The Most Common Errors For Seismic Design
The Most Common Errors For Seismic Design
The Most Common Errors For Seismic Design
Sep, 2015 By Thomas F. Heausler, P.E., S.E., SECB In Articles, Structural Performance Comments 2
Note that the “NP” entry in [Table 12.6-1] includes many common irregularities, including horizontal type 1a,
1b and vertical type 1a, 1b, 2 and 3, and thus a modal analysis is triggered for those structures.
14) Accidental Torsion
In addition to inherent torsion, accidental torsion must be applied. This is to prevent weak torsional resisting
arrangements, as well as account for unexpected distribution of live load and unexpected stiffness of structural
and non-structural elements. This provision applies to non-building structures, as well as buildings. For
torsionally irregular buildings, amplification of the accidental torsion may be required as per []. See
15) Drift Check
Results from the elastic analysis must be amplified by Cd to render expected deflections. Note that Cd is a very
large value, typically a factor of about 4 or 5. The drift is then divided by Ie, because the allowable drifts are
organized into a table that considers risk category. One should be careful when using ASD load combinations
not to apply the 0.7E to drift calculations. See [12.8.6], [12.12], and [Table 12.12-1].
16) Diaphragm Forces
Forces at lower floor diaphragms may be higher than those used for the lateral force resisting system
[Equation 12.8-12]. This is due to higher mode effects (i.e., modes higher than the first mode) where the lower
floors may be accelerating higher than calculated. Note that Fpx minimums of [Equation 12.10-2] often govern
for the lower floors. See [].
17) Non-structural Components
Non-structural components may also experience higher local accelerations due to higher mode effects, as well
as amplification of the force within the non-structural element itself. See [Equation 13.3.1]. Industrial
structures often feature very large forces. It is unlikely that the forces on two different floors would occur at
the same point in time. Therefore, one method of accounting for the forces in a computer model is to evaluate
two conditions.
1) Run a load case with the weight of the equipment included in the seismic weight of the floor and the base
shear, V, distributed over the height as per [Equation 12.8-12].
2) Run a load case with only the non-structural component force for one piece of equipment, so as to verify an
adequate load path to the vertical system and/or foundation.
Note that it is necessary to apply Ev to load combinations with non-structural component forces. The factor
Ωo does not apply to such load combinations, except in some ACI 318-11 Appendix D calculations. Note also
that when non-structural components get very large – i.e., 25% or more of total structure mass – then [15.3]
provisions apply. For these heavy components, the stiffness and design coefficients of both the component and
the primary structure must be considered together in a computer model.
18) Wall Design
Connections to wall panels made of concrete and concrete masonry units (CMU) have performed poorly in
past earthquakes. The equations of [12.11.1] and [] should be implemented, as well as ACI 318-11
Appendix D for anchorage.
19) Foundation Ties
Foundation ties are required as per [] in order to ensure that the foundation system acts as an integral
unit, not permitting one column or wall to move appreciably relative to another. This applies to pile caps in
SDC C, D,E and F, and spread footings for SDC E and F.
20) Reduction of Foundation Overturning
[12.13.4] allows for a reduction of the bearing pressures at the soil-foundation interface. Forces may be
reduced by 25% in recognition that the first mode triangular force distribution will likely not occur without
higher mode effects occurring and negating the direction of the first mode, resulting in reduced maximum
overturning moments.
21) Errata
The ASCE/SEI 7-10 and IBC 2012 websites have the latest errata for those documents. Significant entries due
to typographical mistakes or unintended consequences of revisions are corrected in the errata.