidomain
an analysis of the fluids surrounding painful structure and with activity at neutral pH against
tendons (Ref. 110). However, these data do not a broad spectrum of different ECM substrates
rule out the involvement of inflammation at (Refs 114, 116, 118) (Table 2; Fig. 5a). Although
earlier stages of the disease. It is possible, for important in ECM degradation, MMPs also have
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
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in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
Table 2. Major known or putative substrates of the matrix metalloproteinases
Family/type MMP Descriptive name(s) Principal or major known

Collagenases MMP-1 Interstitial collagenase 1 Fibrillar collagens types I, II, III

MMP-8 Neutrophil collagenase
MMP-13 Collagenase 3

Gelatinases MMP-2 Gelatinase A, 72 kDa gelatinase Nonfibrillar collagens, gelatin

MMP-9 Gelatinase B, 92 kDa gelatinase

Stromelysins MMP-3 Stromelysin 1, transin Proteoglycans, fibronectin, laminin,

nonfibrillar collagens, pro-IL-1,
collagen type III
MMP-10 Stromelysin 2, transin-2

Matrilysins MMP-7 Matrilysin, PUMP-1 Proteoglycans, link protein, fibronectin,

MMP-26 Matrilysin 2, endometase laminin, nonfibrillar collagens, gelatin,
fibrin, entactin

Elastase MMP-12 Macrophage elastase, Elastin, nonfibrillar collagens


Transmembrane MMP-14 MT1-MMP Pro-MMP-2, (MMP-13), gelatin, tenascin,

fibronectin, vitronectin, aggrecan

GPI anchored MMP-17 MT4-MMP Pro-MMP-2, gelatin


Miscellaneous MMP-11 Stromelysin-3 α1-Proteinase inhibitor, IGFBP-1

MMP-19 RASI-1 Gelatin, aggrecan, COMP, fibrin, tenascin
MMP-20 Enamelysin Amelogenin, aggrecan, COMP
MMP-21 xMMP Not known
MMP-23A CA-MMP Gelatin
MMP-23B Not known
MMP-27 MMP-22, cMMP Gelatin, casein
MMP-28 Epilysin Not known

Abbreviations: CA, cysteine array; cMMP: chicken MMP; COMP, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein; GPI,
glycosylphosphatidylinositol; IGFBP-1, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1; MBP, myelin basic
protein; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; MT, membrane-type; pro-IL-1, pro-interleukin 1; PUMP, putative
metalloproteinase; RASI-1, rheumatoid arthritis synovium inflamed 1; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; xMMP,
Xenopus MMP.

activity against cell-surface receptors and growth cytokines such as interleukin 1 (IL-1) and tumour
factor precursors (Ref. 119). Consequently, these necrosis factor (TNF), and is inhibited by growth
enzymes also have an important role in the factors such as TGF-β. MMPs are potently
regulation of numerous cellular activities inhibited by α2-macroglobulin in the serum, and
including cell proliferation, cell death (apoptosis), also by a family of specific inhibitors produced
cell migration and chemotaxis (Ref. 119). by cells within the tissues known as tissue
The activities of MMPs are normally tightly inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) (Refs 115,
controlled in vivo, with regulation at the levels of 116, 121). Four TIMPs have been characterised to
gene transcription, protein translation, activation date, and each TIMP binds to active MMPs in a
and inhibition. In general, expression and activity stoichiometric (1:1) ratio, resulting in a stable,
of the MMPs is stimulated by pro-inflammatory inactive complex.
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
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in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
a Collagenate and gelatinase MMPs
Propeptide peptide
Collagenases, stromelysins and
other MMPs: MMP-1, MMP-8, MMP-13, Zn2+
MMP-3, MMP-10, MMP-12, MMP-19, Haemopexin
MMP-20, MMP-27
domain Hinge

Gelatinases: MMP-2, MMP-9 Zn2+

Type II

Propeptide peptide
repeat Spacer

Disintegrin-like Cys-rich TS repeats

MMP-like catalytic domain region (variable number)

Domain structure of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and ADAMTS

Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine C 2005 Cambridge University Press

