Indivual Ass 02
Indivual Ass 02
Indivual Ass 02
Farming requires investment. Farmers must make financial investments in labor, tools, fertilizer and land.
They must also invest in seeds. If it is the farmer's first year to grow a certain crop, he probably has to purchase
seeds from someone else. A farmer must also invest in the form of personal labor. The marketable surplus for
an agricultural entrepreneur is the surplus of produce that exists after the point at which he can make back any
money he paid to laborers or used to buy tools, fertilizer and land. If he takes some of the crop for his own
family's consumption and to use as seed for the next year, he must account for this as well before calculating
the marketable surplus. In this way, marketable surplus is what a farmer makes for his personal labor.
Marketable surplus is the portion of a harvest that a farmer can sell on the market to earn a profit. With this
profit she can reinvest into farming operations by purchasing more land or better farming equipment. She may
In agriculture, farmers and ranchers can never know exactly how much product their efforts will yield for a
particular season until it is over. For this reason, a farmer may not know what his marketable surplus will be
until he actually harvests his fields. This uncertainty of the size of a crop's marketable surplus lends a certain
Marketed Surplus
Another term that closely relates to marketable surplus is marketed surplus. In some cases, these terms may be
interchangeable. The principal difference is time perspective: marketable surplus is produce that a farmer
currently has on hand to take to market to earn a profit, while marketed surplus is what she has already taken to
A marketing audit is essentially a great way to assess your marketing plan and ask yourself and your
department what's working and what's not. Then, you can make adjustments and corrections as
A market audit is useful for getting back in touch with your brand, products and services and re-
focusing your marketing efforts. It can also be used to remind you of your initial goals and objectives
and fine-tune your current efforts to be certain they align with those original objectives. Additionally,
you can see what's working and what isn't and re-invigorate your marketing efforts.
Comprehensive, in that it looks at all the marketing issues of a business
Systematic, involving an orderly set of steps
Independent, so that it cannot be influenced by those who developed and are implementing
the marketing plan
Periodic, conducted with regular frequency. A good frequency is yearly or every two years.
A marketing audit should look at not only internal factors such as the efficiency of the marketing
department and their marketing plan, but also external factors including a company's customers,
competition and overall marketplace. Among the fundamental components of a comprehensive and
systematic marketing audit are the following:
Environmental audit: The environmental audit is where you focus on your customers and
the competition. What are your customers' demographics and buying habits? What are
competitors doing? What is the overall condition of your company's market?
Example: ABC Company knows that its customers are college-age and older and well-educated and
visit their stores and websites at least weekly. Their competitors lag behind them in terms of number
of products available and marketing efforts in social media. One competitor has recently launched a
new line that could be troublesome.
Strategic audit: This is where you take a look at your current marketing plan and strategies
and how well or poorly they are performing. Are the marketing objectives you set the
appropriate ones for your business? This is a very measurable part of the audit where you
can observe the strategies you've attempted to implement and if they are effective.
Example: ABC Company has chosen some effective marketing strategies and tactics to reach their
target audience, but needs to enhance their website for a better customer experience. One
marketing objective should be abandoned because it is not working efficiently.
Organizational audit: The organizational audit is an internal look at the resources available
to you and your marketing department such as finances, time, production, labor, equipment
and more. It also allows you to take a look at the marketing team itself, revenue,
effectiveness of the marketing plan, products, pricing and distribution channels.
Example: ABC Company is operating well within their marketing budget for the year, but could hire
an additional staff member and purchase a new computer system. Sales are good and the new
product currently on shelves is being well-received and is priced competitively.
Potential benefits:-A marketing audit is essentially a great way to assess your marketing plan and
ask yourself and your department what's working and what's not. Then, you can make
adjustments and corrections as necessary.
A market audit is useful for getting back in touch with your brand, products and services and re-
focusing your marketing efforts. It can also be used to remind you of your initial goals and
objectives and fine-tune your current efforts to be certain they align with those original
And where you take a look at your current marketing plan and strategies and how well or poorly
they are performing the marketing objectives for your business.
This is a very measurable part of the audit where you can observe the strategies you've attempted
to implement and if they are effective.
A purchase department in a company would need a different data set under marketing
intelligence, while a sales department would need something different. There are four
main corner stones of marketing intelligence. The first one is competitor intelligence, the
others are product intelligence, market understanding and customer understanding.
Let’s understand each one of them in detail. Competitor intelligence is a legal method of
obtaining information about products in a competitor’s portfolio. It is about analyzing
strengths and weaknesses of the competitor.
