Civics Grade 10th PDF

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Ebenezer School

(From K.G to Preparatory)


Unit Ten
Active Community Participation
The Essenes of community and community participation

What us community
For some people community is a group of people living in particular place. For others
community is a geographical area; still others look community as an area of common life.

This every community has at least several of the following in common.

 A network of shared interest and concern.

 Common symbolic /physical border.
 Extension beyond extended family.
 Reproduces itself.
 Distinct in some way from other similar groups.
 The whole purpose of civic and ethical education is a society with a well established
democratic system is to bring about a civic competence in to effect. That is to create citizens
who actively and knowledgeably participate in the political and social systems of their
 The aim and importance of community life is to bring about friendly relation b/n men and
group of men. An ideal community should furnish the following to its human constitute.
 Order: on security of life and property through the medium of an efficient and democratic
 Economic well-being: (health and sanitation) through public health agencies.
 Ethical standards or a system of morality supported by the organized community.
 Intellectual diffusion or education through the free and public institutions withinthe reach
of all.
 Free of expression; on meanly by which all the elements of community might freely express
themselves;; free newspapers and public forums.
 Democratic forms of organization or community wide organization through which the
entire community might express its thought and see that its will is done.

Levels and forms of community participation levels of community participation

The levels of community participation is highly dependent on the type of existing political
system. There are three levels of community participations. These are

 At low level (at minimum) it means people simply use a service given to them.
 At a middle level: it means that decision makers consult the people and take their views in to
account and that people contribute labor, skills, materials or funds and that they get involved
in delivering a services.
Ebenezer School
(From K.G to Preparatory)

 At full level it is characteristics of a democratic system and it refers to full participation of

people in:-
 Identify their own problem
 Assess their options
 Make decision
 Cary them out

Forms of community participation

There are two general ways to approach a problems that confront a community or a society.
These are

1. Through political participation:

Political participation refers to an official permission (authorization) of citizens to take part in

activities related to the state or government of country. That means in undemocratic government
people have little or no opportunity to influence government activities. But in democratic system
individuals are fully authorized or permitted or participate in the politics. Political participation

 Voting
 Attending political meetings
 Joying political parties and making donation to them
 Contacting public officials.
 Discussing political issues or politics with other neighbors or with any one
 And etc
 A government system which is committed to the values and principles of democracy:-
 Must insure opportunities for political participation. That is the government should not
prevent citizens from participating in politics.
 Should encourage political participation democracy allows the existing of political pluralism
which might have divergent opinions and interest about matters such
 How government manage distribution and allocation of resources
 Allocation of benefits and burdens
 Management of conflict
2. Through social participation

What you should know that political and social actions are not mutually exclusive. They
usually overlap.

Social participation refers to participation of citizens so as to deal with and improve the
living conditions, health, education and other aspects of lives of human being. In shortsocial
Ebenezer School
(From K.G to Preparatory)

participation refers to actions of individual or organized groups to improve the social


Social participation is move effective when organized groups get involved and this calls for
civic societies. Example of social participation in community:-

- Iddirs
- Ikubs
- Mahiber and other self-help organization

Types and roles of civic society

Civic societies are voluntary organizations and institutions that are run by the community no
matter what the political system is

Civic societies include organizations such as:-

- Registered charities
- Environmental protections associations
- Women’s associations
- Youth associations
- Professional associations
- Self help association and etc

D/t types of community organizations are established for d/t purposes and concerns. Although
the role of civic societies depends on their needs and aims, all have common activities. For

 Coordinating the people to create a peaceful and pleasant living environment in the
 Educating the community and creating access to information
 Lobbying to influence legislation conducting and creating the opportunities for4 public
discussion to develop politics and programs
 Raising funds to implement activities or development projects
 Peace building, democracy and good governance
 Civic societies in democratic societies play a role in promoting their members interests and
holding the government accountable to the public but, in non- democratic gov’t civic
societies serve the gov’t (government) not the people.

Set by teacher Solomon


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