This is the errata file for the d20 version of Call of Cthulhu. I've added the correct sanity loss for Yog-Sothoth (pg. 299) to the end of the document.
This is the errata file for the d20 version of Call of Cthulhu. I've added the correct sanity loss for Yog-Sothoth (pg. 299) to the end of the document.
This is the errata file for the d20 version of Call of Cthulhu. I've added the correct sanity loss for Yog-Sothoth (pg. 299) to the end of the document.
This is the errata file for the d20 version of Call of Cthulhu. I've added the correct sanity loss for Yog-Sothoth (pg. 299) to the end of the document.
fee the publication of he 20 Call of Ca ues some errs hate hee aug
‘resented below are the curently known mistakes, ineluding the €20 statistics for
te Great Old One ¥°Golonac whic were cut frm the book for lack of pace,
peS Intelligence:
Delete the frst bulleted item, about languages
| 7.32, Missing Skill:
Intuit Direction was inadvertantly left out ofthe book. The description of this kil sas
Intuit Direction (Wis; Trained Only)
You have an innate sense of diction.
‘Check: By concentrating fr 1 minate, wu van determine where true north lies relation
to yourself (DC 15). Ifthe check tals you cannot determine ditecton. Ona natal rll of
J,youerr and mistakenly identify a random direction as trve north,
‘The Gamemaster makes your check secretly so that you don't knots whether you rolled &
successful result or a
Retry: Yourcan use Intuit Direction once per day The roll represents nt senstve to dies
‘tion you are that day.
‘Special: Untrained characters can't use an innate sens of diecton, but they sould deter
‘mine direction by finding elves.
Page 128, Concentration:
Under Casting on the Defensive, the Concentration check DG should he 15, not 20 as
noted. (It is noted as DG 15 elsewhere in the book.)
131, Banishment of Ye Ftad:
“Outsider” isa type, nota subtype, Outsiders appearing in the Creatures chapter (pp.
201) inclnde: colour out of space, dimensional shamibler, elder thing, nightgaunt, servitur
of the Outer Gods, terror from hevond. This spell ight also be effective on hummanids
possessed by Vithians (pp. 171-172).
pp. 132-133, Call Deity:Call Aza
Enchant tem spell (pp. 0-142
133, Cast Out Shan:
squices pipes enchanted using
The 1 Com drain should he mentioned under Cos
1.135, Contact Creature:
Deep ones have 2 HD, ss 3 oth-level caster ¢
summon three
p.138, Raise
Dungeon Master's Guid, p. 74, or the boxed!
ight For:
1138, Darkness:
Darkvision is not described in Cols see DS
Dungeon Master's Guide, p.
4, oF the boxed te
pp. 140-14}, Enchant Item:
The Enchant Pipes entry states that these pipes a
required for Call zathoth, but that
(all Deity (pp. 132-133) makes no mention
Gonsponents shoul include? forthe mirtr ued in the
.147: Sekhmenkenhep's Words:
Nest to Component, it should read “Y, S” (not just °S°.T
spel has a verbal as ell as somatic component
1.150, Yoorish
‘Note that Vaorsh Sign raises the subsequent spells DCby but
casts 2 In fora nt increase of +2.
ome begs have the
‘suse ata toa range specified bythe individual creature’
Pee een eee ce
ete eee
Pn ena
eee ee
eens peers
cee en erect
ee ees
eee ean eters
151, Word of Recall:
Jythos spells ate not prepared, as ate mest D&D
the sanctuary when the spells cas.
3, Size and Typet
re iy no entey for Hlementals such as Lloign
ormation on Femental type eeatures allows
2 elementals composed of one ofthe four classical ele
ents a earth fre or water. tis immune to poison
lep, paralysis, and stunning, Elements have no cleat
Front or back and are therefore nt subject to critical its or
ankng, Unless noted othervcse, they have darkvision with
ange of feet.
A slain elemental cannot be raised or resurrected, although 2
may be able to sestre tt life atthe GMs discretion.
The Ooze example should be Formless Spawn (shoggoths
xe aberrations). Change the vermin example to The Worm
at Walks monstrous spiders do not appear in this hook
‘and Leng spiders are magical east)
plained, (See D&D Dungeon Master's
forthe ned text meaty
9p. 155, Special Attacks:
saprove! gral 6 not described in CoC. See belonsor the D&D
Tmproved Grab sa Special Attack withthe following qualities,
Te the creature bits with a melee weapon (usually a daw or bite
antack) it deals normal damage and attempts to tar grapple
asa fee action without provoking an attack ot opportunity see
Grapple, p.78 CoC) No inital touch attack is requined,and Tiny
and Small creatures donot salle a special size penalty Unless
“othersise stated, improved grab works only against opponents
atleast one size category smaller than the creature, The eeature
has the option to conduct the grapple normally or simply use
the part of is body it used in the improved grab to bold the
‘opponent Iit chooses toda the atter.t suffers 2-20
apple checks, bt i not considered grappled itself
tare does nat lose its Desterity bonus to AC, stil threatens at
and an use its remaining attacks against other opponent.
