Antimicrobial Testing
Antimicrobial Testing
Antimicrobial Testing
ABSTRACT use or storage. Antimicrobial agents may use of the product (3). The test is designed
The antimicrobial effectiveness test be harmful to patients. If possible, it is im- to provide a laboratory test that gauges the
(AET) is used to assess preservative efficacy portant to demonstrate that the agents are level of biological activity possessed by the
of products in multi-dose containers. The effective in the final package and that they preservative system of a product (3). The
preservative efficacy of products can ei- are safe for human use. Products which test is used during product development
ther be due to added preservatives, or the have inherent antimicrobial properties to determine the effectiveness of the prod-
inherent properties of the product without must also be analyzed for antimicrobial uct and during stability to demonstrate the
the addition of preservatives (1). The test effectiveness. Antimicrobial effectiveness preservative system is stable over time. The
is not intended to challenge the ability of must be demonstrated for all products mul- test is not designed to be a quality control
product in multi-dose containers to with- tidose containers. (1) release test. The test must not be used as
stand in-use contamination (2). Obtaining a substitute for good manufacturing prac-
successful validation of the assay can be The article presented here provides in- tices.
complex depending on the product. Meth- sight to the test and strategies for obtaining
od development trials can be streamlined a successful validation of the test. The test involves inoculating a measured
to produce an adequate method by work- amount of product with known amounts of
ing closely with development scientists, APPLICATION OF THE ANTIMI- microorganisms. Whenever possible, the
chemists, setting appropriate specifications, original containers are utilized for the as-
and performing research. Key factors in say. The containers are protected from light
The antimicrobial effectiveness test is
developing a proper method include some and incubated at ambient temperature for
used to evaluate the effectiveness of preser-
experimentation as well as knowledge of 28 days. The death rate is measured over a
vative systems in multidose dosage forms.
the test material properties. This article 28 day period and compared to the accep-
Products in multidose forms that do not
discusses strategies to assist in obtaining tance criteria outlined in the compendial
contain added preservatives must still com-
successful validation of the assay. guidance documents.
ply with the test to demonstrate that the
inherent antimicrobial properties of the
INTRODUCTION Certain microorganisms can adversely
product are effective. AET is a tripartite
The antimicrobial effectiveness test (also impact (reduce or inactivate) the activity
compendial test performed during devel-
known as the preservative effectiveness of certain products (10). It is important
opment and stability testing of parenteral
test) first appeared as a USP General Chap- to understand the microbial load of the
products intended as a multidose product
ter in the 18th revision, official September non-sterile finished products in order to
1, 1970 (3). International harmonization determine if the product will react the way
has not been completed to date. The United it was intended. Likewise, it is important
The antimicrobial effectiveness test was
States Pharmacopeia (USP), Japanese Phar- to understand the effectiveness of the pre-
originally designed to evaluate the perfor-
macopeia (JP), and European Pharmaco- servative system to ensure the product will
mance of antimicrobials added to inhibit
peia (EP) all describe the assay in a similar remain active as intended overtime without
the growth of microorganisms that might
fashion, but the acceptance criterion varies garnering microorganisms which can cause
be introduced in the product during or sub-
amongst the different compendial chapters. human infection.
sequent to the manufacturing process (8).
Since 1970, the purpose of the test has been
Antimicrobial preservatives are sub- The guidance documents listed in Table
refined to focus on activity of the preserva-
stances that are added to products to limit 1 govern the Antimicrobial Effectiveness
tive systems as a protection against inad-
microbial contamination during normal Test. This may not be an all-inclusive list.
vertent contamination during storage and
Crystal Booth
Respective USP <51>, EP 5.1.3, and JP 19 tests are not harmonized. The assays them-
selves are similar, but the acceptance criteria differ in each compendium. Table 2 is a
comparison table of the compendial chapters. The compromise column of Table 2 is a
stepwise comparison with recommendations to develop one method that can be utilized
for compliance with all three compendia.
REASON FOR TEST Antimicrobial Effectiveness, To assess microbiologically The antimicrobial activity of This is just verbiage differences
whether inherent in the the preservative efficacy, either the preparation in its final between the compendiums and
product or produced because due to the action of product container is investigated over do not affect the test method.
of a preservative, must be components themselves or the period of validity to ensure
demonstrated for all injections any added preservative(s), for that such activity has not been
packaged in multiple-dose multi-dose containers. Tests impaired by storage. Such in-
containers or for other prod- are commonly used to verify vestigations may be carried on
ucts containing antimicrobial that products maintain their samples removed from the final
preservatives. Antimicrobial preservative effectiveness container immediately prior to
Effectiveness must be demon- at the design phase of the testing. During development
strated for multiple-dose formulation or in the case of of a pharmaceutical prepara-
topical and oral dosage forms periodic monitoring. Tests are tion, it shall be demonstrated
and for other dosage forms, not performed for lot release; that the antimicrobial activity
ophthalmic, otic, nasal, irriga- the efficacy of the preservative of the preparation provides
tion, and dialysis fluids. present in the product pack- adequate protection from
aged in the final containers adverse effects that may arise
should be verified throughout from microbial contamination
the entire dating period. or proliferation during storage
and use of the preparation.
