Krok 2 Stomatology: Test Items For Licensing Examination
Krok 2 Stomatology: Test Items For Licensing Examination
Krok 2 Stomatology: Test Items For Licensing Examination
Testing Board
Variant ________________
Krok 2
General Instruction
Every one of these numbered questions or unfinished statements in
this chapter corresponds to answers or statements endings. Choose the
answer (finished statements) that fits best and fill in the circle with the
corresponding Latin letter on the answer sheet.
ББК 54.1я73
УДК 61
Authors of items: Aksonova Ye.A., Amosova L.I., Andrianova I.I., Artiukh V.M., Avdieiev O.V.,
Babenko L.M., Bas O.A., Bedeniuk O.A., Beliaieva L.H., Bielikov O.B., Bik Ya.H., Bilous I.V.,
Bobkova S.A., Bosa L.F., Chernov D.V., Chyhrynets V.N., Chyzhevsky I.V., Denysova O.H.,
Derkach L.Z., Dmytrenko R.R., Dontsova D.O., Dubrovina O.V., Dubrovina-Parus T.A.,
Duda K.M., Eismund A.P., Fastovets O.O., Flis P.S., Furdychko A.I., Haiduk R.V., Hanchev K.S.,
Herasym L.M., Hirchak H.V., Holik V.P., Holovko N.V., Holubieva I.M., Honcharenko V.A.,
Honcharuk L.V., Hordiychuk M.O., Horlenko O.V., Hrad A.O., Hrekuliak V.V., Hrynovets V.S.,
Hubanova O.I., Hurzhiy O.V., Ivanitska O.V., Ivchenko N.A., Kalinichenko Yu.A., Kaskova L.F.,
Katurova H.F., Kharchenko O.I., Kharkov L.V., Kobryn O.P., Kolesnyk V.M., Kolomeichuk B.Ya.,
Konovalov M.F., Kosarieva L.I., Koval O.V., Kovalchuk L.P., Kril A.Y., Krupnyk N.M.,
Kryzhanivska O.O., Kuchyrka L.I., Kutelmakh O.I., Kyrychenko V.M., Kyryliuk L.M.,
Kyryliuk M.I., Larionov I.M., Larionova L.V., Lokes K.P., Lunhu V.I., Lysenko Yu.H.,
Lysiuk S.V., Malakhovska A.O., Marchenko N.V., Mazurina I.O., Mikhalova A.O., Miziuk L.V.,
Moiseitseva L.O., Morozova M.M., Muzychina H.A., Nemish T.Yu., Nesyn O.F.,
Odzhubeiska O.D., Onyshchenko S.I., Orlovsky V.O., Ostafiychuk M.O., Ozhohan Z.R.,
Palis S.Yu., Pantus A.V., Parasochkina V.V., Pasechnyk A.M., Pidlubna L.S., Piuryk V.P.,
Posolenyk L.Ya., Prodanchuk A.I., Prots H.B., Raida A.I., Riaboshapko O.A., Riznyk S.S.,
Romanenko I.H., Rozumenko O.P., Ruzin H.P., Samsonov O.V., Senchenko O.M.,
Shcherbyna I.M., Shmat S.M., Shubladze H.K., Shuvalov S.M., Shuturminsky V.H., Siry O.M.,
Stavytsky S.O., Strelchenia T.M., Svirchkov V.N., Sydorchuk S.H., Sydorenko I.V., Sydorova A.I.,
Sylenko Yu.I., Tereshyna Z.L., Tiuhashkina Ye.H., Tkachenko P.I., Tril S.I., Tsentilo V.H.,
Udod O.O., Valchuk O.H., Yatsenko I.V., Yermakova I.D., Yeroshenko A.V., Yevtushenko L.H.,
Yudina O.O., Zavoiko L.M. and Committees of professional expertise.
Item reviewers. Bezvushko E.V., Bulbyk O.I., Chyzhevsky I.V., Dmytriieva A.A.,
Fastovets O.O., Gerelyuk V.I., Ilenko N.M., Kaskova L.F., Lungu V.I., Muntian L.M.,
Novikov V.M., Ostapko O.I., Smagliuk L.V., Solovey S.I., Tril S.I., Tsentylo V.G., Volynets V.M.,
Volyak M.N.
The book includes test items for use at licensing integrated examination “Krok 2. Stomatology” and
further use in teaching.
The book has been developed for students of stomatological faculties and academic staff of higher
medical educational establishments.
1. A 27-year-old man complains of teeth filled. Gradually the tooth assumed grayish
mobility in his upper and lower jaws. color. Objectively the 11 is filled, discolored,
Objectively: dentition is intact. Central stable, painless on percussion. Deep occlusi-
occlusion is determined. What examinati- on is observed. What part of the clinical
on methods should be applied? presentation contraindicates installation of
an all-porcelain crown?
A. Analysis of diagnostic models of the jaws
B. Gnathodynamometry A. Deep occlusion
C. Masticatiography B. Front teeth defects that cannot be
D. X-ray corrected with fillings
E. Electromyography C. Enamel hypoplasia with tooth deformati-
on and discoloration
2. A 47-year-old man complains of mobility D. Tooth discoloration
of the artificial crown on the 36 tooth, whi- E. Devitalized teeth defects that cannot be
ch was made 2 years ago. Objectively: the corrected with dental inlays
36 tooth is covered with full metal swaged
crown. Crown decementation and dentin 6. A 18-year-old woman needs a denture.
demineralization are observed. What is the Objectively: the 21 tooth is dark gray in
cause of such complication? color, devitalized; orthognathic occlusion is
observed. The tooth is to be covered with
A. The crown is loose at the tooth cervix plastic crown. What plastic should be used
B. The crown edge is embedded into the to make the crown?
gingival pocket
C. There are interdental contacts A. Sinma-M
D. The crown contacts with antagonistic B. Phtorax
teeth C. Protacryl-M
E. Useful life of the crown is exceeded D. Bacryl
E. Etacryl
3. A 48-year-old man complains of itchi-
ng gums. Objectively: the gums are firm; 7. A 58-year-old patient has made an appoi-
cold water causes short-time pain in the ntment to make a denture. Objectively: the
teeth. X-ray imaging shows osteosclerosis 22 tooth is firm and intact. The alveolar crest
of the alveolar septum: close-meshed bone is atrophied; the palate is flat. Removable
structure, the alveolar septum height and denture is to be made. What approach
intactness of the cortical plates is retained. regarding the 22 tooth should be chosen by
What is the most likely diagnosis? a dentist?
A. Initial periodontosis A. To make a telescopic crown
B. Atrophic gingivitis B. To retain the tooth
C. Initial periodontitis C. Removal of tooth pulp
D. Periodontitis, stage I D. Tooth extraction
E. Periodontosis, stage I E. To make a stump crown
4. A 60-year-old man complains of stabbi- 8. A patient needs his 26 tooth extracted.
ng pain near the root of the tongue on the After application of tuberal anaesthesia
right, which develops during eating, especi- he developed general fatigue, nausea, and,
ally sour food. Objectively: there is a swelli- later, severe itching and skin rashes. What
ng in the right submandibular area. On complication occurred in the patient?
