Training For PT Specialists - Theoretical Reminders

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 A strength is a force necessary to distort or move a piece.

A wire which retains a mass is subjected to a tensile strength.

Mass of 1kg Strength of 10 N

A mass leaning on a support exercise a compressive strength on it.

Mass of 50 tons Strength of 500 kN

 A stress is a strength related to a unit of surface. Stress of compression, flexion or tension are often
noted  (sigma). A stress can be considered as a distributed strength.

Two pieces with the same mass leaning on a slab exercise the same strength on this support
nevertheless the stress applied to this slab depends on the surface of the bearing area.


2 > 1


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The stress is calculated using a strength (or a force) F and a surface S :

F N 
  MPa 
S  mm² 

 The pressure is a unit similar to a stress, it use for fluids (liquids or gas), it differs in the fact that it an
essentially positive unit. A pressure is also a strength related to a unit of surface. This distributed
strength is always perpendicular to the surface of application.

In a jack, the pressure applies to all the walls of the oil chamber. It is equal in all points.


The strength distributed on the surface of the piston, noted F’ is calculated depending on the oil pressure P
and on the surface of the piston, S.

F’ [daN ] = P [bar] . S [cm²]

F’ [N] = P [MPa] . S [mm²]

Nota : If internal friction in the jack is considered, as 2%, then the actual strenght F developed by the jack
is : F = F’ . (1 - ) = F’ x 0,98

 UNITS : Many units usually used to express strength and stress are not correct. Please only use
following units so as multiples and sub-multiples.

Symbol of prefixes :
M méga = 1 000 000 = 106
k kilo = 1000 = 103
h hecto = 100 = 102
da deca = 10

d deci = 0,1 = 10-1

c centi = 0,01 = 10-2
m milli = 0,001 = 10-3

Strength : Newton N
Multiples are more often used, as the kilonewton (kN), the decanewton (daN) and also the meganewton
Please do not use the kilogramme (kg), the ton (t) or others.

Reminder: 1 daN = 10 N
1 kN = 1 000 N
1 MN = 1 000 kN = 1 000 000 N

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Stress / Pressure : The Pascal Pa
The multiple megapascal (MPa), which is more appropriate for values of concrete or steel resistances is
more often used.
The bar is the more usual unit for pressure values.

Reminder : 1 Pa = 1 N / m²
1 MPa = 1 N / mm² = 1 MN / m²
1 bar = 100 000 Pa = 105 Pa
1 bar = 0,1 MPa

Section and Surface : The square metre m²

Sub-multiples are really often used : cm² et mm². Make sure of the compatibility of the different units used
in formulas.

Reminder : 1 m² = 1 000 000 mm² = 106 mm²

1 cm² = 100 mm² = 102 mm²
1 m² = 10 000 cm² = 104 cm²


 A piece subjected to a tensile strength is distorded, its extra-length, in comparison with its initial
length when relaxed, is called elongation and is often noted A or l (Delta l). Under a definite sill of
stress, this distorsion is considered as directely propotionnal with the applied strength.

For a strength F, the elongation

l is observed.
2F 2F For a strength F, the elongation
l is observed.
l l
If the strength is relaxed, the
lenght is again as initially.

Nota : If the piece is subjected to a compressive strength, a shortening of the piece occurs, the
expression of negative elongation may be abusively used.

 A strain is an elongation related to a unit of lentgth.

The average elongation of a straight post-tensioning tendon is 7 mm / m. This strain is noted as 7 ‰ (7

per 1000).
When the force in prestressing steel reaches the ultimate strength, the strain of the steel reaches the
value of about 5 %. (elongation of 50 mm / m).

 When subjected to thermal effect, materials endures theral expasion or shrinkage.The observed
elonation is directely proportionnal to the temperature variaton and to the initial length of the piece.

The thermal expanson coefficient is specific for each material.

Steel : 0,01 mm / m / °C
Concrete : 0,01 mm / m / °C
HDPE : 0,20 mm / m / °C

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Definition : The concrete is a material issued from the physico-chemical transformation of the mix, in
appropriate proportion of cement, water, (eventually admixtures) and aggregates (sand, gravel…).

