Options Probability Calculator Trading Guide: Precision and Profits Via Probability First Edition
Options Probability Calculator Trading Guide: Precision and Profits Via Probability First Edition
Options Probability Calculator Trading Guide: Precision and Profits Via Probability First Edition
Trading Guide
Precision and Profits via Probability
First Edition
By Craig Severson
Options Probability Calculator
Trading Guide
Precision and Profits via Probability
By Craig Severson
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Table Of Contents
Foreword .......................................................................................................................4
Probability – Spread Trades.........................................................................................5
Example 1 – Determining Which Strike Price to Sell in a Spread Trade .............5
Example 2 – Identifying a Probability Range .........................................................9
Probability – Long Trades ..........................................................................................11
Summary ......................................................................................................................12
If you’ve picked up this trading guide, chances are you’ve been trading for at
least a few months, with varied success in stocks and options trades. You’ve
learned how to buy stocks, puts, calls, and even place multiple-position options
spreads. You’ve learned some technical analysis, and your winning percentage
and returns are rising.
You still make arbitrary decisions about what strike prices to place your options
spread trades at, and you’re never really sure whether your trades are risky or
conservative. If you get into a long call position, you’re not sure where to take
your profits at.
You need to bring some objective data to your trades, such as Probability
Analysis via Implied Volatility!
Right about now, your eyeballs should be rolling back into your forehead. Don’t
worry – this is a guide on Application, not Theory. All the mathematicians have
done the hard work; all you have to do is learn to use the tool to start applying
more Precision and Profits to your Trading!
Probability – Spread Trades
When you set up an options credit spread, this usually involves the selling of
one strike price, and the buying of the next strike price out of the money. Your
sold strike is a “line in the sand” that must not be crossed for you to attain
maximum profitability.
How far out should that strike price be? What will be your probability of
winning that trade after you enter it? How can you objectively balance your
need for a decent return, without taking on undue risk? Let’s go through our
first example to see how we would use the calculator to determine these
For the following chart, we’ve determined that we’d like to set up a bearish
credit spread; we will sell to open a call option out of the money, and buy to
open a call option further out of the money:
Figure 1
Where should we place our sold strike? To answer this question, we need to
know three things:
Since we know that the number of calendar days to expiration is 25 (yes, you
count weekends too!), and we know from the chart above that the current
stock price is 1261.49, all we need to know is what the Implied Volatility is for
the At-The-Money calls for this stock.
At the main page, we will select the Trading Tools tab, the Volatility
Optimizer selection, and finally the IV Index.
This is what we’ll see at that page. The upper left corner of the screen near
the yellow box is where we’ll enter our ticker symbol, which automatically
defaults to SPX for the S&P 500 index.
Figure 2
Zooming in on the red oval, here’s the information that we’re after:
Figure 3
We can see that the Implied Volatility of the Calls is 11.65. So now we have
everything that we need to calculate probability, and select our strike prices:
Now which strike price should we sell? That depends on what type of
probability target that you have. At OptionsLinebacker.com, we typically shoot
for a winning probability of 90% or better. We will forfeit some return in
exchange for a margin of safety, as it’s hard to put a price on sleep.
For this example, considering the chart above and the fact that we’re about
four weeks out from Options Expiration, we will try for a position that’s about
50 points out of the money, so let’s try the 1315 position.
Now it’s time to open up the tool; it is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which is
named probabilitycalculator.xls. You must have Microsoft Excel on your
computer to run this program.
In the next grid below that (in the yellow field) we will enter our “Target Stock
Price” for the sold position of 1315. After you enter a value in that field, you
should see some results in the green squares in that same grid:
Figure 4
For this example, with a current stock price of 1261.49, a Call Implied
Volatility of 11.65, and 25 Calendar Days to Expiration, a 1315 sold strike will
have a 91.35% probability of winning the trade!
The next field “Probability of Closing Above Target” is really the inverse of the
Winning Probability number, meaning that there is an 8.65% chance of the
stock actually closing above 1315, meaning by extension that there is a 91.35%
chance of closing below 1315, equating to a “win” for a Bear Call credit
You can also experiment with different strike prices in the “Target Stock Price”
field to determine what probability winning percentage that you can target,
and balance that against your expected return for your credit. Invariably, the
further out of the money that you go, the smaller the return that you will see.
