Thermal Properties of An Igloo
Thermal Properties of An Igloo
Thermal Properties of An Igloo
Igloos, February 23, 2011.
subject is naked, the skin temperature Th = conditions, the human would be wearing
306.15K (33°C), which is the “comfortable” clothes, so the body surface temperature
skin temperature for a human [5]). εh = the would be lower. We assumed a constant
emissivity of the radiating human (human skin human body temperature, but it is likely that
is almost a perfect emitter, or blackbody, with the temperature would drop as the body loses
an emissivity of εh ≈ 0.98 [6]). Ah = surface heat to the air. We assumed that there would
area of the radiating human (Ah = 2.12m2 for be no heat loss through the ground beneath
an average human of height 1.8m and mass the igloo, but this would not be the case in
90 kg [7]). σ = Stefan’s constant = 5.6703x10-8 reality. Also, there would most likely be other
Wm-2K-4. heat sources within the igloo, such as an oil
Assuming that the system has had time to lamp.
reach a steady state, in which the heat
produced by the human can be equated with Conclusion
the heat conducted by the igloo to the Assuming a steady state system of a single
outside, human’s body heat radiated to the air inside
the igloo and then conducted through the
igloo wall to the cold exterior, this model
predicts that a temperature difference
between inside and outside of ∆T ≈ 49K could
Solving this expression for (Te – Ti) gives: be maintained.
However, this prediction could be made
more accurate by obtaining a model of the
convective circulation flow inside the igloo,
which is beyond the scope of this paper.
Given the values stated above, along with
arbitrary values of R = 2.0m and ∆x = 0.3m: ∆T References
≈ 49K. In a region of Greenland, where igloos [1]
exist, the night temperatures can get as low eam/1813/125/2/Igloo.pdf
as 230.15K (-43˚C) [8]. So, even on the coldest Accessed: 5/2/2011.
nights, this theory predicts that the inside of [2]
the igloo could still be as warm as 279.15K content/EG_Snow.pdf
(6˚C) with just one adult human inside. Accessed: 7/2/2011.
[3]P. Tipler, G. Mosca, Physics for Scientists
Discussion and Engineers (4th Ed.), (W.H. Freeman and
By changing the values for the thickness of Company/Worth Publishers 2007), p.646.
the igloo, ∆x, and its radius, R, the difference [4]
in temperature obtained might be thermal-properties-d_576.html
unrealistically high. This suggests that our Accessed: 7/2/2011.
model requires additional refinement. [5]
Ideally, to determine how warm the air is ntyFarzana.shtml
by the interior wall of the igloo at all positions Accessed: 22/2/2011.
and, hence, fully calculate how much of the [6]
heat radiated by the human would be k/File/thinkthermally/ThinkThermally_2007_
transferred through the igloo wall, a model of Winter.pdf
the convective circulation flow inside the igloo Accessed: 7/2/2011.
is required. This could also lead to [7]Wilson, J. Gonz’ alex-Espada, et al. Physics
determining whether parts of the igloo wall Education 36 (4), 290-292 (2001).
interior would melt due to the warm air [8]
transferring heat to it. eather.php3?s=20240&refer=&units=metric
The human inside the igloo was initially Accessed: 7/2/2011.
assumed to be naked with a body
temperature of 306.15K. In more realistic