palpation the submandibular gland is dense
and enlarged. Excretory duct orifice of the A. Urticaria
right submandibular gland is dilated and B. Anaphylactic shock
produces mucopurulent secretion. What is C. Collapse
the most likely diagnosis? D. Quincke’s edema
E. Unconsciousness
A. Sialolithiasis of the submandibular gland
B. Calculous sialadenitis of the sublingual 9. For a 24-year-old woman a Richmond
gland crown is being made to restore the crown
C. Acute suppurative lymphadenitis of the central maxillar incisor. The cap is
D. Acute sialodochitis completed. What is the next step?
E. Adenophlegmon of the right submandi-
bular area
5. A 19-year-old woman, an actress, complai-
ns of discoloration of her left maxillary
central incisor. One year ago the pulp of
this tooth was removed and the tooth was
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 2
A. To fit the cap on the tooth stump and fever up to 38, 6o C . Objectively: there is a
place the post in the root canal soft tissue edema in the right parotid regi-
B. To solder the post with the cap on, the skin is slightly strained, without di-
C. To fit the cap and the post to the tooth scoloration. There is a dense painful infi-
root ltration 2,5x3,5 cm large, the skin over it
D. To make the combination dental crown exhibits limited mobility. The mouth can be
E. To fixate the tooth with cement fully opened, the mucous membrane around
the orifice of the salivary duct is unchanged,
10. A 25-year-old patient complains of saliva is transparent. What is the most likely
profuse gingival hemorrhages, pain in the diagnosis?
oral cavity, weakness, fatigue, fever up
to 38o C . These presentations appeared a A. Acute lymphadenitis
week ago. Objectively: the patient is pale, B. Exacerbation of chronic parotitis
adynamic. Examination of the oral mucosa C. Abscess of the parotid-masseteric region
reveals multiple hemorrhages, friable gums, D. Acute non-epidemic parotitis
necrotic areas on the tops of gingival papi- E. Epidemic parotitis
llae, as well as enlarged, soft, painless lymph
nodes. The oral mucosal lesion can be a 14. A 33-year-old woman has been admi-
symptom of the following disease: tted to the dentofacial department with
complaints of pain and edema in the right
A. Acute leukemia submandibular region, body temperature
B. Chronic leukemia rise up to 39, 5o C . Objectively: the patient
C. Vincent’s stomatitis has asymmetric face because of soft tissue
D. Hypovitaminosis C edema of the right submandibular region,
E. Intoxication with heavy metal salts palpation reveals a dense infiltration, the
skin over it is hyperemic, cannot make a
11. A 67-year-old patient complains of fold. The 46 tooth has a deep carious cavity.
recurrent erosion on the red border of What is the most likely diagnosis?
the lower lip. Objectively: the erosion is
oval in shape, 0,8х1,3 sm in size, covered A. Submandibular phlegmon on the right
in thin scabs that reveal glossy surface B. Acute submandibular sialadenitis
with punctate bleeding, when removed. C. Acute suppurative periostitis of the
There are atrophic areas of the red border mandible
detected. Infiltration elements are absent. D. Acute suppurative submandibular
The submandibular lymph nodes are not lymphadenitis
enlarged. What is the provisional diagnosis? E. Acute right-sided osteomyelitis of the
A. Manganotti’s abrasive precancerous chei-
litis 15. Having recovered from acute respiratory
B. Leukoplakia, erosive ulcerative form disease, a patient has made an appointment
C. Keratoacanthosis with a dentist. The patient complains of
D. Bowen’s disease pain in the gums, foul breath, inability to
E. Cheilitis glandularis take food, general weakness. Objectively:
the gums are hyperemic, swollen, covered
12. A 53-year-old patient complains of pain with necrotic dirty-gray coating; the gums
and clicking in the left temporomandibular bleed when the coating is removed. Microbi-
joint. Objectively: the face is symmetrical, ological study of tissues revealed a great
palpation of the lateral pterygoid muscles is number of cocci, bacilli, fusobacteria, and
painful on the left side. Mouth opening is spirochaete. Specify the drug for etiotropic
reduced. Tomography shows the bone outli- treatment:
ne of joint surfaces to be smooth. Which di-
sease of those listed below corresponds with A. Metronidazole
this clinical presentation? B. Galascorbinum
C. Potassium permanganate
A. Temporomandibular joint disfunction D. Tripsin
B. Rheumatic arthritis E. Carotolinum (Betacarotene)
C. Deforming arthrosis
D. Acute posttraumatic arthritis 16. A 35-year-old patient complains of itch,
E. Joint ankylosis burning and edema of lips. These presentati-
ons occured a week ago. Objectively: there is
13. A 22-year-old patient complains of a pai- reddening of the red border and skin, especi-
nful swelling in the right parotid gland. A ally in the area of the mouth corners, there
week earlier the patient received a cheek are also vesicles, scabs, small cracks against
abrasion that healed under the purulent the background of erythematous affection
crust. Over the past two days the patient of the red border. What is the most likely
had been observing progressing pain and diagnosis?
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 3
A. Deep overbite
A. Acute eczematous cheilitis B. Open bite
B. Multiform exudative erythema C. False prognathism
C. Acute herpetic cheilitis D. True prognathism
D. Allergic contact cheilitis E. Cross bite
E. Exudative form of exfoliative cheilitis
21. A 43-year-old woman complains of
17. A 47-year-old patient presents with mobility and displacement of her upper
rounded bone protrusions 0,7-0,8 cm in si- front teeth. Objectively: dental formula is
ze on the inner surface of the edentulous 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
mandible in the premolar area. The denture 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 .
for this patient should have: Teeth 12 11 21 22 are slanted towards
the vestibular side, diastema and tremata
A. Elastic liner are observed, I-II degree teeth mobility is
B. Kemeny clasps detected. Select the orthodontic appliance
C. Metal base for correction of teeth misalignment as a
D. Orifices for the exostoses part of complex treatment of periodontal di-
E. Dentogingival clasps sease:
18. A 78-year-old patient is completely A. Palatal plate with vestibular arch
edentulous. He has been wearing dentures B. Bynin appliance
for 19 years. The patient complains of poor C. Schwartz appliance
fixation of the upper denture. Objectively: D. Katz crown
the lower third of face is shortened, the E. Palatal plate with inclined plane
alveolar processes of both jaws are markedly
atrophied, the palate is flat. Mucous 22. A 44-year-old patient consulted a dental
membrane in the denture-supporting area surgeon about constant acute pain in the
is atrophied. How often should the dentures upper jaw region on the left that aggravates
be remodelled or restored? during teeth joining. The pain appeared 3
days ago. Objectively: the face is symmetric,
A. Every 3-4 years mouth opening is not limited. The crown
B. Every 6 months of the 26 tooth is half-decayed. Probing
C. Once a year of the carious cavity is painless. Percussi-
D. Every 7 years on of the 26 tooth provokes acute pain.
E. Every 10-12 years Mucous membrane of the alveolar process
19. A 12-year-old boy complains of pai- is edematic, hyperemic at the level of the 26
nful and bleeding gums on his upper jaw. tooth. The 26 tooth had been treated before.
