Service Quality Assessment of Footpath I PDF
Service Quality Assessment of Footpath I PDF
Service Quality Assessment of Footpath I PDF
Volume 5 Issue 1
In industrial zones of developing countries, workers tend to live nearby
places of their working zones and prefer to go to their working places by
walking. Hence, footpath plays a crucial role in these areas, particularly
in developing countries like Bangladesh, where garments worker have a
penchant to save the transport cost for their livelihood by walking to
their working places. Hence, level of service (LOS) of the footpath in
these zones should be much higher to facilitate these heavy loads of
pedestrians. However, LOS evaluation criteria for off-street pedestrian
facilities are not well defined in the context of Bangladesh and a
negligible number of studies have been performed on this subject of
matter. This motivates the authors to assess the service quality of
footpaths in heavy industrial zone like Gazipur city using both
qualitative and quantitative approaches. In this study, a survey of 450
people were conducted to identify the key factors that attribute to the
pedestrian’s satisfaction and it is found that the average rating of the
footpath is 2.66 (out of 5) which is unsatisfactory and undesirable. Such
findings are effective for developing footpath design and maintenance
policies, and provides guidelines for future improvement.
Particularly, despite the frequent usage of countries from ancient time to modern
footpaths by indigenous people along with period. Emphasis had been given on the
huge incoming population to this city, their factors influencing the structural design
service quality is not up to mark in the criteria for a perpetual footpath. Gellatly et
view of general people. Ideally, footpaths al. (1986) assessed the effects of regular
should be smooth and even, with no footpath trampling by studying a large area
uneven or dangerous footpath surfaces that over a six-week period and highlighted the
can cause people to fall and injure importance of interactive forces such as
themselves. Unfortunately, the current surface roughness, drainage, and natural
footpath facility is not sufficient to meet obstacles with appropriate
the demand of these city people. The recommendations to prevent the
national print and electronic media also phenomenon [12].Western Australian
focused on this issue several times; Planning Commission (2000)
however, negligible efforts have been recommended that prior to the design of
made to ameliorate the present condition footpath, first need to communicate all
of these footpaths [9]-[11]. This scenario members of the community and should
doesn't escape the intuitive minds of the give priority to the needs of the disabled,
authors while passing through this area. pedestrians, cyclists and public
Hence, this study has been carried out to transportation as well as cars[13]. Later
assess the service quality of footpaths in studies focused on the factors that
Gazipur city, Bangladesh, find out the basically attribute to the service quality of
factors that are really attributing to the a footpath according to pedestrians
present state of service quality and put perception and scored them according to
suitable recommendations to ameliorate different established methods. Kelly et al.
the present condition for a better, well- (2011) compared among three methods for
developed modern city with a user-friendly assessing the walkability of the pedestrian
sustainable green footpath system. environment and found the pedestrian
attributes i.e., pavement cleanliness, safe
Literature Review crossing places, good connectivity and
Review of existing literature suggests that sense of security, and concluded that the
a lot of attention has been paid to research walking experience is affected by the
on pedestrian footpath in developed cumulative impact of multiple interactions
(both positive and negative) as people LOS of pedestrian footpaths [18]. Raad et
walk in the pedestrian al. (2017) reviewed the past experience
environment[14].Whereas, Abaya et al. with PLOS measures and tools, and
(2011) conducted a study to assess the outlined a more robust approach and
pedestrian facilities in major cities of the methods to develop an improved PLOS
Philippines and rated the pedestrian tool and measures using a Delphi process
facilities according to the rating scale (online survey and a walkshop) with a
developed by Holly Krambeck [15].Ellis et panel of experts specialized in pedestrian
al. (2016) discussed the aspects of the issues, and intercept surveys with
walkability index by using of a footpath pedestrians[19]. Some studies have also
network and exploring the implications of been performed in the subcontinent and a
this for how connectivity can be like condition in India as Bangladesh.
measured[16]. Also, Aghaabbas et al.
(2017) developed an assessment method to Kadali at al.(2015) collected PLOS with
evaluate the neighbourhood sidewalks respect to different land-use type such as
using the micro scale factors which is shopping, residential and business areas
capable of identifying the drawbacks of using ordered probit (OP) model where
neighbourhood sidewalks and also, this number of vehicles encountered, road
tool allows the residents to convey their crossing difficulty, safety have been
needs to city planners and ask for considered as primary factors along with
improving existing sidewalks [17]. pedestrian individual factors (gender and
age), land-use type and roadway
Later studies secured some advance level geometry[20]. Similarly, Sahani et al.
works through developing model to assess (2017) developed a model for pedestrian to
the service quality in terms of level of evaluate service measure at the roadside
service (LOS). Daniel et al. (2015) walking environment from the qualitative
developed a model named FOOT-LOS and quantitative analysis in developing
(pedestrian footpath level of service) to countries and found that width of
facilitate the LOS measurement. The sidewalk; vehicle volume, pedestrian
model provided a methodology for volume etc. is significantly influencing the
determining LOS and determined the pedestrian service measure [21]. Also,
factors predominantly contribute to the Jena et al. (2018) developed a model to
assess the LOS delivered by urban street concluded that achieving a better
segments in developing countries and perceived PLOS is dependent on the
found out the overall satisfaction to show availability, maintenance, and planning of
the present scenario and which different pedestrian facilities [24].
modifications are required to improve the Whereas et al. (2015) determined the most
situation [22]. Rajendran et al. (2018) suitable pedestrian level of service method
investigated the most influential factors of for Dhaka city, Bangladesh from five
the built environment that affect perceived PLOS methods through the integration of
pedestrian level of service (PLOS) of objective measurement and subjective
sidewalks using Structural Equation assessment.