The test is not intended for
routine control purposes.
CATEGORIES OF PRODUCT. 1) Injections, other parenter- 1) Products are those made Parenteral and Ophthalmic This section describes the
CRITERIA OF ANTIMI- als including emulsions, otic with aqueous bases or vehicles. Preparations different category of products.
CROBIAL EFFECTIVENESS products, sterile nasal products, (Oil-in water Emulsions) 1A] It does not affect the test meth-
ARE A FUNCTION OF THE and ophthalmic products made Injections and other sterile par- od, but instead of calling the
ROUTE OF ADMINISTRA- with aqueous bases or vehicles. enterals. 1B] Nonsterile Paren- products category 1, etc. The
TION terals. 1C] Oral products made products should be described
with aqueous bases (including by what they are, topical non-
syrup products to be dissolved aqueous, etc.
or suspended before use).
TEST ORGANISMS Candida albicans ATCC 10231, Candida albicans ATCC 10231, Candida albicans ATCC 10231, Candida albicans ATCC 10231,
Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC
16404, Escherichia coli ATCC 16404, Escherichia coli ATCC 16404, Pseudomonas aerugino- 16404, Escherichia coli ATCC
8739, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 8739, Pseudomonas aeruginosa sa ATCC 9027, Staphylococcus 8739, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
ATCC 9027, Staphylococcus ATCC 9027, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 ATCC 9027, Staphylococcus
aureus ATCC 6538 aureus ATCC 6538 aureus ATCC 6538
Must not be more than 5 pas- Must not be more than 5 pas- It is recommended to keep Must not be more than 5 pas-
sages from the original ATCC sages from the original culture number of transfers to a sages from the original culture
culture minimum.
NA In addition to ATCC strains, it Single strains are used and In addition to ATCC strains, it
is recommended to use strains the designated microorgan- is recommended to use strains
that might contaminate the isms can be substituted with that might contaminate the
product and grow on or in it, environmental isolates. It is product and grow on or in it,
depending on its character- recommended that E. coli depending on its character-
istics. ATCC 8739 be used for oral istics.
preparations and Zygosaccha-
raomyces rouxii NCY 381 for
oral preparations containing a
high concentration of sugar.
PREPARATION OF Inoculate surface of solid agar Inoculate surface of solid agar Inoculate the surface of agar Inoculate surface of solid agar
INOCULUM with each specified microor- with each specified microor- medium B for bacteria or agar with each specified microor-
ganism. Either broth or solid ganism. Either broth or solid medium C without the addi- ganism. Either broth or solid
media may be used for the media may be used for the tion of antibiotics for fungi media may be used for the
harvest. harvest. harvest.
E. coli 32.5 + 2.5ºC for 18-24 E. coli 32.5 + 2.5ºC for 18-24 NA E. coli 32.5 + 2.5ºC for 18-24
hours/ TSA hours/ TSA hours/ TSA
P. aerugionosa 32.5 + 2.5ºC for P. aerugionosa 32.5 + 2.5ºC for P. aerugionosa 32.5 + 2.5ºC for P. aerugionosa 32.5 + 2.5ºC for
18-24 hours/ TSA 18-24 hours/ TSA 18-24 hours/ agar medium B 18-24 hours/ TSA
S. aureus 32.5 + 2.5ºC for 18-24 S. aureus 32.5 + 2.5ºC for 18-24 S. aureus 32.5 + 2.5ºC for 18-24 S. aureus 32.5 + 2.5ºC for 18-24
hours/ TSA hours/ TSA hours/ agar medium B hours/ TSA
C. albicans 22.5 + 2.5ºC for C. albicans 22.5 + 2.5ºC for C. albicans 22.5 + 2.5ºC for C. albicans 22.5 + 2.5ºC for
44-52 hours/ SDA 40-48 hours/ SDA 48 hours/ agar medium C 40-48 hours/ SDA
A. brasiliensis 22.5 + 2.5ºC for A. brasiliensis 22.5 + 2.5ºC for 1 A. brasiliensis 22.5 + 2.5ºC for 1 A. brasiliensis 22.5 + 2.5ºC for
6-10 days/ SDA week or until good sporulation week or until good sporulation 6-10 days/ SDA
is achieved/ SDA is achieved/ agar medium C
Crystal Booth
HARVESTING MICROBES Harvest bacterial and yeast Harvest cultured cells asepti- Harvest bacterial and yeast Harvest bacterial and yeast
with sterile saline TS, wash sur- cally using a platinum loop, etc. with sterile saline TS, wash sur- with sterile saline TS, wash sur-
face with and collect in a vessel Suspend in sterile physiological face with and collect in a vessel face with and collect in a vessel
to obtain ~1X 108 CFU/Ml saline or in 0.1% peptone water to obtain ~1X 108 CFU/mL to obtain ~1X 108 CFU/mL
and adjust to ~1X 108 CFU/mL
