Learning Centre Management System

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Project Report


“Learning Centre Management System”

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Computer and Science Engineering

Submitted by:
Ajeet Singh
B.Tech(CSE) 7th sem

University School of Information Technology

GGS Indraprastha University,Delhi-110403

The project work in this report is an outcome of continual work and draws intellectual support
from various sources. Obligations thus incurred in completing the work have been many. It is
therefore almost impossible to express adequately the debts owed to many persons who have
been instrumental in imparting this work a successful status. It is however a matter of great
pleasure to express our gratitude and appreciation to those who have been contributing to bring
about this project.

Finally we would like to thank all students and class mates of ours who helped us in completing
this project.

Institution Management System is a web-based online application developed for the DCM
Centre of Learning that automates the various activities done to manage the several locations.
This application provide easy and systematic way to the users to maintain complete information
about the different location, courses, batches, enquiries, application submission, admission, fee
details, tax detail and generate the various reports dynamically. This project has three types of
users: Administrator, Corporate(C) and Locational (L) type user.

Administrator: The Administrator has all the rights and permission to access functionalities of
the application and responsible to grant / revoke the permission to all other users.

Corporate Level: The user at the corporate level has permissions to access the data of all
defined locations.

Locational Level: The User will be able to access the data related to his respected location only.

Institution Management System application has different functionalities and requirement

specification. All functionalities and specifications are divided into Modules. That makes easy to
use and provide a systematic approach to develop successful web application. IMS has following
five modules.

1. Master Maintenance Module

2. Transaction Module
3. Query
4. Administrator
5. Reports

Table of Contents.

1. Introduction……………………………………………..5
2. Objective………………………………………………..7
3. Project Category………………………………………..8
4. Problem definition………………………………………9
5. System Analysis……………………………………….10
6. Testing Process………………………………………...12
7. Software Requirements Specification…………………13
8. Analysis(DFD & ER Diagrams)……………………….17
9. Process Logic of each module…………………………21
10. Tools platforms used………………………………….24
11. Security Mechanism Implementation…………………25
12. Snapshots……………………………………………...26
13. Output Report of the project…………………………..47
14. Future scope of the project…………………………….48
15. References……………………………………………..49

DCM Data Systems is a Global IT Infrastructure services company with offices in India and
US. Established in the year 1972, DCM is one of the oldest Indian IT companies that has
continuously adapted itself to changing business & technical scenario and has gained immense
knowledge and experience, which it has imbibed into its business processes. This has helped the
company to build a strong organization that is sensitive to changing customer needs. Some of
the renowned Indian IT industry leaders have emerged from the DCM Data Systems family. 
The Indian Operations of the company are headquartered out of the New Delhi while its
clients are spread across the country. The services offered by the company in the India are: 
1 System Integration
2 Customer Support Services
3 systems Management and Administration Services
 The US operations of the company are headquartered out of the Silicon Valley while its
clients are spread across the country. The services offered by the company in the US are: 
1 Systems Administration services (IBM AIX, SP2, HACMP, Linux, MQ Series, SUN
2 Data & Storage Management services (Tivoli suite of products)
3 Database Administration services (DB2 and Oracle)
DCM Data Systems has always put customer satisfaction and service standards before
everything else. The company has been known to go out the way to delight the customer and
provide high levels of services. The commitment to its service standards comes from its
longevity in the industry and its zeal to become the best IT service provider in the market it

In this endeavor we 

1 Guarantee performance
2 Provide immediate availability of spare and skilled personnel’s.
4 Provide 24*7*365 support where needed
5 Online and telephonic -support where needed
 Recognizing the importance of quality to meet client needs, the company has instituted
stringent quality assurance and control measures. The quality systems at DCM match the best
in the world, and contribute significantly to our performance and growth. Changing business
needs, suggestions for improvements and analysis of process performance drive our process

Institution Management System is a web-based online application developed for the DCM
Centre of Learning that automates the various activities done to manage the several locations.

This application provide easy and systematic way to the users to maintain complete information
about the different location, courses, batches, enquiries, application submission, admission, fee
details, tax detail and generate the various reports dynamically. This project has three types of
users: Administrator, Corporate(C) and Locational (L) type user.

