Electronics: An Iot Architecture For Continuous Livestock Monitoring Using Lora Lpwan
Electronics: An Iot Architecture For Continuous Livestock Monitoring Using Lora Lpwan
Electronics: An Iot Architecture For Continuous Livestock Monitoring Using Lora Lpwan
An IoT Architecture for Continuous Livestock
Monitoring Using LoRa LPWAN
Lorenzo Germani , Vanni Mecarelli, Giuseppe Baruffa * , Luca Rugini
and Fabrizio Frescura
Department of Engineering, University of Perugia, via G. Duranti 93, 06125 Perugia, Italy;
[email protected] (L.G.); [email protected] (V.M.); [email protected] (L.R.);
[email protected] (F.F.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-075-585-3627; Fax: +39-075-585-3654
Received: 30 October 2019; Accepted: 22 November 2019; Published: 1 December 2019
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) architecture is quickly becoming popular even outside
of its originating scenario of home automation. This paper reports the design, implementation,
and performance of an IoT hardware and software architecture conceived for the continuous
monitoring of livestock located in barns and during grazing. We have adopted the LoRa low
power wide area network (LPWAN) technology to cover the diverse environments, and a suitable
configuration of web services to perform data storage, analysis, and visualization. Since the LoRa
LPWAN (LoRaWAN) medium access control (MAC) layer does not provide a listen-before-talk (LBT)
mechanism, we propose a custom MAC layer with LBT-based carrier-sense multiple access with
collision avoidance (CSMA/CA). The devised system has been implemented using off-the-shelf
hardware, and its performance has also been estimated with the help of a C++ event-based simulator.
The preliminary results of our HW implementation on the field confirm the stability of the conceived
system and its reliability.
Keywords: LoRa; Internet of Things; precision livestock farming; wireless sensor network;
1. Introduction
With the diffusion of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm [1], objects are being connected to
the Internet, thus realizing a global network of connected things. This new concept is being used
in several scenarios, such as in smart cities [2,3], industrial manufacturing [4,5], healthcare [6,7] and
transportation [8,9]. Another application scenario is in rural areas [10,11], and specifically on smart
livestock farming [12], over which we focus our work.
In rural areas, it is important to have sensor nodes that can operate for long time without human
intervention, and capable to transmit data over a wireless communication channel [12]. Low Power
Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) can satisfy the data communication requirements typical of this
environment, which are flexibility, resistance to multipath and other types of interference, and wide
coverage. ZigBee, SigFox, NB-IoT, and LoRa are among the most frequently used technologies for the
implementation of rural LPWANs [13,14]. With respect to the other competing technologies in the
LPWAN scenario, LoRa does not require a third-party infrastructure for channel access, but it can act
in an almost decentralized way [13,14]. This means that the LoRa end devices (EDs) do not pay fees
for communicating and they must only adhere to regulatory spectrum requirements.
In this work we use LoRa, since it also offers good performance in terms of battery life, at a
relatively low cost, and it is resilient to transmission errors while maintaining a wide coverage [15].
Moreover, the typical coverage range of LoRa varies from 2–5 km in urban areas to 20–25 km in
suburban or rural environments [15], making this technology viable for both small and medium-scale
applications. It has also been shown that a single LoRa gateway can manage a large number of EDs
with little maintenance and easy deployment [5].
LoRa is a proprietary wireless communication standard developed by Semtech, based on a
chirp spread spectrum (CSS) modulation [16,17]. The physical layer (PHY) uses chirp waveforms
with different chirp rate, to maintain orthogonality among different classes of users, and with
different initial frequency, to convey the actual information message [15]. Channel coding is also
used, with interleaving and Hamming block codes. Although the details of the LoRa PHY are not
public, several authors have tried and succeeded to reverse-engineer, almost completely, its PHY
communication techniques [18].
On the other side, LoRaWAN is an open MAC protocol, built on top of the LoRa PHY, that is
specifically designed for low-powered devices operating over long-range wireless links. Even though
LoRaWAN is commonly used in deploying LoRa networks [19], in this work we have decided to
implement a custom MAC layer in order to have more control over the architectural design and to
remove some features of the LoRaWAN layer [20] that are not used in our application, such as the large
header size when short payloads have to be delivered, and the packet acknowledgments managed
by a LoRa server. Continuous and near-real-time monitoring of livestock, in particular of dairy cattle,
can help to provide information vital to study the animal behavior and to prevent pathological states
that have a negative impact on livestock health [21,22].
In particular, our proposed architecture aims at analyzing, almost in real-time, the status of dairy
cattle in a cowshed or during grazing by means of sensors embedded in smart collars. By the way,
this approach may be extended also to other kinds of livestock, such as beef cattle, swine, ovine,
and even equine.
In this paper we first describe the overall architecture of the proposed livestock monitoring
scheme. With respect to other similar systems described in the literature, our architecture uses a
simpler MAC layer to alleviate the need for a central server to manage the acknowledgments, and also
comprises the data storage platform through which the clients may perform their data analysis tasks.