Objectively the gingival margin in the area What is your provisional diagnosis?
of the 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23 teeth is swollen, A. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of
hyperemic, deformed due to overgrowths. the 26 tooth
Gingival papilla cover the crowns by 1/3 of B. Acute suppurative periodontitis of the 26
their height, bleed on touch. Upper front tooth
teeth are overcrowded. X-ray shows no C. Acute pulpitis of the 26 tooth
pathological changes of the periodontium. D. Acute suppurative periostitis of the left
What drugs should be administered for topi- upper jaw extending from the 26 tooth
cal treatment in the first place? E. Periodontitis of the 26, 27, and 28 teeth
A. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs 23. When a prosthodontist was preparing
B. Sclerosants the patient’s tooth, the patient had epileptic
C. Steroidal antiinflammatory drugs seizure that was subsequently terminated.
D. Keratoplastic agents What mistake had been made by the doctor?
E. Cytostatic agents
A. No inquire into the patient anamnesis
20. A girl is 8 years old. She complains B. No inquire into the antecedent anamnesis
of impaired mastication. Objectively: on C. No anaesthesia
examination of the oral cavity the cutting D. Crude preparation
edges of her lower incisors touch the palati- E. Did not decline the appointment
ne mucosa in the frontal area; the upper
frontal teeth overlap with the lower ones 24. Parents of a 3-year-old child report that
by full height of their crowns. On the lower the child suffers from constant pain in the
jaw the occlusal curve of the front teeth is upper front teeth. Objectively: the coronal
markedly concave. Make the provisional di- part of the 61 tooth is gray and decayed.
agnosis: Probing of the root canal orifice is painful
and accompanied by bleeding. The tooth
percussion provokes acute pain. Mucosa is
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 4
hyperemic, edematic and painful. Palpation cles and erosions covered in grayish fibri-
in the region of the 61 and 62 teeth reveals a nous coating on the hyperemic and swollen
fistula. What is your provisional diagnosis? labial and buccal mucosa. Nikolsky’s sign is
negative. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
B. Acute suppurative periodontitis A. Erythema multiforme
C. Acute diffuse pulpitis B. Pemphigus vulgaris
D. Chronic granulating periodontitis C. Acute herpetic stomatitis
E. Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis D. Nonacantholytic pemphigus
E. Dermatitis herpetiformis (Duhring’s
25. A 30-year-old patient complains of disease)
a toothache caused by hot and cold sti-
muli. The pain irradiates to the ear and 29. A 56-year-old man complains of
temple. Previously this tooth presented with enlarged lower lip, pain induced by hot,
spontaneous nocturnal toothache. Objecti- sour, salty, and bitter foods, and lips glui-
vely: on the occlusal surface of the 37 tooth ng together in the morning. The lower lip
there is a deep carious cavity communicating has been gradually enlarging and developi-
at one point with the tooth cavity. Probing ng lumps his whole life. On examination:
at the communication point, as well as cold the lower lip is enlarged. The middle thi-
stimulus, causes acute pain. The pain persi- rd of the Klein’s zone presents with several
sts for a long time. Electric pulp test result small red dots with openings that discharge
is 5 microamperes. What is the most likely clear drops. The red border is dry and peeli-
diagnosis? ng, there are fissures and erosions. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
A. Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
B. Acute diffuse pulpitis A. Cheilitis glandularis
C. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis B. Cheilitis exfoliativa
D. Chronic concrementous pulpitis C. Cheilitis actinica
E. Acute suppurative pulpitis D. Allergic contact cheilitis
E. Atopic cheilitis
26. A 52-year-old woman complains of peri-
odical appearance of a gingival fistula in the 30. A 57-year-old retired man complains
area of the 15 tooth. The tooth had been of attacks of burning pain and rashes on
treated 1,5 years ago for caries. Objecti- the skin of his face and oral mucosa on
vely: the 15 tooth is filled. In the root apex the right. Anamnesis: a course of radiati-
projection there is a fistula; purulent exudate on therapy for treatment of the gastric di-
discharges on pressure. Tooth percussion is sease, past case of chickenpox. Objecti-
painless. On X-ray: the root canal is not fi- vely: along the third branch of the trigemi-
lled, there is a destruction focus with blurred nal nerve the skin of the face presents wi-
margins near the root. Make the diagnosis: th isolated erosions covered in fibrinous
coating. There are multiple vesicles on the
A. Chronic granulating periodontitis hyperemic and swollen oral mucosa. Right-
B. Exacerbation of chronic granulating sided lymphadenitis is observed. What di-
periodontitis agnosis is the most likely?
C. Chronic fibrous periodontitis
D. Periapical cyst A. Herpes zoster
E. Chronic granulomatous periodontitis B. Neuralgia
C. Murrain
27. A man was diagnosed with hard palate D. Acute recurrent herpes
abscess. What approach should be chosen E. Neuritis
for abscess dissection?
31. A 42-year-old woman complains of acute
A. Triangular dissection of the hard palate pain in her lower jaw, teeth mobility, high
area fever. The condition persists for 2 days. On
B. Linear dissection parallel to the hard clinical examination a doctor diagnosed her
palate raphe with acute mandibular osteomyelitis. What
C. Linear dissection perpendicular to the tactics regarding the mobile teeth should the
hard palate raphe doctor choose?
D. Pus aspiration with a syringe
E. Abscess puncture
28. A 32-year-old patient presents with
body temperature of 38, 9o C , general fati-
gue, impaired speech, inability to eat. This
condition has been recurring for the last 4
years in autumn and spring. There are vesi-
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 5
with brief bouts of pain in the night, whi- The rest of her teeth present with the I-II
ch over time increased in duration. Objecti- degree of mobility. Generalized periodonti-
vely: there is a large carious cavity in the tis is observed. What denture construction
24 tooth, which opens to the dental cavity, would be optimal in this case?
deep probing is painful. Electric pulp test
is 80 microamperes. What is the most likely A. Removable dental splint
diagnosis? B. Clasp-retained (bugel) removable partial
A. Chronic gangrenous pulpitis C. Removable laminar denture
B. Chronic concrementous pulpitis D. Fixed dental bridge
C. Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis E. Metal-based denture
D. Acute suppurative pulpitis
E. Chronic fibrous pulpitis 44. A 55-year-old patient requires a denture.
Objectively: Kennedy’s I class dentition
40. A 14-year-old girl complains of bleedi- defect; the 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, and 28 teeth
ng gums and foul smell from her mouth. are missing. The patient presents with fi-
Objectively: gingival mucosa is hyperemic, xed occlusion. The 15 and 25 teeth have
pastose, hemorrhaging. Schiller-Pisarev test low crowns with poor anatomic contours,
is positive. Papillary marginal alveolar index intact. Clasp-retained (bugel) removable
is 70%. Fedorov-Volodkina Hygiene Index partial denture is being made for the pati-
equals 3. X-ray of the frontal area of jaws ent. What fixation system would be optimal
demonstrates retained cortical plate. Make in this case?
the diagnosis:
A. Telescopic fixation
A. Chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis B. Attachments
B. Chronic generalized periodontitis C. Roach clasp (clammer)
C. Acute generalized catarrhal gingivitis D. Aker-Roach combined clasp (clammer)
D. Chronic generalized hypertrophic gingivi- E. Continuous clasp (clammer)
E. Exacerbation of chronic generalized 45. A patient needs a clasp-retained (bugel)
periodontitis removable partial denture. It is planned
to study the jaw model by means of a
41. A 40-year-old man had his root canal parallelometer in order to determine the
of the 34 tooth filled due to chronic fi- required depth of the undercuts on the
brous periodontitis. Soon the treated place abutment teeth. Specify the length of the
became painful. On X-ray the root canal of measuring rods used for this purpose:
the 34 tooth is filled to the root apex. What
tactics should the dentist choose to manage A. 0,25 0,50 0,75
the pain? B. 0,15 0,40 0,65
C. 0,20 0,45 0,70
A. To prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures D. 0,30 0,55 0,80
B. To rinse with antiseptic mouthwash E. 0,35 0,60 0,85
C. To make insicion along the mucogingival
fold 46. In a prostodontic clinic a partial lami-
D. To provide conduction anesthesia nar denture for the upper jaw is being made
E. To provide infiltration anesthesia for a 53-year-old patient. Objectively: dental
formula is 14, 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27.