Administrator: The Administrator has all the rights and permission to access functionalities of
the application and responsible to grant / revoke the permission to all other users.

Corporate Level: The user at the corporate level has permissions to access the data of all
defined locations.

Locational Level: The User will be able to access the data related to his respected location only.

Insitution Management System application has different functionalities and requirement

specification. All functionalities and specifications are divided into Modules. That makes easy to
use and provide a systematic approach to develop successful web application.


DCM Centre of Learning (DCMCOL) is a learning division of DCM Group, where the
learning process is seen as one that is both challenging and enjoyable. To Manage the
Learning System DCMCOL Require an information system that must achieve the following
1 Only authorized users are able to access the Application.
2 System must have only three types of users, Administrator, Corporate user, Locational
3 System must allow to administrator to define the location, courses, assign course to
particular location, define the batches at multiple location as well as give the rights and
permission to create new user, change password and define the permissions of each user.
4 System must allow to corporate users to access all location data on line.
5 System must allow to Locational users to access the only his/her Respected location data.
6 System must provide all activities on line and support all popular browsers.
7 System must provide easy to understand GUI forms.
8 System must support all popular platforms.
9 System must maintain data of enquiry, registration application, admission, fee, courses,
batches and locations.
10 System must have provision to generate the reports.

Project Category

The IMS Web Application is a best effort to automate the multi-location learning centre. The
IMS satisfy the SRS requirement and fulfill the required functionalities defined by client. IMS
like application must include all the functional are of learning centre as well as institution to
become a complete institution management system.

IMS is a well defined, designed web application which automates various activities of a multi-
location learning centre, from defining location, courses, batches, enquiry, registration,
admission, fee, tax, schedule, attendance entry. This system also generates the various reports
dynamically. To become online institution management system some other functional are must
be included (automate monitorial transactions, library module etc).

Structure for JAVA

JDK 1.6(Contain the Various Development Tools)
JRE 1.6 (Java Run Time Environment Tools)
Structure for MySql

MySql (Contain the database tools)

MySqlDATA (store the data of the database tables)

Microsoft SQL Server is a scalable database system whose primary purpose is to

serve as a back-end database for a client program, such as your Web browser, an Accounting
program, or a human resources application—anything that makes use of the data. In the most
common usage scenario, a client program connects to
SQLServer and requests some information, whereupon SQL Server processes the request and
returns results.

Problem definition/Need for the Project
DCM Centre of Learning needs software that manages centrally all the locations and their
respective courses that are running at the different location of DCMCOL. Software must connect
all locations and data must be stored at the central office of the DCMCOL.

DCMCOL Central office with different locations of learning centre.

System must allow to the uses to access the data online from the central office on their respected
location. System must provide GUI form Login form with user id and password, which should be
assigned by the administrator. System must allow the users to define location, courses, and
batches as per defined permissions by the administrator.

DCMCOL require a software that manage and provide information online, on the request about
the courses, batches and manage the student enquiries, registration application, admission form,
fee details, class schedule, attendance information and must generate the various report for the
different level of users. All the data must be stored at DCMCOL central office.

System Analysis

Feasibility Study
A feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken before the real work of a project
starts to ascertain the likelihood of the project's success. It is an analysis of all possible
solutions to a problem and a recommendation on the best solution to use. It involves
evaluating how the solution will fit into the corporation.
The purpose of a feasibility study is to determine whether or not the purpose of a new
system can be justified.

To solve the defined problem, we have following alternatives:

1 Develop database application.

2 Develop Web Based application.

The first alternate cannot support the web centric application for DCMCOL. So second
alternate best suit or fitted for user requirements.

Feasibility study apply to analyze the LCMS:

A system's feasibility is typically considered from economic, technical and organizational


2.1 Economic Feasibility: LCMS is economically feasible because data stored at central
location at DCMCOL central office. LCMS application is cost/ benefit solution for the
user. Benefits from the candidate system:

1 System will be user friendly

2 There will be no information gap.
3 Saving precious time and resources.
4 Accurate and latest information will help the users for analysis and decision-

The cost in our negligible, as the needed infrastructure already exists. As the benefits
greatly outweigh the minimal cost, the proposed system is economically feasible.

