Simultaneous Nitrification-Denitrification Achieved by An Innovative Internal-Loop Airlift MBR: Comparative Study
Simultaneous Nitrification-Denitrification Achieved by An Innovative Internal-Loop Airlift MBR: Comparative Study
Simultaneous Nitrification-Denitrification Achieved by An Innovative Internal-Loop Airlift MBR: Comparative Study
Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 18 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637723, Singapore
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, PR China
Received 1 August 2007; received in revised form 28 September 2007; accepted 2 October 2007
Available online 19 November 2007
This study assessed the performance of different single-stage continuous aerated submerged membrane bioreactors (MBR) for nitro-
gen removal. Almost complete nitrification was achieved in each MBR irrespective of operating mode and biomass system. Denitrifica-
tion was found to be the rate-limiting step for total nitrogen (T-N) removal. The MBR with internal-loop airlift reactor (ALR)
configuration performed better as regards T-N removal compared with continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR). It was demonstrated
that simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) is the mechanism leading to nitrogen removal and the contribution of micro-
environment on SND is more remarkable for the MBRs with hybrid biomass. Macroenvironment analyses showed that gradient distri-
bution of dissolved oxygen (DO) level in airlift MBRs imposed a significant effect on SND. Higher mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS)
concentration led to the improvement in T-N removal by enhancing anoxic microenvironment. Apparent nitrite accumulation coupled
with higher nitrogen reduction was accomplished at MLSS concentration exceeded 12.6 g/L.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Airlift bioreactor; Dissolved oxygen; Membrane bioreactor; Powdered activated carbon; Simultaneous nitrification–denitrification
0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
5868 Y.Z. Li et al. / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 5867–5872
compact, reducing the consumption for alkalinity and tor. Constant flux was maintained by frequently adjusting
energy. However, membrane filtration conducted only the rotation rate of the suction pump.
within the aeration period in order to take advantage of Synthetic wastewater was used as the influent with glu-
air bubbles for membrane fouling control (Nah et al., cose, starch, ammonium chloride and sodium bicarbonate
2000). being the macro nutrients while peptone, KH2PO4,
Recently, studies have shown that nitrification and deni- MgSO4 Æ 7H2O, MnSO4 Æ 7H2O, CaCl2 and FeSO4 were
trification can occur concurrently in the same reactor used as the trace nutrients. Seed activated sludge, collected
through a process commonly known as simultaneous nitri- from a municipal wastewater treatment plant, was incu-
fication and denitrification (SND) (Helmer and Kunst, bated and acclimated in synthetic wastewater for three
1998; Collivignarelli and Bertanza, 1999; Guo et al., weeks before the experiments. Two MBR were set to oper-
2005). SND is achieved by allowing nitrifiers and denitrifi- ate in parallel for a period of 331 days. The first MBR,
ers (two species of bacteria with different growth environ- called AS-MBR, contained conventional activated sludge;
ment) to coexist in a single bioreactor. Compared to the second MBR contained biological powdered activated
nitrogen removal through conventional nitrification and carbon (BPAC) sludge referred to as BPAC-MBR. The
denitrification, SND offers several advantages: (1) it elimi- BPAC sludge, which was mainly used to mitigate mem-
nates the need for either two separate tanks operated in brane fouling, was developed by intermittent addition of
serial or intermittent aeration operation in a single tank, powdered activated carbon (PAC) in the activated sludge
thus continuous effluent output can be achieved with a mixed liquor in the bioreactor. Fresh PAC with an amount
smaller footprint (Guo et al., 2005); (2) it utilizes 22–40% equal to that lost from the discharged excess sludge was
less carbon source and reduces sludge yield by 30% (Turk supplied immediately to maintain a constant 1.2 g/L of
and Mavinic, 1987); (3) neutral pH level and less demand PAC concentration in the bioreactor.
for alkalinity can be accomplished in the reactor because The operating modes and biomass systems of the MBRs
alkalinity is consumed during nitrification but produced investigated during the entire operation are shown in Table
during denitrification (Chang and Tseng, 1999) and (4) it 1.Three kinds of operating modes were used in the AS-
consumes less energy due to the reduction in aeration MBR at different stages respectively to afford comparison.
requirement (Collivignarelli and Bertanza, 1999). After 231 days, fibrous carrier with the composite material
Up till now, few studies have been conducted towards of polythene and polyamide was introduced in the down-
integration of nitrification and denitrification in MBR. In comer compartment of AS-MBR for development of the
this study, an innovative single-stage continuously aerated hybrid biomass composed of biofilm and suspended acti-
MBR with internal-loop airlift reactor (ALR) configura- vated sludge.