Characteristics :

Density : generally between 2000 to 2500 kg / m3, for lack of information, it shall considered a
density for the concrete of 2 500 kg / m³

Thermal expansion coefficient : average value : 0,01 mm / m / °C or 10-5 °C-1

Hygrometric shrinkage : During its live, the volume of the concrete changes.
In dry atmosphere, the occurring shrinkage is about 0,3 mm / m at 3 months
0,4 mm / m at 6 months
0,5 mm / m at 6 months
The thermal expansion varies depending on :
The hygrometry of the environment (in water it is quasi nil.)
The cement proportion (it increases with the cement proportion)
The water proportion (it increases with the water proportion)

 Shrinkage under load or creep : This shrinkage is added to the hygrmetric shrinkage, it depends
on the aplied load and its duration.

 Stress-strain diagram

Strain  :  =  (MPa)
l : elongation
l : length of the sample fcj

The modulus of elasticity E of the concrete varies in great

proportion. This value is expressed in MPa.


Instantaneous modulus Ei and long term modulus Ev are
defined as :
2  (‰)
Ei = 11 000 fc281/3 (MPa)
Ev = Ei / 3

 Resistance class of the average concretes (EN 206 –1 : 2000)

The resistances listed in the following table are compressive strenght of the concrete at 28 days.

Compressive resistance class C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60

Minimal characteristic
20 25 30 35 40 45 50
resistance on cylinder (MPa)

Minimal characteristic
25 30 37 47 50 55 60
resistance on cube (MPa)

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The compressive resistance of the concrete is a significant data which conditions the striping of
formwork time for reinforced concrete. A minimal resistive strength is also required for the tensioning
of prestressing steel.
The tensile resistance of the concrete is very small. It can be calculated using the following formula,
using for fc28 the value of the concrete compressive resistance on cylinder.

ft28 = 0,06 fc28 + 0,6


 Stress-strain diagram

2 field shall be distinguished in the behaviour of the steel :

 The elastic field, limited with the yield stress fy of the  (MPa) =
 As long as the applied stress to the steel does not aver pass
this sill, the distorsion and strain of the sample is linear, frg
proportionnal et reversible. fy
 If te applied load is relaxed, the sample recovers its initial
The modulus of elasticity E is defined as :
E =
With fy : yield stress y  (‰)
y : corresponding elastic strain

In this field, steel follows the Hooke’s law, in traction as well as in compression :
 = .E
F l
which can also be expressed :  E
S l

 The plastic field, beyond the yield stress. In this field, the strain of the sample is not more linear,
neither proportionnal or reversible. If the load (higher than fy), applied to the sample is relaxed, it
retains a strain, the sample is then plastified.
 The garantied ultimate stress frg is the sill beyond which the break of the sample occurs with a
probability of 95%.
The breaking strain of the steel is about 1% (10‰). This value is much higher than the breaking
strain of the concrete (about 3,5 ‰).

 Reinforcement steel

Reinforcement bars are passive steels which are installed to arm or reinforce the concrete. They may have
different shapes and yield stress. The most often used reinforcement bars are listed in the following table :

Type Designation Guarantied yield stress - fy (MPa)

Fe E 215 215
Smooth bars
Fe E 235 235
Fe E 400 400
HA bars
Fe E 500 500
HA stranded wires Fe TE 500
HA welded meshes . TSHA
Smooth welded meshes TSL 500

The value of the modulus of elasticity of the reinforcement bars is 200 000 MPa.

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The surface shape of the rebars is significant for the bonding of the steel with the surrounding concrete.
Straight bonding length of the rebars may be calculated using relevant formula and are depending of the
diameter of the steel, the yield strength of the rebar and the concrete tensile. The French relevant formula
varies with the surface shape of the rebar.
  mm f y  MPa
For smooth bars : ls =
2,4 f t 28  MPa 
 fy
For HA bars : ls =
5,4 f t 28

For 20 rebars with yield stress of 500 MPa, bonded in concrete C30/37, with a tensile strength of 2,4
MPa : For smooth bars  ls = 174 cm
For HA bars ls = 77 cm

 Prestessing steel

Prestressing steels are active steels which are installed in the concrete and which stay tensioned during the
whole life of the structure. Prestressing steels are composed of single wires or stranded wires. (most often 7
wires strand sare used for post-tensioning).
These steels, even if their stress-strain diagram has the same form as the reinforcement bars of average
quality, own specificities.

 A high mecanical resistance : standard grades (guarantied ultimate strength) are 1770 and 1860
MPa for strands.

The maximal tensioning strength that can be applied are defined in the local relevant standards or
specification. Following French standard, this strength is the lower of the 2 following values :
0,8 frg ou 0,9 fe

 A good resistance to corrosion and especially to corrosion under stress. Even if a light superficial
corrosion may be accepted for reinforcement bars while installed in the structure, as it increases the
bonding of the surrounding concrete, the control of prestressing steel is very strict and no corrosion
can be accepted for these steel.