Harvest mold with sterile Harvest mold with sterile Harvest mold with sterile Harvest mold with sterile
saline TS containing 0.05% physiological saline or 1% saline TS containing 0.05% saline TS containing 0.05%
of polysorbate 80 and collect peptone water containing 0.05 of polysorbate 80 and collect of polysorbate 80 and collect
in a vessel to obtain ~1X 108 w/v% of polysorbate 80 and in a vessel to obtain ~1X 108 in a vessel to obtain ~1X 108
CFU/mL adjust to a spore count of ~1X CFU/mL CFU/mL
108 CFU/mL
May also grow microorganisms May also grow microorganisms NA May also grow microorganisms
in Broth in Broth in Broth
Confirm the estimate of the Titrate the viable cell count Confirm the estimate of the Titrate the viable cell count
suspensions. of the inoculum immediately suspensions. Use the plate of the inoculum immediately
before use, and then calculate count or membrane filtration before use, and then calculate
the theoretical viable cell count method. the theoretical viable cell count
per mL (g) of the product just per mL (g) of the product just
after inoculation. after inoculation.
Use bacteria and yeast within Use bacteria and yeast within The suspension shall be used Use the suspensions imme-
24 hours. Refrigerate if not 24 hours. Refrigerate if not immediately. diately.
used within 2 hours. Mold may used within 2 hours.
be refrigerated for 7 days.
PROCEDURE Conduct test in 5 original Inject each of the cell suspen- Inoculate a series of containers Conduct test in 5 original
containers if sufficient volume sions aseptically into 5 con- of the product to be examined, containers if sufficient volume
of product is available in each tainers containing the product each with a suspension of one of product is available in each
container and the container can and mix uniformly if sufficient of the test microorganisms. container and the container
be entered aseptically. volume of product is available. can be entered aseptically.
For nonsterile products, Also incubate product controls
incubate a product control and without microbes.
determine the viable counts.
Inoculate each container with The volume used must not ex- Inoculate each container with Inoculate each container with
one inoculum suspension and ceed 1/100 of the volume of the one inoculum suspension and one inoculum suspension and
mix. The volume of inoculum product. Final concentration mix. The volume of inoculum mix. The volume of inoculum
is to be between 0.5% and 1.0% is between 1X 105 and 1X 106 does not exceed 1.0% of the is to be between 0.5% and
of the volume of product. Final CFU/mL of product. volume of product. Final 1.0% of the volume of product.
concentration is between 1X concentration is between 1X Final concentration is between
105 and 1X 106 CFU/mL of 105 and 1X 106 CFU/mL of 1X 105 and 1X 106 CFU/mL
product for Categories 1-3. product. of product for all products
Category 4 between 1X 103 and but Antacids made with an
1X 104 CFU/mL of product. aqueous base. For Antacids
made with an aqueous base
final concentration is between
1X 103 and 1X 104 CFU/mL of
Incubate the inoculated Incubate the inoculated Incubate the inoculated Incubate the inoculated con-
containers at 22.5 + 2.5ºC and containers at 22.5 + 2.5ºC and containers at 22.5 + 2.5ºC (pro- tainers at 22.5 + 2.5ºC (protect-
sample at the appropriate inter- sample at the appropriate inter- tected from light) and sample ed from light) and sample at
vals. Category 1: 7, 14, 28 days/ vals protected from light. Test at the appropriate intervals. the appropriate intervals. Test
Categories 2-4:14 and 28 days. 1 mL or 1 g of the product at 1 mL or 1 g of the product if
0, 14, and 28 days. Record any validated. Record any marked
marked changes in the product, changes in the product, color,
color, odor, etc. odor, etc.
Calculate the log reduction. Express sequential changes in Calculate the log reduction. Calculate the log reduction.
the viable counts as percentag-
es the count at the start of the
test is 100.
CRITERIA No increase is defined as When the results below are ob- When the results below are ob- No increase is defined as
not more than a 0.5 log unit tained, the product examined tained, the product examined not more than a 0.5 log unit
higher than the previous value is considered to be effectively is considered to be effectively higher than the previous value
measured. preserved. preserved. In justified cases measured.
where the A criteria cannot
be obtained, the B criteria can
be used.