& succesful hold does wot deal and adatonal dames
‘age unless the creatute also had the om
abity If the creature does not cons
teach successful grapple check
makes during successive round
‘automatically deals the damage
listed for the attack that estab
lish the hold therwise it dealconstriction damage as well (the amount i sted in
ture’s descriptive test)
When a creature gets a bold after an improved grab attack it
polls the opponent into its space. The creatures ot considered
srappled while it holds the opponent, so it still threatens aa
cent squares and retains its Dexterity bons. It can even move
(possible carrying aa
‘opponent's weight.
pp. 155-156, Special Qualities:
Darkvisions aot descrined in CoC; see BRD, Dungeon Master's
Guide, p.74,0r the boned text nearby.
157, Advancement
No entry for Elemental givens see be:
Elemental Advancement
‘Attack Bons Total Ht Dice x32
Good Saving Throws: Variable by type: Rellex (Ait Fire)
Fortitude (Earth, Water)
‘Skill Points: +2 per extra HD
eats: +1 per d extra HD
‘Te example in the first Sire Increase tables incorrect gains
Page 159, Byakhee:
The Byakhe's skill poins are wrong, The stat block in tl
book was made using only 20 skill poins, when j
should have 26, Gamemasters should fel fee to
tribute 6 extra points to individual
Page 162, Dark Young of Shub Niggurat
“The Dark Young of Shub Niggueath's Hide sil
‘wrong, Given its maximum skill ranks ts size,
its Dexterity, the most a DYOSN can fave in Hide
+46, Reduce its Hide to #6,or give ita #4 racial nus toi
‘when in forests (the later, the best ft)
P. 166-168, Flying Polyp:
The test describes them as incorporea; add “Uncorporeal)” to
its type entre: Polyps lack the prereguisites for the Whirind
tack feat (p. 156) Individual GMs should dec whether to
ive the prerequisites. or remove the Whiwingd atack fet,
P. 169-170, Ghoul:
‘The “hol” template does not gve2 CR should add +1 tothe
Inase CR of the creature type to which its being adds
P.170-171, Gnoph-Kehz
Damage from thrunringan impaled victim across fen plain is
[1D +-4}s10 falling damage."*310" should be "xD
P.189. Cultist:
None have Weapon Proficiency so ither replace one fat
[Preise Shot] or impose ato atack,
P-194, Sample Ghost:
fe dos not have Weapon Proficiency: so ether replace one fat
[Point Blank Shot] or impose at his yun attack,
Under Ghostly Equipment, “manifestation check should read
“Charisma check” Hancock ca hare non-etberal oppnents
with the materialized gon.
1-196, Sample Loup- Garou:
Initiative: +1 as human (+1 es), +7 in wolf or by form
(+ Dex, improved Initiative). Arora 1 numa fora
(1 Dex) 13 in wo or hybeid form (+3 Dex, #2 natural). She
des nt have Weapon Proficiency, so either replace one eat
aid Sh]. or impose at he weapon tak
98, Sample Greater Mummy:
dis not hae Weapon Prfieny.s either replace one
cr impose 10 he ataks
266, Interview Frank Long:
ong is apparently an Oense Option character (+1
se attack] Sir = #0) He sho have one god
ve (42st on his stat modifiers are nc,
268, The Book of Sound and Light:
ontact Yg-Sorhoth does not appear om pp. 135-136
i og-Sotboth appears om pp 132-133. This pel fc
ions as ether Contact Deity spl
».270,Confrontng Jacobs:
He is «Defense Option characte, o ot Atk should be
3(42has, #1 Stror De). has a Weapon Prien,
o citer replace feat [Point Bank Shot] o impose a
erlty on his pistol attacks. “awareness” should. be
Alerines." Sethe not op.268 about his spl
277,De Thomas Jos
1, Melisa Corbis Dr. Edgar Roth: These tree are Defense
Option characters, Corbi’ Atk shoud be +0 mee (+0 hae,
40Ste) #1 rangad (+0.base, #1 De
.278,Sam Brendel
Uc isan Oflerse Option characte.
