GOW Norse

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Útlægr Guð - Exiled God

Smán föður - Father's shame

Von móður - Mother's hope
Þraut barnsins - Child in pain

Útlægr Guð - Exiled God

Smán föður - Father's shame
Von móður - Mother's hope
Þraut barnsins - Child in pain

Stríðs sonur - Son of war

Saurgun sannleiks - Truth denied

Und svíður - Wounds remain

Græð kvöl hans - Heal his rage

Útlægr Guð - Exiled God

Stormr haturs - Storm of hate
Vex óttinn - Growing fear
Und svíður - Wounds remain
Ger fortíð upp - Confront the past

Guðs plága - Divine plague

Ég syndir ber - My sins laid bare
(Tresyt drengnum) - Trust the boy
(Sefa height hans) - Heal his rage

Blóðs bölvun - Curse of blood

Óbætanleg - Beyond repair
(Tresyt drengnum) - Trust the boy
(Sefa heift hans) - Heal his rage

Hann mun fara - He will leave

Ég hef enga(Aflausn) - I've no redemption

Útlægr Guð - Exiled God

Smán föður - Father's shame
Von móður - Mother's hope
Þraut barnsins - Child in pain

Útlægr Guð - Exiled God

Stormr haturs - Storm of hate
Tresyt drengnum - Trust the boy
Sefa heift hans - Heal his rage

Vex óttinn - Growing fear

Und svíður - Wounds remain

Hann þjáist - He's in pain

Hann þarfnast föður Ekki Guðs - He needs a father not a god

Blóðs bölvun - Curse of blood

Ég hef enga aflausn - I've no redemption

Und svíður - Wounds remain

Ger fortíð upp. - Confront the past

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