Category 1: NLT 1.0 log from Category 1A] Bacteria: After Parenteral and Ophthalmic Injections, other parenterals
initial at 7 days, NLT 3.0 log re- 14 days 0.1% of inoculum Preparations: Bacteria A) 6 including emulsions, otic
duction from the initial count count or less/ After 28 days the hours= 2 log/ 24 hours=3log/ product, sterile nasal products,
at 14 days, and no increase same level or less after 14 days. 28 day=no recover Fungi A) 7 and ophthalmic products made
from the 14 days at 28 days Yeasts/ molds: Same or less day=2 log/ 28 day=no increase/ with aqueous bases or vehicles.
for bacteria. Yeast and molds- than inoculum count after 14 Bacteria B) 24 hours=1 log/
No increase from the initial days/ Same or less than inocu- 7 day= 3 log/ 28 day= No in- Recommended Results may be
calculated count at 7, 14, and lum count after 28 days. crease Fungi B) 14 day= 1 log/ modified if needed to incorpo-
28 days. 28 day= no increase. rate option B of the EP.
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CRITERIA Category 2: Bacteria- NLT Category 1B] Bacteria: After Topical Preparations: Bacteria Topically used products,
2.0 log reduction from the 14 days 1% of inoculum count A) 2 day= 2 log/ 7 day=3log/ nonsterile nasal products, and
initial count at 14 days and no or less/ After 28 days the same 28 day=no recover Fungi emulsions, including those
increase from the 14 day count level or less after 14 days. A)14 day=2 log/ 28 day= no applied to mucous membranes.
at 28 days. Yeast and mold- No Yeasts/ molds: Same or less increase/ Bacteria B) 14 day= 3
increase from the initial calcu- than inoculum count after 14 log/ 28 day= no increase Fungi Recommended Results may be
lated count at 14 and 28 days. days/ Same or less than inocu- B) 14 day= 1 log/ 28 day= no modified if needed to incorpo-
lum count after 28 days. increase. rate option B of the EP.
Category 2] Bacteria: Same
or less than inoculum count Topical Preparations:
at 14 days/ Same or less than
inoculum count at 28 days. Bacteria @2 day= 2 log
Yeast/Molds: Same or less than 7 day=3log
inoculum at 14 days/ same or 28 day=no recover
less inoculum count at 28 days.
Fungi @ 14 day=2 log
28 day= no increase
Category 3: Bacteria- NLT 1.0 Category 1C] Bacteria: After Oral preparations: Bacteria Oral products other than ant-
log reduction from the initial 14 days 10% of inoculum 14 days= 3 log/ 28 days=no acids, made with aqueous bases
count at 14 days and no in- count or less/ After 28 days the increase. Fungi: 14 days= 1 or vehicles.
crease from the 14 days count same level or less after 14 days. log/ 28 days= no increase
at 28 days. Yeast and molds- no Yeasts/ molds: Same or less Recommended Results may be
increase from the initial calcu- than inoculum count after 14 modified if needed to incorpo-
lated count at 14 and 28 days. days/ Same or less than inocu- rate option B of the EP.
lum count after 28 days.
Bacteria @14 day= 3 log
28 days=no increase
One can visualize from Table 2 that it is ubility properties, pH, water activity, and months, then quarterly, then yearly) until
possible to create one method that can be antimicrobial properties will provide valu- the end of life of the product. These deci-
utilized to satisfy all three compendial re- able information during the method devel- sions will often be made by the project team
quirements. This is dependent upon the opment trials. including regulatory and QA, and not sole-
application. For example, if a company ly by the testing laboratory.
only wants to market in the United States, Knowing the composition of product
they do not need to comply with all of the including preservatives in the formulation The risk-based approach necessitates
requirements listed for the USP, EP, and/or can aide in making risk-based decisions on consideration of the following:
JP. test methods and testing frequency. For • What is the concentration of preserva-
example, it is a known requirement to test tive (if any) in the finished product?
It is essential to learn the product and the product during the development phase • Will the preservative be effective in fin-
the excipients so that testing decisions can and at the final stability time point to show ished product
be made. Effective strategies to learn about that the product was effective throughout • Is the preservative toxic at product
the product include collaborating with the the life cycle. Depending on the product concentration?
research and development (R&D) team, specifics (regulatory commitments, punc- • Is the manufacturing process going to
joining the product project team, and lis- ture studies, freeze/thaw studies, acceler- reduce the microbial load?
tening to the chemist working on the proj- ated stability studies, etc.), a company may • What is the water activity?
ect. Discovering how the product is used, decide to test for antimicrobial effective- • Is the water activity level going to pre-
the target patient population, maximum ness during development and at higher fre- vent proliferation of microorganisms if
dose, delivery routes, pharmacology, sol- quency (for example, monthly for several they are present or introduced?