The main purpose of the proposed architecture is to collect, store, and analyze several parameters
typical of the cattle livestock scenario, related to the health of each head of the herd and to the habitat
where cattle are kept. Then, we show in detail how we designed and implemented the different objects
that implement and overview the sensor network. We give a description in terms of both functional
hardware and software and firmware used to control the sensors and the system controllers. We will
also describe the implementation of a MAC-level simulator that we have designed to test and optimize
some parts of the proposed sensor network. Eventually, we will conclude our paper with the results of
several simulations, as well as with some preliminary results on the performance of the real system.
2. Related Works
In the literature there are several studies related to object and environmental monitoring by means
of LoRa, concerning agriculture and livestock farming [19,21,23–25], health [26], forestry [12,27], smart
cities [2,28], industrial [4,5,29] and maritime [9] applications.
For what concerns agriculture and livestock farming, in [23] the authors present the WAZIUP
IoT system used, among other things, also for cattle management in rural Africa, which is based
on LoRa for long-range connectivity. This research has established some low-cost designs for both
the sensor devices and the gateways, which are based on Arduino and Raspberry Pi. The goal is to
avoid cattle theft, by monitoring position and speed of the animals, but no information is provided on
other biomarkers such as body temperature and motion. Agriculture monitoring is the target of the
work described in [24]. In particular, [24] focuses on a sensor network devoted to the monitoring of
environmental parameters in the field (temperature, humidity), and to a parallel actuator network that
is used to remotely operate on vineyards for automated irrigation. The paper [24] does not provide
details of the used hardware, nonetheless [24] adopts a LoRaWAN network and a commercial service
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 3 of 28
provider for cloud-related tasks. In [25], vital signs of grazing cattle are collected via a LoRa network.
The authors of [25] design portable nodes built around the STM32 microcontroller, and equip them
also with accelerometers and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning. The gateway uses
a Raspberry and a dedicated multi-channel LoRa chip. The investigation is mainly focused on the
coverage radius and packet loss: Some findings in [25] show that a maximum distance of 900 m can
be covered in an urban scenario with many buildings, which rises to 2 km on open roads. LoRa is
also used in [21] to control environmental parameters such as NH3 concentration and temperature
in pig houses. The system in [21] collects the gaseous concentrations and these data feed a neural
network, which helps regulating the ventilation of the hog lots. The authors of [21] have also verified
the coverage radius of their system, in both indoor and outdoor conditions, finding a low packet loss
rate even at 4.5 km distance in outdoor scenarios and on five story buildings in indoor scenarios.
There are also a number of commercial solutions proposed for the deployment of livestock
monitoring networks. For these solutions, the information is limited to what reported in data sheets
and web sites of the related companies. Cattle Watch [30] uses an undisclosed type of LPWAN for
cattle tracking and virtual geo-fencing in unpopulated areas, whereas the gateway relays the data to
the data collection system by means of a cellular, satellite, or NB-IoT network. Cattle Traxx operates
similarly, although their technological platform is LoRa-based [19]. Sodaq [31], instead, proposes a
smart cow collar that adopts a full LoRaWAN implementation for cattle tracking and activity detection.
Their system is powered by a small solar cell, thus allowing extended deployment periods before
servicing; however, they do not offer a proprietary cloud solution but they rely on external service
providers. Allflex SenseHub Beef [32] is another solution for short range (<500 m) cattle monitoring,
which is based on IEEE 802.15.4 communication protocols: With this system, however, only a limited
amount of information is transmitted from the nodes, to improve battery lifetime. Finally, Moocall [33]
is an animal tracking and estrus detection system which uses GSM networks for information relay
from sensors to data centers.
In [26] a study of LoRa propagation in indoor scenarios has been conducted, for the purpose of
human health monitoring. The study in [26] has found that the packet loss rate can be minimized
within a coverage radius of about 200 m, even if the experiment involved only a single node and
base station.
Tree plantation monitoring with LoRa is explored in [27]. In that study, the gateway antenna
is located at different heights, and the nodes transmit (with limited power) information such as
temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and so on. The experiment covered limited distances (less than
500 m) and was mainly devoted to explore the propagation conditions due to the presence of trees and
their foliage. The results in [27] show that there is some dependence on the antenna elevation when
distances are large. LPWANs for tree farming are also used in [12], where the authors have shown that
the height of the receiving antenna has a large impact on the packet loss rate, with the received signal
strength indicator (RSSI) depending more on the distance rather than on the adopted spreading factor.
Smart city monitoring is the subject of [2]. In this work, environmental quality parameters
(CO2 concentration, luminance, temperature, etc.) in the city of Bologna are monitored with a LoRa
network. The scenario is that of a densely populated urban area, with coverage radius of 1–2 km.
The paper [2] focuses on the modeling of the path loss and on the adaptation of this model to a C++
network simulator, with the purpose to predict the performance of the network when the number of
installed nodes scales up. The development of a link-level simulator, conceived for the ns-3 network
simulator tool, has been investigated in [28], where it is found that a single LoRa gateway, obeying to
the spectrum usage restrictions, is able to manage up to 15,000 EDs in smart cities, with a small packet
loss rate.