Every investor will need to find his/her comfort zone to balance risk and
The example that we showed above was for a Bear Call Spread position,
targeting an Out Of-The-Money position well above the current stock price. We
can use the lower grid to determine probabilities of target stock prices below
our current position, using Bull Put Spreads.
Traders must use these numbers with caution; obviously the stock price and the
Implied Volatility numbers reflect conditions TODAY, not 25 calendar days from
now. No one can predict the future, however the At-The-Money options do
telegraph the potential magnitude and direction of a possible move. Short of a
time tunnel, it’s the best view into the future that a trader can expect.
The bottom line here is to use these numbers to help you identify an “edge” at
the beginning of the trade, and to continue to help you identify an edge during
the trade, so you don’t rely on that cancerous word, “Hope”. Don’t ever let a
trade’s probability approach 50%; you’re gambling and hoping, not trading.
Instead of poking numbers into the “Target Stock Price” field as we did above,
wouldn’t it be great to get a quick snapshot of what a certain probability range
might be? Inotherwords, if your trading rules state that a trade probability
must be greater than 85% before you enter it, what would those price limits
Since we already know these variables and have input them into the Options
Probability Calculator, we can look at the range values in figure 5 to see how
we can interpret them:
Figure 5
• There is an 85% probability that the stock will close either under 1301.99
by expiration, or above 1217.95
• There is a 90% probability that the stock will close either under 1311.76
by expiration, or above 1207.87, etc….
Note that there is a 50% probability that the stock will close above/below
1261.49, which is the current stock price.
So now it’s a simple matter to provide more objectivity to your trades on credit
spreads. Simply choose the probability limit that you’re most comfortable with
(we typically use 90% or greater as a requirement) and the Options Probability
Calculator will show you what the probability is that your stock will finish
within a specific range for the month.
One of the simplest ways to use this tool is to use the “Range” table to get a
rough idea of what strike prices that you should be looking at, and then use the
more specific fields of “Probability of Hitting Target Price” to understand what
the trading probability is on the actual strike price that you choose.
And trading probability isn’t everything in a trade; this is just the first step to
qualify the trade. Make sure that the premium found at the strike prices that
you choose make the trade worth it, that you’re getting an acceptable return
for your risk. Using this tool will show you that some stocks/indices are not
favorable for selling time value; you might not be able to set up a trade with a
high enough probability to earn any kind of worthwhile return.
Probability – Long Trades
If we can use this tool to understand our probability of winning a Spread trade,
we can just as easily apply our application of probability to use it for a Long
trade, such as buying stock/puts/calls for a specific directional movement.
Figure 6
Figure 6 shows a stock that has just broken from an ascending triangle chart
pattern. The vertical distance of the open end of the triangle is represented by
the pink line, which also corresponds to the price target for this formation. The
expected $8 move is shown at the $56 level by the green line.
If we were feeling very bullish on this stock and wanted to play long calls to
take advantage of the expected price movement, what is the probability that
we would reach our price target at $56 within a specified period of time?
For this stock as with any other, we need to know 3 things before we can apply
our Options Probability Calculator:
Our current stock price is $48.18, we can look up our Implied Volatility figures
from the www.cboe.com website, and for this example let’s buy a call that
expires in 3 months, or 90 days. We will buy three months of time value to give
the stock enough time to hit our target of $56.
When we input those values into the Options Probability Calculator, we get the
following probability of hitting a higher target price:
Figure 7
In this case, we would use the field “Probability of Closing Above Target” which
returns us a value of 21.20%. WOW! Isn’t that a low value? Remember that the
highest value that we’ll see with this calculator is if we asked it to calculate
the probability of a stock remaining at the same price, which was $48.18; that
would return a 50% probability. If you think about it, it makes sense – stocks go
up, down, and sideways and only if you’re lucky do they go in the direction
that you forecast.
So expecting this stock to move in one direction (up) and close at a specific
price target ($56) within a specific period of time (90 days) only results in a
probability of 21.20%. Those are not very high odds, so a wise approach may be
to take profits on an interim basis should the trade go in your favor.
I hope that this tool provides you with a way to be much more objective with
your trades and trade with higher precision, leading to more consistent profits.
Notice how much your probability improves if you just ask the stock to remain
within a range for a small period of time. This shows why selling premium
(instead of buying it) is a higher-probability venture. Long plays certainly have
their place as they produce much higher returns, but selling time should be the
foundation of your trading success.
If you understand how to harness probability, then you have an edge in the
Marketplace. A disciplined trading system coupled with an edge means
consistent profits.