Drug Abuse Among The Students: June 2015

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Drug abuse among the students

Article · June 2015

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7 authors, including:

Muhammad Zaman Sobia Razzaq

University of Central Punjab Quaid-i-Azam University


Rabia Hassan Hira Ijaz

University of Lahore University of the Punjab


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Faculty of Pharmacy, BahuddinZakaryia University Multan, Pakistan

Orginal Article

Drug abuse among the students

Muhammad Zaman*1,4, Sobia Razzaq2, Rabia Hassan1, Junaid Qureshi3, Hira Ijaz3, Muhammad Hanif4,
Fazal Rahman Chughtai5
1Faculty of Pharmacy, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
2Department of Pharmacy, Akhtar Saeed Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan
3 Department of Pharmacy, G.C University Faisalabad, Faisalabad, Pakistan

4 Faculty of Pharmacy, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan

5 Department of Pharmacy, Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan

Drug abuse is an intense and often willful misuse of drugs. The overdrew of substance or drugs leads
Received: 05 Dec 2014
to addiction. In the eastern world the incidence shows a decline or a static pattern but the number of
Revised: 23 Dec 2014 drug addicts is still enormous.. The major abusive drugs are heroin and marijuana but designer
drugs(cannabinoids)have shown on the peak. The aim of the study is to determine the ratio of the
Accepted: 26 Dec 2014
drug abuse in student. For this purpose we were selected different institutes, including two private
Online:01 Jan 2015 universities and two government universities and conducted survey in 500 student. High proportion
of students was found abusing drugs. From this study, we came across multiple factors which are
the main cause of drug abuse in medical student including depression, anxiety, peer pressure,
schizophrenia, as well as personality disorder. The most commonly abused drugs include stimulants,
opioids, and benzodiazepines, antihistamines and LSD. Although survey have indicated high rate of
illicit and prescription drugs misuse among college students. Drug abuse regarded as a personality
disorder, also be seen as worldwide epidemic with evolutionary genetic, physiology and
environmental influences controlling and affecting human behavior. Globally, the use has reached all
time high. The study showed males are more drug abusers as compared to females. The drug abuse
ratio in students of private sector is more as compared to Government sector.

Keywords: Drug abuse, students, drug addicts, designer drugs, multiple factors
Introduction: mood altering and psychoactive substances are

not the drugs of abuse. Some of the drug most
ubstance abuse is defined as a maladaptive often associated with this term includes alcohol,
pattern of substance .use leading to amphetamine, MDMA, barbiturates,
clinically significant impairment or benzodiazepines, cocaine, mathaqualone, and
distress, wherein the person may also suffer from opioids. Use of these drugs may lead to criminal
tolerance and withdrawal (Gelder M et penalty in addition to possible Physical, Social,
al).Substance abuse is not limited to mood and Psychological harm. Substance abuse is a
altering or psychoactive drugs. Activity is also common problem worldwide. (Majidshafique et
considered substance abuse when al). Alcohol is widely consumed by various
inappropriately used (as in steroids for sections of the society, most notably by the very
performance enhancement in sports). Therefore, tributary and the impoverished.
*Corresponding Author Muhammad Zaman, The epidemiology of drug addiction in a given
Faculty of Pharmacy, The University of Lahore, Lahore, society seems to be dependent on cultural values,
Pakistan beliefs and attitudes to drug use, which are quite
e-mail: [email protected] , variable across cultures and geographical regions
Ph: +92 3006095928 (Emmanuel, Akhtar & Rahbar et al). Drug abuse
refers to the use of a drug for purposes for which
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it was not intended or using a drug in excessive disorder. The primary goal of drug abuse or
quantities. All sorts of different drugs can be addiction treatment (recover)are abstinence,
abused including illegal drugs(such as heroin and relapse prevention, and rehabilitation. During the
cannabis),prescription medicines(pain killers) initial stage of abstinence an individual who
and the other medicines that can be bought off the suffers from drug dependency may need help
super market shelves (cough mixers) avoiding or lessening the effects of withdrawal.
That process is called detoxification or detox.
There are number of biological, psychological, That aspect of treatment is usually performed in
and social factors, called risk factors, that can a hospital or other inpatient setting, where
increase a person’s likelihood of developing a medication used to lessen withdrawal symptoms
drug -abuse or drug dependency disorder. The and frequent medical monitoring can be
frequency to which drug-abuse disorders occur provided.
within some families seems to be higher than The therapy used for detox is determined by the
could be explained by an addictive environment drug the individual is dependent upon. For
of the family. Parent’s substance abuse habits example, people with alcohol dependence might
were the most influential factor in affecting a receive medication like anxiolytic, blood
child’s substance abuse. (Foo YC, Tam CL, Lee pressure medications to decrease palpitations and
TH et al).Social risk factors for drugs abuse and blood pressure, antiepileptics during the
addiction include male gender, being between 18 detoxification process. For many drugs of abuse,
and 44 years of age, unmarried marital status and the detox process is the most difficult aspect of
lower socioeconomic status. According to coping with the physical symptoms of addiction
statistics by state, men are more at risk for and tends to last days to a few weeks. However
developing a drug dependency like alcoholism; those who have more severe addiction have
women seem to be more vulnerable to becoming relapsed after participation in outpatient
addicted to alcohol at much lower amounts of programs, or who also suffer from a severe
alcohol consumptions. There are many social and mental illness might need the higher structure,
ethical issues surrounding the use and abuse of support, and monitoring of provided in an
drugs. These issues are made complex inpatient drug treatment center sometimes called
particularly because of conflicting values “rehab”.
concerning drugs use within modern societies.
Values may be influenced by multiple factors The treatment of addiction is helping the parents,
including social, religious and personals views. other family members and friends of the addicted
person refrain from supporting addictive
There are no one test that definitely indicates that behaviors. More successful are integrated
someone has drug abuse or addiction. (Kristen treatment programs that include interventions for
Bush et al). Therefore health care practitioners
both disorders such interventions are more
diagnose these disorders by gathering improved by the inclusion of assessment,
comprehensive medical, family, mental health intensive case management, motivational
information. They evaluate with quiz or self-test interventions, final treatment as well as services
as a screening tool for substance abuse or for housing, rehabilitation, and medication
dependence. Since some of the drug of the treatment.
misuse and dependence can occur in other mental
illness. The mental health screening is to
determine if the individual suffers from bipolar Plan of work
disorder, an anxiety disorder, schizophrenia,
schizoaffective disorder and other psychoactive