Figure 5. Domain structure of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and ADAMTS. (a) MMPs. The archetypal
MMPs such as the collagenases and stromelysins share common domains: a signal peptide that is cleaved
prior to synthesis, a propeptide that renders the enzyme inactive until removed by proteolysis, a catalytic
domain with a zinc-binding site, a hinge region, and a haemopexin domain that confers substrate specificity.
Gelatinases have an additional, gelatin-binding domain consisting of fibronectin type II repeats. Other MMPs
have additional domains (not shown, but see Ref. 120). (b) ADAMTS. The ADAMTS family share a common
domain structure, with a prodomain that is cleaved within the cell to activate the enzyme, a metalloproteinase
catalytic domain, a disintegrin domain, a cysteine (Cys)-rich domain and a variable number of thrombospondin
(TS) type I repeats. Several additional C-terminal domains have been found downstream of the variable TS
type 1 repeats in some ADAMTS molecules (not shown, but see Ref. 120). Modified figure reproduced from
Ref. 120, published in this journal.

MMPs in tendon implicated in the remodelling of tendon that

The MMPs are implicated in both the physiological follows immobilisation (Refs 126, 127, 128, 129).
and pathological turnover of the tendon ECM. MMP-1 is thought to be one of the key mediators
Pieces of normal tendon placed in explant culture of tendon fibrillar collagen degradation, at least
produce collagenase and gelatinase activities, in explant culture, and this activity can be
degrading the collagen matrix after two to three inhibited by the application of cyclical strain, an
weeks in culture, and this process is stimulated effect though to be mediated via the tenocyte
by the addition of inflammatory cytokines such cytoskeleton (Refs 130, 131, 132, 133, 134). Isolated
as IL-1 (Refs 122, 123, 124, 125). MMPs are also tenocytes respond to strain and shear forces by
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
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in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
upregulation of MMP, demonstrating that The greatest difference between normal and
mechanical strain is likely to be a major stimulus pathological tendon specimens was the level of
for ECM remodelling in tendon (Refs 135, 136). MMP-3, which was absent or significantly less
MMP expression was stimulated in rabbit abundant in painful tendinopathy (Refs 107, 108).
tendon in vivo by extended periods of cyclical A similar change was reported in degenerate
loading, although there was no sign of injury as supraspinatus tendons (Ref. 38), consistent with
assessed by histological examination (Ref. 137). a role for MMP-3 in the maintenance of the normal
Intense physical training was also shown to tendon ECM, at least in highly stressed tendons
increase MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities in the fluid such as the supraspinatus and the Achilles. The loss
surrounding human Achilles tendon (Ref. 138). of MMP-3 activity in tendinopathy could account
Several MMPs have been identified in acute for the increase in proteoglycan commonly found
tendon injuries, with differences in the timing and in tendon lesions, since proteoglycans are
location of expression that suggest different roles potential substrates for the enzyme. However,
in the healing process. Levels of MMP-9 and since most proteoglycan degradation in vivo is
MMP-13 peaked 7–14 days after injury, whereas attributed to aggrecanases (see below), more
MMP-2, MMP-3 and MMP-14 increased and were research is required to identify the role of MMP-3
maintained at high levels until at least day 28 in tendon.
(Ref. 139). Thus, it appears that MMP-9 and
MMP-13 are involved in the degradation of Role of aggrecanases in tendon
collagen in the initial inflammatory phase, proteoglycan degradation and
whereas MMP-2, MMP-3 and MMP-14 have a role tendinopathy
in the remodelling of the scar tissue. Proteoglycans are turned over much more rapidly
A comparison of human tendons showed than the fibrillar collagens. Although some
evidence of substantial differences in the rate of members of the MMP family, for example
collagen turnover between tendons from different MMP-3, can degrade proteoglycans such as
sites (Ref. 38). There was very little collagen aggrecan in vitro, most proteoglycan-degrading
turnover in normal biceps brachii tendons, activity in vivo is associated with a related but
which contained no significant levels of MMP distinct group of metallo-endopeptidases,
activity and a linear accumulation of pentosidine commonly known as aggrecanases.
crosslinks with increasing age (Ref. 38). By Aggrecanases were first identified on the basis
contrast, supraspinatus tendons obtained from of their ability to cleave aggrecan at specific Glu-
normal shoulders showed relatively high levels of Xaa bonds. The core protein is cleaved at several
collagen turnover, and there were correspondingly sites, resulting in the shortening of the core protein
high levels of MMP-1, MMP-2 and MMP-3 or the complete loss of the GAG-rich portion of
activity (Ref. 38). In ruptured supraspinatus the molecule from the tissue (Ref. 142). This
tendon, there was increased activity of MMP-1, activity was associated with the loss of cartilage