tion was developed for simultaneous nitrification and deni-
trification of synthetic domestic wastewaters. More than 2.2. Analytical method
90% COD removal efficiency was obtained throughout this
study. Comparison was made on various systems in which Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration was measured by
the presence of biomass was in different forms. It was dem- a DO meter (OxiCal-SL 197, WTW, Germany). Particle
onstrated that the MBRs could be effectively designed to size analysis was conducted using the Mastersizer 2000
achieve nitrogen removal utilizing SND. (Malvern, UK). A scanning electron microscope (JSM-
840, JEOL, Japan) was used to visualize the morphology
2. Methods of biofilm. Total nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and
mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) were analyzed
2.1. Experimental set-up and operating conditions according to standard methods (APHA, 1998).
3.1. Nitrogen removal
160 80
Removal (%)
effluent concentrations and removal efficiencies of ammo- 120 60
nia nitrogen in AS-MBR and BPAC-MBR during the per- 100
iod of the experiments.
80 40
As shown in Fig. 1, low ammonia removal efficiencies
occurred in both reactors during the initial stage. Low pop- 60
ulation of nitrifier, resulting from the slow specific growth 40 20
rate of nitrifier, accounted for the low nitrification effi-
ciency. However, after 23 days, both reactors achieved
about 77% ammonia removal and from the 32nd day 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
onwards, about 84–96% ammonia nitrogen removal were Time (day)
observed in both reactors regardless of the operating mode. Influent Effluent (AS-MBR)
Introduction of membrane in the bioreactors promoted Effluent (BPAC-MBR) Removal (AS-MBR)
Removal (BPAC-MBR)
complete retention and enrichment of nitrifier (Silva
et al., 1998), which ultimately led to sufficient nitrification. Fig. 2. Profiles of total nitrogen concentrations and the corresponding
Fig. 2 shows the variations of the influent concentration, removal efficiencies in AS-MBR and BPAC-MBR.
effluent concentrations and removal efficiencies of total
nitrogen in AS-MBR and BPAC-MBR. Moderate but fluc-
tuating total nitrogen removals were observed in both reac- nitrogen removal and this resulted from a deficiency in
tors during the period of the experiments. To evaluate the anoxic condition. The lowest T-N removal in the MBR
total nitrogen removal of the different systems as shown in with CSTR configuration was due to a significant inhibi-
Table 1, the average total nitrogen removal efficiencies of tion of denitrification by completely and uniformly distrib-
every system were further compared under the approxi- uted aerobic condition. For the airlift MBRs, the highest
mate operating conditions and significant difference in total T-N removal was achieved in the hybrid biomass system.
nitrogen removal was found in the four MBR systems. The In the case of the four MBR systems, the removals of
average total nitrogen removals of the MBRs with ALR total nitrogen were accomplished in each continuously aer-
configuration (39.4–63.1%) were always higher than that ated single tank and this indicates the occurrence of simul-
with CSTR configuration (18.7%). Since complete nitrifica- taneous nitrification and denitrification in the aerobic
tion was accomplished in all systems after the initial stage, MBRs. Generally DO level is regarded as the essential fac-
denitrification is determined to be the rate-limiting step for tor for the occurrence of SND (Priyali and Dental, 1998)
and two hypotheses are currently considered to determine
its mechanism: (1) SND via stratification of the reactor—
180 100 nitrification and denitrification occurring in different
locations in the reactor; (2) SND via stratification of the
activated sludge flocs or biofilm—nitrification and denitri-
140 80
fication zones exists on a microscopic scale. Hence analyses
of the environment conditions from aspects of the reactor
Ammonia (mg/L)
Removal (%)
Table 2
Effect of aeration rates and the overflow liquid levels on the anoxic volumetric ratio f in airlift MBRs
Overflow liquid level H (cm) 0.5 2 4
Aeration rate UG (m3/m2 h) 38 62 85 38 62 85 38 62 85
Anoxic volumetric ratio f (%) AS-MBR (System I) 38 32 30 31 23 20 24 19 16
AS-MBR (System III) 47 43 41 40 35 30 33 28 23
BPAC-MBR (System IV) 41 36 33 33 25 22 26 21 17
Y.Z. Li et al. / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 5867–5872 5871
determined by both the ratio of the anoxic zone and the Table 3
amount of biomass in the corresponding region. This also The average ammonia and total nitrogen removal in AS-MBR (System I)
and BPAC-MBR (System IV) under different MLSS levels
accounts for the fact that the MBRs with ALR configura-
tion exceed their CSTR counterpart in T-N removal. MLSS (g/L) 4.1– 8.5– 12.6–