In [5], the authors investigate the use of LoRa for tracking trolleys in an industrial scenario. Trolley
positioning may take place either indoor or outdoor, at a maximum distance of about 500 m from the
gateway. First, [5] models the propagation scenario and the LoRa communication performance with
real devices. Then, [5] establishes a Python-based simulation framework to evaluate the maximum
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 4 of 28
load that can be sustained by the network under stressing conditions. The simulations in [5] show that
a single gateway could be engaged up to 6000 nodes, still keeping an acceptable performance in terms
of packet loss rate. Another evaluation of the feasibility of LoRa transmission in an industrial scenario
has been carried out in [29], where the authors experimented time-slotted channel-hopping to respect
the limitations imposed by spectrum access regulations and to improve the typical node latency down
to less than one minute, which is deemed to be acceptable for most industrial control applications.
The authors of [4] also proposed the adoption of an enhanced flexible node to supplement gateway
functionalities and to act as a range extender. In [9], maritime communication with boats is established
using LoRa, in particular for lightweight boats navigating near the coastal line. The coverage extended
up to 4 km far, with a limited amount of consumed power on the EDs, as low as 140 mA at 5 V.
In the above presented LoRaWAN approaches [2,4,5,12,21,23–29], the adopted LoRaWAN MAC
layer does not include a listen-before-talk (LBT) mechanism that tries to prevent as much as possible
packet collisions among nodes [34]. On the contrary, our paper proposes a custom MAC layer
that includes LBT-based carrier-sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA), to be
incorporated with the physical layer of LoRa. The proposed CA mechanism is based on a random
retransmission time that randomizes the access of the nodes to the wireless medium. As a first
consequence, the proposed approach allows to reduce the number of collisions with respect to
LoRaWAN. As a second consequence, the use of LBT allows to overcome the limits imposed by
regulatory bodies on the effective duty cycle of channel occupation [35]: Therefore, our approach
can transmit more often than a regular LoRaWAN network. Due to the above-mentioned features,
our approach allows a reduced packet loss rate (with respect to LoRaWAN) for a fixed number of EDs,
or, alternatively, our approach allows an increased number of EDs (with respect to LoRaWAN) for a
fixed packet loss rate.
3. System Architecture
The system is designed as shown in Figure 1. At the base there are the EDs, whose purpose is to
collect raw data from one or more locally attached electronic sensors, to provide some preprocessing for
reducing the produced data rate, and to send preprocessed data to one or more gateways (GWs) using
the LoRa PHY on the wireless channel. The GWs receive the data from the EDs, conditionally apply
some further preprocessing to the data, provide a small amount of nonpersistent storage to overcome
temporary access problems to the server, and, finally, communicate via a reliable and secure TCP/IP
connection with the server. The application server (AS) provides dedicated application programming
interfaces (API) for receiving and uploading the data coming from the EDs through the GWs, and
also provides long-term persistent and reliable storage for the data. Differently from the LoRaWAN
architecture, our solution does not use a centralized server to manage acknowledgments, which are
controlled by the GWs in a decentralized way, and uses collision detection policies to allow for an
increased number of EDs. Using the same API, web-based graphical user interfaces (GUI) or other
authenticated clients can download the stored data for visualization or analysis purposes.
• Data uploading: The sensor data aggregated on the GW are uploaded via a POST request to the
HTTP service. The request carries the sensor identifier, the GW identifier, the ED identifier, the
data value, and an access token. If the data are successfully uploaded, the service returns HTTP
code 200 (OK), to indicate success. Otherwise, HTTP code 203 is returned to indicate a duplicate
data insertion, and HTTP code 403 to denote an unauthorized action; other HTTP codes can also
be used, following the standard numbering.
• Data downloading: The client can request stored data values over a specified time interval or
from some moment in the past up to the current time. The request is done via a POST command
and comprises the sensor identifier, the start and stop times of the interval or the time duration in
seconds, and an access token. If the command is executed with success, the data are returned in
JSON format as an array of couples, where each couple stores the data sample value and the data
sample time.
3.2. Gateways
The GW hardware is composed by different devices and sensors, which are all controlled by a
Raspberry Pi 3B embedded PC, whose purpose is also to coordinate and manage the data and control
communication with the server. Internet access on the GW is granted by the on-board Wi-Fi/Ethernet
connection of the Raspberry or by a 3G/4G USB modem. The Raspberry runs the Raspbian Stretch
9.9 OS, with a number of services automatically launched during boot and managed by the systemd
daemon. Such services have the duty to collect the data from the attached sensors, to receive the data
from the visible ED with the LoRa network, to keep an active Internet connection with the server,
and to reliably send the collected data to the server. LoRa network access is guaranteed by an Adafruit
Feather M0 RFM95 [40], which continually listens for messages arriving from EDs. Thus, the GW is
not a LoRaWAN-capable GW. Although this might seem a limitation, indeed represents an advantage
in our architecture, for two reasons. First, differently from the chips used in LoRaWAN GWs, it has a
lower cost. Secondly, the MAC layer in the GW can be customized and optimized for our particular
application. Our architecture entails two different versions of GWs, for either indoor or outdoor
usage. The indoor-use GW is designed for installation in sheltered areas such as barns and cowsheds,
and is more oriented towards dairy cattle livestock scenarios. Instead, the outdoor-use version is more
specific for arrangement in open areas such as paddocks and pasture lands, and it is designed for beef
cattle livestock scenarios.
• Aosong AM2321 [44]: Queried on the I2 C bus, records the external temperature with a resolution
of 0.1 ◦ C and accuracy of ±0.5 ◦ C in the range from −40 ◦ C to 80 ◦ C, and the relative humidity
with a resolution of 0.1 % and accuracy of ±3 %.