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• Providing a tool for the rationale for • Once data are collected and a reason- no exception. In fact, EP 5.1.3 describes
reducing the frequency of microbial able method has been identified, the that the designated microorganisms can
limit testing and screening for objec- method and data should be reviewed. be substituted with environmental isolates.
tionable microorganisms for prod- The method will be repeated during It is recommended that E. coli ATCC 8739
uct release and stability testing using validation. If must be able to be suc- be used for oral preparations and Zygo-
methods contained in the general cessfully executed without failures. If saccharaomyces rouxii NCY 381 for oral
chapters <61> and <62> a method is validated in the United preparations containing a high concentra-
• Reducing water activity to greatly as- States, it should be repeatable in Japan. tion of sugar (4). knowing the product is
sist in the prevention of microbial pro- extremely important. If utilizing environ-
liferation.(11) ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECTIVE- mental isolates, do not add spore-forming
• The information could potentially be NESS TEST METHOD bacteria into non-aqueous based products.
utilized in determining the AET fre- VALIDATION The vegetative cells may die, but the spores
quency during stability studies. The validation (also known as method could possibly thrive and cause an out of
verification) exercises should be performed specification investigation. Instead, choose
After the method development data under method validation protocols that are the environmental isolates carefully and
has been evaluated, choose the method in controlled like other cGMP documents. use scientific rationale as to why or why not
which the compendial microorganisms can Typical analytical validations consider the
be recovered by at least 50% of the positive certain isolates will be utilized in the study.
following: Clear documentation of the decision mak-
controls. • Accuracy ing process is recommended.
• Precision
Other points to consider:
• Repeatability Method validation is typically per-
• Is the method one that any analyst can
• Intermediate Precision formed on three lots of material to demon-
easily perform without easily contami-
nating the sample? • Specificity strate the robustness of the method. In
• Are the recovery counts at least 50% of • Detection Limit order to perform the assay, prepare the
the positive controls? • Quantitation Limit sample to be tested according to the pro-
• Growth should not be inhibited (re- • Linearity tocol. Where pouring TSA and SDA are
duction by a factor greater than two) • Range utilized, the media must be tempered to ap-
(9). proximately 45°C (warm to the touch, but
• Does the pH need to be adjusted for There is an ongoing industry expecta- not hot) prior to use.
the validation? If so, the pH will need tion that environmental isolates be incor-
to be adjusted for testing. porated into Microbiology assays. AET is Table 3 lists the incubation schemes uti-
lized in AET.
Table 3: AET Incubation Scheme
For simplicity, all SDA plates may be read at 3-5 days and still be in compliance. If an analyst chooses to incubate the mold plates longer than the yeast plates, all SDA
controls must be incubated for the longer time interval.
Good microbiology practices must be em- AET Method Examples • Use SDA for Molds and incubate at
ployed. All equipment, Petri dishes, pipette To prepare the inoculum, grow each of 20-25°C for one week or until good
tips, diluents, etc. must be sterile. Good the test microorganisms on the appropri- sporulation occurs but not exceeding
aseptic technique is required in order to ate media. Either plates or slants may be 10 days.
obtain accurate results. used. The viable microorganisms will not
be more than five passages removed from Wash the growth off of the plates or slants
Lyophilized microorganism preparations the original ATCC culture. with approximately 4.0 mL of sterile saline
purchased from vendors may be utilized for • Use TSA for bacteria and incubate at 0.85% (use sterile saline 0.85% with 0.05%
AET. Single-strain challenges are utilized 30-35°C for 18-24 hours. Tween 80 for Aspergillus brasiliensis) and
in this assay. Other strains or species that • Use SDA for Yeasts and incubate at 20- collect in a sterile test tube. Dilute the mi-
may represent likely contaminants to the 25°C for 48 hours. croorganisms to a concentration of ~1x108
product may also be added to the protocols.
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Mix the solution well to ensure a ho- Perform negative controls on un-inoc- Include one negative control TSA plate and
mogenous distribution of the microor- ulated samples by testing product without one negative control SDA plate during the
ganisms. Determine the number of viable the addition of microorganisms. Plate incubation process.
microorganisms in each inoculum suspen- un-inoculated aliquots into duplicate petri
sion by referencing the results from the N0 dishes. Cover one duplicate set with tem- Incubate all samples according to Table 3.