The basic goal of competitive intelligence is to make better business decisions. Product
Intelligence is related to gathering information about your own product. The focus
around product intelligence is on gathering information about the quality and
performance of the product. This is usually an automated process. With the help of this
knowledge, the company tries and makes the user experience better or makes changes
in the product itself to make it safer or add new features. Market Understanding is a
concept wherein the company tries to understand the performance of the product in
which it is already operating as well as looks at other markets where it wants to launch
its product thoroughly.
Finally, understanding the customer is the utmost important aspect in the life of any
product. It is key to the success of the product pre- and post-sales.
Objective:-is a benefits of marketing intelligence for your brand advances in the revival era of
artificial intelligence, company marketing methods need marketer's input in finding out how to
frame their analysis towards their objective.
When it comes to gathering data, the evolution of the Internet has made things very easy for
the business isn’t it? Talking about the general information that businesses need, i.e. competitors,
market trends, industry or new product development – such information is just a few clicks away.
While top level industry information is easily available on the web, finding information relevant to a
business niche and locality can be difficult. Here is where Market Intelligence comes into play.
1. Market Entry Research
Businesses carry out the market entry and expansion studies to enter new market areas or
expand their presence in markets in which they are already established. This research
technique gives insights on whether the business should invest in new sectors or invest further
in existing markets.
This technique is one of the most popular ones as businesses are becoming more keen to get
the inside view of their competitors. Whether it the sales figures or the production data
businesses want to know it all. Competitor insights are very important for the business as it
provides a diversity of information based on which the business can plan their actions.
4. Market Segmentation
Segmentation is an unusual means of distinguishing your business from the competition. With
needs-based segmentation based on quantitative data on the target audience business can
ensure that they meet the specific needs of a specific demographic group. Market
segmentation studies have a direct impact on the marketing strategy and it can also influence
the product development process.
5. Branding Research
The brand strategy research technique helps to assess the existing value of your brand. It helps
to measure the levels of consumer dissemination and support. With intelligent branding
research business can ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of their brands and highlight the
opportunities to attack competitors.
Making informed business decision is the only key to the success for any type of business. And Market
intelligence is the answer to go about it.
Market Research
Depending on the methods and tools required, following are the types:
While conducting primary market research, one can gather two types of
information: Exploratory and Specific. Exploratory research is open ended,
where a problem is explored by asking open ended questions in a detailed
interview format usually with a small group of people also known as sample.
Here the sample size is restricted to 6-10 members. Specific research, on the
other hand, is more pinpointed and is used to solve the problems that are
identified by exploratory research.
This method was once conducted using pen and paper. This has now evolved
to sending structured online surveys to the respondents to gain actionable
insights. Researchers tend to use modern and technology-oriented survey
platforms to structure and design their survey to evoke maximum response
from respondents.
Producere In this lesson, you will learn about the four different business markets and what makes
As a Producer /farmers/ the main objective of department of agriculture is to give pace to the
growth rate of agriculture development and crop production and productivity which will
strengthen the economic status of the farmers and uplift their life-style. Marketing: Producers,
Resellers, Governments & Institutions .
Increase in agricultural productivity leads to increase in the income of rural population which is
turn leads to more demand for industrial products, thus development of industrial sector. In this
way, agricultural sector helps promote economic growth by securing as a supplement to
industrial sector.
Oddly enough, the efficiency and resilience of a system depends on redundancy. ...
Small-scale farming promotes communities. ...
Small farms create jobs. ...
Small farms improve the health of the land. ...
Small farms improve the health of people. ...
Small-scale farming provides a foundation for a more resilient American food system.
As a Consumers: Consumers that should be achieved within a given time frame and
oreganization promoting its products or services to potential a satisfying the needs of
customersproducts and resell them to their consumers for the purpose of making a profit
Dimension of market
In economics, the term market will refer to the market for one
commodity or a set of commodities. For example a market for coffee,
a market for rice, a market for TV’s, etc.
A market is also not restricted to one physical or
geographical location. It covers a general wide area and the demand
and supply forces of the region.
There must be a group of buyers and sellers of the commodity to
constitute a market. And the relations between these sellers and
buyers must be business relations.
Both the sellers and buyers must have access to knowledge about
the market. There should be an awareness of the demand
for products, consumer choices, and preferences, fashion trends, etc.
At any given time only one price can be prevalent in the market for
the goods and services. This is only possible in the existence of
perfect competition.
On the Basis of Geographic Location
Local Markets: In such a market the buyers and sellers are limited to the
local region or area. They usually sell perishable goods of daily use since
the transport of such goods can be expensive.
Regional Markets: These markets cover a wider are than local
markets like a district, or a cluster of few smaller states
National Market: This is when the demand for the goods is
limited to one specific country. Or the government may not allow the
trade of such goods outside national boundaries.