• Adafruit TLS2561 (GY-2561) [45]: Queried on the I2 C bus, records the illuminance in a range from
0.1 lx to 40000 lx with a dynamically varying resolution.
• DFRobot SEN0219 [46]: Queried on the analog pins, records the CO2 concentration with an
accuracy of about ±50 ppm in the range from 0 ppm to 5000 ppm;
• Winsen MQ137 [47]: Queried on the analog pins, records the NH3 concentration within a range
from 5 ppm to 500 ppm.
The Feather M0, before passing the data over UART to Raspberry, formats them according to the
same structure used by the Arduino Mega.
The Raspberry manages the UART communication between the Feather M0 and the Arduino
Mega in the same way, listening on the serial port for a known message structure. After detecting a
message, it decodes and prepares a new message to send to the server via the API. The Raspberry also
implements a buffering strategy for the messages: In case of Internet connection problems, typical
in remote rural areas, unsent messages are stored locally and resent once the connection is resumed.
The system is equipped by a 25 W, 220 V AC to 5 V DC power supply. All the equipment is kept in a
waterproof electrical cabinet; for providing a cooling support for the devices and permitting a fresh
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 7 of 28
air flow on the sensors, a fan is mounted in front of the sensors, pushing the air inward, as shown
in Figure 3.
3.3.1. HW Implementation
The goal of the ED is to gather as much information as possible through several sensors located
on the collar worn by cattle. There are several possible parameters related to the animal health that
can be monitored [22]. In this project, we have chosen GNSS position, acceleration, rotation, and body
temperature. In addition, other parameters related to the operation of the sensor themselves can be
captured, such as the accelerometer temperature, the battery voltage, and the RF link strength. The ED
hardware layout can be customized to different scenarios: For example, if the animals are always
kept in the shed, GNSS positioning is less significant and thus can be disabled for improving battery
lifespan, while for grazing cattle the knowledge of the position plays an important role [25].
Since the ED is carried by the animal, it is necessary to avoid disturbing and stressing the animal
as much as possible. This also means that the ED must be enclosed by a robust and waterproof package.
Thus, it is important to pursue a low power consumption strategy, so as to obtain a longer battery
lifespan: Under a typical operating condition (with the GNSS disabled), the battery time is of about
5 weeks. The overall architecture of the ED is shown in Figure 5.
There are three functional blocks common to all kind of EDs: An Adafruit Feather M0 RFM95
microcontroller with embedded LoRa modem, a LiPo rechargeable battery, and an EEPROM memory.
The microcontroller takes care of gathering the data from sensors, of pursuing a low power policy
(e.g., powering off the sensors when they are not needed), of packet buffering strategies, of the LoRa
channel access with CSMA/CA, and of sending the data to the GW. The sensors adopted in the ED are:
• u-blox Neo-6m [49]: GNSS receiver for precise geographic positioning that communicates NMEA
messages via UART;
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 9 of 28
• InvenSense MPU-6050 [50]: Queried on the I2 C bus, records accelerations and rotations;
• WINOMO DS18B20 [51]: Queried via a digital pin using One Wire protocol, measures body
temperature with an accuracy of ±0.5 ◦ C in the range from −10 ◦ C to 85 ◦ C.
Figure 6 shows the assembled ED with the microcontroller, sensors, an EEPROM, and a
LiPo battery.
Table 1 reports the main parameters collected by each entity described above.
evsChannel: This class represents the communication channels, upon which data delivery may take
place as a byte packet exchange;
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 10 of 28
evsDevice: This class represents the communication devices, characterized as a finite state machine
with MAC arbitration policies;
evsInterface: This class acts as a connector between the communication devices and the
communication channels. For instance, a device may act as bridge between different
communication channels by incorporating multiple interfaces.
From the three main subclasses, several objects are then created:
evsInetChannel: This object represents a generic Internet data channel with reliable packet delivery
(e.g., TCP/IP);
evsRadioChannel: This object represents a generic radio communication channel characterized by
attenuation and packet losses;
evsLoRaEndDevice: This object represents a LoRa ED;
evsLoRaGateway: This object represents a LoRa gateway;
evsDBServer: This object represents the server hosting the database;
evsInetInterface: This object represents the interface towards an Internet communication channel;
evsLoRaRadioInterface: This object represents the interface towards a radio communication channel.
The data transported during the simulation events are represented by the base class evsPacket,
which has the two following subclasses:
evsInetPacket: A data packet delivered through the reliable Internet communication channel;
evsLoRaRadioPacket: A data packet unreliably delivered through the radio communication channel
with the LoRa PHY.