 A low relaxation. The relaxaton is a phenomena of stress loss which occurs with time in tensioned
steel. Relaxation losses are depending of the initial tensioning stress and the temperature of the
Prestressing steel may be classified in 2 categories, the normal relaxation NR and the very low
relaxation. The current specifications recommend very low relaxation steel for prestressing.

Tendons currently installed for post-tensioning prestressing activities are generally composed of several

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 Principle
Reinforced concrete is a composite material obtained by the incorporation of steel bars in the concrete.
These both materials work in a monolithic way because of bonding. Furthermore, the thermal expansion
coefficients of steel and concrete are quite equal, which allow for the compatibility of their functioning.

Briefly, the concrete has a significant resistance to compressive loads but, as mentionned previously, the
tensile strength of this material is really low. Reinforcement bars, installed in tensed sections, resists to
traction loads. These bars also resist to compression loads and contribute to the resistance of the reinforced
concrete, which is profitable as concrete is not able to resist on its own to compression loads.

Therefore, reinforcement bars are installed in tensed sections.

Reinforcement bars
Tensed sections

 Advantages

 Flexibility of utilisation : Concrete is poured in plastic state in formworks in which the

reinforcement bars have previously been placed. It is possible to cast structures whatever is its

 Maintenance savings : Unlike steel structures which need periodically to be protected against
corrosion, concrete structure are not so sensitive to external attack.

 Fire resistance : Concrete is a bad heat conductor and can resist to high temperatures, the covering
of rebars allows for their protection. Indeed, it is possible, except in case of violent and prolonged
fire to reopen a reinforced concrete building.

 Resistance to accidental loads : Because of their significant weight, reinfoced concrete structures
are less sensitives to loads variations.

 Drawbacks

 Weight : Concrete structures are heavier than steel structures, foundations are then more
considerable and more expensive.

 Execution constraint : Reinforcement bars shall be placed with accuracy in the formwork.
Fabrication and installation of the formwork is a significant part of the work. Concrete shall be
protected against freezing or desiccation (water evaporation too fast).

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 Principle

The concrete material can resist on his own to tensile stress. In reinforced concrete, the steel rebars allows
for the resistance to tensile stress. Prestressing concrete functionning is not based on the same principle. As
the concrete can not resist to tensile loads, the prestressing compensate in advance the tensile stress that
will be applied to the concrete.

Indeed, prestressing concrete is a reinforced concrete subjected to permanent internal compressive stress.,
so that stress variations caused by external sollicitations occurs decompression (and eventually a light
tension) of the material. Without this initial compression, the material would be subjected to more
significant tensile stress

Internal compressive stresses are obtained because of the tensioning of prestressing steels linked with the
piece to pretension. Thus, the tension load caused by external sollicitations acts as a decompression on the

 Illustration of the prestressing principle

Stress diagram in a section


Without load
Compression Traction


Application of a
compressive Compression + Traction


Application of a
Compression Traction
Application of a
Compression Traction

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Exemple : In a span

Neutral axis

Stress diagram

Compression + Compression +

- Traction - Traction
0 0
Mid-span section Edge section

Tensile stresses vary in the different sections of the span. They have to be compensate by the application of
a compressive initial laod, applied by the prestressing tendons.

Stress diagram (prestressing load only)

- +

Compression + Traction
0 0
Mid-span section Edge section

Prestressing steels, as reinforcement bars are throw off-center in the section which are subjected to be
submitted to tensile stress. This explains why the layout of the prestressing tendons are rarely straight in the

Note that a excessive prestressing could add too much in the concrete. The compression in the concrete
shall not overpasse the compressive strength of this material.

Prestressing calculations and design of the structure are carried out by design offices.

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 Advantages

The utilisation of prestressing concrete offers the same advantages as reinforeced concrete :
- Economical structure,
- Flexibility of utilisation,
- Maintenance savings,
- Resistance to fire and accidental loads.

Furthermore, as tensile stresses are limited in prestressing structures, its utilisation allows for longer spans,
and with as long spans allows for lighter structures and consequently cheaper structures.

In case of cantilever structure, with cast-in-place segments, prestressing allows to work without temporary

 Drawbacks

Drawbacks of the utilisation of the prestressing concrete are the same as ones of reinforced concrete
utilisation and more particularly concercing execution constraint. (As structures are thinner, the accuracy
and the quality of the work need to be increased.

