Workout Routine Source Video
Workout Routine Source Video
Workout Routine Source Video
" very important thing to remember, after training a specific body part you have to let it rest
for at least 24 hours before you train it again." -Euodias *Breaks for about 15 seconds Monday -
Quads, Glutes, and Hamstrings Activation exercises (resistance band) 3x20 Donkey Kicks 3x15
Fire Hydrants 3x20 Weighted Clams 3x40 Crabwalks Leg Workouts 3x12 Romanian Deadlifts
3x12 Leg Curls/ Leg Extension +3x12 Goblet Squats = 1 set 5x12 Leg Press + 3x12 Single Leg
Deadlifts = 1 set Smith Machine Squats 3x4 with heavy weights 4x12 with light weights 5 to 10
min Run Tuesday - Arms, Shoulders, Back, and Abs Activation exercises (resistance band) 3x20
Donkey Kicks 3x15 Fire Hydrants 3x20 Weighted Clams 3x40 Crabwalks Arm Workouts Free
Choice! 3x20 Bicep Curls 3x15 Any Tricep Exercise 3x12 Side Lateral Raises Abs Workout 30
Crunches 30 Bicycle Crunches 30 Heel Touches 30 Reverse Crunches 20 Leg Raises 30 Sec
Flutter Kicks 30 Russian Twists *Use 10- 12 lb weight 30 Sec Side Plank 30 Plank Twists 1 Min
Plank 5- 10 min run Wednesday - Glutes Activation exercises (resistance band) 3x20 Donkey
Kicks 3x15 Fire Hydrants 3x20 Weighted Clams 3x40 Crabwalks Glutes 3x15 Cable Kickbacks +
3x15 Cable Hip Abductions = 1 set 3x20 Dumbell Glute Bridges + 3x15 Weighted Hip Thrusts =
1 set *Squeeze booty as hard as you can. 3x20 Hip Abductions + 3x20 Hip Abduction Pulses +
3x20 Hip Abductions (5 Sec hold each) = 1 set *All while Squatting 5- 10 min run Thursday -
Arms, Shoulders, Back, and Abs Activation exercises (resistance band) 3x20 Donkey Kicks 3x15
Fire Hydrants 3x20 Weighted Clams 3x40 Crabwalks Arm Workouts Free Choice! 3x20 Bicep
Curls 3x15 Any Tricep Exercise 3x12 Side Lateral Raises Abs 30 Crunches 30 Bicycle Crunches
30 Heel Touches 30 Reverse Crunches 20 Leg Raises 30 Sec Flutter Kicks 30 Russian Twists
*Use 10- 12 lb weight 30 Sec Side Plank 30 Plank Twists 1 Min Plank 5- 10 min run Friday -Leg
Day, Glutes Activation exercises (resistance band) 3x20 Donkey Kicks 3x15 Fire Hydrants 3x20
Weighted Clams 3x40 Crabwalks Leg Workouts 3x12 Romanian Deadlifts 3x12 Leg Curls/ Leg
Extension +3x12 Goblet Squats = 1 set 5x12 Leg Press + 3x12 Single Leg Deadlifts = 1 set
Smith Machine Squats 3x4 with heavy weights 4x12 with light weights Glutes 3x15 Cable
Kickbacks + 3x15 Cable Hip Abductions = 1 set 3x20 Dumbell Glute Bridges + 3x15 Weighted
Hip Thrusts = 1 set *Squeeze booty as hard as you can. 3x20 Hip Abductions + 3x20 Hip
Abduction Pulses + 3x20 Hip Abductions (5 Sec hold each) = 1 set *All while Squatting 5- 10 min