Finally, the evsEvent class is used to denote an object event, which will be handled by the proper
handler in the destination object: All the events are queued in a time-sorted list. The simulation engine,
then, starts to handle the events in the list, from the first to the last. The simulation is organized as
graphically described in Figure 7: Several LoRa EDs communicate with the LoRa GWs by means of the
LoRa radio channel model. The GWs, instead, communicate with the database server by means of the
reliable Internet channel. The data are exchanged between the blocks under the form of either LoRa
radio packets or Internet packets.
evsLoRaRadioInterface evsLoRaRadioInterface
evsLoRaGateway evsLoRaGateway
evsInetInterface evsInetInterface
where PTX is the transmitted power (in W), GTX and GRX are the transmit and receive antenna gains,
respectively, La represents additional losses due to connectors, cabling, antenna misalignment, etc.,
and L is the path loss. The path loss depends on d, the distance between the transmitter and the
receiver (in m), on Lref , which is the path loss at distance dref = 1 m, and on α, the attenuation exponent
of the path loss. If we express (1) in dB, then the logarithmic path loss is given by
In order to find the channel parameters α and Lref , we have performed a data transmission
experiment using the hardware described in Sections 3.2.1 and 3.3.1. The LoRa GW has been installed
in the premises of the Engineering Campus of the University of Perugia, at an height of hGW = 5 m
with a dipole antenna with gain GRX = 3 dB. The LoRa ED is equipped with a quarter wave whip
antenna, which can be considered omnidirectional (GTX = 0 dB) because the antenna orientation is
random. Additional losses (due to antenna misalignment, receiver cable connections, and so on) have
been considered for an amount of La = 1 dB. The LoRa ED has been configured to transmit at a power
PTX = 20 dBm on the carrier frequency f = 868.0 MHz, with a spreading factor FS = 7, a bandwidth
B = 125 kHz, and a code rate RC = 4/5. The ED has been carried to a maximum operating distance
of 2 km at walking speed, traversing various types of transmission environments, such as urban,
suburban, and hilly, both in LOS and NLOS conditions. The ED transmitted its GNSS coordinates
every 5 s, and the RSSI at the GW was recorded for every received data packet.
Figure 8 plots the measured path loss L as a function of the distance d (in logarithmic scale),
as obtained from (2) and (3). After least squares (LS) fitting of the path loss as a function of the
logarithmic distance, we have found the average attenuation exponent to be α = 3.73 and the reference
path loss to be Lref = 33.39 dB.
From Figure 8 it appears that some shadowing applies to the total path loss, since the measures
are not concentrated along the LS fit line. A better model that also takes into account shadowing [52]
can be obtained as
L̃dB = LdB + XdB , (4)
where XdB is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and standard deviation σ that models
log-normal shadowing: From our measurements, using (2), the shadowing has a standard deviation
σ = 10.60 dB. Figure 8 also shows the curves LdB ± σdB due to shadowing. Our experiment shows that
the measured path loss is within the range LdB ± σdB for 71.7% of the times. As a term of comparison,
in [2] the authors obtain for a dense urban environment a path loss exponent variable between 3.25
and 3.84, with a mean square error between the actual loss and the predicted one of 7.28 dB and a
reference path loss of 31 dB.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 12 of 28
150 LS fit
Shadowing σ
10 100 1000 2000
Distance d, in m
Figure 8. Least squares (LS) fitting of the measured received power vs. the distance, plotted as value of
total path loss L.
5. Simulation Results
The deployment of a full scale LoRa network takes some time, and the refinement of the
transmission parameters to improve the efficiency of the whole network can be cumbersome if done on
the actual devices. Thus, our purpose is to determine, by means of simulations, how parameters such as
the transmission period, the number of EDs, the use of CSMA/CA and LBT, and the acknowledgments
impact on the packet delivery rate and on packet losses. Channel occupation and transmission
overhead, as well, may be investigated in depth thanks to the simulation environment. Due to the
great number of parameters that can be explored in a simulation, we have chosen to restrict the
number of possible scenarios by keeping some of them unchanged in every simulation. Table 2 lists
the parameters that are kept fixed in all simulations, whereas Table 3 presents the parameters that have
been varied in each simulated scenario. The coverage area of size WA × H A = 200 m × 200 m has been
populated with the selected number of EDs, whose location is uniformly and randomly chosen within
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 13 of 28
this area at an average height of 1.5 m. The GW has been placed at the center of the coverage area,
at an height of 5.5 m above the average height of the EDs.
In our simulator implementation, we have considered a packet to be correctly received if (i) the
received power is above the receiver sensitivity threshold SRX and if (ii) there are no collisions with
other packets transmitted from other devices. The second condition can be detected in the event-based
simulation by letting the receiving device enter an “RX” state upon the reception of any packet. Then,
a decision event is issued at the end time of the packet, and a positive decision is taken if no other
packet has been detected, in the meanwhile. Moreover, the receiver sensitivity SRX has been inferred
from the values given in (Table 10 of [16], pp. 20–21), which depend on the frequency, bandwidth, and
spreading factor selected in the receiver. The CW duration has been chosen as TCW = 400 ms, which is
roughly the duration of a typical LoRa radio packet in our selected configuration (B = 125 kHz).
NED −1
ρ̄SUCC =
NED ∑ ρSUCCi , (5)
i =0
where ρSUCCi is defined as the success rate on the i-th ED, given by
ρSUCCi = = . (6)
In (6), NSUCCi is the number of packets correctly received by the i-th entity, to which they were
addressed: if the acknowledgment protocol is enabled, then the success condition requires that the
original transmitter also receives the ACK back. The number of failed packets is NFAILi = NTOTi −
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 14 of 28
NSUCCi − NRETRi , and it denotes the number of packets that have not been successfully received by the
entities to which they were addressed, either with or without acknowledgment: NTOTi represents the
total number of attempted packet transmissions, and NRETRi is the total number of retransmissions of
packets due to either collisions or missed ACKs.