2.2 Technical Feasibility: The technical feasibility centers on the existing system
(hardware, software) and to what extend it can support the candidate system. In case of
LCMS we require such technology that support web based application. Require hardware
is already exist and require software are free of cost that are:

1 Language: JAVA 1.5 SDK, J2EE (JSP, Servlet)
2 Web server: Apache Tomcat 5.5
3 Database server: MySql 5.0
4 Thus, LCMS is technically feasible.

2.3 Schedule Feasibility: The LCMS is totally a new application. There is no such
system already exists in DCMCOL so, it have enough time to development and

2.4 Organizational Feasibility: LCMS no need to change existing infrastructure of

DCMCOL and also have enough support to implement successfully so, LCMS is
organizational feasible.

Why introduce a new system?

There are several reasons to introduce LCMS in DCMCOL to strive up boost their
productivity, efficiency, and ultimate proficiency. Below are a few reasons why LCMS
application is introduce:

1 The current existing system is typically manual. All the data are manage by
2 There is no such web based application exist.
3 The business is expanding, allowing it to cope with extra workload,
4 DCMCOL users are complaining about the speed and quality of work the business
5 Competitors are winning greater market shares due to an effective integration of a
computerized system.

Testing Process


Software Testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the Ultimate
review of specification, design, and coding. The purpose of product testing is to verify and
validate the various work products viz. units, integrated unit, final product to ensure that they
meet their respective requirement

Various tests done are as follows:

 Unit Testing at unit level, conducted by development team, to verify individual

standalone units.

 Integration Tests after two or more product units are integrated, conducted by
development team, to test the interface between the integrated units.

 Functional Tests prior to the release to validation manager, designed and conducted
by the team independent of designers and coders, to ensure the functionality
provided against the customer requirement specifications

 Acceptance Tests prior to the release to validation manager, conducted by the

development team, if any supplied by the customer.

 Validation Tests prior to release to customer, conducted by the validation team to

validate the product against the customer requirement specifications and the user

Software requirements specification
“LCMS web based application ”
1. Introduction:
A software requirement specification is formal document that completely describe the user need
and build a bridge between client, user, analyst and software developers. A SRS define what a
proposed system should achieve.

An SRS is basically an organization's understanding (in writing) of a customer or potential

client's system requirements and dependencies at a particular point in time (usually) prior to any
actual design or development work. It's a two-way insurance policy that assures that both the
client and the organization understand the other's requirements from that perspective at a given
point in time.

The SRS document itself states in precise and explicit language those functions and capabilities a
software system (i.e., a software application, an eCommerce Web site, and so on) must provide,
as well as states any required constraints by which the system must abide. The SRS also
functions as a blueprint for completing a project with as little cost growth as possible. The SRS is
often referred to as the "parent" document because all subsequent project management
documents, such as design specifications, statements of work, software architecture
specifications, testing and validation plans, and documentation plans, are related to it.

It's important to note that an SRS contains functional and nonfunctional requirements only; it
doesn't offer design suggestions, possible solutions to technology or business issues, or any other
information other than what the development team understands the customer's system
requirements to be.

2 Scope
The scope of the document effect the entire life cycle of the IMS, this will guide developers to
towards for the defined solution and work as a check during the development process. This
document will work as bridge between client, users, analyst, development team, and testing

The Scope of the DCMCOL Solution will be in line with the requirements mentioned in the
Customer Requirement Specification document and proposed solution from DCMTech.
DCMCOL Software development & customization would commence with the Requirement
analysis process and would be followed by addition & changes in the Software Design and Code,
Testing and Implementation.

3. Functional Requirements:
The functional requirement specifies all IMS functionality in ranked order. IMS application is
divided into system and subsystems. Functional requirements describe the possible effects of a
software system, in other words, what the system must accomplish.