International Market: When the demand for the product is
international and the goods are also traded internationally in bulk
quantities, we call it an international market.
Purchase and consumption behaviors in daily life often are repetitive and performed in
customary places, leading consumers to develop habits. When habits have formed,
environmental cues can activate the practiced responses in the absence of conscious
decision making. This research tested these ideas using a longitudinal design. We
predicted that regardless of their explicit intentions, consumers would repeat habits to
purchase fast food, watch TV news, and take the bus. The results yielded the
anticipated pattern in which participants repeated habitual behaviors even if they
reported intentions to do otherwise. Intentions only guided behavior in the absence of
strong habits. This study ruled out a number of artifactual accounts for these findings
including that they arise from the level of abstraction at which intentions are
identified, the certainty with which participants held intentions, a restriction of range
in the measures, and the strategy participants used to estimate frequency of past
market identities as interfaces between organizations and their external audiences and
examine how the perceived market appeal of organizations can be influenced by the
order in which the products or product features that determine their market identities are
offered. We theorize that when audiences have different product preferences,
organizations may increase their perceived appeal to some or all audiences by making
certain features more or less salient through different orderings without making
substantive changes to their products or product portfolios. We find strong support for
our arguments in statistical analyses of the market identities of U.S. opera companies
from 1995 to 2005. When opera companies group unconventional operas together, their
market appeal decreases among season-ticket holders, an audience for whom
unconventional opera is less appealing, but increases among opera critics, an audience
for whom unconventional opera is more appealing.
Number of commodities?
Stage of marketing?
Degree of competition?
Public intervention?
Market coverage
Market order
A market order is a buy or sell order to be executed immediately at the current market prices.[1] As
long as there are willing sellers and buyers, market orders are filled. Market orders are used when
certainty of execution is a priority over the price of execution.
A market order is the simplest of the order types. This order type does not allow any control over the
price received. The order is filled at the best price available at the relevant time. In fast-moving
markets, the price paid or received may be quite different from the last price quoted before the order
was entered.[2]
A market order may be split across multiple participants on the other side of the transaction,
resulting in different prices for some of the shares. It is the most basic of all orders and therefore,
they incur the lowest of commissions, from both online and traditional brokers.[3]
In order to obtain the market intelligence the marketer uses several sources such as newspapers,
magazines, books, trade publications, social media, and feedback from customers, suppliers,
distributors who cover the entire gamut of an external environment. The more information about
the market environment is gathered the more accurate business decision will be and will enhance
the efficiency of business operations.
Every business tries to inculcate the market intelligence in its employees, and this can be done by
following several steps given below:
1. Training and Motivation Programs for Sales Force: Several training modules are
conducted to encourage sales force who are in direct touch with ultimate customers to collect all
the relevant information related to the product along with the customer’s experience of using it.
A market intelligence is acquired when the sales force is motivated to give the valuable feedback
and suggestions about the product offers and the opportunities prevailing in the market to their
managers, who then convert these into the actionable plan.
2. Encouraging Distributors and Retailers to seek Market Intelligence: Companies hire
some specialist who visits several stores and showrooms to check the customer experience with
the product or service. Also, retailer or a service provider send its own person as a “mystery
guest” who acts as a customer himself and check the quality of a product and the way employees
are handling the customer’s queries.
3. Keeping a check on the Competitors: In order to sustain in the market, the companies
should have complete knowledge about the doings of its competitors. One of the major market
intelligence tools is the internet where every information about the competitor’s product and its
variants, the price and easy pay schemes, services, and its feedback is available, and the same
can be used to have a comparative study. Also, the information about the competitor’s activity
can be acquired through the distributors, retailers and other intermediaries who are sitting in the
market and know the whereabouts of each player.
4. Customer Suggestion Panel: Companies using their internal market intelligence prepare
a list of their customers who frequently make the purchases and among those set up a panel who
give their expert advice to new customers about the product and its benefits.This method is very
useful as people rely heavily on others experiences and a try a product or a service at least once.
It is most commonly seen in schools & colleges where the community of alumni is created who
give their expert comments on the quality of teaching and the courses to be opted in a particular
educational institute.
5. Government Data Resources: Government Resources are also the means to gain market
intelligence. The population census is considered crucial through which population density,
trends, demographic characteristics, etc. is determined, and the same can be used to make
judicious market plans. Also, the data about the literacy level, agricultural production, inflation
and recession, are provided by the government that acts as an important tool for information.
Thus, government data resources are useful to gather relevant information about the prevailing
market trends.