42. A 38-year-old patient with chronic The teeth are firm, clinical crowns are tall
generalized periodontitis has been referred with pronounced equator. X-ray shows no
for orthopedic treatment. Objectively: periapical changes in the periodontium of
dentitions are without gaps, the 12, 11, 21, the abutment teeth. What clasp fixation is
and 22 teeth are pulpless and exhibit I grade optimal for this patient?
mobility. The other teeth are firm. What
is the most aesthetic dental splint for the A. Planar
anterior teeth? B. Sagittal
C. Diagonal
A. Mamlok’s splint D. Transversal
B. Ring splint E. Point
C. Soldered combined crowns
D. Cap splint 47. A 20-year-old man complains of missi-
E. Mouthguard ng tooth on the upper right jaw, aesthetic
defect. Objectively: the 12 tooth is absent,
43. The 40-year-old woman complains of adjacent teeth are intact, firm, with disti-
inability to properly masticate due to the nct anatomical shape and tall crowns. Direct
loss of the following lateral teeth: 18, 16, occlusion is observed. During the interview
15, 25, 26, 28, 38, 35, 36, 44-46, and 48. the patient was found out to have congeni-
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 7
tal heart disease. What denture construction region. The poorly circumscribed, painful
would be optimal in this case? formation infiltrates the surrounding tissues.
At the right side of neck in front and behi-
A. Adgesive dental bridge nd the sternocleidomastoid muscle there are
B. Plastic dental bridge enlarged, dense, mobile lymph nodes. The
C. Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental bridge right naso-buccal groove is flattened, the
with 14 and 13 abutment teeth corner of the mouth is downturned. The
D. Plastic-fused-to-metal dental bridge mouth opens freely. The are pronounced
E. Swaged-soldered dental bridge symptoms of the right facial nerve paresis.
What disease can be suspected?
48. The 15 tooth must be extracted. The
tooth crown is retained. What instrument A. Adenocarcinoma of the parotid salivary
should be used in this case? gland
B. Chronic parotitis
A. Forceps with S-shaped handles C. Actinomycosis of the parotid-masseteric
B. Straight forceps region
C. Bayonet forceps D. Chronic lymphadenitis
D. Left-sided forceps with S-shaped handles E. Pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid
E. Right-sided forceps with S-shaped handles gland
49. A 7-year-old child complains of pain and 52. A 57-year-old woman came to a denti-
swelling in the left submandibular region. st for extraction of the 34 tooth due to
The swelling in this region developed 2 days exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. What
ago. Objectively: the child is in a satisfactory instrument would be optimal for tooth
condition, body temperature is of 37, 3o C . extraction in the given case?
Face is asymmetrical due to the soft tissue
swelling in the left submandibular region. A. Beak-shaped non-crushing forceps
Palpation reveals a round formation 2x2 cm B. Beak-shaped crushing forceps
in size. The formation is mobile, painful, C. Beak-shaped curved forceps
unattached to the skin. The 74 tooth is di- D. Straight elevator
scolored, percussion is painful. What is the E. Curved elevators
provisional diagnosis?
53. A 35-year-old patient has been di-
A. Acute serous odontogenic lymphadenitis agnosed with chronic median caries of the
of the left submandibular region 36 tooth. There is a Black’s class II cavity
B. Acute serous nonodontogenic affecting masticatory surface. What material
lymphadenitis of the left submandibular should be chosen for the tooth filling?
C. Acute suppurative odontogenic A. Light-cure microhybrid composite
lymphadenitis of the left submandibular B. Glass ionomer cement
region C. Silicophosphate cement
D. Phlegmonous adenitis of the right D. Light-cure fluid composite
submandibular region E. Light-cure microfilled composite
E. Lateral cervical cyst
54. A cast clasp-retained (bugel) removable
50. A 32-year-old woman complains of partial denture is being made for a 58-year-
tumor-like growth in the mucosa of her left old patient. Impressions are made, centric
cheek. Locally: buccal mucosa is of normal jaw relation is determined, plaster casts are
color. In the distal area there is a rounded obtained. What is the next stage?
elongated growth, soft and elastic, attached
to a pedicle sized 0,5х1,5 cm. Make the A. Examination of the working model with a
provisional diagnosis: parallelometer
B. Transfer of denture frame pattern to the
A. Papilloma working model
B. Lipoma C. Wax modelling of the denture frame
C. Hemangioma D. Duplication of the working model
D. Pleomorphic adenoma E. Marking the border seal
E. Fibroma
55. A 13-year-old boy complains of general
51. A 52-year-old patient complains of pain weakness, high body temperature up to
and swelling in the right parotid region. 39o C , lack of appetite, constant pain in the
These manifestations have been present body of the lower jaw. Objectively: observed
for about 2 years. Over the last month the is significant asymmetry of the face caused
swelling has enlarged, pain has intensifi- by soft tissues swelling in the left buccal
ed. Objectively: the face is asymmetric due and submandibular areas. Mouth opening
to the dense infiltrate in the right parotid is reduced. Intraoral examination revealed
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 8
the following: the 34, 35, 36, and 37 teeth Cytological analysis revealed keratinizing
are mobile; teeth percussion is painful. epithelial cells. What is the most likely di-
The crown of the 36 tooth is completely agnosis?
destroyed. The mucosa of those teeth is
hyperemic and painful when palpated. Muff- A. Leukoplakia, erosive form
like enlargement of the lower jaw alveolar B. Lichen ruber planus, erosive form
process is detected. What is the most likely C. Erythema multiforme
diagnosis? D. Secondary syphilis
E. Lupus erythematosus, erosive form
A. Acute mandibular odontogenic
osteomyelitis 60. A 28-year-old man complains of pain in
B. Acute mandibular hematogenous the infraorbital and parotid region on the
osteomyelitis left. On examination: hemorrhage occurs in
C. Acute mandibular odontogenic suppurati- the lower eyelid and conjunctiva of the left
ve periostitis eye, there are signs of crepitation and step
D. Ewing’s sarcoma deformity of the eyesocket lower edge. The
E. Abscess of the right submandibular area mouth opens by 1 cm. Make the diagnosis:
56. What denture constructions should be A. Zygomatic bone fracture
chosen in the cases of multiple adentia duri- B. Malar arch fracture
ng the initial period of occlusion change? C. Left articular process fracture
D. Traumatic arthritis of the temporomandi-
A. Removable partial denture bular joint
B. Dental bridge E. Hematoma of the infraorbital region
C. Clasp-retained (bugel) removable partial
denture 61. A child is 8 years old. There are complai-
D. No denture is necessary nts of congested upper incisors. Objectively:
E. Removable complete denture the first molars closure is of Angle’s I class,
frontal overbite is orthognathic. The 12 and
57. On objective examination a 59-year-old 22 teeth erupt palatinally with space defici-
man with the edentulous mandible presents ency of 2/3 of the tooth crown. The 11 and 21
with bone protrusions and mobile areas of teeth are 10 mm each in cross-section. The
the alveolar crest. To ensure proper fixation child has inherited father’s facial type with
of the denture and even load distribution prognathism and macrodontia of the central
the following functional impression should incisors. Choose the preventive treatment,
be made: considering this hereditary pathology:
A. Differentiated A. Hotz serial extraction to reduce the dental
B. Complete anatomical arch
C. Compression B. Jaw expansion to provide the space for the
D. Decompression 12 and 21 teeth
E. Combined C. Massage of the 12 and 21 teeth area to
stimulate their eruption
58. A 49-year-old woman complains of D. Extraction of the 12 and 21 teeth to reduce
cosmetic defect of the 11, 21, and 22 teeth, the dental arch
which developed over a year ago. Objecti- E. Filing down of the 11 and 21 approximal
vely: on the vestibular surface at the equator surfaces to provide the space for the 12 and
of the 11, 21, and 22 teeth there are shallow 22 teeth
cup-shaped enamel defects that are dense on
probing. Cold water induces no pain. Make 62. A 65-year-old woman complains of a
the provisional diagnosis: neoplasm in the area of the nasolabial fold
on the left, which appeared one month ago.