5.5 9.6 13.5
Table 2 also shows that both aeration rates and the over-
flow liquid levels affected DO levels in the reactors. In the air- Corresponding SRT (d) 15 30 40
lift reactors, the driving force leading to recirculation of the AS-MBR (System I) f 17 29 38
mixed liquor is generated by the density difference of the NHþ 4 -N removal 98.4 95.9 91.7
fluids between the riser and down-comer compartment. T-N removal (%) 30.1 50.3 63.6
Increasing aeration rate can improve gas hold-up and NO 2 /NOx
4.2 11.2 67.1
decrease fluid density. Since aeration restrictedly conducted
BPAC-MBR (System f 19 27 39
in the riser, the contribution to gas hold-up from the increase IV) NHþ 4 -N removal 98.8 97.0 94.2
of aeration rate is different for the two compartments. Con- (%)
sequently the gap in fluid density between the two compart- T-N removal (%) 34.3 55.5 64.5
ments can be enhanced under higher aeration rate, which will NO 2 /NOx
3.4 8.3 53.7
subsequently increase the fluid recirculation rate and
improve the comprehensive DO level in the reactor. As a IV), comparisons were made on average removal efficien-
result, a decline of the anoxic volumetric ratio f was induced. cies of ammonia and total nitrogen under different MLSS
The recirculation flow rate in the airlift reactor can be deter- levels and approximate operating conditions.
mined by Chisti equation derived from an energy balance As shown in Table 3, with the increase of MLSS concen-
analysis (Yusuf and Murray, 1993; Chisti et al., 1995). trations, NHþ 4 -N removals reduced slightly whereas T-N
2 31=2 removals improved remarkably in both systems. The
decline in ammonia removal was attributed to the reduc-
6 2ghðer ed Þ 7
U Lr ¼ 4 2 5 ð1Þ tion of the availability of dissolved oxygen for nitrifier
K B AAdr ð1e1 Þ2 (Guo et al., 2005). When MLSS was within 4.1–5.5 g/L,
low anoxic volumetric ratio f was observed, which led to
where ULr is the superficial liquid velocity in the riser, g is the strong oxygen penetrating capability and small anoxic
gravitational acceleration, h is the height of the gas–liquid micro zones inside the flocs. As a result, high nitrification
dispersion, Ar and Ad are the cross-sectional areas of the riser together with low denitrification occurred and less than
and down-comer, respectively, er and ed are the gas hold-up 35% T-N removals were observed in both systems. With
in the riser and down-comer, respectively, and KB is the fric- the increase of MLSS level, a concurrent improvement of
tional loss coefficient of the bottom zone of reactor. As the anoxic volumetric ratio f occurred. The reduction of
shown in Eq. (1), under the given fluid characteristics and DO level in the bulk solution was originated from the
geometry of the reactor, fluid recirculation rate increases increase of DO consumption, which was caused by the
mainly with the driving force (er ed). If fewer bubbles were overgrowth of biomass. Hence, oxygen penetrability was
entrained into the down-comer in the MBRs, the gas holdup deteriorated and obvious DO gradient was developed
in the down-comer can be neglected (ed 0). inside the activated sludge flocs, which produced adequate
In addition, increasing the overflow liquid level can anoxic micro zone inside flocs for the growth of denitrifier.
enlarge the cross section surface of the recirculation fluid Although nitrification decreased slightly, denitrification
on the top of the baffle. This would consequently raise was significantly enhanced and an increase in T-N removal
DO levels in the down-comer through increasing fluid recir- was achieved ultimately.
culation ratio and lead to the reduction in the proportion Table 3 also shows a concurrent increase in both total
of anoxic zone. Therefore, a favorable range of fluid recir- nitrogen removal and the ratio of NO
2 /NOx (NOx is the
culation rate can be easily maintained in the airlift MBR by
sum of NO2 and NO3 ) in the filtrate when MLSS reached
manipulating aeration rate and overflow liquid level. the highest concentration range of 12.6–13.5 g/L. This
Under these optimal recirculation rates, not only oxygen implies that the reduction of total nitrogen might partially
supply, blending and membrane surface scouring can be stem from short-cut nitrification denitrification pathway
well accomplished in the riser, but also enough anoxic zone and sustained nitrite accumulation is generally proved to
can be obtained in the down-comer. Thus, integration of be a crucial step (Wyffels et al., 2003). Partial nitrification
nitrification and denitrification can be achieved via success- is obtained through disequilibrating the populations of
fully stratification of the reactor. ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing
bacteria (NOB) by selectively inhibiting the growth of the
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