Alkaline Lysis Buffer A Recipe
Alkaline Lysis Buffer A Recipe
Alkaline Lysis Buffer A Recipe
When ready to use add 0.02g lysozyme to 100ml of alkaline lysis buffer A to yield alkaline lysis
buffer 1.
Stock solution
Cautions: ALWAYS wear personal protective equipment when in the laboratory with
concentrated acids (or any other time)! Always add acid slowly into water and do not add water
into acid!
Final concentrations:
0.2% Coomassie Blue
7.5% Acetic Acid
50% Ethanol
LB Agar Recipe
Note: Sucrose (40%), Ficoll (15%), or glycerol (30%) can be used in place of each other in DNA
loading buffer
1X TE Recipe
3. Add the following to 990ml distilled H2O
10ml 1M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)
400µl 0.25 M EDTA
5X Tris Glycine Buffer Recipe
1. Dissolve in 700 ml of H2O:
15.1g Tris base
94g glycine
50ml of 10% SDS
2. After solid is dissolved, adjust volume to 1L with H2O
1. 1.050g Ferrocyanide
2. 0.825g Ferricyanide
3. 0.050g NaDeoxycholate
4. 0.2g MgCl2
5. 500ul Nonidet-P40
6. 0.5g X-gal in 5ml N,N-Dimethylformamide
Phenol mix: 25ml pure phenol, 15ml H2O, 400ml 1M Tris-HCl, pH to 8.0 with 2 drops 5M NaCl
The usual stock solution concentration of EtBr is 10 mg/ml, or 1000x higher. Are you sure you
need the lower concentration?
I would make this by first making a 10 mg/ml stock and diluting 1000x (assuming that this is
what you really need).
By default,
EtBr is actually 10mg per ml
we used to convert it to .5 microgram per ml
-Mazhar Hussain-