(or titer). Then, calculate the initial con- pered TSA and one duplicate set with SDA.
centration of microorganisms per mL of Also, perform negative controls on any me- Count the colonies on each product plate
product under test. The target inoculum dia and/or diluents used in test. Incubate and compare to the colonies of the positive
should yield a suitable concentration be- one TSA and one SDA plate as media con- control plates. Calculate the percent recov-
tween 1x105 and 1x106 CFU/mL of prod- trols. Incubate all negative controls accord- ery using the formula: CFU of product test
uct. Except for antacids where the target ing to the temperatures and times indicated plates/CFU of positive control plates X 100%.
inoculum is 1 X 103 to 1 X 104 CFU/mL of for the media type in Table 3. The percent recovery should be at least 50%.
Product according to the USP. Record the
results and record any changes observed in Count the colonies and record the re- Testing Intervals
the appearance of the product throughout sults. Calculate the log reduction and re- The testing intervals outlined in the USP and
the test. cord the results. EP was merged into Table 4 so that all testing
points are accounted for each product type.
Pour Plate Method Example. Samples Example calculation:
should be taken at 0 hours (immediately Log Reduction Table 4: Testing Time Intervals
after inoculation) and at time intervals out-
lined in Table 4. At each time interval after = Log of Initial Calculated CFU/mL – Log TESTING INTER-
the sample aliquot has been taken, the re- of Product Challenge Results CFU/mL PRODUCT PRODUCT VALS COMPLY-
maining product in the container is placed = Log of 1 X 105 CFU/mL – Log of 1.0 X USP AND EP
back into the 20-25°C incubator (protecting 102 CFU/mL (or 100 CFU/mL) Injection, Other Bacteria: 0 hour,
it from light) until the next time interval. Parenterals Includ-
=5–2=3 6 hour, 24 hour, 7
ing Emulsions, Otic days, 14 days, and
Mix the product. Dilute, if necessary, Products, Sterile 28 days
so that 1.0 mL (or 1.0 g) will be expect- Membrane Filtration Method Evaluation. 1 Nasal Products,
ed to yield between 30 and 300 colonies For each microorganism and product and Ophthalmic Fungi: 0 hour, 7
control, prepare test tubes containing the Products Made days, 14 days, and
(if growth is not inhibited). Pipet 1.0 mL with aqueous bases
(or weigh 1.0 g) of the product (or dilutions appropriate amount of un-inoculated 28 days
or vehicles.
if needed) into each of two sterile petri product (or un-inoculated product dilu- Topically used
tion) and label accordingly. Pipette 0.1 mL Bacteria: 0 hour,
dishes. products made 2 days, 7 days, 14
(<100 CFU) of each microorganism into with aqueous days, and 28 days
To each petri dish containing bacteria, separate ~100 mL aliquots of the diluent bases or vehi-
utilized in the method development, such cles, nonsterile
promptly add approximately 15 to 20 mL 2
nasal products,
of tempered TSA. Likewise, add tempered as Fluid A. and emulsions,
Fungi: 0 hour, 7
days, 14 days, and
SDA to plates containing yeast and molds. including those 28 days
Note that larger Petri dishes and larger vol- Following the filtration procedure devel- applied to mucous
umes of media with neutralizers may be oped during method development. Filter membranes.
used if needed as determined by the meth- an un-inoculated product aliquot through Oral Products Bacteria: 0 hour, 14
a sterile 0.45µm filter. Rinse the filter with other than antacids, days, and 28 days
od development process. Cover the Petri 3
made with aqueous
dishes and swirl to distribute the microor- the total amount diluent volume. The last Fungi: 0 hour, 14
bases or vehicles. days, and 28 days
ganisms evenly. Allow the media to solidify ~100 mL rinse will be the inoculated dilu-
at room temperature. Invert the dishes and ent preparation containing <100 CFU of Bacteria: 0 hour, 14
Anatacids made days, and 28 days
incubate according to Table 3. microorganisms as described previously. 4
with an aqueous
base. Fungi: 0 hour, 14
Prepare positive control plates to use as days, and 28 days
Perform positive controls by diluting
the inoculum solution (without product) a reference by filtering the same volume Regardless of the testing method employed,
so that 1.0 mL will be expected to yield be- of diluent without the product. The last the acceptance criteria should confirm either
tween 30 and 300 colonies. Inoculate 1.0 rinse will be another diluent preparation to the most stringent compendial require-
mL of the diluted inoculum solution into inoculated with <100 CFU of the micro- ments if a hybrid method is used or to the tar-
each of two sterile Petri dishes. Incubate organism to be tested. Filter two negative geted compendia. In the examples described
the plates according to Table 3. The posi- controls of the product without microor- in this article, the acceptance criteria conform
tive controls will serve as “growth promo- ganisms. Also filter two un-inoculated to the USP and EP. The worst case results
tion” of the media as well as to prove that samples of ~100 mL of diluent to serve as were chosen between both Pharmacopeia and
the microorganisms are initially viable. negative diluent controls. Place one filter are presented in Table 5. All specifications are
on TSA and one filter on SDA. given in terms of log reduction.