Organizational Level includes:

An organization level web based application must provide the systematic way to their employees
to access the application remotely. The authorized user gets logged into the application through
the Login Form. The ADMN user is the default super user. He creates and sets the permissions
of the different users. Basically there are two types of users.

1.Coperate Level: The user at the Cooperate level has data access across the locations.

2. Locational Level: The User will be able to access the data related to his/her location only.

A: The IMS Application must provide the easy and convenience way to define the location,
courses, assign a course to particular location, and specify the effective date and batch creation
with batch details. All the data collected at this step will be used by the entire application. So
data must be store in master Tables. This module we refer to as Master Maintenance.

Master Maintenance: This module is related to the creation of various masters. There are
various sub-modules under this module:

1 Location Master: This module facilitates to the administrator to define the new
location with location code, name, address and contact information. The data will store in
location master table and available in entire application.
1. Course Master: This module facilitates the creation of new course code and description
of course in the master.

3 Batch Master: This module facilitates the creation of new batch for the course offered
and set the application fee and course fee in the master. Batch master also define the
batch start date, end date entrance test date, time with the respect of location and course.
The batch code is uniquely defined with the respected location and course all data will
store in the batch_master.

4 Location Course Master: This module facilitates to assign the course to location and
course effective date. This date will used by application to make decision course is active
or not.

5 Holiday Master: This module facilitates to define the holidays the particular
batch. Here user select location, course, batch and the enter the holiday date and

B: The IMS Application must provide the easy and convenience way to maintain the enquiry
data, registration, and admission to course, fee deposit, and attendance entry, schedule and tax
manipulation. So data must be store in transaction Tables and s follow the acid property. This
module we refer to as Transactions Module.

Transactions: The module defined under this head enables the user to do various transactions
and follow the ACID properties. There are various sub-modules under this module:

1 Enquiry: Through this module DCMCOL employees will be able to register the details
of the student and enquiry no will be generated for future reference.

2 Application Form: Through this module DCMCOL employees maintain the applicant
details and an application number will generate corresponding to the location.
Application form contain the student personal details, contact details, education
/qualification and application form fee details.

3 Admission to Course: Through this module, admission is granted to the student who has
registered by submission of application form. The application number will used to get the
student details and store into the admission register. At the admission time student will
specify the PDC plan.

4 Attendance Entry: Through this module, an attendance register is maintained for the
students, with the location code and batch code and data stored in the master.

5 Fee Deposit: Through this module Admission fee/Course fee is deposit with the location
code and student ID.

C: Query: This module helps in querying the relevant details about courses, courses that are
available with location wise, among DCM learning centers etc. There are various sub-modules
under this module:

1 Location wise Courses: This module shows the detail of the courses that are available at
particular location.
2 DCM Learning Centers: Through this screen user can see all DCM learning center.
3 Courses Available: Through this screen user can see all the courses which all available in
the DCM center of Learning.

D: Administrator: Administrator deals with the job of creating user and the user password,
changing password and user permissions to a particular user. There are various sub-modules
under this module:

User Creation: In this sub-module administrator creates new users. While creating new
users it has to be remembered that user name is the employee code of the employee,
which exists in employee master.
2 Password Change: Through this module user can change his/her existing password.

E: Reports: Report assists in viewing the details of the selected student, application recipe etc.
There are various reports under this module:

3 Application Receipt
2 Application Detail
3 Course fee Receipt
4 Admit Card Print

Analysis(DFD and ER diagrams)
Context Diagram (0 level DFD)


IMS & Course


Fee& Tax


Represents External Entity

Represents the Process

Represents the flow of Control/Data

Represents Open Table

1 level DFD for Master Maintenance

Location Master

Location Code


Cause with Location
Location Course detail

Start Date &

End Date
Unique with particular
Course Location
Course Fee &
Application Form
Fee Batch

Holiday date
& description


The following ER-Diagrams are defined for the IMS Web Base Application.