Furthermore, prestressing steel is very sensitive to corrosion. The definitve protection of prestressing
tendons by grouting is a crucial phase whose good achievement conditiones the durability of the tendons
and also of the structure. It is also considerable to work with high quality concrete which will not favour
the corrosion of the prestressing steel. Wires breaks risks exists, it is necessary to survey the structure
during its life.

Prestresing development has been possible because of the evolution of the materials. Loads applied to
prestressing steel are much higher than the loads than can be supported by reinforcement bars. This implies
a choice of high-performance material., a more advanced technology and a reinforced quality control.

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 Strength, Stress and Pressure

 A 5 kN strength is applied on a 200 mm² surface, what is the corresponding stress?

 A tendon composed of 13 trands 15,7 with a unitary section of 150 mm² is subjected to a stress of
1400 MPa. What is the strength developed by the tendon?

 A tendon, composed of strands 15,2 (unitary section : 140 mm²), with an ultimate strength of 1860
MPa, is tensioned to 0,6 frg. The strength at the anchorage is 1,09 MN. How many strands are there
in the tendon?

 A 5m high tank is full of grout. The weight of the grout correspond to a pressure of 0,2 bar per
meter, what is the pressure exercised by the grout on the wall of the tank at its base, in bar? In

 In a tensioning jack, the oil pressure is 430 bar. The section of the tensioning chamber is 47300
mm². What is the strength F’ applied by the oil on the piston ? Considering the friction losses as
2,3%, what is the strength F developed by the jack ?

 Elongation and strain

 The strain of a concrete beam under compression is 3 ‰. Its initial length is 3m. What is its
elongation (shrinkage)?

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 A steel section is subjected to a tensile strength of 30 kN and has an elongation of 24 mm. What
would be the occuring elongation if the strength is increased of 20 kN ?
What would be the elongation is the applied stength was 2000 N ?
(Make sure the material is still in the elastic field)

 A concrete beam has an initial length of 5 m at 20°C. Calulate its elongation at 5°C and at 40°C.

 Concrete

 A minimal resistance of the concrete of 30 MPa (on cylinder) is required for the tensioning of the
prestressing tendons. Would a C25/30 concrete be resistant enough ? Would a C30/37, at 7 days ?
at 28 days?

 Calculate the tensile strength at 28 days of a C35/45 concrete.

 Steels

 A steel piece with a yield strenght of 235 MPa, with a section of 500 mm² is subjected to a tensile
strength of 15 kN. Is the yield field overpassed?
The initial length of the piece is 2 m and its modulus of elasticity is 210 000 MPa, calculate its

 Calculate the bonding length of a HA rebar Ø 25, f y = 500 MPa, installed in a mortar with a
compressive strength of 50 MPa.

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 A prestressing tendon is composed of super strands 15,7, Grade 1770 MPa, section 150 mm². The
ultimate strength is 265 kN. The yield strength is 236 kN.
What is the maximal tensioning strenght allowed in France?
What is the corresponding stress?

 A prestressing tendon is composed of 37 strands 15,2, Grade 1860, section 140 mm². The breaking
strength is 260 kN. The yield strength is 230 kN.
What is the maximal tensioning strenght allowed in France?
What is the corresponding stress?
What is the strength developed by the tendon if it is stressed to maximal allowed strength?

 A tendon composed of 7 strands 15,7, Grade 1860, section 150 mm² is stressed to 0,65 f rg. What is
the strength in the tendon?

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 Strength, Stress and Pressure

 A 5 kN strength is applied on a 200 mm² surface, what is the corresponding stress?

F 5000
    25 MPa
S 200

 A tendon composed of 13 trands 15,7 with a unitary section of 150 mm² is subjected to a
stress of 1400 MPa. What is the strength developed by the tendon?

F =  S = 1400 x 13 x 150 = 2 730 000 N = 2 730 kN

 A tendon, composed of strands 15,2 (unitary section : 140 mm²), with an ultimate strength of
1860 MPa, is tensioned to 0,6 f rg. The strength at the anchorage is 1,09 MN. How many
strands are there in the tendon?

 = 0,6 x 1860 = 1116 MPa

F =  x n x Sstrand (n : number of strands)

1 090 000
n = = 7
1116 x 140

 A 5m high tank is full of grout. The weight of the grout correspond to a pressure of 0,2 bar
per meter, what is the pressure exercised by the grout on the wall of the tank at its base, in
bar? In MPa?