A. Enamel erosion Objectively: there is a gray neoplasm on
B. Cuneiform defect the skin of the nasolabial fold on the left,
C. Superficial caries markedly keratotic, 3,0х0,5х0,3 cm in si-
D. Hypoplasia ze. Neoplastic base is painless, dense, and
E. Fluorosis elastic. What is the most likely pathology
that results in such clinical presentation?
59. A 47-year-old patient complains of a
burning sensation and pain in the mouth. A. Cutaneous horn of the left nasolabial fold
Objectively: on the mucous membrane of B. Common wart of the left nasolabial fold
cheeks along the line of teeth contact and in C. Senile keratosis of the left nasolabial fold
the corners of the mouth there are multi- D. Keratoacanthoma of the left nasolabial
ple polygonal bright red erosions 1,0-1,5 fold
cm in diameter located on the hyperkerati- E. Lupus
nized plaque and opaque whitish mucosa.
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 9
A. Chronic labial fissure st. There are complaints of their child havi-
B. Tappeiner’s leukoplakia ng traumas of oral mucosa. Objectively:
C. Erosive-ulcerative leukoplakia decreased height of the lower face, everted
D. Lichen ruber planus, erosive-ulcerative lower lip, deep labiomental furrow, milk
form occlusion. The upper incisors fully cover the
E. Meteorological cheilitis lower ones; cutting surface of the lower inci-
sors make contact with the anterior third of
71. A 30-year-old patient needs to have his the palate. Mesiodistal ratio of the canines
26 tooth extracted because of exacerbati- and the first permanent molars is normal.
on of chronic periodontitis. Objectively: the Grouping of the upper and lower front teeth
crown of the 26 tooth is decayed by 1/3. is dissimilar. Make the diagnosis according
What forceps can be used for this tooth to the Kalvelis classification:
A. Deep traumatic overbite
A. S-shaped forceps with a projecting tip on B. Deep incisor overbite
the left beak C. Deep neutral occlusion
B. S-shaped forceps with a projecting tip on D. Deep prognatic (roof-shaped) occlusion
the right beak E. -
C. Straight forceps
D. Straight elevator 76. A 46-year-old patient complains of
E. S-shaped forceps without projecting tips mastication disorder caused by the lack of
the 34, 35, and 36 teeth. The antecedent
72. A 62-year-old patient came to a dental anamnesis is as follows: the teeth were
clinic with complaints of facial swelling, pain extracted 3 months ago due to complication
in the lower left jaw, and numb lower lip. On of cariosity. The patient anamnesis: the hi-
clinical examination he was diagnosed with story of tonsillitis, rheumatoid arthritis and
fracture of the body of mandible on the left, Botkin’s disease. After the appointment wi-
edentulous jaws, microstomia. Choose the th this patient the instruments should be
optimal construction: sterilized in the following way:
A. Limberg’s dental splint A. Specialized procedure
B. Weber’s dental splint B. Dry-heat sterilizer
C. Guning-Port’s dental splint C. Processing with lysol
D. Elbrecht’s dental splint D. Processing with 0,1% chloramine solution
E. Vankevych dental splint E. General procedure
73. Prior to dental treatment a 13-year-old 77. Preventive examination of a 5-year-old
patient had been administered anaesthesia. child revealed a habit of lower lip biting.
The patient complained of itching, tingli- What malocclusion may develop if the child
ng skin of the face, vertigo, nausea, labored keeps this habit?
respiration, spontaneous vision impairment.
Objectively: pale face, swollen eyelids and A. Anterior bite
red border, dilated pupils, thready pulse, B. Prognathic bite
and rapid labored respiration with crackles. C. Open bite
Make the diagnosis: D. Deep overbite
E. Cross-bite
A. Anaphylactic shock
B. Syncope 78. A 7-year-old child has protruding chin,
C. Collapse the lower lip overlaps the upper one. There
D. Epileptic attack are diastema and tremata between the lower
E. Quincke’s edema incisors, the lower incisors overlap the upper
incisors by 2/3 of the crown height. Fi-
74. A 48-year-old patient came to a denti- rst permanent molars demonstrate Angle’s
st after the maxillectomy on one side class III relation. Sagittal gap is 3 mm. The
conducted 3 days ago. Remaining teeth are correct treatment tactics would be to:
firm. Treatment plan foresees making an
Oxman’s denture for the patient. What part A. Use Bruckl’s appliance
of the denture should be produced first? B. Recommend a complex of myogymnastic
A. Fixating C. Use Angle’s slider appliance
B. Obturating D. Use Bynin’s appliance
C. Resection E. Use Schwartz’s appliance
D. Forming
E. Substituting 79. A 62-year-old man had been wearing
a full removable upper jaw denture. He
75. Parents of an 8-year-old child have complains of inability to use this denture
made and appointment with an orthodonti-
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 11
due to constant burning sensation in the occlusion. X-ray shows a median mandi-
hard palate and dryness of the oral cavi- bular fracture. What dental splint would be
ty. Objectively: on the hard palate under optimal?
the denture base there are an edema
and marked hyperemia. What means of A. Flat occlusal splint
prevention would be optimal in the given B. Soldered splint on rings
case? C. Cap splint
D. Weber’s splint
A. Shielding of denture base E. Plastic mouthguard
B. Strict adherence to polymerization
procedure 83. The department of dentofacial surgery
C. Careful selection of impression paste admitted a patient who needs repair of a
D. Determination of risk group during post-traumatic nose wing defect up to 3,0 cm
examination in diameter. The trauma occured six months
E. Strict indications for the choice of material ago. What kind of grafting is indicated in this
clinical situation?
80. A 42-year-old woman has made
an appointment with a prosthodontic A. Grafting with chondrocutaneous flap of
office to make a denture. Objecti- the auricle
vely: dental formula is as follows: B. Grafting with local tissues of nasolabial or
18 . . . . 13 12 11 21 22 23 . . . . 28 cheek regions
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 . C. Grafting with pedicle flap of frontal and
The patient has deep occlusion; clinical buccal regions
crowns are low; equator is not pronounced. D. Grafting with tubed pedicle flap (Filatov’s
The patient suffers from epileptic seizures. flap)
What kind of denture should be prescribed E. Free grafting with dermal flap
for this patient?
84. A 25-year-old woman consulted a denti-
A. Removable partial laminar metal-based st about acute pain in her upper jaw on the
denture left. The pain occurs during eating. Objecti-
B. Dental bridge vely: on the distal approximal surface of the
C. Removable partial laminar plastic denture 26 tooth there is a cavity filled with light
with retainers (clammers) soft dentin. Probing causes slight pain along
D. Removable partial laminar denture with the dentin-enamel junction, percussion is
supporting-retaining clasps (clammers) painless. Cold water causes quickly abati-
E. Clasp-retained (bugel) removable partial ng pain. What is the most likely diagnosis?
denture A. Acute median caries
81. A 27-year-old woman complains of pai- B. Chronic median caries
nful and bleeding gums, with the signs C. Acute deep caries
aggravating during eating, and indisposition. D. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
One week ago she had a case of URTI. Wi- E. Chronic deep caries
thin the last 5 years she periodicaly presents 85. A 27-year-old woman complains of
with gingival hemorrhages. Objectively: the recurrent loss of a tooth filling in the lower
gums are bright red, markedly swollen; gi- right jaw. Objectively: in the 46 tooth on
ngival papillae are friable, bleed on the sli- the masticatory approximal surface there is
ghtest touch. There is moderate accumulati- a defect of hard tooth tissues affecting 1/3
on of dental calculus, large amount of of the tooth crown, no tooth discoloration;
soft dental deposit. Submaxillary lymph positive, quickly abating reaction to cold sti-
nodes are enlarged, painful on palpation. mulus is observed. What denture constructi-
On X-ray: osteoporosis of alveolar septa is on would be optimal in this case?
observed. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Dental inlay
A. Exacerbation of chronic catarrhal gingivi- B. Combined crown
tis C. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crown
B. Exacerbation of initial generalized peri- D. Plastic crown
odontitis E. Partial crown
C. Hypertrophic gingivitis, edematous form
D. Hypertrophic gingivitis, fibrous form 86. A 10,5-year-old child complains of pai-
E. Acute catarrhal gingivitis nful rash on his lips. Objectively: the red
border of the lips is swollen, hyperemic,
82. A 30-year-old man complains of pain in covered in fissures and numerous scabs of
his front lower teeth, which he attributes dried blood. The skin of the upper lip has
to a trauma to the mental region. Objecti- small blisters containing serous substance,
vely: continuous dentition, orthognathic which merge with each other in some places.
