Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai: Program Section: Test Name

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai


Program Section: B.Tech. - ECE [ UG - FT - ACADEMIC ] - SRM Regulation 2018 -2 Sem-A

Test Name: Practical CLA1

Subject Code & Title: 18MES101L-ENGINEERING GRAPHICS AND DESIGN-Practical-Internal

Conducted Date: 05-Feb-2020 Submitted Date: 05-Feb-2020 Conducted Max. Mark : 10.00

Marks Converted Marks Converted

Register No Obtained % Register No Obtained %

RA1911004020001 9.00 90 RA1911004020002 9.00 90

RA1911004020003 8.00 80 RA1911004020004 9.00 90

RA1911004020005 9.00 90 RA1911004020007 8.00 80

RA1911004020008 9.00 90 RA1911004020009 9.00 90

RA1911004020010 9.00 90 RA1911004020012 8.00 80

RA1911004020013 9.00 90 RA1911004020014 9.00 90

RA1911004020015 9.00 90 RA1911004020016 9.00 90

RA1911004020017 9.00 90 RA1911004020018 8.00 80

RA1911004020019 9.00 90 RA1911004020020 8.00 80

RA1911004020021 9.00 90 RA1911004020022 9.00 90

RA1911004020023 9.00 90 RA1911004020024 8.00 80

RA1911004020025 8.00 80 RA1911004020026 8.00 80

RA1911004020027 9.00 90 RA1911004020028 8.00 80

RA1911004020029 8.00 80 RA1911004020030 9.00 90

RA1911004020031 9.00 90 RA1911004020032 9.00 90

RA1911004020033 8.00 80 RA1911004020034 9.00 90

RA1911004020035 9.00 90 RA1911004020036 9.00 90

RA1911004020037 8.00 80 RA1911004020038 9.00 90

RA1911004020039 8.00 80 RA1911004020040 8.00 80

RA1911004020041 8.00 80 RA1911004020042 8.00 80

RA1911004020043 7.00 70 RA1911004020044 9.00 90

RA1911004020045 8.00 80 RA1911004020046 9.00 90

RA1911004020047 9.00 90 RA1911004020048 9.00 90

RA1911004020049 8.00 80 RA1911004020050 9.00 90

RA1911004020171 9.00 90 RA1911004020172 8.00 80

RA1911004020173 8.00 80 RA1911004020174 8.00 80

Total Strength 52 Range of Marks No. of Students

Total Absentees 0
0-49 0

Total No. of Failures 0

50-59 0

Pass Mark 50
60-69 0

Pass Percentage 100

70-79 1

80-89 21

90-100 30



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