L&S Golden Bear Advising Final Assignment

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L&S Golden Bear Advising Final Assignment

Part 1: Advising

Name: __________________________________________________________________________________

SID: _______________________

My GBA L&S College Adviser is: ____________________________________________________________

Other Adviser or Counselor (optional): ____________________________________________________

Part 2: Degree Requirements

For each requirement, check the box if you have met it already, and then select the way you met the
requirement from the drop-down menu next to it.

If you have not met a requirement already, leave it blank.

University and Campus Requirements

Entry Level Writing

American History

American Institutions

American Cultures

L&S Essential Skills

Reading & Composition A

Reading & Composition B

Quantitative Reasoning

Foreign Language

L&S Seven-Course Breadth

Arts and Literature

Biological Sciences

Historical Studies
International Studies

Philosophy and Values

Physical Sciences

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Part 3: Majors
List 3 majors that you are considering majoring in. Briefly, explain why you are interested in each major:
(maximum 250 words)

Major 1: ______________________________ Explanation: _____________________________

Major 2: ______________________________ Explanation: _____________________________

Major 3: ______________________________ Explanation: _____________________________

For each major, list the prerequisite courses required:

Major: ___________________ Major: ___________________ Major: ___________________

1. ______________________ 1. ______________________ 1. ______________________

2. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 2. ______________________

3. ______________________ 3. ______________________ 3. ______________________

4. ______________________ 4. ______________________ 4. ______________________

5. ______________________ 5. ______________________ 5. ______________________

6. ______________________ 6. ______________________ 6. ______________________

7. ______________________ 7. ______________________ 7. ______________________

List any application requirements or admission restrictions for each major:

Major 1: ____________________________________________________________________________

Major 2: ____________________________________________________________________________

Major 3: ____________________________________________________________________________

Part 4: Schedule Planning

List your planned first-semester schedule:

Course Department and Number Class Number

Meeting Days Meeting Time Units
(e.g. Math 1A) (5 digits)

Total Units: 0.00

List Alternate Course Options (in case you are unable to enroll in any classes from your primary schedule):

Course Department and Number Class Number

Meeting Days Meeting Time Units
(e.g. Math 1A) (5 digits)
Enrollment Checklist:

My planned classes have no time conflicts.

My planned classes are open/have seats available.
I meet any enrollment restrictions for the classes I plan to enroll in.
I meet any required prerequisites for the classes I plan to enroll in.
I have checked the Final Exam schedule for my planned classes.

Briefly, explain why you chose each class:

(maximum 250 words)

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