P : pression à 5 m P = 0,2 x 5 = 1 bar

P = 0,1 MPa

 In a tensioning jack, the oil pressure is 430 bar. The section of the tensioning chamber is
47300 mm². What is the strength F’ applied by the oil on the piston ? Considering the friction
losses as 2,3%, what is the strength F developed by the jack ?

F’ = S . P = 473 [cm²] x 430 [bar] = 203 390 daN

= 2 033 900 N
= 2 034 kN
F = F’ x (1 – 0,023) = 2 034 x 0,977 = 1 987 kN

 Elongation and strain

 The strain of a concrete beam under compression is 3 ‰. Its initial length is 3m. What is its
elongation (shrinkage)?

l 3
 = l =  . l = x 3000 [mm] = 9 mm
l 1000

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 A steel section is subjected to a tensile strength of 30 kN and has an elongation of 24 mm.
What would be the occuring elongation if the strength is increased of 20 kN ?
What would be the elongation is the applied stength was 2000 N ?
(Make sure the material is still in the elastic field)

F = 30 kN l = 24 mm
F1 = 30 + 20 = 50 kN l = 24 x = 40 mm

F2 = 2 000 N = 2 N l = 24 x = 1,6 mm

 A concrete beam has an initial length of 5 m at 20°C. Calulate its elongation at 5°C and at

l5°C = k x l x °C = 0,01 [mm / m / °C] x 5 [ m] x (5 – 20 ) [°C] = - 0,75 mm

l40°C = k x l x °C = 0,01 [mm / m / °C] x 5 [ m] x (40 – 20 ) [°C] = 1 mm

 Concrete

 A minimal resistance of the concrete of 30 MPa (on cylinder) is required for the tensioning of
the prestressing tendons. Would a C25/30 concrete be resistant enough ? Would a C30/37, at
7 days ? at 28 days?

Concrete C25/30 : Resistance of 25 MPa on cylinder at 28d  not enough

Concrete C30/37 : Resistance of 30 MPa on cylinder at 28d  not enough at 7 days
OK à 28 days

 Calculate the tensile strength at 28 days of a C35/45 concrete.

ft28 = 0,06 fc28 + 0,6 = 0,06 x 35 + 0,6 = 2,7 MPa

 Steels

 A steel piece with a yield strenght of 235 MPa, with a section of 500 mm² is subjected to a
tensile strength of 15 kN. Is the yield field overpassed?
The initial length of the piece is 2 m and its modulus of elasticity is 210 000 MPa, calculate its

fe = 235 MPa S = 500 mm² F = 15 kN

F 15 000
    30 MPa < 235MPa  The yield fiel is not overpassed.
S 500

l. 2000 x 30
l    0,286 mm
E 210 000

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 Calculate the bonding length of a HA rebar Ø 25, fy = 500 MPa, installed in a mortar with a
compressive strength of 50 MPa.

ft = 0,06 x 50 + 0,6 = 3,6 MPa

 fe 25 x 500
ls = = = 643 mm
5,4 f t 5,4 x 3,6

 A prestressing tendon is composed of super strands 15,7, Grade 1770 MPa, section 150 mm².
The ultimate strength is 265 kN. The yield strength is 236 kN.
What is the maximal tensioning strenght allowed in France?
What is the corresponding stress?

FMax = Max [ 0,8 Frg ; 0,9 Fe ]

0,8 Frg = 0,8 x 265 = 212 MPa 0,9 Fe = 0,9 x 236 = 212,4 MPa

FMax = 212 MPa

F 212 000
 = = = 1413 MPa
S 150

 A prestressing tendon is composed of 37 strands 15,2, Grade 1860, section 140 mm². The
breaking strength is 260 kN. The yield strength is 230 kN.
What is the maximal tensioning strenght allowed in France?
What is the corresponding stress?
What is the strength developed by the tendon if it is stressed to maximal allowed strength?

FMax = Max [ 0,8 Frg ; 0,9 Fe ]

0,8 Frg = 0,8 x 260 = 208 MPa 0,9 Fe = 0,9 x 230 = 207 MPa

FMax = 207 MPa

F 207 000
 = = = 1479 MPa
S 140

Fcâble = 207 x 37 = 7 659 kN

 A tendon composed of 7 strands 15,7, Grade 1860, section 150 mm² is stressed to 0,65 f rg.
What is the strength in the tendon?

 = 0,65 x 1860 = 1 209 MPa

F =  . S = 1 209 x 150 x 7 = 1 269 450 N
= 1269 kN

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