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 12
A. Oxman’s fixed dental bridge lls, fatigue, fever up to 38o C , muscle pain,
B. Tigerstedt’s flat occlusal splint sensations of dryness, burning, and pain in
C. Weber’s dental splint the oral cavity, excessive salivation, vesicles
D. Entin’s stiff head-chin strap in the interdigital folds, on the lips, oral and
E. Tigerstedt’s wire anchor splint nasal mucosa. On examination of the oral
cavity there were detected painful bright red
95. A 30-year-old patient complains of pain erosions with polycyclic contours against the
and swelling in the area of the left parotid background of inflammation. The following
salivary gland, which occurred 7 days after was observed: scabs on the lips, enlarged
he had undergone abdominal cavity surgery. tongue, impaired speech, salivation up to 4
Objectively: body temperature equals 39o C , liters per day. Make the diagnosis:
reduced mouth opening; dry mouth; when
the gland is massaged, there is purulent A. Murrain
exudate being secreted from its duct. The B. Acute herpetic stomatitis
patient can be diagnosed with the following C. Chickenpox
disease: D. Measles
E. Erythema multiforme
A. Acute non-epidemic parotitis
B. Acute epidemic parotitis 99. During examination of a 5-year-old child
C. Phlegmon of submasseteric space the orthodontist revealed no wear of teeth,
D. Parenchymatous parotitis no tremata and diastemata, orthogenic
E. Phlegmon of parotid-masseteric region occlusion. Which of the following symptoms
detected in the 5-year old child is a sign of
96. A 53-year-old patient complains of an future teeth overcrowding?
ulcer on the lateral surface of the tongue.
The ulcer appeared 6 months ago in the A. Absence of tremata and diastemata
result of a trauma caused by sharp tip of the B. Absence of wear of teeth
37 tooth metal crown. A dentist replaced C. Orthogenic occlusion
the crown with the one of better quality D. Orthognathic bite
and prescribed keratoplastic drugs. Despite E. Absence of mesial step in the region of
these measures the ulcer continues to grow. second temporary molars
Lately there has been pain during talking,
chewing, and swallowing, with occasional 100. An 8-year-old child has been clini-
irradiation to the pharynx. Objectively: on cally diagnosed with exacerbation of chronic
the lateral surface of the tongue there is periodontitis of the 84 tooth. The crown is
a painful ulcer with uneven raised dense decayed by 1/2. What is the optimal tactics
margins and lumpy floor covered with grayi- of dental treatment?
sh necrotic coating. What is the most likely
diagnosis? A. Extraction
B. Endodontic treatment
A. Cancer of the tongue lateral surface C. Endodontic treatment and drug therapy
B. Trophic ulcer D. Drug therapy
C. Traumatic ulcer E. Opening along the mucogingival fold,
D. Vincent’s necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis drug thrapy
E. Tuberculous ulcer
101. A 7-year-old child is diagnosed with
97. A 15-year-old girl complains of chronic granulating periodontitis of the 55
toothache that persists for a day and tooth. Additionally accompanying diagnosis
increases on biting. Objectively: in the 36 of rheumatic endocarditis is made. What
tooth there is a deep carious cavity non- treatment tactics should a dentist choose?
communicating with the dental cavity. No
reaction to the thermal stimuli is observed, A. Tooth extraction
probing of the carious cavity floor is painless. B. Endodontic treatment
Vertical percussion is markedly painful. Gi- C. Endodontic treatment and physical
ngival mucosa in the area of the 36 tooth is therapy
unaltered. X-ray presents with no alterati- D. Case monitoring
ons. Make the diagnosis: E. Endodontic treatment and case monitori-
A. Acute serous periodontitis
B. Acute suppurative pulpitis 102. Parents of an 8-year-old child complain
C. Acute suppurative periodontitis of rashes in the child’s oral cavity. Lately the
D. Acute serous pulpitis child has been inert, refused to eat. On the
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis oral mucosa there are small round erosions
with clear margins. There are vesicles with
98. A 35-year-old patient, a veterinarian, turbid content on the child’s face and scalp.
came to a dentist with complaints of chi- Make the provisional diagnosis:
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 14
ty is observed; pus is being discharged from one month ago. In the morning the
under the marginal gingiva of the 64 tooth. crunching is more frequent and decreases
The alveolar process is deformed at its vesti- towards the evening. Objectively: the face
bular and palatine surfaces. Make the provi- is symmetrical, the skin above the joint is
sional diagnosis: unaltered, the mouth opens by 2,9 mm.
What is the most likely diagnosis in this
A. Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis case?
B. Acute albuminous periostitis
C. Acute suppurative periostitis A. Arthrosis
D. Ossification periostitis B. Acute arthritis
E. Ewing’s sarcoma C. Temporomandibular joint dislocation
D. Chronic arthritis
140. A 4-year-old child has developed E. Pain dysfunction syndrome of the
acute spontaneous pain in the tooth on the temporomandibular joint
lower right jaw, which aggravates on biti-
ng. Objectively: in the 85 tooth there is a 144. A 34-year-old man came to a dental
deep carious cavity non-penetrating to the clinic for extraction of the 26 tooth. After
dental cavity. Probing is sharply painful at application of 1,7 ml of Ultracain (Articai-
all points of the cavity floor. Painful reacti- ne) solution for local anaesthesia the pati-
on to cold water stimulus and percussion ent developed general fatigue and nausea.
is observed; mucosa surrounding the 85 is Objectively: the skin is pale, cold, cyanotic,
hyperemic. Submandibular lymphadenitis is covered in clammy sweat; BP is 60/40 mm
detected. Make the provisional diagnosis: Hg. What urgent condition did the patient
A. Acute pulpitis complicated with peri-
odontitis A. Collapse
B. Acute albuminous periostitis B. Anaphylactic shock
C. Acute serous periodontitis C. Loss of consciousness
D. Acute suppurative pulpitis D. Bronchial asthma
E. Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis E. Urticaria
141. An 18-year-old girl came to a dentist to 145. Carious cavities of the 11 and 21 teeth
check the quality of fissure sealing that had were detected during the preventive exami-
been performed one year ago. Objectively: nation of a 20-year-old patient. What materi-
the sealant is completely retained in the 17, al should be used to fill the detected caviti-
16, 26, 27, 37, and 47. No sealant was detected es?
in the 36 and 46, in the distal longitudi-
nal fissures of these teeth there is softened A. Microhybrid composite
enamel. Fedorov-Volodkina Hygiene Index B. Macrofilled composite
is 2,5. What tactics regarding the 36 and 46 C. Amalgam
should the dentist choose in this case? D. Phosphate cement
E. Plastic
A. Preventive filling
B. Repeated noninvasive sealing 146. A 14-year-old boy complains of rapid
C. Invasive sealing wearing-off of tooth crowns. Objectively:
D. Applications with fluorine-containing gel tooth crowns are worn-off by 1/3. Enamel
E. Electrophoresis of calcium-containing easily chips off and is pale gray in color.
solution Make the diagnosis:
142. A patient needs the 36 tooth extracted. A. Stainton-Capdepont syndrome
After administering anaesthesia the doctor B. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
started applying the elevator. However, C. Fluorosis
immediately after that the patient suddenly D. Systemic hypoplasia
paled, complained of dizziness, ear noise, E. Focal hypoplasia
and blackout and slid down in the chair.
