Raffles LENG - II
Raffles LENG - II
Raffles LENG - II
DEGREE: B.B.A.LL.B / B.A.LL.B. (Integrated Law degree course)
1. A
rticles and its uses; omissions.
3. A
4. Prepositions – uses and omissions, prepositions of travel and movement, preposition of date and
time, relations expressed by prepositions, words followed by prepositions.
5. C
onjunction and its uses.
5. C
ompositing complex and compound sentences using conjunctions.
6. Tense: Present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, simple past, past
continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, simple future, future continuous.
7. A
ctive and Passive Voice
8. D
irect and indirect speeches.
9. P
hrasal verbs.
10. Aids to vocabulary: One word for a group of words; idioms; proverbs [C.f., Gandhi, p. 59 -115]
10. Sentences and Paragraph writing in Law [C.f., Rylance, p.14 -19]
13. E
xpressions relating to time [C.f., Rylance, p.225-232]
15. Barriers to communication, and its consequences w.r.t. law [C.f., Sridhar, p.13]
DEGREE: B.B.A.LL.B / B.A.LL.B. (Integrated Law degree course)
1. Language in Law: a source of trouble and resolution [C.f., Sridhar, p.1; Gandhi, p.3-4; Tripathi,
4. Fundamental Principles of Legal Writing: Concision, Clarity, and Cogency [C.f., Sridhar,
5. Legal Terms and Transactions [C.f., Sridhar, p.253-270; Gandhi, p.249-314; Tripathi, p.159-217]
6. Legal Maxims [C.f., Sridhar, p.288-296; Gandhi, p.327-399; Tripathi, p.43-59, 218-246]
7. Legal Reasoning – Induction, Analogy, and Justification, etc. [C.f., Gandhi, p.11-24]
9. Writing emails, text messages (SMS) – Dos and Don’ts, basic courtesy and etiquettes [C.f.,
Rylance, p.127-176].
10.Writing applications.
12. R
eport Writing on various current event topics
13. P
recis writing in the legal profession [C.f., Gandhi, p.117-126].
14. L
egal Drafting [C.f., Gandhi, p.215-246]
15. D
rafting Considerations - What to say and what not to say [C.f., Zillman & Roth, p.135-138]
17. Drafting official memos, notices, plaints, etc. [C.f., Tripathi, p.292-296]
18. Drafting Complaint and Motion [C.f., Zillman & Roth, p.19-43, 63-95]
DEGREE: B.B.A.LL.B / B.A.LL.B. (Integrated Law degree course)
19. W
riting Case Comments [C.f., Sridhar, p.232-236; Gandhi, p.195-210].
20. W
riting Notices – Legal Notice, Private Notice, Public Notice
21. W
riting Affidavits – Simple affidavit, Court affidavit [C.f., Tripathi, p.275].
22. O
ral Presentations [C.f., Sridhar, p. 274]
c) Law is imposed
d) Enforcement
e) The State
f) Content of Law
B) Acquiring skill
4. Mock Trial Presentations (Practical activities w.r.t units 1, 2, and 3 of Module III above)
1. Merchant of Venice (relevant portions, particularly the court scene) – William Shakespeare
3. 12 Angry Men (Film – Courtroom Drama) – Reginald Rose; Sidney Lumet (1957) [Role of Jurors;
4. The wrongful conviction of Dennis Maher – News Report [Role of Jurors; Race]
6. The Perfect Murder (Short Story) – Jeffery Archer [Circumstantial Evidence]
9. May it please the court? (Short Story) – Angela Mae Kupenda [Race].
10. The Bet (Short Story) – Anton Chekhov [Analysis of the story].
Methods of Teaching: Reading, Writing, Films and Audio-Visual Clips, Debates and Discussions,
Simulations and Role Plays, Projects and Research on the subject with examples.
DEGREE: B.B.A.LL.B / B.A.LL.B. (Integrated Law degree course)
1. R.A. Posner, Law and Literature (3rd Ed.), Harvard University Press, Massachusetts, 2009 [ISBN:
5. M.A. Yadugiri & Geetha Bhasker, English for Law, Foundation Books, Delhi, 2005.
8. Rai & Rai, “Business Correspondence & Report Writing”, Himalaya Publishing House, 2001
10. Sharma & Mohan, “Business Correspondence and Report Writing”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2002
11. S. Pit Corder, An intermediate English Practice Book, Orient Longman, Hyderabad, 1996.
12. A.S. Hornby, Guide to Patterns and Usage in English, OUP, Delhi, 1999.
13. David Green, Contemporary English Grammar Structures and Composition, Macmillan, Chennai,
14. Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik, A Communicative Grammar of English, Longman, Delhi, 2001.
15. Thomson and Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, OUP, Bombay, 1970
16. Wren & Martin, High School English Grammar & Composition, S. Chand, New Delhi, 1973
17. Kev Nair, Thesaurus of Phrasal Verbs (1st Ed.), Adult Faculties Council, Kochi, 2007
18. B.M. Gandhi, Legal Language, Legal Writing & General English, Eastern Book Company,
Lucknow, 2009
19. Dr. Madabhushi Sridhar, Legal Language (2nd Ed.), Asia Law House, Hyderabad, 1999.
DEGREE: B.B.A.LL.B / B.A.LL.B. (Integrated Law degree course)
20. Paul Rylance, Writing and Drafting in Legal Practice, OUP, Oxford, 2012
21. Dr. S.C. Tripathi, Legal Language, Legal Writing & General English (4th Ed.), Central Law
Publications, Allahabad, 2008.
22. Donald N. Zillman & Evan J. Roth, Strategic Legal Writing, Cambridge University Press, New
York, 2008.
23. Dr. Anirudh Prasad, Outlines of Legal Language in India, Central Law Publications, Allahabad,