0hour 6hour 24hour 7days 14days 28days
Injection, Other Parenterals Including Emulsions, Bacteria
1 0 2 3 3 3 No Recovery
Otic Products, Sterile Nasal Products, and Ophthal-
mic Products Made with aqueous bases or vehicles. Fungi 0hour 7days 14days 28days
0 2 No Increase No Increase
0hour 2days 7days 14days 28days
Topically used products made with aqueous bases or Bacteria 0 2 3 3 No Increase
vehicles, nonsterile nasal products, and emulsions,
including those applied to mucous membranes. 0hour 14days 28days
0 2 No Increase
0hour 14days 28days
3 Oral Products other than antacids, made with aque- 0 3 No Increase
ous bases or vehicles. 0hour 14days 28days
0 1 No Increase
0hour 14days 28days
0 3 No Increase
4* Anatacids made with an aqueous base.
0hour 14days 28days
0 1 No Increase
*In the case of Category 4 products, the EP does not distinguish between Oral Products and Antacids. Therefore, the EP specification is given as it is more stringent.
In Table 5, the EP gives allowances for category 1 and 2 specifications. It breaks down the specifications into parts A and B. Part A
is given in Table 5 because the specification is more stringent. In justified cases where part A cannot be attained (e.g. increased risk of
adverse reaction), part B must be satisfied. Part B is given in Table 6.
Table 6: Part B Specifications to Comply with USP and EP in the Event of Justified Cases Where Part A Is Unattainable
0hour 6hour 24hour 7days 14days 28days
Injection, Other Parenterals Including Emulsions, Bacteria
1 0 0 1 3 3 No Increase
Otic Products, Sterile Nasal Products, and Ophthal-
mic Products Made with aqueous bases or vehicles. Fungi 0hour 7days 14days 28days
0 0 1 No Increase
0hour 2days 7days 14days 28days
Topically used products made with aqueous bases or Bacteria 0 0 0 3 No Increase
vehicles, nonsterile nasal products, and emulsions,
including those applied to mucous membranes. 0hour 14days 28days
0 1 No Increase
Any out of specifications (OOS), should It is difficult sometimes to have three lots of Acceptance Criteria
be investigated according to company pro- clincal product in order to perform a com- Validation acceptance criteria are es-
cedures. These investigations should in- plete validation. Small amounts of product sential when determining if a method was
clude the identification of microorganisms are often made for use in clinics. Formu- properly validated. When verifying the
(if applicable). lations change frequently depending on suitability of the membrane filtration or
field studies and developments discovered the Plate-Count Method, “a mean count of
Commercial Products and Clinical throughout the early phases of a project. It any of the test organisms not differing by a
Products is acceptable to perform method validation factor greater than 2 from the value of the
The question of how to treat clinical on one lot for clinical products. The com- control in the absence of product must be
products verses commercial products is a pany will likely be redeveloping and revali- obtained” (9). In other words, the percent
debated tropic. Most companies agree that dating with each formulation change of the recovery between the inoculated product
the industry practice is to validate a mini- product. It may take years for a product to dilutions and the positive controls must be
mum of three lots for commercial product reach commercial launch. However, when at least 50%. Some companies use an in-
method validations. product moves to commercial manufactur- ternal 70% recovery criterion that is accept-
Clinical products are treated differently. ing, a three-lot validation must be initiated. able because it is more stringent.
Crystal Booth
The inoculated plates prepared during When developing methods, be creative. 7. Moser, Cheryl L. and Brian K. Meyer “Compar-
the method evaluation portion of the val- Learn as much as possible from develop- ison of Compendial Antimicrobial Effectiveness
Tests: A Review” AAPS PharmSciTech Vol. 12,
idation must be acceptable in order for the ment scientists, chemists, research, and No. 1, March 2011.
validation to be valid. The titer plates must project teams to aide in the method de- 8. Sutton, S. “Antimicrobial Efficacy Test”, PMF
demonstrate not more than 100 cfu was uti- velopment trials. Utilize the information Newsletter, March 2010.