Entities used:
1) Users
2) User_perm
3) App_Master

1) Permissions (1:M)
2) Allowed (M: 1)
Users Permissions User_perm



Relationship between users and user_perm and



Entities used:
1.location_master 2. location_course_master 3.course_master 4. batch_master
5. holiday_master

1) Running course
2) Running Batch
3) Associating course to location
4) Associating holidays

ER-DIAGRAM for Master Maintenance Module

Process Logic of each module

Number of Modules and descriptions

1. Login
Form Name : LOGIN

Description of fields
User Type: This field value can be of maximum and minimum char(1). User can type in
lower or upper case but the system will convert them into upper case letter. This is a
mandatory Field, which does not accept null value.

Login ID: This field value can be of maximum and minimum char(4). User can type in
lower or upper case but the system will convert them into upper case letter. This is a
mandatory Field, which does not accept null value.

Password: This field value can be of minimum of char(1) and maximum of char(14).
This field is case-sensitive and User enter the password and system will convert it into
encrypt format. This is a mandatory Field, which does not accept null value.

Location Code: This field value can be of maximum and minimum char(3). User can
type in lower or upper case but the system will convert them into upper case letter. This
field is activated only for the Locational level .
Procedure / Validation:
Submit Button will check the user’s profile.
Reset Button is used to clear all the fields.

Scope of the program:

Through this user can able to move on to the main screen or user can enter to project

2. Main Page
Form Name : Main page

Purpose: This screen shows the various Major and Minor values(Menus). The major
values are static and they do not have the other link page. All the Minor values are link to
another link page. Such as:
Master Maintenance: This is the major value and it is related to the creation of
various masters(Minor values).

3. Location Master : This links to Location Master page and allow the creation of
new location and also corresponding location code details in the location master.Since the
organization has several branches running in different cities this module provides an ease
to the students to select a location according to their convinience.

4. Course Master : This links to Course Master and allow the creation of new
course code and description of course in the master.The course manster demonstrates the
total no of courses available.

5. Batch Master : This links to Batch Master and allow the creation of new batch
for the courses offered and set the application fee and course fee in the master.

6. Holiday Master: This links will give the description of the holidays for the
location ,course codes and batches.The scheduled days will be dependent on location they
have preferred.

7. Application Form : Through this link user maintain the applicant details and
an application number will generate corresponding to the enquiry form for that particular
student who is interested for given an entrance test.

8. Attendance Entry : Through this link, an attendance register is maintain

for the students, with the location code and batch code.This module will help to
check the regularity of the students .

9. Fee Detail : Through this link we get the detail of Admission fee/Course fee with
the location code and student ID.This module will help the enrolled students to get the fee
receipt of the amont which they paid for their elected course.
10. Courses Detail: Through this screen user can see all the courses which all
available in the SOMAS center of Learning.The student can select from various courses
available at the centre for which his/her seat has been allotted.

11. Administrator: Administrator deals with the job of creating user and the user
password, changing password and user permissions to a particular user. There are various
sub-modules under this module:
User Creation: In this sub-module administrator creates new users. While creating new
users it has to be remembered that user name is the employee code of the employee,
which exists in employee master.
Password Change: Through this module user can change his/her existing password.
Permission Setting: In this module administrator assigns the permission to the users.

Tools Platforms Used








Back End- SQL Server 2000

Security Meachanism Implementation

Various security measures have been taken in the project for maintaining system security.
Security is implemented at both user and admin level. Database security is achieved by means of
access user id and password. Mail server is made secured by means of password to access
domains created in the server. Control panel security is implemented in the form of windows
authentication. That works of the system user accounts. Forms authentication is also used for
admin purposes.


Input -output Screen


Description of fields

User Type: Data-type is char(1). It will take alphabet value. This field value can be of
maximum and minimum char(1). User can type in lower or upper case but the system
will convert them into upper case letter. This is a mandatory Field, which does not accept
null value.

Login ID: Data-type is varchar(4). It will take alphanumeric value. This field value can
be of maximum and minimum char(4). User can type in lower or upper case but the

system will convert them into upper case letter. This is a mandatory Field, which does not
accept null value.

Password: Data-type is varchar(14). It will take alphanumeric value. This field value
can be of minimum of char(1) and maximum of char(14). This field is case-sensitive and
User enter the password and system will convert it into encrypt format. This is a
mandatory Field, which does not accept null value.