6. Information from Outside Suppliers: The companies can also purchase the information
from other companies who are specialists in doing the researches and prepare the reports about
the other market players. Acting as an important aide to market intelligence, these research
companies can provide detailed information about the competitor’s product and service that can
act as an important tool in designing the market plans.
7. Customer Feedback System: The most common and easy way to gain market
intelligence is through the use of customer feedback system. Generally, it is online, where the
customer is required to give his valuable feedback or suggestion on company’s website about the
product or service consumed by him. Also, the feedback can be taken in person by asking the
customers to fill up a form after they have availed the services. This is a more reliable form of
information since it is directly provided by the customer himself.
Once the data is collected from all the possible sources, it is sorted into a meaningful information
which is then used by the management to design the marketing strategie
Relationship Marketing
Nowadays companies try new strategies when implementing RM. For instance,
companies search for an appropriate interconnection between customers’
satisfaction and trust. (Buttle 1996, 1-28.) In the following subchapters, a wider
range of RM aspects is explained.
All the processes around us are linked, one process influences another process
or changes the starting point of followed by process. Relationship science
studies interrelations between things (Berscheid 1999). In this case, the word "
things" refers to all possible aspects involved in relationships. Therefore,
relationships science studies correlations between two individuals on a broader
scope, correlations between two
specific behavior patterns or even correlations between an action and a
subsequent reaction.
Following are the core behaviors of customer-facing employees that make the biggest
... As such, an important aim of this special issue is to contribute to the interdisciplinary
research literature on marketing and accounting. This is important also from a practical
point of view since both the marketing and accounting functions are often 'under attack'
within companies; marketing tends to lack a voice in the board room and is not seen to
be accountable, whereas accounting is losing its influence as an indicator of
shareholder value, for instance, owing to the problems of valuing intangible assets
(Sidhu & Roberts, 2008). The existing literature on the marketing-accounting interface
can be divided into three streams: 1) researchers arguing the need for increased and
improved integration and communication between the marketing and accounting
functions; 2) researchers focusing on quantifying the value created by the marketing
function; 3) researchers using the industrial network approach to extend the knowledge
of accounting practices. ...
... al of a financial accounting standard capable of facilitating the capitalisation of brands
in the balance sheet was unlikely to be achievable. Instead, they suggested
strengthening the link between the budgetary process and the pursuit of brand
development through the inclusion of brand values in the budget, which they termed
brand value budgeting. Sidhu and Roberts (2008) argued for the need for marketing and
accounting functions to work more closely with the reported accounting performance of
the firm. They proposed shareholder value analysis as a way to establish a common
language and set of measures with currency for both functions. The underlying
philosophy behind shareholder value analysis is that e ...
1. Customer focus:
The marketing function of a business is customer-centred. It makes an
attempt to study the customer needs, and goods are produced
accordingly. The business existence depends on human needs. In a
competitive market, the goods that are best suited to the customer are
the ones that are well-accepted. Hence, every activity of a business is
2. Customer satisfaction:
A customer expects some services or benefits from the product for
which payment is made. If this benefit is more than the amount paid,
then the customer is satisfied. In the long run, customer satisfaction
helps to retain market demand. It helps achieve organizational
objectives. Customer satisfaction can be enhanced by providing value-
added services, which includes providing additional facilities at little
or no extra cost.
3. Objective-oriented:
6. Exchange process:
Marketing involves exchange of goods, services and ideas with the
medium of money. Exchange takes place between sellers and buyers.
Most of marketing activities are concerned with the exchange of goods.
Functions such as distribution, after-sale services and packaging help
in the exchange process. Channels of distribution and physical
distribution play an important role in the exchange process by creating
place utility.
7. Marketing environment:
8. Marketing mix:
A combination of four inputs constitutes the core of a company’s
marketing system—product, price, place, and promotion. Marketing
mix is a flexible combination of variables. They are influenced by
consumer behaviour, trade factors, competition and government
regulatory measures.
9. Integrated approach:
The marketing activities must be co-ordinated with other functional
areas of an organization. Functions such as production, finance,
research, purchasing, storekeeping and public relations (PR) are to be
integrated with marketing. This will help in achieving organizational
objectives. Otherwise, it will result in organizational conflicts.
The sale takes place during the advertisement. If a child sees a cartoon character on
television advertising this kid's meal, they will immediately be sold on wanting the kid's
meal badly. They might even harass their parents until they receive this kid's meal.
Other parts of advertising might include doing surveys to see if the product is well-liked.
For example, if the need of the market in this case is a nutritious meal, a kid's meal
comprised of greasy fried food would not fare well in the market. Branding is another
aspect of marketing. Many children associate golden arches with their f