Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder
Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder
Sexual and Gender Identity Disorder
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B. Assessment 3. Diagnostic criteria must be present for at least 6
1. Repeatedly stated desire to be the opposite sex months.
2. In males, preference for crossdressing or 4. Fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors are causing
simulating female attire significant distress or impairment in social
3. Girls’ insistence on wearing only masculine occupational or other areas of functioning.
4. Strong and persistent preferences for cross-sex B. Types of Paraphilias
roles in play or fantasy
5. Intense desire to participate in the stereotypical 1. Fetishism: presence of intense sexual arousal
games and pastimes of the other sex involving inanimate objects; sexual arousal
6. Strong preference for playmates of the opposite occurring from contact with a nonliving object such
sex as an article of clothing
7. Boys prefer feminine dress and gravitate toward
female friends and activities. 2. Pedophilia involves sexual interest directed
8. Girls exhibit masculine behavior. primarily or exclusively toward children 13 years or
9. Anxiety with body changes further defining younger.
gender a. May only be recurrent fantasies or urges
b. Pedophile generally conservative married male
C. Medical Management but must be at least 16 years old and at least 5 years
1. Hormone therapy is the first step. older than the child
a. Changes bodily characteristics c. Often occurs in families with older male and
b. May require the client to live in crossgender younger female
mode for 1–2 years before reassignment is made d. When it occurs in families, it is called incest.
V. Sexual Addictions
A. Description: sexual addictions occur when sex
and sexual encounters become the primary way of
attempting to fill emptiness.
B. Assessment
1. Compelled to have frequent sex
2. Bewildered by own sexual behavior
3. Pattern of unsuccessful love relationships
4. Chaos and drama are often present.
5. Sexual encounters involve alcohol, drugs, or
compulsive eating.
6. Need to escape after sex
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