lized to achieve the positive results (9). This to target the method development trials 9. USP Chapter <61> “Microbiological Examina-
is necessary so that the method employed in order to save time and minimize costs. tion of Nonsterile Products: Microbial Enumer-
ation Tests”
can demonstrate that the method is capable Once a suitable method has been identified, 10. USP Chapter <1111> “Microbiological Exam-
of recovering low levels of microorganisms perform a trial as one would do during the ination of Nonsterile Products: Acceptance
if they are present. validation with all of the microorganisms Criteria for Pharmaceutical Preparations and
to demonstrate the method will work prop- Substances for Pharmaceutical Use”
After validations are complete, stabili- erly. Perform these trials in a notebook and 11. USP <1112> “Application of Water Activity De-
termination To Nonsterile Pharmaceutical Prod-
ty testing may begin. Reports are usually keep thorough and detailed notes about the ucts”
written to approve the studies and methods trials. Choose the best suitable method for 12. ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Valida-
(or standard operating procedures [SOPs]) the application. Do not underestimate the tion of Analytical Procedures: Text and Method-
are written to lockdown the way the tests value of knowing the water activity. ology Q2(R1)
are routinely performed. 13. ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: Bracket-
ing and Matrixing Designs for Stability Testing
During validation, write a method vali- of New Drug Substances and Products Q1D
To determine the frequency of test- dation protocol utilizing the method devel-
ing, one can utilize a risk-based approach. oped in the trial runs. Be certain that the
This is going to be a product-by-product method is performed the same way each About the Author
risk assessment. ICH QA6 provides some time and that it is repeatable. For clinical
guidance on determining the appropriate products, a one lot validation is sufficient Cystal Booth is the Microbiology Labo-
testing intervals. “In general, it is advisable due to various clinical constraints. For ratory Manager at Covidien in Raleigh,
to test the drug product unless its compo- commercial products, a minimum of a NC. She earned her Bachleor’s Degree in
nents are tested before manufacture and the three lot validation should be performed. Biology from Old Dominion University
manufacturing process is known, through and her Master’s of Microbiology Degree
validation studies, not to carry a significant Create a clean validation package for from North Carolina State University. She
risk of microbial contamination or prolif- regulatory audits. During routine testing, has 14 years of experience in Pharmaceu-
eration” (6) document the method so that it is per- tical Microbiology. Crystal has developed
formed the same way every time. Brack- and performed numerous method val-
Stability testing is performed under var- eting or matrixing can be utilized in de- idations. Some of the methods include
ious temperatures and humidity set-points. creasing the volume of stability testing. Microbial Limits Testing, Bacterial Endo-
AET is typically performed for stability Risk-based approaches should be utilized toxins Testing, Particulate Testing, Steril-
testing during product development, at ini- in determining the testing frequencies. ity Testing, Pharmaceutical Water System
tial, yearly, and then end of life in multidose Clear documentation and justifications Validations, Environmental Monitoring
containers. When designing the program, should be maintained so that decisions can Programs, Surface Recovery Validations,
take into account the product formulations, be clearly understood in the future. Disinfectant Efficacy Studies, Minimum
strengths, and packaging configurations. It Inhitory Concentration Testing, Anitmi-
may be appropriate to leverage bracketing crobial Effectivesness Testing, Hold Time
REFERENCES Studies, and various Equipment Valida-
or matrixing stability testing designs as
allowed under ICH Q1D. Bracketing or
1. USP Chapter <51> “Antimicrobial Effectiveness tions (Autoclaves, Isolators, Vitek, Biolog,
Testing” EM equipment, Conductivity Meters, pH
matrixing can greatly reduce the test sam- 2. Sutton, S. “The Antimicrobial Efficacy Test, GMP
ples needed for the stability program. With and Investigations” Microbiology Network July/
Meters, Pipettes, PTS Unit, Endoscan,
acceptable scientific justification, it may be August 2013. TOC equipment, Incubators, etc.). Crys-
possible to propose AET during develop- content/APR_2013_Sept_Antimicrobial-Effec- tal has worked in both R&D and Quality
ment and end of life testing only. Another
tiveness-Test-GMP-Investigations.pdf Control Laboratories, including a Start-
3. Sutton, Scott and David Porter “Development up Company. She has developed and
option is to fill the product in a single use of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test as USP
dosage form in order to propose bypassing validated methods for Antibiotics, Otics,
Chapter <51>” PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical
the test for antimicrobial effectiveness. Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 6, Novem- Topical Creams, Topical Ointments, Oral
ber/December 2002 Solid Dose Products, Oral Liquid Dose
CONCLUSIONS 4. EP 5.1.3. Efficacy of Antimicrobial Preservation Products, Veternary Products, Human
5. JP XVI (19) Preservatives-Effectiveness Tests Parenterals, Asepticallly Filled Products,
Learn about the material before begin- (PET)
ning. Set appropriate specifications so that and Terminally Sterilized Products. She
6. ICH Guidance Q6A- Specifications: Test Pro-
the method can be appropriately targeted. cedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug has experience working with global mar-
For international compliance, use the most Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical kets and regulatory bodies.
stringent international method, or a mix-
ture of the methods.