reduced activity of MMP-2 and MMP-3, and proteoglycan that accompanies osteoarthritis
evidence of increased turnover of the collagen (Ref. 143). Aggrecanases were subsequently
network (Ref. 38). Levels of expression of MMP-1 identified as members of the ADAMTS family, a
and MMP-3 in shoulder fluids were shown to subgroup of ADAM (for ‘a disintegrin and
correlate with the size of the tendon tear, and metalloproteinase’) with thrombospondin (TS)
MMP-1 was expressed by cells within the type I motifs (Refs 144, 145) (Fig. 5b).
ruptured tendon (Refs 140, 141).
Studies of painful Achilles tendons using Aggrecanases and the ADAMTS family
cDNA arrays have identified several differences To date, 19 mammalian ADAMTS enzymes have
in MMP gene expression, although many of these been identified, many of which are not yet fully
findings need to be confirmed by RT-PCR analysis characterised (Refs 144, 145). ADAMTS-2,
(Refs 107, 108). The absence of MMP-1 and MMP-8 ADAMTS-3 and ADAMTS-14 are procollagen
expression was consistent with an absence of peptidases, and function as regulators of collagen-
inflammation, and there was a small but variable fibril assembly (Refs 146, 147, 148). ADAMTS-4
increase in MMP-2 and MMP-14 in degenerate (aggrecanase 1) and ADAMTS-5 (aggrecanase 2)
tendons, whereas MMP-9 and MMP-13 were were the first aggrecanases to be identified (Refs
detected only in ruptured tendons (Refs 107, 108). 144, 149, 150), although ADAMTS-1 and other
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
phylogenetically related enzymes (ADAMTS-8, Aggrecanase activities in tendon
ADAMTS-9, ADAMTS-15 and ADAMTS-20) Studies of normal (bovine) tendon have shown
might also have aggrecanase activity (Refs 151, that proteoglycans are constitutively turned over
152, 153, 154). Best known for their activity against relatively rapidly, with hyalectans breaking down
aggrecan, ADAMTS-1 and ADAMTS-4 are also more rapidly than the SLRPs (Refs 167, 168, 169).
capable of cleaving other ECM proteoglycans such Proteolytic fragments of proteoglycans such as
as versican and brevican (Ref. 155), and aggrecan were present in both young and mature
glycoproteins such as COMP (Ref. 156), at least tendon, in both tensional and compressed regions.
in vitro. Although inhibition of ADAMTS-4 and Much of the aggrecan in tendon appears to lack
ADAMTS-5 can prevent cartilage degradation in the G1 domain, but the molecule might be
tissue culture models (Ref. 157), the enzymes retained in the tissue by interactions of the G3
responsible for proteoglycan degradation in domain with an unidentified matrix component.
osteoarthritis and other diseases of connective Cultured tendon explants released cleavage
tissues have yet to be identified. products into the culture medium and there was
Aggrecanase activity is thought to be regulated no significant stimulation of this activity by IL-1
at multiple levels, although the mechanism is (Ref. 167). There was no evidence of MMP-
currently poorly understood. Differential mediated proteoglycan turnover, although
regulation of ADAMTS mRNAs has been aggrecan turnover did not directly correlate with
deduced from analysis of their expression in cell the levels of expression of either ADAMTS-4 or
and explant cultures, albeit with considerable ADAMTS-5 mRNA. However, gene expression
variation between studies (Refs 157, 158, 159, 160, might play a relatively minor role in the regulation
161). A study of human tendon cells has reported of aggrecanase activity, and further studies are
small and variable effects of IL-1 on ADAMTS-4 required to identify the enzyme activities
expression (Ref. 161). present in human tendon and their role in
In addition to regulation at the level of gene tendinopathy. Since levels of proteoglycan are
transcription, the activities of ADAMTS enzymes increased in the degenerate tendon lesion (unlike
are also subject to post-translational regulation. osteoarthritic cartilage), it will be interesting to
The noncatalytic ancillary domains of ADAMTS-4 determine whether this is caused by an increase
are required for both catalytic activity and in proteoglycan synthesis or a decrease in
substrate specificity (Refs 162, 163). Full-length proteoglycan degradation.
enzyme is sequestered in the ECM via GAG-
binding sequences in the spacer domain, and Clinical implications
sulphated GAGs attached to the aggrecan core Anti-inflammatory drugs: do they have a
protein are required for ADAMTS-4 activity role in the treatment of tendinopathy?
(Ref. 163). Deletion of the C-terminal spacer The absence of inflammatory cells, at least at later
domain increased the efficiency of hydrolysis of stages of the disease, would suggest that there is
aggrecan at Glu373-Ala374 bonds, and revealed no rational basis for the treatment of chronic
new activities against fibromodulin, decorin and tendinopathy with anti-inflammatories such as
a general protein substrate (Ref. 163). Several short nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
forms of ADAMTS-4, thought to be generated by and corticosteroid injections, both of which are
autocatalytic C-terminal truncation, are found in commonly used even though there are limited
cartilage, and these potentially contribute to the data to demonstrate their effectiveness (Ref. 1).