Figures 9–11 show the average success rate for different transmission periods TED =
{300, 600, 900} s of all the simulated combinations: We have chosen B = 125 kHz, NCSMA = {0, 1, 5},
and NACK = {0, 1, 5}, while the simulation results obtained with the other parameter values have not
been plotted for sake of clarity, after considering that the results are very close to the presented ones.
The triangle-marked lines represent the absence of the acknowledgment mechanism (NACK = 0),
the square-marked lines represent NACK = 1, while the circle-marked lines represent NACK = 5.
The line style denotes different LBT strategies: solid lines represent NCSMA = 0 (i.e., the ALOHA
strategy [54]), dashed lines represent NCSMA = 1, and dotted lines represents NCSMA = 5. Note that
when, due to the CSMA/CA protocol, a packet transmission cannot be performed, the transport layer
considers the packet unacknowledged and, if there is an acknowledgment mechanism, further retries
can be attempted.
We analyze the simulation results by first considering those shown in Figure 9. These results
represent the worst case scenario, for two reasons: in first place, the small simulated area of size
WA × H A = 200 m × 200 m and the same modulation parameters used by every node (FS = 7,
f = 868.0 MHz and B = 125 kHz) constitute a single collision domain, where each node can receive
the messages sent by every other node. In second place, each node generates a data packet every
TED = 300 s, resulting in the highest simulated offered traffic.
The solid line with the triangle marker represents the simplest access technique, characterized by
the absence of both LBT and acknowledgment mechanisms; in this case, the success rate deteriorates
quickly as the number of EDs increases, considering that for NED ≈ 100 the success rate ρ̄SUCC falls
below 80%.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 15 of 28
By considering also the two other solid lines (NCSMA = 0), the choice NACK = 5 (circle markers)
provides the best performance until NED ≈ 150 where, after that, NACK = 1 (square markers) becomes
the best choice, replaced by NACK = 0 (triangle markers) after NED ≈ 230.
This can be explained by an increased collision probability, when more traffic is present on the
channel: the acknowledgment mechanism contributes to an avalanche effect that causes a quick
decrease of ρ̄SUCC .
If we focus our attention to the case NACK = 0 (triangle markers), we can appreciate the
improvement granted by the introduction of the CSMA/CA mechanism: it can be noticed that a
success rate ρ̄SUCC = 80% is achieved, at least, up to NED ≈ 100 with NCSMA = 0, up to NED ≈ 330
with NCSMA = 1, and up to NED ≈ 680 with NCSMA = 5. Therefore, our LBT-based approach allows
an increased number of EDs with respect to LoRaWAN. Alternatively, if we fix the number of EDs,
our LBT-based approach achieves a larger success rate (and hence a reduced packet loss rate) with
respect to LoRaWAN.
If we consider the cases NACK = 1 (square markers) or NACK = 5 (circle markers), it is interesting
to note that at some point (NED ≈ 600 for NACK = 1 and NED ≈ 400 for NACK = 5) the performance
with NCSMA = 1 improves upon that with NCSMA = 5.
Overall, the best performance is achieved with NCSMA = 5 and NACK = 5 until NED ≈ 400. After
this point, NCSMA = 5 and NACK = 0 give the best results.
Figures 10 and 11 present the results achieved with longer packet transmission periods of TED =
600 s and TED = 900 s, respectively. From these figures we may infer the same characteristics outlined
in the previous paragraph for the case TED = 300 s. The main difference lies in the increase of the
number of EDs where parameters configuration switch-over occurs.
N −1
RP,SUCC = 3600 i=0 . (7)
N −1
RP,FAIL = 3600 , (8)
N −1
RP,RETR = 3600 . (9)
Eventually, we also define RP,TOT as the sum of the three rates (7)–(9), as
Figures 12–14 show the traffic composition for different transmission periods TED =
{300, 600, 900} s of all the simulated combinations. The parameters are represented on a stack chart,
beginning with RP,SUCC at the bottom, followed by RP,FAIL in the middle, and terminated by RP,RETR
on the top: it is important to note that the top value of the curve also represents RP,TOT . Whit this type
of graphical representation, it is possible to visualize the amount of each traffic component and its
proportion with respect to the global traffic.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 17 of 28
We want to point out that the small number of packets sent each hour by every node (in the order of
ten) in our application is motivated by low power consumption constraints. We analyze the simulation
results by first considering those shown in Figure 12, since this represents the worst case scenario.
Figure 12a presents the configuration without LBT and acknowledgment mechanisms: due to NACK =
0, there is no RP,RETR traffic component and RP,SUCC decreases quickly as NED grows. In Figure 12b,c
we can appreciate the improvement granted by CSMA/CA, which lets RP,SUCC increase without
affecting the overall traffic volume. Figure 12d,g report the impact generated by the acknowledgment
mechanism, which provides an improvement at low NED despite an increase of traffic volume due to
the retransmission events; this traffic increase, without CSMA/CA, creates an avalanche effect that
causes a rapid drop of RP,SUCC . This avalanche effect achieves its maximum in Figure 12g, where, after
NED ≈ 850, there is a traffic breakdown that indicates the saturation of the channel.