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Study was carried out to determine drug abuse in protocol was discussed with students; all possible
students and treatment plan selected for them measures were taken to ensure the confidentiality of all
Study was carried out under these steps. participants. Verbal informed consent was obtained from
the students. Five hundred students were selected and
 Study was conducted among students of
information was collected by the help of questionnaire
different universities for specific time
with the duration of two months. The questionnaire was
developed on the basis of thorough literature reviews
 To determine the reason for drug abuse. .Informal interviews and verbal counseling was done to
 Pattern of drug abuse enhance our understanding of previous and existing ratio
 Gave awareness to students about drug of drug abuse in students. The eligibility criteria were
abuse through questionnaire. adjusted in such a way that both genders (male, female)
 Methodology were studied. Students of age between 17-25 years were
selected. Chronic cases of students were selected with
It was a cross-sectional study conducted among the
multiple reasons of drug abuse. The students with age
undergraduate students of private and public universities
group below than 15 years were excluded from the study.
of Punjab. The study was conducted in compliance with
The collected data was entered and analyzed by statistical
“ethical principles”
among the students of different universities. Study

Table1.Demographic response of participated students profile:
Response (%)
Yes No
Have you ever tried to quit? 45 58
Is it affects your socioeconomic status? 60 38
Are drugs easily available to teen-agers in your community? 85 15
Is drug abuse increasing day by day? 60 40
What do you think smoking is preferred over alcohol? 75 25
Have you over used prescription drug? 60 45
What do you think pharmacist can play an important role in stopping drug abuse? 80 20
What do you think that drug abuse is more common in students as compared to others-student? 50 48

Table 2.Comparison of different parameters between different gender(male, female).

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Response (%)
Female Male
Yes No Yes No
Have you over used prescription drugs? 53% 48% 13% 86%
Are drugs easily available in your community? 92% 15% 70% 30%
Is it affects your socioeconomic status? 63% 38% 20% 80%
Do you take any medicine as performance enhancer? 39% 60% 76% 62%

Table 3.Comparison of different parameters among Govt and private sector

Response (%)
Govt Private
Yes No Yes No
Are drugs easily available in your community? 59 107 107 92
Do you take any medicine as performance enhancer? 40 75 75 124

Table 4: Comparison of different parameters among different age group

Response Age
17-19 19-22 22-25
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Do you take any medicine as performance enhancer? 17 30 51 76 47 80
Have you over used prescription drug? 27 20 67 60 72 55

