Submit a photocopy of their obituaries, life histories, or other biographical material that provides
the same basic information requested on this form.
July 12, 1987
[Obtain information from title abstract books at County Recorder’s Office]
Address: 1811 E 6400 S Tax
Number: 22-21-202-061
City: Salt Lake City Legal
Description (include acreage): BEG S
1379.133 FT & E 938.058 FT FR N ¼
COR OF SEC 21, T 2S, R 1 E, SLM; N
0° 08’ 01” E 160.796 FT, S 89° 51’ 59”
E 106 FT; S 0° 08’ 01” W 160.622 FT;
N 89° 57’ 38” W 106 FT M OR L TO
BEG. 0.39 AC M OR L. 6159-2804
Current Owner: James M & Judith P. Campbell Trust
Address: 1811 E 6400 S
11/08/2019 Green, William Neff TR Campbell, James M. WD 10.00 Warranty Deed 11/07/19
Klein, Cynthia Lee TR Campbell, Judith P. Property Sold
11/08/2019 Dunn, Carolyn Neff To Whom It May AFFID-
Green, William Neff Concern AFFIDAVIT
Klein, Cynthia Lee
08/27/2004 Dunn, Carolyn Neff Dunn, Carolyn Neff WD
Photos: Dates Research Sources (check all sources consulted, whether useful or not)
X digital: abstract of title city/county histories
prints: tax card & photo X personal interviews
X historic: building permit USHS History Research Center
sewer permit USHS Preservation Files
Drawings and Plans Sanborn Maps USHS Architects File
measured floor plans X obituary index LDS Family History Library
site sketch map city directories/gazetteers local library:
Historic American Bldg. Survey census records X university library(ies):
original plans available at: X biographical encyclopedias
other: X newspapers
There have been at least two major additions to the original home. Original windows have been altered and or replaced. Bay
window added to the front of the home. Original adobe brick has been covered by stucco siding. Original stone foundation
has been covered up by concrete. The house was originally a single room home. Later, a kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom
was added. There is a root cellar in the basement that is unfinished. Basement window still has original window from when
they were using coal to heat the home. The basement also shows the original adobe bricks and the original stone foundation.
The basement shows clear indication of the additions. A detached garage structure was added in the back of home. All
additions the date is currently unknown. The Original Olympus Nursery Oak and Spruce trees are still present on the property
and the Tall Oaks neighborhood was designed around the original nursery trees to make a park like community.
Historic Themes: Mark themes related to this property with "S" or "C" (S = significant, C = contributing).
(see instructions for details)
_ Agriculture Economics Industry Politics/
S Architecture Education Invention Government
Archeology Engineering S Landscape Religion
Art Entertainment/ Architecture Science
Commerce Recreation Law Social History
Communications Ethnic Heritage Literature Transportation
C Community Planning Exploration/ Maritime History Other
& Development Settlement Military
Conservation Health/Medicine Performing Arts
Write a chronological history of the property, focusing primarily on the original or principal owners & significant events.
Explain and justify any significant themes marked above. Use continuation sheets as necessary.
Mrs. Ruth Heaps Haun lived at 1811 East 6400 South in 1950.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Rudy lived in the home in 1951 and 1952-unknown.
The first mention that Mr. William H. Neff owned in the home was in 1952. After a personal interview
with William N. Green. William mentioned that there were two locations to Mt. Olympus Nursery. One
in Holladay and one in Murray at 1811 East 6400 South. At the Nursery in Murray they use to sale
Christmas trees every year and they also grow the trees that William Neff would use in many projects
across Utah. He was a well-known landscaping architect in Utah. Carolyn Dunn moved into the home
in the late 1960s and lived there until her death in 2019. She acquired the deed when William Neff died
in 2002. In 1987, William Neff split off the property that held the house and sold 25 acres to a
developing company. He then teamed up with them to help with the landscaping in the new Tall Oaks
Community. They built the new homes around the existing nursery trees. The trees still exist today. The
home on 1811 East 6400 South is the last standing Nursery that he had owed.