What is the most likely diagnosis? 147. A patient complains of periodical gi-
ngival hemorrhages during tooth brushing
A. Unconsciousness and increased teeth sensitivity to thermal
B. Anaphylactic shock and chemical stimuli, which persist for the
C. Collapse last 6 years. On examination the gums are
D. Shock swollen and hyperemic. Periodontal pockets
E. Hypoglycemic coma are 5 mm deep with serous purulent content,
tooth cervices are bared, I degree tooth
143. A 54-year-old patient complains of mobility is observed. On X-ray: irregular
frequent crunching sound in the right resorption of of alveolar septa up to their
temporomandibular joint, which developed 1/2. What diagnosis corresponds with the gi-
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 20
stopped the manipulations in the oral cavi- man. At the stage of placing the artificial
ty. What type of asphyxia developed in the teeth in the dental articulator it is necessary
patient? to determine sagittal articular angle. This
angle equals:
A. Stenotic
B. Dislocational A. 20-40
C. Valvular B. 5-15
D. Obturative C. 15-20
E. Aspiration D. 20-25
E. 40-50
165. A 19-year-old young man complains of
a fistula on the neck anterior surface, whi- 169. In a new neighbourhood unit of a large
ch periodically reappears at the same place. city a dental clinic is being opened. The
Objectively: at the neck midline between clinic will employ 3 prosthodontists. How
the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage there many positions of dental technicians, dental
is a fistula; the skin of the affected area is nurses, and orderlies should be provided?
scarred, drawn-in, and macerated. In the
surrounding tissues a dense band extending A. 6 dental technicians, 1 dental nurse, 1
from the fistula opening to hyoid bone can orderly
be palpated. A doctor has made a provisi- B. 3 dental technicians, 1 dental nurse, 1
onal diagnosis of thyroglossal fistula. Specify orderly
the additional method of investigation: C. 3 dental technicians, 1,5 position of a
dental nurse, 1 orderly
A. Contrast radiography D. 6 dental technicians, 1 dental nurse, 0,5
B. Probing position of an orderly
C. Computer tomography E. 1,5 position of a dental technician, dental
D. Ultrasound nurse, and an orderly
E. -
170. A 25-year-old man complains of short-
166. Mother of an 8-month-old girl came to term pain in the tooth on the lower ri-
a clinic with complaints of the child’s anxi- ght jaw during eating sweet, hot, and cold
ety, fussiness, high fever up to 38, 5o C , si- food. Objectively: in the 36 tooth on the
gns of alimentary canal irritation, vomiti- distal surface there is a carious cavity
ng and refusal to eat. On objective exami- non-communicating with the dental cavi-
nation the child is pale, crying, presents wi- ty, dentin is softened. Probing of the cavi-
th hyperemia, edema, gingival pain in the ty floor is painful, percussion is painless.
frontal area of the upper jaw, no erupted Electric pulp test is 16 microamperes. Make
teeth can be detected. Make the diagnosis: the final diagnosis:
A. Hindered tooth eruption A. Acute deep caries
B. Acute herpetic stomatitis B. Acute median caries
C. Food poisoning C. Hyperemia of the pulp
D. Hematogenous osteomyelitis of the maxi- D. Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
lla E. Chronic fibrous periodontitis
E. Odontogenic osteomyelitis of the maxilla
171. A 30-year-old woman complains of a
167. A 45-year-old patient complains of carious cavity in the 16 tooth, food retention
inability to properly masticate due to the in the gap between the 16 and 17 teeth. Duri-
loss of lateral teeth. The 17, 16, 15, 25, 26, ng examination there was detected a cari-
27, 37, 36, 35, 44, 45, and 46 teeth are mi- ous cavity within mantle dentin with wide
ssing. The retained teeth exhibit the I-II opening on the approximal-medial surface
degree of mobility. The patient is diagnosed of the 16 tooth. The cavity floor and walls
with generalized periodontitis. Kennedy are pigmented, dense, painless on probing.
class I dentition defects are observed. What Percussion of the 16 tooth is painless. On
construction would be optimal in the given thermodiagnostics a short-term reaction can
case? be observed. Make the diagnosis:
A. Clasp-retained (bugel) removable partial A. Chronic deep caries
denture with splinting elements B. Chronic fibrous pulpitis
B. Partial laminar denture C. Chronic median caries
C. Elbrecht’s dental splint D. Chronic fibrous periodontitis
D. Mamlok’s dental splint E. Chronic concrementous pulpitis
E. Cantilever dental bridge
172. A 40-year-old patient requires surgical
168. Removable complete laminar denture sanation of the oral cavity. Objectively: the
is being made for a 63-year-old edentulous 36 tooth is completely destroyed. Mouth can
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 23
be fully opened. What anaesthesia would be superciliary area. General condition of the
optimal for extraction of the 36 tooth? child is unaffected. Objectively: swelling of
the forehead tissues spreading towards the
A. Torusal left eyelids; the swelling is soft, fluctuati-
B. Mandibular on sign is present. Make the preliminary di-
C. Mental agnosis:
D. Infiltration
E. Berchet-Dubov A. Hematoma of the left superciliary area
B. Hemangioma of the right superciliary area
173. A 45-year-old woman needs a denture. C. Fracture of the temporal bone
Objectively: the 17, 16, 15, 14, 12, 25, and D. Fracture of the frontal bone
26 teeth are missing. Specify the Kennedy’s E. Hematic abscess of the left superciliary
class of dentition defects in the given case: area
A. II class, 2 subclass 178. Mother of a 10-year-old girl complai-
B. II class, 4 subclass ns of a cosmetic defect of the child’s 22
C. III class, 1 subclass tooth that erupted with damaged enamel.
D. III class, 3 subclass Anamnesis states premature extraction of
E. II class, 3 subclass the 62 tooth due to caries complication.
There is a white-yellow spot with clear
174. A 37-year-old patient complains of an margins on the vestibular surface of the 22
aesthetic defect. Objectively: the 13 tooth is tooth. Enamel retains glossiness, no surface
destroyed by 2/3. The tooth is pulpless, the roughness can be detected on probing. Make
root canal is filled. How deep should the root the diagnosis:
canal be opened for pivot crown installation
in this patient? A. Local enamel hypoplasia
B. Fluorosis
A. 2/3 of the root canal C. Acute superficial caries
B. 1/3 of the root canal D. Chronic superficial caries
C. 3/4 of the root canal E. Systemic enamel hypoplasia
D. 1/2 of the root canal
E. Full length of the root canal 179. A 48-year-old patient has come to a
hospital with complaints of defects in the
175. A 10-year-old boy complains of acute paragingival area and slight sensitivity to
pain attacks in the area of his upper left thermal stimuli. Objectively: there are hard
teeth. The toothache persisted for a night. tissue defects that resemble a wedge with
Objective examination revealed a carious smooth polished walls on the precervical
cavity on the masticatory surface of the 26 vestibular surface of the 23 and 24 teeth.
tooth within parapulpar dentin. Probing is Thermal test is slightly positive. What is the
sharply painful at all points of the cavity most likely diagnosis?
