Stylistic Aspect of Translation
Stylistic Aspect of Translation
Stylistic Aspect of Translation
regard to the specific context in which it is actualized. Some words are less sensitive
to the contextual influence than others. There are words with definite meanings
with which are retained in most contexts and are relatively context free. Context-
free words are mainly found among proper and geographical names, titles of
magazines and newspapers, names of various firms, organizations, ships, aircraft and
the like, as well as among technical terms used by experts in all fields of human
Context-free words have an important role to play in the translating process.
They usually have permanent equivalents in TL which, in most cases, can be used in
TT. The permanent equivalents of context-free words are often formed by
transcription (with possible elements of transliteration) or loan translation.
The meaning of most words in the English vocabulary largely depends on the
context in which they are used. True, all words have meanings of their own which are
defined in dictionaries but the context may specify or modify the word’s meaning,
neutralize or emphasize some part of its semantics. And before looking for an
equivalent, the translator has to make a careful study of the context to identify the
contextual meaning of the word that should be rendered in translation. This meaning
is the result of interaction between the word semantics and the methods of its
actualization in the speech act.
Most of the words are polisemantic, that is they have several meanings. As a
rule, the word is used in the sentence in one of the meanings and the context must
show what meaning has been selected by the speaker and cut off all other meanings
irrelevant for the particular act of communication.
The context may modify the meaning of a word to such an extend that its
regular equivalents will not fit TT. In the following sentence: “History has dealt with
Hitler”, the translator has to do with the verb “to deal” and instead of its regular
equivalent “ обійтися“ use a contextual one “покінчити”.
combinations will be thought of as too bizarre in Ukrainian or alien to the type of the
text and the qualifier will have to be used with the name of the object it refers to: “
the sound of the solemn bells” will become “урочисте звучання дзвонів”. A good
example of transferred qualifier is he paid his smiling attention to.. – here the
qualifier smiling refers to a person, but is used as an attribute to the state (attention)
Translator’s task in this case is consists in rendering the idea in compliance with
the lexical combination rules of the target language. For example, in Ukrainian it
may be expressed as Посміхаючись, він звернув увагу...
Note should be taken of the inverted qualifier which syntactically is not the
defining but the defined element. Such a qualifier precedes the qualified word, which
is joined to it by the preposition of “ this devil of a woman” “ the giant of a man”.
The phrase can be transformed to obtain an ordinary combination ( a devilish
woman, a gigantic man) and then translated into Ukrainian.
Zeugma is also a semantic irregularity: if one and the same verb is
combined with two or more nouns and acquires a different meaning in each of
such combinations. For example, He has taken her picture and another cup of tea.
Here again the translator’s task is to render this ironical comment either by finding a
similar irregularity in the TL or, failing to show zeugma (and irony of the author)
stick to regular TL means. (separate two actions - Він зробив її фото і випив ще
одну чашку чаю, or try to render them as a zeugma as well - Він зробив її фото і
ще один ковток чаю з чашки).
A pun, so called play of words, is righteously considered the most difficult for
Pun is the realization in one and the same word of two lexical meanings
A pun can be translated only by a word in the TL with similar capacity to
develop two meanings in particular context. English is comparatively rich in
polysems and homonyms, whereas in Ukrainian these word types are rather rare.
hardly preserve the obvious allusion to the book in the following sentence: The
Tories are accused in the House of Commons yesterday of living in an Alice in
Wonderland world on the question of nuclear arms for Germany. – Вчора у палаті
общин консерваторів звинуватили в тому, що вони плекають марнв мрії...).