Location Code: Data-type is char(3). It will take alphanumeric value. This field value
can be of maximum and minimum char(3). User can type in lower or upper case but the
system will convert them into upper case letter. This field is activated only for the
Locational level user has been chooses in the user type field.

Procedure / Validation:
Submit Button will check the user’s profile.
Reset Button is used to clear all the fields.

Scope of the program:

Through this user can able to move on to the main screen or user can enter to project

Main Page

Purpose: This screen shows the various Major and Minor values(Menus). The major
values are static and they do not have the other link page. All the Minor values are link to
another link page. Such as:

Master Maintenance: This is the major value and it is related to the creation of various
masters(Minor values). There are various Minor values :
Location Master : This links to Location Master page and allow the creation of new
location and also corresponding location code details in the location master.
Course Master : This links to Course Master and allow the creation of new course code
and description of course in the master.
Batch Master : This links to Batch Master and allow the creation of new batch for the
courses offered and set the application fee and course fee in the master.
Location Course Master : This links to Location Course Master and allow to set the
course availability at the particular location.

Transactions: This is the major value and it is enables to store transactions. There are
various Minor values under transactions:
Enquiry : Through this link an enquiry form will be open and user will able to register the
details of the student.
Application Form : Through this link user maintain the applicant details and an
application number will generate corresponding to the enquiry form for that particular
student who is interested for given an entrance test.
Admission to Course : Through this link, admission is granted to the student who clears
in the entrance test and take an admission to the relevant course.
Attendance Entry : Through this link, an attendance register is maintain for the
students, with the location code and batch code.
Fee Deposit : Through this link Admission fee/Course fee is deposit with the location
code and student ID.

Query: This module helps in querying the relevant details about courses, courses that
are available with location-wise, among DCM learning centers etc. There are various sub-
modules under this module:
Location-wise Courses : This module shows the detail of the courses, which are available
at particular location.
DCM Learning Centers : Through this screen user can see all DCM learning center.
Courses Available : Through this screen user can see all the courses which all available in
the DCM center of Learning.

Administrator: Administrator deals with the job of creating user and the user password,
changing password and user permissions to a particular user. There are various sub-
modules under this module:
User Creation: In this sub-module administrator creates new users. While creating new
users it has to be remembered that user name is the employee code of the employee,
which exists in employee master.
Password Change: Through this module user can change his/her existing password.
Permission Setting: In this module administrator assigns the permission to the users.

Reports: Report assists in viewing the details of the selected student, application receipt
etc. There are various reports under this module:
Application Receipt
Course fee Receipt
Application Detail


Location Code : Data-type is char(3). It will take alphanumeric value. This field value
can be of maximum and minimum char(3). User can type in lower or upper case but the
system will convert them into upper case letter. This is a mandatory Field, which does not
accept null value.

Location Name: Data-type is varchar(30). It will take alphabets values only. This field
value can be minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(30). User can type in
lowercase as well as uppercase letter. This is not a mandatory field , it can accept the null

Contact Person : Data-type is varchar(30). It will take alphabets values only. This field
value can be minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(30). User can type in

lowercase as well as uppercase letter. This is not a mandatory field , it can accept the null

Contact Address : Data-type is varchar(50). It will take alphanumeric value. This field
value can be minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(50). User can type in
lowercase as well as uppercase letter. This is not a mandatory field , it can accept the null

City: Data-type is varchar(30). It will take alphabets values only. This field value can be
minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(30). User can type in lowercase as
well as uppercase letter. This is not a mandatory field , it can accept the null value.

State: Data-type is varchar(30). It will take alphabets values only. This field value can be
minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(30). User can type in lowercase as
well as uppercase letter. This is not a mandatory field , it can accept the null value.

Pin: Data-type is varchar(6). It will take numeric values only. This field value can be
minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(6). This is not a mandatory field , it
can accept the null value.

Telephone(Office): Data-type is varchar(12). It will take numeric values only. This field
value can be minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(12. This is not a
mandatory field , it can accept the null value.