Result: 83%abuse more drug as compare to Government

Our exploratory survey about the drug abuse from
different universities has given various acceptable Discussion:
results. According to this survey out of 500 Substance abuse and use of alcohol are the basic
students, 68% of student has admitted that drug
dilemma of today's health issues among younger
abuse seriously affected their socioeconomic population. A large number of studies focusing on
status. The percentage of drug abuse is greater in these issues have been carried out. Students make
males as compare to females. About 57% students up a substantial population of drug users and are
take performance enhancer. The use of known to use illicit substances as aid in academic
performance enhancer is greater in males as efficiency and recreation. Life of a student or a
compared to females. The percentage of excessive health care professional can be very stressful. Mild,
use of drug is 83%. About 80% of the drugs are moderate, and high levels of stress and even
abuse by the age group of 15-22years.According to burnout have been reported amongst students and
our research study student of private sector about

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Faculty of Pharmacy, BahuddinZakaryia University Multan, Pakistan

Graph1.Demographic response of participated students profile:

Response% yes
Response% No

Graph 2.Comparison of different parameters between different genders (male, female).

80 accessive use of drug
socoeconomic status
20 acessability of drug
0 performance enhancer
female yes female NO Male (yes) Male

health care professionals.. The basic reason of the placed by teachers, family and friends(Wechsler,
drug abuse that we have interpreted from the above H).A conscious effort needs to be made in
survey is the easy access and availability of drug alleviating this pressure as much as possible
among the community. Lack of information about without unduly decreasing the need felt by the
the drugs and over use of drug is a common factor students to study. The amount and severity of stress
to abuse drug among student. Peer pressure is the experienced by students may vary according the
prime factor among the student as compares to settings of their curricula, evaluation (examination)
non- student that increases the abuse of drug. system etc. The important reasons for not indulging
Academic stress was identified as a very important in illicit substance use as identified by the students
factor in drug misuse. This illustrates the pressure included religion and health risk. An individual
felt by the students to surpass in their studies, belonging to a supportive family is less likely to
which could result from overly competitive give in to drug abuse as compared to one coming
environments or from very high expectations from a strict family ( S. Khalid et al).Another

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Graph 3.comparison of different parameters among Govt and private sector

80 acessibilty of drug
60 performance enhancer
Govt (Yes) Govt (No)private(Yes)private(No)

Graph 4:Comparison of different parameters among different age group

30 performance enhancer
10 accessibilty of drug
Yes No Yes No Yes No
17-19 19-22 22-25

alarming predisposing factor was accommodation students to surpass in their studies, which could
of students in hostel. Due to easy access of drugs result from overly competitive environments or
in hostel made student more prone towards this act. from very high expectations placed by teachers,
The basic reason of the drug abuse that we have family and friends (Wechsler, H). A conscious
interpreted from the above survey is the easy effort needs to be made in alleviating this pressure
access and availability of drug among the as much as possible without unduly decreasing the
community. Lack of information about the drugs need felt by the students to study. The amount and
and over use of drug is a common factor to abuse severity of stress experienced by students may vary
drug among student. Peer pressure is the prime according the settings of their curricula, evaluation
factor among the student as compares to non- (examination) system etc. The important reasons
student that increases the abuse of drug. Academic for not indulging in illicit substance use as
stress was identified as a very important factor in identified by the students included religion and
drug misuse. This illustrates the pressure felt by the health risk. An individual belonging to a supportive

http://pjpr.net 46
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Khalid et al). Another alarming predisposing factor screening test for problem drinking. Archives of internal
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easy access of drugs in hostel made student more 2. Emmanuel, F., Akhtar, S., &Rahbar, M. H. (2003).
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There is a perceptual experience in Pakistan about drugs, 35(2), 219-226.
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rehabilitation centre. International Journal of
belonging to private college (which has a higher Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine and Public
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and financially stable families had experimented 4. Gelder M, Mayou R, Cowen P: Misuse of Alcohol and
more with drug abuse and alcohol (Nazish at et Drugs. In Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. 4th
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substance abuse in our study as drugs and alcohol 5. Imran, N., Haider, I. I., Bhatti, M. R., Sohail, A., & Zafar,
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Institutes. So there is need in future to research
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abandoned opportunities. Male students were 8. Wechsler, H., Kuo, M., Lee, H., & Dowdall, G. W.
found more abusive than females. Substance abuse (2000). Environmental correlates of underage alcohol use
was greatly affected socioeconomic status of and related problems of college students. American
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