Considering that, based on ρ̄SUCC , the best performance is achieved with NCSMA = 5 and
NACK = 5 until NED ≈ 400, and, after this point, NCSMA = 5 and NACK = 0 give the best results, it is
interesting to analyze the traffic composition in these scenarios. The first region is shown in Figure 12i:
It can be seen that until NED ≈ 400 the overhead is acceptable, considering the high ρ̄SUCC granted.
The second region is shown in Figure 12c, where the overhead for NED > 400 is absent, differently
from Figure 12i, also guaranteeing a better ρ̄SUCC .
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 18 of 28
We can conclude that the best configuration (NCSMA = 5, NACK = 5 until NED ≈ 400, and
NACK = 0 after that) resulting by the analysis of ρ̄SUCC also presents a good channel occupation,
avoiding an undue overhead.
Figures 13 and 14 present the results achieved with longer packet transmission periods of
TED = 600 s and TED = 900 s, respectively. From these figures we may infer the same characteristics
outlined in the previous paragraph for the case TED = 300 s. The main difference lies in the increase of
the number of EDs where the described behaviors occur.
6. Experimental Results
Figure 15 displays the path of the coverage test; the start and finish point, where the gateway is
located, is the engineering campus of University of Perugia, and it is marked by the blue pin. The path
was traveled by foot, with the device sending its GNSS coordinates every 30 s to the LoRa GW.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 20 of 28
The path unwinds in a suburban-hilly terrain, which is tougher than that of a typical grazing
scenario and far larger than that of a shed. Anyway, we were able to achieve full link coverage
in almost every point of the path, reaching more than 1.5 km of maximum coverage distance in
non-line-of-sight (NLOS) conditions. If the same terrain conditions were assumed along all the
directions, an approximate coverage area of 7 km2 would be possible. For reference, in [2], a maximum
coverage distance of 2.5 km is obtained in a dense urban terrain, but with an antenna height of 70 m,
whereas in [25] the achieved maximum range is 2.03 km on a hilly environment.
To understand the differences between indoor and outdoor scenarios, we have measured the
RSSI in two indoor environments (two cowsheds with different geometry, number and type of pillars,
walls, ceilings, and metallic fences) and in one outdoor case, assuming a similar coverage radius of
50 m. We have found out that the standard deviation of the RSSI is 8.2 dB and 11.9 dB in the indoor
environments, and 6.5 dB in the outdoor environment. It appears evident that the standard deviation
of the RSSI is larger in indoor conditions, due to the presence of more obstacles than in the outdoor
case. However, the variability of the RSSI also depends on the type of indoor environment. As a
reference, we can compare these results with those presented in [26], where the indoor path loss
standard deviation varies from 4.65 dB to 10.51 dB, also in this case depending on the type of indoor
propagation environment.
The ED checks the body temperature sensor and the accelerometer with different sampling
periods, as well as the electrical parameters of the board (such as battery voltage and microcontroller
temperature). The acceleration data is represented by a binary array where ‘1’ means that the
acceleration magnitude exceeded a given threshold during the accelerometer sampling period, ‘0’
otherwise. These data are stored in the ED and, approximately every 70 min (4200 s), they are sent
with a LoRa data packet of size NPL = 256 bytes, together with the body temperature and board data.
As summarized in Table 6, experimental measurements show that there are three different current
intensity levels, which repeat cyclically depending on the operating mode of the ED. During LoRa
packet transmission mode, a current of nearly 23 mA is drawn from the battery, whereas only 15 mA
are needed during the sampling mode (to sample the sensors and the microcontroller parameters).
At all other times, the device rests idle in sleep mode, consuming only 0.3 mA. By considering the
estimated relative duration of each mode, on the average a current intensity of 2.19 mA is required.
Under the simplified hypothesis of linear discharge of the battery, a rough estimate of the expected
battery lifespan is 2800/2.19 ≈ 1280 h (approximately 53 days).
Table 6. Estimated current intensity levels of the ED configured for battery tests, during the different
operating modes.
Figure 16 shows the battery discharge curve, in V, measured on the ED over more than one month:
The battery starts from a fully charged status, with a voltage of 4.26 V, and slowly descends below the
nominal battery voltage of 3.7 V. This shows that the battery correctly works above the nominal value
for more than one month.
Battery voltage (V)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (days)
Figure 16. Battery discharge curve, represented by the measured voltage.
Figure 17. Temperature, relative humidity, illuminance, and NH3 concentration data collected on
6 September 2019.
As another example, we consider all the measurements collected from 9 July 2019 to 10 September
2019 and we make a preliminary analysis about seasonality and trend using a seasonal decomposition
with the moving average method [56].
Figure 18 shows the shed temperature variation and the extrapolated trend using seasonal
decomposition. This type of data analysis is performed to infer a trend from time series, to remove fast
variations and other disturbances from the observed data.
Figure 19, instead, shows all the seasonal trends: in this way, it is possible to visualize correlations
among the parameters. For instance, during the day of 29 July 2019, a decrease of temperature and
illuminance, as well as an increase of relative humidity, are observed. At the same time, the CO2 and
NH3 concentrations increase. This correlation should suggest the farmer to investigate further on
the event.