Telephone (Res): Data-type is varchar(12). It will take numeric values only. This field
value can be minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(12). This is not a
mandatory field , it can accept the null value.

Mobile: Data-type is varchar(12). It will take numeric values only. This field value can
be minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(12). This is not a mandatory
field , it can accept the null value.

Fax: Data-type is varchar(12). It will take numeric values only. This field value can be
minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(12). This is not a mandatory field ,
it can accept the null value.

E-Mail: Data-type is char(45). It will take alphanumeric value. This field value can be
minimum of zero character and maximum of varchar(12). User can type in lower or
upper case letter. This is not a mandatory field, it can accept the null value.

Procedure / Validation:
Save Button will save the data.
Reset Button is used to clear all the fields

Home Button will go back to home page.

Scope of the program:

Through this screen the we can enter the Location Code, Location name which depends
on the location code, contact address which represents the address of the location ,contact
person details such as E-mail address, telephone no. and fax no. we can only add/save
these information in the database.



Batch Master.jsp

Batch Master Modification.jsp

Holiday Master.jsp

Faculty Master.jsp


Application Form.jsp

Admission to course .jsp

Create User.jsp

Password Change.jsp

Aapplication Receipt.jsp

Application Receipt.jsp

Admit Card Print.jsp

Output report of the project

1. Report on Admission Details:- This report contains the details of students enrolled on
behalf of their batch, location ,course, application, institution etc. The report will contain a
detailed explanation of the students entry such as the percentage of marks obtained by a student,
year of passing, their address, sex, nationality etc.

2. Report on Application:- This report will contain application no, their location code and
further on their identification and the file records . The type of application will also be
maintained as minor or major.

3. Report on Application Receipt:- This report contains the location code , the
application no of the students ,the mode of payment , the amount paid, the total tax deducted , the
date of payment and other details concerned with the receipt .If the amount is being paid by DD
it will contain the date of DD, the issuing bank and its branch,

4. Report on Locations:- This report contains location code , location name and contact
person to whom you have to meet for admission or any of the further enquiry. The email id and
the fax no of the organization is given in this module to contact. This module will not delete or
update the information of location master table. This module only add/insert the new record in
the database.

5. Report on Courses:- This report will contain the total no of available courses at a
particular centre .It will contain a detailed description of the courses available at a particular
centre and total no of seats available for the students to get enrolled over their.

6. Report on Enquiry:- This report will contain a detailed information of the students like
their name, their address, subjects preferred, their login id , their occupation, guardians
information and email id.

7. Report on Faculty:- This report contains a detailed description of the faculties available
at a centre. The type of faculty , their designation , their name and title.

8. Report on Holidays:-This report contains information about the holidays description.

Like total no of off days at a centre .It will also display the description of the holiday. Through
this we can enter the all fields as the enquiry and the data is save to the Location_master,
location_course_master and batch_table. All the fields are not mandatory and they can take null
value. This module will not delete or update the information of Location_master,
location_course_master and batch_table. This module only add/insert the new record in the

9.Report on Location :- This report contains the Location Code, Location name which
depends on the location code, contact address which represents the address of the location.

Future scope of the project

Every System is always developed to fulfill the certain criteria or desired objectives. IMS web
application objective to manage the multi-location learning centre. IMS satisfy all defined
requirements in the SRS. But fact is that, no one application is complete, they still have scope to
improve and as time pass requirement change so reengineering is need. The IMS web based
application also has some limitations.
 Monitorial transactions completely automated.
 provision to submit on line fee.
 System is developed only for DCM users and can also be developed for students.
 library module can be specified.
 administration section can be included.
 System emphasis only location, courses, batches, enquiries, application, admission, fee,
tax, schedule and faculties so it not a complete institution management system, that why
we entitle it as Institution Management System.


The following books and resources were referred to while developing this project:
 Core servlet and JSP by Marty Hall.
 More Servlet and JSP by Morty Hall
 Apache Tomcat 5.5 user Manual
 MySql5 user manual
 www.java2s.com
 JavaScript by Thomas Powell


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