degradation of a broad range of protein substrates However, it has recently been argued that the
in addition to proteoglycans (Refs 162, 163). The definition of inflammation should be reappraised,
enzymes are thought to be secreted in an active since inflammatory mediators can be produced
form after cleavage of the prodomain within by a variety of cell types, and not just by
the cell by furin, which might be followed by infiltrating leukocytes (Ref. 170). Degenerative
C-terminal truncation by MMP-17 at the cell surface conditions such as osteoarthritis can be considered
(Refs 164, 165). Aggrecanases such as ADAMTS-4 inflammatory diseases on this basis, with the
are inhibited by the general proteinase inhibitor expression of cytokines and nitric oxide by
α2-macroglobulin and by the specific endogenous chondrocytes and/or synovial cells (Refs 170, 171,
inhibitor TIMP-3, but not by other TIMPs 172). In a similar fashion, it is possible that
(TIMP-1, -2 and -4) (Ref. 166). mediators of inflammation might be involved in
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
chronic tendinopathy, although produced by the precise cause of the syndrome remains
the resident cell population or surrounding unidentified. Additional activity against
connective tissues (Refs 173, 174, 175, 176). For ‘sheddases’ (members of the ADAM family of
example, prostaglandins and other inflammatory metalloproteases involved in the processing of
mediators were found to be increased in the fluids cell-surface receptors) might explain the
surrounding tendons following vigorous exercise development of the syndrome, although there is
and are implicated at least in the adaptive no consensus of opinion. Because there are many
response of the tissue (Refs 177, 178, 179). different enzymes, a solution to this problem will
Increased expression of the inducible require an analysis of all the metalloproteinase
cyclooxygenase (COX-2) in patellar tendinosis enzymes that are expressed and active in healthy
suggests some involvement of prostaglandins in and degenerate tendon.
the disease (Ref. 175). Several studies have shown
IL-1 was more abundant in the endotenon, Neuropeptides and tendon ECM turnover:
vascular endothelium and synovial tissues a novel therapeutic target for tendinopathy?
surrounding affected tendons (Refs 174, 176). If inflammation is not associated with the
Inflammatory mediators might also be transiently development of chronic tendinopathy, other
produced by the tenocytes, which can be induced causes of tendon pain and ECM degeneration
to express IL-1β and COX-2 under the influence must be considered. Recent studies have
of mechanical strain, providing a theoretical basis suggested that nerves, and small peptides
for the development of ‘overuse’ tendinopathy (‘neuropeptides’) produced by nerve endings,
(Refs 180, 181, 182, 183). However, most molecular might have a role in tendinopathy, similar to that
studies of tendinopathy have so far provided no described in intervertebral disc degeneration (Refs
conclusive evidence for the involvement of 189, 190).
inflammatory mediators and cytokines such as In studies of ‘tennis elbow’ lesions, nerve
prostaglandin E2 and IL-1 (Refs 107, 108, 184, 185). endings and neuropeptides were found at the site
of the lesion, although it was unclear if this
Enzymes as potential targets for therapy distribution was different to normal (Ref. 191).
In degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis, Studies of fluids obtained from around painful
one of the targets for drug therapy is the increased tendons using a microdialysis technique have
cartilage ECM degradation mediated by enzymes shown that levels of the neurotransmitter
such as MMPs and ADAMTS (Refs 118, 186). glutamate were significantly increased in
Various therapeutic approaches have been tendinopathy relative to controls (Refs 110, 184,
attempted, including selective inhibition of 192). Both free glutamate and glutamate receptors
collagenases or broad-spectrum inhibition of (NMDAR1) have also been detected within
many different MMPs, although none has yet been Achilles tendons, located to nerve fibres, both in
successful in clinical trials (Ref. 118). tendinopathy specimens and in controls (Ref. 193).
The pathology of tendinopathy is evidently Since glutamate is a potent mediator of pain in
different from osteoarthritis, with increased cell the central nervous system, it was suggested that
activity, neovascularisation, and accumulation of NMDAR1 antagonists might be useful in the
proteoglycan within the lesion, in addition to treatment of tendon pain.
increased turnover of the matrix collagen. Indeed, It has also been reported that substance P,
it would appear that some ECM turnover is another neuropeptide associated with the sensation
required for maintaining the health of the tendon, of pain, is increased in the subacromical bursa in
at least in highly stressed tendons such as the patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy (Ref. 194).
supraspinatus and Achilles. This hypothesis is The amount of substance P was shown to correlate
consistent with data obtained from clinical trials with the degree of motion pain as assessed by a
with broad-spectrum MMP inhibitors, which were visual analogue scale. Whether this was due to