A further analysis on the parameters correlation is necessary but, since the parameters have
different sampling periods, we compare the hourly average.
Figure 20 shows the resulting data visualization matrix after analyzing the data with the Seaborn
Python3 tool [57]. Different statistical analyses have been employed: the histograms and the probability
density function (pdf) estimated with kernel density estimation (KDE) method [58] are represented
along the main diagonal. On the upper triangular portion of the matrix, the correlation coefficients
between the various couples of parameters are reported; on the lower triangular portion, scatter
diagrams represent one parameter plotted against another, and the black line denotes the locally
weighted linear regression model [59].
The well-known relation between temperature and relative humidity emerges from the strong
correlation value (−0.85) and from the scatter plot, where the inverse proportionality is evident.
The other trivial relation between temperature and illuminance is confirmed by the strong correlation
value (0.76) and clear scatter plot, where the proportionality is shown.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 24 of 28
Figure 20. Statistical analysis with scattering plots, cross-correlation values, and kernel density
estimation (KDE). The five plots in the main diagonal are the calculated histograms of the corresponding
five quantities, together with the estimated Gaussian mixture pdf. The ten plots in the lower triangular
part represent the scattering plots of each couple of quantities, together with the locally weighted
regression curve. The ten values in the upper triangular part, instead, represent the correlation
coefficients between each couple of quantities, where reddish (blueish) colors represent a positive
(negative) correlation, and the size of the circle is proportional to the correlation magnitude.
CO2 and NH3 present a moderate correlation (0.60) and an almost direct proportionality; this
is explainable by the gaseous nature of the parameters that may be affected by the same external
condition, like strong wind or cattle distribution inside the shed.
Other parameters present a quite strong correlation and evident proportionality (i.e., CO2 vs.
RH, illuminance vs. RH, CO2 vs. illuminance); however, it is not easy to infer the direct cause of
those correlations.
As another example of collected data, we consider the accelerations captured by the collar worn
by cattle. Figure 21 shows the cluster plot of the x, y, and z average acceleration components captured
with a sampling period of 30 s. Each measured sample results from the averaging of the instantaneous
acceleration over 5 s, for an overall capture interval of 3 days. Samples are approximately distributed
over the surface of a spherical dome with radius of about 9.8 m/s2 . A simple cluster analysis obtained
with the k-means algorithm has been carried out to classify the acceleration values into 4 classes, shown
with different colors in the figure. By using this technique, together with other parameters obtained
from the acceleration and gyroscopic measurements, it would be in principle possible to classify the
activity of each monitored head.
Electronics 2019, 8, 1435 25 of 28
0 0
-2 -2
-4 -4
z (m/s2)
z (m/s2)
-6 -6
-8 -8
-10 -10
5 0 -5 -5 0 5
x (m/s2) y (m/s )
Figure 21. Cluster analysis of the average acceleration data with k-means, using 4 classes over a 3-day
period. Different colors represent different classes.
7. Conclusions
In this paper we have presented the design and the implementation of a small-scale sensor network
devoted to the monitoring of cattle vital parameters and cowsheds environmental parameters using
the LoRa LPWAN technology. The choice of the LoRa network technology has proven advantageous,
due to the resilient transmission, the wide coverage, and the long-lasting battery lifespan, which meet
the needs of rural area IoT applications. As discussed in Section 6.1, it is possible to cover an area of
about 7 km2 , in a sub-urban/hilly propagation environment, which appears to be harsher than that
of a typical rural area, greater than that of a single cowshed, and more associated to that of grazing.
As shown in Section 5 by means of MAC-level simulations, it is possible to manage a large number of
EDs with a single gateway, thanks to the proposed architecture and to a careful implementation of a
custom MAC layer, which has been tailored to the transmission intervals typically adopted in this kind
of applications. Specifically, with respect to LoRaWAN, our LBT-based approach allows an increased
number of EDs or a larger success rate. For scalability, it is possible to add more gateways and to assign
different frequencies and spreading factors to the EDs. It is also worth noting that the use of the custom
MAC with LBT capabilities allowed to decrease the number of required data retransmissions, as well as
to reduce the power consumption of the EDs. Finally, in Section 6.2 we have also shown a preliminary
data analysis concerning the deployed prototypes, four gateways and four EDs, which are currently in
operation and collecting data, and we briefly discussed the correlations among the parameters.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.G., V.M., G.B., L.R. and F.F.; methodology, L.G., V.M., G.B. and
L.R.; software, L.G., V.M. and G.B.; validation, L.G. and V.M.; investigation, L.G., V.M., G.B., L.R. and F.F.;
writing—original draft preparation, L.G., V.M., G.B. and L.R.; writing—review and editing, L.G., V.M., G.B., L.R.
and F.F.; supervision, G.B. and F.F.; project administration, F.F.; funding acquisition, F.F.
Funding: This research was funded by the Project “Livestock Smart Farming” (PSR 2014-2020 16.1, Regione
Umbria) and by the project “Signal processing and machine learning” (Fondo di Ricerca di Base 2017, University
of Perugia).
Acknowledgments: The authors thank L. Ipericon and A. and C. Taglioni for the logistic support. The authors
also thank M. Malfagia and S. Pignani for providing some of the hardware used in the simulation and testing.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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