Modelling (SEM) technique to assess
pedestrian satisfaction and identified the The perception ratings were scrutinized to
influencing factors [23]. identify any potential deviations that arose
from participant age and gender. In the
However, negligible number of studies has ratings, the Australian method prevailed
been performed to assess the service over the other four methods and suggested
quality of footpathsin developing countries to develop a new PLOS method that uses
like Bangladesh. Zannat et al. (2019) the factors identified in their study [25]. In
presented a comprehensive framework to addition to that, Salan et al. (2018)
measure the influence of pedestrian assessed the pedestrian behavior and the
facilities on perceived PLOS qualitatively service quality of the footpath commercial,
and quantitatively for Chittagong mixed use and residential area of Rajshahi
Metropolitan Area in Bangladesh. They city, Bangladesh. They found the highest
modeled triangular relationships among pedestrian flow in the commercial area and
pedestrian facilities, perceived roadway recommended to emphasize on
conditions (accessibility, safety, comfort, rehabilitation of illegal establishment,
and attractiveness), and perceived PLOS to construct the footpath infrastructures and
identify pedestrian facilities, related to restriction on footpath parking in the
footpath, carriageway, and transit, commercial and mixed used areas [26].
influencing perceived PLOS. Finally they Unfortunately, yet no study has been done
denoted accessibility and attractiveness to assess the service quality of footpath in
and safety as important factors and the major and most important industrial
To conduct the study, primary and to reflect their opinions in the final
secondary level data were collected from questionnaire. Then, the total length of 4.4
the permanent residents of GCC as well as km of the studied footpath was divided
the people who have come here for into 6 sectors according to the geometric
temporary visits. To evaluate the level of design and public social importance for
service (LOS) of the footpath in GCC from better efficiency (as shown in Figure 1 and
people’s perception, a questionnaire Table 1).
survey was conducted that not only
included particular questions to be The divisions of footpath section render a
answered by the pedestrians but also their clear view about footpath condition; where
own opinions in the present state of the around 450walkway users were
footpaths and how these situations can be interviewed from 8 am to 5 pm with 1 hour
ameliorated. Prior to finalize the break at 1 pm. The data collection days
questionnaire for data collection, a field were chosen such that both public holiday
investigation was performed to observe the and working day are encountered during
actual field condition and a pilot survey the survey.
was also conducted among the pedestrians
Figure 2 shows an interesting observation pedestrian from 25-55 years range use
regarding the number of male pedestrians footpath mostly and their percentage is
and female pedestrians. The number of 46%. This is basically the working-class
male pedestrians increased at night (from people. Also, a significant pedestrian’s
63% at day to70% at night), whereas percentage has been observed for the
number of female pedestrians dropped at people age below 25 years range and that
night (from 37% at day to22% at night). is 40%. This basically represents the
This implies that female pedestrian school, college and university going
movement decreased at night since they go students and also, there a large number of
to market for buying their necessities from female garments worker whose age is
vendors and they prefer to move from one fewer than 25. They basically come here to
shop to another before buying anything. survive their livelihood by escaping from
Another implication is that the studied area extreme poverty. This survey also shows
is besieged by number of factories, that only 4% of people above 55 years
especially garment factories, which are run range use footpath where woman rate is
mostly by the female workers. almost little(Figure 4). This alludes that
there is little provision for old people to
Figure 3 shows the age distribution of the use the footpath and hence, their negligible
responded and their corresponding percentage resembles their levity to use the
percentage. Data analysis reveals that footpath.
Work 45 72 22
School 22 57 43
Market 6 80 20
Others 27 85 15
Table 3 and Fig. 4 show that people like to are available and it is adjacent to the
use footpath mostly for work purpose residential area and hence, people prefer to
45%. This indicates lots of work facilities walk to go to market. People who use
are available in this locality and people footpath for other purposes i.e., to go to
live here are mostly from working class. religious establishments, enjoy sports,
22% of people go to educational an morning walk are 27% this indicates that
institution which indicates that there are there lots of religious establishments,
number of schools, colleges, and travel spots and open lands for excursion
universities in Gazipur and number of are present in this area. Though woman
students compared to total population is doesn’t use footpath frequently for other
significant. The number of people going to purposes, their participation in working
market is 6%, which indicates that markets purpose is significant.