floor. Markedly positive reaction to cold
water stimulus is observed. Select the most A. Cuneiform defect
likely diagnosis: B. Enamel necrosis
C. Acute deep caries
A. Acute diffuse pulpitis D. Enamel erosion
B. Acute serous periodontitis E. Endemic fluorosis
C. Acute suppurative pulpitis
D. Acute suppurative periodontitis 180. Parents of a 3-year-old child complain
E. Acute local pulpitis that the child has a neck growth that
developed 3 months after the birth. Objecti-
176. A 15-year-old patient complains of cari- vely: in the upper lateral neck area there is a
ous cavity and short-term ”lightning-fast” semicircular neoplasm with limited mobility,
pain attacks in the 26 tooth. The pain attacks soft elastic consistency, no skin alterations,
cease in 1-2 minutes after eating. Objecti- painless on palpation. Puncture yielded pus-
vely: there is a deep carious cavity filled with like clear yellow substance. Make the provi-
softened dentin. The cavity floor is painful sional diagnosis:
on probing. Make the diagnosis:
A. Branchial cleft cyst
A. Pulpal hyperemia B. Chronic lymphadenitis
B. Acute traumatic pulpitis C. Lymphangioma
C. Acute suppurative pulpitis D. Specific lymphadenitis
D. Acute local pulpitis E. Hemangioma
E. Acute diffuse pulpitis
181. A 16-year-old adolescent girl complai-
177. A 7-year-old girl hit her forehead one ns of pain caused by cold stimuli and food
day ago. Several hours after the sustained particles retained in her upper jaw tooth.
trauma a swelling developed in the left
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 24
A. Detergents
B. Dyes A. II
C. Halogens B. I
D. Oxidants C. III A
E. Acids and alkalis D. III B
190. A 22-year-old patient has suffered uni-
lateral linear fracture in the area of the 194. A 19-year-old patient came to a
gonial angle. Immobilization was provi- dentofacial clinic with complaints of pain
ded with full dental brace with loops and in the gonial angle on the right, impaired
intermaxillary elastic expansion. Recovery mouth opening and painful chewing. The si-
was uncomplicated. The brace should be gns had been persisting for 5 days, emerged
removed after: spontaneously and had been aggravating
gradually. Mandibular contracture is of the
A. 3 weeks III degree. On examination of the oral cavi-
B. 2 weeks ty: hyperemia, edema of the retromolar
C. 1 week space on the right, hood-shaped mucosa
D. 10 days from under which pus is being discharged
E. - and 2 tooth tubercles can be detected. X-ray
shows oblique medial tooth position. Make
191. A 33-year-old man, a metalworker, the diagnosis:
complains of pain and itching in the gums,
gingival hemorrhages intensifying during A. Acute suppurative pericoronitis of the 48
tooth brushing. The onset of the disease tooth
was 1 year ago. Objectively: the gums in the B. Acute suppurative periostitis from the 48
area of upper and lower frontal teeth are tooth
hyperemic, swollen, and cyanotic. There are C. Chronic local mandibular osteomyelitis
significant mineralized deposits on the teeth; D. Fracture of the gonial angle
the periodontal sockets are 3 mm deep and E. Acute submandibular sialadenitis
produce small amount of serous discharge.
What is the most likely diagnosis? 195. A 45-year-old man came to a dentist
with complaints of a massive and extremely
A. Chronic generalized periodontitis, I class dense (resembling wood) infiltration in the
B. Chronic localized periodontitis, I class parotid and retromandibular areas, which
C. Exacerbation of chronic generalized persists for 1,5 months. The patient’s general
periodontitis, II class condition remains largely undisturbed, signs
D. Acute localized periodontitis, II class of inflammatory process are vague and indi-
E. Generalized periodontosis, I class stinct. Periodically in the infiltration area
the skin assumes cyanotic-purple color, a
192. A 34-year-old man complains of pain in soft patch appears in the center, where 1-2
the area of his right eye, headache, and body fistulae develop and discharge pus with whi-
temperature rise up to 38,6o C . Two days ago te granules. Periodically fistulae close and
the patient developed an infiltration in the reopen. Make the diagnosis:
lower eyelid of the right eye. Objectively
the eyelids are markedly swollen, palpebral A. Parotid actinomycosis
fissure is closed, conjunctiva is swollen. B. Parotid tuberculosis
Exophthalmos is observed. The eyeball is C. Parotid erysipelas
immobile, vision is impaired. Make the di- D. Chronic parotid sialadenitis
agnosis: E. Adenocarcinoma of the parotid gland
A. Orbital phlegmon 196. Parents of a 6-year-old child complain
B. Eyelid phlegmon of their child having a gradually enlargi-
C. Purulent maxillary sinusitis ng neoplasm in the left parotid-masticatory
D. Angular vein trombophlebitis region. Skin over the tumor is without di-
E. Lower eyelid abscess scoloration. The tumor is painless, but when
the head bends down the tumor increases in
193. A 35-year-old patient complains of size and assumes bluish coloring. What di-
burns of the face and neck, swelling and sease can be suspected in the child?
burning pain in the affected area. On
examination: edema of the face and neck, A. Hemangioma
palpebral fissure is narrowed due to swelli- B. Fibroma
ng, affected skin is hyperemic and covered C. Atheroma
with strained thin-walled blisters filled wi- D. Lymphangioma
th clear content. Where blisters are broken, E. Cyst of the parotid gland
there are pink wounds, sharply painful to
touch. Determine the degree of the burns: 197. A 40-year-old patient complains of pain
Krok 2 Stomatology (англомовний варiант, iноземнi студенти) 2017 рiк 26
in the tragus area, clicking sound during tonsils, and posterior wall of the pharynx.
mouth opening, stuffed ears. Objectively: Submandibular, submental and deep cervi-
the face is symmetrical, mouth opening path cal lymph nodes have been enlarged for
is straight. Dentition defect can be estimated 4 months. Two weeks ago the patient
as Kennedy I class; the 18, 17, 16, 26, 27, developed intermittent fever and general
and 28 teeth are missing. In this case the fatigue. Select the correct sequence of HIV
load would be the most traumatizing for the diagnosing:
following anatomical structure:
A. Enzymoimmunoassay, immunoblotting
A. Interarticular disk (Western-Blot)
B. Articular capsule B. CD4 cell count, enzymoimmunoassay
C. Articular head C. Complete blood count, viral load
D. Distal slope of the articular tubercle D. Complete blood count, enzymoi-
E. Socket floor of the temporal bone mmunoassay
E. Viral cultivation, enzymoimmunoassay
198. A 50-year-old man complains of bared
dental cervices on his upper and lower 200. A 38-year-old man complains of
jaws. Objectively: the teeth and dentition sensation of a foreign body on his tongue
are intact, clinical crowns are elongated, and development of gag reflex during talki-
the teeth have no pathologic mobility, are ng. The signs appeared after the prolonged
worn off within the physiological norm. taking of antibiotics. Objective examinati-
To remove supracontacts it is planned to on detected thickened and pigmented fi-
perform selective teeth shaving. What addi- liform papillae enlarged to 2-3 cm in si-
tional investigation is necessary in the given ze. Histologically papillar hyperplasia and
case? marked keratinization without alteration of
the surrounding tissues were detected. What
A. Occlusiography is the most likely diagnosis?
B. X-ray
C. Masticatiography A. Black hairy tongue
D. Gnathodynamometry B. Median rhomboid glossitis
E. Mastication tests C. Fissured tongue
D. Glossitis areata exfoliativa
199. A 28-year-old man presents with E. Geographic tongue
profuse caseous coating on the posterior
third of the back of his tongue, soft palate,