found to cause an unwanted side effect described an increase in the release of substance P or an
as a ‘musculo-skeletal syndrome’ in the tendons increase in the number of nerve fibres was not
of the patients’ shoulders and hands, which clear, although immunohistochemistry showed
recovered after the cessation of therapy (Refs 187, more nerve fibres in bursal tissues of patients with
188). Compounds selective for collagenases or a perforated rotator cuff (Ref. 194). Apart from the
gelatinases did not induce the condition, and modulation of pain, substance P and other
Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
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in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
neuropeptides might have additional effects, enzymes, including MMPs and aggrecanases.
regulating the local circulation and stimulating Some enzymes are thought to be responsible for
neurogenic inflammation in and around the repair and maintenance of the tendon, and others
tendon (Refs 195, 196). are implicated in the pathological destruction of
Hart et al. have proposed that regulatory units the ECM: these enzymes need to be identified so
composed of nerve endings and mast cells reside that new drugs can be developed. There are a
in and around the tendon (Ref. 197). The release variety of factors that might influence ECM
of neurotransmitters stimulates mast-cell turnover in tendon, although a major factor in
degranulation, releasing a variety of mediators most tendinopathy is thought to be repeated
including growth factors that influence oedema, minor mechanical strain or ‘overuse’. Although
angiogenesis, fibroblast proliferation and many infiltrating inflammatory cells are probably not
other aspects of cell activity. Biomechanical involved in chronic tendinopathy, neuropeptides
stimulation of these nerve–mast-cell units might and other mediators of pain and inflammation
form part of the normal regulatory system, produced in or around the tendon might be
maintaining the tissue and also contributing to implicated, and could provide novel targets for
the adaptive response to load. Excessive therapeutic intervention.
stimulation of neural–mast-cell units might
contribute to overuse tendinopathy. Since the Acknowledgements and funding
extent of innervation and vascularisation varies The author is grateful for financial support from
between different tendons, the potential for the the Arthritis Research Campaign, The Isaac
development of neurogenic dysfunction also Newton Trust, REMEDI, The Wishbone Trust, The
varies. This theory potentially links mechanical Dunhill Medical Trust, The Sybil Eastwood Trust
stimulation of the paratenon, which is more and the Cambridge Arthritis Research Endeavour
richly innervated, and tissue changes in the (CARE). Acknowledgements are due to many past
tendon mid-substance. The association of and present members of the Rheumatology
neuropeptides with tissue remodelling has not Research Unit, in particular Dr Brian Hazleman,
been conclusively proved, although substance P Professor Tim Cawston, Dr Michael Chard, Dr
and calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) were Steven Fenwick, Dr Anthony Corps, Mrs Val
shown to modulate directly the expression of Curry and Ms Rebecca Harrall. Thanks also to the
MMP-1 and MMP-3, at least in vitro (Refs 195, surgeons who have provided human tendon
198). Thus innervation, and the stimulation of specimens, including Mr Chris Constant, Mr
neuropeptide release by strain or friction at the Andrew Robinson, Mr Roger Hackney and Mr
tendon surface, is thought to be important for both Graham Holloway.
normal tendon function and tendinopathy,
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©2005 Cambridge University Press
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©2005 Cambridge University Press
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in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
Further reading, resources and contacts
Tendon structure and function
Kannus, P. (2000) Structure of the tendon connective tissue. Scand J Med Sci Sports 10, 312-320, PubMed:
Benjamin, M. (2004) The structure and function of tendons. In Soft Tissue Rheumatology (Hazleman, B.L.,
Riley, G.P. and Speed, C.A., eds), pp. 9-19, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Oakes, B. (1994) Tendon-ligament basic science. In Oxford Textbook of Medicine (Harries, M. et al., eds),
pp. 493-511, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Tendon pathology
Kannus, P. (1997) Etiology and pathophysiology of chronic tendon disorders in sports. Scand J Med Sci
Sports 7, 78-85, PubMed: 9211608
Józsa, L. and Kannus, P. (1997) Overuse injuries of tendons. In Human Tendons: Anatomy, Physiology and
Pathology (Józsa, L. and Kannus, P., eds), pp. 164-253, Champaign, IL
Riley, G. (2004) The pathogenesis of tendinopathy. A molecular perspective. Rheumatology (Oxford) 43,
131-142, PubMed: 12867575
Riley, G.P. (2004) Tendon and ligament biochemistry and pathology. In Soft Tissue Rheumatology
(Hazleman, B.L., Riley, G.P. and Speed, C.A., eds), pp. 20-53, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Leadbetter, W.B. (1992) Cell-matrix response in tendon injury. Clin Sports Med 11, 533-578, PubMed:

Treatment of tendinopathy
Almekinders, L.C. and Temple, J.D. (1998) Etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of tendonitis: an analysis of
the literature. Med Sci Sports Exerc 30, 1183-1190, PubMed: 9710855
el Hawary, R., Stanish, W.D. and Curwin, S.L. (1997) Rehabilitation of tendon injuries in sport. Sports Med
24, 347-358, PubMed: 9368280

Myllyharju, J. and Kivirikko, K.I. (2004) Collagens, modifying enzymes and their mutations in humans, flies
and worms. Trends Genet 20, 33-43, PubMed: 14698617

Iozzo, R.V. (1998) Matrix proteoglycans: from molecular design to cellular function. Annu Rev Biochem 67,
609-652, PubMed: 9759499

Extracellular matrix in general

Aumailley, M. and Gayraud, B. (1998) Structure and biological activity of the extracellular matrix. J Mol Med
76, 253-265, PubMed: 9535559

Matrix metalloproteinases
Clark, I.M. and Parker, A.E. (2003) Metalloproteinases: their role in arthritis and potential as therapeutic
targets. Expert Opin Ther Targets 7, 19-34, PubMed: 12556200
McCawley, L.J. and Matrisian, L.M. (2001) Matrix metalloproteinases: they’re not just for matrix anymore!
Curr Opin Cell Biol 13, 534-540, PubMed: 11544020

Apte, S.S. (2004) A disintegrin-like and metalloprotease (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motifs:
the ADAMTS family. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 36, 981-985, PubMed: 15094112

Recent related article in Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine:

Lafleur, M.A., Handsley, M.M. and Edwards, D.R. (2003) Metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in
angiogenesis. Expert Rev Mol Med 5(23), 1-39, PubMed: 14585170

Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press
expert reviews
in molecular medicine

Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis

and therapeutic implications
Features associated with this article
Figure 1. Structure of tendon.
Figure 2. Synthesis of a fibril-forming collagen.
Figure 3. Proteoglycans in tendon.
Figure 4. Histopathology of tendinopathy.
Figure 5. Domain structure of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and ADAMTS.

Table 1. Molecular composition of tendon extracellular matrix.
Table 2. Major known or putative substrates of the matrix metalloproteinases.

Citation details for this article

Graham Riley (2005) Chronic tendon pathology: molecular basis and therapeutic implications. Expert Rev.
Mol. Med. Vol. 7, Issue 5, 24 March, DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963

Accession information: DOI: 10.1017/S1462399405008963; Vol. 7; Issue 5; 24 March 2005
©2005 Cambridge University Press

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