Table 4 shows that 79% people don’t want 4 denotes Good, and 5 denotes excellent
to use the footpath during night time rather condition of the footpath. Then the survey
they prefer to use footpath during the day data were analyzed by score method to
because most of the people in this city evaluate the level of satisfaction of the
work in garments industry and they like to pedestrians and to rate the footpath. Table
use footpath during morning, evening and 5 shows the corresponding rating value by
afternoon. In addition to this, these people the pedestrians.
have no choice to stay at home during the
adverse condition (heavy rain or cold) Table 5: Pedestrian rating on footpath
since they must have to go to their work Categories Wors Poo Fai Goo Bes
t r r d t
and hence, 71% people prefer to use
footpath in midst of adverse weather Responden 90 140 104 62 54
condition. Though people in this locality
are not satisfied with the current footpath
condition, one of the reasons they report Hence, the average footpath condition by
score method
that the footpath is not up to mark and
sometimes at night pedestrian face =(1*90+2*140+3*104+4*62+5*54)/450=
criminal activities which is very common
condition in this locality. This is between poor and fair condition
and close to poor condition. It clearly
The pedestrians were also asked to rate the indicates that LOS of the footpath is at
service quality of the footpath in a scale very poor condition and people are not
from 1 to 5, where 1 denotes worst Satisfied with the present status of the
condition, 2 denotes poor, 3 denotes Fair, service quality.
(c) Footpath uses for commercial purpose (d) Odd footpath with huge pit
(e) Broken segment of footpath (f) Discontinuous footpath with zero slopes with road
During the field investigation and data 50% footpath is concrete base, of which
collection, some corporeal discrepancies 50% are very narrow and out of date
were observed that deviate from an ideal condition. Sometimes tree roots can cause
footpath characteristic, which have been the footpath to become uneven, or rubbish
shown in Figure 8. A common phenomena or fallen leaves can make the footpath
has been observed throughout the studied slippery. Occasionally pedestrians fall on
area is that unauthorized vehicles are footpath pit. In addition to this, Footpaths
parked here and there blocking the are much raised compared to the elevation
footpath as shown in Figure 8(a). This of main road level and no or little slope
seriously inhibits the pedestrians to use has been observed to connect the footpath
footpath and thus, develop to a mentally to with the main road, which provides
use road pavement for walking purpose, difficulty for the pedestrians, particularly
which results in severe road accidents. for the old, disabled and children [as
Also, another observation relates to the shown in Figure 8(f)].
described one that vendors are keeping
their products on the footpath and run their Apart from these, no visible footpath
commercial activities destroying the furniture like seating arrangement for
walkway of the pedestrians [Figure 8(b)]. pedestrians, pedestrian shelters during
Also, local people keep their construction adverse weather, bins for keeping wastes
materials, in front of their houses, on the have been observed in the study area.
footpath, thus reducing the effective road Also, footpaths are not wide enough to be
width by forcing pedestrians walking over used by disabled and physically challenged
the road segment [Figure 8 (c)]. Eerily it people with wheelchair. Sometimes motor
found that there are large broken holes in vehicles like motorcycle, auto and
the mid of the footpath, hazardous rickshaw are using footpath in case of
construction elements i.e., reinforcement traffic congestion on road. The guard rails
are open and this induce a tremendous for pedestrian safety are absent on the
safety concern for the pedestrians as footpath. The lighting condition is not that
shown in the Figure 8(d-e). Field much good on footpath that causes
investigation revealed that 40% of the accident in road changing point and
footpath in the studied area is earthwork engenders illegal activities during night
footpath, of which10% is broken badly and time. Besides modern footpath facilities
like public telephones or latrines or water people made the footpath a nightmare
facilities are absent in the studied area. experience for the users and this results
There is no signpost to guide walkers like into a poor level of service of 2.66 out of
different area indicator, speed meter, 5, which gives a numerical evidence that
signal, etc. From aesthetic and clearly shows the poor state of the
environmental point of view, there are not footpath.
enough trees or other things creating
enough shade on footpaths to keep Hence, the present state of footpath
pedestrian comfortable on a hot day. condition must be ameliorated to
maximize pedestrian’s satisfaction. In
CONCLUSION AND order to achieve this, the following are
Comfort, continuity, and safety are the
governing criteria for the design and 1. The satisfaction of the pedestrians
construction of pedestrian facilities. Well regarding a footpath depends on the
planned footpaths provide continuous integration of multiple elements in a
space for walking. They also support other coherent design.
activities such as street vending and
waiting arrangement at bus stoppage 2. Footpaths must be continuous even at
without compromising pedestrian property entrances for uninterrupted
mobility. However, the studied segments pedestrian movement. If walkways are
of the footpath show tangible deviances to provide safe, easy, efficient and
from this standard ideal situation. Deep comfortable pedestrian movement for
analyses of the pedestrian’s perception all members of the society,
data clearly demonstrated that footpaths of considerations must be given to the
this area provide less safety and pedestrian following basic principles of walkway
comfort. Unauthorized parking, development:
appropriation of the footpath by vendors,
broken potholes on the footpath, a. Illegal activities on footpath i.e.,
construction materials kept on footpath by vendors occupying footpath,
the adjacent households, no special unauthorized vehicles on footpath,
provisions for child, old and disabled construction materials on the footpath
must be stopped and take illegal steps already been habituated to use road
against those who will be involved instead of footpath for walking
with those activities. purpose.