9.278279, Charles Pal Robert Nelson:
Dt ae Olfense Option characters Pea's Atk should be +1
sncee (base) or 42 ranged (+1 bas, +1 Dens his Will save
shouldbe +1 Wis). Nelson's A should be +3 melee (+2 base,
41 Str) o¢ #2 ranged (base). The Smith & Wesson Model 25
Revolver does no: appear in the Specific Hears tables (pp. 8-
‘the GM should choose a sed pistol fr any addtional sta
sss needed or use the Generic Handgun (p95 instead,
ERRATAPage 317: Sample Character
“The sample characters page 3
‘None of them list AU (10+ DEX Modifier)
For Satie, saving throws are srong, Damage with knife shold
be IDE. And should mention that if thrown it would be an
attackat 2.
For Claire the ranged attack Should ny be 2. They forgot the
+1 BAB for Otfense Option. The damage forher unarmed strike
should be (D442 They forgot the Martial Artist Feat, Claire
moves 30 feet (normal human speed), not 40 feet as noted.
For Sam, the ranged attack should be 2. The damage fe the
shusel shouldbe 1D6#3, since to use it property because of ts
Large size, you need to wield it t-handed.
And for Krist there ar L3 cass sills instead of 12
age 320: Character Sheet
Te key ability forthe Repair i ited as DEX silt should he
“Hess why the shadow on the frnsted pane esterday had been
tneadless, andl he steamed, As the desk was thrust aside by the
towering naked figure on whose surace still hung rags of the
tied suit, Strutt las thought was an unbelieving conviction
that this was happening because he had read
the Revelations... but bene he could scream out his protest is
heath Was cut ot as the bands descended om his face andthe
‘wet rel mouths opened in their palms”
— Ramsey Campbell Cold Print”
Dos: Desiraction
it Dice: 20812147 (277 bp)
Snitatve:+4 (proved Initiative, +0 Dex)
Speed: 80.
8G: 20420 base, +1 divine, -1 size 40 Dex)
tacks: 2 hand mouths +31 meloe,| groinbite +31 melee
Hand- mouth 2464
3 Qualities Divine qualities, damage resistance 36/4,
33,possess mortal blindsight
Fort 420, Ref +13,Will +
ites: Str 32, Dex 10, Con 25s Ent 2, Wis 26, Cha 30
Balance +24, Climb +35, Cthulhu Mythos #29, Hide
Jump +35, Listen +32, Move Silently +24, Search +20,
432 Sion 435
ise Improved Initiative, Power Atac, Cleave
hatege Rating 19
Aiea None
Advancement: Nove
Savy oss D101 ose gla ata 1D20t
tess tanermationIDIN1DIO we experince poseson
Aha kaon
only through
the ile ise
fame by thse be
fone A char
tstcrpossesied by
Fplonse swells into a
fear ces
by one ze category)
rmunter whose pal
at hh los with 2
Siu laminscece sen
srs, gine oh
toad hath pes in
the pain of each hand ofthe naked figure, 1*3oLor
whereby the avening meter aye
Somes hit mt pers ini grog ad
igand lined with imprabaly Sar eth Te posed ha
‘ctr reversal en he est Od One wide The
‘hein ld ind no ching snips xpi il
Sheds eeytin the vt wears The vat ep on
scnoynes ksdund denchedinbbd-—Y gona na ae
Ygulonac’s true form is said to be a gargantuan headless
gant imprisoned in a vast underground ruin behind a wal of
bricks. Is possible that this is mere myth, and that he has n0
tangible existence outside those budies he possesses. He can
sntifest at any time he likes through one he bas sborned to
his will, Many investigators have been disconcerted to find
maniac or cannibalistic serial Killer they have cornered trans
forming into something even more inhuman and dangerous
Y'gulonae’s mouths are clearly designed to rip Hesh and
rink blood, not exchange niceties. Therefore, he Goes. not
speak, although he stands and receives iwrship i sated with
sicrfice—tha iif he is provided with someone to kill and
mangle ta his heat’ satisfaction,
Yegolomac desites a large cult, but has thus far heer able to
attract one, Those few misguided souls who do worship hima
either learned how to evoke him by reading the Dlaphemeas
Revelations of Glaaki or were inspired by boxrible dreams and
Ygolonac ahvaysatacs foes on sight (or bis worshipers, ifthe
have failed to provide him with a sufficient sacrifice}, never
oLe‘plas masts nt the da
rst Ite. Te ck
Pg. 299 Yog-Sothoth Sanity Loss